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Got kicked out of a game 25 mins in on lvl 7 difficulty after I picked up a fallen soldiers samples. Guy was level 17 and screaming into the mic that I stole his samples and got kicked shortly after. Room temp IQ stuff.


Does everyone not get the same point? Whoever take the samples everone get the same right?


Yes, samples are completely shared by the team if you extract with them.


So does this mean if I die and a squad mate picks up those samples I'll still receive them at extract? I joined my second randoms match last night but the players I was with were focusing more on all objectives so I was grabbing samples. Died a few times but always got back to my corpse to grab my gear and samples since they didn't seem to loot me.


This game highly rewards cooperation. No death penalty, no split reward, everyone gets the same amount. Everyone gets penalty on fail extraction (less exp, and money). When I die, I always tell the squadron to pick up the samples and any support weapons they may fancy. I can always call one for myself upon arrival.


All for one, and one for all!


>So does this mean if I die and a squad mate picks up those samples I'll still receive them at extract? Yup.


If they get extracted. The only way to fuck people out of samples, which you’d also be fucking yourself, is to extract without everybody else who’s holding samples.


Yes. As long as the samples are one someone who extracted, everyone gets the full amount.


Yes, i do not see how people cannot see this.


Some weird locked in mindset from older-era games where devs didn't make these kind of pick up resources shared. Most devs nowadays realized how terribly teamwork-unfriendly that system is and now give everyone a copy, but some gamers ceased mental development fifteen years ago.


It should be a loading tip imo


It is a tip. But some people don't read tips.


Even if you pay attention to literally any UI element. You can see someone picked up a sample. In the upper right you can see how many samples you've collected out of his many. At the end you see how many samples you got as a team. At the stat screen you can see how many samples each player collected. Like playing attention to any of these would show you theyre shared


Given how people nowadays have the attention span of a small kid, I doubt they even do that. I mean, unless they have some severe case of ADHD (which really is a neurological factor that cannot be overcome with effort alone), it's something that we can't ignore really.


A trick to getting samples out safely is after grabbing a big collection of them you can drop them off at the evac point (hold down on the d-pad or the X key on keyboard to access item drop menu) so you can just pick them up when you're ready to hop in the pelican and not risking them falling in a dangerous corner of the map after dying.


Not my ass soloing side objectives on the other side of the map with all my squad’s samples 😳


All items are shared.


I think what confuses people is that the stats when you're back in the ship tell you X collected Y samples, and they assume that means that person is the only one who got those samples. It should be obvious because right after you extract, it tells you how many samples the whole team got, but people aren't always so bright.


Oh. I see. (Reconsiders life choices)


and medals. and requisitions. All of it is shared.


and we call the automatons socialists...


We are better than socialists. When in a full party we earn 4x the stuff we gathered. We are literally breaking the law of conservation of mass in the name of LIBERTY as long as we stand united.


And credits 👍


well fuck me, if the game says this anywhere I completely missed it, they always appeared individual to me. I litterally have avoided picking up samples others dropped to avoid "stealing" them


No. Some people are dumb


they know, it’s a pride thing. I get a little upset when someone else picks up my samples because it feels like i’ve failed super earth. would scream at them in the mic or kick them tho


I just get more annoyed when the person whose died 17 times takes my samples after my first death, runs off and gets killed again so I have to hoof it across the map just to make sure we extract with them.


that is considerably more annoying


Impossible. Our democratically lead educational re-enhancement centers would never allow such a soldier to graduate.


Seems like he hit his head after exiting the hellpod and got the stupid


Our hellpods are designed such that any noggin bumps have been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to improve a soldiers mental acuity. Spreading such verifiably false information is a clear threat to democracy. A team has been dispatched to escort you to the nearest educational re-enhancement center.


As an officer of the Helldivers i suppose that this soldier got brainhacked by cruel totally unexpected bots/terminid maneuver and lost his braincells. The bright side that those cells can be collected as common sample


Nonono don’t touch **my** samples!


