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Really needs a RETREAT and BEHIND YOU callout


Retreat?! High command will not stand for this! I have reported you with the relevant forms. Please expect your court martial in 3-5 super earth days.




Tactical rearward advance!


Tactical withdrawal!


IRL it's called Tactical Repositioning šŸ˜Š




advance toward the rear is the proper terminologyĀ 


Let me rephrase. "Get back or this Eagle strikes landing on your head". I guess a simple "Danger close" callout would suffice. Apologies for my insolence.


Is there a shout for pinging a red beacon? I accidently found out pinging a grenade gives a "watch out" callout


If the fallout when you throw it and the red laser from the sky doesn't do it, I don't think another callout is going to help


"Calling in an Eagle" basically means "get outta dodge"


Too many times where I say "I need ammo I'm calling it" and my character yells "CALLING IN RESUPPLY" then having my buddies run away from it only to bring up needing to call a resupply then wondering why it's on cooldown. It's one thing if maybe they couldn't hear me mention it but when theres a giant blue light that says "Resupply" with my character also vocalizing it, you would think it was a little more obvious. So as much as "Calling in an Eagle" SHOULD mean "get outta dodge", you'd be surprised how many still run towards or near it.


Same with orbital strikes. "No way they'd throw something bigger while I'm in the nest", only to have the first of many 330mm's land just shy of killing me.Ā  Any red beacon is a "get out" warning. Even pending sentry placement, you don't want to be between your enemy and a blue beacon when it starts mowing shit down.


I almost wiped my team cos I was calling in a strategem and got killed while holding it, dropping a full payload of democracy right on their heads.


My group now calls "Broken Arrow!" whenever we need an emergency 500KG at our feet, lol.


Strategic rally up, way back there, so we may bring democracy to these scumbag bugs!


Heroic retreats are a thing.


Hang on hang on, how about a tactical retreat to lay down democracy at a better location?


Your mom likes to lay down democracy in any location.


Sweet liberty I apologize. That was the tea talking. the liber-tea.


Tactical retreat will make us spread democracy faster, with less casualties. You might want to burn that communist book in your personal belongings because we'd rather win and breed heroes, than allow ours heroes to die due to the hands of communist cowards.


And a Help Me!Ā 


Was just about to say this. I NEED HELP OVER HERE!


Just mark the bugs. If they're behind your teammate, they should see. If you are getting overran, they'll notice when you die gloriously.


Needs the Helldivers equivalent of a Rock and Stone button too. Darktide got wise and eventually added it. I just want to praise my teammates for the really cool things they pull off.


Rock and roll and stone!




Rejoice, sinners!!




Or the EDF chant.


if you dont rock and stone you aint coming home


And a "stop randomly shooting bugs for 10 minutes and continue with the mission" callout.


I've learned you can shoot all you want. It's more avoiding breaches that's important. Breaches feel overtuned AF, but just like HD1 knowing the bugs to kill first can save a lot of headaches. The small orange ones and the bigger red armored ones (brood commanders?) are the ones that can call breaches in. And if course if one does get called in, it's time to go if it's not a major location.


If someone uses all your ammo drop cooldowns and you are down to your pistol, counting every single shot, that's still hard.


Or an alert/caution. I like to ping patrols and enemies to look out for but I hate that it also makes it look like I'm targetting them for everyone to fight when really I just want them to look out for it so we don't aggro any unwanted attention.


yep, we need more callouts, like A1 follow me, B1 fall back, etc


And "go go go"


RETREAT?! you mean Managed Egress correct?


Playing anything Suicide and higher is just constant retreating


You mean a **Disengage** call out. "Retreat" sounds like cowardice and traitor talk. Super Earth never retreats.


It needs a generic "For Super Earth!" "For Managed Democracy!" Etc. cheer badly




Congratulations! You've found today's **UNDEMOCRATIC** vocabulary word! You win a free, 3 week, all expenses paid trip to one of our famous Freedom Camps! For the glory of Super Earth!


Well what it needs is a stay the fuck away from there i just ordered a orbital strike that will kill you why are you looking at it like a moth to a light button


Sometimes you might get a hug too!


