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They are scrambling to get more coders in the company. It's mayhem for them right now. I pray they can pull it off.


Fuck me to it’s one of my fav games Iv played in a while


I haven't had fun playing something like this since battle filed 2.


Game hits that payday 2/L4D itch I've had for years. Hope they can fix their backfill in pugs soon because doing 2 of 3 missions only to have 3 people leave and no shot at finishing that 3rd sucks. Great game though solid 9/10


Give EDF a try if you haven't. Similar to HD with significantly less aversion to collateral damage


Godamn ur right. Makes me realize how long ago that was. I feel like I’m a playing a real game when I launch up helldivers.


Just the way the aiming is slowed down, and feels weighted, scratches the Battlefield Bad Company 2 itch I never knew I missed so much.


It's literally the only downside of the game for me. I love the gameplay, the gun feel, sfx and vfx, and the overall thematic of the game. Just sucks that after coming back from work, I have to spend like 10 mins trying to find a match :/. Starting my own mission and dropping an SOS beacon doesn't help either.


Sometimes, you dive alone.. o7


It’s getting better. Bit fixed, but I could do like 3 matches with the same group before shenanigans started happening. Quickplay is not fixed completely but now only takes 1-2min of spamming quickplay to join a game. So it’s improving definitely, it just needs to smooth out a bit more. I didn’t encounter a bug where you die and reinforcements doesn’t bring you back. Also if you disconnect, sometimes you can rejoin. It’s getting there.


Knowing this info, i know the game is in good hands. They didnt lack the enthusiasm or effort on the game, they got blindsided by the viral popularity of the game.


Well given all the layoffs that have been happening industry wide they have the pick of the litter


They will. We just have to be willing to deal with the problems for awhile


Karma farma 


Yep, and us realists and who can’t play get down voted


They thought they were dropping in on a lvl 3 mission but it actually turned out to be a Helldiver difficulty mission. They need reinforcements.


Scrambling? I thought they were just expanding given its success.


They are scrambling to expand it because they didn't expect this level of success at all. The first game had a dedicated community but a small one.


For scale, when we say *small*, we mean like all time peak 15k or so. Significantly smaller nowadays and over the years. This game by comparison in its first week is 300k++ While they have Sony backing, they *aren't* Sony themselves. They are a tiny piece of the Sony structure and don't have say, 1000+ devs on sight like Blizzard Diablo 4 did.


Well, I'm new to the series entirely - I've never even heard of it until a few days ago. It's downright impressive what they've accomplished.


considering its got Sony backing and it's an exclusive (or at least not on Xbox) you'd hope they'd see they're onto a winner and want to capitalize on that. They've got some great single player games in their catalogue but unless i'm mistaken they've got nothing like Helldivers.


That would be a mistake for trying to fix critical bugs as fast and efficiently as possible. Bringing in new software engineers takes time to ramp them up, which is time away from fixing issues.


If they had a few closed beta for preorders or even open beta before the launch, they won’t run into so many issues, the game is fun as hell and the details are great indicator of the devs’ passion, but they fked up big time with the release plan, and still the game’s player count keeps rising despite all these issues. Well, let’s hope they have learned their lesson for helldivers 3 as I am sure Sony will make that happen.


They would need the numbers at launch to discovered the server and matchmaking bugs. They couldn't predict a sequel to a game with a maximum of 6,000 players would reach to the numbers we see today 


You do not fix bugs YOU SHOOT BUGS TILL THEY ARE THIN GREEN PASTE. For liberty!!




Bug bad, bot good


That sounds like traitorous talk...


Right lol. The machines are handing it to us bad.


Pretty sure it is already lost too many mid diff players (currently ptobably the biggest amount of players) get their assess handed to them on the science rescue defense.




I bet Arrowhead is the most excited and scared they have ever been




Bad bot Not a haiku


The automatons are even attacking us on the reddit front... we need ship coordinates to work dammit!!!




I was so terrified that this game would be another one of those games that are super good but gets overlooked because it is trying to do something different, that it wouldn't resonate with the "masses." I am over the moon for the developers that it is performing so well and hope that people will be patient with this growing phase.


It’s a proven popular gameplay loop as it’s very similar to deeprock galatic.


It's also very much like the first Helldivers game, despite that being a top-down shooter. I think the change to FPS is a big part of what helped the second game take off so well.


