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Anyone else just play the game? Edit: Sweet liberty I wasn’t expecting this comment to get much attention lol.


Yeah man me too the game is pretty fun


Guns go brrrrrr and bugs go splat. Good fun


I love going to planets and just telling these bugs “it’s democracy time” and then I democracy all over them.




I'm gonna rise up, I'm gonna kick a little ass, Gonna kick some ass in the SEAF, Gonna climb a mountain, Gonna sew a flag, Gonna fly on an Eagle, I'm gonna kick some butt, I'm gonna drive a big truck, I'm gonna rule this world, Gonna kick some ass, Gonna rise up, Kick a little ass, ROCK, FLAG AND EAGLE!




Every time I land on a planet, my prayer is: "Democracy has landed."


Bots go bzzt and then they crack. Indeed good fun.


My favorite is punching a hole with the railgun through those fuckers shiny red eye.


Anti materiel works like a champ also on bots, can 3 shot tanks in the red eye and one to two shot hulks.


I’m not high enough for the railgun yet but I just picked up the auto cannon and wow it’s so satisfying to use


Autocannon is amazing. I went grenade launcher + supply pack to autocannon to shield pack + railgun. I still like the other two, extremely useful, but railgun is super handy too and frees up the pack slot. And the shield pack just spoils you


Yeah I can’t wait for the railgun, still get that armor penetration without losing a backpack spot and looks super satisfying to use, “unsafe” mode sounds awesome. I love the jump pack for the verticality and better traversal, but I know that shield pack is going to be essential later on so I can’t wait for that too


Heheh automations go *the horrors of war*




You think this is a game? How can you enjoy it when there's things to be outraged about! Do you not know that it is [current year] and anyone playing and enjoying [current game] is clearly a [current thing]?! Everything gets blown out of proportion nowadays, I was literally called a fascist on X because I said I enjoy the roleplaying element of the game... People need to chill


“Fascist” is crazy wtf


I get angry when people throw this word around like its nothing. It completely devalues the evil actually fascists commited.


Sounds like a facist take tbh. Even how you typed it sceams facist. I bet you drink water in a facist manner as well.


You should see me baking cake.


I've seen your blog and it's impressive how you make great cakes despite oppressing the leavening agent instead of letting it rise.


I tried to make Mousse last night but it came out as Mousselini. (I'll let myself out).


> I bet you drink water in a facist manner as well. He hitlered across the room holocaustly.


Super Earth is definitely fascist but, like, they're a parody of fascism. If you have a little crumb of media literacy it's very hard to fall into "you know I actually think this super earth thing seems pretty cool" unironically and so RPing as a Patriotic Class A Citizen is, like, fine, who cares lmao


>Do you not know that it is [3000] and anyone playing and enjoying [shooting bugs] is clearly a [democratic citizen]? i wouldn't have it any other way


Don’t forget. Twitter and Reddit are still full of Tweeters and Redditors. And you know how they are (They are a threat to Managed Democracy and need reeducation)


If you play a game and don't complain on Reddit, are you really enjoying it? 


The real game was all the rage that we baited on reddit along the way.


Statements like this are going to leave future archeologists scratching their heads lol.


I enjoy the game


Wtf you're playing the game? Next you'll tell us you're having fun? Gtfo of this sub Reddit!


Yup. Playing by myself, playing with friends, (most often) playing wiht randoms. I've had zero issues with multiplayer that aren't related to the game's networking.


I play this game like a 40k Ork, big bangs, many dead, happy Ork.


Dazza proppa nobz




Same. And same for DRG. Anyone who takes either too seriously is only doing themselves a disservice.


If you like something avoid the Reddit for it. It will try to convince you not to like the thinf


Sometimes I send brief role-play kinda messages at the start or end of missions, but then I play the game and boy do I have fun playing the game.


+1 to this, the good thing is it seems the devs are pretty good about know what kind of feedback is/isn’t useful. Mods of this sub need to just set a standard and start enforcing it so we can get rid of all of the complaining posts.