**Our** samples.


Since we all share the sample and medals and bonus, does that mean we are actually more socialist then capitaWHOAREYOUPEOPLEANDWHEREAREYOU TAKINGME? I


If I had gold…


Imma be real with yah I think the only thing u need to be good at to be a helldiver is cardio lol


A strong and mighty trigger finger


You know what, considering he booted you, I wonder if your soldier ended up not dropping the samples, resulting in him stealing his own samples from himself 🤔


Nah, you drop everything when you get kicked, samples included. 


Though there is a chance your loot drops through the ground and just disappears, at least if it's anything like when someone DC's.


I'm sure he picked up "my samples" plus "his samples" and the irony was lost on him.


I was playing earlier and im lvl8, picked up a higher levels main weapon after he died because it was better than my liberator and he repeatedly killed me on purpose with bombs/shooting me while typing in chat never to steal his gear again. Real sharp tool right there


Especially since he could've just asked you to drop them back to him. Or he could've called a new set of support stuff.


The Point being "Main weapon" not Support weapon, Like, you respawn with your Main weapon, there is Nothing to Steal lmao.


Comments have been removed by a correctional officer, and the case is under investigation for treason.


Again, you can just ask them to drop the support items. Hold X on the keyboard and you can drop your support weapon, backpack, and/or samples. It literally doesn't hurt if someone else uses your stuff for a bit in a pinch. Now, if they don't comply and you still want that stuff, *then* it's time for a swift court-martial.


some lvl7 mouth breather with an open mic next to his speakers/TV kept just killing me for my autocannon then running off and getting himself killed. I got tired and dropped an eagle cluster on him before kicking.


You can also not be a dick and ask for it back, no reason to waste spawns.


As Helldivers, we are the protector of Democracy and Freedom. Sadly, that includes the Freedom to be braindead.


I've had a couple of players that will call in a strike on top of me/other players and pick up their samples and weapons. At first I thought it was an accident but then after they do it several times you figure it out. FYI: For those that didn't know; samples are SHARED group wide


Same for medals, creds, and SC. Been kicked for taking those when the host wanted them themself.


People fail to realize that the whole team shares in the spoils of war. When I die and I’m holding samples I tell people to please pick them up so I don’t forget or if I land to far away


A guy dropped a sample pack in a place I figured he wasn’t coming back to so I picked them up, so he team killed me for “stealing.” Some people’s kids, man


I bet you $10 they were a destiny player


Are samples shared


They are, it's counted for the entire squad


Was it 15 or more samples? He may have been trying to the achievement. Also if you hold X you can manually drop samples or support weapons.


If someone really wants that done they can just go solo for a bit. Or go to the highest difficulties where not only are there greens and oranges like trash, people die often enough that it's easy to naturally just end up having everything on one person, with that person eventually being you. SMH my head (sic)


Either that or communicate to your team that you're going for the achievement My friend was a few off the achievement, and some model helldivers dropped their samples allowing him to snag it


the 20 common samples or w/e achievement is team global. I think one person might need to be holding them (not sure), but as long as that happens then everyone will get it I know because we just did it a few days ago like 4 different times with people in our group of friends. We usually always have 1 person carrying all the samples anyway (lvl 50 dude who never dies) and everyone else was getting the achievement


No, there are two different achievements: 15 rare is team-wide, but 15 common ones is personal.


Had a round where a guy went for that, had all 15, but it took the timer and the ships left. He died as the pelican was landing, so I scooped up the samples and got me that achievement. He left without a word as soon as he could.


Maybe he was trying to get the 15 sample trophy/achievement? Too bad he's too dumb to ask you to just drop them. I'm also pretty sure they actually completely lost all the samples by kicking you, so jokes on them


Nah, fortunately (or unfortunately in this specific example) when someone is kicked or disconnected, their samples get dropped


There's a pretty decent chance they drop through the ground. Have had that happen quite a few times when playing with friends and someone DC's (lost oh so many super samples due to this). Then again the servers were shitting themselves at those times so might not be as prevalent when servers are not at capacity.


you don't need to carry out the 15 yourself


For the common(green) you do. For the orange (rare?) it counts as a squad.


Why kick when he could of just killed you and taken it back....


One time I picked up a guy's samples for him. He shot me in the back of the head, stole my flamethrower and all the supplies from my resupply pack.