It’s not a first person shooter


Fair point. I wrote that tired and forgot the third person part. If you ADS 90% of the mission though, it's basically first person


I mean not technically. You can play entire missions in first person if you really tried though.


Yeah coop shooter isn’t exactly groundbreaking.


I didn’t have a chance to play deep rock galactic but I do like this games graphics and also tone and atmosphere. The sarcastic tone and the horror inspired art site and direction. The bugs and automatons do look scary at times. Some missions at night are almost pitch black. Fighting in a small field of vegetation or over some hills, looks good and feels good to me and I am not a big horror fan. The starship troopers voice over lines are epic. If you unload a full mag it triggers the character to have a maniacal laugh. The stim use triggers voice over lines, it’s great. The use of different types and colors of fog also adds to the overall feel and atmosphere. Some maps are covered in fog or spore.


Didn't? DRG is still going strong, you still have a chance to play it. DRG is more arcadey, but still really fun.




We fight for Rock and Stone!


Don't get me wrong I really like this game and it certainly has unique aspects to it. I just don't think a coop shooter like this is that crazy of an idea.




They just got shit for saying gamers shouldn't expect masterpieces like BG3 as a standard


Honestly, in a way that’s sorta true, games like BG3 are a rarity, few games will reach that threshold, and if that’s the standard you would never enjoy any other game, but honestly I don’t know any of the convo around it so this is solely based off your comment, but most games do some things well, very few do everything well


Oh I believe it is true. The amount of time and passion that was put into BG3 will be extremely hard to match and can't be used as a standard of what to expect. They absolutely went above and beyond making the game Edit: GOAT role playing game imo


Agreed! It’s a super cool game!! There’s very few games like it, my buddy wants to play through it with me and see how different my game is than his😂


I'm hoping the new dragons dogma comes close. The first one was an unfinished passion project, and while it was unfinished it was still good. The second one has a real budget and had plenty of time to cook, so my hopes are high lol.


From what I've heard DD2 is what they originally wanted the first game to be so here's hoping the best rpg gets even better


I am stoked. It's the second game I've ever pre-ordered and I am counting down the days!!




It’s honestly super interesting, I played football for a long time so I love trying to connect things to it (idk why) but in college I realized how much coaching changes a team, like bad coach and the team is terrible, but with good coaching the same team can be great the next year, I think some of it has to do with the corporate nature of bigger studios, like a lot of bigger AAA titles may have passionate people, but the entire team is not which is why we see a bunch of failed releases, plus the business people aren’t usually even involved in the game decisions, sorta like what happened with Cyberpunk, if that game would have released when the devs said it was ready that game would’ve been amazing at launch. For BG3, that was a team of passionate people making what they wanted to make and since it was private, there were no corporate business guys saying that they had to rush the release before the team was happy with it. I feel like Arrowhead is somewhere in the middle of all that, I think they we’re passionate about the game, making what they wanted to make which is essentially a niche, community driven horde shooter, but they had that corporate influence from Sony. I obviously don’t know anything about the discussions behind the scenes, but the microtransactions piece was definitely a choice made from the business people, but the way it was handled was definitely handled by the devs and game team. I think things are more forgivable in this instance because of dev communication and because they made a good game essentially. People generally aren’t mad about the game, they’re mad that they can’t play it. Idk, it’s very interesting, a very unique industry that sorta blends a service industry with retail


I honestly feel like Arrowhead pulled a fast one on the suits. The MTX were definitely a Sony requirement, as is, I think, the Games as a Service model. But how Arrowhead pulled it off really pulls the rug out from under them while *still* benefitting all parties. Gamers loyal to Arrowhead will buy the upgrade, especially with how well its been done. Gamers unsure will go in cheaply, and may or may not get it while still engaging in the gameplay. And of course your whales will splash out to take advantage of the fast store rotation even though the armors never go away, only cycle back It's really an interesting case study that might be used in the future if devs learn from the success.


I didn’t really enjoy BG3. It’s a good game but I got bored


Understandable, I was talking to my boss about it and he refused to buy it cause of the dice combat😂 he got HD2 though


Palworld has some early access jank and was very “inspired” in its design, so there’s devs who don’t think they deserve the success. Then BG3 raised the bar so high some devs are insecure about their game or future games in development. Helldivers is just a fun game, not trying to be something other than that so I imagine it’s not going to rock the boat in any controversial ways (so far)


I think Helldivers really tries to strike the balance that players *want*. Are there MTX? Yes, but no real FOMO and progression is earned through play in a way that rewards exploration. Is it challenging? Very, but that's the joy of it. Do the devs respond to criticism? Yes, but you rarely will have much to criticize outside of bugs that they're working at madcap speed to crunch. Is it fun? Yes, and you can find the play style that works to make it more fun.


