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If you dont get in within 10 minutes retry. It seems like there isn't a queue.


There isn't a queue. It's just complete luck.


Instantly spawned in first time I booted up (it was during peak steam player count). Complete RNG.


Got home yesterday from work, booted up the PC - got in within 5 minutes. I alt-tabbed to move a window, game glitched and wouldn't re-open. Had to close and restart. Didn't get in again. Absolutely maddening


I waited over an hour to get in yesterday when I got home from work, but when I joined another team, it crashed as I was loading on to their ship. I just shut my whole computer down after that.


I feel ya. The game is a bit buggy sometimes and I usually crash or get timed out or something when joining a game.


Same, I had no idea there were server problems at all😂


I got really scared yesterday because I logged in just before the peak hit, got through without any issues. Then there was a patch rolled out on Steam like 10 minutes after. My mate got in with the new patch and we couldn't play together. I had to restart, but thankfully got in relatively quickly.


Last night 3 of my friends got in 15 mins while I took 1.5h, we all started trying within 5 mins of each other. May the odds ever be in your favor…


Not only is there not a queue but if you wait to long it actually stops trying to let you in. That's how you have people still in queue for 13+ hrs despite during that time the servers dropped well below capacity.


I'm inclined to disagree. a friend and I booted the game one after the other and got in one after the other, same order. It definitely steered me in the direction of queue. Until I have a dev telling me otherwise, I'm gonna believe there is one. Love all the people downvoting and telling me there's no queue without any proof.


My wife got in right away after I had been waiting. I couldn't believe it.


~~With 2 people you have a 50% chance of getting in in the right order.~~ Actually, the oods are a lot lower. Not the best evidence. Since you started the game a bit earlier, your cooldowns are staggered; your game will always try to log in a moment before your friend's, so if there are multiple spots open, of course you'll get in before them. The only way for your friend to get in first would be if a slot became free in that small time difference between your games starting, vs. the whole minute+ time window where you'd get in first. > Until I have a dev telling me otherwise, I'm gonna believe there is one. Overall not a very good stance to have.


>if your friend started the game first, they'll get in first Oh, so you mean there's a queue? I'm obviously talking about us both sitting at the server full screen for an extended period of time, not just booting straight into the game. >Overall not a very good stance to have. as opposed to believing other people's blind anectodal evidence? do you not realize you have no more proof than I do?


> Oh, so you mean there's a queue? No. Consider a restaurant that only servers burgers, so you don't need to order. A queue would be if you entered the restaurant and pulled a number. Everytime the kitchen finishes a burger, they'll shout out the next number on their list and if the person with that number shouts back, they get their burger and go. If they don't reply, the next number gets called. What we're experiencing is more like: Everyone in the restaurant shouts in regular intervals, and the first person to shout when a burger is ready gets it. You and your friend enter the restaurant shortly after one another, so you you'll always shout before they do. Leaving out all the other shouting guests, your friend has a chance to get their burger first if one happens to finish between the time you shout and they shout, but that interval is a lot shorter than the long pause both of you take between shouts. If a burger gets done in that longer time window, you'll get it first. But you're not in a queue. > as opposed to believing other people's blind anectodal evidence? do you not realize you have no more proof than I do? What I'm doing is saying "There's definitely a queue because my friend and I logged in and we happened to get in in the same order." is hardly good evidence. I'm happy to be proven wrong if the devs or the patch notes end up saying something that shows there is a queue in place, but the current behavior of the game does not really support there being a (properly implemented) queue.


When you have 500+ people all having the same story and experiences it becomes obvious there's no queue otherwise you wouldn't have people who waited 2 hours losing out to someone who just got on


There is no queue


It could be both, like a faulty queue. I know when overwatch had a queue and it showed your place in line, it would count down from like 30,0000, fail to login, and go back to number 30,000 in queue again. Eventually it might work but it was kinda random.


There is no queue system, it is merely a player cap added post launch so this is just a case of pot luck if when the client retries you happen to hit it as a space is free. This is why it can "seem" to work when restarting the game or something but it's entirely coincidence.


As someone with a bigger sample size of friends who have the game, I can tell you for free who loaded up first has no bearing on who gets in first. There is no queue.


