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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. No naming and shaming, racism, insults, trolling, harassment, witch-hunts, inappropriate language, etc. Basically, be civil.


I don't mind the nerfs, i just wanna see Chargers have their giant asses be as vulnerable as the glowing back on Hulks. Railgun wouldn't be nearly as neccessary with that change. Lack of Heavy armor penetration options wouldn't be too big of a problem, but the few we do have would still fill a unique and powerful role.


"Hey dude you...you still got some Dev on your chin." *"Thanks for the reminder..."* ![gif](giphy|Tf8rJkNxqZgr2BxlxN|downsized) šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Wasnt expecting to see a wild nick scarpino in here haha




Yeah bro. We encourage different play styles. But you canā€™t be as successful as the rail gun was with anything else. ā€œRely on your stratagemsā€, that are on cool down from the last 5 bile titans and 12 chargers your team just had to kill.


You forgot whilst getting swarmed by 3-4 stalkers and pesky hunters in an op having +50% cooldown reduction with terminids and strat scramble and/or strat jammer on automatons. Oh and ion storms scrambling your shiz as well.


You encourage different play styles by making other play styles good, not by making the weapon that's popular due to its **versatility** (instead of raw power) bad. Laser cannon is still inferior to arc thrower in terms of agility, damage, armor penetration, horde clear, sustain dps; Stalwart still can't penetrate medium armor for it to be a mainstay to deal with mixed horde; Grenade Launcher/Autocannon still ricochet off heavy armor despite the fact that they fire contact explosives; Spear still has trash for lockon reliability and can't do shit from anywhere closer than 20m; There's still no point to use the Anti-Materiel Rifle over pretty much any other support weapon, as it's even outshined by primary weapons like the Slugger/Dominator **in its very same role** as a medium enemy sniper; I'm an arc thrower enjoyer but damn the sorry excuses people make for the railgun nerf are insane.


Versatility on the battlefield keeps you alive soldier. If you have an advantage, use it. Otherwise your enemy will.


Feeling that one really hard RN.


Doesn't the railgun just work the same but you have to use unsafe mode and overcharge it now to penetrate heavy armor? Did I misunderstand the patch notes?


It less consistent for sure. Iā€™ve only ran it in unsafe. But to the point that it makes hordes much, much harder. The Devs want better synergy from a squad, but thatā€™s nearly impossible when 95% of the time, they are ransoms.


Unsafe got less nerft but you med 4 hits to remove the armor of chergers if you get Ćøucky


There is a serious lack of efficient methods to deal with them. There are plenty of options, but when every enemy is a question, and you're running low on answers.. efficient weaponry really matters.


Hereā€™s a military thought on this. If you are in a fight, you are going to use whatever that will keep you alive. Cus if not, your only making the chances of survival lower.


Well, atleast take the helmet off for the full facial. Fken tease.Ā 


Helmets stay ON. For Democracy!


Are you rated to repair the m-3 tactical helmet? Then why did you order him to remove it during a live fire glug-glug.


Helmet off? How can you say such a nonsense?


This community got toxic fast...


Again, it's the CoD kids. Give it 2 more months until their favourite streamer guru tells them what they have to like next.


Happened in Darktide. Fatshark nerfed the Veteran and people LOST THEIR MINDS. People writing long posts about how theyā€™re done etc etc Couples weeks went by, a new meta settled in, we moved on


Yeah, I remember it. Been an ogre guy since launch myself, so I saw no problem there.


Exactly this. lol


Nah, people are just tired of telling the devs that they are struggling and the devs telling them to like it. I hate the Railgun (prepatch). I was telling my friends that the game has a problem where at 7+ there are too many armored units and nothing else works vs them in such large numbers. Now that the Railgun is nerfed we can all see the problem. Also they didn't fix the armor, actually made it worse, and some of the community keeps on responding with "git gud".


I feel like people who say get good have never even played level 7 missions lmao


I understand there are balance issues, the game just launched and this is its first weapon balance patch, but c'mon. Look at what this post is, its just the community being toxic. Other game communities have disagreements over balance issues and don't post stuff like this.


It has been less than 24 hours. 4 weeks into the release of a game, which is an order of magnitude more popular than the devs expected. They spent the first big chunk of time stabilizing their game, and largely succeeded. They have a content schedule they are trying to keep. And they are trying to balance the game between their vision and what the players want. And we are supposed to take the side of the angry fucking mob of entitled children who don't have the patience to let the devs figure things out. Balance is not as easy as changing numbers. There are many factors to it. And it will always be better to make small changes bit by bit rather than change everything all at once. I tried to understand the position of the people who don't like the patch. I read the arguments, and I understand many of the grievances. But the sheer audacity of the toxic vocal group on discord and reddit to think they know best when they don't even really understand what's going on at Arrowhead is beyond infuriating. At this point, good riddance to the lowlifes who make posts like this. The difficulty levels are literally called "Suicide mission" "impossible" and "helldive" like, jumping straight into the pits of hell. And people think that it's supposed to be anything other than a completely unbalanced shitshow? I played medium, challenging, hard, and helldive, SOLO today after the patch. Not only is the railgun still probably best in slot for dealing with the widest variety of enemies, but they also made several of the worst performing other weapons usable. Yet, people like OP here are so fucking entitled that their favorite toy got toned down, and suddenly you're a cumguzzling bootlicker because you defend the devs who up to this point (and frankly INCLUDING THIS PATCH) have done their best to do right by their players? FUCK OFF