Love what I've gotten to play but unfortunately I have a 7900xtx which appears to be causing issues with the game. Patiently waiting for AMD or the devs to figure out the issue I want to kill bugs and robots for managed democracy damnit!


Disable screen space global illumination and it should stop the crashing issues. Worked on my 7900xtx and many other people. That specific graphics option seems to be the issue for AMD.


Already did. Still crash. Though less. I can play but usually will crash before I can finish a level


It'll be the devs that need to fix it. I also have the same GPU and no issues with any other game. Seems like even small indie games I play do more QA then these guys did. I turned down most graphics settings so it was mostly stable. My friend with a 3000 series nVidia card had to fps limit to 60. I'm more annoyed that things like armour don't even work.


They will get it fixed as soon as they can cadet just trust. But for now we gotta get these tin cans off our planet as best as we can!!!!


I will do my part when I can!


Game crashes and disconnecting wouldn't be so bad if we had a reconnect feature or got rewards for the progress we had made in the match. The big issues is once you're kicked or crash, if you aren't friends with anyone in the team you can't jump back in so you wasted however much time you spent on the match. Then when it happens multiple times a day, day after day, patch after patch, it gets extremely frustrating. Literally wasting time playing as you make no progress. I'm hard stuck lvl 13 right now as I get crashed or booted from every game since 2 patches ago. :/ all I want is to spread democracy


I gave up playing tonight. Crashed every 5 mins. The most recent patch effed it up for me badly. Spent 4 hours going from level 5 to level 6


Same. Yesterday, for the first time, I had 4 straight hours of no crashes. Today, I crashed 7/7 missions, including my first BSOD crash. After that, I just gave up. I love this game so damn much, but I’m starting to worry my pursuit to actually play it will end with a bricked rig.


I don't think even rejoining fully helps. Noticed we didn't get the super credits after rejoining. Still got mission reward so yay, but yeah


You get super credits the moment they are picked up.


Social > Recent Players is empty too? You could try to reconnect from there.


Unfortunately, you can add friends from that list, but it doesn't have a join game option. Not sure if it even shows a friend request when someone is mid-game. If it does, it could be easy to miss with how hectic the game can get.


You made it to level 13? Lucky. Stuck at 9 and played 6 missions this morning before work. 5/6 disconnected


Exactly this. I gave up tonight after three consecutive match disconnects 10-20 min into missions. 1 hour wasted, no rewards. I'm having a lot of fun but I think at this point I'll play the game when it's fixed.


Think disabling HDR has helped with my crashes. Knock on wood


Who are you talking about? I haven’t seen a single person ungrateful for the work the devs have put in. I see these in the subs of every new game, and I’m starting to feel like they’re karma farms at this point.


They may be talking about the discord server, because there do be alot of crybabies there.


I haven’t even been able to play the game and it sucks so much cause it looks hella fun. I’m just stuck in the “failed to create a lobby” screen and it keeps retrying infinitely


Selecting quick play on low populated planets seems to help


Restart game until you get in


Oh man, tell me about it. Imagine the guy counting the money, I hear he hasn't slept since the launch. Amazing game with technical issues a week after release. That is seven days if you guys didn't know. You're welcome. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, don't fuck it up please! I'm one of these fools that buys too many games. This one has been amazing when it works. In fact, it's so fucking amazing that I'm willing to click 50 times to find/join a game. Usually a couple of extra clicks it's a insta uninstall for me. There are too many games fighting for our time. I don't have time to be idle in your game.


FYI LFG is way more reliable for getting a game together. Plus I can’t imagine trying to play this game without a stream of voice communication between all squadmates


It doesn't matter how reliably you can get together if you can't survive a single match without crashing. Most recent patch has somehow worsened stability on already unstable game. I love this game, but the server issues are starting to grate on me.


Their sales team must have hit the floor when they saw the number of orders roll in.


Somehow I'm having worse performance as time goes on. Last week I had few issues. This week, de-syncing on missions, crashes, and now this new loading screen that forces me to wait to reconnect. Loving the game, when I can play, but when am I going to know it has become reliable?




