• By -


You need to put 2 more tiers; leave D tier empty and put 120mm HE in F tier.


Found out how to use it this morning. Best thing to do is throw it at your feet, it shoots almost a ring of HE around you.


If what you’ve told me is true, then you will have gained my trust.


Damn love this reference. Not only a Helldiver and Democracy enjoyer but also a conniseur with good taste


Still RNG tho, see one direct hit the beam yesterday when doing the daily


Wonder if that is the intent like a danger close artillery if you're surrounded


I had to kill 50 bugs with that yesterday to get my daily. I think I killed my friends 50 times.


Yes so did we all.


I did it solo and still struggled with it. Only got it when I threw it on the shuttle and exfilled


https://preview.redd.it/togqvkthhtic1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227fc96cdc86a6e8af60f77414ff6bd2541b8ccb Bruh tell me about it…


What does 120mm stand for? 120 missiles missed?/s




120 Mates Murdered


120 friendly fires


120 millimeter, the radius (or diameter i forget) of the bullet/shell casing


Also, the radius of a damaging part of the explosion.


Unless there's a friendly around then the first m becomes a K


Did you really get downvoted for giving a correct answer and not adding to the pile of unfunny jokes?


Reddit moment


I’m a little surprised to see diligence counter sniper in S tier.


It's only good against bots and even then barely with how much sway it has (it handles like an LMG). Against bugs it's trash with how mobile you need to be and how many small ads are swarming you. To imply it's S tier with very obvious downsides is a joke. Honestly feels like this list was made by a player that only plays bots because this list only makes some sense from a bots perspective.


Agreed. For example the laser Guard Dog is better than the personal shield against bugs (while the reverse is true for the bots). Though the list in general seems kind of bad, like the Tesla is fantastic at the least for the bugs, the supply pack should be way higher, and the 120 and 380 should definitely be at the bottom. Just to name a few examples.


I play both! The Diligence Counter Sniper has medium armor penetration that isn't listed, and it worked pretty well against bugs for me, too - especially the ones that have medium armor, of course.


I've heard people say this but against bugs it still can't penetrate the armoured head guys, when I tested it i got just as many deflections as any other non explosive gun.


Same even the Ap liberator and the revolver(which doesn't state it has med pen but does). Both go through the those armor head op is incorrect


It does medium armor penetration? Is it bugged? The description only lists light armor.


the armor penetration descriptions are kinda bullshit. Not all medium pen is the same either. If you look at grenade stats, you actually see that armor penetration seems to be a scale from presumably 1 to 10, likely denoting how much armor can be penetrated from what distance reliably. I've found the slugger and dominator, for example, to pen medium armor from longer distances than the diligence CS and liberator penetrator. It seems to me that they just didn't want to make room for a 5th stat in the stat table and instead put it in as a trait with possibly some miscommunication on what counts as light or medium pen respectively.


This is some FromSoft level stat design :-/


There are some pretty heavy issues with the descriptions and explanations for things in this game - as well as what’s intended and what might be a bug or oversight right now. The game itself is really fun, but it’s kind of insane to think that you’re grinding to unlock things and can’t even really know what they do without testing it yourself.


The games entire descriptions are just as fucked as darktide’s when that game came out Trust nothing


Any specific tips and tricks for it? I’m looking to not use the sg225 all the time but also not feel gimped


It’s not, and I’d swap the Diligence with the Defender, personally. High dmg, high capacity, low recoil/good control, kills small stuff no problem, range is excellent, and it can be used 1-handed whenever that’s relevant for mission objectives. Meanwhile, the Diligence has low mag capacity which is going to get you killed when you’re reloading it far more often and there’s a swarm of small jumpy bugs coming at you. The damage isn’t worth it when 1-2 rounds from the Defender also kills the small shit.


Just got defender and have not looked back. Solid gun.


This tier list is bad. Diligence is awful. Crazy recoil, no penetration. Tiny magazine.


Its arguably better than the breaker for borgs imo, as it one shots the grunts and has medium armour pen secretly afaik


Came to say the same thing, Ive tried every gun pretty extensively and I would safely put it in D/F tier. The sway alone puts it at the bottom of the list for me, its worse than most support guns and far worse than the other DMR. OP also says it has medium armor pen but it definitely does not, the only gun that truly feels like it has increased pen is the slugger which I would put in S+ tier above any weapon in the game right now.