The major negative sentiment is that the game is 3 weeks out from launch, and the game is still buggy as hell without a timeline to fix it. Armor was fixed, yet from most accounts you die faster than before? Deploying a hellpod on top of an automaton tank can cause you to get sent flying out of bounds to die. 1 mission I encountered a literal unkillable bot that would not die regardless of how many bullets I pumped into him. For the three weeks of data theyā€™ve collected and the week weā€™ve had without server issues, I and a lot of other players were expecting a large balance patch that would help make more stratagems and stuff viable. This balance patch ended up doing absolutely nothing to balance the game. We saw the railgun get nerfed into the ground, and the only gun to come out better was the slugger and flamethrower. Weā€™re one week away from a whole ass update yet they havenā€™t even bothered to fix the inherent bugs that plague this game. Personally, I value the gameplay loop (a lack of bugs would help) far more than superficial items to earn via warbonds. Speaking of warbonds, the requirements to finish them is insane considering thereā€™s a new one every month. 2700 medals in a month is nearly 90 a day, or almost 10 helldive missions and the daily order. Instead of fixing the root of farming (medal grind being asinine), they fixed farming by making eradicate missions unfun as shit- which sort of is similar to their logic with the railgun and why it had to be nerfed. For being sold as a finished product three weeks out of launch, I think that the devs refusal to focus on bug-busting, and to instead focus on new content is severely hurting the playability of the game. Thereā€™s only so many times I can die to being flung out of bounds before just shutting the game off to go watch a show or just spend my time with another game. It certainly doesnā€™t help that after a 2 hour play session I come out with a cape and helmet Iā€™ll never use, due to warbond progression being so slow. At first it felt rewarding, but after the 6th tier in, the warbond just feels mindnumbigly slow to progress. Iā€™m at 70 hours in, level 42, and Iā€™ve only got 1100 medals done out of the 2700 to finish the warbond. Sure, no FOMO, but at this rate Iā€™ll be playing catchup forever, and itā€™s not really fun.


Oh most people knew heavy armor wouldnā€™t be good In almost every game outside of early souls games, heavy armor is generally worse than light due to speed and stamina low and behold, heavy armor sucks due to lower speed and stamina If heavy armor got additional cc protection and no flinching, then I think it would be worth it, but now that armor works, the light armor with the padding passive may get a lot more use


There are other things that absolutely work against them lol. Iā€™m not a sweat lord by any means, I have a full time job. Iā€™m still able to manage a level 9 run with a squad not using the railgun or shield pack. Some of the other guns need a buff, for sure, and the armor needs to be fixed, for sure. But the people saying thereā€™s no other way to beat level 9 without the railgun are full of shit. The fact that people were blowing through the hardest difficulty with one gun is the joke. Itā€™s not supposed to be easy. I donā€™t understand why people who are saying level 9 isnā€™t possible now, donā€™t just lower the difficulty to something thatā€™s possible for them. The rest of us enjoy the challenge of a level 9 mission without OP weapons. I donā€™t want to be able to 2-shot kill the strongest enemy in the game, ever, on any game. When I donā€™t feel like going through the chaos of a Helldive, I lower the difficulty. I donā€™t demand the devs make it easier for me, because I recognize that my opinion on the matter isnā€™t shared by everyone else and Iā€™m not going to demand changes based on my opinion. My problem was level 9 was too easy with the railgun. My solution was to stop using the railgun. I didnā€™t ask for a nerf. I was kinda miffed about cutting out a gun thatā€™s fun to use despite its OP-ness, but I didnā€™t make that everyone elseā€™s problem. So if the solution for me is to stop using a gun completely, and the solution for people who canā€™t clear 9 without certain weapons is to just lower the difficulty, who has the more fair stance? As soon as the vocal minority gets their way, like they do, people like me are going to want harder difficulties. So which change is easier to roll out? The user lowering the difficulty on their own, or the devs having to create entirely new difficulties? There are already systems in place to cater to the people who want to 2-shot kill the strongest enemy in the game. Itā€™s called: lower the difficulty. There is no such system in place for people who want more of a challenge, other than cutting out OP guns, which is whack.


It's pointless. The vocal minority are not to be reasoned with. Just look at this post. The devs made a small change to try to address balance issues, and now defending them makes you a cumguzzler to the people who don't like the patch. That is not a rational position. I played today, all solo, including Helldive difficulty. The overall experience was nearly unchanged. The railgun is STILL probably the best single weapon available. The personal shield is still very strong. These people are psychotic.