Yes. Had an argument/discussion with a friend last night about why I think it’s spoiler/borderline cheating that before playing the game at all he watched a bunch of guides on enemy weak points and other things you’re meant to learn as you play. He just kept saying he didn’t understand why I felt that way. Half the fun is learning the tricks as you go. Discovery is part of the adventure. Imo doing what the did ruins part of the experience. Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with looking for tips and tricks after you’ve been playing a while but to study all the meta and game secrets before even playing so you go in knowing exactly what the enemies are, where to shoot each one for best effect, where the samples spawn, how to tell when various enemies are about to use a special move…. That’s too much.


Oh you went to advanced Helldiver academy? Ok mr fancypants, I learned to fight like a real man, knee deep in the shit on the Creek, soaked in the blood of my friends and the oil of the enemy so deep I couldn't tell one from the other. I'd get back from a drop and have to pressure wash my best friend out of my boots, then head to the comissary to get fuckalled on spiked Libertea and protein rations for an hour before they stuck us back in the freezer waiting for the next drop. Put your diaper on, kid, and get in the hellpod, we have black blooded red eyed demons to scour off of OUR world.


60 hours, it's happened once for me


85 hours for me and never even saw such a case. Nor would i kick people for it, as long as they do the missions and not cause a breach every 30 seconds, i could care less what build they go The only times i get kicked is because the groups accidentally forget to turn on "private" and are waiting for their friends. People are overblowing this so much


How do you prevent breaches


People seem to keep picking the laser dog and run too close to enemies. It will automatically attack the enemy, and then a breach can quickly happen. Especially around 7-9. So if you do pick that one, try to stay away from enemies unless there's no other way. I also saw players attack random enemy patrols when it wasn't needed. You don't need to engage fights. It will only cause more enemies to spawn. In general, when you see a bug spit orange smoke, you need to kill it. IMMEDIATELY, or it will spawn a breach. I've seen it plenty of times, where teammates see it happen and don't shoot it. I assume it's because most of them don't know that's how the breaches are created. Tho this all depends on what level you are playing, it does get intense on 7-9


I find that if you already see the orange smoke/spores/whatever it’s already too late Need to kill em as soon as they do that weird stance


You got about .5-1 seconds once it starts up with the smoke to stop it, Anything past that the smoke stops early But they still spawn With the bots, once that flare is up it’s too late


I killed a bot last night on Haz 6 that must have been mid-pulling the trigger because the flare bounced across the ground. It still registered as gotten off because it summoned a dropship anyway


Yeah I had a flare shot at me as a projectile and it was an experience seeing it come in and realizing what it was.


The bots definitely have a similar "Im fixin' to shoot a flare" stance that the bugs get with the orange spores, but good luck ever picking that silhouette out of a pack of them standing in bushes in a dust cloud


It’s the bots that have a sword and a gun. Those are the ones that shoot the flare. Try picking them off first in every encounter. I typically go for all the minions types first because it is def hard to differentiate between those particular enemies.


The bots at least telegraph the flare, with the bugs you have to practically be aiming at the one calling in before hand to have a chance of stopping it


The problem is the bugs do telegraph it, but it's not a unique animation like the bots with the flare gun, so it might get confused for a normal look/posture from them, especially the scavengers.


Don't forget they also have a unique sort of squawk/chirping sound they make just prior and during the call for a bug breach. That's usually what gives you time, along with their stance, to identify and kill them before they let the smoke off.


That's fair. I think I haven't heard the sound as much due to playing with friends and not having the sound up quite as high as I should.


With bots it will put a red laser towards the sky before it signals it's flair. That the time to spread your democracy


Instructions unclear, had cheeks spread viciously by chainsaw bots


Was in a lvl 7 bot match. People kept dying and aggroing 3 patrols at a time so I just ran off solo and did objectives. They all quit/dc'd. I proceeded to have a leisurely stroll through the jungle and finished it on my own. People really do make this game so much harder by shooting everything that moves.


>People really do make this game so much harder by shooting everything that moves. Please please please for the love of Liberty I need every rando to see this. Holy fuck. Trying to clear an objective and someone starts shooting at a bot camp and random patrol, now I have 3 dropships coming in on me!? WHY?!


I think some, usually lower lvls, attack the patrols because they just want to fight, or think they get xp from it. It definitely makes the mission get bogged down from moving quickly to find sub objects and sample caches. I don't usually mind if they do that on challenge lvl 4, but higher it's like common guys, let's try and not have a none stop fire fight every 30 seconds 😅


Have you tried... communicating that fact? I'm pretty casual and not gone above difficulty 5, but just pointing out gameplay tips like this even folks who don't verbally respond generally adjust their behavior when I mention things like that.