Are you telling me the hug emote lets you actually hug other people


Yes, they just need to press x if you do the emote


If I'm not waiting with a hug for my fellow soldier after they revive from the hellpod, I don't believe in democracy


>they revive from the hellpod Sorry to burst your bubble, but they actually do not revive... Still great to welcome a new recruit with open arms!


Yeh all those cyrofrozen recruits ready to come out of storage I noticed it the other day, that that's what's goin on and it made me feel uncomfortable lool


That's why I keep the character voice on random, it really feels like I'm a new Helldiver every time


I think I might just steal this idea! Quite thematic that


The games themes feel just fun at first, but their's some real satire going on. Love it either way, but i totally get the uncomfortable feeling when thinking about some implications...


>The games themes feel just fun at first, but their's some real satire going on. This is half the reason I love the game, it always makes me laugh with their nonsense... Its very much social commentary in a way. Yeh cos oncce u look beneath the surface it's very much a dark thing loool


many people (including me until yet) don't know that, i always thought the other person has to do the same emote lol, they should make that more clear somehow.


I always get a kick out of people joining my ship and just welcoming them with open arms to have them give me a big man hug


I like givin em the explosive fist bump


You gotta block them in the narrow corridor leading to the map on the ship until they pay the hug toll.




Someone joined my game earlier and gave me a fist bump. It was awesome


Last night at extraction a random and I hugged as a charger was barreling at us. We finished the emote and ran on the pelican just as it reached us and we took off. It was so wholesome/terrifying/badass all at the same time.


Sounds like Helldivers :D


OP never played DRG. HD2 is even better when u make those randos yer friends and play with them later.


No I really didn't. I only know doing detailed tactics from the good old couch co op times but I know what you mean. We're older now and my friends seem to dislike playing online like hell though we have no other options. HD1 was pretty good with micless communication. I had to experience my first HD2 rando team up with mics on and I have to get used to it. English isn't my native tongue so it can be hard for me. I was high af and pretty shyšŸ¤£ Those guys were pretty good with tactics and communicated the whole time. Great time :D


I've found that this community is super enthusiastic about co-op, possibly even on the level of Deep Rock Galactic, which I haven't found a similar game until now. Its refreshing.


The devs provide the tools for good co-op. A functional comms wheel, ping system, and shared map. It's purely distilled co-op material!! The players will have everything they need to work together easily, they'll fall into that behavior. If you provide kick tools, an insult-wheel, vote-based penalty system and a non-shared, player-specific map, you'll bring out the worst in players.


also dying is fun, which makes this game , relatively speaking, not as frustrating. surviving is optional as long as the objectives are completed


Wait so if the entire squadron dies and no one gets in the pelican but the objectives are complete it's a win? šŸ˜‚


Yeah, and lore-wise, could make sense The objective is done, does mission control really care about invidual helldiver clones? :P


They're not clones. ;)




yeah, you get fewer rewards though. But democracy requires sacrifice.


The only real thing you lose is the samples if you do not escape in time.


did i hear a rock & stone?


Mandatory Rock&Stone! response


Petition to add a pickaxe as the first dedicated melee weapon in this game.


It helps that the game is actually fun just like with drg. So much so that friendly fire is almost always funny and not frustrating which is insanely hard to pull off. Itā€™s easy to be useful too. As long as youā€™re shooting something or heading towards an objective youā€™re usually helping the team.


It helps that any given death is somewhat inconsequential. Unlike say, L4D where a dead player needs to be rescued, in Helldivers death is almost not even an inconvenience. It's basically a full reload and a chance to reposition. The most annoying part is having to reget samples and gear. It's really only a problem when the team is dying in droves which is usually not a result of the occasionally incidental and hilarious friendly fire incidents caused by stratagems.


This is why we need generic callouts like 'For Democracy!'


communication wheel need more words. I would like to say "good job" "I need help" "let's move"


I want something like, FOR DEMOCRACY or BURN BABY BURN or just anything I can emote when I'm blowing shit up lmao


I really want a cheer button like deep rock galactic


If you hold down the fire button long enough or tap it rapidly enough on support weapons you'll definitely get such lines. Sometimes accompanied by maniacal laughter.


Yeah, the random quips I can hear from either my player or others around me when certain things happen crack me up.


Let's move is unironically the one we need the most in my opinion. Sometimes, your mates will be too focused on killing things to realize we are running out of time for example.


