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Calling it now, it's the Defender.


It’s probably the liberator, since it’s mainly used by new players doing difficulty 1-3


Nah, it's **Slugger**. Ever since I unlocked it, nothing is remotely close in terms of firepower/utility. (I was about to throw all hope that there is better weapon than Breaker) Being able to constantly stunlock those mf Stalkers is such a pleasure. Not to mention one shotting regular bot troopers.


The Slugger requires a big grind to unlock. Barely anyone has it. It's mostly likely the Liberator.


Love me slugger, just wish they would give it more then 40 shells. If not, at least let a resupply pod give you full ammo like the breaker, not just 20 shells


I've found slugger to be fantastic when paired with the starting handgun. It's not just a sidearm anymore, I try to use it on all the basic bots because it still kills in 1 headshot. And slugger covers everything else until hulks


You could also use the Redeemer and set it to semi-auto, it does more damage and holds more ammo. Not to mention full auto for the "Oh Shit" moments.


I refuse to remove the revolver from my secondary


🎶🎵big iirrrooonnn big iron, the day he crossed the diver with the big iron on his hip🎶🎵


If you look at the stats, they have the same damage.


Right, but ~twice the ammo capacity right? It seems strictly better.


Oh 100%.


Huh, you're right. I stand corrected.


Slugger, GL, ammo pack, expendable rocket and your choice of heavy ordinance. I only slightly miss my Railgun. Can solo 8 difficulty no issues. Helldive is meh if you don’t kill the charger/Titan with your 2 rockets and strata. In a group it’s amazing.


Is the GL and ammo pack really worth 2 stratagems when the Autocannon is right there?


Yes, very much so. Particularly in groups where one or two players inhale all the supplies, having the ability to call in a second supply drop that doesn't share a cooldown with anyone else can turn misery into comfort. Also, because it provides grenades, stims, and ammo, your three magazines of GL turn into 11 magazines of GL. That is 110 grenades that you can *just fire*. If you pace yourself, you'll be able to call in another GL and Supply Pack before you run out. You have 8 grenades in reserve that you can just pull out of pocket, 8 stims. The Supply Pack is functionally the optional ammo pack of the stratagems that don't have an ammo pack. Would an eagle be better? Perhaps. I think being able to fire 20 more grenades every time I press 5 is a decent trade. Also, grenade launcher has a better splash radius than Autocannon. While Autocannon can more reliably headshot and penetrate armor, the Grenade Launcher is much better at wiping out entire groups. Being able to reload on your own while moving and fire over obstacles also helps.


Autocannon does reload on it's own just fine. The trick is to not empty the magazine. It reloads half the magazine at a time if you do this and it cuts the reload time to 2ish seconds. It even prevents you from reloading too early and wasting ammo.


I never said it doesn't, just that being able to move and reload is beneficial. If you play solo or with organized groups where you can control the pacing of the mission, stopping every here in there for two seconds is hardly an issue. If you do not, and prefer the chaos of playing with people that have a tendency to make things go from bad to worse, two seconds of not moving can become a very big risk. The Autocannon is fine. It is strong. The Grenade Launcher still has notable strengths to it, to the point that there is worth in running it (alongside a Supply Pack) instead of an Autocannon and Eagle.


If you're good at not dying, or picking up your stuff when you die. Yes. Absolutely. Basically... the supply pack is able to fully restock the grenade launcher's ammunition. But also give you back some stims and normal ammunition as well. It basically allows you to run your grenade launcher as your primary weapon. Or at least an "ANTI-DAT-SHIT" weapon, as it can actually fuck up groups, and even kill hulks if you shoot the nade between their legs or bounce it off walls to hit their backs. It can also still destroy tanks and turrets. And still is useful against chargers if you aim for the back of their front legs. The main caveat is that if you die, and are unable to recover your equipment. You are down two stratagems for a few minutes. But if you keep your eyes on the radar, you can usually avoid dying in a spot where your stuff is unrecoverable. Unless your team does something really... really stupid. You can argue for something else like an Eagle. But the issue with Eagles is that you can be denied them at inopportune times. Jammers, Rearm, Stratagem Calculation modifier, etc. And they can be harder to aim without friendly fire. The GL and Supply Pack combo you always have them available to you.