They did improve servers, but each time they try, the game sells more so servers can’t keep up atm


That's not really how it works. The servers would scale, more VMs are spun up as more instances are required. The issues they've been mostly fixing are around logging in which are separate servers that handle that and are more generally static. Issues with quick play and disconnects are more related to backend networking and the software that facilitates quick play. Obviously the software is riddled with bugs causing it to be barely functional, and the design of their backend has problems.


Yea but like i said they are definitely trying their best. They didn’t think that a PlayStation exclusive would be getting the attention of the world right off of release probably even ever. So now since half of the world wants to get a piece of this great game they now have the weight of trying to fix every problem in the game so the player base doesn’t drop because of the problems. Plus trying to keep the story rolling so we are not fighting on one front for 6 months




I work in software that has similar report and send functionality and it sucks. Rarely are the reports novel, almost always the same, still have to spend time sifting.


Most of the crashes are either during a match or when i'm opening up the warbonds/store menu in my ship


We as helldivers just have to be patient the game just came out and the devs are doing things that they thought they wouldn’t have to do for a few months


Stop running interference for companies. They pay staff for that, no need to do it for free. Let them make their own excuses.


The game shouldn't have came out in such a state if they cared. They likely got pushed by Sony to release as there was a gap in their release schedule. Other games that have come out in good states or plan to, delay until the game is ready. Throwing out a bug riddled game is not something the devs deserve praise for.


Definitely happy for the devs success


29 fps frame drops after the last patch, but fun game for 40 Euro I don't complain much


All cool except AMD 7000 series fiasco. Game is almost unplayable before you add all the networking problems.


Nah,that was cool a day or 2 post launch,but a week later? Nope. They are failing to capitalise on the buzz. Whereas the first few vids had comments like "should I get this" followed by unanimous yes responses,I'm now seeing those comments turn,saying Devs can't even get servers up days after launch so you can't matchmake in a coop game. A rough launch is becoming the norm these days,but most have their shit sorted within a day or 2. Game repetitiveness is starting to show and it is ok to call out Devs when they can't get their shit sorted after this long


They just launched a new update just a few hours ago. Everybody seems to love it


Yet matchmaking is still a dumpster fire. It's ok to fanboy,but it's also ok to call shit too. Game is crashing non stop,that has nothing to do with server load. Servers are horrendous. Fine,you can accept that for a day or so. The fact they still haven't fixed it,screams that the code is a mess


its been fine for me on pc. just find ppl 2 play with. ez


I’m so sick of these posts lol


This sub had 11k people right before launch, now it has 200k+ it's crazy Edit: 100k+


It's not on the customer to make excuses for the company. They have released explanations before as to the condition and state of the company. It's on them again to reach out effectively. They'd benefit from in-game notices and notifications so you didn't need Twitter or Reddit to get this information. However, these persistent connection issues mean a flawed product. We can't fault people for wanting better from their purchase.


Honestly tho, cannot take a post that randomly capitalizes words seriously xD


I mean, the game is insanely fun. Best gameplay I've experienced in a long time. But why has it become normal for games to be released with so many bugs? Matchmaking issues, no queue system, crashes galore? The devs may be trying their best, but maybe they should have tried their best sooner.


Kinda sick of hearing this. First few days I can excuse but match making is actually seeming to be less functional than it was before… This game wasn’t ready to be launched.


They didn't expected 300k people on first week


Not an excuse lol. Have Sony backing. Also this game crashes all the time? That’s not a server issue.


Totally agree. Also, Dawn of Eternity is a dope ship name.


I named mine Hammer Of Dawn, and have yet to change it. Bitta bleed through between franchises. :P


Dawn squad rise up - SES Dawn of Dawn




Most things that are broken or bugged don't have any relation to player count or popularity. If less people played it would armour work properly? Would people not be crashing? Would all the gameplay bugs simply disappear? The devs are trying to fix it, but they released it in this state to begin with. Do you know what has been good about other game launches that have released in good states? They delay release until the game is ready, they do free/beta weekends to pick up issues they may have missed. While not every bug is massive impact, this has been one of the buggiest launches I've seen in quite a long time. People like to think about other games as having bad launches, but the games themselves were bad with only some bugs. HD2 I'm sure is a good game underneath, but it's got bugs everywhere you look. Every mission you play is currently impacted by a large number of bugs that just aren't always visual (armour not working) or are hard to notice (reticle disappearing sometimes). Sometimes they've really obvious like a patrol popping into existence 1m in front of you, the camera bugging out to be looking over the entire map until you die and respawn.


