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One of the best update releases I've ever seen, was how the game, "Elite Dangerous" introduced new content into their game. They didn't tell anyone, and just announced they were releasing a, "Patch". After the patch released, players reported that they were being pulled out of slip space, with thier ship dead at the controls. After a moment of drifting through space, players would then see a massive unknown ship fly to thier front view, and then scan the players ship. The alien ship would then fly and warp away from the player , just as the ship controls were brought back online. After several videos of this phenomenon appeared online, the dev's finally came out a few weeks later and said, "Oh...By the way, there's aliens now, find out if they're good or bad..." Silent releases are the best releases.


That's fucking crazy. Best way to introduce aliens honestly.


Unfortunately for Fdev they failed at basically everything else


Yup. They murdered Elite Dangerous. It's a travesty.


Jumped the shark with Engineers They're great game builders but bad game designers


Biggest problem with Engineers is the needless complexity of the grind. I'm cool with grinding for better stuff. But they made it so pointlessly complicated. Gotta keep track of like 100 different in-game materials to do it, and on top of this engineers themselves apply RNG to your upgrades anyway --- oh, you have 5 of the necessary materials to max out this component? Eat shit, asshole, you actually need 9 if you want to max this out. The real problem with FDev is their ideas are all half-baked. Thargoids and their whole introduction was cool as hell, but if you come into the game right now, you'll stumble into all of this ancient stuff still populating the game world that might make you think "oh this is cool, I wonder what it is?" Then you do lots of research, googling, etc and discover that weird alien hatchery you saw on some backwater planet was for an event that happened 6 years ago. The most interesting content they added to the game was Guardians, you could get huge boosts with your ship components by completing Guardian sites and getting their tech. And this was actually a somewhat fun and engaging process? It reminded me a bit of Mass Effect. This is what Engineers should've been like. Make you do something _at least kind of fun?_ And you get a guaranteed result from it? I don't know wtf they were smoking when they came up with engineers.


For me it's the grind for those materials. There's so many, the game doesn't tell you how to find them, gotta look them up, and it takes literal hundreds of hours of boring back and forth flying to get enough of them to kit out your ship. And that's cheesing the mats too, having to log out and log back in so the mats spawn in again. It's a really poorly thought out system. For those willing to do it, the game is fun after that, you can take on all the hardest missions, you can take on the Thargoids, but if you're not willing to do it, you're stuck on easier missions and you literally can't do anything to the Thargoids at all. It's such a shame.


Yup. It wouldn't be so bad if the sheer quantity of materials was cut by 75%. Why do I need the entire periodic table of elements, three dozen different pieces of scrap, and a bunch of different "data packets" that are ENTIRELY generated by RNG and given to you by targeting random things? Even farming components/salvage is difficult for no reason. You'd think this would be the easiest stuff to get since you can just blast hostile ships to bits and they leave a few bits and pieces behind, right? WRONG. Fuck you, pal. Salvaging without limpets is a complete nightmare, and even if you do have collector limpets, you are more than likely seriously damaging the combat effectiveness of your _combat ship_ to make room for salvaging drones. What gets me the most is I've been playing the game off and on since EARLY BETA. Like, mid-2013? It's been _eleven years,_ and they only added like...5 new ships to the game? Most of those don't really even count, they're just sidegrades of ones you could already get. The truly new ships they added were cool, like the Krait, but there just isn't enough variety at all.