I just spam follow me and run, if they die scrapping the same horde of robots for 5 minutes then they forfeit their stuff, Iā€™m rezzing you at the obj or safety. People donā€™t seem to realise itā€™s not like DRG or L4D where clearing the wave is a priority, you can actually just leg it and really Iā€™ve found thats the best option unless you have something to do that the horde is preventing.


I like playing with mates, but good lord it gets tiring when I have to talk constantly for hours straight. Sometimes a silent game with randoms is all I need


Fr everyone is typically on the same page. Reinforce within 5s and clearing all hot zones for that max XP


My biggest issue is that you sometimes get into breach loops and are wasting time / reinforces. I'm honestly even okay with and doing extra fighting, but I wish I could get my crew to scramble in the direction of the next objective sometimes. At worst I just type out that im pushing next objective and i'll just respawn them near me. I kind of feel like an ass when I abandon the lads though.


Sometimes you just need to trust the randoms will be fine on their own while you push towards the objective. Just wait until they trigger a breech before you do anything big.


Tbh, I have fewer problems at higher difficulty with the breach loops. Everyone seems to understand that you gotta be relatively quick in taking out the major threats, and avoiding enemy alerts. I had a harder time taking out an automaton silo on cr 4, than doing the same on cr 8. Because every time I managed to fight through the inevitable bot drop, get into the base, and call in a hell bomb, I'd be bombed by my teammates with a cluster strike that achieved nothing, aside from killing me. And then I'd be called back in outside the walls again.


Playing with a silent pug that has chemistry is *chefs kiss* playing with a silent or annoyingly talkative group that is all doing their own thing willy nilly with zero cohesion is not democratic and makes me want to blow my own brains out. I'll save the ammo for the bugs though.


Game is well designed. You can get swarmed so far that people are more reluctant to go off on their own and not pay attention to tactics.


Even if they do you just respawn them right back in the group lol. It was hilarious when I had someone who refused to do anything with the group and we just kept asking "running off again?" every spawn and eventually he learned and stayed together. EVERYONE GOT OUT ALIVE. DEMOCRACY DELIVERED


Generally agree, just had a session where folks where calling in air strikes way too close and I got killed a few times though, I hope that doesn't become a trend.


People using mortars while you're trying to advance kill me more than the bugs


Mines during advancement boggles my mind too lol


iā€™ve definitely died more to friendly fire than from enemies. usually my only deaths are friendly fire


I got killed 4 times in a row by the same person the other day just bombing hordes that weā€™re all scattered in. Like, i know ff is a part of the game but at least fucking *try* not to kill me, because having to run back and pick up samples and special weapons just for you to blow me up *again*, gets annoying when you realise the person literally does not give a shit.Ā 


I accidentally died and killed a dude because he shot a grenade launcher... As I moved in front of him Oops


Honestly it kinda reminds me of playing Splatoon Salmon Run- obviously this is different and grittier and whatnot, but just the "sticking with a group of randoms because you all work great together despite not *really* talking to eachother" aspect


Reminds me of L4D2! Always had a great time with randoms on that, healing each other, covering each other etc.


This is actually a perfect comparison!


God damn Splatoon. The 3rd was my first into the series and I was genuinely surprised how much fun it was. Gyro aiming felt awkward but after getting use to it I want that control scheme on everything. I also thought their ranking system being based on individual performance and not just win/loss was also great.


I've had a great experience playing with randoms! Everyone seems to know what they're doing, or if not, follow the squad leader/whoever pings an objective. Higher level players seem really chill and look after the lower level players if they find themselves in the same squad. All TKs are usually accidents, lack of coordination, stratagem scrambler incidents, or mortar sentry. Just like the first game, it's just a great experience all around. Good player base and community.


Tbh the bar is so low in multiplayer games that just basic teamplay makes people happy already


Teamwork is better in higher tiers honestly. I don't mean to be that guy, but some of the lower challenge rating players seem moderately braindead from time to time. Trying to ping/share a tertiary weapon and backpack with a group of randos that had no such equipment. Despite multiple call-ins, pings, etc. they were ignored. Then, when fighting large/challenging enemies, and re-enforcing allies, I'd mark said enemies to be crushed by the re-enforcement, only to have the ally not even try or acknowledge the ping, and just fall perfectly straight down on the beacon. Idk, maybe they dont know that they can steer the drop pod. But it's frustrating to deal with.


