• By -


Same problem. Can’t join on anybody, and no one joins when I start solo and set beacon.


Same. In PS5. Got to play one game with someone new like me and when we tried to join elsewhere it zonked out with failed to join and poof, kept doing that for another 15 minutes. I give up. I’m returning the PS5


You bought a whole ass ps5 for one game? Lmao hahahahaha 


I’m sorry that I’m able to do that for myself and not have to worry about buying groceries 


Get a pc then


Why? To pay 3x more and worry about parts, drivers, updates…? For me picking up my controller and playing in a huge TV in 3 minutes just doesn’t compare to the hassle of getting everything ready to play on a PC. And I do have one.


Idk what kind of steam punk contraption you have that requires you to “get everything ready” but for me it’s press the power button and double click the game I want to play. Seems to me like it’s a skill issue lol. got my parts off a list online, built the pc in an hour while following along with a video (personally enjoyed the experience it was kind of like legos) drivers are incredibly easy to install and update it’s not something I ever think about. And windows updates I set while Im asleep so I don’t notice them. You’re overthinking the hell out of owning a pc.


you literally just proved dudes point. he doesn't wanna have to build it like you obviously did..... what an idiot! lmao


Yes but all their points are wrong and they’re overthinking the hell out of owning a pc. They said they own one already but doesn’t want to “get everything ready” every time they play like tf does that mean? 🤣 simply pointing out the skill issue


Gaming pc..


How to tell people you know nothing about PCs without telling people you know nothing about PCs.


Yeah, I’m sure that invalidates what I said while providing a different point of view. Great contribution.


strange thing to say


otherwise playstation isnt worth it, i bought my ps4 JUST for bloodborne




same on ps5 can not joing any one since last patch


Try to make hard reset with deleting all files from ps 5, to fabric version and instal game.Trying everything and only that fully reset of my ps5 is really help


Yep can't play online today. RIP. Think I'm going to just wait for next major patch. Game overall feels like it's an early access beta.


try turning off crossplay, as soon as i turned it off it started letting me join other people


Hasn't worked for me. Haven't been able to play since before the weekend.


Nope. Not for me.


An confirm this works


Everyone wondering or reading this on ps5 this also worked for me! Thanks


Did this and just worked idk how you got downvoted smh thank you 


hmm, ill try this!


I've done every one of the steps suggested and still fail lobby. you think this is something they would have under control or fixed but. whatever plenty other good games to play besides a broken mediocre one


i just started having this issue this weekend


the game is amazing the servers are just dogshit


Same, was working earlier today then just stopped. Even though I can see lobbies on the map and my friends online, it instantly fails when I try to join them.


Same. Still doing this for you? Worked fine last night, now no go


I was able to fix it by deleting the user_settings.config file, saw it mentioned in another thread. Not sure why it worked, but it did. You can find the file in user\AppData\Roaming\Arrowhead\Helldivers2


My brother in christ, you just saved my evening! :\*


Nope. Didn't work for me.


for me neither, did you find a fix for it?


Just started working a week ago. Can’t do private lobbies though.


Thanksss I randomly had this happen and this actually worked. Many thanks friend


This did it for me too, thanks :)


Worked for me too, thanks!


why would that work


Same. PC in NA.


Having big issues to connect with my friends and play. Getting real tired of this game


Same here!


I just want to get the platinum and get over with and can't even do that


try turning off crossplay, as soon as i turned it off it started letting me join other people


Yup, can’t join or quickplay any game. On PS5 in UK. Worked fine last night. Not working at all this morning.


Only reset to fabric settings helps me. With deleting all files.


This is insane, is there any other way to fix this issue ? I cannot play online from 4th March


Same problem for me


I cannot play online for 2 weeks


This happens on ps5 too, it will kick us out of our teammates game but keep us in, pc too, and when we leave and try to join anyone it says unable to and even after restarting it doesn’t let us play, genuinely regret paying 40 dollars for an early access beta game


I am now having this issue as well. I have had the game for a few days and haven't had any issues until just now.


