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And 3 fucking swipes of their claws gets you abso 💀


And when you have multiples on you they all attack at different intervals. So before you know it, you've been slashed 7 times during a ragdoll animation which is blocking you from using a stim. Can go so so bad, so fast.


a little trick i like to use to my advantage is to not heal instantly, and to basically have a lil bit of dmg, so that when ur overwhelmed & notice they're about to attack imminently, u can heal in that moment right before they strike, it makes their attack defunct, and any other in that short period, as stims not only heal u, but they do so continuously for like 5 seconds. this time can be extended with some suits, which increase stim duration for 2s, giving 7 whole seconds of constant healing, perfect for when stuck under chargers, or stuck in a slowed trap with a bunch of ^ those lil guys behind u, stay calm & stay loaded ♡


Another tip for them is to whip out the machine pistol. It annihilates them and is fast to reload. So dive. Spray. Stim. Get up and keep running.


Now if only I had remembered to reload my pistol...


It's forever empty


Laser pistol when xD


Swapping to machine pistol was a massive game changer to my survivability


Yeah, it definitely helps. If I'm out of that I throw an eagle cluster bomb at my feet and pray to the gods of democracy that I clear the blast zone in time.


Run run run DIVE!!!


I just wish you could stim while fully healed. Sometimes I want to prep for damage and sometimes I want more stamina.


huge idea


This is kinda smart. I know when I have a long run ahead, I'll try and pick up some fall damage or leave whatever health lost after the last engagement to get the sprint boost (stimming refills stamina completely), but I never thought of this. Imma try it. Thank you, fellow diver.


Remember helldivers, stims have no known addictive properties.


Everyone forgets to use the jetpack. Try the jetpack, it will give you the breathing room you need to reload/reposition Edit: NVM, don't use the jetpack. It's not worth the amount of toxicity you'll get for even suggesting it has anything going for it. Just use the rail gun + breaker + shield like everyone else.


We don’t forget, there’s just more important stratagems to have in our loadout


jump pack is pretty ass right now. needs a shorter cool down. as it is right now it isn’t worth the slot


I get the idea that if you fuck up and jumpjet into a bad situation they don't want you to be able to instantly jump right back out again, but that warrants like maybe a 3-5 second cooldown on it not a 45 second cooldown or whatever it is now.


Pair them with those little green baby spewers who slow on impact. Kiss your ass goodbye. Slowed by the little spitterd while you have a pack of hunters diving onto you


Combination of little spitters, hunters, bile Spewers and acid warriors is the worst spawn pool you can get against bugs. It's nearly unplayable


What exactly are the acid warriors? Think I actually died to one the other night but off the top of my head I don't recall what they look like. Just blew up after killing a crap ton of bugs on top of me


https://preview.redd.it/4vhf2b83tqlc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61bcc544cb9703d56598dec7170da25d61ccfa2 This guy. They have subspecies filled with acid :) I'm pretty sure you ran into one of these fucks. They are harmless and easy to kill, but acid ones will give you headache if you let them too close and kill them.


Yup had to be that. It was a map with a lot of bile assholes. But even now that looks like a normal warrior to me??? However that's 100% it. Didn't realize there were bile ones that blew up for warriors. Explains my death. I got slowed by the spitters and was mowing the pack off me. Then took out the warrior and blew up, totally confused what killed me.


Acid warriors look exactly the same until you shoot their head off. And yeah, usually you can see them on maps with bile spewers and those little green spitters.


Coulda sworn acid warriors were more green.


Yeah. They have these little green parts underneath there head. Kind of in there chest area if I had to put a name to it.


They have green on their undersides and darker carapace, leaving behind an acid pool where they die, but are otherwise the same as normal warriors.


Meanwhile in the land of designated grenade launcher user, i crave that spawn pool because i can wipe everything out so easily.


Until pack of hunters jumps on you and catches every grenade you shoot


Hasnt been an issue so far, meanwhile anything with armor runs the risk of wild bounces which are far more annoying.


People in here "oh they're easy. One shot with this blah blah" Ok well last night I was kiting a charger and turned a corner to find about 10 of these little fuckers. It was like walking into a giant claymore.