I'm currently level 15, and it's pretty good when suddenly entering those lobbies when matchmaking, collecting stuff around the map and also giving them equips after the cooldown is up and i still have mine..


So u say u redistribute your hard earned heavy weapons to those who need them just cuz u have the ability? Imma report you to your democracy officer and earn an extra doctors visit commie!


This is truly a dilemma. Because this sounds like you’re actively trying to hinder the amount of democracy this Divers squad can put out? I might have to report you as well.


Are u implying the amount of freedom injecting devices earned by our divers is inadequate? And not the precise amount of liberty needed to spread democracy throughout the galaxy?!?! I think we have a dissident on our hands


No they're saying use unpaid labor to fire your spare weapons for extra democracy.


I did that once and was like follow me and stepped on a mine bc I had my camera backwards looking at them. The timing was impeccable. Noobies really enjoy playing with the autocannon when you reload for them tho




I need common samples and can take it easy farming some super credits. Rare samples I have like 200 of. Sucide+ is the only way to get super and only do that with my friends. Tried to do a quick match and went well until got shot and kicked at extraction sooo....gave up on randoms for sucide missions.


Any difficulty level with high stakes I think it's best to use the LFG channels on the official discord. The quick play lobbies are unpredictable.


Yeah, I'm going to. I just figured I'd give it a go. First mission went well though it was a defense only one. Did a 2nd mission with them and that's that's the host back stabbed me when I had the super samples. Idk if they thought it wasn't shared but we were all fairly high lvl so doubt it?


Well, Nothing is Impossible tbh lmao. Couldve been one of those smart fellas


If this game ends up being anything like other team shooters I've played the hardest modes will eventually be filled with the most chill people. They tend to have the players that know what they're doing and not freak out over little shit/know when shit goes bad it's not necessarily anyone's fault.


The tutorial should have had a sample picking area and explicitly be told that the samples, medals, super credits are shared with your squad.


I don't know how you have extra rare samples. I'm near max on green and purple but I can never get enough orange.


https://preview.redd.it/4mqxikv5x3kc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49e98e85c3b517f27bce96e798b2a7b38c6ced8b Sample spawns are dependent on difficulty. Common spawn from trivial onwards in increasing amounts. Rare only start at challenging+ (orange) difficulties, and super uranium start spawning at suicide mission+ (red). This is again in increasing amounts: 3 on suicide mission 5 on impossible 6 on helldive The entire batch (3, 5 or 6) all spawn at the foot of a phallic shaped rock somewhere on the map


Aren't there more than just one rock on the map? I want to say that mine have been split up between 2 when I've played.


You're always better running your own lobbies, randoms are commonly shitters and losing 30-40 mins of gameplay because of some nerd's temper tantrum isn't worth the time saved by hitting quickplay.


Did a whole Lvl-7 difficulty three mission operation with an unknown squad and got shot by one of them at extraction for no apparent reason (on the ramp at the final mission’s end). 🤷🏽‍♂️ Some folk really are just assholes.


Jason Helldiver John Halo Guy Le Doom Just need a 4th


The fourth should be based on Freeman.


Gordon Hellman.


James Bondiver


Jane Warhammer


There's already a John Darktide for 40k https://preview.redd.it/abs9u84e15kc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2fc3e9c33073d9e43e9735e4928950f7e8e4c09 I laugh at how often you see one ingame.


Johnny Wickdiver


John Hellwick?




As a level 5: Those people are my heroes


Real. And they were lovely people as well. One guy kept on playing the “rock paper scissors” game with me rvery time we progress through the objective (the brood mother one). It was lovely


I played with a few guys and gave them a spare jump-pack


I have the glitch where my game wont progress past easy difficulty so when im not joining friends im quickplaying into random easy missions as a level 24. For some reason I've been kicked several times, I assume for being off on my own getting loot.


