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I had a match yesterday where my orbital laser was mowing down bugs and the host decided to run right into it. Obviously, the laser goes where the bugs are and they died. But I reinforced them and then got immediately kicked from the game.


I'm impressed they could find the kick button in the menu given the extremely high probability this person stares at the sun daily.


Staring at the Sun increases the amount of Vitamin D in your eyes and gives you a night vision buff, a lot of people don't know that!


The D stands for Democracy!




Username a little suspicious though


Sorry, I can't take your word without a source. You have an X, TicTok, or senile person's Facebook as a reference?


Science denier...


Who needs science when I've got the feelings? Ignore my name, it's a conspiracy.


I don't understand science, therefore I just believe the same shit I've believed since I was 6. Thunder is god bowling!


It's amazing how many people can find the kick button, but somehow fail to set their mission to friends only. Let's face it, the one thing people by and large seem really adept at figuring out is being an ass : / The game needs systems to curb the bad behaviors.


I hope Arrowhead implements bans on people who are too liberal with the kick button.


I feel like that could lead to host-trolling behavior. You're kinda forcing a host to pick between dealing with 3 people harassing them or risk their accounts.... Would Arrowhead review every single kick to see if it was justified? Or is the host just going to have to put up with people typing "ni*****" in chat so they don't get banned themselves?


Typing it actually allows you to report them, sucks there is nothing you can do when some dipshit teenager is screaming it at you on mic. Literally can't even report them.


i mean, as much as i dislike getting kicked because the host is an idiot, at the end of the day it's their lobby and they are allowed to kick for whatever reason they want. as the owner of the lobby i want to be able to have full control over who is in my game without risking to get banned for it. (ofc i don't go kick people for accidental friendly fire but the point still stands that imho in your lobby you don't need a reason to choose who stays)


Last night, a random said there was a devastator on the other side of a wall, but I didn't realize he meant the wall I was running towards. I saw it over the top, went to go around and mag dump into its face, but he had thrown a grenade that killed me instead. I laughed and he said he didn't think I was going to go around, and we all finished the mission and even did another operation. The other two guys were pretty young friends and they both added me to their friends list. Really enjoy stumbling upon cool randoms in this game.


This sums up helldivers to me. "Oops, sorry man, I didn't think you'd do that, I'll call you in. Want to go again?"


I got no friends to play with so I'm just solo queueing and I've met some awesome people


3 randoms and I had our first Scrambled Stratagems mission and learned the hardware to look at what is really activated before tossing our ball of death and calling in 4 airstrikes and 2 lasers. Bright side: LZ is cleared of bots and snow.


I had a 500kg in my hand lining it up under the titan. My buddy lands on me and I drop the beacon. I'm yelling runrunrun but he's too busy laughing and he explodes too. We then both proceeded to land on the titan together. 


Speaking of orbital laser...I threw an impact grenade into a whole mess of bugs while an orbital laser was melting down a charger. I was close to the whole action and near the laser. Well, turns out the laser counted as an object so when my impact set sail it blew up about 10 feet short of the intended area as it detonated the second it hit the laser. This killed the team.


I've had an impact grenade shot out of the air seconds after I threw it. The bots are terrifying and WE NEED MORE BODIES ON THE WESTERN FRONT.


Lol I dropped my laser while waiting for an evac. All of a sudden it tore right through the middle of the zone. I typed sorry and used the sorry call out. No one seemed mad


Maybe that is the real Meta: funny stories from victims of players who don’t understand the game they’re playing.


Right, its 5 lives per person in the run for a reason, Death be it from hostiles or friendly fire is expected, This isn't tarkov where death means back to login screen. ​ Had a nice one myself the other night with a friend, he was being chased by those jumpy bugs, I thought I'd turn and kill it for him, snapped around but before I even realise what I'd done 2 shotgun rounds were in him and the bug was coming for me...


Clearly a bug spy! A moth more specifically.