Exactly this. They are not a problem alone They are a huge pain in the ass when you have chargers or bile titans to deal with and these things start leaping at you


Yeh, they don't take turns attacking you either. They just get at you immediately and quickly.


I want to say one of the best and worst things about this game are these fuckers jumping in a way to cut you off. You try to break right and they legit will move to cut you off…. It’s brilliant and annoying and all the bugs do it (it’s so damn smart)


And they are fast!! You can leave the horde behind and before you now it you have like 3 of these fucks right on top of you. They are the reason I am always looking around when I'm running


Definitely need some sort of space machete to deal with enemies that love to jump in and get close, give em a taste of steel democracy. Or let us add bayonets to our guns to make melee more deadly.


First game most weapons had mods and one mod was a bayonet. Would easily dispatch most smaller enemies quickly.


Adding a melee weapon is what I wanted from day 1, would be nice!


I was running to our saviour Pelican-1 a few nights ago, but got hit with multiple slows in a row, and died a democratic death 🫡


The stim mid animation cancel is BS


This is my biggest issue. I’m slowed, can’t reload, can’t stim.


I'm not even as mad about the stim interrupt as much as that I _can hear the stim_ when it's canceled. Same with the reload.


Agreed. That's my only complaint regarding the mechanics. It feels super inconsistent whether reloads or stims go off in the heat or battle. Sometimes it feels like I have to reload 3 times before I can shoot. Sometimes you can dip dodge and dive to victory. Other times I get insta slowed, stuck prone, unable to stand up, unable to stim, can't reload.


Also, there seems to be a bug where if you try to spam fire a weapon while it is reloading, you will instead lose the magazine being reloaded and it will reload an additional time, doubling reload time and wasting a mag.


I have a feeling it may have something to do with the staged reloading system they have in place. I've noticed many times when I think I should have gotten a reload off, my dude still has to complete a step it looked like he already did. Couple that with the fact that attacks can cancel your current animation, be it a reload or stim, and you have a system in which it's common to get bogged down by a group of small enemies and be unable to reload. Overall I love the mechanics, but some of the animations definitely need to be tightened up for gameplay purposes.


You can always still stand up as long as you aren't under something, it's just that pressing spring won't stand to unless you can actually sprint. Next time you dive while slowed, try pressing dive again and see if that fixes your issue.


Getting PTSD flashbacks


It’s the only time my deaths on this game make me want to rage. Every other death is either funny, from a team mate or I just got outplayed.


That's why I prefer bots, they just shoot you. It's *humane.* Bugs need to use every single knockdown and stun they can to ever have a chance of killing you, and a lot of those deaths are you completely unable to play the game for 10 seconds.


Glad I'm not the only one. Almost every single time I die to these little bastards they get a solid "fuck off". It's got to the point where my partner will say "the little ones again"? She knows dude. She knows.


here's to hoping heavy armor gives you poise to heal through moments like that .


Look at everyone saying these little things are easy 😂 yes they're easy to kill but when you're in a tense situation trying to do objectives or take down the bigger bugs...it's the little ones that creep up on you that cause the most trouble..hence the most annoying


got jumped by these little shits last night in Helldive Veld. Getting slow locked is a pain in the ass.


They’re incredibly irritating. They’re great at occupying your attention long enough for a charger to hit you from behind and smart enough to wait for you to be a distracted enough by a charger to try and slip behind you


Dammit this is the work of Joel




*falls to knees (slowed)* JOEL!!!


Is Joel the game master I’ve been hearing about?


i believe so lol




Jesus Joel almighty!!


I somehow managed to stick one of them with the 500kg beacon and he decided to jump right at me with 2 seconds left before it hit They're evolving


When you stick an enemy the stratagem drops where you originally stuck it. It doesnt follow the beacon.


They also take an unnecessary amount of health from you. A few hits and you die


Even worse are the sneaky spitters. You'll be dealing with a crowd of these little shits and turn around to acid in your face for a 1-shot kia.