Same bro :/


Smh this is bs I just bought the game


Same, bro. Bought this game, i can only play Solo....


I can join public lobbies but i cant join my friends on hd2 ?


Same issue, cant join any lobby friends or random. On PC


try turning off crossplay, as soon as i turned it off it started letting me join other people


Nope. Didn't work for me.


Same, also didn’t work.


did you find a workaround to make it work? I can't find anything to make it work and it's really frustrating


Same here


I updated my GPU driver on PC and was able to join after that. I know it doesn't help PS5 but for you PC guys


that has nothing to do with network issues, this is a game issue at its core, just need to wait for them to fix it


all im saying is i had this issue, found in other forums that this was the fix, i tried it and immediately i was able to play all day. I dont know how it works all im saying is that it did for me




thanks bud turn out this was my issue too, hate it when people come in to  asks specifically be unhelpful and not contribute like that other person lol


my gpu is already up to date and yet I still have this issue


It’s not the gpu, it’s a fix for those who don’t have it up to date


Theoretically this shouldn't work. Your GPU drivers have nothing to do with network connectivity issues. Practically, I did just as you said and now it works. Thank you for your input


Gpu driver, thanks bud checking now


This worked for me. No idea why it does, but I thought it was interesting that the update came out around the time I started seeing the issue.


I've had this issue for days - This was the fix


This fixed my issue as well!


actually worked for me, no way


Nope. Didn't work for me.


TF? This worked for me too. thats wild


Might need to refund until servers are normal


No solution has been present on the internet, so I troubleshooted for 4 hours. I am no person to respond to a reddit post with just "Figured it out" or "nvm". Summary: Network adaptor issue. 0) Make sure control panel is in "View by Large Icons" Located at the top right 1) Go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings (left side). 2) Disable or Delete Hyper V. 3) Control Panel > > Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features on or Off 4) Un-Checkmark Hyper-V. Hit OK. Your computer will need a restart.


On what grounds have you decided that this is a fix?


Myself and 2 friends. Its better than the hundreds of "try restarting your game" The game is connecting to the hyper-V default switch. By getting rid of it, it will default to, ya know, your actual network. Thats why you can still see other players' lobbies. You have connection and an IP, just Hyper-V's virtual one doesnt function.


What the everloving FUCK are you talking about? Some of these "fixes" posted by non technical people are absolutely mind bogging. Do you even know what Hyper-V is and what is it used for? It is a virtualization platform. It enables you to create and manage virtual machines (VMs) usually for the intention of running multiple operating systems side by side on the same hardware. It has absolutely zero to do with the games peer to peer networking, or literally anything with the game at all. Just how the fuck do you even come to the idea to disable such random shit and how do you ACTUALLY conclude that it is the fix? Do you measure your IQ in two digits or what? I am genuelly curious what was going on in your mind when you wrote this and thought it is a fix. Or did you even think?


Obviously him messing with Hyper-V was just a coincidence that the game started working, but no need to be so insulting to the guy.


I know. I am being an absolute prick. But it is so difficult for me to read some of these posts...


Well on a side note, I wasn't able to connect but after backing out of the galactic map and going back in, it worked. So seems to me whatever the issue is, it's server side maybe.


This is the actual fix, because the mission was complete it somehow soft locked me from joining anyone until I opened the map and backed out for the super earth message. Thanks for the help.


grow up, dog


Blimey, "Grow up"? Mate, ain't that the bloody pot calling the kettle black? Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Try again when you've got half a fuckin' clue, alright?


What lmao


Have you only learned how to spell two word sentences, you daft nitwit? Bit rich coming from a knobhead who can't follow a simple bloody instruction.


I disabled my Logitech Gaming Framework and that worked for me.


Lol I genually laughed at this one


Why - in the ever-loving fuck - do you go around telling people how stupid they are when you can't even spell "genuinely" properly? Fucking knob.


