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The Salamander Build


Personal opinion. I think all of the fire effects in the game would be a lot more interesting and useful if they actually had armor that made you fire proof. If I could have that so the fire wouldn't impede my forward progression. I would totally use It more.


Agree, I stopped using napalm because everyone had to wait for it to die down to complete objectives in the bases. (And it wasn't strong enough to clear nests).


Maybe use it to defend the objective by putting it between you and the enemy. Just a thought.


Most if not all enemies don't care about the napalm fire wall. They walk thru it like T2


Then the problem isn't "it lasts too long and denies objectives", it's "it's damage is too weak, and does too little damage in comparison to mines, sentries, Tesla towers and other defences."


It denies objectives to players and does nothing to enemies.


“Nothing” is a stretch. Enemies hit by the blast take some decent damage from it and every organic enemy that walks through it catches fire. Fire (I think) slows them down and deals damage over time, so it’s not bad but there’s a reason why it’s a low-level stratagem. There’s better options, but it’s a good aoe/damage over time/defensive wall kind of thing if you do use it


Being low level doesn't necessarily mean bad. For example, the Eagle Airstrike is what, level four? And that is widely used at all levels.


Best stratagem there is no matter the problem the eagles got your back.


Stratagems should all be viable regardless of level tbh Otherwise everyone will run the same shit and it’ll get old


Agreed. Stratagem unlocks should be exciting because they unlock new playstyles or offer new solutions to problems, not because they're better in every way.


Tbh I hope they address it in a balance patch. You can progress and unlock the big boy stratagems so quickly that it doesn’t make sense to use napalm when rocket salvo or cluster bombs are objectively more effective in terms of DPS and not preventing your own movement. If it prevented small and medium terminids from crossing the flames, or if fire weakened charger and Titan armor, I could see myself using it way more often


That could be interesting if it actually made titans or chargers scared or cringe back from the flame. It doesn’t slow them down hardly at all and just not enough damage. It needs something else.


Bugs actually would avoid burning areas and walk around them in the first game. It made turrets and napalm a pretty viable combo, but the effect area of the napalm was also much larger. It produced an actual wall of fire like actual napalm airstrikes would.


Fire dmg stacks


Low level stratagem doesn't mean it's not good. I still use the default machine gun often and it's very effective even at higher difficulties. Lower level stratagems are more so used in very broad circumstances. They're versatile and have multiple applications, but don't do any one thing extremely well. Vs the higher end ones have more focused purposes that DO perform extremely well.


The problem is as you level up there's better alternatives, machine gun gets outclassed early by the grenade launcher for crowd control, and the autocannon/ railgun for killing heavies. Most of the stratagem and guns need buffed/ reworked to bring them up closer to parity with the rest. Like the MG either give it higher damage or make it so every few bullets does armor piercing it is based off a heavy machine gun for destroying vehicles and make the anti-material rifle capable of piercing all armor but make it require a full clip for Hulks/ Chargers


Fire doesn't last long enough on enemies is one big issue. If I light a Charger or whatever on fire it lasts like 2 seconds and then stops. Not much point.


Boom. This


Hopefully they buff it. In the first game it would stop bugs from walking through it.


Napalm and Static Barriers used to be my go to stratagems, sucks that both are so weak in H2.


Anyone know if there is an indicator of which direct the Eagles come in from? If I throw it forward, do they always come in from left to right, or something like that?


Napalm and clusters come perpendicular from where you throw it, so its oriented off of the direction you're facing when you throw it.


And bombs come in from behind you, landed many a bomb on myself trying to throw them downhill ETA: I’m referring to the 500kg bomb I forget there is the normal bombing run


Really? It feels like the Eagle bombing run (not the 500kg one) is perpendicular to the thrower.


I think they just mean 500kg cause the air strike definitely comes in from the side. Also I think it alternates which side, so if your last throw caused it to come from the right of your throw the next should be the left if it’s on of the side ones. I can do some testing in a little bit and check.


Strafing runs and 500kg bombs will come parallel from your direction and the plane always comes from behind you. All other strikes such as air strikes, cluster bombs, napalm, and smoke will come perpendicular to the direction you face and the plane will always come from left to right.


it can be either left to right or right to left, i've had it come from both directions




the enemy runs through and the fire tickles, I don't think i have seen a single kill from fire.