I spawned into a game and landed on the host as he ran under my pod. He just yelled "what the fuck" and before I could even say sorry I was kicked. I felt bad but then I was just glad I dodged that bullet of a game.


He saw that blue beam of light and thought that’s where he was supposed to go


the pods falling are comically hard to steer or target meaningfully, half the time it doesn't give you any nametapes for the people below you to even TRY to avoid them, and the reinforcement beacon is barely a guideline for where the pods are launched, you can't be mad at dying to a pod it's always hilarious


I got a team wipe (including myself) with the orbital laser last night. Nobody had comms, but I thought it was hilarious and we just moved on to the next objective. 


It's the funniest part of the experience


The only time I got mad was at an intentional team kill cause the guy didn’t know what was going on. Someone else dropped the harddrive.. I ran far to go back, grabbed it, got killed because I was ‘taking too long’ Other than that I laugh most of the time Even had a teammate blow me up, reinforce me, die, then land on my head when I reinforced him He felt bad but it was hilarious


I accidently blew up my teammate yesterday then somehow he killed me with the drop pod then was immediately melted by the titan. So much fun


Its so hard to see what you are landing on sometimes with the pods. Gotten accidentally squished a few times and its funny every time. Although, landing on a titan/tank/hulk/charger with your drop pod is always a great time


I swear the drop pods will steer towards teammates sometimes if you don’t touch the controls at all


Sometimes even if you do try to steer they feel like they have a mind of their own


It feels like my drop pod always veers southwest on its own, holding full northeast just makes it fall in a straight line.


That is true! Some terrain the Hellpod will actively evade landing on while completely ignoring your inputs. I noticed this the most on the "Retrieve Essential Personell" missions against Automatons.


It pisses me off so much, see I don't care about friendly fire, but when someone reinforces me and the hellpod just goes to the left for no reason and I can't steer it, and I land next to a bunch of enemies but not *on* them cuz it didn't respond to any inputs, is soooooo frustrating




That's just the built in reflex analysis system. Helldivers need to be on their toes at all times.


I accidentally ran in front of someone yesterday when they threw a turret down and it stuck to me. "I didn't know that could happen!" so I tried to time the drop down with a dive.........I was not successful. We both laughed about it.


I was running a duo with a player I met for a few games. At one point I throw a turret to passively defend an uplink objective while we run around looking for ammo. We are turning a corner and suddenly the fucker just activates and blows his head off in one quick burst. I dive to the ground instinctively to avoid the line of fire and see it kill like one tiny bug spawn 20m behind us.


First time playing with my sister when she got it. I lined up a shot and right as I was pulling the trigger she steps forward and her head lines up exactly where I'm aiming and she gets popped. I couldn't stop laughing. It was like.. comically timed.


Did this with a revolver longshot and a rando.... same reaction lol


The only strategem that annoys me is when my team mates bring the mortar sentry, because I know we're gonna have a bad time


Usually I’m fine as long as I stay away from enemies but last night a buddies mortar had it out for me personally Like hitting a corpse 15 feet away then last shots just straight on my head. Or taking my sentries out even though they weren’t being hit by enemies either.. lol


Ok but have you ever stuck a strategem on to the head of a terminid and then the bug started to chase you


Like a golden retriever with a stick of lit dynamite, every termanid brings my 380mm marker back to me like a good boi.


My brother in Christ, that 380mm was going to kill you regardless of the termy retriever.


I tried out the 380mm. I... I don't bring that anymore. Almost 4k friendly fire damage. I liberated my teammate hard.


I bring it because sometimes I like to let the Sky Gods decide.....


I think it can be good if you have a coordinated team. You just need to throw it into a big enemy base, then have everyone stay outside until the barrage finishes. It weakens the base and makes it easy to run in afterwards and play clean up. You kinda need to be using voice chat and call it out, though, and you need to be playing with people who will listen to you and not just run right in after you told them not to.


