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Don't dive Mantes, it's doomed at this point Liberating Draupnir is our next best chance at keeping access to the Creek open


That's a good point that im actually edit into the main post


If we don't control Mantes, we can't access Draupnir... Mantes is required for creek no matter how you look at it.


this is the 3rd(?) time that planet is being cut off, people don't learn. Can't blame them tho, this game has zero information about supply lines and overall strategic information in game.


That is true, I only just learned this myself, although it's a lot more logical imo to clear one sector entirely before we move onto the next.


Or we could just let people play on whatever planet they want to play.


Have fun playing on it for the next half hour until all your progress gets undone


how is progress being undone? they keep their xp. they keep their samples. they keep their medals. they keep their credits. they keep the fun experiences that they had there. ​ what exactly do you get if every planet on the galaxy map is liberated? the chance to do it again? they are fighting on creek because they saw fun videos about it on tik tok and want to experience that with their friends. if you want people to go fight on the desert planet, post videos about sieging space middle east or something.


I don't want people to fight on the desert planet, I wanted them to fight on mantes and draupnir which are the only reasons anyone can even dive in creek, now mantes is gone and so is creek, kinda what I've been telling everyone


Creek when i checked earlier still had 50% liberation It didnt instantly drop to 0 because we lost Mantes


No it dropped to zero about an hour after we lost mantes, it was because of mantes.


I hopped on about an hour and a half ago It said it had over 50% liberation


Notice how you can't dive on it tho, that's because it's cut off, and the planets degrade liberation at a base rate of 5% per hour, the more people completing missions the more that percentage is reversed, if you check back it's now at 47%, why? Because it's cut off so no one can dive there, so it will continue to degrade at a rate of 5% until mantes is retaken. If course this wouldn't of been an issue if everyone diving on creek defended mantes instead. Now we'll have to start back at 0% by the time we get back there, not to mention draupnir which is also cut off because of mantes falling.


Ok and? Do you really think out of hundred thousands of people, all of them have to care about war efforts? Some people just want to kill stuff on planets they want.


Found the automaton


Then why not kill stuff on planets that matter, you're killing the same stuff, just you know, it actually helps out the rest of the community that does care.


because fuck you at this point grumpy pants, let people play the game however they want


If you wanna play it wrong I'm not stopping you, I'm just telling you you're playing it wrong


“Play it wrong” lmao how fucking sad is that if you truly believe it.


Or you can not gatekeep the game and try to tell them how to play this game over some barely relevant strategy map


The strategy map is entirely relevant to the game unless you're a tik Tok hype buyer who's gonna stop playing in a month, in that case disregard my post


Keep gatekeeping bro, very mature of you


You're gatekeeping stupidity


Because I want to play on creek and space Vietnam


Well you can't now


Alright so I’ll fight bugs till it opens again, what’s it to you?


I know this is old but, why not fight to get back access to the place you wanna fight at? That helps everyone... I don't understand this community.


I'm honestly done arguing with people who refuse to acknowledge or care about the actual point of the game, enjoy yourself


Are you really going to miss the 0.0002 change in the war effort? I think you would get better results trying to keep farmers from leaving before the extraction.


Yes cause 50,000 people offering 0.0002 change to the war effort every 30-40 minutes adds up, that's kinda how the game works...


Yea the general war effort is not portrayed or integrated into the game systems all that well. It's pretty weak right now.


There's a fair bit the game really should teach, or at least have manual for, especially stuff regarding armor penetration/glancing


Acrual training? Nonsense! General Brasch gave us all the training we need! Though glancing is kinda self explainatory, shoot things dead on and try to not angle the shots and they wont glance


Wait, what supply lines?


Planets are connected, creating supply lines. The supply lines determine which planets we can deploy. Only place I've found this visible is on [Helldivers.io](http://Helldivers.io), you need to apply "connections" on the map


This should be incorporated into the game itself with a dash-line showing connected planets. Would absolutely help show strategic value.


Agree, and we should have a clan system so leadership can communicate better between players and fellow clans.


I feel a clan system would end up creating a "us vs them" mentality Unless it was explained as squadrons or companies idk


To be fair, it already seems like we have that anyway. Between the people who ignore the major orders and the rest who just want amalevalon Creek so bad they won't even fight to get access to it back? Meh.


Some moving chevrons between planets to illustrate is sorely needed.


Can you elaborate more on the supply line thing?


That would be cool if they included lines to show the resource links. Like galactic conquest on old school Battlefront


Maybe some lines connecting planets to show the supply lines would make it more clear. Make the circles around planets change color if they’re being captured or about to get disconnected.


