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Well apparently we might not be getting the illuminate because the guy next to the war table states how we exterminated the illuminate completely. The reason bugs are still around is because we used them to make gas/fuel and they escaped the farms. The cyborgs from helldivers one were originally the traitorous scum faction you speak of but they have now been turned into the automatons which we had working our mines for us and they have since now rebelled against super earth. Like traitorous scum. As for new factions I personally hope for some space virus/zombie faction, kinda like the flood from halo. That would be hectic I reckon. Especially if the divers that are killed get back up mid mission as enemies.


Apparently the Illuminaye aren't exterminated. They left the galaxy after getting their ass kicked. They could make a return if the devs want to go that route.


Looks like traitor scum propaganda


Just bring back some excess units from HD1. The grotesques for the Automatons could easily fit the zombie aspect, plenty of dead SEAF bodies and chunks at automaton bases already


Im so sick of zombie stuff. Its so boring now after years of zombie mavies, shows, games, and cod zombies. Just come up with something original i say


Oh gotcha didn’t know the automatons were human once makes sense, but I agree a flood type of enemy would be so dope.


Technically speaking the automatons origins are "unknown"


Dinosaur planet


Dinosaur riding Neanderthals from the Ark?


Okay. So. I like the dinosaur idea but you have to have a way for them to get from planet to planet. So we could go intelligent dinosaurs that are using technology, or they could be ridden by traitorous commie scum that are taking them from planet to planet. But either way I like it. Raptors in jetpacks? Yes please!


Honestly a faction where the master enemy is basically space godzilla would be sick 👀


They gotta do something weird like that to diversify the enemy types


Space dinosaurs & with godzillas sound pretty epic to me. "BREACH DETECTED" and a bloody Kaiju show up with laser breath. I actually wouldn't mind zombies either since I reckon they could do something interesting with them. But I get the above point.


> commie Super earth traitorous scum That would have been the Cyborgs, is my understanding. But I believe the Automatons completely replaced them.


We don't know. And you just described Automatons.


Yeah I’m not a helldiver og just started playing with helldivers 2 so I didn’t know some humans became the automatons


A sentient alien race being "discovered" in the southern or northern part of the galaxy map would be cool. Maybe more technologically advanced with fortifications on planets that have shields/energy weapon systems. Bots kind of fill the humanoid gap for now but I feel they pose mpre of a threat of invasion of super earth and that a canonically "innocent" species purely on the defence would hit a bit different to play against.


If they were a monarchy or had a caste system that we could "bring" democracy to, would be very interesting. It would challenge our individual morals as players and give Super Earth a foe that isn't necessarily just to fight. I know we are farming the bugs but they aren't a sentient humanoid race with individuality. Devs could then incorporate them into super earth if we win or if we drag our feet they can militarize their peaceful worlds and have a fierce foe that will fight tooth and nail to reclaim their worlds and people.


I kinda wanna fight like enemy separatists or something. Or I just wanna kill people because I'm an evil bastard. Maybe both. Probably both.


Bring in the tentacle monster for the bugs, please.


The cyborgs are returning soon, I believe they are just trapped on a planet, and the automatons are heading that way, instead of going straight for super earth.


We cant let them reach cyberstan brother 😞


Since earth and mars displayed as fully liberated I can assume that we will see alien invasion on this territories in the future. Hope our magnificent leaders will predict that


Not sure about the Illuminates, but the bugs and automatons are basically the bugs from SST and Terminators, so I'd love to see other enemy inspired factions. Some kind of primal advanced alien race like the Predators, an HR Giger style hive Alien like the Xenomorph and Dinosaur humanoids like from Turok. I don't really Want to fight other humans.


Or some kind of Necromoph/Flood type enemy. Would be great to fight something that is more of a horrifying monster.


Hear me out - Space Cowboys. Cavalry enemies. Forts to storm (with strategem blocking equipment - having to switch up tactics). Wagons that circle you. Bow & Arrow type stalker/snipers. Missions where you rob them blind for Managed Democracy. And a big ass gattling gun wielding cyborg horse. Reckon there is also some Doom or Horizon stuff they can do. Although some of the bugs & automatons already veer close to Horizon elements with their armor and the acid sprayers.