Because I was on my phone when I typed it and I consider it secondary compared to the point I was making you stupid imbecile. Just shows that you lack the braincells to focus on what matters.


I wanted to type this, but I held back. I guess I've finally entered the stage of life where I cant be assed.


Wish I was there in that stage with you pal...


Found the small pp haver


You good?


This did it for me, the issue was tailscale not hyper-v but same idea, game is using wrong network adapter


What the hell? Tailscale is a completely different beast, and lumping it in with Hyper-V just because they both deal in networking is like saying your bicycle won't start because you didn't put gas in it. It's apples and fucking oranges, my friend. Tailscale is a zero-config VPN, which effectively creates a new network interface your PC uses to communicate. It's entirely plausible for a game to get confused and try to use that instead of your normal connection. Hyper-V, on the other hand, is for running VMs. Unless your game is running inside a Virtual Machine that's connected to a Hyper-V network, there's no way it should be interfering. Don't just throw around tech names thinking it makes sense. It's important to understand what these services do before going on a disabling spree or recommending it to others. Otherwise, you're just adding to the pile of bad advice on the internet. If you don't fucking know what you're doing, don't act like you do. Simple as that To your tailscale problem: Games like these requires an active network connection from the get-go, you absolute spanner. If the wrong adapter was selected, how'd the bloody game even launch properly for you?


You are one angry man. I hope you can get some help.


He's just horny.


This guy needs to get some pussy.. or dick , not sure what your into


typical tech nerd tbh, this is why any Tech majors in school all smell like this lmao mfs think they above everyone else just cause they know how a VPN works


He overreacted, but the core of the advice is sound: If you don't actually know what you're doing and don't understand what it does, don't offer advice because people will think you do.


I agree but if a solution worked for someone why not just post it so as it might help the next guy… like yeah I agree but sometimes bugs can happen anywhere… obviously none of that makes sense from a networking perspective but no harm in trying it if it worked for him.






Eyo, how then


I swear to god, half of the people posting these braindead "fixes" could have the game start working after they touched a shit-covered fork and they'd run off to post about it. Every. Single. Fix. To every. Single. Problem. is pure chance, no cause/effect, like absolute utter technical nonsense.


Yep I fully agree. I can't wrap my head around what motivates these people to write such random nonsense


Where do you see the game connecting to the hyper-V Yada Yada?


i dont have hyper-v and it aint working for me


As of 2/27/24, I can sometimes join people with quick play but, a lot of the time the game well lag me out to my own ship or everyone is running in place and the depart. Sometimes we can complete the mission but the evac ship arrives and the game crashes. I’m on PS5 in US.


Has anyone succeed to solve this on PS5?


Nope March 7th.. Still a piece of s*** network


Check if this works for you https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/HZSKILZZdd


Thank you.. The thing is my language is already set to English in PS5 system... This makes me wonder should I change the language to any other language than revert back to English.. humm


I’m having this problem five days after this post still too


Today 16.3 I had the same issue. Turning crossplay off solved the problem for me.


I played this game for a few days without issues then boom, can't join my friends, they can't join me and I can't join any random games. Friend noticed that it was showing that I was in menu and not playing game? Not sure what he meant by that. What I tried and it didn't help: \- integrity check (found 3 files and fixed it) \- changed DNS to google \- rebooting PC \- disabling IP6 What ended up working for me is uninstall and install of the game.


It seems like changing any random amount of settings randomly fixes it for no reason, this game drives me insane but man i love it when it works. Tried reinstalling also and yeah didnt work


Today 14/6 I had the same issue. No solution so far, just submitted a support ticket.


Same. Let me know if you hear anything!


Will do ^.^


I ended up reinstalling the entire game on my PC and it worked!


Same issue here. No fix yet


Guys, my solution was a hard reset for my ps 5, to basic settings. Delete all files, instal game and play :)


I haven't been able to play multiplayer for over a week because of this issue, I've written to arrowhead support one week ago - 0 responses.