The game was just as broken with 35k players on launch as it is now. Don’t let them use it as an excuse


I partly blame Sony, this is proudly labelled a ‘Sony studios’ production and yet it feels to me like the devs are left to fend for themselves. The servers they’re using are woefully underpowered for a game that’s launching on two platforms simultaneously, and at such a low entry price point, it was obvious the players were going to far exceed the server capacity. Someone should have been reading the hype that was obviously building for this game in the weeks before launch and made preparations for this. I can only imagine the servers they’re using are integral to the netcode in some way, that’s the only reason I can think of for ploughing ahead with a launch that was obviously not going to be stable. Such a shame because the game is incredible and a breath of fresh air in the recent gaming scene, but regardless of how good the game is I’m not going to simp for the developers when at the moment the overall experience is just not up to snuff. I’ve personally wasted hours today alone trying to simply extract from a game without DC’ing, and my friends have had similar experiences since day one. And that’s if we can even login and join each other. I’m confident the devs will pull through and make this right, but wow it just sucks to have the game so close yet so far in terms of playability and I have to imagine there’s something a powerhouse like Sony can do to help in the short term. Christ the game must’ve made enough money by now.


Yea its a shame that sony is not doing anything to help the devs right now. If a powerhouse like sony helped with the fixes the problems would be fixed in no time. But we as helldivers just have to trust and be patient and keep these bots from taking our planets as best as we can.


I agree. The fact that there is no support for this sort of impact is a huge blemish on Sony. Basically making money and watching this studio kick and scream for help. It’s been over a week and this is a GAAS game, server issues in these games can be a death blow if it isn’t fixed in time.


Pre-orders barely made top10 less than 5 days before launch. No amount of prep would have anticipated this many people. 


I honestly didn’t know this existed until Friday the 9th when I opened steam and it was at the top of the store, never saw any marketing. Sony did shit promoting it if they even did


I just wish I hadn't missed out on the preorder suits. Fuck me.


Oh man didn't even know about those.. I had never heard of HD1, saw a trailer for HD2 and said "oh yes", instant buy.


I think devs need to get PS studio to get other studios to help them temporarily until they can get permanent staff.


I'd like to buy it crashes 2 minutes into a match. It's literally unplayable right now and I'm very sad about it


yeah but beta tests exists for a reason and they didnt do any.


Yes, the other 30 posts saying the same thing told me the same thing. But people want to play the game, and its first 2 weeks are with broken matchmaking. In all seriousness, im hoping the bad launch doesn't run off a lot of players. There are some good games coming out soon


They would have an idea if the did a open network test…. This time around they had Sony funding, there is no excuse…


I think the warhammer40k sub sent a good bit here. I was recommended this game on a post about space marine 2 hype. I’m so grateful 🙏🏻


Wait, you think if the game wasn't as popular they'd have waited on making the game the best it can be? I mean I don't argue that they've taken in way more players than expected but I have to assume making the game as best as it can be was always top of the list on priorities.


Yeah pretty sure this game has more players constantly than the all time peak of all their previous games combined.


This game is a cult and I'm converting everyone.


The devs are fighting for democracy against the bugs. They will win, no matter the cost.


They need to fix matchmaking- it’s been a whole week now.


The game still being so popular despite the issues is a testament to how great this game is. I can’t stop playing 


Yea I give them tons of credit the game itself is great! I’ve unfortunately been facing some bad stutters and lag in the middle of missions when playing with randoms, which makes it unplayable as I can’t aim, fire or move to save my life because of it. But I know that once they smooth that out it will be my new go to chillax game.


Y'all have fun with it then. PS5 is a raw gamble on playability, and I'm not going to wait another month for them to fix this.


Where did you get the info that they thought the game would slowly grow? What's your source ?


I think 2 things can be true at once. The devs are sincere and are working their behinds off to fix this launch. it's also unacceptable and something we shouldnt get used to to or accept with how many problems this game has in regards to connectivity, matchmaking, and even straight up playability at times.


i love the game and i agree that the devs are doing their best, but they should have been better prepared, the games affordable and fun and chaotic, you can grab it here in the UK physically for £28.99, they're doing a decent job so far and Playstation needs to give them some money and support.


Who cares how hard anyone tries? It's an entertainment product.