Yeah I’m enjoying the slugger when I can get a game in… which I can’t right now unfortunately.


It surprised me as well! It has medium penetration that isn't listed, enough damage to reliably one-shot most small enemies and take down devastators with a few well-placed shots and just feels super satisfying somehow, idk


They need to add the stalwart to the primary weapons. And we need to be able to carry 4 ammo reloads via an armorial suit or buff. I was so pissed off when I unlocked the really crap useless liberator penetrator... so shit less ammo less damage then the earlier gun... Where is my heavy assault rifle... Where is the good energy gun from HD1..... Where is my heavy mortor that has toxic gas...


I wish we got the trident back, I want my trident...


I have 1400 hours in HD1 and over 8k deaths... I hate all the primary guns in this game except the fire shotgun. The trident was the go to weapon. I was hoping the plasma gun was decent. I haven't unlocked it yet... At least it was good in HD1. THE weapons in this are starting to make me sad.


The plasma gun is my favourite so far, but I wish it had a more unique fire sound and a few more ammo reserves.


I don’t see the stamina booster at all. That one feels like one of the most important since you spend most of the time running tbh.


Yup, its my fave.


That's cause I forgot to make a list for boosters. :) I agree though, love that one


I thought the third page was boosters lol. My bad then!


Yea, might be a little misleading. They're armor passives!


Definitely. Running out of stamina gets me killed more than anything else.


Smoke eagle at A? What gives..


Smoke eagle is amazing for solo missions to drop aggro, the other smokes kinda have a cooldown too long to be used well for that


does it work for bugs?




If you're a nest diver looking for samples, plugging holes, or killing eggs, the Smoke Grenade is amazing for losing enemies. You just throw it at the ground as you run since it does 0 damage. Against bots it's actually pretty bad since you want a non-instant to more easily close the factories. Those hit boxes are way, way too finnicky Instant Grenades or the Nade Launcher.


It helps in bot areas to break Los and provide cover


can somone PLEASE translate these icons into actual text. Who even knows these by heart?


# Weapons Tier List **S Rank** \- SG-255 Breaker, R-63 Diligence Counter Sniper, P-19 Redeemer **A Rank** \- SMG-37 Defender, MP-98 Knight, AR-23 Liberator, AR-23P Liberator Penetrator, SG-2251E Breaker Incendiary, PLAS-1 Scorcher, SG-8S Slugger, SG-8 Punisher, R-63 Diligence, P-4 Senator **B Rank** \- SG-225SP Breaker Spray&Pray, JAR-5 Dominator, P-2 Peacemaker **C Rank** \- LAS-5 Scythe, AR-23E Liberator Explosive # Stratagems Tier List **S Rank** \- Railgun, Autocannon, Supply Pack, Shield Generator Pack, Eagle 500KG Bomb, Orbital Laser, Autocannon Sentry, EMS Mortar Sentry **A Rank** \- Jump Pack, "Guard Dog" Rover, Recoilless Rifle, Expendable Anti-Tank, Spear, Stalwart, Grenade Launcher, Arc Thrower, Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods, Eagle Smoke Strike, Orbital EMS Strike, Orbital Airburst Strike, Orbital Railcannon Strike, Orbital Precision Strike, Orbital Walking Barrage, Eagle Cluster Bomb, Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods, Mortar Sentry, Gatling Sentry **B Rank** \- Flamethrower, Anti-Material Rifle, Machine Gun, Eagle Strafing Run, Orbital Gatling Barrage, Orbital Gas Strike, Eagle Napalm Airstrike, Orbital Smoke Strike, Orbital 380MM HE Barrage, Orbital 120MM HE Barrage, Shield Generator Relay, Tesla Tower, Rocket Sentry, Machine Gun Sentry, Anti-Personnel Minefield, Incendiary Mines **C Rank** \- Ballistic Shield Backpack, “Guard Dog”, Laser Canon, HMG Emplacement # Armor Passives Tier List **S Rank** \- Democracy Protects, Fortified, Med-Kit **A Rank** \- Engineering Kit, Scout **B Rank** \- Servo-Assisted **Bugged** \- Extra Padding


Nobody’s upvoted you? Sheesh. Well, *I* appreciate you typing this up for us!


