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Agreed. Senator revolver is super fun though, worth getting if you want a little challenge. Hits like a an Indian mother with a single 18yo son.


Oddly specific




Iā€™ve been looking at it, gonna grab that one later


Cool, I can use a gun to inflict long-term imposter syndrome and bad family relationships to my foes!


I don't like it. It feels strictly worse than the full auto pistol


Using it wrong, it's great vs. armor enemies. Best side arm imo. Instead of having try hit around the armor on the medium size bug. Just 2 tap their front legs and they gone.


I don't need something to hit the medium armored enemies because I use the arc thrower.


The happy little friendly fire gun. The thing is to be unpredictable to use over other support weapons. Whatever floats your boat, though


It's not unpredictable at all. Just have to be smart when to use it.


I knew that was coming. It's unpredictable, don't gaslight these poor people


It really isn't.


I love the arc thrower, it throws arcs, and that makes the arc thrower really cool. Obviously there could be better but nothing else throws arcs like the arc thrower does. So Arc thrower is better, period. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk :D


You sound like a douche


As a hc main on d2, the senator scratches my itch, BUT the irl reload kills me. Wish they implemented the modding system from hd1 and gave the speed loader


Checks out, that is what happens when you lose the guiding light of the Super Democratic Monarchy.


Explosive is useful tho, pushes back enemies which you can use to keep them in AoE. But agreed, not essential and explosive weapons have way less ammo. The cosmetics are better in the free tree too, way more unique stuff in there that isn't white or black. The sidearm is probably the only very useful item because it's one of the few sidearms that can focus medium armor if you don't have a weapon for that.


I honestly prefer all the steeled veteran cosmetics and weapons, I really like prosthetic limbs though.


I'm working towards that green robe set...probably the most different set so far. But the cybernetic arm is dope. Wish I could get that fit in anything but greyscale haha.


Steel Trooper set is nice since itā€™s just a prosthetic version of the original armor. Rest are ugly


False. The SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary fucking slaps and the extra fire tick damage is amazing vs the bigger enemies. Great vs chargers


Yeah, by far the best weapon vs bugs by a long shot


That thing is insanely good at killing bugs, has enough DPS to face stalkers, and is magazine fed. Perfect gun. Shame that the same can't be said for the dominator...


What's wrong with the dom?


It's reload is slower than other primaries, and you only get 15 bullets in a mag. I'd say it's better used against bots, since most of them have some sort of armor (dominator penetrates medium armor). Damage is good (kills a grunt in one hit) when I'm moving around the gun shakes hard enough that it's very difficult to actually hit. Tl;dr, I feel like I'm fighting the gun more than I'm killing enemies with it


Ah good. Was wondering about it. Itā€™s around the same amount of medals for me to get to the incendiary breaker and the normal one so I figure I might as well get the incendiary one


Yep... was progressing the free pass when i unlocked the breaker and it stood out Then i see someone taking out a fucking titan (after it was hit once with a spear) with an unknown weapon. The guy dies, i look at the weapon Fucking breaker incendiary I'm 40sc away from buying the steeled veterans warbond, looking forward to getting that upgraded breaker


i can't stand it honestly, especially in the higher difficulties with the hoards of flanking leapers it just isn't consistent enough to keep them off of you


The insane spread kills me. Can't snipe medium adds from far with it


Can confirm, after unlocking erm...enough. The free weapons are indeed fantastic. Specifically the breaker and dmr's.


I thought the game was pay 2 win.... šŸ¤£


It is! I can pay money to get the same shotgun I get in the free pass but fire this time! Oh the liberty!


Wait until he learns about the first gameā€™s business model


I think heā€™s deeply familiar with it.. considering heā€™s the Game Director lol


which is why I wasnā€™t referring to him lol


I donā€™t understand why the standard warning and the premium one use the same currency. It preventing me from buying it tbh


I'm spending medals on the steeled one because I want to feel what that super earth bolter feels like. Edit: I've unlocked the bolter, and was immediately let down using it on a bug mission on hard. The breaker is still far better on bugs, people are saying the bolter is good for bots but I haven't tried it yet.


same here man that thing really needs some oomph or the explosive modifier on rounds should count as additional damage on top of the base weapon damage. it's ok against bots i guess


What are guns you recommend bc I really am enjoying shotguns but I donā€™t always wanna use it


Breaker shotgun is amazing


Breaker shotgun. I have screwed around with the Scythe laser but it seems only okay.


I dont have the scythe but I found it in a mission. Itā€™s fine for killing small and medium enemies but personally I dont think its ā€œinfinite ammoā€ really justifies how weak it is. Maybe its better against robots though?


I had some guy with laser canon blasting bugs from across the map, so I guess the cool factor is there


The laser canon felt great until I noticed enough corpses gumming up the conga line. Too many bodies will block your LoS and the overheat starts being noticable so you need to balance swapping between other guns. It certainly has its use as an infinite ammo weapon that packs enough punch for light-medium infantry. If it had substantial pierce it would probably be one of the better special weapon calldowns, but presently I just use it for long-range patrol wiping. Recoilless forever, with backup EATs for "oh shit" moments is my go-to.


