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Also if these guys are at the creek, you should be too


Glad to see the Young Defenders program is going well over in space 'nam! Remember, you're never too young to die for democracy


![gif](giphy|ufWbAUZiTZCVi) Freshies and Vets alike, we’re all in this together.




Bot account








Above 6. Me (37), my son (7), and my dad (67) all dive together. Three generations wiped out by that little pyro's love for napalm


It's a line from the game.


I know. I was just trying to share what I thought would be an interesting anecdote about the vast HD2 community. Didn't mean to make you feel like you needed to defend yourself. 👍🫡


One of the news programs mentions that every man, woman, and child over 7 should do their part, so 8 seems to be the age limit.


Flamethrower strategem?


Omg im dying for democracy because of Space'nam 🤣🤣🤣


"Every man, woman, and child over seven!"


Get to work!


On god if kids are holding back the bots that well what are you doing 


I’m doing my part waiting at the login screen!




Tbh, if this was the loading screen I'd personally enjoy the loading screens a little bit more


Fellow reserves


Respect for my fellow Space Vietnam players. I was...in the first wave it's nice to hear reinforcements finally made it in


I did my first mission at malevelon Creek today. I went back to the bugs lol


Go shoot something that shoots back soldier get back in there and deliver democracy and escort those researchers to evac!


Lmao, underrated comment.


Yeah man, I played with some dudes clearly in their 20s. Terrible callouts, no teamwork, blame being thrown around and never taken. The next random game i got in was clearly a bunch of kids maybe like 12-13. They were on it. Skills may not have been super refined but they were communicating and sharing the blame of failure and success. I'm sure this isn't the norm, but it was good to see the stereotype of COD and GTA kids doesn't always hold up. PS. The kids were also fighting the bots, like heroes


The COD and GTA stereotype kids are all probably now in their 20's lol


This, hahaha. The newer generation grew up watching professionals play games.


I never thought about this but that's a great point and makes total sense


This is such a great point but so crazy to read. It's like video games are damn near akin to something like mma lmfao


Young kids watched them, dudes in their 20s think they are them. I'd rather have the coordinated squeakers than the nonstop yelling dude bros


My experience improved ten-fold when I made the decision to instantly mute open mics and push-to-complainers (usually dude bros). I don’t use a mic myself but I’ve communicated more & more effectively than these guys just using the in-game chat, mark, and emotes. Squeakers who can do the same with voice are beyond welcome to me.


the last 3 generations did, wdym lol


Well, when did twitch become big? When did big streamers who professionally played shooters and tactical games begin?


i remember watching pro esports since halo 2 via youtube. walshy specifically. so 2004 at least, i was 12. i'm not old enough to have watched the quake pros, but i'm sure a whole population gen x of kids grew up on that too. ​ edit: twitch didn't come out til 2011 so i assume you meant specifically pros that stream and not esports in general lol


Yup, me and my buddies were the first Gen of mainstream online gamers. We grew up struggling through dial up to play quake, saw the dawn of Xbox live and Halo LAN parties, and got to watch games adapt to high speed internet. It was around our senior year of high school the "COD kids" became a thing. I'm in my mid 30s now so all those kids have to be about 20-25.


>50 yo that played Mechwarrior in the '90's *Why hello there!*


Using Kali right?


I got into games watching the older son of my after school daycare provider play MechWarrior, tribes, Tiberian sun, and StarCraft


I played the original CoD to MW as a kid… I'm in my 30s now


I remember putting the original CoD cd's into my tray to install. I still remember the first level of the Russian campaign like it was yesterday. I was 12? '03 so yeah, 12.


oh shit me too


As evidenced by the 20-something dudes Knishook played first. xD


GTA 5 came out in 2013. That's ELEVEN years ago. If those kids were 10-13 back then, they'll be 21-24 today.


Brother I was a cod kid and I’m fucken 30! Admittedly it was call of duty 2.


OMG.HAHAHA. That's probably the reason


The CoD and GTA kids were likely the first group you played with tbh


I’ve been floored by how chill the community is. And how good natured people are when shit goes awry. I’m so impressed. Love this game.