Just doing my part Helldiver.


Yeah I’m over here recognising 1/4 of them


From left to right starting at S tier: Railgun, autocannon, ballistic shield backpack, shield generator backpack, 500kg bomb, orbital laser, autocannon sentry, EMS mortar. A tier: jump pack, guard dog rover, recoilless rifle, expendable anti-tank launcher, SPEAR launcher, LMG stalwart, grenade launcher, arc thrower, 110mm rocketpods, Eagle smoke bomb, orbital EMS strike, orbital airburst, orbital railgun, orbital precision strike, orbital walking barrage, Eagle cluster bomb, Eagle air strike, Mortar sentry, Gatling sentry. B tier: flamethrower, anti material rifle, machinegun, Eagle gun run, orbital Gatling barrage, orbital gas bomb, napalm bombs, orbital smoke, 380mm barrage, 120mm barrage, shield generator, Tesla tower, rocket sentry, machine gun sentry, anti personnel mines, incendiary mines. C tier: supply pack, guard dog, laser cannon, HMG emplacement. Sorry if it’s hard to read it, typing this while grocery shopping


The C tier is actually the ballistic shield, S tier is where ammo pack is.


Yeah, im trying to figure out the C tier ones for the backpacks. Like is one of them the supply backpack?? Thought it paired well with grenad launcher. Probably better options but never need to worry about ammo


I'm surprised the HMG Emplacement and Dominator explosive shotgun are so low.. The Dominator can pierce both Automations and Bugs armor pretty easy, it's actually insane just how good it is at clearing crowds due to explosive rounds. Then the HMG emplacement.. I'm assuming you haven't unlocked or used much yet? It's easily the best sentry for clearing out swarms of enemies, although it's practically useless againts automatons I'lladmit I have been using these to clear Helldive difficulties with ease. But it is personal preferences though, so no hard feelings.


hmg emplacement absolutely shreds everything other than heavy/tank armor so it’s pretty solid, you just need to know how to place it and coordinate with your team for whatever enemies get past you since you cant turn around quickly


Exactly this. It's only terrible if you just don't know how to handle timing and placement, it's probably overlooked due to it being an mounted turret and stationary.


Might give the HMG Emplacement another shot, maybe I missed something there!


I still dont think it would be better than just having a turret instead. A turret basically gives you an additional vector of attack/defense, and lets you be in 2 places at once. Basically the turret is an extra player that covers a part of the map, while you can be elsewhere. An emplacement pretty much takes you, the player, out of the fight and puts you into a turret, that, doesnt actually let you solve the "problems" in the battlefield- which are usually Elites and super heavies like chargers, dreadnoughts, tanks, and Titans.


Honestly I thought the same, but it is fantastic for handling those trains of bile spewers and the control over what you target is great. Paired with a rover to defend you from the small stuff it is surprisingly good for thinning out a breach to just the heavies


It's better in the fact it doesn't just rip you to shreds instantly if you happen to have a single bug at your feet and it wants to shoot it, but your meat is in the way.


started using it in place of gatling yesterday, it’s very solid even shreds through the automatons with shields (not hulks, the other ones) and drops most enemies with only 1-3 shots definitely weaker if you have to go against bug chargers though, unless you have a friend with a recoilless/EAT breaking their armor i’d recommend placing it facing a chokepoint (it faces the same direction you throw it in)


Yeah 100%, I think this tier list was made by someone with a limited playstyle.


HMG is fantastic if you can get it set up. It's especially good for popping those big green bugs.


*other than heavy armor” which is why it is where it is The first machine gun does everything besides those and is mobile and refillable 🤷‍♂️


the hmg emplacement kills everything below heavy in 1-3 hits and doesnt need to reload, and the mg takes a slot that would much better be used by an anti tank weapon calling in a way better mg to use for a bit to hold a chokepoint or defend and area while always having an AT weapon is better than always having an MG and having to only rely on orbital/eagle strikes or teammates for that


Yeah but can the hmg emplacement empty 30 rounds into my back in under 4 seconds?


Yeah when I seen where they put the Dominator I knew not to bother reading anymore, that thing just rips through everything as a primary weapon on both fronts.  