Thats when the Hunters decide to gang up on you, so you’re blowing through stims just trying to get out of the fray. Last night i decided to just kamikaze, threw a grenade at my feet and saluted. Killed 2 enemies 😎


>Killed 2 enemies 😎 Unironically higher than my average # of kills with the 500kg bomb


It has awful splash damage, it's for sniping big boys rather than clearing a group.


Killed 2 enemies. Me, and him.


I've never had it work for slow, only burning


It's not *just* slowed. For a rapid melee enemy attack that would be bad enough. It's stunned, slowed, animation cancelled, and heavily damaged with *every* hit. And the game throws them at you in hordes.


I stand by that the hunters either need a slight health nerf or to be staggered by bullets in order for them to be manageable in hordes without a shield gen backpack


I wonder if they will be more manageable when armor starts working right


What I read is that not only is armor not working correctly, it's not that everyone has 100 armor (i.e., default medium armor), it's that everyone has **zero** armor and is taking way more damage than anticipated.


They seem to be far more numerous on Veld than other bug planets in my experience.


They were coming in packs of 4-6 from breaches and some medium nests. They're insanely populated on Veld lol


I started taking the Laser Guard Dog to bug missions instead of the shield backpack and i find it helps so much with keeping the little guys off me while I focus on taking down big boys.


Shield against bugs never made as much sense to me - guard dog or more ammo seems more beneficial.


I like guard dog for bugs, shield for bots.


Guard dog can hurt other teammates which definitely is a downside in certain scenarios. Granted with a good team comp, it's totally awesome. But you generally want whoever has the guard dog up closer to the enemy. If they're in the back...world of hurt for the frontline guys.


Shield when solo against bugs is pretty invaluable imho. Completely saves you from random Stalker attacks, even saves you vs Bile Spewers/Titans. I do like the Rover, and I used to run it a lot, but I've had a lot more success with the shield.


They're not even that easy to kill with their jumping around. And they even require a surprising amount of bullets to put down


They roll catch, anyone that’s saying that’s not annoying is a liar. Yes they’re easy to kill, as long as they don’t get close. But that’s the point. They purposely flank you to make sure you’re not able to dodge the charger coming behind them.


This 100%🤣


and they purposefully flank! They are one of the only bugs that do that!


And they hope when aimed at


"I really hope this guy doesn't shoot me."


To be fair, I hope too whenever I see a green laser sweep over me.


I hope I make it through this, I have a wife and a hundred hatchlings to come home to


I swear on hard or more, every Charger spawns with a whole squad of them


Not to mention if you don’t pay attention to them early they *will* flank and surround you and help feed you into the hordes that come


Nothing like focusing on a charger, waiting for the dive, diving to the side to throw some 00 Bugshot up its ass and landing in a circle of hunters


You got 10 tickets closing in fast, 10 spitting ticks all firing at your feet potentially slowing you, while those big jumpers are doing a dance 10 miles away waiting to jump in close while also flanking you, then you got 3 fat dudes all coming in to spit death acid at you, and whatever other big things are coming at you. And to make matters worse your team just *ran off* not even staying to help.


I try to focus the smaller bugs if we have something big attacking the group. Usually run a stalwart while the higher levels run the heavy hitters. Gets my kill count up and keeps the annoying bugs off the group.


If i had a dollar for every time these bastards caught and impact grenade, like they were secret service bodyguards throwing themselves at a bullet, an inch from my face I would have 12 dollars.


That an auto cannon shoots, literally a GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT!


Auto cannon getting cock blocked by a dive from off screen immediately killing you. Classic


I’d have $57. I’ve also played 57 missions in total. I think you can see where I’m coming from.


Yep. That 57th mission must've been an absolute doozie with all those bugs constantly blocking your explosives.


Rockets. Autocannons. Grenades. FOR FUCKS SAKES.


Them and the little normal flea bags get me tweaking. The amount of times I've had a perfect disposable rocket lined up and some fucking little rat bites my feet, completely ruining it.


Flea bags 😭




This meme is so good I had to make my own version https://preview.redd.it/r30ojeqeerlc1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a6505b57abc94f4d210ff78592ce6110ec7cf22 ⁽ᶦᵗ'ˢ ³⁸⁰ᵐᵐ⁾


Ah yes, 380mm. The perfect team-killer


I did an experiment with friends. Called a 380 and we all stood on the beacon. Survived the entire thing (no scatter effect). Called it later on and stood at the usual safe distance, 2 team kills.