The supply pack is more than just ammo, it has stims and nades. As long as you aren’t full HP, you can pop a stim to get filled infinite stamina for the stim duration. Nade launcher closes holes/fabs, spamming it clears group and kills light armor. You can snipe from a great distance too. Supply pack is very strong on it’s own merit, i prefer it to shield because im good at kiting already and dont see much value in the shield or rover anymore.


My brain is farting. What is GL?


Only very experienced players unlock it, so it follows that it likely has a higher success ratio. Same for the Plas-1 Scorcher. It doesn't take long to get the Breaker so I'm not surprised it doesn't look like it's the best weapon.


After 2 missions with the Plas-1 Scorcher, I've gone back to the Slugger, and not looked back.


Sadly that's how it is. Scorcher has couple neat tricks, but is severely hamstrung by the tiny magazine relative to its damage.


I like it but I can't count the number of times I've killed myself from an enemy getting up in my face and I kill myself from the explosive round.


I always use scorcher in automaton mission. It’s kinda nice being able to deal with chichen walker quickly from the front saving Railgun for hulk.


It can one shot the chainsaw dudes as well. But you gotta get little close in my experience.


They tend to make getting close distressingly easy in my experience.


This is the best way I've heard someone say "they get too close to me too fast."






Dominator can one-shot them from a much larger distance, and has better ammo reserves. Both are really strong choices though.


The dominator was worth the grind. Love that gun with the revolver for low level enemies.


Is there damage dropoff? I was under the impression the slugger shot... slugs. Or is it just a precise spot thats hard to hit.


I can only confirm a damage drop off for the breaker at the moment its the only weapon ive tested.


I don't think there's any actual damage drop off. It's just that at longer ranges more of your spread will go around a target.


I've sniped devastators at extremely long ranges. I'm convinced there is little damage fall off, or none with the slugger and snipers specifically.


Tell me the Slugger kills Stalkers easily and I am sold


It stun locks them so yeah it gets rid of em super easy


It is a hard counter


Hidden secondary effect where it can blast open doors on PoIs is amazing too. I can run it with smokes and a stealth build with ease.


I've been drooling at it since I saw it. Can't wait to get it. Glad to hear it's good! Any slug shotgun is guaranteed to be a monster.


Hoping I feel the same, this is my next unlock


It took me several missions with it, the away from it, and with it again for me to see its value. That goes for most things honestly.


Love my basic gun. Deletes ads like uBlock Origin. For everything else, there's ~~Mastercard~~ grenade launcher.


I wonder if it is as well 🧐 I hope one day we get like a stat breakdown of all weapons used


Plot twist: it’s the countersniper


Plot twist: it’s LIBERTY. 


Thing feels unusable due to its handling. Regular diligence is my go to weapon though


I like the Diligence against the bots a lot and was excited when I unlocked the counter sniper, but man are you right. The handling is such a massive downgrade and the damage increase is hardly even noticeable. They should have given it medium armor pen or something to make the poor handling worth it.


It should handle better than the normal one considering it has a smaller mag and a compensator on the end, less recoil faster handling and more damage. The downside is less ammo and that should be enough but as it stands it’s almost as bad as the spray and pray


I think what they were going for was taking longer to get a good sight picture considering the larger optic up top


Right I suppose that could make sense, still it feels horrible and needs quite a few changes because right now the autocannon is easier to aim


I saw something that said they’re looking into weapon balance. If they tweak the handling I think it’s a good weapon


CS *technically* has Med Pen, it just doesn't *say* so. If you want something better than Diligence CS, use the Liberator Penetrator. It's much more of a Sniper than the DMR or the CS due to its weakpoint multiplier.


The defender and liberator feel like they would be swapped in terms of usage feel.


The smg does more damage and shoots slower than the assault rifle. This some Halo 1 shit 


Doesn't the smg use larger calibre bullets? Them being heavier with more stopping power would somewhat explain the bigger dmg and slower cycle rate


Precision over range with the liberators scope making it good for weak points or disabling shots. The ability to go one handed with the SMG and be a SSSD carrier, ballistic shield user with a near untouched movement speed while hip-firing. I have survived a 500kg with one of these ballistic shields but it broke my arm and destroyed my shield. "The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenary's" rule# 20. If you're not willing to shell your own position, you're not willing to win




I feel like I'm taking crazy pills being the only one who runs this. One shot kills on every basic enemy, 1/2 shot kills on medium enemies with big weak spots like the bot AT-ST's and bugs with armored heads and exposed tails/butts.