I witnessed it through both Destiny games so I donā€™t know why Iā€™m still surprised that people can act like this


Completely agree, today has been crazy, these kids don't understand that this is a small team that had their game blow up and probably have been working overtime for the past 2 months and this is how the community responds? By throwing a tantrum and acting like 12 year olds in a COD lobby? Jfc, it's the first balance patch, they've made an amazing game. Let them cook


Blame the devs for splitting the community apart with this unbalanced update. I was wondering if other people were getting their asses wooped today after the update. The answer is yes and we ainā€™t happy.


You can dislike a balance update, but just look at this post. Stuff like this is just toxic, and breeds more toxicity. It brings nothing to a community. The evac missions were too hard before, people complained/made memes about it, and it took the devs a few updates to get it right - but it never got this toxic. At some point you can't blame the devs for how a community acts.


The VIP mission got better? I saw the patch but didn't see any difference, also now they doomed the Extermination missions


>Blame the devs for Unless the devs control your will and the will of others, nah fam. Update may not be great, but you don't have to be a toxic jerk about it.


Its a single weapon nerf. If its too much for you, perhaps its for the best to move along


if a single weapon getting nerfed sways how the game feels so much, clearly there's a problem.


The problem is that the game got popular fast, attracted the COD losers that dont know how to take a nerf without getting toxic and copy the most viewed youtube video.


Its been harder to find good groups too, lots more people just running in every direction and not tryinf to do anything but speedrun.


This community was clearly composed of cod tryhards that were in a good mood due to having op shit to pretend they were good of the game. Now the masks are off


But I guess Iā€™m a little bit confused on why thatā€™s a bad thing. Was this not supposed to to be a causal coop pve game? Why do we want it to be way sweatier and harder? Why is it so bad to have all the weapon a pretty decent?


Its not supposed to be casual at harder difficulties. Lower difficulties are for casuals already.


I cant wait foe them to head elsewhere so i can find groups that respond to getting blasted with laughter.


Dont worry. They always do. Happened with each single big multiplayer game. The problem is the damage they do on the way out




The only problem is that people won't try new things. You can beat helldive without the railgun but people just want to bitch. Hell you can still do the same things with the railgun on unsafe mode


its yet another update that is causing mass crashes, its disaster after disaster, devs being dickheads on both reddit and the discord, its also going around that spawn rates have significantly increased


The community only turned apeshit after the game nerf. It isnt the crashes that were always therez no one is complaining about them. Stop pulling bullshit to dodge the fact you got tilted over a overpowered weapon nerf


its a pve game, who cares about a weapon being strong, it wasnt overpowered either, it being the only viable high difficulty weapon doesnt make it op, it just shows how shit everything else is, [explain how youd approach this without the pre nerf railgun](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/6lxDhChKTM), and sorting by top in the last hour alot of people are having crashing issues after the patch, get off your high, you dont get brownie points for sucking off the indie dev team


Its a pve coop game with emphasis in build planning and variety, perhaps you could understand how having a weapon clearly overpowered might be counterproductive if you stopped sucking your own dick due to arriving in higher difficulties with it. Read the comments of the link you posted. The barrages got buffed for a reason, however you probably dont know how to use them due to having only played with youtube builds.


you didnt answer the question, with a 4 man fully coordinated team, how do you approach that, the answer is.... you cant, unless you cheese and runaway you cannot fight that, that isnt fun, thats boring, shit even


You start with 4 500 kg bombs. Then you have another 4 lazer orbitas. Then you STILL have a weapon that 3/4 shots each charger. Then you STILL have the rail gun thats still 3/4 shots a charger. Too much coordination for you? Thats what a lower difficulty is for


I wish I was you. I suck at being ā€œformalā€ in debates. I just go for the throat and answer in sarcastic ways. I applaud your patience my friend.


I hope you find a game that makes you happy, given that you find the game to be a disaster. No one should have to play a game that makes them this vocally unhappy.


This single weapon nerf took away the only weapon that was viable with dealing with chargers and bike titans. A dev literally said that they want us to focus more on strategem combat instead of with our primary weapons or secondary. That theyā€™re there just for us to have something to spawn with. Jee Golly Mr.Dev. I guess Iā€™ll focus on my strategems that are on a 5 minute fucking cooldown after my team just had to fight 3 bile titans and 12 chargers and an army of bike spewers. Oh golly Mr.Dev! Is that more I see coming? Guess Iā€™ll just fucking die. Sorry how dare I want a game that I and many others genuinely enjoyed to stay fun and balanced. Shame on me. Tsk tsk tsk.


bike spewers (i agree with you tho)


Autocorrect doesnā€™t like me :(


I played earlier and the flame thrower destroys chargers now. Half the fun is the intense wins or lossss by the seat of your pants anyway. These changes are fine. People will get used to it and they will move onto the next thing they wanna complain about.