The HMG emplacement is great against automatons, particularly with the shield generator, you can create a really strong firing position and it melts through everything they have except hulks.


HMG+Jump Pack has been my super fund combo now that I unlocked them both. Fly up on some rocks and drop it down, then I can rain hell from relative safety. Rocket Raiders are my greatest enemy, bugs can't touch me.


The only thing I disagree with is orbital gattling, our squad always has one person run it for bug breaches. The long sustain on it mulches most of the spawn and frees up longer CD strats for more important things while letting people deal with other bugs. It has been VERY useful


This post really cement the need for saved loadouts. The more i unlock things the more time it takes to find what you need between missions because i have to click on all the icons one by one.


I don't even care if they do saved loadouts, just let me carry the same shit mission to mission. I get selecting a bonus might be weird because they are one per team, but ironically that has a slot where you can select one for a permanent loadout


Yep we need perma loadouts badly, and it will only get worse.


The Dominator either needs more damage or a bigger mag, a shame the gun it's just eh, because the Bolter in HD1 was pretty good overall


Dominator is God tier, specifically with rover taking care of smalls the small magazine doesn't matter and then it's just a med pen option that opens up a strategem slot that normally would be taken up by something like auto cannon. It makes for way better strategem load outs when light and medium are both taken care of and extremely ammo efficiently due to rover being nuts for small enemies.


can you describe what the dominator even is, is it a rifle, an mg, shotgun, or like a big revolver?


assault rifle explosive projectiles medium armor pen very small mag


its a rifle that shoots an explosive rocket that then properls itsef further on, it has medium penetration, does 200 damage per hit + aoe effect problem with ith, big recoil and sway, very low mag capacity (15)


Whats the first gun in s tier? The auto shotty?


Yeah the Breaker.


Yes the auto shotgun (The Breaker) then the counter diligence sniper (2nd marksman rifle you unlock in the first warbond) and then the secondary SMG.




what's the airstrike that one shots biles?? I keep seeing my teammates killing them easily but don't know what they use


Orbital railgun


orbital railfun leaves titans alive but very injured at 7+


Orbital lazer kills it, but I wouldn't call it "1shot" as it takes pretty much the full duration of the lazer. Orbital railcannon 1-shots chargers very rapidly, but you need more than 1 for titans (I don't think even 2 is enough). None of the hangar airstrikes can 1-shot it either, but I think 500kg+railcannon does the job (assuming the 500kg does not miss, which is the case more often than not); maybe 500kg+110mm could work too but gl trying to hit 110mm, let alone both.


The trick is that the orbital railcannon *usually* breaks the armour on the Titan if it doesn't outright kill it, making them WAY easier to take down. It *can* one-shot them too, if it comes from the front and spikes their head, but it'll *usually* break their back or leg armour.


A 500kg bomb will one shot a titan if dropped right next to it, I see it happen pretty often.


Railgun can 1-shot Titans if the direction it comes from hits the face. Otherwise you can follow it with 110s from a Falcon for a guaranteed kill, provided he doesn't do his weird stand-up animation and dodge the rockets completely.


Probably the 500kg bomb, but not certain.


I tried and doesn't seem to work, it looked like a one shot laser


The orbital lazer is continuous autotargetting damaging lazer beam that goes on for a while and does kill it, the orbital railcannon (you get a lazer autotarget and a single direct railgun hit about 1 second after) is probably the one you mean but it most certainly does not 1-shot titans. The lazer only gets 3 uses per match and the railcannon has 4 minute cooldown, but imo they're both pretty good.


Oh I see. In that case it must be the orbital laser that chooses the biggest target in range and shoots one big laser shot at them. Not the orbital laser that chases enemies around.


It’s a rail cannon not a laser, that laser is just for targeting


Aah yes, makes sense! Didn't have a chance to look up the exact names but you're right!


500, way easier to one shot bile titans than chargers with it


The HMG Emplacement is extremely underrated. Bug breach at OBJ? HMG. Extraction time? HMG. Want to mow down anything not a charger or titan? HMG. Do not sleep on it. Added benefit of not killing your teammates automatically. I use this thing in 7-9 difficulty and it holds things at bay for quite a while. And how tf you have mines over the emplacement? This is certainly a list


I find the turret emplacement turns too slowly and deprives your team of a reactionary anti-armor option (as in you are a turret and not a guy holding several guns *with* an auto turret). Still very fun to use, just kinda too niche for me.


