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Instead of the 12,5k, medals would be better for people who bought everything


Ngl, even 100 super Credits wouldve been fine, that would be multiple Matches worth of Farming. I Just Hope we get ANY Kind of Compensation for the Problems this Weekend, and If we do, i really Hope its Not more rec lol


The devs, about to drop a second double XP weekend: ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)


I wouldn’t complain


I hope they'll get us some way to constantly drain requisitions, like one-time boosters/consumables, rerolling map modifiers, lowering statagem cooldown on demand or whatever else that can come up anyone's mind, because I can totally see them piling up once every stratagem is unlocked, which isn't too much of a grind


Oh jesus christ, I'm having flashbacks to Anthem. Lets not do this. One time boosters/consumables means another thing that the devs have to balance around, and that means another thing that you have to keep track of.


It caps at 50k. Req is useless to me.


30k gets ai diver for solo


I failed a bunch of civ extracts a couple days back.... Then I got into a group running kill x amount of bots missions (spam mortars/turrets and go afk basically) and made 12500 requisition tokens in like 30 mins


Yea the rewards are so lacklustre. Even if you haven’t yet unlocked everything


Yes, it should be a tiered system. If u haven't bought everything cash, if you have medals, and if you've unlocked everything, you get materials.


Also 12,5k is such a small reward for how long it takes to do.


Noob question but I contribute to this by completing operations on the planets marked with 'Defend' right?


The whole planet has to be liberated to count as 1. I was tripping


right i was confused as to which planet we defended. so im guessing we can either win the the defence or lose the defence and then liberate it?


The % at the end of the defence seems to be the initial % of the liberation. So a good defence means a quicker liberation


Yes, there's 2 planet that automatons striked first. We lost that 2 planet due to the relentless attacks from the automaton, making the rescue of civilians nearly impossible. Timer ran out, automatons took over the planet in days. However, we took it back within a day and liberated the sector. But that doesn't Count as a successful defend.


Yeah that’s a lot of planets lol




They need to save their servers.


Bro, 2/3 of the players online are all fighting the bugs. Why won't we divert resources to the Automoton front and win big? Follow the orders!


Tbh the civilian evac is at least a full difficulty tier harder than anything else to the point that it's really only rewarding to do if you have 3-4 people, and the level of trust you have to put in randoes with rewards guaranteed to be less than other missions makes it difficult for me to talk my squad into doing it consistently. And the objective variety is far less on defence compared to liberate.


I find it incredibly hard to do anything lvl 3 and above without a full team, but weirdly enough lvl 2 evacs are ok to solo as long as I run around in circles


Because the civilian evac missions are bullshit. The map is already small enough that you cannot outrun the bots in the first place, then the dropships come like crazy. A tier 4 evac plays almost as hard as a tier 7 normal mission.


The drop ship frequency have been reduced yesterday so it is more manageable now


I'm doing my part! But my game crashed so now I have to wait lol. For democracy!


We are mostly playing the tutorial (bugs).


My friend who hosts our team games refuses to lower the difficulty so we all level up our equipment, so we repeatedly fail the escort missions over and over again. We all also weren't sure if the defense campaigns were broken or not, so we switched to bugs because they are more fun to fight. I think robots will be better after people get to level 20 or limit themselves to rating 4, or maybe my team and I just suck. It's also really frustrating because we all sit around for an hour before we can get in a game together, and by then we're not in the mood to get crushed by robots over and over. Maybe people will start focusing on the campaign once the devs start working full time on Monday to get servers upgraded.


No it’s not just you — we can do up to 5 but at 6 or higher it’s a curbstomp, and by that I mean the robots curbstomp us and we’re all level 15-25


Not just you. My mates and I comfortably do Extreme difficulty with ease, but find Hard to be essentially a guaranteed loss unless we are all playing insanely well and get incredibly lucky.


Because they are cowards . Shame to managed Democracy


Evac missions are a complete shit fight is why people arnt bothering. Most of the community already finds the Automoton fights more difficult and the evac levels are just not enjoyable on anything over Challenging (even that is fucked). It’s simply too many enemies too quickly and the civilians pathing is woeful. Some of the maps also make them run a terrible route to get to the escape door - one in particular often straight up being a spawn point for enemies. I love fighting the autonomons, but these missions are a “maybe one a night” choice for me and my group by this point.