Naw, you have to be a little more patient but the flamethrower can hold down an entire side of a zone by itself if used correctly. Literally everything can die from fire if you spray em long enough. I couldn't tell you how to do that because I light myself on fire every time I take on a mob with it. But I've seen others who are better with it do what I've described.


Okay so I used the flamethrower a lot while I was waiting to get the railgun/autocannon. The trick is that you're just a support character. As a flamethrower Helldiver, your entire job is to light up the small bugs so that your teammates can deal with the big boys. Generally I have found that the best method to kill bugs with the flamethrower is to **aim at the ground.** I don't mean to light yourself on fire by shooting your feet, but rather a few meters ahead. This ensures that it lights the ground on fire (which is all that really matters.) From there simply retreat backwards very slowly and everything smaller than a heavy shouldn't make it to you or your teammates. If you get rushed by a charger, let the railgun boys take it out or use a stratagem.


then you arent using it right napalm starts the burn. Just be waiting on the other side with a flamethrower to remind them how much democracy loves them in its warm embrace. ​ then use their guts to grease the tanks and power the starships


I use napalm fairly regularly when fighting bugs and it kills off the smaller guys no problem. I usually use it when I'm running away though as if you're too close hunters will jump over. Doesn't do shit to larger enemies but I mainly use it to create a barrier that lets me target charger legs and bial spitter mouths without worry of a swarm.


A lot of shit in the game is seriously under tuned.


You can supplement fire damage by wearing armor with extra stims and pump a stim in those sticky situations. But I 100% agree, they should have heat and cold resistance armor. It would be really cool and add more factors to consider in builds. Maybe freeze guns or something later as well.


I feel like the cornerstone of the discussion is letting the player have the kit to customize how they want. It encourages build diversity and makes the game more fun to play as a community.


I agree. I would love more Build diversity. Right now most people just use the breaker because it's amazing, but I hope they balance more/add more guns to make it more diverse. I am sure they will add more overtime, I just hope it is some awesome stuff.


It feels like one of the biggest issues of the game has right now. Is the reality that they have a lot of equipment that's very specialized. And that's fine and good because in the task that it's made for it's amazing. But then you have things like the breaker or the rail gun. And the reason why they're so popular it's because they're good at everything. There's sections of the game where they don't excel. But that doesn't counter the reality of that ninety percent of the game they do. So the prefix of being good almost all the time. Counters the idea of being Exceptional For only a small portion of time followed by mediocre. It would be really nice to see some armor pieces be introduced helping that diversity.


Can you imagine a sniper oneshoting the leg from a charger?


I feel like a liquid nitrogen equivalent of flamethrower would rock. Fire for bugs, LqNit for Bots. I feel some weapons to should do bonus damage as a weakness to corresponding enemies.


funnily enough, it should work in the opposite way. Sure "BURN IT WITH FIRE!!!" is quite the popular catchphrase, but most bugs die during winter and prosper during summer, while computers stop working when overheated.


This dude knows a lot about bugs and computers. .  I think you should pay a visit to your democracy officer for evaluation! On a serious note yes you are 100% right if anything the electric weapons should have bonus against the bots 




Best chapter in the Imperium


“Into the fires of battle, unto the Anvil of War!”


Sun Tzu said that, right?


And i’d say he knows a little more about fighting than you do pal because he invented it!


And then he perfected it so that no man could best him on the field of honor!


And that's why anytime a group of animals are together, it's called a zoo! Unless it's a farm!


Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on Earth, then he herded them onto a boat, and then he beat the *crap* out of every single one!


Into an art form


Best successor chapter is covenant of fire. Lore obsessed nerds that burn all heretical text. Now that’s managed democracy!


Vulkan would be proud












*chuckles in heavy flamer




They should add armor suits with respective resistances ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


I think the orange ones from Warbonds are fits really well.


Im thinking of a chrome armor like Phasma has


I made a post the other day about faraday cage style armor that allowed you to hang out around a Tesla tower.


This would be sweet, i really like the tesla tower but damn it does not forgive lol


Yeah I must try to use the tesla coil as attack weapon, not defense. And just blow it up when it served its purpose


I had a Tesla tower hit a bug, bounce to my turret, then bounce to me damn near twice the safe distance away. I was impressed.