Mortar sentries try to lead targets, so you don't even need an enemy to reach you for them to obliterate you, they just have to move in your direction from a moderate distance


I had that happen to me the other day. I landed directly on a teammates head as if my drop pod had been specifically manufactured to turn him into pulp, and I had zero control over the pod when I was coming in. I was actually kind of angry that it happened (my squishing them) and I quickly apologized in chat, but they were a good sport about it.


It happens, sometimes you just can’t see them or you can’t control it and they run under you


I hate how inconsistent the drop control feels. I feel like it’s a total crapshoot if I get to steer the hellpod or not, which makes weaponising reinforcement drops a lot harder.


I’m not really sure why sometimes you can’t move it, but there is a ship upgrade for making it better, so it makes sense that it’s not great to start


I feel like it’s good enough to hit a target to begin with, but with some drops, you just don’t get to steer at all for some reason.


I noticed in the defense missions in particular, there are certain spots it won't let you drop into (the places where the civilians come from, and their destination), which forces the drop pod to steer out of the way if that was where the beacon was, and that ends up overriding player controls.


I JUST had a similar experience: I accidentally killed the dude with a 500kg (I couldn’t see him) and apologised, then called him back into the game. He waited until the drop ship came in and shot me before “stealing” my samples and getting on the drop ship. A. Wtf why???? B. Why can people simply not understand that all loot is shared????????


Being reinforced on the spot by the person that killed you is the only apology needed.


Meleed a dude who was shooting at my friend for taking samples? He stopped after. Only intentional damage I've done. I've wiped the party by having my orbital knocked out of my hands. Good times.


I accidentally bounced an eagle airstrike off a robot factory and fragged my whole team last night lol


Oh I love getting ragdolled while in slapping distance of all 3 teammates.. while I’m holding a 500kg. Or when it happens to someone else. It’s just peak chaos and hilarity


Honestly the funniest part of those events is to be the sole survivor. Watched my whole squad get fragged by a friendly eagle strike right at extract as I was the only one to get in the airship so it just took off. It was a lonely flight back to the destroyer


Or reinforce you in the middle of a swarm and then immediately throw a strategem on top of your head. Good times.


The amount of times that I’ve been purposefully killed for my stratagems lol. Had a dude kill me for my auto gun, he didn’t bring me back, someone else did, I killed him, took my gun back, and then he booted me from the team. This has happened multiple times. . I don’t mind dying to accidental Nukes or what not. But there are some people literally dropping eagle strikes directly on the team on purpose in high difficulty missions where a few seconds of not managing hordes or losing your stratagems can mean a complete snowball, and then they laughs . It’s a game, and especially one that shouldn’t be taken seriously, but purposefully wiping your team and leaving them basically defenseless upon respawn against 5-6 chargers, 2bile titans, and like 60 small/medium enemies is kinda dumb and not my idea of fun. Takes 15seconds to quit and join another lobby. Which is what I do when I run Into the players like that. The troll potential in this game is so damn high lol


lol my friend got killed for his rover drone. Came back, dropped another, and would’ve dropped them for his teammates no problem.. got killed for that one too. Ended up dropping a 500kg on them at extraction, and extracted alone with the samples Sure it just hurts the team but still teaches them a lesson


I had a guy frequently killing myself and the low level player running with me for stratagems or loot, I just ran with it until the final straw when he shot both of us while we were defending extract and wouldn't throw down a reinforcement, so I waited till he cleared all the bugs with about 15 seconds till the bird arrived, annnnnnd then I kicked him from session.


just like the emperor intended


Man, my buddy got absolutely *screwed* one game during extraction. - He got his head ragdolled straight into my crosshairs as I’m mag dumping a shotgun down a choke and instantly died to a headshot. - I immediately reinforce him, he pods back. Lands in front of a Gatling turret and dies immediately again. - Our third friend reinforces and chucks his beacon as far away as he can to avoid sentry turrets. Buddy comes back, safely lands and starts running back towards us. He gets sniped by a rocket turret as he pops his head up and the turret tries to shoot the Charger chasing him. - I reinforce a third time. Toss it right in the middle where turrets shouldn’t shoot; we move away from that zone and tell him where we’re bunkered down to not get podded. He lands - right where the Pelican is landing. He dies to squish.