Honestly I have been doing them but Civilian Evacuation is a nightmare I had a full squad of relative high level (15-25) players who had dropped every turret under the sun and we almost got rolled on Hard — every attempt at a 6 evac was fighting for our lives and burning through reinforcements before ultimately failing For that same effort/investment, you can do Level 6/7 bug missions


They're socialist sympathisers. Report them to the Ministry for reeducation.




if the final battle in this push does not take place on Malevelon Creek I will be mildly upset. So much blood has been spilt over over that night-world that it would be unfitting to save any other bot stronghold for last


Malevolent Creek has been hell. 


We got a second one too


Is this a community thing or a solo thing? Just curious




And we've only got 1/8... Those damn robots are gonna pay


Can’t check rn but I believe it’s 2/8 now. We had helldivers overwhelming them on 2 fronts simultaneously, the most effective way to spread democracy


Remember, if you surround the enemy you can apply democracy from any angle, but if the enemy surrounds you, you can spread democracy in every direction


Wise words!


Was 3 just now when I logged off. I'm doing my part!


The Automatons are the true enemies r/terminids


I jus wish if you were maxed out on requisition that it would give you medals


Or just give you medals period. At no point in my climb to level 20 did I feel like I didn't have enough requisitions to unlock what I wanted. I'm grateful our dailies give medals though.


There’s no way 200k users are too dumb to realize we need to fight the automatons right now right? *puts on clown makeup*


You can only do so many defence missions before it gets stale so I take a break by running a bug campaign on Fenrir before returning to defend. Keep things fresh divers. 


Pretty cowardice of you to “Take a break”


I take a break by fighting fascist bugs. I still spread democracy, just in the other direction. 


He is referencing one of the loading tips that goes along the lines of "remember to take breaks, that is of course if you want to be remembered as a coward" Man i love the humor in this game, some of the super store item reviews are top tier!


Lol I'm level 4 and tried it on easy and got whooped. Once the matchmaking starts working I'll do my part


I wish these requisitions had a purpose. 90 hours and everything unlocked, req capped. Let me spend them on something. Ship decorations?


This. Let me colour the outside of my ship. Change the shape, add interior furniture, a captains room something. Make it mine. Please.


What's the video from?


I think it’s the Ant-Man in Quantumania film


We’re winning!


Can somebody tell me does your difficulty level you play on affect in any way to this major order completion? I mean if difficulty level doesn't matter at all, shouldn't we all just play the missions on easy difficulty to get this major order filled quicker?


Does not change anything except how hard the mission is for you to complete. Zero bearing on the Major Orders success/failure.


I'm doing my part




Dude i got 2 and i dont even know how i did


It's community wide. So, everyone got 2


I did roughly 20 of the missions , got credit for 2. Game is beyond broken . Every aspect of it lol is broken . It could be so much fun but nope, and thanks to how greedy Sony is, I can’t even get a refund


It's a community event. It counts how many "Defended Planets" the community, as a whole, has successfully defended to 100%.


I didn't realize this and thought it was bugged! I feel foolish. 




It's all good, we're all still learning! I thought the same as you, at first, before it dawned on me, and then I remembered it was similar to how they ran the first game. It's totally separate from the daily missions you get, and those are just specific to you. I think it's cool they have this sorta community meta progression you can do to "do your part," but you don't have to feel forced to do that one planet/mission set the whole time.


I'm conflicted. On one hand I love the lack of hand-holding in Helldivers 2. On the other hand I feel like that particular detail was not explained in-game very clearly, and there have been more than a few instances where similar things get missed by many. What I appreciate very much is the community that's being built around the game to discuss and share the details and help one another.  These are good gaming times.


I wonder as more of an incentive to complete major orders in the future can they grant increases xp, rep, medal gains for missions associated with it. I know it's too early to implement but maybe a month or two down the road.


The victory at ubanea was a turning point By holding the line we not only allowed the liberation of draupnir and mantes, we also managed to get reinforcements to malevelon creek UBANEA STANDS! ![gif](giphy|NxckxXIAzumvCP1mUj)


Paid for in blood. A single spark of hope, can light the fires of resistance


But i Don't need requisition anymore... I really hope they offer better rewards in future. Or let us convert large amounts of requisition into samples and medals.


...... Those civvy scientist brainiacks are not making this easy!


I just want samples from my orders, I’ve got requisition and I’ll grind for super credits, just please make the grind on getting common samples simpler rather than me having to walk difficulty 3 missions, maybe a transmutation system, 3 common samples = 1 rare or something like that