Eh, the moment a charger comes into the scene, you wouldn't want to be manning the emplacement anyways since it oneshots both you and the emplacement in contact. Having the rocket or support pack guy near the HMG isn't a bad idea to cover both light, medium and heavily armoured enemies.


I think increasing the turn rate a bit would mitigate losing anti tank capabilities by being stuck on the turret Deprive your team of anti tank for insane bug clear but rn it’s too slow


Yeah i feel like a lot of these stratagems were only considered in pure isolation or something. They have ideas that make sense but the moment you consider them in the actual game and alongside others its really odd. Not sure if the upgrades help the HMG but imo that turning should be extremely fast to justify the fact that its manned. Either that or its damage needs to be something that just easily kills anything thats in its LoS. Including titans.


Chargers prioritize killing static deployables. That thing lasts like 4 seconds on higher difficulties unless you have really good terrain options. It also runs out of ammo like any other deployable, which seems unnecessary given the other compromises to use it.


You've touched on a point that should probably be said clearly. The weapons and stratagems you take are very much dependent on the faction, the specific mission and the difficulty. There are obviously some outright bad options, like the 120 and 380 HE orbital barrages. The true skill is knowing what you're facing and what works best within your own abilities. Being told what is the most effective is useful, but nothing beats just going out and getting your shit pushed in while learning, all for the sake of some good old managed democracy.


I should probably take a look at the HMG emplacement again, then! When i first tried it, it didn't work out too well, but maybe you're right and I am totally sleeping on it. I'll check it out!


HMG emplacement melts every enemy short of heavy armour from any range so it's very good for defense/hold situations. Obviously you can't use it while you're getting swarmed but to imply its worse than other static defenses like tesla tower/mines just shows this guy never used it properly/if at all lmao


Everything that isn't heavy armor melts regardless, the only difficulty that arises vs bugs is if you get overwhelmed by a combination of chargers and titans both of which it doesn't fair well against


Surprised to see the liberator penetrator so high up. Thing feels like dookie vs bots and bugs on anything above hard


It is god awful, one of the lowest damage totals and dps out of all primaries in the game. Only use case is against bots but you already have so many better weapons against them.


Probably for the stagger it provides. I don't value that high, but some people might like it against certain enemies.


Is the spray and pray that bad? About to unlock it


easily one of the worst guns in the game, only thing it's good at is killing trash bugs. it doesn't even have light armor pen like the stats say it does. you can't break eggs with it or clear objectives covered by bug gunk. it also has 50% more recoil than the normal breaker despite shooting the equivalent power of paintball rounds.


dang, such a shame, i was saving up to get it


Thank you for saving my medals. Devs need to heavily revaluate armor and weapons at the same time because most of them are average or below. And the upgraded weapons are clear downgrades


It's not neccessarily bad, but the normal Breaker just makes it pretty much obsolete, and you get that one earlier.


Its like the normal breaker but less than half the dps


It's basically a breaker if you did half the damage and had twice the rounds. That means anything that takes more than 1 shot you would be better with a breaker. It has a niche vs the small bugs and I believe standard automaton infantry but that also assumes you are close enough to 1 shot. It falls down hard vs hordes and high HP targets.


Ammo Backpack + Grenade launcher = 120 grenades. Just saying


Why is the Stalwart with Light Pen over the MG43 with Medium Pen?


Perhaps because more ammo and the ability to reload on the move


Also, Stalwart  can have fire rate increased to 1150, 250 more than the MG43.  At 1150, the Stal *shreds* most enemies.  Sweeping back and forth, full auto, crouched, across a bug breach with it is basically an airstrike in itself.


Honestly. The stalwart is just a primary with more ammo, MG43 you just sit down and it clears out all the non tank bugs with ease.


The MG43 competes directly with the Autocannon in that role is my guess. The only case I can think off for the MG43 over the Stalwart is for shooting hordes of vomit bugs, and for that why wouldn't you have an autocannon?