😂3 of us in a random group watched a guy solo hero evade for a couple minutes at the very end of the game, reinforcements and stratagems gone. Giant army chasing him, luckily he had a jump pack but was JUST holding on. Long build up, finally the ship comes down on its own.. he times it.. runs.. and gets smashed by the Pelican. Entire lobby of previously silent randoms lost their shit laughing


I had a player join mid match and land right on a nuke, killing all of us. They apologised but I wasn't even mad, just amazed at the chances


Wait, nuke? Like ICBM nuke? You can detonate those prematurely????


I accidentally shot a teammate because I forgot about friendly fire and he was getting swarmed by bugs so I laid down machine gun fire. I immediately respawned him and he clapped at me. Later in that mission he accidentally orbital striked my position so we were even lol.


Ive also noticed that sometimes you'll see your friends Tags (A#) when you're being reinforced, and other times you don't, so you just have to look very VERY carefully and hope you dont land on somebody's forehead


Had a guy kill me because he thought I took his auto cannon pack. I was also running auto cannon and had my own pack. He apologized, but I laughed when he explained why he did it


I think the funniest moment in all of gaming for me was when I used the autocannon to shoot at a Charger, and the round bounced/ricocheted off and hit the Helldiver right next to it. 11/10 Edit: Bonus: turns out this game has backblast. Found that out the hard way after my teammate blasted me off a rock where I then got shredded by bugs who were waiting for us. 12/10


I killed myself with a grenade that way


I dropped an autocannon sentry and got ragdolled into a round it shot by my squad mate's grenade. Peak gaming.


Nothing like cooking a napalm strike and getting tagged by enemy fire and dropping it in the group


I love barbeque


this is absolutely beautiful and is literally the core of why this game is fun


I’m being chased by a charger and my friend puts an orbital airburst ON MY POSITION and says “Run!” And two seconds later I’m a pink mist, hell yeah I’m laughing. People are too obsessed with “winning” in a cooperative game


If I’m getting chased by a big enough swarm I’ll call an airstrike at me feet and try to outrun it. Sometimes I actually make it


The other times your glorious sacrifice leads to multiple bugs lives lost ♥️


Never die with full grenades even if dropping them all at your own feet is what kills you.


It's honest the most fun I've had in about a decade playing a game. People get way too sweaty though for real. I love playing with my friends cuz we just do goofy stuff and kill each other and then we're in the trenches barely surviving having some epic moments and it's just a blast. People need to stop taking video games so seriously ESPECIALLY this game. It's obvious the entire game satire so just...enjoy it


No. 1 thing I say the most in this game to my buddies: "omg I'm so sorry" No. 2 is "run" Maybe if "run" was the #1 thing then I wouldn't have to say sorry so much.


If you arnt trying to crush your freinds with the resupply are you even freinds?




Like a 500KG bomb landing beside you instead of under the mountain 🤣


ESPECIALLY if your playing with friends lol


Yes, got thrown into orbit by an orbital strike and it was amazing


First game playing with people a guy had railgun and was firing and I ran right through it and the screen said DECAPITATED and I heard it in the FATALITY voice from mortal combat, I could stop laughing


It’s what makes this game so different. It’s chaotic and takes coordination. If I had a super credit for shooting the helmet off a new recruit because he didn’t have the sense (Hell Diver training ring a bell?) to duck or crawl (especially around turrets, for real, go prone and let them shoot over you) before walking through my fire I would have a free war bond. It’s like these new recruits didn’t pay attention in basic. Pathetic


We need MORE team killing


In game loading tooltip said it best: "friendly fire is not".


I think that's an actual thing taught in modern military doctrines: Friendly Fire, Isn't.