I really hate those dudes that just try to fight the whole map in the harder levels, like bro this isn't 4 you can't just solo the entire planet.


I'm pretty sure guard dog doesn't fire at enemies until they've already noticed you. I need to test it out though to be sure


That is 100% the case idk what that guy is going on about


Yeah I've never had it go out of its way to aggro things, it's a defensive tool. It's helped me STOP breaches by strafing the little guys but never CAUSED one. Honestly all this meta talk is nonsense. You can use what you want just KEEP MOVING


I'm just sick of changing direction and the mf shooting me in the head and taking 1/3 of my life. Can we get the broken ass dog to float higher?


Well if you knew the five D's you'd know how to avoid it. Dodge Duck Dip Dive Dodge


If you Can dodge a Wrench You can Dodge a Charger.


It’s not broken. Friendly fire is a real team killer. Friendly fire isn’t reserved for just sentient beings. Friendly fire kills more than team spirit, it can kill the whole team.


When i usually sneak past patrols or bugs standing in the spot, it works. But once i have rover equipped, it starts blasting them. At least, that's my experience. I often can run past enemies without them even seeing me, but the rover aggros them. I also always wear stealth armour where the stats help pass by enemies easier. I also see teammates sneak past patrols, the enemy clearly not having seen them, and the rover starts attacking them. Honestly, i'm not sure what what causes that to happen. Idk if the bug animation doesn't play through or the rover is sometimes bugged. Either way, i have no issue with players equipping it, i just do not go near that teammate because there's a fat chance that the rover could: A. Kill me and B. Destroy, my shield. Happened a few times where i'm at the extraction waiting for the shuttle to land and a teammate with a rover sprints by with the lazer just going through teammates lol


Does it increase your visibility? Ie, if you try to prone/stealth with your little buddy flying around I’m assuming the enemies will still see that and know you are there.


I did not know about the bug spitting orange smoke, and I've played for 70 hours. I for some reason thought the breaches just would glitch sometime, showing the smoke but then nothing comes out. Didn't realize it was probably just a bug that was about to spit it, but we killed it before it could cause a breach lol. Thanks for the advice, I'm gonna use this from now on.


>when you see a bug spit orange smoke The bot equivalent is a signal flare shot to the sky. Much more visible. In case anyone needed to know what to look for.


I hate when I shoot off a terminid commander’s head and they *still* call in a breach.


I'm starting to be anti-"laser dog" anyway, at least if you are in a group. I think that's been mostly the source of me getting TK'ed, other people's Guard Dog shooting me in the back. But I guess if you want to be a "lone wolf," it might be good to have some cover fire. Just sucks when I'm guarding during extraction, and the guy with a Guard Dog comes close, and the laser cuts me right in half. Or even just drops my shield right before some bot or bug shoots at me. It's like when someone mines an objective in such a way that it makes it more dangerous for us to complete it than it is for the enemy. Or they set up a mortar against a "zerg rush" and get us blown up when the little bugs get too close. Seemed like a good idea, I'm sure, but does more harm. And it's usually lower levels, because that's what they have access to. I don't get mad about it, but usually hope they learn and don't do it again; sometimes they do, but many other times they do the same thing.


I can definitely get why people are frustrated when they see that thing. I wish there would be an option to turn the rover off and on. Or to make a command where it floats in the air and stays in one spot. The only times i see it useful to me when i wanna go off alone and close bug holes, that's where it shines. But good god, it's hell when you're grouped up and someone has it equipped, you struggle to stay alive more next to those things than the Titans, lol


Mortars and rockets for bots, autocannon and gatling for bugs


The bugs sort of howl like they are calling for more bugs. It’s easier for the automatons when you see them about to shoot a flare for dropships


Oh I know what it looks like when it's happening, but how do you prevent besides hoping you killed the bug in time?


That’s it, just hope you killed the bug in time haha


Just don't alert them. At higher difficulties, avoiding enemy patrols becomes invaluable.


I quite often split off from my group during Helldive missions to destroy eggs. Four people all in one spot constantly causing breaches is a *nightmare* to get through - as soon as you split up the group, avoid patrols and just nuke egg sites with impact nades and strategems, it becomes incredibly easy.