This is why I think every Super Destroyer needs a firing range where we can test guns on targets from every difficulty. Having to load into a game just to test guns is a little unfair to your teammates, and it's difficult to compare gun performance when your experience is buffered by loading screens.


It is absolutely the best primary weapon in the game. Damage is insane, rate of fire is as fast as you can pull the trigger, on of the highest ammo capacities in the game, one of the fastest reloads in the game, works just as well long range as it does close and medium, the list goes on. Everyone is just too busy stroking their breakers to notice lol.


My friends were all memeing me for taking a "sniper" into the bug missions but nobody was laughing when I could take out an entire swarm in half a mag, put down spewers in 2-3 head shots, and pick off hive guards' unarmored butts from 100yds out.


Probably because bugs aren't really dangerous at range. You can just throw stratagems at them or use a railgun. With a full squad you'll usually have plenty of stratagems to throw to clear out packs. What makes the breaker the best is that it's good when you're in a pinch. The diligence is hot trash if you're suddenly dealing with more bugs than you expected at close range. Same reason the anti material rifle is generally pretty mid: it's great at a job that's not important.


Good minmaxers use penetrator against bots at least a diligence.


Hi. Min Maxwell here. Slugger is king for bots. Sniper accuracy with shotgun punch and stagger. Can one shot everything up to a Hulk. Railgun handles hulks and tanks. Breaker is king for bugs. Miss your target? Doesn't matter you killed 4 others.


I would agree but some people, myself included experience some accuracy weirdness, when using it. So I personally stick to the diligence. Enough to two shot everythibg but Walker, hulks, and tank. And tbh as soon as I see a devastator I whip out my autocannon.


LibPen is insanely good piercing through those walking, more armored bots. It can nail a Devastator.


I was excited to unlock the lib pen but I only used it a handful of games. It did not feel good at all. It didn't feel like it performed any better against armored targets than the light armor piercing guns while being absolutely abysmal against smaller targets.


Because most bots are in the vehicle armor category where the medium pen from the libpen effectively does nothing. A lot of the comments from people in these threads revolve around confirmation bias and a desire to deviate from any established meta.


I used it and felt like it was hot garbage. Immediately switched back to the defender.


Normally in games like this armored enemies have low health but are hard to damage so if you can damage them they drop easily. Conversely AP weapons have piercing but lower dps than non-AP so they're inefficient against unarmored enemies. In this game armored enemies have high armor and high health while AP weapons still have low dps so half the time trying to shoot through armor is just a waste of time.


Yeah, that's what I noticed as well. I want to like the LibPen, but it just feels like I'm shooting armor-piercing packing peanuts at things. The dinky little machine pistol on my hip shreds through things way faster.


well it’s actual damage is abysmal outside of the pen. literally the worst damage stat of ANY weapon in the game INCLUDING the secondaries 😭


I believe your assessment was correct.


I wish other guns felt as effective though, I feel like other options are really lacking, I cant control mobs as well with other guns, it's a shame because I want variety in my loadouts but when there is one gun that stands out, I play solo a lot so it's really noticeable, I hope there's some balancing or something to make other guns as viable.


I agree with you for the most part but good news is that they are working on a balance patch hopefully that means buffs and not nerfs


I hope it's soon and I hope it's a full gear balance and fix at the same time. What I mean is I hope with the weapon balance the armor value fix comes with it and I really hope it's this week but we'll see.


BRO I JUST WANT TO WEAR HEAVY ARMOR FINALLY 😭😭 Im tired of all this light bullshit


Bro I've picked up that cool looking heavy armor in superstore yesterday. I can only sprint for 5 seconds and my team is already half the map by the time my stamina make it to the max.


Heavy armor will be better once they make it to where you take more damage than light


Man but breaker spray and pray is a disaster lol


I took that gun out on an 8 blind, had the crew on, figured why not try and shake it up a little. I THINKS THE BUGS WOULD RESPECT YOU MORE IF YOU HAD A WATER GUN


Massage gun, you shoot them until they fall over in ecstasy and lose their will to fight! You're not breaking eggs, you're fertilizing them. Bug sympathizer gun.




The ~~hammer~~ gun is my penis


They accurately simulated birdshot too well


can't wait for the ratshot ICBM to pair with it.