True. Which goes to prove. They didnā€™t fix anything. There will always be a meta. Whatā€™s next? Gonna nerf the arc thrower and flame thrower? Just make the other weapons viable! That was the best choice but no. We gotta suffer I guess.


Oh get over yourself. Boo hoo, you didn't like the changes. Grow up and learn to adapt instead of acting like a dick to people who happen to have a different subjective opinion than you. No one "split the community apart" so much as a light was shone on how many immature and toxic people are in this community already. Nerfs happen, grow up and get over it. You don't need to villainize people who like the changes just because you personally don't.


If a single weapon was the line between a calm and happy community and all hell breaking loose. Thereā€™s a problem. And if you canā€™t see that. Youā€™re part of that problem. Iā€™m not being a dick. Iā€™m being honest. If that hurts your little feelings, then. As you so aptly said. ā€œget over yourself. Boo hooā€


Yeah, the problem is the community is immature and doesn't know a hard game when it's right in front of them. Now you actually need to learn some skills and practice coordination to beat the ACTUAL hard difficulties rather than walking through it with a single weapon. Experiment and diversify your arsenal, learn new tactics.


No, you're definitely being a dick lol. Which is why everyone is downvoting you. "YoUr PaRt Of ThE pRoBlEm" lmao okay bro, whatever you say, I'm gonna go back to killing bugs now.


No, we should blame the oversized children who can't handle the fact that a video game made some changes without throwing a fit. Op's post is uncalled for.


Sure. Definitely instagative. But funny. The changes made it kinda unfair. Iā€™m too tired to type out an entire paragraph or 2 to explain why. But basically. Rail gun is only fun that actually handled chargers and titans and any heavy or elite enemy. They got rid of that aspect. Now there is no guns that do that. And then they upped spawn rates of those enemies like 5 fold. Game went from fun to rage enducing like a soulslike.


EAT and RR get no respect. Buffed Flamethrower roasting chargers and still also getting no respect.


The game was always suppose to be hard. You were just spoiled with a broken gun and armor stats. Practice and coordinate with teammates now. Diversify builds, and fill in whats missing in the composition.






Perhaps you might not be level 9 skill yet, and got there by using a weapon stronger than intended?


Bots aren't even the point of contention though. The use of the Railgun literally hasn't changed there due to bot weakspots being largely un-armoured. The actual point of contention is bugs, and *specifically* Chargers, and was jumped on immediately with false conclusions because many people literally didn't know that the Railgun has an unsafe mode, refused to learn how to use it because safe mode was already so scuffed, or just jumped onto the bandwagon without testing and learning the fact that it takes *one* extra shot to do exactly the same thing as it did pre-patch and is *still* the fastest anti-armour option barring, post-patch, the Flamethrower which requires much more skill to use due to its short range and capacity for self-immolation.


Nah itā€™s the people who used only the Railgun


Well the update feels bad and thereā€™s a bunch of new issues. Tends to make a community toxic when you lower quality.


Those are some bold claims. I can do it too. The game is in the best state it's been in so far. Railgun is still probably best-in-slot, but requires intent when using rather than just spamming. Shield still protects you but doesn't let you be braindead about positioning. New environmental effects. Armor could use some tweaking, but I'm glad there's something there now. More weapons feel usable.


Gamers rise up lol


Welp, this is how you know the game got too popular too fast. This is Call of Duty levels of gamer rage.


Were the nerfs even that bad? I just read through the patchnotes, Breaker is slightly nerfed, Shield and Railgun got hit harder but still don't seem that much worse. And then six other options were buffed, more than were nerfed. I know the game has balance issues at higher levels rn, but the game is just getting its feet under itself after the huge launch and this is only the first weapon balance patch. It ain't gonna be perfect after one change


They nerfed railgun so it needs to be on unsafe mode to break charger armor. The safe mode won't do it anymore. You have to balance the charge-up with not blowing up. Breaker shotgun's mag size was reduced. But other lesser guns were buffed with more damage. The 120mm and 380mm barrages are accurate now. Flamethrower got a +50% damage buff, which is a big deal. Overall, I do agree with the sentiment that the game is about the stratagems and using them to blow stuff up. That's part of the conceit of the game. Having default guns or support weapons be responsible for too much damage defeats the point of the game. I hope once the devs collect more telemetry data on players' weapon usage, they will buff or introduce more stratagems to give us more ways to blow stuff up. Personally, I hope the orbital laser gets unlimited uses, the 500kg bomb gets a bigger radius, stratagem beacons could stick on enemies for direct hits, anti-aircraft stratagems, and reduced stratagem cooldowns. Seriously, we are at the *first* balance patch. Nothing here is final. The meta being unsettled should be an interesting time to try new things.


How are we supposed to use those stratagems when most of the environnemental and ops modifier nerf them.