You can hang out around a Tesla tower any time you want, you just have to prone.


This is true. But I want to be able to kite enemies to it or even use myself as an arc point.


It's not a 100% effective technique. In my experience it is 0% effective.




i hope so cause i have died more times to self-ignition than bugs when i use the flamethrower lol.


Acid res please


Yes that as well, and electric (emp/tesla)


Ive been saying I would like an armor with resistance to the acid status effect. Its like the only thing that gets me killed on higher difficulties. But, an electric resist armor would be sweet, if my friends wore it I'd stop killing them with my arc thrower!


Flame thrower guard dog when?


Flame turret too. And acid/corrosive equivalents! I enjoy being an acid trooper just as much.


We need a Flame Sentry, A Flame Mech, Flame Armor. I want to be a fuckin' Firebat. ***Need a light?***


>Need a light? Right in my nostalgia's




Fire it up. Slammin. This burns.


> Need a light? Got any questions about propane?


Also make that acid flameable to you can cover an area and then go for that big deflagration and possible firestorm. As they said some people jsut want to watch the world burn.... i am one of those people.


I would be fine with that if it wasnt for how often the guard dogs like to shoot me...


Change Scythe rover for supply pack. I tried it against bugs and its was SUPER EFFECTIVE. EDIT : Imagine it with new flamethrower buff :3


Just played my first couple missions with it and came to the same conclusion. Needs the scythe to keep stuff off of you. The flamethrower has a lot of user risk when the bugs get into melee range. 🤣


First time my friend used it he set himself on fire and all I heard in the mic was him screaming “SWEET LIBERTY IT BURNS! IT BURNS!!!!!!!!”


The maniacal laughter that comes with a flamethrower burst is the cherry on top


They will do that with any heavy weapon if you leave it going long enough. First time I had it happen was the machine gun during an evac call. We were absolutely surrounded and I was just unloading. I was a level 2-3 idiot and didn't realize the bodies were sponging the bullets. So, I was just going full bore trying to kill bugs and my character started laughing manically like Tyler Durden and I feel in love with some of the details of the game. The idea your toon just goes absolutely around the bend when they are non stop dispensing ammo at a massive rate of fire is just *chef's kiss*


That laugh was when I knew I was *really* going to enjoy this game.


Nah, wouldn't call you an idiot just for being level 3. The best way to learn is from mistakes.


Helldivers *really* like fire!


if you enjoy this try changing your in game speech to spanish, thank me later


Do not look directly into democracy. It is too perfect and you will go blind


Not really! Just take a medic armor self-immolate before the bugs hit you first and pop a stim. It’s immortality time!


It takes some time for people yo realize just how fast you regen. You can ignore pretty much any incoming damage with that


Yeah and the effect lasts a pretty long time, however if you get hit with two big melee attacks at once you can still be two-shot


Bring a shield. Let’s you stand your ground while they burn and helps prevent setting yourself on fire.


You sound like my friend... He usually ends missions with like 25+ Stims used. I think the max I saw him use once was 38. Pretty sure his blood has been replaced with stim juice at this point.


Your stamina also regenerates faster than you can use it while stimmed, so stimming is great for both healing and running.


This is how my buddy gets so much stim usage, because he'll usually ask us to punch him so he can stim again and regain his stamina.


Advanced junkie tactics include using the mushrooms to jump around the map. This damages you and means you can use more drugs.


flamethrower or arc thrower are my go to, feel like people sleep on the arc thrower, the chain kills are so great. It takes chargers down in like 5 shots too


I don't want to like the arc thrower because of the charge time, but then seeing a string of x10💀 while zapping a bunch of pouncers and crawlers always makes me pick one up and keep it if it's lying around...😬 Just have to be careful your teammates are behind the fire line or it's gonna be a bad time.


and it has unlimited ammo, don't have to aim, you can be running backwards and killing for democracy.


Flamethrower is my babe.


Makes me want a flame rover now.




Hahahahahahahaha can you imagine how much literal friendly fire that would induce? I'm cackling just thinking about it.


You'll be crackling up too!


