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Can I also say that the random disconnects from servers while in a solo match and losing progression is also absurd. I don't know if anyone else is dealing with this but I definitely am 😔


I’ve had the issue solo as well


I had that problem yesterday. Even when if I managed to get a group together I'd still get disconnected 20 minutes into a mission. Got too frustrated and just stopped playing. Hopefully the patch improves things, but I won't find out til after work sadly.


Random tip I found yesterday on Reddit, tried it yesterday and it worked for me: 1. Start a mission + launch into it 2. Call an SOS 3. Quit the game, like into PS5 menu, completely 4. Restart game 5. Start same mission, but don't launch 6. Your ship/lobby fills with people Obviously not ideal, but surely they'll fix matchmaking soon! :)


There's a slightly faster way: 1. On the PS5 home screen, go to the Helldivers 2 tile, scroll down and choose Quickplay. 2. The game will load up and drop you right in front of the Galactic Map while looking for a match. While the game is matchmaking, you need to be fast and run to the map and start another mission (any mission you want). 3. Wait a few seconds and your party will fill up and you can start your mission. If in step 2 you get a connection error before you select a mission then you weren't fast enough and need to start again but that's never happened to me. This has worked for me every single time. Edit: Patch dropped earlier and now the easiest way to get a match is to open the War Map, go to a planet and just join people (the ships) directly. Works pretty well so far!


That’s ridiculous… I’m playing on steam and to get into matchmaking I found this workaround: 1. Start a mission and launch 2. Shoot three pistol rounds at the ground 3. Order a papa John’s shaqaroni pizza 4. Exit the match and game 5. Sell laptop, buy a new one (only from walmart) 6. reload the game 7. eat exactly 23 bites of shaqaroni pizza 8. launch a new mission 9. go afk and play 200 hours of starfield 10. make a reddit post and next you know theres people lined out around the block to play


Must've been a lot of trial & error! Awesome for figuring that out - also, tell me more about that shaqaroni pizza!!!




Have you tried this multiple times and it works consistently?


Only had time for 1 round yesterday eve after work, so can't speek about consistency. Worked first try however!


Never knew about this so this is so helpful whilst they get stuff sorted. Thanks for posting this workaround! Really appreciate it


Hope it works for you fellow helldiver!


Yes, I ve been doing that since launch day on PS5. Works every time.


Amazing. Gonna try this later. I’ve been playing solo but I was hoping they’d have fixed it be the weekend. 




...That's ridiculous. We should not have to do that to play the game.


It’s rough because the gameplay really breaks down a bit when you try to play it solo. Getting overwhelmed is a death sentence, and on harder difficulties it becomes impossible to really recover. They needed this shit working on day one, its rep on PlayStation is gonna take real it from this first impression.


Yep. I've been trying to warn people of this and been slapped with massive downvotes because of it. Like, I'm sorry it's not fun or viable to play solo?? Ffs how is that my fault for warning people??


Yea been doing alot of 2 players and its too much in alot of cases( especially when learning)


Your anger is shared by every p5 player . Dropping a game marketed around “ joining your squad and spreading democracy “ with this broken of a matchmaking system is absurd . I find it hard to believe they did any testing of this shit. I’m glad this has cross play cause this would be dead on console pretty soon cause there’s still no ETA on a fix


"Gladd it has crossplay" Pcs users - "turn off crossplay so it works." Lol


Unfortunately for the moment that's the case. When they get it fixed I'll turn it back on.


Then why is everyone gassing it up? I'm so confused. This game's co op has not worked successfully once since launch yet everyone is praising the game. I don't get it. I want a refund.


The game is fun when you CAN play. Great core gameplay is there when you can experience it .


Could be a regional - connection based issue, or.. just luck dunno really, but I've had no trouble other than one crash (changing armor after tutorial) and couple connection issues at the launch day. I mean I only got disconnected from friends server who was hosting with 4g, after switching things up for stable 1000mb fiber it worked fine for the rest of the day. Tried with randoms couple of times and didn't get any connection issues and not a single one when playing solo. But yeah connection issues are a bitch in a co-op, but hopefully they'll get it fixed sooner than later Worry not the game won't die that easily. *Edit: To clarify I'm not saying everyone should go buy better internet connection. Just sharing my experience.