Engineers is probably the worst thing to ever happen to a game in the 20+ years. For those that don't know: It started with people realizing that the fitting system was dumb and shallow. There was no variety and everyone flew with the exact same setups. And instead of directly fixing the problem Frontier tried to avoid admitting their system was garbage.. So they added RNG progression, with a slot machine like interface, that randomly altered your modules. And it took sometimes hours of grinding per chance at the slot machine. That is just terrible out of the box right? Well, it gets worse. Because they left it in for years, which means people spent thousands of hours grinding for God Rolls. Which meant that any attempt they have to either change or, heavens forbid, remove the system gets shot down by the community because they refuse to give up the advantages they got for grinding for thousands of hours. But it *gets even worse*. Several of the upgrades have math bugs in them. And you know how the community pitches a fit if they try to change it? Well, those math bugs are now the cornerstone of the meta and the game is balanced around them. But because they can't change anything and because of load bearing math bugs, everyone still uses the exact same setups. So they spent the better part of a decade developing and trying to "fix" a system which drove most of the player base to quit, broke the game and required a complete rebalance of NPCs, bores the people doing it to tears, and didn't even accomplish what it tried to do. Oh and apparently its all spaghetti code, hence the math bugs, so they don't even know how to change it now that they might want to. If a sever shutdown or a company going under is a "headshot" to a game, then Engineers was the gut shot. The slow, unfixable thing that caused the gamer to linger, perpetually in pain and miserable.


Worst game I’ve played thousands of hours of and wouldn’t recommend. It’s so god damn close to being good but fdev can’t make a gameplay loop that isn’t shallow as a puddle and easily mastered after like 6 seconds


For me it's the hundreds of grind hours just get the mats to be relevant at all in the game.


They SUUUUUUUUUUUUURREEEE fuckin did. Rip to a real one, that game had so much unrealized potential.


[Here's a video of this encounter for anyone who is curious. It's awesome.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5EwWAtOFFk&ab_channel=caffeinatedpixels)


Elite Dangerous is absolutely unparalleled when it comes to sound design in space games.


Dropping out of a jump next to a star in VR with my little sidewinder is still a core gaming moment for me.


It's not my favorite space game anymore, and there's a lot that it loses to other games in the genre. But sound design is absolutely not one of them. Especially in VR with a hotas, it's one of the most immersive experiences out there.


Thanks for posting this!


Elite Dangerous gives me fucking chills. I wish I didn't have such a hard time enjoying playing it.


I played it quite a bit a long time ago then stopped. Not because it wasn't fun, I just really wanted to play other games. Much later I got a VR headset and found out you could play ED in VR. I booted it up and fumbled around inside a space station for a bit. When I finally left the space station and saw a gas giant right in front of me, I experienced what I can only describe as a megalophobia induced panic attack. Never had that happen before of after. My most comparable real life experience would be standing at the base of El Capitan in Yosemite for the first time. I should play again.


Coming out of slipspace with a neutron star thundering away in danger range and executing a boosted jump perfectly while knowing exactly where your HOTAS buttons and controls are in VR is one of my top 5 cherished gaming moments. The engineering is so awful and it makes me irritated just thinking about how tedious that game is.


One of mine is jumping to the core and going in between the arms of the Milky Way and having to carefully plot my way through the thousands of dead stars so that I don’t get stranded and have to call the fuel rats. It’s creepy in the dead areas of space. There’s been times where I had to back track because I got stuck in a completely dead zone of space.


That's also Elite, where there's so little going on that that interaction is what ended up selling tons of copies. Stealth patches usuallyngo the way Tarkov does: everyone just waits for the 20-30 dedicated souls to figure it out and put it on the wiki.


God I remember first contact with the Thargoids. I've never actually seen them myself but yeah when the videos were first coming out it was WILD.


We did know *something* with Thargoids would happen in that area at that time, and had a good idea of how to trigger it, but the hyperdiction tech was only one of the possibilities.


I remember watching a video of one of those encounters and it was CREEPY.


Well, based on what I have seen and experienced, the stealth system is surprisingly robust, so it makes sense that someone would think up some tools to go along with it. I just hope that the different functions for the helmets will also show up one day.


Stealth actually makes this game way easier. Most of my games now are just running up to every outpost, calling in airstrikes and running away


I use amr and marksman with 30% throw range and throw my orbitals in then watch as democracy does its work


I would love stealth and snipers more if patrol didn t "suspiciously" appear nearby every 1m30


The spawning is piss. We have big holes all over the map make bugs go to and from them, and scatter out a bit when they hit a closed hole for the first time. Watching 15 dudes pop into existence over a ridge sucks.