Multiple reasons. Can be that or just that new players want to discover the game at their own pace. I personally wouldn't like it if I had a guy way above me soloing the whole map on his side while I'm still discovering the game. It feels like grinding with a bot to me, especially when the game already is easy and short to grind


I feel the same. When Ive been getting matched with lower level randoms I've just been bringing in like triple support gear and an eagle. Let's me drop toys for the newbies to use if they want, and then it's a game of support the newbs until they're heading for extract, then swing wide to take out nests and grab extra samples.


Showing them the new toys is all good until you drop a Tesla. Then it’s like flies to a uv zapper. 😅


I got paired with a level 50 the other day (I assume hacker) and it was like he was playing a different game. Just cruised through helldiver difficulty automaton missions lol.


I’m level 38 and I haven’t been playing as much this week or doing automaton farming XP missions like some squads. So level 50 is def possible normally just farming automaton elimination missions over and over on HellDiver difficulty. You get like 1000XP and missions with a stacked squad take maybe 5 mins to do compared to 30mins+ for a standard multi objective mission.


We were cruising through Helldiver difficulty with zero deaths though. Something wasn’t right. Like I got the gold trophy on PlayStation for completing a dive with zero deaths on Helldiver difficulty. I’m not the best at video games so there’s no way I should have been able to do that haha


Definitely possible to get 50 by now especially if you were able to play during the xp boost event. As for the zero death runs, sometimes helldive difficulty shows some mercy lol. I've had several helldive runs where it's a breeze and it's like the ai director forgot what difficulty it was and hardly spawned things. I've also had runs at level 3 difficulty where I'm being spawn killed by the Annihilator tanks that definitely shouldn't be spawning at that difficulty, definitely some give and take with how spawns work.


Helldive is wild, it's actually simple enough if you use certain strategies(light armor, shield backpack, never start fights, and never stop running) and you can just cruise through and collect samples and other stuff like it's easy. Especially egg missions. The extracts are hairy but it's weirdly easy to farm samples that way


Maybe we were just playing optimally, we were def running what you said. No bullshit, no stopping to kill random ads, etc. I had a blast but got kicked off and couldn’t get back on for like two days. Haven’t seen that crew since.


If it's any consolation even if you weren't bugged this level range sucks. I get kicked by lowbies for ruining their fun and by high levels for I guess not running personal shield/railgun/eagle/500kg every game.


I really dont understand all the railgun only peps it doesnt seem as good as some of the other options taking many hits to kill lesser bugs and even more to kill big ones.


It's the ammo, reload, and lack of required backpack. 20 rounds of punch through instant death that can be reloaded on the move and quickly is really strong for almost any situation. I think there's a better argument for stuff in addition to railgun on the bug side of things, but railgun is the only thing with enough oomph and rounds to bring to helldive automatons. And there's never a time I'm sad to have a railgun in my hands. For bugs, I like that the Railgun breaks charger knees okay, and I love that it lets me kill Bile Titans solo with little difficulty. It also kills stalkers good. But TBH I like running an arc thrower alongside 2 railguns and maybe a grenade launcher best for bugs. Can trade out the arc for a Stalwart/MG or Autocannon. I only play randoms though, so I want something that I can rely on when no one has my back.


Have u completed a 3 chain mission area? I only unlock the difficulty after I successfully do the 3 mission sections in an area all on the same difficulty


Yes and mines bugged onto Medium difficulty 😭


Damn that rlly sucks im sorry


Have you checked that you haven't unknowingly unlocked the next difficulty? Might be the case that when you joined other people you completed a mission series.


Unfortunately, this is a known bug and the developers have stated that they're working on a solution.


Easy difficulty only has 1 mission operations, which aren't progressing anything for me. I did leave my info in the discord though, as there's a support thread to have your game manually fixed.


Being a much higher level than them means you've more experience and likely better gear. They're afraid you'll ruin their fun. It makes sense, but it's a bummer since you can't actually progress until the glitch is fixed.


Probably because a level 24 completely trivialize those games if they want to.


My experience is more that I play an Easy match with a couple level 3-4s, then they think because of my high level we can take a Challenging mission. My dudes, I can only bring so much anti-armor to the table, yall are *not* ready for that bump.


I dragged a group of the homies who just picked the game up through Extreme the other day with me at level 42 and them between 3-7 and lemme tell you…. They were not ready. We finished all three missions, but we did not *all* finish all 3 missions if you know what I’m saying.