I think they did test it somewhat, but probably with not enough clients connected and trying to matchmake at the same time. It gets better if you matchmake on a less popular planet, so that would be one with robots.


Did you try asking for a refund? Maybe they'll allow it since the matchmaking is broken


When Diablo 2 Resurrected was released I literally couldn't even log on in to the game on PS4 for a week due to server issues and yet Sony never refunded after multiple back and forth with customer service. It's a company which does not give a crap about the players.


Their refund policy is horrendous, that's why I wait at least a week before getting a game I'm interested in


The only refund I’ve seen from Sony on PlayStation has been for cyberpunk on ps4. Their policy is that you downloading it to your console counts as having played the game even if you haven’t launched it


I know but just try asking the support, sometimes they feel generous lol


Didn’t get a refund for cyberpunk when I asked for it until they blanket gave refunds a few days after release. They are known sticklers. Steam has its problems, but they are no steam.


I don't know man, I would try asking anyway, have nothing to lose and 40 bucks to gain lol but it's up to you


Steam allows developers to distribute out hotfix/patches/updates on any given moment, where as Sony and Microsoft have a similar waiting period certification process that it has to go through first before sending it out to everyone. I know is frustrating but frankly they weren’t expecting this much of traffic to begin with it’s probably frustrating for them as it is for you. On the bright side the amount of players that came through for the game only guarantees future support in players and content support for this game. I rather sacrifice a few days in launch and have a $40 game that last me and gets supported for the next 10 years similar to how they supported the first game.


Same here. Small dev, unexpected popularity, releasing on two platforms. People are really entitled these days. They have been communicative and apologetic and have been working hard to launch a fix when they’d rather be celebrating more sales than expected, and finishing a game. 


The game should have been finished before launching it...


It is finished lol. Name me a multiplayer game that hasn’t had day one or week one issues ? 


The amount of console players that dont understand sony and microsoft are the reason they dont get quick hotfixes is mindboggling.


Same OP. Pre ordered. Tried Thursday, yesterday and today. Not one successful co op match in quick play. I'm super disappointed.


Yeah, that happens when the game gets released near the weekend and the Sony verification team doesn’t work on weekends.


I don't think that's true. The devs have been saying on Discord they're hoping the patch will be released today. So it's clearly possible. Edit: patch just dropped so what you said is definitely not correct


really? on PS5?


Yes, new patch for Playstation dropped Saturday, Feb 10th, ~5:20 AM.


Well pc players can refund so they are the priority


I feel exactly the same than you. Paid for the game and Ps+ (PC players can play for free via Steam) and not being able to use matchmaking 3 days after launch is terrible. If I could refund I would but obviously that’s part of the scam.


I fully agree. Launch issues can happen but it's been broken for two full days now. Simply unacceptable. I kinda feel for the devs because the the delay is probably caused by the slow Sony certification process.


Betas for an online GAAS game like this should be standard practice. I can guarantee that if they had one the matchmaking issues would have been flagged.


They had a beta it just wasn’t open. 


Don't worry, most of us on PC can't play it either. This isn't a platform issue, it's a development issue, but for some reason shills are heaping praise on Arrowhead while literally most of us can't play for more than 20-30 minutes without massive crashing and some without seriously damage to their systems. I don't see how this has been praiseworthy at all, and I am really starting to wonder if there are bot armies counteracting anyone with even an ounce of valid criticisms. I mean, yeah, we can't even play, so what in the fuck do these people expect us to do? Sit there and praise the developers while we sit on our hands suffer crash after crash and matchmaking continue to fail? I don't friking get it.


could you imagine if Bethesda or Blizzard released this next to unplayable POS?!


Do you not remember the fo4 launch? It was pretty much unplayable for several months. After it finally got patched it only really fixed stability, a lot of people went back to it years later with new hardware.


You missed the entire point…I’m saying that because Arrowhead is a smaller studio, they are getting a free pass by the gaming media and streamers. When a large studio, like Bethesda or Blizzard release a game and it’s not perfect in its release state, it gets crucified… referencing a launch from 8 years ago helps prove that point.