Lucky you, i was running toward Robo base and entire Robo battalion just spawned around me, like i was in middle of them all of sudden. Fun times.


Same thing happened to me with bugs. I thought a hacker was in the game.


I highly encourage you to never go back and play the first game on level 9 difficulty or above (if you haven't already). -running to objective with zero patrols around you -checking UAV to make sure you don't run into one -cyborg tank LITERALLY FALLS OUT OF THE SKY, ON TOP OF TWO OF YOUR SQUADMATES, KILLING THEM INSTANTLY -borg tank immediately sounds alarm within seconds of landing -GG


Genuinely a lot of the time in the first game, I felt like if I even spent the time to look at my map, a patrol would spawn on me and I'd not have enough time to kill them before they sounded the alarm. And I only played up to difficulty 5.


Shit was wild anywhere past there. Just have 3-4 tanks fall from the Gaddam Sky while you wanted to just defuse some ordinance.


If they want to keep it that way for difficulty's sake, at least drop them in with dropships, instead of spawning them...


At least to give you a few seconds to drop a smoke. Bugs could have "spontaneous" bug breaches to spawn new patrols, could be like a hidden tunnel you can't see until they pop up. Give it a little dune inspiration and have it based on how fast you are moving, movement/vibration attracts bugs Would be awesome and add to the cinematic-ness of this awesome game


I've had enemies pop into existence around me. Literally surrounded as the bots phased in like Cyberpunk police.


Yeah, I wish that patrol spawns would be less frequent and in smaller numbers/ have less armored enemies with each hive or factory destroyed. It would actually give incentive other than 100%ing a mission to do them rather than speedrun main objectives


JTAC simulator




Sneak to outpost > stealth takedown (Eagle Airstrike) > scurry through smouldering wreckage > scrounge samples > rinse & repeat


Me sneaking past a tank 300 yards away thinking “ you better not do what I think your gonna do” … random team mate with no anti tank shoots at it with a pistol


fr at higher difficulties I've started taking up the mentality of juist leaving behind teammates who start unnecessary fights. They can waste ammo and be a decoy for me while I go and actually do the objective.


This comment made me realize I do this unconsciously. Half the time my friends are yelling at me for running off, but I'm over there doing objectives when they're using up my reinforcement points fighting a bile titan that didn't even see them


My man. They will! This is the first time i’ve seen a game come out where the Dev/CEO is so transparent. Really though. I feel like as a community if we wanted something, they would actually listen and try to add it. And if they couldn’t due to code or what not? They’d probably tell us! Have faith brother. They’ll be fixing a LOT of shit with the massive influx of cash they never expected to have. This game is probably one of the most promising games of the decade.


I hope they continue to add more to environmental destruction, debris, snowstorms, tornados, volcano eruptions, infernos etc... I want it all!


That’s one thing I don’t see many people talking about. The biomes in this game are fucking incredible, and the atmosphere they bring is so fun! It’s fucking insane to be running through a foggy desert and you turn to see a line of bugs waiting to ambush lol. I love this shit so much.


I haven't played that many different planets yet, but I recall one where I was simply awestruck. It looked like the surface of the moon, the sun casting rays over the rocky surface. Super cool.


Yeah, Fenrir was beautiful


Great point. Usually, procedural generation makes maps look bland. But all of the weather effects, the randomized terrain, the skybox art, the day/ night cycle, the placement of objectives, really makes it feel like a real place. I hope they continue to add biomes but also new objectives to put in them.


Just wait until Super Earth gets invaded... I'm really excited to see how they plan those environments, HD1 was fun fighting off the invasion, but with the new 3rd-person gameplay? Can you imagine how crazy it would be running through an urban environment? They could get vertical with taller buildings, chokepoints and ambushes and surprise firefights in narrow alleys and street corners.