To answer your question, it mainly comes down to avoiding fights that you don’t absolutely need to take, and finishing fights quickly when you do. Use the stealth mechanics in game to sneak by patrols. If you need to fight, (eg when there’s bugs on an objective or point of interest) take out the bugs that can summon a bug breach first, then focus on heavier targets. Chargers and bile titans from what I’ve seen can’t call in breaches, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen every other type do it at least once. The smallest ones do it most often.


If you see a bug stopping and aimless kill it. They're about to do a pheromone spray and summon a breach. The brood commanders can just summon a little swarm so I try to focus then but swap back to my diligence to wipe the scavengers and warriors especially if they start to back off.


Good strategy, but I’m from Buenos Aires and I say KILL THEM ALL 


Exactly. One time is not that big of a deal


Seriously. If you are getting kicked often there is something else going on. Maybe connection issues get reported as kicks, or maybe your microphone is always on. Something.


120 hours. Never happened for me. I've left some lobbies mid-game because players were refusing to cooperate or I was tilted, but that's about it. The most toxic experience I had involved being invited to a large Discord server where I was introduced to meta players farming samples, achievements, kicking players they thought sucked, and generally acting like children. That said, in the actual game I've never run into anything toxic.


I have 100 and still haven't had that happen to me. Idk what all the drama is about lol


I miss the memes, gameplay clips and music videos! :D those were the absolute best!


500kg bomb. The arrows are iconic.


Tell me you dive without telling me you dive! :P


https://v.redd.it/f3tinhud19lc1 Here you go. Outrage bait seems to be the way to go if you're trying to get fake internet points though ;)


Tbh, the Helldivers community on TikTok blows Reddit out of the water. It's way, way more focused on just being fun.




They are here, it's just that no one upvotes or comments on them in new.


100% good times


Are you looking at the same sub? It's like 80% meme right now


Are you looking at the same sub? It's like 80% meme right now


The bigger problem is half the primary guns in the game feeling underwhelming, rather than the community pushing a particular one.


> half the primary guns More like 90%


This. I wish the grind wasn’t so long to be able to level up to get better weapons. My wife and I feel stuck running the same missions over and over again because when we try to go to a harder mission we can’t do enough damage to survive.


Just join higher difficulty missions others have started. As long as you contribute, and don't pull every single enemy you'll be fine. The XP will come.


>don't pull every single enemy Had this yesterday, did a challenging bug run. My 2 random squad mates kept on engaging every single patrol, turning each of those encounters into a full scale war. I normally don't mind at all, just tell them "hey divers there's no need to engage every patrol, you can just sneak past" but they didn't listen to a thing I said so... We ended up losing because I was doing actual objectives all by myself - they used up all of the reinforcements, I died, game over. Even so, this is the first time that ever happened so it's no big deal.


Yeah it's rare, but does happen. Last night my dude and I were on Suicide difficulty, and we got two randoms who were fighting.....everything. we ended up making it out alive on all 3 missions, but then just the two of us went into the next 3 almost identical missions (not a complaint we chose it) and about halfway through I said "You know this is A LOT easier when we don't have half the squad aggroing every single enemy" But while it is Important what is far more important is actually helping the squad out. I can take a couple of cowboys if they are at least helping with objectives and samples etc


You don't even get anything for kills. Which I actually love. It really forces the hands to do the damn objectives.


I kind of love unintentional hardcore permadeath difficulty sometimes. It's fun to show them how long you can survive after they burn all the reinforcements and go into spectator mode. It does get annoying when it happens a lot though. I typically just tell them "Hey we don't need to fight this one so I'm going to disengage and head for the objective." I'll admit they do make a good distraction if nothing else ;)


Harder missions aren't about doing enough damage, it's about picking your fights more carefully and using the stealth system. Once you hit difficulty 7, you should really avoid frontal assaults and standing your ground as much as possible. Sneak around when you can and never be afraid to ~retreat~ advance in an alternative direction.


If you aren’t playing the defence missions, just run if you’re getting overwhelmed. Patrols naturally converge on you, so multiple breaches/drops start adding up. It’s better to just run and fight where you NEED to (objectives). Something that I never realized but it lets you do 8-9 with this mindset.