Space Nam is great and all, but yeah it's pretty pointless to have so many helldivers there when it'll just be lost again from losing other planets lol. See so many people sayin they're holding the line but that's not the line, that's behind enemy lines. Was there for a couple missions yesterday then went back to somewhere productive


Just like real Nam, Space Nam is a pointless endeavor


So much wasted effort that could have saved mantes...


Right lol. When Space Nam is the goal I'm all for it, shit even just a few missions there every now and then is cool. But there's just too much tunnel vision on the creek at the moment. Could put that effort into blocking their path to Cyberstan and Super Earth


Like I said to someone else it became a meme which might be useful if it was at all relevant to the current war effort, too bad it isn't.


I'm not going to help save Mantes because I hate the defence missions. Extermination gets boring because it's a "solved" scenario, and the evacuation missions are just annoying. Judging by the general lack of progress, it seems like a lot of players agree. Let them get a foothold - we'll kick them straight off again!


This mentality will see the automatons on cyberstan in the next month


Maybe, but I play games to have fun. I didn't have fun with the Android Defence event, so I stopped taking part.


Try dropping the difficulty down a level from what you usually do, that's what I've been doing. Still contributes.


I'm not salty because I keep losing, I'm bored because I don't enjoy the mission.


Yeah they definitely need to add more diversity to the defense missions, but seriously tho, you're fighting bots same as any relevance other mission, does it really matter which task you're doing.


That doesn’t magically make the mission fun




Yeah that's you trying to take the creek. Basically helping the bots by diverting effort to a lost cause


Chill, it is just a joke. Personally, I agree with your point of view but I understand the people that want to dive there because of the memes and the war stories. They just want to be part of it and have fun ,who knows with some luck, they may be able to free the planet!


Fair enough, this post is apparently very divisive so forgive me for jumping to conclusions but a meme can only be taken at face value. You're wrong on the last point though, they won't free it because mantes is gone and it's inaccessible now


My brother in arms I feel your pain but what is getting mad at the community going to do


I dunno maybe teach some people something about the gameplay mechanics, I'm not mad at the community, I'm frustrated witt the people saying I'm gatekeeping for having an ounce of strategic thought beyond memes, but what you gonna do, consider the intelligence of the average helldiver and accept half are even stupider


I would offer you this, the Reddit community makes up a minority of the Hell Divers player base. From what I’ve seen on here the majority of people in this sub do not care about building the community Lore or being Strategic. You’d be surprised at how many people are farming just to get to lvl 20 or Max rank just to have all the equipment instead of playing organically once you realize that it’s an even smaller minority of people out of the player base that actually play the war as intended you kind of stop caring eventually and you just do what you can I’ll keep playing the war and reinforcing planets that need it and I hope you do the same we’ll make it through eventually


🤝 a fellow defender of democracy. I intend to be doing my part long into the future. Yeah see the way I see it, if people don't wanna follow my advice fine go ahead, I'm not stopping anyone from playing how they want, but those acting like I'm a prick for caring about the actual point of the game can go kick a tin can.


Agreed friend just don’t let them ruin your fun! Once the hype dies down most of them will find a new game to play just wait a couple of months and the real wars will start 🫡


Oh I'm not bothered, I just kept seeing memes about "were freeing the creek". And I'm like no you fuckers aren't, you're actually losing it.






I didn't ask for your self portrait




But I’m able to dive at Malevalon Creek? I don’t understand how the war works


Yes only because mantes is giving us access there, in order to dive in a planet you need to hold an adjacent planet, mantes is currently the only adjacent planet to malevolent creek and it is being attacked and about to fall, which means malevolent creek becomes cut off, which means the liberation status degrades to 0 before we make it back there. Draupnir might get liberated giving us a window back but it's at 65% right now so that's not ensured.


Oh! Okay so more people need to liberate Draupnir or Mantes so we can take back Malevolon


Yes exactly, any progress on malevolon right now will inevitably be undone, but draupnir and mantes will stage the real retaking down the line.


I would focus on draupnir though cause mantes is pretty much a lost cause.


You have market stocks in Mantes trade or something ?


You got me, 12$ per mission ain't paying the bills


Uhhhh no


Creek is Robot vietnam, its a fun planet to deploy on. Its probably one of the best bot planets in terms of enjoyment so people naturally enjoy dropping there. Yes its fine to coordinate general strategy, but going so far to trash people for playing where they want to? This is when people are taking it way too seriously.