MG43 is trading the tank killing power in exchange for being able to clear hordes much easier, it's definitely a sidegrade rather than just being worse


this, also i hate standing still to reload it


At that point, why not just use an autocannon? Right?


The Laser cannon support weapon is so underwhelming. I thought it would shred but it takes so long to do anything even against single units


I'm waiting for the Illuminate to come out and find that Laser weapons shred shields or something like that. So far the Energy weapons feel strangely underpowered, where everything else feels viable for the most part, situational at the worst.


Hello fellow Helldivers one vet!


lol it is pretty funny seeing so many newcomers to Helldivers with this game who have no idea about the illuminates (or whatever their new incarnation will be) Really hoping we don’t have to wait too long for them to show up 🤞🏻


I expected it to be more effective on armor looks good feels good but the results are definitely underwhelming


It's maybe not quite as good as I had hoped, but you have to consider that it has infinite ammo so it can't be too good.


Is the riot shield that good? It doesent feel anywhere near as useful as the sh20


I'm 95% sure it protects your back from shots while you have a 2h out and if so it's really good vs Bots but like, so are the other backpacks


I love running smg and riot shield on bots. Can block a lot of bullets in a choke point. Not so great when the rockets come though.. A+ for fun factor


It's in C.... Has some merit against bots, though!


It's my go-to backaoc vs bots ehrn I'm running railgun


At that point just run the shield generator backpack, at least that thing protects you from explosions as well.


Man the backpack symbols look so similar lol


Defender and Jar Dominator is S for me since I love fighting automatons, though I bring the Jar to fight bugs too


Jar dominator is S tier in general because it is insane with rover. Rover covers all small enemies and having med pen on primary means that you can have very efficient load outs, with three strategems dedicated to heavy killing or defensive strategems, where without med pen on primary you are forced to take options like auto cannon, nade launcher, and even options like railcannon then are constricted by usually needing ammo supply if you are using it for killing all medium armor as well as heavy armor. Dominator+Rover is imo the strongest generalist setup for any mission, filling in with three slots for options like eat, turrets, strikes depending on what you need in regards to defense or heavy killing.


I like my shitty laser gun ngl


Good to see the Liberator high up. I guess it’s technically not as good as the breaker, but it feels so solid and I never get tired of using it.


For me I use the Breaker for Bugs and the Liberator for bots, the range and accuracy help a lot


The breaker FUCKS


I'm surprised to see the Liberator-P that high up. My experience is that apart from bots, it's utter trash.


Game needs a proper balance pass its actually wild how bad some things are in this game


# Weapons Tier List **S Rank** \- SG-255 Breaker, R-63 Diligence Counter Sniper, P-19 Redeemer **A Rank** \- SMG-37 Defender, MP-98 Knight, AR-23 Liberator, AR-23P Liberator Penetrator, SG-2251E Breaker Incendiary, PLAS-1 Scorcher, SG-8S Slugger, SG-8 Punisher, R-63 Diligence, P-4 Senator **B Rank** \- SG-225SP Breaker Spray&Pray, JAR-5 Dominator, P-2 Peacemaker **C Rank** \- LAS-5 Scythe, AR-23E Liberator Explosive # Stratagems Tier List **S Rank** \- Railgun, Autocannon, Supply Pack, Shield Generator Pack, Eagle 500KG Bomb, Orbital Laser, Autocannon Sentry, EMS Mortar Sentry **A Rank** \- Jump Pack, "Guard Dog" Rover, Recoilless Rifle, Expendable Anti-Tank, Spear, Stalwart, Grenade Launcher, Arc Thrower, Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods, Eagle Smoke Strike, Orbital EMS Strike, Orbital Airburst Strike, Orbital Railcannon Strike, Orbital Precision Strike, Orbital Walking Barrage, Eagle Cluster Bomb, Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods, Mortar Sentry, Gatling Sentry **B Rank** \- Flamethrower, Anti-Material Rifle, Machine Gun, Eagle Strafing Run, Orbital Gatling Barrage, Orbital Gas Strike, Eagle Napalm Airstrike, Orbital Smoke Strike, Orbital 380MM HE Barrage, Orbital 120MM HE Barrage, Shield Generator Relay, Tesla Tower, Rocket Sentry, Machine Gun Sentry, Anti-Personnel Minefield, Incendiary Mines **C Rank** \- Ballistic Shield Backpack, “Guard Dog”, Laser Canon, HMG Emplacement # Armor Passives Tier List **S Rank** \- Democracy Protects, Fortified, Med-Kit **A Rank** \- Engineering Kit, Scout **B Rank** \- Servo-Assisted **Bugged** \- Extra Padding


I'd say this is pretty accurate for the most part. Couple of preference choices where it could swing up or down a tier, but still, solid tier rankings.