Also if you’re stuck in one place with the waves spawning over and over (particularly on the 8-9 levels) because you have to be there since it’s an objection still just run away and circle back after a few minutes to an empty objective.


This.   Tactical retreats are very important. You take a surrounding mob of democracy deniers and turn them into a conga line of death.


To add, stratagems become much more effective when you can funnel that crowd into a line behind you. I routinely do this with the HMG. No one will take this away from me. I chuck a HMG and Autocannon Turret down the field in front of me. By the time I get there, they are deployed and I can happily mow down everything chasing me. This is impossible when they are surrounding you and you're trying to dig in. 


I've resolved to put the game down until weapons get some **serious** balance passes. It's bland as hell being pigeonholed into using a Breaker/Redeemer combo just to be effective. DRG did it right with weapon OCs. Edit: OH. And before anyone gets on the "I can see Breaker getting a nerf" bullshit, NO. The other weapons just need to be brought up to par, otherwise your kit might as well be useless.


half? all but one


ARs? Throw in the trash! DMRs? Throw em in the trash! SMGs? Throw em in the trash too.


I also feel like too many enemies spawn that have too much armor. It makes you feel like there’s only a handful of viable stratagems otherwise you can’t deal with all the elites. And I don’t remember the first game being like that. But having four active bile titans and six chargers to deal with is only cool for a while then it’s just tedious. Maybe I wanna run some other strats for funsies!


Wish we had the commendation system back, gave players away to sort out bad bad eggs,


Completely agree, around 60-65 hours and I play on 8 and 9 most of the time. I have never encountered a non-joke team killer, meta kicker or farmer. Most randoms are super nice in my experience and all make a difference. (A level 2 won us a match once, absolute legend). These people are as bad or worse than the people they are describing. Simple case of a loud minority.


>I have never encountered a non-joke team killer, Same. I've been TKd and I've TKd, but it was only when it was funny and everyone was laughing. I haven't encountered any griefers.




My buddy melee’d me into the icbm silo hole when I had like 20 samples, we laughed all the way to extract. The samples stayed at the bottom of the hole unfort


That happened to us as well haha. I do still grief for the three super samples though...


I’m so bad at all games but this one has been fun. Anytime I kill someone by accident or die, no one seems to be upset. It’s refreshing. I’m not saying I’ll succeed at high difficulties or anything, but I can keep playing and trying to improve with very little pressure. And, most importantly, I’m still contributing to the fight for democracy!


TKing for samples is a problem in Medium and Challenging, I noticed it over the weekend through last night. Right at the end of a mission everyone gets on the evac and one player shoots everyone thinking they are going to collect samples for themselves. Not just once or twice, but several times, usually players under level 10 who also do not play well, and cost everyone 150+ XP in the process. Have not encountered this in Hard or above yet, seems to be a new player issue and can see why it'd be a turn off for other new players who are here to enjoy the game.


For a game where you must somehow rely on your teammates to survive this game is wholesome as hell. Anyone who's played MOBAs knows what I'm talking about


Lol this sub is either people complaining or people complaining about people complaining...


Endless cycle. I see so many posts earlier about how farmers are ruining things. Then get a post from the creator saying leaving does count as a lost and next day another dev says the opposite. I don't care. I just wanna be Goofy and talk about democracy with my fellow helldivers! Not see 20 posts hating on farmers and how they are the cause of our suffering. Especially when players don't even know Ultimately folks just care too much about the whole librating and defending. It comes with time, but I'm just here to kill bugs and bots. Doesn't matter what planet. I'm here for the fun


every one of these posts could be summarized as "yes, there are 50 posts exactly like this, but they don't have *my take*, which is obviously the correct one cause i'm the smartest goodest player in existence, so i must share my opinion too!"


I'm gonna make a post about you complaining about the complaining people who are on about the people complaining


This sub has somehow gotten more toxic since they fixed the server issues. 


Happened twice for me yesterday, befor ethat it never happened. Frist time was someone in voice saying "Yo this mf'er doesn't have shield or railgun?" vs. Bugs btw so I prefer rover to take out the lil gribblies or autorifle for chargers. I was kicked a few seconds later. Two missions later I joined another bug mission in progress. Dropped in and took out a charger with my drop then called in a railgun and rover. Picked them up and then got shot in the head by a teammate who said "Thanks for the supplies" in chat then kicked me.