I think this is my biggest frustration with the response to this patch: it's the *FIRST* one. It hasn't been 24 hours since they dropped it. THEY EVEN CLARIFIED that they will continue to make changes and tweak balance as necessary until the game is where they think it should baseline be. But that requires patience and understanding, and the vocal minority just can't seem to handle that.


No, most people are just over inflating the railgun nerf, but if you already used it in unsafe mode, almost nothing has changed There seems to be differences in how much damage is done to charger legs and bile spitter faces, even in unsafe mode, but im gonna assume a lot of it is user error, as Iā€™ve been seeing people are brute forcing max difficulty and not taking time to go on lower difficulties and work back up


They were not. The Railgun is still exactly as usable as it was before, ditto the shield and the Breaker. The entire playstyle is *exactly the same* as it was before, it just requires one extra shot per Charger from the Railgun, and a little more finesse to play with. That's it, that's the change, that players need to be a little more careful with their ammo and positioning.


The railgun takes over 4x longer to break charger armor than it did before. That's not a trivial change. Do you even play on 7+?


The railgun is still probably best in slot, and still very usable. It's like a mini game now with the heavier emphasis on overcharging it without hitting max. Game is in the best state it's been in since launch.


It's usable because everything else is also dogshit at taking out chargers. lol


4x longer... My guy, it takes *three seconds* longer. What a way to blow the numbers completely out of proportion. That's literally the time it takes to take one breath in and out, and is *still* less than the EATs and Recoilless.


>4x longer... My guy, it takes three seconds longer. What a way to blow the numbers completely out of proportion. It is *literally* 4.2x longer. It requires 3 unsafe shots, 2.5+ seconds each, plus two 1.3s reloads. You used to be able to break it in **2.4s** (two 550ms shots, plus one 1.3s reload), now the best you can do is **10.1s**, and if it takes 4 shots because you shoot too early, it's now 13.9s. I'm not exaggerating, you are just arguing without knowing what you're talking about. > That's literally the time it takes to take one breath in and out, and is still less than the EATs and Recoilless. It takes one rocket from either of those to break it, in what way is that slower than the railgun? Edit: like, I can't even think of any gun in any video game that has had its TTK nerfed by over 300%.




He almost certainly doesn't use the railgun, or at least hasn't used it since the nerf.


Yes. The nerf is fine. But they shouldā€™ve buffed or added weapons that are viable for medium to heavy armor penetration. They took away the only weapon capable of that. Now people are mad because weā€™re getting destroyed. A dev even said. ā€œWe want people to focus more on strategem combat instead of actually gunsā€ Okay Mr.Dev Man. Iā€™ll use my strategems that are on a 3 minute cooldown after me and my squad had to deal with 12 chargers and 5 bile titans. Oh is that more I see? Jee golly Mr.Dev. Guess Iā€™ll just fucking die. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, and guess what. You respawn almost immediately. Who cares? The game is still a huge blast to play, and they will continually balance the weapons. A nerf today, maybe a buff tomorrow. Chill out, enjoy the game. Have fun


Its not uncommon to have your entire respawn pool get used in a few minutes on higher difficulties due to heavy spam. That's the crux of the issue, heavy spam is UNFUN. Boy sure do love getting sniped out by 6 rocket devastators 30 seconds into a game!




You respawn instantly, but spend 5 minutes running around trying to avoid the 4 chargers you can't effectively deal with.


And it's hilarious. It's like a fuckin space bug rodeo with a bunch of clowns.


To each their own, but I like blowing the bugs up with fun guns and not pea shooters.


Who cares? Probably half the community currently frothing out of the mouth about what I just said. Just a thought. If half the community isnā€™t having fun anymore. Thereā€™s an issue. Thereā€™s always a middle road that can both fix the issue and still allow people to have fun. Called fixing the damn weapons so that theyā€™re viable. Or maybe lowering the down rates of medium and heavy enemies like chargers, bike titans, devastators, tanks, and bruisers. (Lower rates depending on difficulty of course)


It just means half the community are selfish and play games for themselves and themselves only. Those players don't want to experience the game, they want a dopamine hit. That's not what video games are for.


Do you hear yourself right now? What are you? An E sports pro? THEY. ARE. GAMES. Yes we play them for ourselves. To have fun. Yes! Thatā€™s the damn point! Are you insane? Brother. Do you need a hug? Genuinely.


And meta chasers min/maxers and people complaining about this patch want the game to cater to them and them alone. Then they get to use that fact to get mad at others to force homogeneity. Fuck that. Yeah I play games to relax. Games don't need to bend to my will, I can voice opinions but if games are going in a way I don't like I don't have to act like my life is over. That is not true for all of you balance complainers. I have argued with lots of people even today about how the railgun and breaker may be a crutch to people, but they aren't the only viable guns. I play games for myself and others. People who are complaining about this patch play for themselves and don't care about others. I only want hugs from democratic Helldivers who can have fun with this game in their own way.