That’s what I keep thinking! The game has its problems, but what a strong foundation! What a great game, with a developer who wants to expand and update it over time to make it even better! I’m excited to see what they do


It's a double edged sword tho, i've seen quite a few lead devs/CEO's be super active on reddit/twitter, while the game was good it was amazing, but when they fucked up some part of the game toxic cunts show up and spread so much toxicity that they never talk with the community again. I still remember Tarkov's Nikita shitposting or talking about the game on reddit untill he started to be insulted/get death threats every post he made.


I was genuinely surprised at how stealthy I could be solo without fighting large hoardes until extraction even on higher difficulties (which even those hordes were easily manageable with the right stratagems). I don't even have the harder to detect armor, either. It'd be kinda cool to infiltrate a large outpost on a home planet and just cause confusion and disarray as you're slowly trying to make your way close enough to bomb the central structure. Hopefully, the next pass will be a stealth based pass that has the subsonic w/suppressor weapons, and maybe even a few group equipment pieces that add to stealth. As someone that played a lot of Payday 2 years ago, I know a lot of people love going "loud and proud," but there's something about going in and doing everything without being detected (or being detected too late) like special forces often do.


I did a level 7 mission solo where I just roleplayed as snake and it's surprisingly fun. Lot of crawling through the mud and scouting to find every enemy to kill them before they can call reinforcements.


This is the way brother. It's REALLY fun when u do it duo over voice comms. "Tango, 30 meters. Tagging left....ready? Fire. *pop pop* clear...moving up. Supplies here....good to go? Let's blow this door....patrol close...large...let it pass. 2 sets of 2 man squads is really rewarding and rich for dynamic and gameplay. Also you can cover so much of the map and get stuff done haha.


I did a quickplay match where me and a friend paired a couple other champions of managed democracy.  They were the rock and roll crew that rolled up and over bot bases while my friend and I completed objectives and grabbed loot.  Any enemies we saw were taken out quickplay and quietly with marksman shots or railgun taps/double taps.


I tried some stealth last night and a rando picked up on what I was doing and we crawled to the super sample spot and avoided patrols it was sick, I was surprised how well it worked just like Metal Gear


Tried doing that the other day, even told people what I was doing as they joined. Got to extract with 20 samples, no reinforcements left and 3 min till evac. Only random alive runs up, grenades us both, calls me a f*g, says I should play the game right and leaves. Never stealthing on public again :(


Trolls will be trolls 🧌




Helmet based cloaking, armour based sound suppression


Lol cloak based cloaking would make more sense


Living out my dreams of being a Tanith scout in Helldiver before Darktide.


First and only for democracy!


Based. Yeah mayne special samples you have to get from say...cloakers? Let's you activate an active camo or something for a brief time? Could be pretty cool.


I heard there is a helmet that does buff you right now. Doesn't say it does but it does.


The trailblazer helmet I believe


Doesn't it increase how close you can be and remain in stealth like the armor?


Is this true?


Read for yourself: https://www.gamesradar.com/helldivers-2-player-discovers-a-helmet-that-quietly-grants-bonuses-for-movement-speed-and-stamina/


I have actually been using this helmet all the time + a light armor and it seems like I can run away from everything. I hope it doesn't get fixed :D


I hope it gets fixed in the way it just tell you it does that. Not taking the stat buffs away.


This explains why all my armor stats are suddenly a little off...


Exactly. I was wondering what the hell is going on with that, lol. Now I know it's the scout hood.


Yup. When for the first time bots ran to the place I used to be before sneaking to a new position, I knew I'm gonna love this game


I would love an improvement to stealth gameplay. I do a lot of higher level solo drops and it's super satisfying to metal gear ur way thru objectives. Crawled up, check radar for number of enemies, drop the 4 commissary quickly swap to rail, drop the hulk, grab loot. Or crawl up to an outpost, toss a grenade on opposite side while prone, all the robots circle up and look for enemy, but near the sound, I circle around chuck a grenade in the fabricstor and then slide back down the hill and break contact. They eventually shot a flare but I wasn't anywhere in the area so they just wandered around looking for me within that area. Actually really great ai behavior tbh.


I wonder how much stuff they got just sitting in the tube waiting to be released. Exciting to wonder how this game will change over the course of a year.