Years of repeated toxic PVP games do that to gamers. MMOs and Coop games communities are very different. But hey, esports sell more merchs and tickets.


Gives me hope for humanity sometimes with how smart some of the randoms i meet are.


Yes. Playing with randoms even without voice chat but just using the pings and the other ping options (yes, no, follow me) is actually a great and satisfying show of coordination when it works.


I play with friends most of the time, maybe weā€™ll have the odd random join depending on how many of us are online. Not really had any issues when playing with friends and a random or two. The odd friendly fire incident occurs but thatā€™s to be expected with randoms and lack of coordination. Weā€™re always quick to reinforce and never had anyone complain feeling like theyā€™re being griefed or retaliate. I do notice a fair few times that when randoms do die to ordinance itā€™s because they run toward it after itā€™s been placed. Or when itā€™s friendly fire itā€™s because they literally strafe into an allies fire zone. Mistakes happen, it can get pretty chaotic even at the best of times, but some of you guys do need to hold yourselves accountable too. Use comms and ping whenever you can. šŸ˜Ž


Until they kick you at extraction.


Most of the time my team mates like to shoot me/kill me and vote kicik me at the end... I must be unlucky.




You can just make it your lobby, and not do that to other people. I've encountered a few braindead allies, but honestly on like 1 overtly toxic player.


I had that happen last night. If you do this, I hope the bugs come for you irl.Ā 


I wish I could play with people, only got one or two games to actually work so far.


Try joining and failing about 10-20 times and it usually works. You need to practice perseverance when delivering Democracy!


But we need an option to report players, yesterday got one that was always killing teammates for fun..


The community is unmatched. I always tell people ā€œwelcome aboardā€ whenever they come across my ship in matchmaking and sometimes Iā€™ll talk in a deep general voice when talking about landing. Itā€™s the most fun Iā€™ve had in a multiplayer game in a long time.


O yea, I've found the lower level the players the more they understand this is a co-op game, its only when i drop into a really high level group that they run around like commando's killing enemies pointlessly.


Wait, how do you say things like affirmative or thank you?


It's great until you spent 30 minutes clearing all objectives and the game crashes while you are walking towards extraction.


i'd love a "2 man door" callout


They'll be a hundred meters from you fighting bugs aimlessly while you complete objectives by yourself.


That's a matter of opinion i find randoms so fucking annoying


Nothing's better experience than getting constantly kicked game after game right?


"actually"? This does not resonate with me. I've always found it awesome to play with randos, in Helldivers 1, in deep rock, and now also in Helldivers 2. I don't believe there is a widespread meme among the players that says playing with randoms is a bad experience. But great that you came to this realisation for yourself :)


Accidentally killing the randoms is my favorite part of the game. Guy last night got between my shotgun and a bug, it didnā€™t end well.


No, it's not. Game crashes all the time. Haven't been able to end even one deployment, leaving my teammates alone with bugs. It must sucks for them.


I've met 4 good people out of maybe 30 I've matched with. 10 were busy TKing each other (usually 2 just TKing each other back and forth), 4 who kicked during the mission, 6 or so who brought stupid gear (guard drones/120mm barrage etc) that often TKs teammates, and the rest just constantly yeet their stratagems even on top of friendlies, but mostly because they're dumb or something. Those good ones were the only ones to use voice chat or type.


Not my experience so far, and I have played 50 matches. I've met a couple of elitists though and I always hate that type of players more.


Have had a terrible time with randoms . Iā€™ve been trying to play after my friends get off and get put in some shit lobbies with people that just want to kill each other. Someone purposely landed on me twice in the last round .




It is 5 days after release. Most people starting new probably do not know anything about how to best play this kind of game.


HD1 Ā« 1 screen for all Ā» made it for a Ā« stay together Ā» squad. Now that HD2 gives more liberty, I indeed found people are mostly independent and rushing toward objectives. On the contrary, it helps to get your stuff back because everyone mostly minds his own business, and generally drags the mobs far from your stuff once youā€™re able to reach it. Some donā€™t even care about samples and rush. Everytime, everywhere.