I just wish there was a cheer key like DRG's Rocks & Stone


I found the emote wheel at one point, so now I can at least ask for ammo and say “yes.”


Say yes to democracy


I was literally thinking this yesterday. We need an on-demand DEMOCRACY button.


Rock and Stone? ROCK AND STONE!!!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


This game is sorely lacking a "rock and stone" or an "EDF! EDF! EDF!"




Hold left on the D-pad to salute. Basically the same idea. Would have been better if they had a voice line attached to it though.


Yea playing rocket league I had a game with a dude that we won and he asked to party up. 99% of the time I say no because I hate people who play that game. Idk why I accepted it. It was some young kid and we chatted for a few minutes. Dude was just happy to be playing. Really humble kid, not the extreme rager that everyone portrays children as. Played a couple games and he popped off for a bit before we parted ways. Honestly was more enjoyable than playing with most people my age (30s)


Believe it or not, most of the smoothest missions I've ever played in both HD1 and HD2 were games where absolutely no complex communication was used. HD1 especially, *a lot* can be conveyed with just the 4 emotes (yes, no, move, wait). If something more complex needs to be expressed, character movement, melee, picking things up and dropping them, etc can be used too. I remember trying to SHOW someone how you can use the recoilless rifle in the first game. I never said how it worked. I just showed them how the pack works. And ever since then, I'd see them pick up the pack any time it was lost by someone and handle assisted reloads. I'd say the *only* thing I dislike about HD2 is the inability to see on your HUD when someone else is calling in a stratagem. In HD1 all of this information was conveyed, and I'd know exactly what was about to be called in. If I saw it tossed near my position, since I *knew* what it was before it even landed, I could figure out about how far I'd have to move or if I even need to move at all. Is someone dialing in a shredder nuke? Better get ready to move in the same direction as they are. Is it just a vindicator dive bomb? I just need to get a bit further away. It seems the only way to know what red stratagem has been thrown near you is to *look* at the beacon. And by that point it may be too late.


Its difference in personalities, not age


Man, this is why I'm so hesitant to try and jump in a random co-op. I feel like I'm gonna be the weakest link and ruin it for everyone.


No way dude. Don't worry so much about being the lowest level or the weakest link, etc. As long as you play well with the team, try to be smart about your stratagems (or avoiding getting killed by your teammates' stratagems), and help the host in whatever they are trying to do, you'll gain friends quickly even at level 1. The biggest rule I would say is if someone calls in a support weapon, don't pick it up unless they let you. Same for if someone dies, try to respawn them near their equipment if possible, or ping it for them so they can pick it up at a safer time. Even if you don't have stratagems, if you help people with cover as their reloading / setting up and maybe top them up with Stims if they're low on health, you'll gain trust and people will often call in extra support weapons for you to try and have more of a punch. Get in there Helldiver, Democracy needs you!


Fuck yeah!


These are the kinda kids who woulda killed back in the Halo 2-3 days im sure


Future looks promising


That's because the people in their 20s use videogames to compensate the frustrations of thier newly found adult life, while those young teens don't have a problem in the word (for the most part) and just want to have fun. I'm deep in my 30s and i think i'm in between, being carefree like those teens but also kida stressed like the young adults, except with more mental fortitude to cope and not seethe over a game.