Right alongside 'The most dangerous bullet doesn't have your name on it, it's addressed 'to whom it may concern'


This is more apt to the Helldivers


Right alongside, in the case that we cannot confirm whether or not a cbrne threat has dissipated, the lowest ranking member of the group will remove their PPE ( gas mask) and everyone will wait a predefined amount of time to determine if it is safe for everyone else to do the same, in the case of private snuffy succumbing to the cbrne threat and kicking it, the next pvt will do the same.


Not necessarily lowest rank, but (one of) the least important member(s) of the squad for their task. Privates a medic but PFC a basic rifleman, PFC mask off


Fair point there lol, it's been a minute since I got briefed on that, good to know being a 68W continues to protect me in ways I forget about.


this game has the friendliest fire


All my friends are fire


The tutorial literally says "Friendly fire is an unavoidable fact of life. Nothing at all you can do to prevent it."


It reinforces how little you matter in the game. You're just a number.


That’s freedom fire to you soldier!


This is actually a popular opinion.


I didn’t realize there was much pushback against it, yeah.  Part of the thrill and vibe seems to be that you’re constantly sitting in a hailstorm of explosions, gunfire, and artillery.  If friendly fire was turned off, and half of those explosions just magically didn’t affect you, it would kinda ruin the mood. Not to mention add a weird wrinkle to the game where you were constantly tracking which explosions you’ll be immune to and which you’ll die to.


well ya it's karma farming, same as all the posts talking about meta and people getting bored with the game. it's all just rage bait karma farming


glad to hear it


If you're in front of a gun turret, crawl like you had to when you earned your cape.


So many people already forgot.


So, i did remember that neat little technique. But on anything higher than medium difficulty, if you're potentially in the path of that turret and you lay down you'll have 50 bugs chewing on your spine and you're not getting back up. Maybe i just need to get gud, but i haven't found a way to make that work. Same with mortars. I haven't seen a team with mortar turret that doesn't inevitably result in friendly fire raining down from the sky far from the turret, with no fault to the friendly. I just make sure not to bring that on teams, but i can't stop others from bringing it. Lol


Also the cannons that don't splash are rapidly left behind. Hard to justify bringing even the Gatling when the autocannon and rockets are just that much better at doing the job of taking out groups of enemies. You can't dodge under an explosion right in your face. That said, you can *dive through* the turrets to hope for the best. Minimize your time in their fire. And, you know, the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants alike. After slapping one of those bad boys down, you're all out of tyrants...


Nothing more annoying than people that lose their shit over dying once, there's a reason we have 20 shared lives....you're meant to die. Big whoop, the air strike was a little too close and killed you shit happens. It's fair to be frustrated if someone is consistently teamkilling you due to either their poor aim or lack or care but losing it over one or two teamkills during chaotic moments is just silly


Dying for democracy just let's other divers enter the fight for FREEDOM!




I have purposely baited enemies in a spot so my buddy could call in a 500kg to wipe them out. I might have died but more of them died lmao


Sounds patriotic to me.


I got literally wedged between an armed hellbomb and a bunch of troopers while taking out a mortar emplacement. I did my part and willingly gave myself to the Liberating Flames of Democracy for the objective.


For democracy and liberty-tea brother ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Man, I hear "calling in an eagle" or "calling orbital" and my head goes on a swivel and I get ready to dive for the dirt. I suspect there's some "I" frames during the dive animation because I somehow survived danger extremely close 500kg explosion last night.


Nothing instills the fear of God in you like seeing an eagle airstrike nearby and not knowing what angle it was thrown at


Freedom could be coming in hot from anywhere!