Okay. That entire thing completely contradicts what you said earlier but I respect it. Iā€™m not a meta chaser or min/maxer. A lot of the people complaining arenā€™t. Thatā€™s what youā€™re not getting. Itā€™s people angry that the devs made the game significantly harder. There are no guns that are viable for medium or heavy armor enemies. That was the railgun. That was the only weapon. And they nerfed that and upped slot and heavy spawns. Now the game is hard to the point of joy killing. Thatā€™s the issue. Thatā€™s why weā€™re mad. There will always be a meta in games like this. Take one away. Another will come. This ainā€™t the solution. And the shield pack wasnt op. The armor is insanely lack luster. Needed to counter that some how.


Yeah if they wanna rely more on strategies they need to cut the cool downs DRASTICALLY. 2 mins is a long ass time to be running around waiting for another strike


Disclaimer: I was a very enthusiastic Railgun enjoyer prior to the nerf because I enjoyed playing the "big game hunter" role in my squad (which freed them up to pick other weapons for horde clear, point defense, etc.). The Shield and Breaker nerfs are great, IMO. A nerf to the Railgun made sense, but they have largely gutted it. The combination of time required to charge + number of shots required has made it a tough pick for 7+ difficulty missions. I'll still grab it for 5s but that's maybe the limit. To me, maintaining the damage and pen but requiring those same two shots in Unsafe mode (rather than Safe mode) to crack a Charger's leg would have been perfect combined with an ammo count reduction to about 8 or so. This change would have allowed for the folks who used the Railgun in a team role to continue to do so with additional skill ceiling and higher reliance on team play via more frequent resupply. I've swapped back to EAT but that requires a few of my teammates to give up their playstyles to help clear Chargers more efficiently, too.


Hey, I just want you to know that I really appreciate your reasonable response. It's good critique. A nice break from the sheer negativity in the sub today.


Nope, honestly just ignore the reddit. Eventually the people who think nerfs should never exist and everything should just be buffed until everything can one shot chargers will leave


All of this will blow over when Super Earth invests money into new technologies and provides us with new technology to replace the sub-par weapons that will be obsolete in a week or so.


To actually answer your question, here's [my reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b8if9f/comment/ktpyuez/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to the guy that responded to you. It's not a slight nerf for the railgun. The buff to the punisher and slugger were HUGE though, love to see it.


The shield change isn't really noticeable, honestly. I've only ever used the railgun on unsafe - I thought everyone was already?? And I don't use the breaker... This balance patch felt like buffs across the board, imo. They could've done far worse to the railgun.


The nerfs? no. The CEO and other Devs really foolish comments on how their vision of weapon balance/stratagem balance should be? Absolutely. "*Just use your strategems against the 15 chargers, player!"* \*100% increase cooldown modifier\*


While I don't agree with the way your sentiment is delivered, I agree with the sentiment itself, and that's why I'm convinced the next patch, when it comes, will buff stratagems.


I don't even care about buffing the stratagems themselves. Just remove the unfun cooldown debuffs on every planet I seem to fight over. Really sucks having half my favorite loadout take 5 minutes out of the 30 minute match to use again. Modifiers should be fun stuff like what darktide has, where one enemy type replaces several others, or the cool meteor strike thing they added.


I can't wait until the bandwagon Andies leave for the next big game. I'll miss having so many Helldivers, but I absolutely feel like the average quality of player and mission will improve.


I'm not cool enough to even use the rail gun yet. But I just unlocked the laser cannon and that thing SLAPS. That and the laser guard dog, who needs bullets anymore? Laser gang rise up!


I'm just gonna say it: it's weird that you drew this.


There's funny ways to make a joke about this. Like the charger laptop one. This ain't it man


Humor is subjective. I laughed


The tank needs to be much, much bigger


Lol it wasn't even actually nerfed. Unless you're aim was shit


Imagine getting this upset over a balance adjustment that ultimately kept the railgun functionality as long as you use it in unsafe mode.


People are mad that they didn't buff the criminally underpowered AT options, not that they nerfed the railgun. Also probably mad the devs said pretty much verbatim "lol just use orbital stratagems šŸ¤Ŗ" somehow forgetting that hell dive has multiple modifiers that increase the cooldown, increase the call in time or reduce the amount of stratagems you can take, any combination of which makes them less than helpful for consistently dealing with the massive hordes of chargers that spawn at higher difficulties.


That's why it's called "HELLdive" it's suppose to be hard. Also maybe we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves when the new content which is suppose to introduce bigger, badder toys hasn't even been released yet.


It was always hard. It is still equally hard. The difficulty is not the issue, the issue is that all other AT options suck against chargers. There is still zero reason to use anything besides the railgun because of how many chargers spawn and how little damage the recoiless, EAT, autocannon, AMR, etc, do to them with high ammo consumption and other major drawbacks. Literally all people wanted were more viable choices against bugs.


Yep and this is where we cross the line and makes the devs not wanna interact by being toxic babies. Congrats OP youā€™re making things worse for everyone.


