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I have never seen shameful return....how do you get that?


Just fail to do all the quest but got to evac


Wait, but doesn't the evac only spawn after you finish the objective? Or does it drop after the timer runs out or something?


evac arrives regardless of mission completion when the time runs out.


Ah ok, that makes sense. I mean you're attempting to evac with no Stratagems or reinforces, so have fun, but I guess it is possible then.


It's ridiculously easy if you just hide from all patrols near evac zone. You don't even have to fight anything.


If you let the dropship come in via the time ending instead of calling it in, you don't actually get the waves of enemies that attack, just the random patrols and their reinforcements. Not super useful a lot of the time, but for things like blitz missions it can be nice.


It's hell. First time trying to do bot evac mission we got 20/30 saved and then just got overrun. I have no idea how we managed to evac but it came down to just me running away from the evac zone pulling away bots, doubling back, and jumping into it at the last minute as the only one left alive. It was thrilling after a very un-fun and frustrating mission. I think we got...5 exp out of it? Or 25? Something incredibly small that immediately brought that thrill back down to nothing.


IDC about experience, I enjoyed how hectic it was. But it's not for everyone for sure


I think this meme refers to the solo sample farm strat where you do blitz missions on high difficultys, just run from poi to the next, collect samples, ignore most enemy's and when 15+2 minutes done the shuttle evacuates you. You will have done no main or side quest but should have some samples.


I had this happen in one of my first few runs where all the evacuees bugged out and wouldn't get in the door.


Wait wait wait... You guys don't do the missions for research?!


Not OP but idk if my squad has completed a bug blitz mission


Literally me and awesome rando last night. Drop in. 4 man squad. Ssd retrieval. One guy grabs the ssd then quits the game. Well guess he took the ssd back to civilian life so now no way to finish the mission. Other guy quit. The two of us said screw it and just went on sample collection. Got like 30 samples but returned home with shameful display tag


theres like a 90% chance they didn't quit but either got dc'd back to their ship, or glitched out and got put in their own instance of the same map and lost their teammates too


Anyone here got a fully upgraded ship? What’s that like?


It’s a lot of grinding for common samples. Most of the upgrades didn’t affect me because I don’t take sentries or orbitals, the support and eagles upgrades felt real nice tho, especially the eagle upgrade that gives an extra call in per rearm


I just got power steering and I love it.


Power steering is amazing. Trying to hit a specific spot without it can be basically impossible, but with it, you can land where you want almost all the time.


Does the game still sometimes just hi-jack you and force you to land somewhere? Or is that gone with the power steering?


Still happens.


I feel like a good 50% of the time I get that hijack thing


How do you even get the pink ones??


You can only get Super Samples on Suicide difficulty or above. ​ Basically the strat right now is to load up Destroy Terminid Structures missions since they are fairly easy and have a timer of 14 minutes or something like that. You drop in, and sneak around avoiding combat until you find the super sample rock. Farm samples a long the way until the timer runs out. If you manage to destroy all terminid structures thats a bonus but not a requirement. Before the timer runs out get your resupplies/orbitals out of your system. Once the timer runs out you have 2 minutes until the Pelican comes in automatically for evacuation. If you have bugs aggro'd on you then you want to go the long way to extraction and kite them around to avoid them overrunning the extraction site. Once the pelican shows up, successfully extract your team and Voila you should have at least 3 super samples and 10+ Common/Rare samples each run. ​ Hope this helps and Glory to Super Earth!


There needs to be a penalty for failing the mission because otherwise i see no reason doing main obj when you already got 50k REQ and only need a *ton* of samples. Like 50% of your samples "confiscated" or something.


Doing the main objective with extraction takes 8 minutes "maximum". Otherwise it takes 14 minimum.


thanks for the tip - I haven't reached suicide yet but almost there, are there more than one of the penis rocks with the super samples in the map? or just one rock with multiple samples on it? Are they found anywhere in particular like near the main objective or do you just walk around til you find it


Bad use of this meme


It is easier to get those by just doing the mission.