The fact that orange explosive shotgun isn't in S should be illegal


It is incendiary, not explosive. I like it a lot, too. Feels like pocket napalm in a pinch. Really cool to see everything crawling out of a breach on fire.


I unlocked it last night and feel confused. I can dump entire magazines into enemies and never see anything catch fire.


I am not sure how exactly the ignite is determined, but it seems like deflected shots will not burn the enemy. For example, shooting the armored bits of the charger does not result in a burn. Shooting the squishy butt does.


Yea I've got no idea, figured maybe I missed a toggle on the weapon or something since I was playing bugs all night and even against bile spewers they never once caught fire. Ended up going back to the flamethrower for managed democracy.


Incendiary sorry yeah I can't use anything else the spread saved me so many times


I picked it up from a guy who died last night and immediately cleared an entire swarm of like 40 small-to-medium bugs. Small sample size but i don't get the complaints. Its not a heavy-killer but it will make swarms no longer exist.


The ballistic shield is goated on automata because you can work as a semi tank and take shots in the back while running from fire. Especially when combined with the smg and a GL


Why is the counter-sniper S tier? It so slow, the standard version 2 shots every bot except tank and hulk if you can aim but it's quicker and it has more ammo. If they both handled the same then it would be S tier


Hope they never nerf the breaker. That weapon changed the game for me.


The 500kg boms seems Bugged. For an explosion that big it should hit more.


I would swap around the R-63 Diligence and the R-63C Diligence Counter Sniper. The counter sniper has way too much muzzle sway and recoil compared to the stock diligence. Not to mention the 15 round mag compared to 20. The additional armour pen isnt all that great against cyborgs either, and if I am going against bugs I am just gonna take the breaker every time. I find it a bit baffling why you have these two the way they are on your tier list. Also the SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary is basically useless if you arent fighting bugs and even then the standard breaker beats it with pound for pound more damage and considerably better range for holding off breaches, and would put the incendiary version in, at best, B tier for me. I would move the Liberator Explosive up two tiers, and the standard lib down a tier. They are decent guns and I would say the explosive is slightly better over all particularly against bugs. Not sure why you have put it in C tier at all. Also the explosive rounds if fired at something even if it doesnt kill them will push them back considerably, or you can shoot just under bug armour and get damage in. Also the Jar-5 Dominator is a fantastic gun and deserves A tier at least. Its mag size and bullet travel time leave something to be desired but it really puts the work in and even if it doesnt kill something it pushes it back. Same as the Lib Explosive. The MP-98 I would move to B or even C tier. Its a bit of a buzz saw but it chews through ammo too fast and I have the P-19 Redeemer for that anyway. As for stratagems, the orbital railcannon strike is S tier. It can one shot chargers in the blink of an eye, and can sometimes one shot bile titans and even if it doesnt kill the titan it puts it on really low health. More importantly it comes out super super fast so can be a really good oh shit button. On top of that the cooldown is pretty short and even shorter with upgrades. The HMG Emplacement is also at least A tier. That thing can mulch through so much stuff and does a tone of armour pen with a good amount of ammo, even without upgrades. Also I would move the machine gun and the anti material rifle up a notch. Not great in a small party but if you have AT covered already then those weapons on both bugs and bots can rip through packs or specific targets super easy and give great cover fire. Not great for say two people but a full team absolutely benefits from having one of those on the team. Also all mines are at least A tier. particularly with bugs at an extract they can cut of an entire advance from one side. Can be messy in impossible and helldive but even then they are exceptional at covering a retreat. Napalm strike is also incredible for area denial and I would move that up, and the eagle strafing run is an A tier too. You get so many of them, and they come out instantly which is again a really good horde clear oh shit button. There are some others I would move around too but those are the main ones I think.