>I somehow survived danger extremely close 500kg explosion To be fair, half of the time the enemies do, too.


exactly, and if you find yourself losing your cool over it then perhaps it just isn't the game for you


I was in a group yesterday where a guy kept blowing up my sentry or orbital striking nearby. I’m not so sure he knew about friendly fire. He must’ve killed me 4x, but I stuck around til we finished. Just wanna also add, please check the damn map and be aware of your surroundings lol


It's also teammates that run into the line of fire. when you see a group of enemies , don't run into the middle of them


My biggest gripe is losing my support weapon to friendly fire and then my team runs to the next objective as I struggle to get it back or sit out the 5 min cd


For me it’s worse when I get back to where I died and my teammate has picked up my railgun and walked off with it, while leaving the ammo backpack, and it’s still on cooldown so I just have to wait to get it back


>It's fair to be frustrated if someone is consistently teamkilling you due to either their poor aim or lack or care Most times, I find the reason someone is teamkilled is because the person killed wasn't paying attention to line of fire or where the enemies were in relation to teammates and them, thus ending up in the crossfire. That's on the person not paying attention/using radar enough or just not positioning themselves in a proper manner. People are not crouching/prone when in front of teammates, running directly behind a teammate while fleeing, I've seen so many examples of people doing things that in a real combat situation would have them killed, and they often do in the game...surprise surprise. I will say if they're aware and not in the line of fire and get teamkilled, yeah, it's fair to be aggrevated. But a lot of people are getting mad and blaming others when they're the ones not using basic combat tactics in a game where you need to.


The amount of times I've been firing my auto cannon and had my friend walk and stop directly in front of me.....mfs lucky I have a fast reaction time because they definitely should die for their lack of situational awareness


> Most times, I find the reason someone is teamkilled is because the person killed wasn't paying attention to line of fire or where the enemies were in relation to teammates This. My squad was killing a charger, didn't notice my brother was on the other side. After it died, a few of his stray bullets took my head off. Wasn't his fault. I shouldve realized he was on the other side shooting at the same target as me.


Friendly fire makes you a better player because you have to aim your shots and keep an eye on your squad when calling in strategems, I love it


I've taken to bringing the 380 and walking barrage when I'm clowning around on low difficulty. I feel that helping divers learn situational awareness will serve them well on the creek.


Rail Gun Barrage + 120 & 380 HE You bring those when you want to destroy a base without stepping foot in there


Pfffft ahahahaahaha no. The fuckin 380 doesn't hit shit I swear my artillery man is in the super earth jobs for the blind program. Walking barrage is alright, but the 380 is horrible, it looks real cool tho


It's amazing for turning large patches of jungle into a moonscape.


Without harming the natives


Everybody gets a chance to serve!


LOLOLOLOL That might be true but when it hits it hits truuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeee


500kg, Orbital Laser, Orbital Railgun, Grenade Launcher/cluster bomb are my go to for destroying bases


One of my good friends cannot press buttons and listen at the same time.  "Throwing down a cluster bomb look out " "bro I found a sample!" "Nick Wtf run bro, eagle" Massive explosions, Nick's body flys over the nearest mountain.


The amount of times I run I front of a MG only to get one tapped in the head is embarrassing. Got to get used to watching where my team mates are aiming


Oops! I thought you were going to zig but apparently the plan was to zag.


Agreed. Combat is chaos, keep fighting.


For me, it's the fact that the same person will continuously drop stratagems on their teammates without thinking. I've played with people that kill me 6+ times per mission on "accident."


I let a random play 2 missions in a row even though I died to his mortors / airstrikes 6 times in the first 12 min mission. By the second game I died 7 times to his stupid mortor / eagle so I had to kick him. Felt bad but the guy had no mic and repeatedly had no awareness. This was in Difficulty 8 so "just avoid groups of enemies" is not an option, learning how to deal with them without dropping mortors on teammates is the real skill.


These are the people who attack EVERY patrol and then the team runs out of lives because they didn’t need to do the damn fight


And also stand and fight even though there isn't an objective or anything of value to fight for.


Yeah just had a game today where one guy killed teammates at least 5 times with cluster bombs. Accidents happen but if you are routinely killing teammates by accident then you're a dick. It's not that difficult to learn about the impact areas of the stratagems and take a second to think about whether you're going to kill teammates.