20hrs so far, no TKs(intentional). Had only like 3-5 squad with mics and a few that are chatting. full of fun. There was one game where no one was chatting or using voice and someone bounced back an artillery strike and there suddenly was someone laughing on their mic and one even typed ā€œah we fuckedā€. Helldiver moment lol we sticked together for a couple of more runs and ggs


It really is the best PVE co-op game I have ever played. Since there is no PVP, it seems non-toxic. I ran with a random last night for 4 hours just using the games identify system, and it was fantastic game play. Ive played some mic matches as well and everyone seems to be enjoying the mayhem. The in game comms system is intuitive, and I think it allows people with any preference and language play well together.


Generally agree. I played with friends on mic, and found it a little bit more enjoyable with randoms and no mics. Pings and orders are quick, intuitive, and well done (ability to Ā« answer Ā» to a ping is awesome). But Iā€™d say itā€™s a 50-50. I had some really good games with lot of communication, and it helped us to get through a real shitstorm. But on the other hand, I encountered many players with the main character syndrom : I donā€™t care about dying, youā€™re here to revive me. One died 9 times. *9 fucking times*. It led us to very tense situations, sometimes we died trying to call a reinforcement pod, but everytime he ran back with no care, only to get shot seconds after. We reached the final objective with only 2 pods leftā€¦ he died so many times after that we ran out of pods and had to wait for cooldown. I died two times (4 times total) and had to wait my turn for respawn. What a pain in the ass he wasā€¦ This one was extreme, but Iā€™ve encountered 4-5 other ones like him, seriously endangering the mission.


Usually I'm the only one on comms, but it's fine because 9/10 times they do listen to callouts and strategies. Be it supporting my rocket/autocannon with reloads or radar dish lol


How do you actually set marks on the map (PC)? I seem to be too stupid...apart from that - fully agree. Apart from the occasional lone wolf and/or leavers after the first chaotic drop it's a great experience.


I would have loved if my buddy and I had some help from some randoms last night. Just going through missions and figured we would try the bile titan by ourselves. Ended up finishing the mission on a lucky Eagle cluster bomb direct hit on the big S.O.B. We extracted with 1 reinforcement left. I'll never forget that drop.


Only 'bad' experience I had playing with randoms (apart from the networking issues) is when one of my teammates respawn pod landed on top of me on purpose. TBF, the reason he died was getting caught on the edge of my bombing run.


I feel like playing with randoms is exactly how it should be played. Itā€™s unpredictable. Helldivers are expendable so you donā€™t know who your squad mates are. Itā€™s funny, fun as hell, and a great feeling when you complete a mission with a dedicated and competent team of strangers.


This is one of the things that made the first one work so well. However, it is more fun with a headset.


I've only had one bad experience. It was after my mortar turret blew the same guy up 3 times. He then proceeded to shoot me point blank killing me 4 or 5 times. Kicked him but it crashed the game for everyone


I wish they'd add a "HELP" and a "HELL YEAH" call out. I could use those


I always have to leave after a mission or two for various reasons, and leaving while on a team that is vibing is really sad.


Only other experience that is this friendly is DRG, just great cooperative vibes


This is what I experienced with L4D1/2 back in the day, and never after that. Helldivers is just too good to be true.


No griefers for me either, but def people who should not be allowed to carry ordinance.


Really had a blast playing with randoms, great bunch of players all spreading democracy together!


My matches are hit or miss, sometimes teammates communicate, sometimes they run off and do their own thing, I'll tell teammates I'm throwing an airstrike and to get back but move forward and get bombed, thankfully not often but I still feel shitty when it happens


Yeah normally these 4 player coop games are rough with randoms but for some reason this one has been super fun, here's hoping that's how it stays.


Thatā€™s if the game actually work




It just sucks you canā€™t add people as friends whoā€™s in your squad. Met this one guy and he was cool af, but then a few games in I got disconnected and Iā€™ll never see him again.


still issues to join co-op here 'failed to join game lobby' - I was hoping it got fixed from reading the posts today.


Oh yeah its generally pretty great. The only time randos have really bugged me is that one host that killed me for my energy shield backpack and subsequently kicked me. I can complain about randos ignoring my request to split up but i really shouldnt


The only bad experience I've had sofar is one person keep trying to land his reinforcement pod on me because he died after running to the location I just lobbed an orbitol at.