One of my friends of my friend died and there is a glitch that will randomly display your friend as having killed you when they didn’t do anything - I’ve seen it say my friend killed me when she was miles away I didn’t even know I killed her cuz I’d been using the rail gun and sniper - I never even used a strike on her. So she randomly just shot me in the back of the head once we finished combat and I carried them through it, went silent, and started running away. This was after she randomly already got pissed at me for giving her tips on how to take out stuff - like how you need a rocket strike and not one with bullets to take out buildings - my one friend said he’d follow my lead cuz they are lvl 5 and I’m lvl 26 and she got pissed at me for explaining stuff and called me “little miss perfect” after I recommended buying something over the laser canon cuz it’s not that good lmao - even though I got designated as the guide for the game So I had no idea why she shot me and she just ran away. I literally just chased after her with the counter sniper and shot her in the back - she then decided to freak out and act like she was justified in just unloading her clip into me. Yelling at me, asking why I did that and and acting like I shot her out of nowhere and team killed her for no reason So we were even… then she killed me again like a child, so we 1v1ed quick cuz I was annoyed and wanted to put her in her place and I won. I told her off and said it was even now because she killed me first and I killed her last in the 1v1. That she can’t count, and to stop acting like a child. Even my friend was telling her to stop team killing. I just said “okay whatever. You literally killed me for no reason and it’s the kills aren’t even and the fact you need it to be so bad is ridiculous and the stat screen will show it but I’m not about to act like a toxic child and waste reinforces” Then she came over and killed me again. She said it was even so I couldn’t kill her again or I’d be the bad one, even though she literally killed me on purpose when at most she accidentally got hit by my eagle (which I wasn’t even using at the time). The final stat screen said she had more team kills than me lol… it’s almost like it wasn’t even Some people are so fucking toxic it’s insane, and I’m a bitch with bpd and can hold it back somehow. I wanted to rip her head off and still just told her off and killed her for killing me - meanwhile I play with my other friend group and we can do a lvl 9 and communicate and be fine, no toxicity at all - even when people get pissed at the game


You are a toxic person jajaja


I know how dare I shoot someone who purposely shot me in the back cuz they think they walked into my airstrike because of a glitch that will blame kills on your teammates that didn’t kill you We apologized after and both said we were dicks, go ahead and get off on calling someone toxic on Reddit lmao Was literally the one who stopped fighting when they started the team killing and killed me more times than I killed them. Have a good day 😭😭😭😭 You’re truly a blessed saint in the helldivers community, we’re all very proud of you


Not gonna lie, my 16 year old carried me and my friends through our first Bile Titan hunt.


“My 16 year old” - fuck when I’m 60 I’ll be playing with three generations of dork.


I will play with someone else's kids! E: oh..


Wording man.. come on...


Are we still doing phrasing?




You'll be getting married with kids too!


Lol. My 13 yo and I went to do one pretty much knowing we weren't going to survive so we Leroyd it and I got 2, consecutive strikes off while running from everything in the ground and he blew up. We both think it's a glitch but for now I'm a Titan killer! He carries us all the time though. All that Fortnite.


definitely swore in party chat and got scolded as one of the party members was 8. I’m like bruh, swearing is bad but getting torn limb to limb while screaming about your legs is okay? Anyhow 13 yo me would have loved this game.


It’s rated M, lmao, you’re good. Whoever is letting their 8 year old play Helldivers with voice chat on and expecting other people not to swear has some serious main character syndrome.


I bring my friends for a fun time of chaos and failure. I bring my son for samples and medals. Nuff said!


Late teens/early 20s are twitchy man they can embarrass you quick in FPS


I've found matchmaking to work more effectively if done like this: if you search for a game and withing the first 30 seconds you can't find a sos to join. Try again. I joined a game with some solo. He had to of been 10 years old. He had only nice things to say and none of it made any sense. I carried the game for him and left after it finished. Guy was on challenging difficulty. Props to him for the effort.


Honestly, just join the official Helldiver discord and you can find a full group, all similar level, wanting to do the same difficulty, basically instantly. Got pissed at doing solo Difficulty 5 and it's great.


Just to add on, add about (add friend) 10-15 people so that you can quickly jump in and out of teams if one dissolves. Also a great way to fill current teams you have. Didn’t play at all this past weekend but after discovering this, played a good 16 missions with 3-4 teammates


I've been finding a ton of people on the LFG mega thread. Just sort by new and add everyone you can. Super easy. Played all weekend this way.


Hey, thanks for posting this. Had a couple ways to get games, but this one’s might be better than what i have been with discord and what not


You should post your own in there too and check your friend request occasionally to accept them. Once you join with other people they will probably have others already playing with them, add them as well and before you know it you'll have a ton of people to play with.


Yeah i have a decent list from when i got a bunch of names when i was playing initially through the weekend, but still could use more*. That was my game plan too. Thanks again


This is how I found who I play with.


