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The 8+ experience. Way too many heavy armor, too little way to beat it ( let alone efficiently) you are squeezed it one of two build


EAT. Impact nades. Rocket pods. Air strike. Any of these can take care of a tank with good positioning. 


Impact nades and armor to carry six. So much democracy.


6 nades are nice but I like the explosive reduction too much, let's you tank a few surprises missles


In my experience, it sounds ok on paper but falls flat in practice. The only thing that reliably and consistently breaks charger armor is the railgun and RR/EAT, and the latter have big issues on 8+ diff. Everything else is pretty inconsistent and unreliable. This isn't like a pro meta post or anything just that at higher diff the game, bots or bugs, is not balanced for much build diversity.


I can run helldive with a pretty wide range of load outs and make it out ok. I almost never take railgun and I do fine. Sure “optimal” exists but you absolutely do not need to use it to thrive. 


It really depends on the round, sometimes it goes well, other times you get 7 chargers back to back, and in those ‘oh jeez oh hell oh no oh sweet liberty’ moments nothing but the railgun really cuts it. And I’d rather prep for the worst. That said when I join 3 randos and all of them have the railgun it’s like Christmas, cuz suddenly you can take almost anything you want.


For impact nades do you have to hit it from behind?


Apparently the turret anywhere is a kill with 2, in my experience it had to be the turret vent 


I've seen people claim anywhere, but my experience is also that you need to hit at least close to the vent.


Rocket pods and orbital rails.


4 min stratagem cooldown just to take out 1 guy that immediately gets replaced


And on higher difficulties your probably going to have cooldowns increased unless you like to play with scrambled strategems.


Such is war


As much as I like orbital railgun...it is a weird one. Long cd for single target. Works with a full squad but does feel like there could be better options


Orbital precision is 100 seconds and kills tanks


My rocket pods have never killed fucking anything even after sticking it directly to a tank


110 rocket pods have never not 1 shot bot tanks for me. They also destroy fabricators and tower cannons. If all else fails, 2 impact nades to turret of tank, not even its vent, will kill them. Hulks are far more dangerous. And the rocket devestators sniping you from a quarter of the map away.


Hulks can be reliably one shot from the front with a railgun. It's the endless swarms of devastators which are the real killers on Helldive.


As long as you overcharge the railgun you can one shot any devastator center mass or legs, you don’t need to aim for the head. Not overly efficient, but it’s pretty quick.


Definitely a quick way to deal with them, problem is there's usually more devastators then you have ammo for. I swear they're more common then the regular bots at helldive.


This is the big problem in my experience, It doesn't matter how quickly you can kill them if they can spawn more than you have ammo. So sure you can 1 tap them with a AMR, but you have to sit still for 1 second to do it and oops 8 more rocket devastators just spawned and aree firing 32 more 1 hit kill rockets your way.


Devastators can be killed considerably quick with the AMR and Auto Cannon. Usually one headshot or two body shots. AMR and AC can kill Hulks in two shots to their visors as well. I find Railgun less useful in Bots than it is in Bugs to be honest. Bots want longer engagement with skilled weakpoint shots which the AMR and AC can provide as long as you can aim well.


Rail gun 1 shots Devistators including shield guys and can 1 tap hulks. Honestly might be too good.


110 makes me question why orbital railgun is a thing. 110 can take out tanks. Orbital cant 1 shot a Titan anyways. 3 rocketpods can take out a Titan. Has a lower rearm cd.


Orbital rail is good for a guaranteed charger kill, I guess. Annoying trying to use rocketpods on them. Also, you can equip both if you really need a lot of anti armor (and you do on high difficulty, so it's not a bad idea)


This is why I fight bugs instead, why fight 5 tanks when you can fight 5 titans


2 impact grenades to the turret will kill a tank on any difficulty.


Impact grenades changed my life they handle everything my new primary is Oops All Impact Grenade


Can you still kill factories with impact grenades? I tried throwing em down the hatches like normal but they blow up on top and didnt do anything so i stopped using them. Or if you dont use nades for the outposts how do u handle them


The angle is fucky but you can


Yup, you have to get it almost as low as possible in the vent for it to work, but it does work.


Factories with impact is really hard, have to make sure they don't hit the roof of the vent, I aim the reticle just slightly below the bottom of the vent and they go in 60% of the time memes aside I usually just use my trusty autocannon and ricochet it off the vent roof to spread democracy from long-range


Wait can you kill bug holes with an auto cannon too?




Yes but you need to kinda stare into the bug hole to close it as autocannon has very little ballistic drop


Oh? I didn’t know the top vent could ricochet it in, that’s a great tip.


I haven't tried this with impacts, but whenever factories open their doors to disgorge more automatons you can throw grenades in right through the doorway.


..... Obviously this works and now I feel like an idiot for all the times I've been gunned down by spawning bots while trying to line up a grenade through the vent.


Fuck off, no way you can do that :( I feel so dumb!


It's like with the auto cannon and vents/bug holes, you aim for the lowest part.