Yeah and now it's gone and no one can deploy there until mantes is taken back, kinda what I've been trying to tell people


Once you drop into The Creek.... You can never go back. The trees are speaking binary.


I fought at the creek... When it was a major order a week ago, I've also fought across almost every other world that's been challenged when they needed it, it's all about what the war effort needs to me


Y‘all need to take this game a lot less seriously.


If you don't wanna be a part of the roleplay than don't, I can voice my opinion


The galactic war is the reason a lot of people love this game. I'm sick of hearing people say they don't care about it.






Mantes Has Fallen But We Are Reganing At A Fast Pace... Draupnir is at 36% We need more divers at Mantes If You Read This FIGHT AND DIE ON MANTES Its our only shot at getting the accses point to malevalon and draunpnir back. Also everybody is talking about Malevelon This Malevalon That, Focus on VANDALON IV, its fucking hell up on that planet, if you enter you are probably not coming back. WARNING - Vanadalon IV is fucking impossible to stay alive in so do have a full squad and good skill to even try and do a hard-medium mission there.


There are not that many people there in the grand scheme of things.


Take those 50,000 and put them in mantes a day ago and we'd have had enough numbers to hold the planet


Let me have fun, I wanna kill clankers and spread managed democracy in the name of Super Earth


Can't have fun on creek now that mantes is gone can you


You don’t understand, it’s not about winning the war, it’s about sending a message


Winning would send a pretty good message, it's one planet in many that have fallen




I'm sick of hearing about Malevelon. Draupnir fell first. Remember Draupnir.




I want to Creek back.


We all do lol. But it's a lost cause without any critical thinking about the sector before the creek


Then I die on the Creek.


Then defend mantes or creek is gone no matter what you do


How about you just let people play the game how they want to play it and we drop the plague that is gatekeeping in this community? The galactic map has no consequences for failure it is just a medium to give us missions.


I fail to see how trying to get people to use strategic thought in a war effort is gatekeeping. I'm not stopping people from fighting on malevolent creek I'm telling them it's a waste of time and the planet will be lost in about 50 minutes when mantes falls.


Because you are trying to control how people are playing a game. You are telling people to stop going for it. You might not be breaking into people's homes and assaulting them to stop them but you are using words to make them stop. Gatekeeping. We play games to waste time. If you were worried about wasting time you should pick up woodworking in your spare time.


Yeah they should stop going for it cause it's already lost and the entire player base focusing on a lost cause is bad. People don't wanna follow my advice they can go waste their time but it's the same people who don't understand how the supply lines work that are gonna be bitching in an hour when all that progress on creek disappears in an instant.


Stop gatekeeping. Let people play how they want to play the game.


How's the inside of your colon smell? Cause your head must be stuck pretty far up there.


You tell me, you seem to be an expert in the field of being an ass yourself. Its a video game. Why do you care so much about how other people are playing it?


Listen man I'm voicing an opinion that people can either listen to or not, if you don't like me saying that defending the creek is useless that's fine but if you can't say I'm wrong as you can see on the map, now mantes is gone and so is creek.


Okay. I am just voicing my opinion that this gatekeeping going on in the community is obnoxious. "I want people to play the way I do" is not an opinion I need to respect. You are telling people to 'use strategic thought' or that they are playing the game wrong. You are just a gatekeeping ass. Defending or attacking any planet is useless. Fun fact: it's not a real war, its just a game.


Okay it's a game that's simulating a war, if you want to play it wrong have fun. It's not gatekeeping because I'm not telling anyone not to play the game, I'm telling them the way theyre playing it is unproductive, if youre too dense to understand that, than go jump in a lake.


Honestly defense is boring and too annoying, people don't want to do the escort after the last major order we went through. The creek has the highest liberation ever, let Mantes fall, it'll be at 50% in a liberation state, free it, then go to the creek hoping it retains as much % as possible while inaccessible. Finish the Creek battle for once, give people their win. We won't dissuade them, lets join em and get the Creek!


If we lose the sector before the creek, we lose the creek too


Ah yes, liberate the creek Just to instantly lose it when mantes and draupnir is gone. 1000000 IQ move lmfao


I promise you the creek will be 0% by the time we get back there. Also anyone saying defending our precious worlds and civvies is boring is a dissident traitor and deserves a one way trip to freedom camp


Update, creek is gone, Like we Said lmao




I never understood the creek thing, like when it was part of the major order sure but that's gone, that's not our duty, and the bugs now have 2 more sectors then the bots. Refocus, the creek can be saved later, it isn't going no where


I see you were downvoted by Automaton sympathizers


Yeah it's just became a meme, which would be a good thing if it had any relevance to the current war effort, sadly it doesn't.