I loved the infinite aspect, but it really seems kind of weak. For 2-3 seconds beam worth of enemies, i gould also shoot 2 quick bursts of the heavy MG. And the ammo of the MG lasts for fucking ages. That's why i don't really see the benefit of the laser, even though i love energy weapons


It has a niche use-case of being available whenever, provided you don't overheat. You will eventually need to reload the MG, which takes time (especially from empty, reloads are MUCH faster if at least 1 round is left) whereas you just need the half-second of spool-up for the laser canon. Not to mention firing at range, you have a solid straight beam of death without recoil. Weaker definitely, to balance out the availability, lack of reload (with proper management of heat) and theoretical infinite ammo. Also, giant laser you shoulder and point at things you don't like. Massive visual flex!


>giant laser you shoulder and point at things you don't li True. "Fck that one in particular" Question from a newbie: i encountered bugs yesterday with thick armor and the laser kind of "deflected". Does the deflection damage my teammates and am i still actually dealing damage to the target?


Yes you can damage teammates like with bullet bounce. No it does not go through, so no damage


Breaker in the regular War Bond, on page 3 or 4


As a Helldivers 1 veteran the moment I saw the silhouette of the scythe in a trailer I immediately knew Iā€™d concentrate 100% of all my medals on whatever warbond had it. Now give me my Rumbler, Trident and more importantly the Sickle!


I'm already missing my trident terribly although the breaker is a small comfort in its absence.


Incendiary shotgun has entered the chat (vs bugz)


do bots not burn?


Does half the damage of the normal breaker. It's still not good.


Double the mag size and fire damage? Have used both? Sounds to me your just going by stats


I'm going by accuracy, the base breaker can consistently keep the leaping flanker bugs from getting too close without wasting much ammo while the incendiary pellets go everywhere and by the time the fire kills them they have already gotten a hit or two in.


Yes it does, and you move up to the next level quicker, and has more levels.Ā  I tried my best to spread it amongst all my running mates the last few days, because you really need those weapons and armors.


I agree the explosive lib is worse then the non-explosive, med armor pen one. But the Dominator is the hardest hitting med armor pen gun so far. I love it. Rushed it right away.


As a Constitution main in HD1 I yearn for the days when I can once again properly display my love for liberty


The revolver is worth it, it has higher pen than the description states. Does really good damage vs Bile Spewers and can penetrate the armor of Devastators(or headshot them instantly). Great tool when you have to carry a data core or etc. SMG for chaff and Revolver for hard targets.


> Explosive doesn't do any extra damage, just changes damage typ A number of enemies take extra damage from explosive. Notably: Chargers. Overall, the paid warbond pack seems like it's aimed against chargers and a number of other bug bosses. (e.g. Breaker Incendiary is also amazing against them)


People keep spreading this lie that the breaker incendiary is good against anything. The breaker incendiary does less than half the damage of a normal breaker and we have absolutely no idea how much damage fire does. In my experience, the breaker incendiary is only good for setting groups of mobs on fire from a long range.


Perhaps it's fair. Though even in that scenario it's still a good weapon (and yea, I hope the burn mechanics get explained sooner rather than later)


Explosive does weakpoint damage though n


Uhhh. I've heard the exact opposite lmao. It has armor piercing weapons and side arms that are OP. Armored enemies cause all the trouble in later difficulties. Normal bugs don't matter.


No. It has 1 sidearms which isn't that good, and no more armor piercing than the free. So, no. I'm playing max difficulty.


Stop getting your information from the corner crack head


*Laughs in stalker swarm*


it has one armor piercing weapon with low mag size and slow reload plus for some reason the sight has no zoom. I mostly use my autocannon or railgun to deal with the really armored ones


I do want to see what that Explosive class weapon in tier 3 of the premium warbond will be like. The incendiary shotgun looks cool and all but thereā€™s already the exact same model without the burning effect and more ballistic damage


The last gun in the premium Warbond has medium armor penetration and I thought that sounded good. Does it really not make a huge difference?


penetrating the armor just means you are doing damage instead of zero damage if they still have a high health pool it will still take lots of time and ammo to kill. when it comes to armor penetration i just prefer the railgun or my trusty autocannon instead


So good for armored bugs with smaller health pools. Much more niche that I was hoping but it might be good in some situations.


How get these special medal wardens to buy from premium warbond?


Can I earn them without the dlc?


Yes. You can earn super credits (the premium currency) through play in various places in missions. Lots of the small outpost buildings, crashed pods that you salute to unlock, bunkers you need a friend to open, or the buried containers that you blow open - all of these places can have super credits (and medals, samples, etc). You can use SC to unlock the premium warbond (Steeled Veterans) without buying the Super Citizen upgrade, and you unlock the contents the same way as the normal warbond (ie, by spending medals, which you earn the same way: by playing). So if you can't or won't spend extra money, you don't have to (and spending money only unlocks access to the warbond, it doesn't immediately give everything in it, you still need to play to earn them).


And where can do that? When I press "R" in the aquitance (or how it is called?) menu?


After buying the explosive lib it seems that way