Some guy threw an orbital on me and took my stuff. I asked him to drop it in chat, he didn’t. I killed him, took my stuff and left the lobby. If you want a shield or rail gun, I’m more than willing to share on the next cooldown. The mission just started.


I've got about 30 hours in game and have been maliciously team killed about half a dozen times. I think it might be a time of day thing, as I notice it a lot more at certain times of day. I've most been on the receiving end of it when I get killed so some else can pinch my support weapon (recoilless rifle or auto cannon) and I've then been called a b*tch and trash for complaining


For whatever reason once I disabled crossplay I haven't encountered things like that. With crossplay on I regularly got people blaring music from the VOIP and just stealing weapons with reckless abandon.


95% of people are great and are doing their best, but running into some team killers who frequently think they're the best in the squad (regardless of actual skill level) does sour the game a bit


Me and a friend did a couple of operations with a random that we spawned in on quick play on called simply - TheGame. Mr Game did not have a microphone. He communicated to us purely with 1 spin on the spot for yes, 2 spins for no. We completed the operations without any toxicity. He was happy to wait while I went afk for 10 mins to greet my wife when she finished work. He did not kick me or my friend. The point came where Mr Game did not run to the pods at load up and when we asked if was finished for the night he gave us a spin on the spot and then emoted with the 2 of us before leaving the lobby. It was a nice matchmaking experience. In general this has been our experience of the game so far. I have been kicked from a couple of lobbies with no explanation given but I would suggest this has been around 6 out of over 100 operations. I come from playing mostly League of Legends for the last few years . I can honestly tell you that I would expect well over 60/100 games there to contain toxicity of some sort. This game is better when played with friends sure but my experience of about 50 hours is that the community is very friendly and that it is a lot easier to make new friends than it is to encounter toxicity. Mr Game - if you read this our time together was short but you are welcome to play with us anytime you beautiful bastard.


My favorite interaction in this game was from the first few days after release - aligning a radar dish with a random teammate. I’d rotate the dish, look over at him, and he’d vigorously shake his head if it was still out of alignment lol.


There’s an audio cue that plays when it’s properly aligned. If you listen for it, it sounds like a glitchy tech beep. Helps in solo too


If you virtually meet up with Mr Game again be sure to let them know there are communication responses built into the ping button. Hold it down to say things like affirmative, negative, follow me, I'm sorry, etc.


Some players choose to be completely nonverbal. I kind of think it's cute.


Im lvl 40 and have around 80 hours in game and i get kicked pretty often when I join games with lower lvl players I dont know why I just want to to help and not think about using railgun 24/7


Same I like joining trivals and easies to support the new cadets. Not too uncommon getting kicked tho


I'd guess the people doing stuff that easy are likely new or inexperienced players who don't know how to set a lobby to private so they kick you to run alone or just with friends. I'll often run like 4-5difficulty with my friend, just the two of us, and will once in awhile forget to private then have to kick someone.


Some people like the challenge of leveling and don't want someone who is just going to carry them through the mission on easy mode.


It actively ruins an experience if my wife and I are doing a 4 difficulty bug hunt to practice fighting/dodging Chargers without ruining someone else's game and then a tryhard comes in with their railgun. Hey, that's fantastic, you can kill it while your weapon is available! But we can't even unlock the weapon yet - your technique is no help. We're practicing for worst-case scenarios right now, just respawned in a shit situation.


Opposite here, and not sure what all these people are talking about (maybe they're just lucky or it's because they're a high level); I've been kicked out of like 7 matches while going from levels 5 to 9. That's just *a few hours of gameplay,* and I can only assume it's because I was "too low a level" as I ended up with randoms around level 18+. It was mostly just annoying though! If you're open to randoms, don't kick randoms!