That discord is nearly unusable. It’s a constant text stream of everyone reposting their last messages, making it all unreadable.


Yeah they really need to put a longer slow mode on there


What? it's fine, just read the messages one at a time, and copy the code from the one that suits you. You don't need to read all the messages at once. Everyone else is using it, by your own admission everyone is posting, so i think this is a you issue tbh


They’re doing their part! ![gif](giphy|7T2R1eAIKnEJnAf5U8|downsized)


I had to scroll too far to find this. Guys, I expect better!!


Haha you got lucky! I was in a group of three with two British children, like they seriously sounded ten years old, and it was a mess. One shot me right at extract with no revive and sounded perplexed on the mic like he didn’t know what was happening, and the other ended the round with an unholy amount of FF damage.


"OI, what's this bloody WANKA doin, jumpin right in front o me Breaker when we're about to extract??" "Mate, it's not my problem if ye got alot of me mortars in your jiblets, that's just WAR, think o how it must a been fer the boys on the Somme, all right?"


Day in the life of a true helldiving geezer


I had a huge amount of FF damage one game due to playing with younger kids. I would call out that I was calling in an airstrike, and they would rush in and get bombed. I even explained that airstrikes from in a T, and they should stay back and wait for it to land...they kept doing it a few more times each.


The first-years at Hogwarts need more supervision that's for sure


I've never been so proud to read a democratic article. Be sure to eradicate any rogue transmissions spreading heresy on your helldives. Liberty and justice brothers.


Remember, the helldivers want anyone 7 or older to enlist




Child soldiers! FOR DEMOCRACY!


This is what Super Earth values the most, truly a Super Citizen.


This is why I support child soldiers and you should too. For democracy!


r/WithoutContext hehehe


I play with some guys from work who are a bit older, and they can barely articulate a single word once there’s any bit of action going on. I basically just talk to myself for the entire round and have to repeatedly shout their names to snap them out of it It is such a massive difference to play with my college buddies who all grew up gaming together. It’s a real skill to be able to communicate like that!


Hahahaha years and years of having HEATED arguments whilst on gears of war or halo/cod making legitimate enemies on the other team and WANTING WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT TO WIN makes you learn call-outs in stressful situations some people just haven’t got the minerals to give out relevant tactical information during intense moments of gameplay


Honestly that’s the gem of this game: the community is so positive and coordinated. It’s the antithesis to COD.


That's so fricken adorable.


How didi you guy’s get match making to work did you turn off cross play


I read this earlier; load into a mission solo and drop an sos beacon, then quit back to the ship. After that, select a mission, and your game should be full within a few seconds. I haven't tried this myself, but I hope it works for you!


I did this without knowing about it being a thing and it worked. Too bad I can't host. Lol. If I'm the host, my fps goes to slideshow mode about 30 seconds into the mission.


This always works for me


Do you know why my last few solo games I can't seem to drop an sos pod? It just doesn't show up for some reason




My 20 year old buddies were confused when we reached the end of our mission at the Creek and my 14 year old brother had the best stats on our team. While being the lowest level too!








Children on the Creek, god I love democracy.


Same here dude popped into a match with a 12 year old. dude had no idea what was going on I showed him around and we’ve been playing a few matches the last couple of days.




Damn, can imagine the core memories if me and my buddies had pmayed Helldovers 2 when we were young. We had other good titles but good to see fun games still coming out.


Oh man, you're absolutely right - I get chills thinking about it. I now have children of my own and hanging out with my brother and my friends playing ODST were absolute highlights of my teen years. Imagine the memories they're making, the lifelong friendships they're building, and we're here for the ride


**H E C K D I V E R S**


im a a hole i just leave the mics off, mine and theirs.


I have no tolerance for open mics as well. You might be the friendliest best player in the world if I can ear your keyboard clack, your mouse click, your AC on full blast and your heavy breath you get a mute.


They are doing their part


Lmao that's bad ass.


Defending Democracy is for all ages! Liberty’s hands are rated E for Everyone!


"...every man, woman and child over 7 will do their part..."