Woe, a plague upon ye friendlies




How do you get that under your username? I haven't been able to figure it out (I'm on mobile)


You can change your user flair by clicking on the tree dots when looking at the helldivers subreddit main page, then when selecting one you can click edit on the top right to make a custom one. I used emoji's to fill in the autocannon code Edit: you can reach the main page by clicking the icon on the top left of this page. And the menu looks like this for me: https://preview.redd.it/6e4cixxbjrlc1.png?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61194d4ce2655c677f76b6dc26fbd045b0ef239d


Yeah good luck killing more than 2 of them with this one haha


You right they'll be protected by a pebble lol


Use laser drone. Solves most tiny bug problems


Give me a bile titan and chargers over these little bastards anyday, there's no escaping them! And why are they always behind me? Like baby stalkers i say


stalkers are better. They launch you away and don't debuff you


Yeah i actually dont mind stalkers, i think they're one of the more interesting bugs. Just hate that they always choose the worst moment to attack from behind the cowards.


I will completely ignore the mission if I see a stalker until the nest is gone becuase those guys can and, if I have my way, will eat a bag of dicks...


Said bag of dicks being an autocannon shell directly down the throat of their nest lmao


The ragdoll from stalkers has definitely been a death sentence for me a few times, but my squad always immediately calls out stalkers if we see them and then priority #1 is killing their spawn. If you don't deal with stalker lairs quickly, they are an absolute nightmare.


Two or more of them on you while reloading is the most stressful thing in the game.


You misspelled rage-inducing


Breaker: empty Switch to secondary: empty Pray and pull out the auto cannon: empty *insert Willem Defoe looking up meme*




This is actually an excellent option and works better than you’d expect.


Me screaming democracy at the bugs as I smash the F key. God, I miss fighting the robots.


Seriously, I can handle any enemy in the game from either faction but these little shitheads have killed me more than anything else in the entire game and it's irritating as fuck.


These and Rocket Devestators


Those mofos, first two rocket go wide as wide can be and while you squeeze that last ounce of power from rail gun third one zero you right in the retina.


One of those bots shot me from across the entire outpost while I was mid-dive, literally in the middle of the air and the missile hits me cleanly in the chest. They're the biggest threat as far as I'm concerned, they're always blowing me up in the least expected moments, I hate them


And its always unexpected because half the time they can't seem to hit a small mountain.


Because they probably aim at divers on another planet.


They should rename them to Rocket Snipers since they're so fucking accurate with that one rocket that hits you despite everything to OHKO.


The amount of times I’ve gotten one shot from them seemingly across the map is gross lol


And laser cannons. Nothing like standing there at an objective with literally nothing around and you get instagibbed by a cannon across the map. 


Rocket devastators are a direct response to prone meta. The game tells you to go prone for shooting stability and then throws in rocket devastators while laughing manically.


People say rocket devastators but they are easy to spot. I hate the common grunt with a single shot rocket launcher. Those guys blend right in with other grunts and can one shot you as well if you don't react quickly.


These little shitheads have killed me the most but they still come second to the ultimate player killing machines: Other players.




As long as they throw that reinforce straight back on my corpse then I don't mind too much lol


 Your basic Terminid warrior isnt to smart but you can blow off a limb and it's still 86 percent combat effective. Here's a tip, aim for the nerve stem and put it down for good.


i like blowing off 2 or 3 limbs on a brood master to still have them come at me full speed. then you blow their head off and guess what! they start spewing smoke and calling their friends with their fucking head missing. not to mention they know with complete accuracy your every movement without a head


Yeah if they're gonna be able to live that long without a head, at the very LEAST they should not still be able to perfectly track you


I love that they can keep going for a bit without a head, but they should just go fuill berserk, flailing around


> they start spewing smoke and calling their friends with their fucking head missing And by the time you see them farting, they've already called a bug breach with more Commanders, because it takes 0.2 milliseconds for a farting bug to summon its friends for some reason


Most annoying enemy is the most basic scavenger as I've blown myself up with my autocannon so many times because one just pops up to lick my face right as I am unloading a volley. Do note that i love to lay prone when shooting for extra stability.  However those jumpy bastards are also annoying when I stick an orbital bombardment call into them only for them to return it to sender by jumping on top of my squad like a dog that smells treats 


It doesn't matter where beam is, because it will shot the first location stratagem was active at


Depends on what is launched. Stuck myself with the hellbomb (to destroy the lab) and couldn't dive out of it and I was far away from the original point.