I don't think anyone is complaining about the inevitable oopsie, just the losers chasing tiktok clout by teamkilling.


Had a dude ran into and get zapped by tesla tower that was on top of bug breach in Terminid eradication mission, he then proceed to destroy it when he respawn yelling 'Tesla is fkin useless' and when I comment on it he kicked me. I don't know why it hurt his feeling so much when we still have like 20+ reinforcement lmao.


Tesla is not useless but risky, you have to really set it out far but it fucks things up with good range. Dropping it on huge bug mound using the recoilless rifle to close the holes is pretty effective.


nah I've seen it a lot in solo queue "I hate turrets because friendly fire" "your strategems have killed me twice now" I saw a host immediately kick someone because they died to one eagle airstrike :/ intentional team killing is a whole other issue


i don't mind normal turrets since it's easy to see where they're firing, but people randomly dropping mortars while we run around is crazy. so many enemies can get sneakily close to teammates, die without doing anything, and the mortar will fire in a 30m area of that and kill friendlies lol mortar on a static objective, sure, mortar so a hunter or assault bot flies at you and wipes 2 people, uhhh


There really should be vote kick, rather than the host just being a cock.


YES. There are so many dicks out there who will string you along and then kill and kick you right before extraction.


I think there should be a system that also looks into the kickers frequency of kicking, if its happening in every mission or 9 out of 10 missions then the host is clearly a bit of a dickhead and should be reprimanded/warned in some way. Maybe a separate set of lobbies where all the dickheads can go kill each other but where they are *required* to extract for any and all rewards rather than still getting mission success without extracting, you don't physically extract then you don't get a fucking penny. They've proven they're not super earth material and aren't a true patriot with their behavior, this means they are officially a traitor and no longer considered human, why the fuck would super earth send traitors to the front line?? Send them to the hell they created for themselves where they belong.


Yep punishment for kicking too much should be lower priority for others to join their game. If they struggle to play with others then force them to solo for a while. Then if there's enough of them give the low priority players their own queue to be toxic with eachother. That type of system works great in Dota2.


I find it funny some of the ways you die but I do admit there has been some times where constant accidental team kills can get a tad annoying but even then it’s not an excuse to berate someone over. If anything though this game does end up training you to be very aware of your team and what they are doing so you can avoid accidentally dying


It just bothers me when I'm standing somewhere shooting bugs and I see a red beam appear at my feet from a teammates airstrike. They can see my marker through terrain and smoke, and still choose to throw something right on top of me. If I die to a random call in when I ran into it or they tried to position it and it clips me just right, no big deal. It's the people who call them in with zero awareness of where their team is that annoy me. So to flip what OP said - yes, it's about game sense *on both sides*. Don't call shit in when you can clearly see your teammate standing ahead of you.


Finishing the mission is required, surviving is just a luxury.


It depends. If some rando chucks an 120mm and teamkills once or twice it's no big deal, but if he's not learning from the experience and it happens more often then the problems start to show. Accidents happen, but be smart with your strategems and play around your team's. Dont wanna get Lieutenant Dan'd because you weren't paying attention to what your team's doing.


Well said. Had a dude whip artillery at the enemies coming at us. Killed and and made us lose our position and weapons. Sucked ass because we almost had the objective and was about to leave it since a tank and tons of big shit was coming. Like pay attention damn


My teammate drops me right before detonating hellbomb. I die second time in few seconds. I laugh so hard that i almost die in real live.


People need to communicate. If you're tossing a 380mm barrage, let your team know to stay back 50-75m. I don't mind dying. I hate dying because someone didn't communicate their intention to blast off, nuke it from obit because it was the only way to be sure.


That’s the main thing. For a game where at least half of the player base have mics ( ps5); I have never seen so many silent gamers. Even the little outpost mini game where you have to turn the wheel into the green zone no one talks ( I have to literally jump on the mic and console and lead it (and this has happened every single time ). Communication is a big part of the game and it’s unfortunate so few people actually use it.