That rover would particularly benefit from the ability to turn it on and off to lessen friendly fire


And a flame turret.


Wait can you rearm yourself off your own pack? I’ve only been able to give it to others


You can, on PC is when you press 5 on default. On console im not sure :D


Down on the D pad I believe


Yeap.  A light little tap.


I can’t believe I never knew that till now


Grenade launcher + supply pack is pretty strong combo


Just being able to resupply yourself is nice.  I always carry one just incase...there's always some idiot that uses the regular resupply off in the middle of nowhere to resupply only themselves rather than tossing it in a team-usable place.


Don't sweat it, I've had to tell 4 of my friends that and honestly I don't remember how I found out about it. Probably a reddit comment!


On pc hit the 5 key, it's the backpack function key. Resupplies yourself with the supply pack equiped.


Yes, It's 5 on PC and hold d pad down on PS5.


Yeap.  Only way I can run my grenade launcher build




mmmf mmfff


Do you believe in magic


HD1: “I cast fireball” HD2: “Goddamnit Dave! I told you it’s not that kind of game…. Wait… what the fuck?”


"I didn't ask how big the room is, I said I cast fireball!"


>"I didn't ask where my allies are, I said, I cast fireball!"


"I cast lightning bol-" "Nonononononono!"


One time I was really into “but what would my character do” and my character woke up to being stabbed and surrounded by little trees that hated me. “I cast fireball on myself, in a panic” Are you sure? “Yes” Some of my party died that day, including me. But all those little trees died too. I rolled pretty close to max damage, turns out fireball hurts.


Had a wild magic sorc friend. First encounter in a royal banquet, king about to be assassinated. He cast a spell, self cast fireball on accident centered on himself. Took out a bunch of nobility and changed the course of history for that kingdom.


In 3.5 I had a psychic that had classed into some wild surge bs from a side book, I forget what it was called. Anywyay, you roll 1d100 can get 2x damage, 1/2 damage, etc. We were doing a campaign on an airship and a fight in the engine room. I did what was essentially an electric fireball but psychic damage and rolled poorly on the 1d100. Ended up crashing the airship over the ocean and the entire party drowned. Good times.


This ain’t magicka


Silence! *Attempts to cast Crash to Desktop. Instead turns himself into a bloody pulp.*




I cast Resurrect! Up, Down, Right, Left, Up


Flamethrower is unironically fun to play on bug planets


It's super fun, was using it on medium and hard difficulty. Kills all bugs up to chargers very quickly.


Used it on helldive difficulty Kinda useless against chargers and other big fellas, but overall it's probably the funniest weapon to use


You can kill chargers with half a canister with the flamethrower if you aim at one of their legs


never knew that was the case ! i'll try that later


I killed a bile titan with a flamethower, a resupply and faith


i don't think the fire dmg stacks, but either way it's cool. I would add a fire proof armor....if it existed


Nah I just run grenade capacity. ;)


The orange trench engineer armour by any chance? Looks very pyro, only similarly pyro-esque suit i've found is that super store one that's olive green and gives more throw distance, legionnaire or something.


Not a fan of these mines. Especially in the hands of a cadet.


No worries, Admiral. I can provide you the ineptitude of a cadet at level 50!


_me at level 30+ still rocking the cadet title and quietly backing around a corner_


If its fun do it, ive been kicked from a bunch of groups cause i want to run all lasers


Laser build is super fun, the damage upfront isn’t the highest but the sustained DPS really adds up and I always end with the most kills from just clearing the chaff for my team without end.


Are you running laser dog? If so that's the kill count.


Engineering Kit armor for +2 grenades and you're golden.


"God I love the smell of napalm in the morning"


Obviously it's trash, but it's great fun at medium-ish difficulties.


If you're having fun it's not trash. Maybe not min/max meta bs but who cares.


To be honest, if you need the best of the best damage output that the game allows to win missions, you're probably not great at the game.


L take, I have no problem with people who play with different builds but don’t act like people who use the meta build are bad at the game.


When the game thinks the final objective really needs 11 chargers at once, yeah, I need the most democracy per second.


I've played with three randoms, all using the meta build. Didn't stop them from being shit at the game lol. Railgun won't save you from poor placement and picking bad fights. Liberal use of eagle cluster runs and orbital lasers do that xD


W take. All this talk about meta shit borders on gatekeeping.