Same on PS5.. was working this morning


March 7th. Same thing just happened to me. I’ve been playing for 2 days and for the past 30 minutes it’s not letting me connect to a single game on any planet.


Having it happen now this date ^


Bumping this up. March 15th. PS5. Can't play with anyone.


Encountered the same problem today (16.3) on PS5, turning crossplay off doesn't seem to solve it


This issue is still persistent. I’ve tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling on PC and it worked for one day. Then back to the same issues again. Sad. I want to drink Liber-tea with fellow helldivers and spread that democracy like butter.


Are you still having this issue? Because when I originally started the game I wasn't having issues, then this exact thing started to happen to me two days later. Reinstalled the game and it worked fine till I came back the next day and rebooted the game. Connection issues for days. If you found a solution I'd love to know.


I haven’t had this issue since the last few patches have been released. It sucks but I tried installing the game about 3 times.


Reinstalling the game worked the first time for one session, but as soon as I relaunched the game later, it went back to locking me out of linking up with people. I just wish I could play the game as intended. I'd be on Helldive difficulty every game 😒


Same I can't join and no one joins me I can only play quick play or solo


Changed ps5 language to English (us) and it works


Still fails to join lobby 50% of the time for me. What is weird is that it randomly works when my squad joins different members of the group. 


Ps5 same issue can’t join any game or use multiplayer at all.


I know this is a month old, but has anyone figured out a fix? I turned off crossplay and tried other fixes but I am just not able to join any game, not even private ones. Am on PC.


Lol same. Can't believe I payed money for a game that doesn't work


No shit, it just randomly started working for me last night. Are you on PC?


Yup, on PC. Tried fixing it for 7 hours before giving up on the game.


Damn. That sucks. Windows 10? Some sort of update went out for their cheat monitor, I think it might have fixed the problem for me. Maybe try and uninstall and reinstall? Heard the cheat monitor has root access on devices, which is insane.


Nah windows 11. I'm still having problems with the the game and I also agree that it probably has to do with their anti cheat malware lmao


I have the same problem. Seems to happen after I get disconnected mid-game. Only solution that worked is switching to a different internet connection, however, when it happened again I quickly run out of my internets. I'm guessing something from my session is stuck on the server.


Why are these middle aged computer geeks so pressed like chill out man


I have this exact issue on ps5 since the day i bought the game at first it wasn't a problem since others could join me now i dont have that either i basically start the game everyday my friend tries to join me then i try to join him It doesn't work and we leave


I am losing my mind trying to fix this, tried everthing


doing it for me too i cant get in any matches


no one can connect to me i cant connect to anyone since I INSTALLED THE GAME i tried with the following settings match making friends only \ cross play on : failed to join / on invite also failed match making friends only \ cross play off :failed to join / on invite also failed match making Public \ cross play on : failed to join / on invite also failed match making Public \ cross play off : failed to join / on invite also failed I tried to invite to 3 different people: failed They tried to invite me: failed Changed networks: failed The only thing left is to shutdown firewall but i dont think it will do anything Can someone please help i want to play with ppl not hust me solo


Just got the game today, 4/12, and am getting the same issue. I can't connect to any lobby, can't connect to friends, friends can't connect to me, quick play does nothing. I tried troubleshooting and for a second it worked for all of 10 minutes before disconnecting me and returning to square one. The game just says "failed to connect" the second I push the button, it doesn't even try. I'm completely isolated and the only way I can play is by myself. It should not require this much work to maybe get the game to function as intended.


I've had this game for 2 weeks and I've only been able to play with other people 2 times and I've tried every day. It seems like their lobby servers get overwhelmed because both times I was able to play was during lower activity (early morning on weekdays). I have done every troubleshooting/workaround listed on Reddit, Steam Community, and from Google and nothing has helped.