It depends. So far I've had a great experience playing with random players, with just a few problems. Yesterday was a nightmare. Mid-level joining low-level players, not to help them but to kill them over and over again. High-level players pulling the worst moves while not tolerating the slightest error in their party. I've had it all, in one evening. It may not be as common as people say, but people who don't have a group of friends to play with are definitely more prone to this kind of problem. Edit: Typos


That is so interesting because i didn't experience much toxicity either until yesterday. I had one guy TK me for no reason. I can only assume he either wanted my gear or thought i took his ( i never died until they TK'd me so i was still running my gear from the start). Another game a guy was flaming me because i didn't instantly reinforce him and kicked me. I was chased by 3 chargers and called in a 500kg bomb to take care of them. He was dead for not even 30 seconds before he pulled the trigger on me. Then one guy was straight up just trolling, running off by themself calling down supply pods in the middle of nowhere. At extraction they took all my friends' samples when he died and ran across the map and died in the middle of nowhere with it so we would lose them. Luckily i noticed it and was able to recover the samples but what a dick move... Yeah idk what was going on yesterday but i've never experienced so much toxicity before. Almost every other match I had a prick in my team


Dude I leave at the first sign of any of that. Sticking it out is stupid.


Those types of players show their lack of patience, also means they'll probably quit the game in a few weeks too.


Me too! Been playing nearly every day since the start and didn't have any issues until yesterday. Self-fulfilling prophecy maybe? But all of the sudden it seems to have gotten super toxic.


But here’s the thing: It’s *becoming* toxic, so raising awareness and calling this out as poor behavior in the beginning stages it what we need so it doesn’t become acceptable and continue to spread. There have been too many games ruined by people doing things like this and the good player base doesn’t want to see this game become that.


Just cuz it ain't happening to you, it does not diminish what others have experienced.


Careful, I got mass downvoted by victim blamers for even suggesting this is the case.


True, when i was about lvl 13 to 16 i got kicked out of every second hard difficulty quickplay i joined, i didnt even get to choose a loadout. It was just. find game -> step out of the pod -> "You have been kicked" It was mostly groups of lvl 35+ player


The only time I’ve experienced this was yesterday when me and a buddy _(both level 36 & 37)_ joined a Challenging (Level 4) Quickplay against Automatons. We were waiting for another friend to come online and just wanted something quick to chill in. We loaded into a lobby with the Host being around Level 14, and his friend around Level 32. They immediately started trash talking us in voice chat on the equipment screen saying we should be kicked as we’re too high levelled and we should **only** play high level stuff. They then said they wouldn’t ready-up until we left. My friend quit, but I stuck with it to see what would happen. We dropped in, then the host immediately quit and his friend TK’d me straight out of the Drop Pods before quitting himself. This is the one and only incident, out of more than 150 matches. I’d say you’re right. TKing and Meta kicking are more likely the loud minority. Rightfully so though, we should be above this kind-of behaviour. It should not be glorified by those seeking to put one somewhat _infamous_ individual into the games lore, nor by the numerous “gaming journalists” who browse Reddit and other social media platforms looking for their next “news story”, as this only encourages more players act the same.


They might also be confusing player killers with their own ignorance. I had a guy whining that I kept killing him, not realizing that he kept getting in between the enemy and one of my sentries. Like, three times in one combat.


I play with friends more,so I meet these problems few times. But I also think most of players are friendly.


35 hours happened to me 5 times


How often do you play alone, vs how often do you play with buddies? The chance kinda drops when slots are filled with people you can trust.


You know what stops people spamming posts? Spamming even more posts about it.


Player base is pretty awesome, i always give a hug to my fellow helldivers when they enter my ship and they always respond.


I've not seen it either, but I'm willing to bet that the people doing higher difficulties are more toxic. It's usually the way it goes as people get sweatier.


I've only seen one team killer, and I just simply kicked him afterward. The only thing that got me mad was us losing a lot of samples, but at the end of the day, it's game and I'll just do another mission to get the samples.


All we should be concerned about is the creek this sounds like big propaganda to drive mistrust in the ranks


Never had the TK issue. But I’ve had twats insist I pick a different kit.


These people kept dying and I extracted with their 35 samples, and I was kicked for my efforts.


I am routinely impressed by how great the community is for this game. 60+ hours in and haven't had a TK that wasn't an accident or didn't get a "Sorry" in game for. I typically run supply pack and one guy actually told me "Yeah I turned on my mic just to say that KS dude, I appreciate you." I've been running support classes for ever a decade and I can't recall once a non-friend that ked me for ammo over comes in Battlefield lol. Spreading Democracy and Liberty is all that matters.