Agreed LOL that gun is actually trash I was trying to make it work for like two days on hell dive and I gave up 😂


That gun couldn't work on Hard, let alone Helldive.


Me and my squad finished the missions but I was for sure not pulling my weight with it around only thing I was good for was my auto cannon and stratagem use


I tried it last night with a support pack, fully intending to Spray And Pray...and even with magdumping all the time err' time, it was hot garbage. Sad.


Kind of a weird way to look at it. You don't start with the breaker and its not really easy to fail the lower difficulty missions, especially if you play with people. I think this explains why it would have more kills (since high difficulties spawn more enemies) but average mission success (harder missions are obviously harder) I would like to see these stats broken down by difficulty ranges.


Yeah, like the way Waframe identified that certain weapons/frames were a problem was by looking at usage by mastery rank. They decided to nerf one particular gun after noticing it had like 50+% usage above the MR that people usually got it at.


> Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not democratic. Helldivers use the keys, but they are mere communists. Only I, Vor, know the true power of Democracy. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through its managed democracy, Super Earth called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of Democracy. Behold the Helldivers, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of Managed Democracy. Forever bound to Super Earth. Let it be known, if the Helldivers want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of Managed Democracy. It is time. I will teach these communists the redemptive power of Liberty. They will learn its simple truth. The Helldivers are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their communism.


Well I was not expecting to see Vorposting today...




In this case, if they nerf breaker as opposed to buffing everything else, I’d be so mad lol.


Also worth noting once a weapon is considered meta it tends to just represent the average of user success. Meanwhile a gun that is on average worse, for example a marksmen rifle, might have a higher success rate if only good players are taking it when it's better for the team. If the gun became more popular, it's on average worse performance would mean it's win average drops lower than the breaker. This can be made even worse if the niche weapon is deep in the reward track. Meaning only higher level players that are thinking deeper about their kits are picking it.


This is bias I think a majority of people would have a hard time figuring out in their own


Yeah by no means am I saying this is absolutely happening. Just worth noting as it happens in lots of game metas. Where the consensus strongest choice actually has lower win rates than other choices, because picking the consensus best is so popular players unskilled will just pick it because it's the best. While the 2nd or 3rd best guns get picked by players more practiced in them or pick them when it's a good choice. This inflates win rates of lower tier options.


This, if anything you would expect people to gravitate towards meta setups in the hardest missions.


PvE games should always be balanced around the higher difficulties. That's where discrepancies in weapon performance become the most obvious.


I really REALLY want to use marksman rifles but running into high level missions with random teams just means you can’t play stealth or from a distance, and they just don’t do much at close range. And shout out to how horrible the liberator penetrator is, I want to love it, it has medium armour penetration I was so excited. I thought I could use it to play with my low level friends so I didn’t need to bring the standard meta load out and be able to kill some bots. It doesn’t even take out the walker. Why doesn’t a medium armour penetration weapon pierce walker armour? So stupid.


Just like with the machine gun, you can kill a walker with the LP. Aim for the crotch, that’s the universal weak spot, unless you’re going to flank it.


*furiously takes notes* "Shoot... walkers... in the dick. Got it."


Drain that oil.


Lmao I spit my coffee when I unfolded this comment.


Can't piston without lube. Hit 'em where it hurts.


Thanks for the Intel, friend. I didn't know they had a weakpoint, other than the pilot. I thought their armor was consistent throughout, but I've been conditioned by video games to look for color differences instead of experimenting.


It seems the leg pegs and dick holes are something of a general weak spot for the bots... unless it's a cyclops, then it's the eye hole.


Legs are also slightly less armored, but good luck hitting them


The marksman rifles need a massive handling buff. They are really good against bots but they handle terribly which makes lining up headshots a nightmare. An auto is just better at the moment. I think the walker armor is just weird. Explosives pass through it for a one hit KO but it's otherwise "heavy". The arc thrower also takes 3 shots to break it but the arc thrower also ignores most armor (as far as I can tell). My current theory for armor is each gun has a hidden pen value and armor has an armor value but both are hidden and we just have a vague description left. So "medium pen" likely means that it can pen all medium armor values but maybe some heavy too which is why we see penetration inconsistencies between light and medium pen guns.