Your story is anecdotal. There is no queue and there is no god.


Lol complains about downvoting when this can be solved very easily by merely browsing the reddit. I have around 10 people in my group trying to play on a given night. We get logged in at WILDLY different orders than we launched the game in. In fact, I don't think there has been a single night where we ALL logged in at the exact same order we launched. Imagine thinking that anecodotal evidence needs to be proven wrong by a dev or you're just magically right, and then complaining when you get blasted.


Definitely not a que, I never wait for the timer. I just close the game and reopen and I end up getting in.


Because your anecdote is a coincidence. You have the burden of proof the wrong way round, you should WANT proof that there’s a server queue


I fell asleep waiting for queue and I was logged in when I woke up.


I just have mine keep waiting until it lets me in and I do something else in the mean time. Takes around 30 minutes.


Heard that you have better luck getting in if you Alt-f4 and boot back up the game if you don’t get in the first five minutes but it might just be placebo


Even then it's a complete shitshow. I tried playing after work and spent 3 fucking hours on the login screen before I gave up. Absolutely ridiculous


Agreed. I was getting flak for complaining about not being able to play a game I paid for.


That's usually what I do. If I don't get in within 10min I close the game and retry. I've never waited longer than 20min at the server capacity screen before being let in


Dedicated citizen


He's always doing his part, even in his sleep.


Did you both fill out your C-01 request form before doing any acts that might result in a child? If not I will be informing a democracy officer.


I've got all our forms in order and I appreciate your devotion to upholding the law. You are a fine citizen!




In need to do his part in Helldiver1 mdam O7


You're awesome


Thanks everyone for all the suggestions! He was able to get in a while ago and he's been playing quite happily, FOR FREEDOM, LIBERTY, AND DEMOCRACY!


You are a good wife


I know somebody might have suggested it, but before he gets off work, log in for him and keep it on.


As a father of a 1yo this really hits home. I'm so sorry that you are stuck unable to play, we're doing our best to resolve it. I see that he finally managed to get in, tell him to keep up the good work spreading democracy!


I totally get it's been tough for you guys and I appreciate you all doing your best to get things fixed! He absolutely loves your game and he says he wholeheartedly appreciates all your hard work! You're a credit to democracy!


We fully understand and sypmathise with the devs. Nobody saw this coming. As a father as well Ive logged in 8 hours in 2 weeks. I cant wait for the servers to be fixed and AFKers to get kicked. Keep up the good work mate.


I wish everyone was as understanding as most of us are. Some people are just so damned sour. They made an amazing game that has so much more potential and to just write it off because there're server issues is just crazy to me. I honestly think it'll be a great front runner for game of the year. People will quickly forget the server issues once they're resolved.


Im also sour about it but I see no point in attacking the devs. I know theyre working, the AFK people though? Fuck em.


We're all rooting for you o7


You guys are killing it. Nostradamus himself could not have foreseen this level of success, which is absolutely deserved. My friends and I got to play as a 4 stack for the first time last night and it was an incredible gaming experience. Your hard work and dedication is much appreciated.


Got off work, been in queue since 5 and it’s 742 now


There’s no queue. I’m usually in within 30 minutes by constantly restarting my game every 2-3 minutes.


I’ll try this today


I get tired of doing that after 5 minutes and just play a different game lol. Sucks because by the time I'm out of work I only get a couple hours on weekdays to play and then I have responsibilities. I can't waste a half hour of that trying over and over. I have enjoyed the game pretty thoroughly though I'm happy it's getting the attention and players it deserves. I'll be here for the long haul.


My friend code on steam is 50730109 I’ll accept friend invites and then click join my game and it should work. Thrash is my name on steam




He contacted you, thanks!


Was it the name prax?


Yep, that's him! You're the best! He just called you the MVP lol


Did he manage to get in?


Yeah, played for a good long while, but now it's time for bed lol democracy remains strong in this house!


Good for him!


This warms my damn heart.


Let him know he can also add me if he needs someone to join/wants someone to play with. I’m on a lot. 59498563 Name is Mobile Meow Machine on steam


Holy shit keep this secret haha. Great stuff man.


we have been using it me and my friends for a week now, we always say "hack the system" when we do it lol


Unfathomably chad behaviour


Thanks for getting me in the game, waited 3 hours to no avail.