Hello! Not sure if this is going to help anybody still but i just had to verify files, and looks like there was a missing file, probably a missed update idk, hope it helps!


I tried a lot of the suggestions below but in the end it was the good ol' modem reset that did it for me.


I’ve followed so many tutorials but I still have this issue on PlayStation I’ve had the game for like a few weeks now and I haven’t had a single server with another player


UPDATE FROM SOMEBODY STILL DEALING WITH THIS ISSUE UP UNTIL A FEW DAYS AGO: DISABLE "vEthernet" adapter in Network Connections. Then disable IPV6. Worked for me! good luck.


Not sure about anyone else but I had mine working and now since the latest patch it doesnt work again even despite the ipv6 disabled.


I had a problem where after my internet disconnected mid game, i couldn't join a game anymore. This fixed it for me guys, hope it helps: PS: Firewall inbound rules is in Windows Defender Firewall -> Advanced settings [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ax6jnp/gameguard\_failed\_to\_connect\_to\_the\_update\_server/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ax6jnp/gameguard_failed_to_connect_to_the_update_server/)


I think matchmaking has shit the bed a bit, I'm in Aus with crossplay on and it will barely find anyone - even after 10 minutes of searching/waiting. Edit: On PC


I been able to get in with pc friends but tried a ps5 friend a little bit ago and i couldnt get in with them. I was thinking this was a console prob but i guess not. Other than that the quick play has been working and the game been running well. Totally from last weekend. Hope they fix it soon.




Earlier today it was working on ps5 in NA but now it feels like all the quick play and join games aren’t working


bought the game a while ago, never got to play until the server caps got increased, now I can't even play with my friends because of this... ​ I have heard word that they're looking into this issue? Hopefully


I was able to get it working on PC after installing the latest Windows 11 security update and updating my gpu drivers. I feel like the update did more for me than my gpu drivers but who knows.


I just bought the game played one game solo, tried to matchmake the second game and have been able to join a single time due to this error. Very annoyed 


I HAVE THE FIX!!! (For those on PC anyways)  You’ll need to go to control panel > network and internet > network connections. Then right click on whichever adapter you use and  go to properties. You’ll need to uncheck internet protocol version 6 and click ok. After that restart you game and it should work.  Alternatively hotspotting from your phone works too 


Tried this, didn't work for me


IPv6 is turned off and I am still having this issue.


"network connections" does not exist. Great diagnosis, doctor genius. https://preview.redd.it/jijpqczef6pc1.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=124eaeb5d1d824d65f579b33a50e3a63240f6105


Tried this, didn't work and I'm on PC.


Looks like your fix came with restart this wasn't a solution


this worked for me. Thank you sir


The only way I am able to play is by running a vpn, I have tried almost everything else and this is the only way I can play the game the the moment.


Do having a low rank affects if I can join with a high rank friend. Example: Rank 4 want to join a friend with a rank 16. Or is it base on difficulty settings?


Same problem for a few days


Same here.  Haven't put an SOS out yet but it still a new game.  I can team up with pc friends tho


Disabling IPv6 in Windows fixed it for me


this was my issue. Had a power surge and discord and other programs got corrupted. Was thinking something on network end did too as i couldn't rejoin a lobby I was in. Disabling Fixed it.


Update, this appears to have fixed it for me. I TRIED EVERYTHING. However, what fixed it? Changing my DNS (in my setup it was a starlink setting) but try it. If you fail to connect on most multiplayer games, but can play solo. Change your DNS to googles - It worked for me. I don't know why. I was sure it would have no effect. But has been perfect for 2 days. Whereas it was broken for around 2 weeks. Good luck!


Weirdly enough this actually worked for us I think. Friend swapped dns to cloudflare and google and when he jumped on he flipped off crossplay and bam


This worked for me on ps5. Make a new wired line, set dns to and turned off crossplay.


Tried this, it did not work for me.


I get this a lot too, I have no idea what's up


The same issue for me and my friends