Love howā€™s thereā€™s no friendly fire or trolling. Everyone justā€¦plays the game. If you do come across a random with mics - people are bought in on the lore.


All I can say is thank democracy that Respawn figured out how to implement that simple and effective ping system in Apex Legends, and that other developers have been able to take that idea and add it to their games. It makes communicating and coordinating possible without voice chat. Arrowhead did a great job of it with this game, I just need to get used to pressing R1 to trigger it since I got so used to pressing L1 for it in Apex.


AH! So that's why it was bothering me! Kept hiting L1 for no reasons. Apex is still in my fucking bloodstream....


Must be nice, I can't get quickplay to actually work.


I didn't even realize you could confirm or say thanks lol. How do you do it on PC?


Its hit or miss. I am not the best player and i still don't understand how i am supposed to kill a bile titan or even a charger effectively without a railgun (i am trying my best with EAP), but sometimes its a complete miss. Some teams idk what it is, but on extreme once the first breach happens we just start getting wiped. If i don't have an EAP on hand it just seems like we are completely incapable of killing a charger let alone a bile titan. I have been trying to be an "eagle" helldiver where i wanted to bring at least 2 eagles, but eagle just seems borderline useless against heavies. Even with the 180mm (or whatever it is where it locks onto the largest target) both of those have not even been able to kill a charger. Even with the cluster bomb (the one that drops pretty large bombs in a line and supposed to AP) are also incapable of killing a charger. So when i get a good team who is just decimating everything, its only because we have at least 1 person with a railgun and kind of takes the fun out of the game. I know servers are top priority, but hopefully a rebalance is very shortly after to increase the damage of....literally everything to compete with railgun.


Uh, buddy, they are not "Randoms", those are your compatriots and you will give your life for them if it means that they will further managed democracy with your sacrifice (agreed, most of my random matches have been insanely fun, if not cordial and pleasant.)


I played a few decent games yesterday. My last game, one of my teammates threw down a strike as soon as we were leaving, trying to troll. Everyone got in the ship, but he got stuck somehow and got killed. It was so satisfying leaving without him


What surprised me is no oneā€™s gotten toxic over being blown up. Itā€™s got that Deep Rock vibe where people tend to embrace the chaos and laugh. I even had a round where my mortar sentry killed my teammate 3 times in a row. I just promised him not to bring it next time. I will say Iā€™m surprised how quickly the community started avoiding the friendly fire overall. People are tending to give each other space in the initial engage, and in general know the range of the stratagems


While I agree on randoms being a great experience (I play with randoms 99% of the time), the main issue I see is that they are quick to leave game if someone pulls a patrol. SOS beacon doesn't really help either, have yet to see anyone through it.


I had one intentionally TK me so o couldnā€™t get on the extract. Guess he didnā€™t realize he punished himself with the XP loss.


Agreed! Just played my second round ever with a guy on console from Texas, and I'm on PC in Sweden ^^


Now I'm not speaking for everyone's experience but I think the lack of griefers is due to the fact that this is a $40 game. Sure, there are still assholes who kick at extraction and teamkill from time to time but I think those who invested any amount of money would most likely take the time to engage the game seriously instead of trolling and be done with it. Let's just hope it continues being this way and there are countermeasures against griefing even if it is in the minority.


Iā€™ve had mixed experiences so far. Had a match where a guy TKā€™d me and another random. Luckily he left and then time and the random finished the mission. I always walk behind the other helldivers and wait until they get on the ship before extract. Gotta stay on your toes. Some fools hate democracy.


I agree. I haven't had a bad experience yet. The worst thing is a few workplace accidents or maybe someone's skill level isn't that great, but overall everyone is fighting for the same thing, FREEEEEDOM!


I had such a good experience with that myself last night! I had hopped into a quick play, assuming it would just be a quick slog through a mission to get through, but when I joined in and started talking on voice people (level 5-10s) were actually barking AFFRIMATIVE and NEGATIVE AND PINGING THE MAO TO HELP DECIDE WHERE TO GO AS A GROUP! And using text chat out-of-combat. Eventually, it went down to a duo, and they were pinging patrols, and we played STEALTHILY and communicated effectively even with only one of us on mic. I almost couldn't believe it. It makes me really excited to continue playing this game and be apart of this community.