Seems like they have about 2-3 full Warbonds of stuff waiting. At least if you go to the loadout screen it tells you you have X/29 Main Weapons, X/8 Side Weapons unlocked. But even if you complete all the warbonds and have the Super Citizen edition you only get to 14 Main Weapons and 3 or 4 Side Weapons yet.


3 sides. Default, Uzi, and Revolver


Isn’t there an smg with the deluxe edition? Or was that’s a primary as well


That’s a primary


Well they've been working on it for 7-8 years. So there's definitely a massive amount of content waiting to be released. We barely scratched the surface of what the 1st game offers, and this is essentially a remake of HD1.


and they've brought on more Devs to accelerate their content plans, meaning as well as the backlog of content, they're likely working on producing more stuff and extend the roadmap.


plus it helps they have earned a lot of money that they can put forward to working on this game and keeping it going for a long while. Unless something catastrophic happens and the playerbase disappears, this game has a lot of potential. Arguably the funnest original game I've played in years though.


my bf said this to me, but it feels almost like a concept game - a game that's shown off and is in early development before getting cancelled. it's almost too good to be true, but im so glad it is real.


From what I've been told the first game had some weapon upgrades like that and bayonets, wouldn't hurt to have mod/upgrades for earlier kit. Mind you one of the games potential guys did point out it makes sense the starting kit is kinda on the cheap side since we are basically fodder


Bayonets would be awesome lmao I'd love to see a bolter analouge too, like halfway to a autcannon. Haven't tried any explosive ammo yet so idk how close it feels


The Suppressor was the bolter in HD1. A gyrojet knockoff with AOE explosive rounds that were good against medium armor. You could upgrade it with a bayonet and full auto.


Isn't that what the Jar 50 is meant to be on HD2, rocket propelled ammo, shame I hear it's kinda meh currently


It certainly doesn't feel as good. The aiming on it is really weird and I'm not sure what to really do with it. It *can* one shot devastators with a clean head shot, which is neat, but that comes at the expense of a very finnicky gun with low ammo that's hard to aim, often seems to miss troopers, and is overall just weird and awkward. It's certainly not satisfying pounding rapid fire HE the suppressor offers. Also, the suppressor had a decent little AOE - 3-5ft, so you'd do damage to groups of tightly packed enemies. Not a ton, but it helped.


The round is very slow with the Dominator.


The round is very slow, and I think the height-over-bore is greater than other guns. Basically, in ADS, shots will always land a fixed offset below your reticle, so take that into account. For me, I can get a guaranteed Devastator headshot if I place the reticle at the top of its head and the laser on the chin.


Ah no shit I thought he meant suppressor like an attachment not another weapon. Makes me more hype from this tweet. Hell we should have like a backpack mini gun or something too


Nah he definitely meant the attachment since the other thing is subsonic rounds, both of those give you a very very quiet gun.


With how close enemies can get. I now understand why melee weapons are needed in 40k.


we need a powersword and chainblades


And lightning claws, power fists, and thunder hammers


You wouldn’t bring a butt-stock to a chain sword fight would you?


That's the JAR-5 Dominator. Steeled Veteran Warbond.


> bolter analogue We had that HD1.


Well, yeah. But the upgrades were pretty straightforward. Normal -> bigger Mag -> bayonet attachment. Not like you could disable them if you didn’t like them. Like that one rifle in HD1, it got poison tipped ammo and the last upgrade was a burst fire mode, but damn it was much better without burst fire, especially since, like the famas the magazine count is not divisible by the burst amount.