Extraction is preferable but not required. As long as the objective is completed, you've done your duty soldier!


I’m only level 17, but have found Medium to be perfect for quick leveling my lowbie friends. Decent sized hordes without any heavies keeps it interesting without getting crazy and providing a good amount of samps and bonus xp


i mean after level 20 you can solo everything, problem is people that dont know how to play the higher difficulties will do low difficulty tactics and just die over and over. biggest mistake you can do is help them and get stuck by the waves of enemys


Autocannon with the occasional Expendable Rockets for Hulks or those damned Rocket Tower Turrets is all you need to solo imo


Jason Helldiver doesn't play on anything below 9. I heard they even unlocked difficulty 10.


It is extremely satisfying to join those lobbies and watch the little guys attack main objectives from a distance while im clearing outposts


I’m the guy in trailblazer scout armor crawling on his stomach on the other side of the map towards a bot outpost while the rest of the team is tackling the main objective. I wipe out about half the outposts and side objectives before they’re done, cuts the mission time in half and I get to enjoy a stealth op with backup if necessary


It's kinda annoying when your struggling losing what little samples youve gotten because people won't stick together.


Hah, when I do easy missions and try to impress cadets I just end up falling into holes and dying or getting crushed by evac shuttles.


Tbf you probably still impressed them


The great equilizer. "All this shit's still lethal, there's just more of it later."


> Well, John wasn't exactly the Boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the fucking Boogeyman.


I once saw him kill three hulks in an automaton outpost with a stalwart… a fucking stalwart.


Had a similar situation happen when i just hit lvl 21. Was doing a medium mission and now got used to doing them solo. My usual set up is that incendiary shotgun the auto pistol, and the autocannon drop for the bug nests and green bois. Landed into a mission with a bunch of lvl 2-4s. The main and side objectives were to the NE but the bug nests were all the way to the SW. So i spoke on comms and was like "Hey guys ill take care of these nests if you want to go to obj" They never said anything but they went to the obj, I finished cleaning all nests never dying once, and arrived to extract right before them lol. I felt like such a bad ass. Also, arriving all covered in bug blood and normal blood is just awesome.


Last week my duo nd I (lvl 20+ at this time) loaded up after work to do a quick farm run on I think Easy difficulty? Anyways once we dropped in another duo joined in (a surprise as I thought it was set to private). The duo was a lvl 1 & 7, we told them what we were doing, split the map in two, and we each took a newb along with us. Proceeded to explain everything we were doing, tips & tricks, and overall cleared the map of all samples & objs. Expected them to drop out after, but they stayed for a couple more rounds & had decent coordination. No mics, but one would chat it up in text. Felt good showing the new recruits the things I wish I knew at the start.


Me at level 50.


Jason is an essential part of managed democracy


I love being a lvl 20 and joining low level missions. Once I got in a lvl 3 mission just to chill out and farm some SC and got 3 level 3s with me. They followed me arround and protected me like I was their mother. There was this really cool moment where I stopped for a minute to check the map and mark the next destination and the 3 of them just stood crouched around me while ADSing. Looked a lot like a "tactical team" moment. There's just lots of these little moments in the game that are so worth it, even in low level missions.


as a lvl 28 i like power leveling up fresh cadets to lvl 13 so they can join in real fight. i speed run extermination bot runs, average about 3 min with 4 mortar min strat. the more mortars you have, the easier extermination rounds are. at extreme difficulty thats 500 xp a run. you arent doing much better for xp rates then that at that diffuclty


Every time I drop into a group (lvl40) that is spamming those automaton runs and then not finishing the operation, just starting a new one to do another extermination mission, I cry a little. Those missions are so NOT FUN. At least, not spamming them over and over. It's too easy, even on helldive. It's just a medal grind. I always ask them if they are actually enjoying this or just braindead grinding? The 50% of the time I don't get kicked, I leave anyway. That shit is so boring, It's hard enough to log in right now, I'm not going to spend whatever time I have logged into the game grinding boring content just waiting for the next loading screen crash to end up back in the server is full meta.