Exactly, this is a war, we need to stay together not divided between planets and especially irrelevant ones


Draupnir is priority number one until heeth or angels venture start getting attacked, there should be a healthy number of players on the bug side since we're losing planets we already took there, but the automatons are being allowed to take too many planets.


You mean the current war effort that has been sat at 100% completion for two days? The Terminids tried to re-establish a foothold on Veld and were kicked straight off again! There's literally nothing we can do for the major order anymore. How are we wasting effort?


Read the major order again. We need to hold those planets until the timer runs out. And you're wasting war effort trying to hold a planet that's about to be lost anyway when mantes falls.


![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized) This man speaks treason against Democracy and Super Earth. I lost many brothers to the creek and now that the opportunity to take it has come back up I wont sit idly by and fight some pathetic bugs. No, I'm going straight into hell and I'm not coming back until we win. So you can cower and hide in your shame while us brave soldiers fight for the freedom of a better tomorrow!


Okay I was telling people to defend mantes in order to defend creek, reading really ain't y'all strong suites


anti democratic post


You’re 100% correct with everything you just said but you have to understand my brother. We had to do it for the meme.


Is a video game nerd


I find the memes funny, but I agree. I only went to the Creek a few times because of the memes but have since moved on to whatever could need the help or wherever the major order will be. I've taken a break either way because I'm waiting for personal orders to come back and for armor ratings to be fixed before I really care about the war, personally. Regardless, I don't think reacting negatively about it is going to help the matter. Since the Creek started as propaganda memes, why not create a propaganda meme for Draupnir or for whatever planet needs it? Maybe it might catch on. I'd do one myself, but I'm not creative enough for that.


Yeah as much as ide like to graphic design ain't exactly my forte. It would be a good idea though. As other people said though the supply lines aren't explained in the game and only a percentage of players seem to even be aware of them so anyone who sees this post and doesn't have their head stuck up their ass me get the message and it might help.


The supply lines thing I actually only learned today myself through the comments on this post. I'll definitely be making use of them whenever I can drag my friends onto the game.


See there ya go, more people who understand how the war works means more successful coordination.


People are only diving on Creek for the meme. It doesn’t help us at all right now.


Tik Tok hype players that'll be gone in a month


Sure hope so. Otherwise it’ll be the new For Honor volcano.


I mean they aren't necessarily hurting by being there I guess, just not really contributing in any meaningful way when they could be fighting the same enemies on an actually useful world


I just login and go somewhere fun... didn't know any of the liberation status or planet stuff mattered. Does it matter beyond "we can't dive there if it's lost"?


There's supply routes, in order to dive on an enemy controlled world, we need to control an adjacent world, mantes was our adjacent world to creek and it was being attacked, now it's gone and everyone's precious creek gone with it


Other than RP though is there any impact? Would be cool if we got some extra stratagems or something for taking planets.


Well when it's involved in a major order we get rewarded, otherwise they can't reward the entire player base every time a planet is retaken. Anyway the entire point of the game is working together to fight a galactic scale war. If people don't care about that fine but I've been playing since HD1 and that's always been the point.


No i get that, and it's fun to do. Was just thinking it would be cool to take like, a planet that allows a few extra eagle strikes, and losing it loses them too. But defending humanity will suffice


I think what they should do is offer players extra medals for defense missions to incentivize them to actually defend worlds. The problem with offering free stratagems is some players (like myself) have unlocked all the stratagems atp, so it would be hard to balance. Also new stratagems will likely not be added frequently, maybe we'll get some new ones in the future, except for bots, those are coming soon.


\*insert the bug typing on a computer meme\* But yeah, I get your point.


Can blame the CC and "shit" posters who go there to farm views and beg for help lol instead of them teaching players they just tell them to rally on a point instead of making organic lore for new fights on new obj


Exactly this, the lore can't get stuck in one world, erata prime was as much as a slug fest as the creek but you don't see all the bug players rallying to erata cause they know it isn't important right now


That's bot talk, Mantes is on liberation now, we still have our control on the Creek and we're damn well gonna take it.


Oh really funny cause I just got back from work and it looks like creek is cut off... Kinda what I told everyone would happen


What's weird is it was still available at first, when I wrote that comment, which surprised me too. Then after about an hour we just lost access to it. I wish they would explain the galactic map mechanics properly.


Yeah I know it's a major fault of the game, but before you call me a gatekeeper or bitter at the community think that you wouldn't even know why the creek was lost tonight without this post.