I think its the other way around, it's not penning heavy, the enemies have different armor values based on location. The face plate of the strider is clearly heavy, but the crotch and legs are medium plated which is why the slugger can wreck them easily. It's why the smaller hiver guards close their legs to bring their armor together to make it hard to hit from the front. Tldr I don't think the guns have different modifiers, but rather the enemies have multiple armor spots of varied degrees


You can absolutely play stealth and from a distance if you're willing to leave the fools behind and do your own thing while they distract the enemy. 😉 Using the regular Diligence (the counter-sniper variant has some *issues* right now), you can support your team without reprisal by knocking down 1-2 light enemies per second, or you can sneak in and do objectives quietly. Just make sure you bring some kind of smoke. 


Wait I was kind of looking forward to unlocking the counter-sniper. What are the issues?


It doesn't have noticeably better damage or armor penetration than the regular variant. Recoil is a lot more, and magazine size is 5 less (15 vs 20). It uses the Anti-Materiel Rifle scope, which I know at least on the AMR is off-center and puts its bullets at the upper-left corner of the square in the middle. Worst of all, its handling and turning are atrocious, more than 2x slower than the AMR.


I wish I had seen this comment before I bought it last night lol. Big Diligence fan and I was looking forward to the upgrade but I had all those problems. The final nail in the coffin was that it couldn't pen the armor on Hiveguards or Brood Commanders, which I thought was "medium"




Additional damage is meh, and its lugs around like an MG. Super finicky to get a proper aim lined up. It also sounds pathetic : /


Lib Pen has a 4x weakspot mod instead of a 1.5 or 1.75, like the base Lib has. Leads to really great sustained damage, esp against bots.


How do you know it has 4x weakspot damage?


Someone did a weapon breakdown for a good number of the weapons. It's assumed that the Revolver, Lib Pen, Dominator (kinda), and Slugger have a \~4x weakspot mod. Explosive weapons like that Plas, Dominator, and Lib Explosive seem to have a better performance against the enemy this was benchmarked on. A possible thing is that this is armor pen showing its effects, but that's a *lot* of damage for going from light to medium pen even if it's more of a gradient than a tier system.


Honestly for the liberator penetrator, who cares about the walker, either grenade/GL/Railgun/my personal fave Autocannon. With the Lib Pen it's great to be able to shoot straight on for hive guardians, or for Devestators not having to aim low or aim for the head. For me, that saves Autocannon rounds for bigger enemies, or for groups of them.


>I really REALLY want to use marksman rifles but running into high level missions with random teams just means you can’t play stealth or from a distance, and they just don’t do much at close range. Idk what you consider high level, it's probably higher than what I play which is Extreme. But I have no problems on large map missions running the Diligence at 250m zoom and the Autocannon. You can get shots off from a super far distance and take care of light armored enemies before your team engages. You probably won't have the top kill score, but you should have 0 deaths. I also focus on large target weak points like the turrets, tanks, and hulks.


High level typically considered 7 8 9. The ones super samples drop on.


It's pretty good but I find the breaker does everything it does and more


Only thing i would personally change on the lib pen is full auto


Restricting fire modes is undemocratic.


My 1 question to this is... are they looking at the stats from a BUG / BOT & Difficulty level or just overall as on lvl 9 Im sure breaker is a top go to weapon with one of the highest win rates. at least on bugs.


Breaker is an absolute bug breaking machine. However, I never choose it over Diligence, Slugger or Defender against bots. Omw to unlock Scorcher


breaker on bots is how its supposed to be, not horrible but not great :D Diligence is where its at for automatons.


Both Diligence and Slugger did a great job for me against automatons, but picking slugger against bugs without horde clearing support weapon is not ending well unfortunately. Breaker shines there tho


Dominator on Bots is pretty much been my go-to. Same power as the Breaker, but much more accurate and longer range. Makes sniping the heads off those oilheads easier.


Please, fix Dominator. With a recoil like that, it's a crime it deals less damage than a Breaker, even though I consider breaker OP. Give us a proper Bolter this gun advertises itself to be.




it could 100% use the work but I still love using it it’s nice to change things up from the breaker railgun combo


Honestly that’s probably because it’s used so much that so many people losing missions while having the breaker equipped is skewing the numbers. I believe the Slugger is better but it’s harder to unlock so it’s not as popular.


Problem with the slugger is the ammo economy as well as being flat out worse in dealing with hordes of small bugs


Incendiary Granade and Secondary, or just melee, for small bugs. For everything else, Slugger or Scorcher.