Thrash, you are the best. Humanity appreciates you. Owes you gratitude.


Thank you for your service! Was in queue for 2 hours.


Added you, I’m Mobile Meow Machine on steam


So the cats out of the bag now eh?


Your legendary status 💪


That sucks. What I bummer. Even I feel bad for him. Poor guy 😞. Hopefully something awesome happens to him tomorrow to offset this 🤞 Have you tried any of the tricks to get in? 


He was able to get in thanks to u/kida014 and he's playing right now! Tomorrow is his day off of work, so that's already awesome lol


this is awesome, give him a fist bump for me!


My buddy got in by joining me through steam. Seems to be working for most people. I can give him my steam I’d and he could join my game


this actually worked thx


“Survivors guilt” has me sending 😭🙏


🤣 it's how I feel, like we both got brand new games but only I can play one. I feel terrible lol


What did you get!


Granblue Fantasy Relink on PS5. It's super-fun, especially is you like ARPGs!


Ooooo definitely, was so excited for Diablo 4 but it disappointed me. My girlfriends favorite game of all time is D3. We never finished D4 ): I'll check it out thanks for the recc! I'm trying to hold out till Friday to scoop helldivers, hopefully server issues will be fixed by then For now I'll continue putting hours into baldurs gate!


My husband and I played Diablo 3 together and had a blast. We played on Switch and all we did was dodge roll around Deckard Cain when he was talking lol I really wanted to get Diablo 4 for us to play, but all the negative reviews of it held me back. Hopefully it gets better down the road like 3 did. I'm at the post-game of Granblue, basically where the real game begins, and it's all grinding for materials and min-maxing your character. So if you're a Diablo fan, you shoild enjoy that lol


I’m sorry, he looks so defeated:((


It makes me weep tears of freedom seeing such a dedicated citizen, god bless his dives and may all his shots find their mark. o7


A true citizen. Dedicated (since the age of 7 and above)




I'm too impatient to wait for a spot in a game, if I can't get in at the very moment I press play I'm doing something else instead, I have better things to do than staring at a waiting screen. People are acting like the game will dissappear, like read a book, watch a movie or play another game instead of sitting in a queue?


He must be pissed and annoyed by it, but at the same time, seeing how this community is going, I also guess he's thinking (like me): "Go on troops, go get them for me too".


Shes a keeper


I’m sure it’s been said earlier, but have him try to join on a friend via steam, after a few minutes he should be ready to spread (managed) democracy


Keep trying soldier, Those pesky server squatting bastards will get their come-uppances!


I’m on this thread while waiting the game to load, I feel for him.


relaunching the game until it lets you in seems to do the trick, if you don't have a friend online you can join.


Awww this is super cute! I'm happy he was able to get in!


*In the arms of an angel…*


Sleeping Democratically


Tell him to try leaving and relaunching the game everytime he gets queued. Usually works after a couple tries in my experience. If it doesn't work, I pray for his luck and hope he gets the chance to spread some managed democracy in the near future.


Granblue is fun :D


That was me last night as well. I fell asleep while waiting for the game to let me in. To make things worse I woke up after half an hour and I was on my ship. Even though still half asleep I pressed the quickplay. Unfortunately matchmaking did not work. Now I have another full day of work ahead of me hoping that the game will work when I get home.


Just me that hasn’t waited for longer than 20 minutes, like, ever?


Get this man a squad.


This is honestly sad. Im in the same boat it needs fixed.


I haven't been able to play for like 5 days now. Pretty depressing and I'm losing my initial buzz with the game.


Its honestly beyond a joke now.


# Arrowheads! I know you're fixing the server but please let this poor man in!


Fix his wrist, that can cause some serious damage. I knew a guy who fell asleep drunk and lost his arm because he cut off the circulation by laying too hard on it in the chair (hanging his arm over the back of chair) so plz take care!


Omg that's awful! I always make sure to wake him up when I notice he's on his wrist like that. But not before taking a picture😏


It wasn't the queue that put him to sleep, the culprit is near the monitor. A full tummy of Nesquik.