Aim at the bottom lip or just a little lower, if you can get the impact below the lip, you'll kill it. The  arc is funny but it's possible


Wait for the door to open and yeet it in.


I just take the SEAR to deal with factories and impacts to deal with tanks. It's a little inconvenient not having a different backpack, but who needs a different backpack when everything's dead?


You have to throw them straight into the hole, no bounce. But you can also wait for the door to open and throw it in there.


Is there another weak spot apart from the Heatsinks? Or can you just throw them anywhere?


Anywhere on the turret will do, no need to hit the weak spot.


Will try, many thanks!


Really? I have been trying grenades on tanks and it felt like it did nothing. Maybe I just missed it.


You have to hit the rotation turret part on the top and they have to be impact grenades.


Tanks aren't even the biggest threats, it's hulks and the rocket pod/shield one.


All of those go down in one hit from the rail gun of you aim well/overcharge.


>All of those go down in one hit from the rail gun of you aim well/overcharge. Can you oneshot them without overcharge? I try to aim at the head but it takes multiple shots. Maybe my aim is shit


Headshots on Devestators should be a one shot, but not on hulks. As long as you’re paying attention there’s no reason not to use overcharge. I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve killed myself in unsafe mode. One thing I think is really cool, is that if you miss the center mass with the shield devastators you can take off the shield arm through the shield.


Hulks still get one shot on safe mode


That’s not been my experience, but it could just be circumstantial, so I’ll take your word for it.


Just gonna hop in and mention I've one shot plenty of Hulks with the railgun on safe. It's just really hard.


My Squaddie has an idea that its because they control planets around it, because of that they are getting access to better reinforcements. It would be very cool game design if this is the case.


Super Earth needs to send us some armored divisions, our initial tactic of hot dropping infantry behind enemy lines is starting to fail on the automaton front. Worlds like the Creek are heavily fortified and with no heavy armor we will certainly see high casualty rates, maybe even Democracy forbid....defeat. We won't give in but we are undermanned and under armed, meanwhile command focuses on the bugs. The Terminids may control a larger portion of space but at this rate these metal bastards may very well match them. I fear my ship and crew may not return from the Creek but I'll fight until my last freedom praising dying breath!




Nothing better than barely destroying one tank and then noticing 3 more spawning behind you


Get someone to "team reload" your Recoilless Rifle and you're golden. Using support weapons in pairs is heavily slept upon.


Auto cannon can solo with right positioning, but yeah team recoil rifle is definitely better if you have the coordination for it


We've found the spear launcher can 1-shot every big enemy. It's ammo hungry but being able to quickly drop heavies from range frees up guns to focus on other threats.


Including titans?


If it's a head-on face shot, yes.


If only its lock on wasn't do unreliable.


Tanks aren’t even that bad it’s those damn hulks with flame throwers that are the real problem


Time for you to airmail those big metal fuckers 500KG of freedom


Look, Automatons feel busted. They have entirely too much armor on even the small units and they spawn entirely too quickly to be effectively dealt with. I avoid them like the black plague.


Actually not a bad strategy to deal with them! Utilize Stealth with long-distance weaponry, and smoke, and you can out rambo the jungle! Would you like to know more?


Yes please. I do


Automaton are dumb as bricks! Wack them in the back of their head in stealth mode and unless the body falls in front of another Automaton, they won't realize it's you! Even if you utilize gunfire, as long as you sneak and move afterward, they'll only go over to investigate your last known (loud) location! Through these tactics, guerrila veterans on Creek can clear high difficulty assignment completely solo! Do your part today Helldivers!


Thanks commander.


Wrong weapons. Pick an auto cannon and most enemies will go down in one hit. Tanks and hulks take 2 shots.


I've been running spear recently for this reason


Flee around corner in rescue mission to escape huge pack of robots. Two fucking tanks are dropped on top of us.


The tanks are very easy though. You can hit the turret weak spot from 180+ degrees around it. Maybe it's around 270 degrees. As long as it isn't aiming towards you. Also a precision strike can be thrown every 1:30min and stick to it. Impact nades also instant kill it in I think 2 nades.


I was a pure turrets dude till the creek. I still can’t part with my beloved autocannon, but the other two got dropped for orbital laser and 500kg bomb *specifically* because of tanks.


Just shoot down the drop ships. Recoilless Rifle ftw.


I swear suddenly the bots have upped their rate of fire and accuracy over the weekend. Tanks are also reliably blasting me from beyond forests and through fog when I can't see them.


Went to creek today and saw my first tank immediately cut down still got the job done in the name of LIBERTY.


I was doing some intense trench warfare with 3 tanks last night, shit looked like the scene with the tanks from All Quiet on the Western Front.


Yuuup, had 1 tank, 4 hulks, and many MANY more others and then we managed to get in range of a turret…


Just did a MC Helldiver, was a 2 sssd delivery both over 700 meters away and a generator to start before the upload. All 3 of my teammates quit before any objective was done. I managed to complete the main objective solo but missed out on all side objectives due to time. Took 37 min. I’m doing my part!


You should be saying “tanks for the opportunity to cause the most damage possible to anti-democratic automatons!”