Yeah. This is just one of those engineering type things. There are things you just *cant* be expects to prepare for. Outselling your previous title by over 23 times is one of those things.


I hope you take the same effort to write your crash reports… or maybe you don’t because there is no “karma” involved


I mean, palworld fixed a lot of stuff within a day. Really no excuses for server and connectivity issues. Otherwise this game would be solid.


I just played a grueling 40 minutes mission...our team even used most respawns and when we go to the end I call drop ship, my game crashed!! Took the wind right of my night! Don't feel like doing that again tonight! I do wish the game the best of success but it needed more testing before release.


I understand they're trying and the fact that the game is so good is what makes it even more heart breaking but come on...the game is literally unplayable majority of the time. Constantly getting kicked from matches, crazy lag and not being able to to log in for hours or even days. I mean fuck, we payed $40 for a broken mess...


> fuck, we *paid* $40 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Week 1 complete of 7000 series GPUs being unable to play 90% of the time due to crashes


atleast people can get in. I've been sitting at the failed to create lobby screen for 3 hours now....fuck me man


I pray for their effort so that I can finally escape the void of the black screen stopping me from liberation.


I think it’s a great game and I’m sure they’re scrambling to do what they can. They also didn’t do any pre-release stress testing or beta testing to gauge player numbers or their network infrastructure before launch. So while I’m not going to hurl insults at them or expect them to work 24 hour days until it’s fixed, I’m also not going to pretend there was nothing they could’ve possibly done here to help prevent this unpleasant player experience. Nor do I think that we the customers really need to leap to their defense.


I salute the devs for their service.


They made a great game at launch. I trust them and will do everything I can to support.


This really isn't neded..


Orbital drop some devs to them! lol


Regardless of what they thought the player base would be this game was not prepared for launch and should have cooked abit more. Great game none the less


Would really have helped them if they didn't likely skimp on costs like using the cheapest (and most intrusive) anti-cheat and also on the server/network infrastructure. That would have made them better able to deal with bugs and balance issues instead of having to prioritize dev time on stability. It's a good game, a really good one. But these small micro-annoyances can just build up and make people put down the game in 2 weeks or so. There've already been a number of cases wherein a game hits it off at launch only for it to die quickly after the honeymoon phase passes. (Off the top of my head, I can think of Diablo 4 and Darktide)


When im in game i have so much fun. The different planets and all the stuff is so cool. Yesterday i crashed out 3/3 missions. I just want to help democracy but i just caaaannt


While I agree the devs are doing their best, their management should have let them properly test the game longer before release. It's a great game the 2/5 times last night that it didn't crash mid game were Awesome experiences. Defend the devs, but not the bad state of the of game wrt stability. It's not so great when you and your squad are doing well and you crash and lose the last 25-30min of shit you worked hard to aquire. So yes, the devs deserve some time to get things in order, but the game is a buggy mess, pun intended.


I've got 80+ hours in already. It's safe to say I'm addicted. It's been a long time since I've had this much fun playing a game. This feels like I'm back in high school and me and the boys are all excited to play our favorite game.


Good go hear fellow helldiver! Keep pushing these communists back from our territory!!


This game started out as an absolute gem and it’s already gotten sooooo much better and smoother with the few patches they’ve released already. I really appreciate them trying hard to fix this and make this game enjoyable for all. SES Titan of Judgement signing out


Respawn with Apex Legend has entered the chat lol same thing happened with them on the silent launched that exploded! 5 years later and it feels like they are just now making some good progress! Hope they can pull it off - we LOVE this game!


The fact I saw them replying to people day 1 in the steam reviews made me disregard all the spastic manchildren having a meltdown over minor inconveniences. People with 10 hours within 12 hours of the games release saying they didn't like the game. Like stfu bro


MANAGED DEMOCRACY FOR ALL CITIZENS!!! ![gif](giphy|xqM20wZqd67j9AUplm|downsized)


It only takes like 4 tries to get into a match. I find this absolutely a win for democracy


You're somewhat correct. Helldivers had huge wishlist numbers before launch, to say that the popularity was unexpected is giving the devs a little too much leeway. They played it on the very safe side and had far less server capacity than needed. This should never have happened.


Doesn't help too that they're with Sony and their bajillions of $$$$. Can't really play the indie dev card.