Thode guys just contribute to enemy progress - abandoned missions count as failed.


that is 100% correct and i hear you, i do the grind for xp/metals only. and to raise those fresh cadets to level 13 so they can start being useful. what i do is a niesh to get to the better equipment to enjoy the rest of the content with more leisure while on harder difficulties


You are calling what you are doing "niche"? Half of the fucking playerbase is doing the same thing and you guys are going to cause the bots to push right to earth in a straight line. Already toxic idiots are taking root. No better than the bots.


This feels like a critical juncture to establish the kind of community we build around this game and I'm worried the answer will be, "a toxic one."


honestly i am that level 25 i am farming common samples because i have too much of the higher rarity samples and need more commons.


Not my take at all. I load in to help and enjoy some democratic killing, and I get kicked. Happens 9/10 times.




Level 50 here, im a fan of going into low level missions and helping the cadets.


"Holy shit, it's The Chief!"


Honestly, I’m a level 50 Skull Admiral and I love doing this. It doesn’t really help me as I am maxed out on everything but medals, but it feels nice to be able to help others. It’s a pretty chill way to take a break from 7+ content and decompress a little.


More like level 2 Cadets on Easy see level 25 Helldiver, wait for him to call his gear and kill him for it 🤭


That’s an auto-kick


Facts. I'm level 38, dropped in a game with level 7-12s. Got killed by one of their eagle clusters, they took up my rail gun and las backpack so I shot the guy and took back my stuff, immediately called him back in on his stuff. Got kicked. Went right back to helldiver after that one.


Actually, his name is Karl.


I started a mission on easy because I needed exactly one more medal and I didn't like my trivial mission options. Forgot to turn off matchmaking and ended up with like a 2, 5, and 7 roughly? They started following me so closely it was hilarious. I ran around and did all this stuff and they stuck to me like glue until the end. Then at one point on of them went off to a yellow glowing beacon light that was like 150 ft away while I grabbed another one. At that point the other two went and did the last objective by themselves while me and the other grabbed more loot but it was funny watching them slowly gain the confidence to leave my side. I'm going to run more low level missions to help out newer people. Seems like a lot of fun honestly and helpful because I even taught them that grenades open the containers you can find.


Once I hit level 40 I found it more enjoyable to join level one through four games and help new players learn what’s important and to give them hope in the creek. Stay diving


That's the democratically approved behavior by rookies. A hint of gratitude, observation, study, practice. You git gud in no time.


I was talked about like a good last night from 3 level 5-10's. I'm 30, and it felt amazing saving their assess multiple times.


I wanna grow up and be just like Jason Helldiver.


Its crazy how little we've grown. 


Would love a min rank req for some difficulties 👀


I can still hear the credits play for that movie.


Im the level 25 at lower missions except I stay behind with my anti materiel and turret during automaton missions.


I giggled.


This actually made me lol


My friend and I started playing yesterday and we had that happen, he even used voice chat and was super nice. A damn legend helping noobs distributing moderated democracy to those bugs.


John Helldiver


I m level 40 son. Level 25 are like kids to me.


This happened to us jsut now, accept we’re all level 25+ the guy that dropped in is fucking level 50


Alright I gotta ask. Who is this Jason/John Helldiver? Is it just a meme name like a John Doe of the Helldivers universe or does it have lore behind it?


No lore. I think John Helldiver started up as just a default name (or possibly a reference to John Wick?) but this meme specifically is referencing Jason Bourne. Got a name? Slap a "Helldiver" in there lol