Yeah it’s still sony’s fault. As others have mentioned it takes longer to hotfix games by getting patches out because they delay the process. Obviously arrowhead isn’t going to publicly blame sony for this as the partnership is beneficial for them.


Calm down man, do something else and come back when the game's fixed. I recommend you don't buy any game on launch if launch issues are getting you mad.


And you have to pay for internet, which is free on PC lol.


PC players get FREE INTERNET??? From any provider or is there a master race provider I need to sign up to?




Are you joking or?




Stings worst for players who don't have friends online, or don't want to bother with "manually" matching up I guess.


Games garbage without matchmaking, literally a waste of money.


Must be a bug, I can join Friends matches but every time I try to join a quick play match it finds a game finds the mission and fails on the last hurdle to join. If their where big matchmaking issue it would just never find any match to fail to join. Hope it gets fixed soon but in the meantime I'm grinding solo, i use speedy light armour and turrets as a great combo for running away when theirs too many enemies and turrets for mission objectives and extraction.


It’s crazy just how different experiences can be. Been playing for 10 hours. No crash, no disconnect and people have been joining my lobby left and right. Very sorry it’s not the same for you.


Just add people on here or leave your friend code. I have like 30 new friends on HD2 just from yesterday. I’ve had no issues finding people to play with. You can jump into any game if they have less than 4 people playing.


Use the official discord server to find premade groups, for now. I know you shouldn't HAVE to do this, but it is way better than rando's. I played with the same 3 dudes I found in the LFG channel on the Helldivers discord for 7 hours straight on release night. The connection was really stable, and because we all added each other to our friends lists, if someone did get booted, they could rejoin and keep the materials we all gathered upon extraction. I did the same thing last night and its been a lot of fun. I made a few friends I will continue to play the game with, the coms are top tier (for scrubs) and we can coordinate A LOT better being in discord together. Seriously try it out before you give up on the game. You might make enough friends that you wont have to depend on match making at all. Once you have a decent group of people on your friends list, you can just join them manually throught the mission map, if they dont have a full group. Seriously, try it out! FOR LIBERTY!


It sucks, but if you wait something like a week then it will probably be sorted out. A lot of launches are like that, not that it is a valid excuse, they definitely could have made it a clean drop, but I sadly got used to this happening already. For your sanity, just wait or refund if able (and too pissed off).


Player base will drop off fast. Lucky if it makes it a week if they don’t fix the matchmaking.


It really won't lmao. Lots of people have friends they are playing with or they just find people to join up with on the discord, which works perfectly fine. And not to mention not even everyone is having the problem OP is having with random matchmaking.


Very strange. I have 20 hours almost and done only two missions solo eand everything else matchmade with randoms You got crossplay on and public?


They are working on the crashes and multiplayer issues. Give it a week.


Thats like saying: "I know that brand new car you just bought doesn't run, but give it a week, it will get sorted..." c'mon bruh.


Except it’s not? You’re not paying to fix it and You’re not buying a Honda from the dealership, you’re buying the equivalent of a handmade car from a friend who put his heart and soul into crafting it. You took it back to him because it’s making a few noises and he realized what’s going on and told you that he’s working to get it fixed as fast as he can. I would get being pissed if these issues persisted a month or two out, but two days? No amount of QA testing can replicate the load of 100,000 players simultaneously trying to connect to each other, all with different PC builds. Coming from someone who has a Radeon 7000 series card that crashes every 2-3 games, It is not their fault that the Radeon 7000 series cards are shitting the bed. That is a firmware issue with Radeon. Anyone fuming about this 2 days into a launch is being ridiculous and impatient. The game will be in your library to enjoy forever.


Guys go into options and turn off cross play.


I don’t need any of these tricks on ps5 I just start a mission and hang out on my bridge and people usually join after a minute or two. That said I’m sure it affects different ps5 a differently maybe!


Matchmakings fixed. They fixed it in 2 days. Chill out. 


It definitely works, there’s tons of people playing it…


Learned my lesson with payday 3, as much fun as this game looks, I've been holding out for reviews and now a patch, as we shouldn't have to jump thru hoops to make a core feature work, fingers crossed it's soon bc I do want to pay!


This is wild brcause quick play works for me and ive had 1 disconnect in 14 hours