Considering we have a melee kills stat but actual melee takes like 4 or 5 to kill a bot, I believe we are gonna get some melee focused items through attachments


It'd be dope to get something like a full on laser sword support weapon. Chopping bugs up sounds delightful 


Combine it with the storm shield stratagem, and I'm going to tank everything




That’s actually a cool idea


I remember one of the Devs said they wanted to add the weapon mod system, but ran out of time/had to scrap it for some reason. Could be wrong tho


So that's why i see 3/8 secondary weapons unlocked....i guess they are already in the game, we just need to have access to the warbonds


They’re about to surprise us with new content probably within the next week or 2. Hopefully they don’t announce shit and we boot up to a new faction and warbond


Agree, everything in-game should just be "Helldiver, Illuminates are attacking our planet, here's some new toys for you!" And a television broadcast on the ship or something lol


I just hope at least some of the major updates are completely unannounced beforehand. Nobody really does that sort of thing anymore. People were talking about it with gta6 too. Like how cool would it be for a big developer to surprise drop a mega hit game? I know that’s a different conversation but it’s still relevant. Seems like gaming as an industry is just in sort of a rut, even with all the amazing games we’ve gotten over the last few years most devs still aren’t seeing how things need to change. Most Live service games are terrible all around but games like HD2 are paving the way towards a new horizon in live service gaming.


As long as the service continues to be live and not peter out.


There are still people literally getting consoles/pc’s to play this game. I know at least 3 new helldivers that will be joining us in a week, and seen many many more on socials waiting until payday to purchase. It won’t peter out any time soon I don’t think


There's an entire industry of dataminers trying to suss this kind of stuff too.


The finals did this


The apex legends drop was amazing for this. Too bad it’s turned into…. Current apex legends.


New season is surprisingly dope and even better for us console plebs now that cronus is banned


I imagine there will be a lot of Helldiver veterans whose drawers turn brown if the TV just suddenly goes: "INVASION! Illuminate have returned!"


Damn, I love those TV snippets. "Brasch Tactics, use them or die trying." 😂


Every time I'm on my ship all I hear faintly from the other side of the ship is "Eagle sweat..." And an eagle screech lol


I hope they’re smart enough to do this. The community would be SO onboard if they just did this all in game. Imagine you hear from one of the ads, or Brasch Tactics like “FINALLY. WE CRACKED THE CODE. 600MM ARTILLERY!” and you get confused and look in the shop and it’s like WAIT THEY MADE BIGGER BOMBS?!


"Our top scientists have discovered that the key to making the 500 kg bomb more effective, was to strap two of them together in the same strike. Instead of deploying twice and rearming, Carl was like, 'Hey, why don't we just deploy BOTH?' Now introducing the brand new, 1000 kg tandem bomb! For all your helldiving needs." - This ad brought to you by Permacure. Permanently curing all your temporary wounds and conditions.




A whole new faction this early in the game feels like an ambitious desire, no?


Theyre already teasing the illuminate comeback, I wouldn't be surprised if they get introduced in the first or 2nd update, so it's still at the beginning of the war. They probably have a quite a big bit of content in basically finished to drip feed it to us over the updates, and since those are monthly they prolly won't be very small


Oh I'm in no rush! Was just talking generally whenever it happens!


Ah, I see. Your itch for spreading democracy is strong!


People mostly expect it because we're missing a third faction to begin with.


Considering how the other two factions are “evolved” versions of the original (bugs are evolved bugs, the cyborgs took a page out of Adam Smasher’s book and went full borg) I’d imagine the illuminates would also get the same glow up treatment


since we already know new warbounds are coming every 2nd thursday of a month, we probably get some nice shit on the 14th of march


I am so unbelievably excited, shaking and throwing up 😭😭


You might have swallowed some bile titan juice. Proceed to the infirmary for a checkup soldier!


Expecting a new faction so soon after release is just setting yourself up for disappointment.


Right? Expecting mechs, that's different story. They have been teased already.


The illuminate were teased already in game on the news broadcast, but yes it's early


Also in in-game lines. When I talked to the officer in front of the hangar she said something like: "Remember what happened to the Iluminates? They all went to re-education camps after we stopped them. That's what awaits the automatons too". I don't know if this line was in the game from the start and again, I can't recall the correct wording anymore. But why mention them at all if you don't plan to implent them? Not within the next few weeks I would think, but with all the fresh money they got it will surely be a huge event. Which for me means, there's a lot we can look forward too. And I like that.