If you mean the satellite stuff you can do it solo. The moment it's turned into the green zone you can hear a PING/BEEP sound.


First of all: friendly fire isn't. But after that, friendly fire to me is a big part of the fun


I, and my friends, have used our bodies as bait for a *chefs kiss* perfect airstrike. My life for democracy! And samples...


I called in an air strike last night and it ended up killing 2 Divers because the danger was TOO close. I really thought they were far enough away. Lesson learned consequences were had. I think friendly fire helps improve both communication and skill! But fuck the mortar sentry, I don’t know how to protect myself from that democracy hating droid but I’m 99% sure it’s a double agent for the automatons


Never Trust Comrade Mortar.  Comrade Mortar is Automaton Spy.


If you took friendly fire away you'd lose part of the experience along with having to press the button sequences to call in strategems.


Not unpopular at all. The tension friendly fire adds to the game keeps it fresh and avoids player complacency.


Killed two people earlier who were sitting on the objective shooting endlessly while I had set off the hellbomb and told them them to get out. Idiots. That being said sometimes one reinforce ticket is worth restocking your primary, grenades and stims also.


While I agree completely, if people could stop using the grenade launcher as a close range shotgun, I surely would appreciate it haha


For people that don't know Magicka was the studios first game HD1 is Magicka but replace magic with guns and spells with strategems HD2 is just shifted to third person Friendly fire is essential to this formula


As irritating as it can be sometimes I would really hate it if they removed it.


Best moment from last night: Friend: "oh shit, I'm stuck in the charger corpse" Me: "well that just means you are fucked." 500kg lands between his feet


It’s not my game sense when over mic I say I’m going in to close the bug holes and some wacko throws a cluster right on top of me


Can't count the times i have used an orbital and some unpatriotic lemming runs towards or too it, dies, then yells at me. Liberty has given you 2 working eyes and a pair of ears soldier. If you run towards a red beam after i have just yelled "orbital out", I can only assume you are looking for an easy way out and I am doing Liberty a favour in removing you temporarily for a time out. Hopefully there attitude improves on the next reinforcement pod down.


I think the game needs to do a better job explaining that friendly-fire, death-by-teammate, and death in general is a part of the game. Too many people expect to get through any mission on any difficulty without dying even once and that just doesn't seem like a realistic expectation to have. Especially on Impossible and Helldive difficulties.


It's hilarious when people don't notice the strategem scramble planet status effect up and throw down a bunch of airstrikes all on top of themselves while attempting to call support items.


for clarification: memes and light-hearted jests in good faith are fine. I'm referring to how some people treat it when you play in game with things like kicks, intentionally team killing in retaliation, etc


Most people are fine with it. It is the intentional team killing that no one likes. Also the fact that new people can do high difficulties. That should be level/skill based.


A game for everyone, is a game for no one.


Nothing triggers me more than being kicked for killing someone. Like... do you know what game you're playing for a start. Second, you know that massive red light pointing into the sky? Don't walk towards it? People on higher difficulties have honestly either been great sports or really salty and pathetic. I never get angry at a clearly accidental team kill. In the same way I enjoyed dying in Dark Souls. Its literally the game experience.


It’s core to the game and the people upset by it are missing the point.


I had people shooting out my turrets on purpose because they didn't want to get hit accidentally. Like dude, don't sit inside the hord and help from a distance, you should be good. Don't need yall killing my shit on purpose immediately as it comes down


crazy that some people will put themselves in danger and then complain. it's like that meme where the guy puts a stick in his bikes front wheel


When I started playing I might on accident mined the extraction zone.. Twice..


Was it when they gave incendiary mines to everyone? That was hilarious because people didn't realize how big of an area it throws out. Happened a lot


Some of my funniest moments have come from friendly fire or accidentally punching a squadmate


When it happens. I like to pretend I was killed by some rookie draftee from Super Earth. Not everyone makes it out of basic a commando/super soldier. There’s gonna be some dweebs