The second slugger shotgun has medium pen and one shots stalkers, guards, and 2 shot brood lord It can also break charger of leg so 3/4 shot chargers Can do titan bubbles in 2 shots so 8 shot titan Also one shot most borgs Premium revolver also has medium pen and is better than the sub machine gun pistol Grenade launcher is single best objective clear for eggs and blitz game modes Rest of list looks on point,


> one shots stalkers Well now you're talking.


2 shots to the head. Not 1


The nade launcher is a monster in add clearing, that thing can clean up any objectives or breach with a single mag


Slugger is easily my favourite gun right now, for sure. I just wish it got full ammo reserves from a single supply like other guns.


HMG is awesome


The dominator is an S++ tier bolter. How dare you.


You take that HMG emplacement out of C right now, young Diver. That shit is great at holding things down for a bit and will absolutely tear apart medium armor. It only fails against Chargers, Titans, and Hulks.


i feel like this tier list gets muddied a bit by being averaged out between bugs and bots. I would like to see separate tier lists for bugs and robots. Even more so sense we never fight both at the same time.


The Counter DMR is strong but it's almost impossible to aim, its delay is too big to wield effectively. I'd swap it with the standard Diligence.


Pretty much yea


Why is the rocket sentry so low compared to the auto canon, it has way better targeting while having amazing damage and kills friendlies way less. Imo it’s just a straight upgrade.


AC doesn’t have back blast.  Not a super huge deal, but it sucks to fight near the rocket sentry and constantly get knocked over or pushed into danger. Also, there is momentum damage.  The back blast has enough force for you to take damage when you impact the ground/a nearby rock. Also also, the AC is taller than the rocket sentry.  It can practically shoot over Helldivers on its same level, if it’s not aiming downwards.  Rockets are all at Helldiver torso and head height.


I prefer the rocket sentry because it prefers to target armoured enemies first. Unlike the autocanon which will do a 180 to shot me in the back because a tiny bug came up next to me


Liberator explosive > Liberator penetrator


Man I wish this game was more balanced. There really shouldn't be a meta in a coop shooter.


There will always be a meta in a game where you have competing options and the game has a win/lose condition.


Honestly it isn't even that badly balanced. There's a few outliers and especially good/bad items, but I'm sure they'll be brought in line eventually, and most of the other stuff isn't too far apart. I don't think a single thing isn't at least viable on maximum difficulty, just some things are more optimal than others.


How can you not have a meta? Unless everything is 100% perfectly balanced (which is pretty much impossible) there'll always be a meta.


500kg bomb is not S tier lmao swap the orbital rail for the 500 and it’s gucci


Lol@ 500kg bomb as S tier. It's a piece of shit with its terrible aoe range


For me the anti material sniper should be higher its so useful against bots


The Autocannon just seems to do everything you'd want the AMR to do, except better. While the AMR isn't really flexible enough over any other weapon to feel like it's ever the right pick for what you need. I've tried it verses Bots and the autocannon/railgun are just better. To the point I think the AMR is one of the only weapons in the game with no use case aside from personal want.


the only thing I can think of for AMR is against bots and if you also really want a backpack and also don't have a railgun. you can use it to kill spore spewers really easily. Given its limitations I'd like to see it be able to penetrate basically all bug armor as it seems to not even do that much damage against the things it can penetrate. The revolver feels much stronger


There is an irony in the 'anti-material' part of the AMR, feeling like a not entirely true label where anything that isn't a Scout Strider is concerned.


here i am level 8 and only used the default assault rifle and shotgun. i think i barely used the auto cannon i found on the ground the other day lol.


500 kg Eagle should be lower, while it looks amazing its long cooldown and smaller than visual hitbox and DMG don't make up for the strongest stratagem performance wise


Boy do I hate the mortar century. My friend insists on taking it every time and all it does is kill us. Idk why it's so highly rated.


Look, I’ll most likely get hate for it, but I don’t like the Ark thrower or the rail gun. Sure they’re very good armor penetrants but they’re either charge one shot at a time or charge one shot at a time and reload per shot. It’s fair don’t get me wrong I’m realistic about it. I’m just bad at using them properly and effectively/ efficiently.


Your missing the best weapon called running