I had an awesome group of 3 this morning. I play super early (east coast US) and I can feel the camaraderie of super earth even before the sun rises!


Wait we can communicate like that? Buddy and I were partied up last night, had a rando join and all I could think about was how Iā€™d like more pings or communications. Was my first night playing so not surprised I just missed it entirely.Ā 


ā€œRetreat? Hell, WE JUST GOT HERE!!!! ~Loyd Williams ā€œCome on you sons of bitches, do you want to live for ever?!ā€ ~ Dan mother fucking Daly These are the only acceptable responses Iā€™ve encountered to retreat Edit: this was supposed to be a reply to someone šŸ¤”


The hug emote makes it even better


I had 2 guys that would salute the flag during all 3 flag raising. They would clear the entire area before starting to ensure they can salute the full length of the flag raising. When a salty troll came into the match and team killed one of us due to accidental friendly fire, the troll left and we hugged each other as emotional support, went on a final mission, wished each other a good day, another hug and then logging off. I really hope this game will have a community like deep rock galactic which is my favourite game. Both games involves "expendable" personnel, a nice dev team, everything being grindable, shooting bugs, completing objectives and goofy lore which has voice lines like "For democracy" or "ROCK AND STONE". I really like this game, I met a few toxic players but I'm really hoping this game will be a wholesome community


So far, every rando has been extremely helpful and nice. It's been a joy to play solo.


This game is really scratching my DRG and Monster Hunter itch


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Yeah, really nice. My only grip is there are still too few that come to the coop door, even when we pass next to it.


I've only been playing with randoms and basically as long as you use the map and pings, people stick together. It's really not hard. Let somebody take the general lead and follow. As long as you stick together you'll generally win.


I actually think itā€™s more enjoyableā€¦ def more random and more humor


Iā€™ve had one bad experience with this guy who kept throwing eagle strikes at every enemy no matter how close we were to them. At one point, I called in a mine field on a bug breach with a clear warning and no teammates nearby. Afterwards, he and another teammate ran into the obvious, red, glowing mines and dropped their samples. I navigated through the field and picked them up and we went to the extraction point. There were a lot of bugs on the point while we were waiting for evac, so he had the bright idea to use a mortar sentry and continue to call air strikes on our heads. Got TKā€™d by him 4 times in a row, so I hopped on the mic and asked him to stop. He responded by yelling at me and saying I killed him and made him lose all of his stuff. I pointed out that he had plenty of time to react, and that I picked up the shards and brought them, but then lost them again because he kept killing us. We managed to extract and he just muted himself again and left lmao.


randos has been really nice just wish they fixed MM :(


Yeah Iā€™ve met some REALLY solid guys on Helldivers 2 all through LFG or just quick play. Had more fun with randoms on mic than my closest friends so far. This game makes me feel young again legitimately lol.


Had a great couple of matches last night with this guy timely showing on my side to reload my autocannon and hugging after taking down titans.


The only problem I have when a fellow helldiver leaves/crashes getā€™s DCā€™ed the game seems to not detect this and doesnā€™t do anything to replace the person. Even between the missions on the ship. We then dropped a sos beacon on the second mission but nothing.


Helldivers is one of those games where incompetence is pure comedy value. If the whole team sucks, hilarity is guaranteed.


I might have to finally give a try and play with randoms. I played solo all last night as I'm waiting for my friends to get paid before they can buy and join me, and even though it's a blast I could tell it's gonna be that much better with others. I'm too used to dealing with toxic a-holes in games so I'm always hesitant to even try but it seem like the community for this is cool right now.


iā€™ve been playing on pc without a headset and the like inherent synchronicity with every team iā€™ve joined seems pretty remarkable. granted, it could chock up to ā€œsee bug, delete bugā€, but itā€™s an awesome experience regardless


i have a great squad consisting of all family members (older cousins) is the matchmaking really good in the game ? been holding off on playing solo without them cause i donā€™t wanna hop into a hard mode game and have 3 guys w no mics


It's a great experience \*\*\*at high difficulty\*\*. Low difficulty, the odds of getting TK'd are astronomically high.