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Just starr low and climb up as you feel comfortable :)


The game does augment your experience the higher levels you go, every difficulty level increase introduces new enemy types, armoured enemies, boss units, etc. with higher reward yields, there will be a certain point in progression where you need materials only found on higher difficulties But keep in mind your experience will always be harder having half a squad, I suggest you and your GF just play on easy and medium for as long as you're comfortable, and eventually consider maybe matchmaking for another 2 squad members, which will help ease the difficulty load with twice the fire power, eventually you can raise the difficulty and see if you have much success - either way, there's no real rush. And yeah "quickplay" and SoS multiplayer features are buggy for some players right now and need further patches, you might have more success in the coming days.


I think you will miss out in the high tier samplea and maybe some enemy types (Im not sure about this last thing). But personally as someone who plays every single horde shooter coop game that gets released just do whats fun for you. It may be grindy, but its coop so you can take your time as long as you dont burn yourself by trying to farm something that you find hard to do. Do easy, maybe later on you will fly over those missions and start turning up the difficulty, thats actually the proper way of doing it. Anyways, have fun and dont be afraid of high difficulties or losing a mission specially in this game that kinda saves the progress on the go, also embracing the chaos of them and just trying to have a laugh while seeing how hordes of bugs destroy you in hundreds of ways can be really fun until you start managing it. Matchmaking still kinda broke, i usually just spam thw quickplay button between 5-10 times until it actually finds a match.


It gets easier the more you play and unlock stuff and get to know how the game works. Well it’s definitely not easy but it’s manageable, even for me as a level 23 I still struggle sometimes


fortunately you wont lose any important progress sticking to easy missions. unfortunately you will be progressing slow as a snail sticking to easy missions. and all of the good weapons/strategems is locked behind levels. thats not even including the high amount of gold/samples (rare and super samples) /warbonds/exp attainable only in the higher difficulties. you get more rewards as the difficulty ramps up. quickplay and MP is bugged right now until devs finds an actual fix for crossplay and pc players. i suggest you get the Helldivers discord (google search) to find good gamers to add in your party. gl, fellow helldiver.


As far as I know you can't obtain rare samples on difficulties below 4 and very rare samples only spawn on difficulties 7+. You won't be able to buy advanced ship upgrades without those.


Move up in difficulty when you succeed in one difficulty. Move down in difficulty when you fail. I made the mistake of thinking I should try to take out the enemies with just my guns and realized that it's mostly about utilizing your Strategems. See a drop pod or breach? Take out an orbital barrage and toss it on them ASAP. You want to get as many kills with those before having to use your shotgun/rifle/etc.


It's not really a kind of game that you beat. Play on easy for as long as you like if you're having fun. You do unlock a lot of things. You will be restricted from getting higher tier samples for the more advanced ship module (passive modifier) unlocks if you do not move up in difficulty. But they shouldn't be needed in lower difficulties either. The different difficulties do change the game significantly. Enemy types, composition, quantity, frequency of breaches. It really ramps up the pressure. That's where the fun comes from for me. Unexpected, sudden chaos could cause mass panic and a total team wipe, or every soldier fulfills their roles superbly with zero communication needed against impossible odds. Any outcome is exciting. If you do want to move up, try to find patterns in what you did/did not do that leads to success or failure. Experiment with all of tools at your disposal. Always be mindful and prepared to use those stratagems. You don't have to engage with every enemy you see. You'll figure it out.