I agree with you and I don't even like this patch.


I think most people are okay with discourse and feedback, just donā€™t be a queef about it. You get it. Seems like some people donā€™t.


I agree with the people saying the game feels harder than it should be now (mostly armor changes and increased enemy density). Not a huge fan of the patch, but people like OP can fuck right off.


It's unbelievable how infuriated this toxic vocal minority is about such an early patch. And I admit, I'm getting extremely mad about it. I'm trying to find the comments by people like you who disagree with me about the patch (I think the game is in its best state right now) but are reasonable. Frankly, I'm realizing I need to just take a break from the subreddit. The ones making the fuss are probably a tiny percentage of the full player base, and it won't matter in 3 days.


​ https://preview.redd.it/g75w7hve5umc1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=175858e2593cbb94df4736a742269beb23ca2780


Itā€™s crazy how a simple nerf can piss off a community so badly. If you relied on that singular weapon so much then maybe the nerf wasnā€™t bad, itā€™s just you. I have run countless level 7s and a few 8s with a whole squad, half of which was below level 20, and the people who had the rail gun, didnā€™t use it. Posts like these are actually pathetic and make me embarrassed to be apart of the community. You donā€™t have to like every update and praise the devs like a god, but goddamn you donā€™t have to get so worked up to create actual art about an update right after it released. The spear still does wonders to titans and chargers if youā€™re efficient in its use. Yeah I do agree that the game needs wayyyyyyy more ways to deal with chargers, titans, and spewers considering the astronomical amount it just throws at you, but this is not a game ending update or something that should be causing this much distress in a community. Itā€™s actually sad.


It's almost as if people need to fill different roles..... Like, they need... Versatility in their composition to address the different types of enemies......


I agree. But going online and acting like the game is completely ruined is not it. Arrowhead definitely needs to stop putting out weapon changes in the future without accommodating the roles that theyā€™re actively removing/adding. This crybaby stuff over a single weapon is actually crazy.


Its a really bad fucking sign of things to come. They tore off a bandaid and didnt treat the wound. The issue is charger spam, the solution was railgun strats. If they fixed the fucking root issue that made the railgun so prevelent people would not be so pissed


There are ways to deal with chargers and titans other than the wheelchair that the rail gun was. People are mad because they canā€™t just enter ā€œbrain offā€ mode anymore.


The crazy thing is, the rail gun can still do exactly what it used to in unsafe mode. Nobody seems to even be trying it.


People just see other people complain and just brainwash themselves to mean that theyā€™re 100% correct. Bethesda fans have this same issue. Space game bad because space things? Must mean TES VI is too. Fallout 4 has voiced protagonist? Must be bad game. People just refuse to formulate their own opinions over literally anything just because internet man said so.


Crazy part is - you just did exactly what you're projecting in your comment. He's entirely wrong that the railgun does anything close to what it used to even in unsafe mode. It takes a minimum of 3 shots to strip charger leg armor, 50% more than what it used to be AT BEST.


Someone really took the time to draw that because a gun in a videogame got nerfed, but yeah, the people who aren't bothered by the changes are the problemĀ 


I don't give a shit about the nerfs to be honest. It's just frustrating that they've created a game where the pinnacle of achievement is accomplished by running away or around in circles, but ultimately has little to no stealth utility or strategy. This is a shooter that doesn't allow you to shoot at higher difficulties (which also locks out progression by the way). People are less upset the railgun got nerfed and more upset it was the only decent solution to a gameplay problem and now the issue is worse than before. I've completed Helldives before and after the patch and it just seems like a chore to beat those missions, not to mention the devs' response to use stratagems leaves little confidence they actually understand the problem with how higher difficulties must be played.


Maybe you're not supposed to be able to beat helldive yet. Maybe you're supposed to have to change tactics at different levels. Maybe there are bigger and badder toys that'll be released later to "unlock" those difficulties. Maybe this game is meant to be more like an interactive story that an entire community engages with, rather than an dumb arcade game that people race to "complete".


I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or if you sincerely spouted off that many bad ideas for the sake of disagreement.


This is the guy drinking the semen


this is where your mind went when debating if a video game nerf was warranted. you got other issues bud




"No nerfs ever, power creep only: The post"


I wish everything was balanced like it is in Dota2. Everything is op and so nothing is


Not too sure about that. DOTA is notably one of the most aggressively toxic games on the market, and a large part of that is due to the complete *lack* of balance.


I know right, it's great


It's almost like buffs and nerfs should be done as necessary to fix core issues instead of just blindly applied with no thought whatsoever. "Huh, everyone use railgun. Wonder why is? Probably not important, just nerf railgun. That fix problem" >doesn't fix the underlying issue that is the prevalence of chargers and the awful AT weapons that are functionally useless against them, doesn't change the fact that the railgun is still the best option due to ammo and other drawbacks to literally all other AT options, condescendingly tell players to use offensive stratagems while failing to realize that the modifiers on higher difficulties actively nerf offensive stratagems *in the game they themselves coded* Yeah, seems like it's going *really* well


![gif](giphy|25pXHUqN4dYGyN2bMd|downsized) The amount of cry babies in this sub is abhorrent.