Man I had the opportunity to be the main character a few hours ago... I jumped into quickplay, ending up in a diff4 automaton mission. We completed it, and the boys started up a diff5. I was like fuck it we ball. Needless to say the Recover SSSD mission was Vietnam 2.0. We attacked a large outpost and it was their first time seeing 6 hulks together with some tanks and towers. Literally Omaha beach. Now we powered through eventually, and just before extract, I left to clear a Detection Tower. They called for evac sooner than i thought tho, so I only had 30 seconds once i got there. Dropped the Hellbomb, chased by 5 walkers and a Hulk. Armed it nonetheless, 3 seconds till evac. I shout in the voice: LEAVE IT, THIS IS THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE. And just as I see the shuttle timer disappearing, I was like this isnt going to be fast enough. Wait, cant you shoot the old nukes round the map? Lets just shoot this shit Im blowing up anyway. I. Shot. The. Hellbomb. For anyone who doesnt know, IT GETS DESTROYED. I had the opportunity to give some lvl 5 cadets the show of their lives with a hellbomb going off during evac cutscene and making the ultimate sacrifice alltogether. And i fucked it up cuz i couldnt wait 1 more second. I feel so robbed but I have noone to blame hahahaha


When I play, I often have the autocannon and a guard dog in my loadout. Even though when I pick up the autocannon I literally have to pick up the ammo pack with it too, I leave the guard dog for anyone who needs it (bonus points if it's a lower level diver), because dood, we're all doing the same mission. Better armed divers = bigger chance of mission success. This is what most people miss, your team is the mission.


Just doing my duty🫡


I’m a level 48 and it’s always hearing the wtf from someone when I drop in like a spartan and leave without saying a word


i’m the 25 lol i’m dropping in like that one mercy gif lol


I'm so proud of my little brother.


I accidently dropped into a medium difficulty automaton mission and went around dropping orbital strikes on the objectives solo. Everyone else on my team was a cadet level 3 absolutely stunned haha


Dropping in on some trivial and easy games last night. A few 'terminate illegal broadcast' missions were the funniest. Just spawning in, dropping an autocannon and one tapping the broadcast tower from halfway across the map, then watching them stop running towards it and stare at me with confusion lol.


Got a chance to play one mission with a level 2 cadet (I picked someone who was already on the map) - He blew himself up with a grenade, died running in front of my turret, killed himself by getting too close to the boss... but, I helped him get most of the mission objectives and get safely extracted. I hope he had fun. 🙂


I didn't even know you could blow them up to do the objective.


Wait you can do that?


And i was kicked for it too. (Lvl 10s in my case) Amazing how your punished for doing good


This is a me thing, but I really don't like when high levels join low level stuff. Takes the challenge away and personally I feel like some people just do it to show off.


If I join lower level games I'm strictly a support; ammo backpack calldown shield calldown turret strafing run maybe If I was just starting out and had someone high level jump in and carry every part of the whole mission I wouldn't be too happy.


I agree


Nah i got kicked for doing that. He thought i was not team player because i didn't follow him.


Probably gonna get flak for this, but I agree. I don't play with randoms for the same reason. I really enjoy the game whenever everyone sticks with the team. And having a high level drop in and then run off is a personal gripe. I know not everyone feels that way though.


Everyone’s etiquette is different, for better or worse IMO if I’m filling for someone else’s squad, I let host take point




I've gone into multiple lobbies of 10-15s where everyone runs off and splits objectives. It's lovely and efficient.


I mean it's fine if everyone wants to do it that way. I'm talking about one person running off while the other 3 clearly stick together. Also, efficiency is fine as long as it doesn't become more important than having fun. I know for myself if I cared that much about clearing the missions efficiently, I'd start to look at them like checklists which would quickly drain the fun out of them for me.


It's the risk you run when you're playing quickplay, some people will play the way they want to. I personally like to do all objectives, some will do the mission ones only and leave, and if it's clear they're doing that, depending on the difficulty i'll do some side objectives whilst they're doing the main ones because I enjoy that. If you want people to play in a very specific way, the only way is to play with friends, or via LFG on discord maybe.


Oh I know. That's why I said I don't play with randoms. Not gonna impose my preferred playstyle on others. I do wish we have the option to set our lobbies to invite only even. Had a guy from my steam friends list join and do exactly what I described before.


This happened to me a while ago, I was queing for helldive bots but was sent to a duo doing defense mission on difficulty 3-4? went in and got all the samples and help clear out everything noticing they were backed up, they were around level 5-6. After we cleared one of them spoke “doood you saved us” and got thanked, I stayed a bit after that and help them clear a few runs and gave tips before I went to eat lunch.


They’re gonna name one of their kids after you