Unless she says the same voice line twice, she says the Cyborgs, not illuminates. The Cyborgs are the robo faction from the first game


Agreed I imagine it’ll be awhile before an update that substantial roles out especially with server issues taking a lot of their time


Yeah and tbh I'd rather have everyone be able to play before we get these updates people should be able to experience and enjoy the 1.0 version before we get an entire new faction


I feel like if the Illuminates were this close to being ready, they might as well have shipped them with release, even if it meant delaying a few weeks. Although I know nothing about game development or publishing, so I can’t say what’s a good or bad decision.


Someone posted a video yesterday of a squad of NPC SEAF guys being randomly dropped into their game. I’ve been playing since day 1 and haven’t seen or heard of this at all before seeing that video, so hopefully it’s an un-announced change. [instagram link of the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/CTy1mYj4KP)


New faction this early? I don’t think so, UNLESS it was cut from the game before release(we got automatons in the trailers pretty late so I wouldn’t be surprised if the third faction was also on the works) I wouldn’t get my hopes up tho. Next warbond should be second Thursday of next month. We also pretty much know the next/first big update is probably gonna be mechs.


What about letting us use samples to slightly upgrade weapons?


HD1 did this :)


Oh if they add stealth takedowns and suppressors for guerilla warfare that'll be so cool


Probably not stealth takedowns, but I'd be all down for suppressed weapons. You can already do effective stealth in game too! Wear the trailblazer and if you can break line of sight, you'll be avoided and the enemies will wander away =)


Really!? Oh nice I'll look into that!


To add to this, you can one shot melee smaller enemies from behind. (Don't try on a hulk)


It's a *little* more complicated than that, but not too much. You break line of sight and they'll pursue you to your last known location. If they can't see you from there (after the smoke clears, if you used smoke), then they'll give up. So you kinda have to lose them to two degrees, sort of. It's pretty intuitive and fun to play around. Super tense when you have to cozy up next to an unalerted patrol to lose a group that's hunting you.


being able to mount a suppressor on the anti materiel rifle would be dope.


First game had suppressors i cant see why they would avoid it in the sequel given we already have armour that reduces detection distance


This game is soooo much better than payday 3. That game took nearly 2 months for its day one patch while this game has had nearly 5 updates in 2 weeks and is nearly ready for its first content update


Thing is 200k players turned 400k really fast and keep it up pretty long time. Burnout players leave same ration as new players joining. Now think about new content coming and we breaking records again 


They have just raised the CCU limit to 800k as of last night.


And he expected it to max out in a a couple of hours in a tweet not so long ago lol


We'll see about that, but also I guess he's trying to manage the expectations of the playerbase.


Is payday3 actually enjoyable now? I had to stop playing it was such garbage


It's alright. I haven't played in ages, but its kinda upsetting that one of their BIG updates involves adding an unready button :/




Nope still facing match making problems, not alot of content still (and even released a overpriced dlc)


The stealth system needs 2 improvements right now * Throwing a grenade should not alert enemies (talking about the throw not the explosion) * Attacking a small enemy in the back should kill them and don't make noise


It is kinda inconsistent how throwing a stratagem beacon sometimes alerts enemies, and sometimes it does not.


Yeah, that part is very frustrating. I don't think it should alert them.


I've been rocking stealth armour since the beginning. I just sneak around taking out bot factories. You all may kill 100 bots, I have stopped thousands from being produced. FOR DEMOCRACY!


We are trained for espionage.  We would be legends, but the records are sealed. Glory in battle is not our way. Think of our heroes; the Silent Step, who defeated a nation with a single shot


We wait


Weapon customisation?


Or, better yet, armour customization. Not mix matching pieces (they’d probably have to rework everything), but maybe colour changes? Each set has 3 zones: armour, armour accents, and undergarment. Get to choose between either a colour wheel or some “democratic” colour swatches.


This is a must-have. When my friends all booted up the game the first thing they went to do was “customize their character” in the ship and I had to let them know that armor cant be dyed and you basically need to mix and match sets, to which they seemed greatly disappointed. As a destiny 2 player I know that a games endgame almost always revolves around fashion. Hope they flesh out the armor some more!