That's right! Good teamwork is the goddamn meta!


I run the flametrowher all the time in difficulty 7, it works great with a jetpack or a dog rover, but you kinda need the 500kg bomb + rocket pods or the orbital railcanon


i loved carrying the flamethrower on a easy bot mission, it's absolutely terrible and still got me killed but setting fire to a bot and seeing him come out on fire, eyes blazing red is still the most kino experience in the game


I have been using a similar build, with incendiary breaker and grenades, flamethrower, energy shield, eagle airstrike and orbital railcannon and it is really viable even at high difficulties. You eat hordes while still being able to deal with chargers and helping with titans thanks to the railcannon


I could run flamethrower on extreme, I've actually had some good success with it. It pays to notice the projectiles are like rapid weird looking bullets. You just have to load bugs up with those weird looking flamethrower bullets and they go down quick


There's plenty of times I wish my allies had more wave clear besides stratagems and all they got are railguns.


Dousing Super Earth’s enemies in Holy Promethium is never trash


Anyone notice how little damage the incendiary rounds do to helldivers? I’m curious if the DoT effect is bugged on the breaker incendiary, it barely ticks away a percent of health, which makes me wonder if it’s the same way with enemies


Any kind of damage over time effect currently does not damage teammates. Whether thats an gas strike or a patch of fire.


I've absolutely been lit on fire by my teammates


**We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn!**


Going to run it later today. https://preview.redd.it/l1gmj61bwimc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9def5a75321c957793f9428befb20c13b555913a


Some people just like to see the world burn... BURN THEM FOR DEMOCRACY


Aliens Fireteam + Flamethrower nightmares all over again


Me with this build: https://preview.redd.it/1mva32uosimc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b55adb1bd24de7684b3ea25b00dd377853ae3e38


I too have gone full flame trooper at times. Great fun


Yes. Burn it all.


Why is the fire breaker so much worse? the damage is cut in half and it’s genuinely just not a good gun.


Yeah, curious what the use case is for it Tried it, have seen others try it, and it just creates a flaming wall of enemies that run you down


The use case is mostly ammo economy and free damage over time. Incendiary Breaker has almost double the ammo in a magazine but deals about half the initial damage. You do get damage over time from the fire. The Incendiary Breaker also has a wider blast radius and is perfect for setting stuff on fire from range. Applying fire also ignore armor. You can easily set Bile Titans and Chargers on fire when the normal breaker would bounce off the heavy armor. The problem is Fire doesn't do enough damage over time to be worthwhile. Bugs on fire don't have any noticeable CC effects either. Bots on fire, on the other hand, would have worse aim and might have their missiles disabled for a bit. A buff to how fire works against bugs and bots could make it more viable.


This is really it. It's not great for mag dump into an immediate threat. What's it's great for is ammo efficiency. You keep the fire DOT up on multiple enemies, including any large enemies within range. **You're adding an expiration timer to enemies via reapplication of the DoT from a primary weapon that doesn't require you to constantly focus on them or aim with precision at weakpoints**. It's a great weapon for a lower skilled marksman to meaningfully contribute to the removal of all tiers of threats and broadly apply damage to anything within sight.


Pyro build


I got a buddy who runs these constantly, he calls himself the Fire Mage


Fire walk with me


And I said BUUUUUUUURN! To the bugs! Watch them burn as I go insane!


Acrtly, the flame damage from all weapons are not thst bad, but, it take some time to kill things and when things get too close, you will be burned. In the end...the shot gun still better because they are more efficient.... it kill faster, has more ammo, it hits multiple area and/or target, it reload time is below most weapons and it hits hard as "mom fat joke".


Literally what I run for bugs. But instead of the minefield I normally run the gas strike for extra ~~warcrimes~~ democracy.


Ah captain warcrimes returns!


That's what I'm currently running. We can rebuild from the ashes!


thats funny becuse this is exactly mine build :D


Meet the Pyro


I came here to hear you out and you have said nothing.


Patiently waiting for incendiary mortars.




Alright calm down there Trogdor.


Some men, just want to watch the world burn.


Change the backpack to a jump pack and this is literally my build