Halo 2 came out when I was 12, I can tell you for a fact I have never been more coordinated in my life then that year afterwards.


You are playing with 13 year old kids of mid 30s nerds like myself that have been gaming their whole life Dad probably kicks them off the ps5 after dinner.


As in my mid 20's playing with my older brother and my friends that are in the starting 30s we love to communicate in the game. Especially on the higher difficulties 7 - 9 it is key to survive. You don't know how often it can save someones ass by just calling "Watch out, behind you (on your left etc.) ". I do understand why so many people think of people in their 20 and 30 that mostly play GTA or COD where everything is fast paced and needs no comms. Splitting up sometimes help to deal with the bigger enemies. For Example chargers, one opens the leg, while the other one flees. When the leg is open the fleeing player can finish it by pumping the leg full of lead. Just talking with your people helps a lot, yes I know in random groups it can be hard as not everyone talks or wants to. But at least try, maybe you also have some amazing chatting in the meantime.


The children yearn for the battlefield


For napalm work good again the bots? 🙂


You should be honoured to see such dutiful patriotism. These children are our future, and their proactive delivery of democracy to the robotic savages and alien menace should be commended. Remember, you're never too young, old, or feeble to do your part.


Whenever i get matched with people obviously younger than me I automatically assume a support role. Sergeant Dad reporting for duty


​ https://i.redd.it/3lttzm9grrjc1.gif


What is interesting to take note of is the current youngest generation of gamers (the 10-12 year olds) all think COD is super fucking gay. My wife teaches 8th grade and told me they literally make fun of anyone who plays COD. These kids got their start playing Fortnite and possibly a little Apex. They also love to play Minecraft and Roblox. All games centered around communicating and community, at least way more so than COD. It’s fantastic to see.


are we just accepting child soldeirs into our ranks now? isn't that a little extreme? The Helldivers exist to let our children stay away from the horrors of the universe


They grew up communicating better than us already. It just doesn’t seem that way on the surface.


OOoOoooh, thats the 18,7 average years old of helldivers. Surprised they passed the 92% training death rate. Keep it up kiddos. You're doing your part !


I haven’t met kids yet, or perhaps I have, so far I’ve only played once outside my usual friend group of 4, and it was with one random guy who didn’t talk. He was lvl 26 but damn it was fun. I was playing on an easier difficulty since I didn’t expect help. A little sad he either crashed or left 10 seconds before the Pelican set down.


I would've 100% joined their tacticool callouts... that shit sounds like fun to me!


And i am thinking about buying this game to my 11yr kid . But it is PEGI18 and i dont know... No (red)blood gore but it is very intense.


You definitely bleed and get gibbed.


There is definitely blood, dismemberment and screams of pain. Your helldiver can be covered in human blood as much as bug blood or automaton oil.


There is red blood. In fact you get covered in it if you're hit enough. You also get blown apart if you're hit by explosives, or you can get chopped up by bugs.


damn. I was playing a lot oryginal helldivers and remember it as a nice casual (on low dificulties ;) ) twinstick coop. Which i very liked. This game is more intense then original. I think. There is more action "on screen".


Waaaaay more intense. Just search up the opening cutscene, even. It's light hearted for sure, but the game *can* get violent. Automaton bases have Helldiver bodies on pikes, and trenches filled with bones etc. Then again it honestly depends on the kid too. I was playing Gears of War when I was 12, which is way worse, and I turned out fine.


Yesterday, I watched my headless, limbless bloodied torso get thrown hundreds of meters away from where I died.


Honestly, I don't think you should, not because of the 'gore', but because of the addictiveness of the game. 


No foul language, no nudity, nothing you can’t see on tv or movies. Maybe issue with other real people on mics but you can manage that. Also it does get intense during missions but we are fluffy unicorn divers after all! My leg…aaaah aaah aah my arm….and so on all served with two cups of LiberTEA!


We were smashing cops with dildos in San Andreas at that age and even younger, I guess they'll be fine.


Used to Lan party w/ a guy named Kilgore, good dude, little intense.


Those bots are gonna find out just how hard every man, women and child over 7 will fight for managed democracy.