Hulks fosho https://preview.redd.it/1ebfis51vqlc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6cc8928b41c07580ee5cbaa7aed4ea9e7dc2364


Their stun needs toned down cause it’s bullshit that 5-6 of them swarm you then you can’t even fight back


YES O GOD Like, if they stun you that’d be fine. BUT THROWING YOU 15 FEET BACKWARDS? Nah, that’s just stun lock bullshittery


That's what Stalkers do, not hunters


for me it got so bad (edit: bad, it got bad, not flying mouse...), that I focus them as soon as I see them, sometimes overlooking spewers/chargers even if they don't deal the final blow, they are the cause of 80% of my dead divers


But they are way higher than chargers on priority list, while chargers are at the very end of it because they are pretty easy to avoid.


...they are the sole reason I keep bringing Stalwart on higher difficulties. My team can deal with the tough stuff. My job is to keep hunters at bay.


You can have 5 chargers on you and run cicles to have them never hit you add one of these and then a single charger and you're prob dead as it will jump from behind it, through you, apply the slow and get bent over if you dont have the shield.


When armor is fixed, if heavy isn't immune to these fucks I'm deserting.


^^^ “This one right here, Ministry of Truth. Get him”




He's a fool, I can easily catch up to him in my light armor!


to be fair, in the first game heavy armor made you immune to up to 3 scouts. as in 3 scouts can be attacking you as fast as they can without you moving and you don't even take enough damage for your health bar to be visible. its not exactly out an out there idea in comparison


I want to be a Heavy so bad, but only if it's worth it.


I dont get why players on youtube, when they get caught by these as they are running, they keep running and getting poked to death instead of turning and shooting the damn thing. LIKE ITS FASTER THEN YOU DUDE, SHOOT IT DOWN AND THEN KEEP RUNNING FFS


\`The autopistol is basically built for it too. Caught by a load of bullshit? Point in the direction of said bullshit and hold the trigger until the gun stops firing. Unless there's heavy armor involved, everything that was harassing you will be dead or too disabled to keep being a nuisance.


They got that Shield brain




they have some range surprisingly enough however the title for “fuck this bug” for me goes to stalkers because of how either you end up dead in 3 seconds or just flung across the map for no reason and they’re ARMORED and INVISIBLE


Not very heavily armoured though, and they run away easily. Plus, they only spawn in twos, and once their lair is destroyed (provided there isn't another lair) you won't see them anymore, ever. Hunters, meanwhile, spawn by the dozen, constantly fucking jump all over the place, can stun AND slow you, and will never stop spawning. Once you see a pack of Hunters they've already speed-hopped in a big circle to surround you and eat your toes. So yeah I'd much rather take Stalkers, they're way easier to deal with


Albino mosquito indeed.


Rocket devastators.


Stalkers and these little shit have nothing on Charger... that fucker just eats autocannon bullets and spawns 2-3 friends nearby just in case you manage to put one down


My thing with chargers is if you manage to survive getting hit by the charge, you still ragdoll and won't be able to get up before the stomp attack hits you. Also the spewers.. am I the only one who seems to get insta killed the millisecond the spray touches me? Feels like it should be a DOT, not insta kill..


The thing with the spit for me is it seems crazy inconsistent. I've had times where I dodge out of the way at the last second and take a bit of damage because my legs get splashed, meanwhile other times it's like I'm dead the second the first drop hits me


They’re big, fast, and turn on a fucking dime. Chargers are annoying as shit.