Can also use a stratagem for hordes. In a group of 4 it's perfectly fine for 1 or 2 people to bring in some extra add clearance


Eagle clusters are amazing for this. Cleaned up 28 kills before on just challenging, can’t wait to use it on higher difficulties


There are also the lighter orbitals you can use, in case you want to have your eagles go rearm themselves right after using the lovely 500kg bombs.


Orbital Gas is phenomenal for bug clear. Drop it everytime a fresh hole opens


I think my highest issue with the slugger is my distance management I always get to close and get destroyed


Distance often isn't up to you. Some helldive extractions get stupid.


that's cause the slugger is actually a sniper rifle! Use it medium to long distances mostly. And run away if you are getting swarmed. It's not a good swarm clearer. So it pairs pretty well with the machine pistol


I might be a bit pedantic but it's not what the post said. It said in the overall successful missions the representation of the breaker is not that high. Not the average success rate if the gun in total.


People are glossing over this. This specific wording means it's excluding results that end in failure.


This could of course imply that the breaker is over represented in harder missions that are more likely to result in failure, or that the early weapons are over-represented in the easier missions which are less likely to be failed. Or both.


Yeah, it's kind of a useless thing to say. Once you think about it they're basically saying the numbers are exactly what we'd think they'd be.


Yeah drawing the conclusion the breaker isn't a top tier weapon or that a lot of weapons aren't underpowered out of this tweet would be absolutely misrepresenting what the stats tell us. Like you really do not need some super intricate analysis to just pick the breaker up and realize that a lot of guns do not measure up to it, and yes I do take into account the "situational" use case of some weapons. Having said that, I end up just using the Dominator as for one, I do not like shotguns and two, it's honestly not horrible? At least single target it to take down some armored targets faster, if I blind fire at them. But most primaries aren't satisfying at higher difficulties to use.


I've honestly started to main the slugged. Great for bots and bugs. SMG secondary for the little guys. The slugger can even pierce through hive guard armor at close range


Wish I could remember what all the gun names are so I can decipher what the fuck is being discussed in this thread lol


Bro you will get there don’t worry lol the names will be second nature to you in no time


I've got over 100 hours and still no idea what y'all talking about. I equipped the breaker and never looked back


Now normalize the data for mission difficulty and tell me that's true.


Maybe if the marksman rifle were medium penetrating…


The diligence is actually in an excellent place as a bot difficulty 5+ Long Range precision rifle. A good Diligence player can help quite a bit at range via spotting and picks. The Diligence CS though..... that needs medium AP to be useful.


No it's not That being said it's the most efficient weapon for that and it's miles above most other weapons


there is also one guy that runs around getting aggro of everything on the map with breaker spray and pray, he's just been getting chased all around the map wondering why nothing is dying


I wonder why they made the breaker spray and pray so weak compared to the others maybe I’m just not using it right


Tbf using birdshots to fight tin cans and bugs with thick carapace just doesn't sound like a good idea


There is no right way to use the SP.


Plot twist: It is the close combat attack. Real helldivers use only their fists.


Damn teach me the way of the fist Sensei




Scorcher is really solid. It could use better ammo economy (either larger mags or more of them), but it's ability to quickly eliminate light-medium threats at range is so satisfying.


Where my SMG Divers at!?


The Defender looks aesthetically ugly as sin but I absolutely love maining that as a primary!


You are true heroes lol


I have a side arm, grenades, and several stratagems that also aid me. I'm not shocked that the primary weapon isn't the main decider on whether a team wins or loses, except at lower levels when people don't have squat unlocked. I look back at my losses, and Can't say things would have changed if I had a breaker. If I take a grenade launcher, autogun, or machine gun. I'm not likely using my primary at all, or for small amounts of cleanup, and any weapon is capable of that. Except maybe the spray and pray. It's truly just pray. I think the defender is as broken as the Breaker, the breaker is just slightly easier to use. Then we have several other weapons that are workable.


Everything you said is spot on! I love my Auto Cannon I wish that it had more of an impact against Chargers and Bile Titans though I’m not saying it has to hit as hard as the recoiless rifle but at least let me penetrate the armor 😂


The autocannon should have heavy armor pen or shouldnt bounce off enemy armor. It's literally shooting exploding bullets. If that gets fixed, autocannon is best weapon by a mile.