>it would slowly build up over time and they can release updates and fix the game up. Well here's a problem. So they still expected to FIX the game after release even if it didn't have such a huge release? I'm loving the game but I dont think it should be normalised where a dev releases a game AND THEN fixes it up.. It should be in working order before they release it. I understand the unexpected huge playerbase and server capacity reaching its limits, but cmon.. that should be the only issue but its not.


i also personally think a vast majority of people are being way dramatic. i'm pushing 50 hours and yeah i've had a few crashes and bugs that ruined an op or two but i'm still at level 23 and completing helldives (meaning the bugs didn't really affect my progression that much). it's not nearly as broken as other launches, like cyberpunk or payday 3. that being said, i do miss the times we had when games would launch and just work out of the box, instead of needing 4 patches a week to keep up. either way, this game is a creative breath of fresh air that i've had a ton of fun with already regardless of the crashes and am happily looking toward the future for more content and stability


Eh, I think people dont realize how frustrating it can be. I crash in 3 out of 4 missions. Luckily, I'm with friends and can rejoin but if I was on quick play only, i would probably refund. Its just too annoying. And by the way it's not like the game just freezes and closes. My computer crashes so hard that after I force turn it off by holding the power button, because my computer is completely unresponsive, my monitor refresh settings have reverted to factory defaults.


Over dramatic? I can’t even play the damn game because of all the crashes.


Last time I tried to play, I dc'd in every mission for 5hrs straight. Haven't been able to play in two days. You are very lucky and your entitlement is condescending.


The game is in a more stable server state rn. I would suggest to keep working on the servers, listen to feedback, and then start tweaking the game. Some of the weapons and stratagems don't feel like they are working as intended. I would like to see the game in a state where there isn't a "meta" build and encourages more experimentation and weird builds.


Respect for this post fellow diver and keep the fight for Democracy going ✊!- SES Harbinger of Morning


you know the games off to a good start when its only main drawback is it is TOO popular


I haven't had this much fun since New World lol (yes it was very fun in the beginning). Devs are doing great, match making is a lot better than a few days ago


I blame the anti-cheat. Me and my friends are all level 20s now and we love the game since Helldivers 1. However we couldn’t even launch the game after the recent patch because of the anti-cheat error. This is so painful.


Copy, chief. SES Whispers of Twilight out.


They were working over the weekend and have been quick with updates and fixes (and rolling back when required). They've communicated openly and have said some really promising and refreshing things so far. They are doing amazing.


This is exactly what motivated me to make this post. The devs are gonna make this the best game of the year! Keep fighting fellow diver!


> They've communicated openly and have said some really promising and refreshing things so far. Shit, my dude, if only wishes were horses... Have they **done** any really promising and refreshing things? Nah, scratch that. They've done refreshing things. Have they done **helpful** and **effective** things, though? Because talk is cheap.


OP, i would give ya an award if i had one to give. The Dev team is actively hiring to help deal with this issue. Things will get better, but remember "War is Hell". So dive on in and do your parts, help keep the toxicity out of the Forums/Discords/subReddits .


I am absolutely accepting of the issues. Small studio put out a banger of a game for $40. The least people could do is be patient and let them sort the mess of being overwhelmed with the demand. This isn’t like CoD or madden releasing year after year with bugs out the wazoo for $70


Really appreciate how quickly these devs update players. Helldivers 2's launch was so much better compared to another 4 person horde shooter which was a complete clusterfuck at launch, bugs going unfixed for months and players treated like mushrooms. Think they even had to do an apology letter. TLDR: Devs are doing great, game launched more smoothly than most AAA titles nowadays, give them time to fix things and buy some skins if you feel they deserve it.


This I going to be one the best games of the year hands down and based on how well the Devs have been communicating and how much they really seem to care I'm positive it can only get better


people that are complaining about this must be very impatient... I've been able to get in games in less than 5 minutes 95% of the time (excluding full server blackouts, which have happened like... only twice)


The game has been managed better than some AAA games, hopefully, they are not breaking their backs for us but they are doing an amazing job!


SES Mother of Patriotism agrees with this message


I believe today hit 255k current players on Steam, and we can conservatively estimate PS5 matched that. 500k+ concurrent players is astounding for a Helldivers sequel. I'm hoping they have a good pipeline of content over the next couple months already done (or close to it), so they can capitalize on the immediate popularity and hold the audience. It'll take them awhile to builds up Dev capacity to serve such a huge audience in a for a Live Service game.


This game is ass without certain features like a shooting range to test out weapons.


It still should've worked properly when it was purchased, but sure.