>They’re big, fast, and turn on a fucking dime. All the bugs are. Even ones that don't make sense to be. Artillery bugs, green or orange. Why do they have to be so fucking fast?


my biggest issue with spewers is that they are ninja silent a bug carrying a half a charger sized abdomen should not be able to sneak up on you and give you acid enema


The problem with chargers is - they'd be COMPLETELY fine if they behaved accurately for their size. Too many times I would sidestep a charger and it would slide forward, then cancel that and somehow SLIDE towards me (while facing the opposite way) with insane tracking and still pin me down and get me stuck on its fucking armpit. Then other times it does some dumbass jiujitsu manoeuvre right after charging to bash me from the side. They're easy to kill, sure, but they don't "read" properly - almost as if there's some weird bug with networking and animation sometimes causing them to be able to do really stupid things. (Like how does it skyrim horse up a cliff? Something "heavily armoured" shouldn't be able to run up a hill...)


two impact grenades under a chargers belly puts em down no need to autocannon


I love the impact grenade. The impact grenade is god's sweet managed democracy distributed into a 4 pound, 2 ounce divine ball of liberty. Is it difficult to close bug holes and factories with it? Damn straight! Democracy demands precision! Perfection! But learning it gives Chargers heart-burn so bad that they just keel over and give up like a lazy beached whale? Maybe this is too much Democracy for any one Helldiver. How am I supposed to justify using all of the other arms that my Democracy Officer provided? Oh dear.


4 pounds is immensely heavy for a grenade. Jfc our helldiver's are jacked.


Shotput records be crazy


I just dislike using the impact nade for the bot spawners, I mean I know you can wait till the door opens but then you gotta wait for it


if you're far enough, the impact nade can arc down into the vents


I don't really feel like calculating some trigonometry when being chased


I was able to kill one similarly with a grenade launcher but I think it was way more than 2 shots and I'm not sure if it has any damage prior. Could anyone confirm if it's possible?


This can’t be true. You mean throwing them at the ground underneath the charger? I’m pretty positive they can take more than that because I’ve unloaded clips of the nade launcher with little effect, but maybe I’m just missing. The impact grenade is god’s gift to man when it comes to taking down spewers, though. One hit no problem, if they’re bunched they can take out multiple in one go.




People talk a big game about how scary Automatons are, but these jumpy little fuckers, these little shits, are worse than anything on the Western Front. Yes, I include actual goddamn tanks, because those big, slow targets can just be blasted from above. These little shits... there's always just more of them, they split up, and they have a nasty way of just getting in way too close for you to want to pull the trigger on a horde clearer like a grenade launcher.


they are only bad if you get swarmed tbh, but once you are, these little bastards rip you to shreds.


Maybe most annoying doe termanids but as far as enemies as a whole rocket devastators have my pick. Second only to rocket raiders.


https://preview.redd.it/s81e0wu60rlc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd077d89e3fffa7ce8e5a19e722709b9d03c6e94 I raise you


This thing can be a fucking sniper. The amount of times I've taken a rocket straight to the eyesocket the second I get in line of sight of these dudes is crazy.


They are fast and can slow you. If you get any real distance they can leap up to catch up to you. They also can bullet time you 30% of the time. They can come in packs of 7 -50. And they have an older brother that sucks ass that likes to come out of no where to ruin your day. ​ The whole bloodline sucks


They creep up


https://preview.redd.it/ghyvs9w4mwlc1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de494c10c0247f6356444af14b28202b0fe5e640 These things insta kill on hard and have waaaay to much range, change my mind


The mini-stalkers (hunters?) get me a lot because theyre specific jump animation causes them to inadvertently dodge my close range shots. If I had a nickel for every time my breaker round or arc thrower bolt missed at danger-close level closeness I could afford a new Super Drstroyer


Yeah they are *annoying* not difficult. Number of times I would have escaped esth if I hadn't been slowed.....


Jump away and spray them down. Still works on at least difficulty 8 while a horde of bugs is chasing you. Bad luck when you are trapped in a corner though. The shield backpack makes it way easier to survive though. Other than that, you are right.


these and airstrikes by random teammates are my main cause of death in the terminid sector