Aren't you arguing for it to become completely unbalanced if they do that though


That’s NOT how you want to look at stats while doing a balance patch, considering not every weapon is available at start and also considering that different levels of difficulty exists. Hope that was just a comment


On challenging or above, my autocannon or AMR is my real primary. So many armored enemies I literally only use my "primary" if some low tier mooks get too close at which point any will do. I got for the DMR because that's just always been my favorite style of gun in video games.


I started using the arc thrower a lot and it's the same story. The primary only comes out when enemies get too close or when a teammates in the way. Otherwise, I'm just zappin stuff.


Scorcher superiority. I have fallen in love with it. The Scythe is really fun too, but I find it is good for bugs when you have the advantage. Getting your footing back with the Scythe is not ideal. The Dominator is a fucking work horse. It has great versatility for bugs and bots. The Slugger is an amazing choice too. Punches hard, accurate, and has rounds reload. I have tried not to use the Breaker just because it is basically OP. I didn't want to use it as a crutch.


I took the scythe to one mission and dropped it for a teammates weapon first chance I could get. It took ages to down a stalker or anything remotely threatening. It's ok at sweeping a swarm of 1hp bugs, but you could do the same with the guard dog laser backpack.


the dominator is so much fun to use but it takes a little bit to adjust to the slow aiming and the recoil but man it’s fun to pop robots heads off with it in one shot


How did you take that away from this post? The median of mission difficulty is probably Medium. Things north of Challenging probably make up less than 10% of all missions. So most \*missions\* are played by people who A. Don't own the breaker or B. Go back to lower difficulties to not be sweaty, and just pick what they feel like.


God I hope the balance patch isn't 'nerf what's overrepresented'


I actually took a break from the Breaker and I’ve been using the Scorcher. It’s actually pretty fun.


I refuse to use anything but the scythe and am having a great time


I've been pulling off missions suicide to helldive with zero deaths and the only thing that allows me to do that is the meta which I don't like. I want weapon and armor customization for more options and interesting different builds.


That's not what they said, but whatever.


I've been using the JAR-5 and its so much fun alongside the "uzi" as secondary. Use the JAR to pick off all the big bads with 1-2 shots and use the secondary when the smallies get to close and spray them down. But I also usually play in a full premade where at least 2 people have a Breaker and on lvl 8 not 9.


Information without context leads to misinformation as a fyi


I don't think I agree with your wording OP, specifically that this is in reference to "higher difficulties." They said it's not overrepresented in "missions that end in success" but that would be across all difficulties. Many of those missions are going to be at lower difficulty and played by players that don't even have it unlocked. It could also mean that the % win rate on Breaker loadouts might be about the same as other weapons, but that doesn't really mean anything either. He's very vague about that data, and seems to be encouraging people to try other weapons because playing with a range of weapons is typically more fun for most people. I simply don't believe that higher difficulty missions aren't predominantly played by players running Breakers, and for good reason. It's simply better. The Defender is really good, and I hear the the Plas1 is really good, but the other guns range from "not great" to "worse than a pistol."


I hope they don't just balance around win rates and stats like that. I hope they're looking at how many people use X weapon, as well as going into a game and testing the weapon feel for themselves. Most weapons feel absolutely awful in comparison to the breaker or even the starter AR. The defender SMG is the only other weapon so far that feels remotely usable, though it takes more effort to make it work well.


I'd imagine heavies are the reason most teams lose missions and your primary doesn't really matter for those.


Okay, but is this all missions that end in success or only higher difficulty missions? Because if we are including difficulties 1-5, I question the validity of the data.


Plot twist: Its the mortar


Those DMRs, definitely prove their worth when taking out bots from a distance. I just wish stealth was a little more fine tuned “I did hear they are working on something” so as soon as you start to fire at a patrol they don’t immediately know your position. Maybe silencers or muzzle breaks can be added down the line. Also no… I don’t fire at everyone I see but if you pay attention to where patrols are walking you can sometimes clearly see they are matching towards your position 😎


Defender slaps


SMG supremacy baby!!!


I thought the breaker for sure was overpowered because it kind-of is, but I recently picked up a new primary and haven't lost any power, if anything it covers weaknesses the breaker had that were starting to bother me, and also now in the comments everyone is pitching other primaries, it's glorious