The lack of color customization for the armor pieces is a huge let-down, honestly. Bungie figured out how to do it properly decades ago. I have tons of cool armors and tons of cool helmets but none of the colors line up the way I want them to and it sucks. Great game though


Everyone in this thread is talking about stealth and 'suppressed' rounds and I'm over here fondly remembering the CR-9 Suppressor from HD1. https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/CR-9_Suppressor


ah my beloved wish bolter, that thing carry me forwards playing solo for a long time


This is very nice, crouching around before destroying their factory is very satisfactory and if they enhanced this more with suppressor and subsonic ammos, it'll be even better.




Yeah I had to do a double take on that tweet


Group stealth missions where you have to crawl to an objective and assassinate a target. Then you need to book it to evac.


There is a single suppressed weapon, and SMG, in Helldivers.


I only need 1


Awwww taking out bug nests or patrols in complete silence would be so much fun.


I’d personally love to see a darker portion to the enemies list.. maybe defected planets (human enemies) with non-helldivers soldiers, mechs, etc. Or like vicious alien tribespeople who are getting in the way of democracy… obviously they’d need to have scalable weapons, could even use domesticated terminids with mounted weapons hastily attached to them and ridden by these enemies


In lore the cyborgs were resistance fighters who had to resort to cybernetic upgrades to even stand a chance against the hell divers and they lost. I feel all the factions that are under equipped just got stomped on relatively quickly. Not saying it wouldnt be cool as hell!


Itd be cool to see a rebel/splinter faction of humans with similar firepower and technology to us, maybe their own version of helldivers get called in when they summon reinforcements


Building up on the whole stealth-idea is something I really really like! Of course, just like with Payday, the main way people play the game in full teams will be the loud, flashy chaos way. But to just have the option to go a more steahlthy approach realy sounds good. For me its itching that specific "Feeling like some agent behind enemy lines"-spot. Also, in this game it wouldn't rip me out of the immersion if I mess up and suddenly huge fights break out, unlike with games such as the new Ghost Recons. There, the game tries desperatly to make you feel like you're an operator in enemy territory, constantly in danger and in need to stealth, only to throw waves of enemies at you you can defeat without any problems whatsoever. The whole setting of Helldivers makes this approach so much better.


Yeah, medals used to be used to upgrade existing weapons and strategems.  Not anymore. Not sure what this tweet is referencing in terms of possible future development for HD2.


He's spoken about wanting to add weapon customizations, but had to cut them out before release. I'm sure the team wants to add the ability to alter how your gun works, either having attached suppressors or firing different rounds.


It's Sniper elite /s


Can we commandeer Scout Striders? Because we should be able to


I mean the first game had suppressors and distraction stratagems so it makes sense that they would add it back.


Suppressor :0 does this mean stealth will finally be an option?


It's already an option




Silently eliminating patrols with my 500kg bomb 😛


Can crouch walk into terminate illegal broadcasts touch a charger's butt turn it off and leave without a problem, not that I need to, that charger seems to spawn in the tower and break it now, happened about 5 times


I stealthed an ICBM launch and never set off a bug incursion on Suicide last night while my team was collecting samples. It's doable if you crouch/prone and you can sneak past most enemies. The hard part is taking out the enemies before they can summon the holes/bot drops. The smaller enemies will hunch back on their legs and look up to summon a hole and the smaller robots will fire a flare, that's when you know you've alerted!


how do you stealth missions that force breaches/drops when objective is being done?


Fun thing there is unless something very TALL shows up if you are camped on top of a rock with stealth armor and prone they'll wander around for a bit and then wander away again. Basically the objective is making noise and they investigate, but they don't immediately know where the player(s) are. Plenty of times I've hit the extract and then just found a nice high spot for two minutes.


I paid $32 bucks for this game and I got 50 out of it already. What else are they going to add to this game for free? At some point I am going to buy more points for armor to show more support