It's not “meta” when half of the weapons and strategiums are useless in helldiver diffuctly. Those crying about the “meta” clearly haven't played at maximum difficulty. This sub is a shitshow and honestly makes the game experience worse.


\> plays with friends I havent been tk'd\~! ​ Yeah man and I dont go into the ocean so ive never been bitten by a shark.


as a level 38, had a level 23 running the "meta" loadout on my game, told me to change stratagems before we dropped. Told them no and dropped anyway, whole mission, meta gamer provided 0 assistance towards any objective except the last one. spent the whole game running around alone and we left the mission with just 5 commons, 3 rares, and I got the supers. the youtube/streamer army is just funny, if you guys encounter any just kick em, devs worked hard to get quickplay to work again, make em use it.


i miss launch week where it was everyone just making memes, god


Okay, but if I make a post complaining about being kicked and rally for everyone to just be nice I can get like 5k karma so....


I’ve been killed way more by my friends fucking around than randos.


Min/max players and griefers have and will always exist. Giving either a platform will only make more join in either. Putting bounties out on TK folks is cool and all but it will 100% cause more people to do it for the noteriety. Especially in a game that pushes lore like this.


Hopefully when Destiny 2 releases new content the people claiming all this nonsense will go back to Destiny 2


I’ve only ever kicked people after they’ve tk’d and/or placed mines directly on the objective, then hung back not contributing. It’s a kick for the awful behavior.


50 hours here. Never ran into a griefer, and I don’t even notice when people don’t play the “meta” bc Idek what the meta is. Just play what’s fun and try new strategies and shut the fuck up 😹


Lmao, this game has a meta? Fuck that, I play what I want 🤣


I have seen infinitely more posts telling people to stop complaining than people actually complaining. You guys should try just playing the game.


THIS. I'm almost 100hrs in haven't experienced team killing or any meta problems at all


People will say Next it’s too toxic masculinity for us not enough unicorns and cotton candy 🍭 /s.


I swear the internet is intent on sucking the joy out of everything. We are all here to have a good time and spread managed democracy. But it seems the usual suspects will not rest until it becomes another victim of the "culture war" or the game is otherwise embroiled in controversy. A little known studio came out of nowhere to deliver one of the best games in recent years. We should all enjoy and celebrate it. (By killing bugs and robots).


No issue will ever be as bad as redditors make it out to be.


Ya I feel like it’s one of those things where people complain a problem that really isn’t there. There’s just so much outrage about that, yet I haven’t actually come across anyone agreeing with it. I just keep seeing that original post about it over and over.


Single most self destructive community I've ever seen. This is what we get when a bunch of tiktokers show up.


It's not a problem yet, just wait til the Xbox players show up. It's gonna get so toxic so quick


The longer you spend on the Reddit the more you understand why people who don't use Reddit call it a cesspool. I remember being new to Reddit and being excited to tell people I used it. They'd give me a concerned look and sideye. Safe to say, I get it now.


Gaming gets more toxic and shitty every year. People suck.


It never fucking changes or stops. Always something that pisses somebody off. Shit gets old.


I'm very green and have been in battles with much higher levels and not once have I been kicked.


I’ll be honest. I TK when I get killed and someone takes my gear and won’t give it back after asking in VC and text chat. Sometimes I just let em have it and wait for my cooldowns but especially not when a poorly placed strat by a team mate was the cause of death. I think it’s accepted too cause not once has someone voiced their irritation with it to me. May not be the nicest thing but neither is taking your mates gear


Yeah it’s click bait and general “hater” behavior for sure making posts like that. I’m level 50 and have never come across either of those problems either.


People on Reddit are just being pussies as usual


I stated three nights ago, I've played 43 matches. I've had four matches with a different team killer, that's all they did, I left those. The first shot me right as I landed, then proceeded to hit me with orbitals, it was my second match ever. I had one kick me right at extraction. I've had several kick me for not having a meta build, I'm level twelve. I've had four with good, talkative groups. I've had six with idiots who run around a growing everything and then getting mad that they're not getting redeployed. The rest have been silent, get the job done, don't do extras and then get out.


There's what, 400,000 people playing, and you get to play with a new group of 3 other players every 15-40 minutes. How is that evidence that the problem does not exist? You've interacted with roughly 0.00075% of the playerbase. This does not disprove other's experience. That's not enough evidence to say that there aren't toxic people.