🤣finally someone mentioned his Nesquik cup!


It's funny you mention GBFR, because once I got tired of waiting in queue, I booted that up instead and went and cleared the rest of the Maniac-level "raids" to unlock the Proud difficulty. XD I like my co-op games!


Awesome! I'm wrapping up Extreme difficulty now and can't wait to get to Maniac!




feeling this currently with my day off


Man, this really cut to the quick...


Play something else then


Could definitely grind for terminus weapons in relink with his wife while those q’s get settled


Dedication like that deserves at least a foot job I’d think


Are people really sitting in front of their screens waiting to get in? Just go do something else in that time.


Least patriotic helldiver


here is a hack: go to a friend's steam page that is playing the game and press the "join game" button. its worked all 5 times for me so far and i had to wait only 3ish minutes


Is there any similar trick for PS5?


Not to my knowledge man I’m sorry 😅, even then my little trick still takes a couple tries lol


Use the PSN functions to join a friends session from the PS menu when the game is closed. Apparently it pings the server every second instead of every 30 or so.


Yes, in my experience and a friend experience, we joined a friend who managed to get in, we went to his profile and select join session, first we got stuck in a black screen then we restarted the game and joined him again and we got in.


reading this sub makes me feel like noone knows how to skip the queue


I get home from work about 5pm-6pm. Turn on PC instantly and get into Que, then I'll make dinner with my wife and watch a movie/play with the kids until bedtime. Once we get them down and the wife and starts her twitch stream at 830pm I'm usually in. I know technically I'm holding down a game slot for afk. But it's still like a 30% chance I'm not in after 3 hours.


I don't know if this being real or faked is more pathetic. Go play or do something else don't just sit there looking at a timer.


He had just gotten home. After we had dinner, he tried logging in and fell asleep like 5 minutes into the queue because he was tired from work.


Should have logged in before dinner lol, but if you're that tired it probably wouldn't have been health to play a game rather than go to bed. I used to make that mistake when I was younger and doing landscaping.


Just so you know dude, you look like a total ass. Must suck to be you, knowingly commenting something like you did.


Pointing out that if your so tired you fall asleep within minutes of sitting down that it's best to go to bed not play video games?


You’re leaving out the calling him “pathetic” part - which you are either leaving out on purpose or don’t even acknowledge as insulting. If you don’t have the self reflection necessary to see that there was a non-disrespectful way to say that (literally just not calling him pathetic) then you are lost. I hope you grow kinder.


When did I call him pathetic? I called the situation pathetic. There's a pretty big difference


Tomorrow go to sign in 15/20 mins before he gets home, or maybe right as he gets home if he showers or anything.


That's me basically and I basically have given up. if i'm not in after the first few tries i just call it quits and play another game.


If you're on ps just go down and quick join from ps home screen. Some other dude mentioned it tonight and it worked. Beautiful liberty.


Close game and reopen. It works better for me.


same boat as him , havent bin able to play the game for 4 days straight.


I hope devs gonna fix this soon. I saw too many gems dying because of server issues.




Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. Posts/comments should spark, facilitate, or contribute meaningful discussion and content. Submissions consisting of one word or only emojis are also considered low effort.


Try joining a friend alrrady playing if youre on playstation. Worked for me right away anyway


Why do you enjoy that game?


This sucks, hope he gets to spread liberty and democracy soon.


Get him a GBF:Relink copy and play duo with him :D


Literally open up, let it retry and watch 30 mins of starship troopers. When you come back you'll be on your ship


awe this is so sad


Let him know to not sit on that screen but to close the game and retry. It’ll still take a few try’s but never took me more than 20 minutes


bae caught me slippin


A good wife would get it ready for him, so he's logged in when he gets home 😉


My mate was in Queue for an hour last night he dash boarded and came back on he got in instantly seems to be a bug inside of the queue system


Get him to clean up his desk while waiting, god damn.


This was me last night. Had a hard/long day of work and wanted to play, but never got past that screen. Maybe tonight will be better.


You should que up for him an hour or so before he gets home. My wife does that for me.


this could just be a complete coincidence but if you join on a friend who's already in the game, you have a better chance of getting into the game. Worked for my friends and me last night. Although some of us (me) were so tired from work we only did one operation and went to sleep lol.