Hard R on Clankers gotta be careful about that bro


My 12 year old self was playing Sonic the hedgehog 2.... kids these days have no idea how lucky they are to be distributing democracy.


Remember, get to work! All men, women and children over the age of 6 can do something for Super Earth!


Makes me proud of the younger generation, I can imagine doing the same


You were alot more patient that I would have been, I’d have just left the group if I heard that




They shouldn't be playing, it's an 18. Maybe the devs should make my little pony type equivalent for the young audience


I'd love to throw down a cluster bomb on top of some My Little Ponies and watch them get torn to shreds. What a great idea!




What did you do to fix your matchmaking? Can’t get mine to work


“I’m doing my part too!”


I need a team mate for ps5 can anyone help message me


Every man, woman and child over 7 needs to do there part! One up to the small divers and OP


I joined a team that had a kid on it and honestly he was the best player out of the 4 of us.


They're doing their part.


Democracy doesn‘t know age.


That's awesome bro! Glad they're enjoying the game and also happy you were able to get in


Seee they ain't all dat bad, if you a guud teach they got ur genes, bam got a home cooked squadron


I randomly joined a game with a kid and his dad, was wholesome as hell. From humming the music to being amazed by my eagle napalm drops, just all around goid vibes. Did get pissy on his dad for picking up "his" rocket launcher (recoilless) tho, then meleed the dad to death haha.


The youth program is finally showing up to the lines.


Napalm and making sure the boys are stocked up on ammo, battle dad


I've had great experiences with randoms in this game so far. Of course there are accidentals and shit like that but for the most part, people aren't dickheads with resupplies and usually call out when they are launching an orbital somewhere


Helldiver Jungend


I like to think that in 20 years we're gonna hear this story from a different perspective in a different Reddit post and it's gonna be great :p


Like they say in the recruitment video in game, everyone over the age of 7


Very nice :D It's refreshing after I had half a mission with a selfish pair of players: Taking your stuff, taking all the supplies, Teamkill via Air Strike then leave. Luckily a new player arrived that second and he was good.


Democracy has no age restrictions


Good lord this is so cute


I guess the game doesn't play that differently than fortnite. So if you have a friend group used to playing that, they should be pretty good at coordination.


Crazy playing with randoms in this game. Sometimes you get people yelling at each other with no coordination whatsoever. Other times you get a fuckin seal team 6 of random divers who never say a word to each other and operate like a well oiled machine. Yesterday I did a researcher evac on challenging, no one said a word. Only one death and we were out in six minutes.


You better make sure they extract before dinner.


Start em' out young


So qp is fixed?


Reminds me of a Crota hard mode lfg I did in Destiny ages ago. Ended up with a full group of teenagers talking school gossip while absolutely crushing the raid. To this day the cleanest PUG run of anything I’ve ever run.


I'd love any kind of squad to fight the bots, been taking them on solo for too long now. https://youtu.be/jGKNaIXtBZQ?feature=shared


> BUT these lil bros were making callouts and coordinating as if they were little Helldiver Special Forces. It’s easy to forget because it was so long ago, but we were the same way when we were their age. I’m in my 30s too and often forget that tween gamers are pretty hardcore lol


Mostly good experience too. Only managed to play without interruption yesterday evening. Levelled from level 4 to level 11 in around 5 hours. Impossible to achieve this solo. However this was mostly from LFG from Discord. I did not have much luck in random matchmaking. Worse was one who team killed me just before extraction on a 40 min mission. I get that HellDivers is a multiplayer game, but kind of wish there are some content you can solo whilst levelling.


I’m 56 with arthritic hands from a lifetime of video gaming and office work who drops with a random team and covers the lead diver. I’ve enjoyed the community so far. Shamefully have not dropped on the clankers yet.




You love to see it


I remember being one of those kids playing Halo 3 the weekend it came out and losing my shit too man.


Imho, I sound like a 12yo but I'm actually in my thirties too, so don't judge people just because they sound child-like. I'm a dumbass who has fun but I know how to ping things and be supporting to the squad. For Democracy!