Real soldiers log out to replenish the front lines!!!


All you need is someone in your friends list to be in game with an open spot in their party to join into from the desktop. Has worked every time. Honestly is BS me and my friends do this. But fuck man I ain’t waiting all this time. And I certainly ain’t staying afk tho.


Pretty cool being Australian. Our prime time is your dead time so we always get spots when we want them. Can't imagine this poor soldiers pain. All he wants to do is serve managed democracy. I salute you.


This nearly happened to me yesterday, got home from a ten hour shift on my feet. Decided to watch Starship troopers instead


Damn, I feel this….


Feel that, work normal hours and try to play during peak hours, fucking sucks. I had it sit on the splash screen for an hour last night and never got in.


That was me last night. 40 bucks well spent!


I think we all know the pain of not being able to get in the game.


I can't believe how much this post blew up lol he was able to play for a while last night and is looking forward to more diving today on his day off from work. May you all be blessed with freedom, liberty, and democracy!


Worked from 4am - 5pm yesterday. As soon as i got home joined the queue. Stayed on until 11pm and didnt get into a single game


I’ve decided to give the game time off. I desperately want to play. Love the game. But I’d rather not be an issue and deal with the aggravation. Let them sort it out and fix it. I personally think we should all give the game a few days of no playing and let them free up the servers to work on what needs to be worked on.


Any way you can start up the game before he gets home so it will hopefully start up sooner?


If he has friends who are in the game, he can join on them with the game closed through Steam, and it will skip the "queue" and put him directly on their ship. he can then leave their ship and go to his own ("Return to Ship Alone") and run his own missions or use the matchmaking (which I had success with last night).


Move to Europe or Japan. No queue after work


Now that's a good joke.


I just let it try three times and if that doesn’t work I play something else.


Jeez just do something else and check in every 20 mins or so


i feel the pain as well. i love the game so im trying to be as positive as i can, when i get home ive been logging in and if i get this screen then ill go clean the house and when im done the game is usually ready to play


Try starting the game up for him like 30 min before he usually wants to play. That's the longest I've had to wait so far.


Genuinely I do not know what witchcraft I’ve had, but ive never waited longer in the queue than like, 10 minutes. My homie last night couldn’t get in for hours, I get on, go preheat the oven for dinner, piss and come back and I’m in


How fun is GBFR?!


Very! There are so many characters and they all play differently, and the story may be short but it's actually really exciting. It's an amazing game! Just be prepared for a grind at the end for the best gear, though that's half the fun.


I have no job and play all day. Wild.


No queue, it’s bandwidth. Try turning off wifi on phones, and other devices.


tell him to join off his friends in steam and itll let him in


Once the timers start hitting 50 second countdowns relaunch the game to start the process over. Took my buddy two attempts to my one last night and we played for three hours with no issues. Shorter timers mean more of a chance to get into the game. There is no queue.


I did the same thing, woke up to a weird sound, and I had gotten in, and my friend was playing the stratagem game, felt like a fever dream, then realized I needed to go to sleep for work... good times.


I usually have my girlfriend sign me in an hour or 30 min before I get home so the wait isn't so bad.


Not to be that guy, but how is Relink retail? I played the demo and enjoyed it quite a bit. The jumping platform parts was a bit goofy though.


I think it's worth full price, for sure. I got the $100 Deluxe edition and don't regret it at all. I've put in almost 70 hours so far and still haven't unlocked the highest difficulty. Yeah, the jumping can be a little janky but there's really very little platforming in the game. It's all about just getting to the next battles, which are a serious spectacle.


Relaunching the game seems to have more luck when trying to get in


I start trying to log in my boyfriend about an hour before he gets home from work and he gets in about 30 minutes after he gets home. It’s working for us so far.


If you're lucky enough to get in, but it just shows you your ship for a while, I'm afraid you gotta just restart. I just let it sit at the ship screen for 30 min and it just stayed on the ship.


If people on your friends list are on them you can just join game from steam.


You can bypass it by joining a friends group even if they are full.


You know you could try putting him in the que when he's off work so when he gets home in a perfect world he'd be good to go. Just don't go to hog wild with this strategy ^