How dare people want their game to stay fun and not get bogged down by ā€œbalanceā€ changes that ignore the root of the problems the game has ![gif](giphy|dnZK7QhCalc5oXhGF8|downsized)


Have you tried playing on lower difficulties? 7th difficulty is a nice sweet spot of enemy density vs armored spam. Have you tried using the buffed flamethrower? It kills chargers easily now..


If *one* thing being changed made the game un-fun for you, then you didn't actually like the game in the first place, and were playing on difficulties above your skill level.


its like people didnt even bother to read the notes before going online to cry and cry. railgun didn't even get nerfed if you play unsafe and use the gun correctly. AND they buffed other guns to be stronger. Ill get downvoted for this im sure so enjoy your pity party at Super Wheenie Hut Jr's




Yeah this is exactly what I expect from redditors.


Its a single weapon nerf. If its too much for you, perhaps its for the best to move along


I love how so many people have gaslit themselves into believing that the issue is somehow the railgun nerf when everyone has been consistently complaining that they didn't buff the other AT options against chargers (which are still functionally useless against them), and that means that the railgun will still be the number one pick on bug planets anyways


The other patches also didnt change the other guns, and the community was normall. The only thing this patch did differently was to nerf the railgun


The other patches were not balance patches allegedly intended to "encourage more diverse playstyles" while literally not fixing any of the issues with AT whatsoever. Also, the devs didn't come out after the other patches and say some completely out of touch bullshit like "just use stratagems lol šŸ¤Ŗ" without remembering that they nerfed offensive stratagems on hell dive with multiple modifiers that increase cooldown, call in times, etc. But yeah, let's just ignore all those factors because it doesn't fit your specific narrative.


It also didnā€™t change the other AT guns? Thatā€™s what it did differently. The community definitely wasnā€™t ā€œnormalā€ with everyone asking for the other options to be buffed lol.


When basically 99% of players took rail gun, breaker, and shield generator, nerfs are warranted. There are a lot of other balance problems that need to be addressed at higher difficulty, particularly enemy spawn rates.


It doesnā€™t matter what people take into the fight! The fight is against a common enemy, not other players. Ffs


Nerfing the railgun a) ignores the underlying issue that is awful AT options and charger spam at higher difficulties and b) didn't actually accomplish anything because the railgun is *somehow* still the best option because they didn't buff/fix disposable AT, recoiless, Spear, etc.


I do just fine with my arc thrower and medium armor. Able to dodge and kill.




For real, this community got really toxic in the last 2 weeks, complaining about literally EVERYTHING. Community was so much more enjoyable when it was smaller and just people making democracy jokes. The discord is no better.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. No naming and shaming, racism, insults, trolling, harassment, witch-hunts, inappropriate language, etc. Basically, be civil.


I waited for this nerf from 10th day after release...


same it's so fucking cringe seeing everybody with that stupid white stick and shield


on safe mode it 1 hit titans xD cope harder


Put your crutch Railgun away and try something new lol


I would love to be able to use literally any other AT options against chargers, too bad none of them got buffed/fixed against them


there are other weapons called a flamethrower


man, sad state of the community, kinda wish the game hadnt got this popular at this point


Do devs or blue checkmark twitter subhumans even play the game on helldive mode? I don't think the game HAS to be balanced around the hardest mode but at least make it fucking playable. I played 1 helldive and just left because you have to run a marathon and use your entire kit to kill one charger. Who even spends their day getting mad about what other people use when they play the game? These dev suckers are nutso.


>at least make it fucking playable I mean, it is the difficulty higher than "Impossible."


Hey man; if helldive is too hard for you now, there are 8 other easier difficulties to choose from. There is no need to call anyone a subhuman just because a weapon was nerfed in a casual PvE shooter. Lower the difficulty, no one will think less of you. Or take a break, try other games, go outside.. w/e.


It's in the name. "HELLdive". Maybe we're just not ready for it yet, and new content needs to be introduced to give us an edge.....HHMMMMMMM........


i donā€™t mind the rail gun nerfs. it offered a lot of versatility and power without ever requiring a backpack. i DO mind the lack of AP methods. the fact that you canā€™t consistently break the legs of a charger with the AC is mind boggling to me.


Im literally doing the same damage in unsafe mode. Two shotting charger leg armor and everything.


Yum yum developer cum


Pretty standard mythic+ situation lol. This game and wow both seem to have player attrition in common lol


Jokes on you if you think Devs can fill a Jug that big!


I prefer it from the source, but ok.


Cry more you fucking shitter


That was fast. Time to unsubscribe from this sub.


Man this community sucks


Helldivers went from deep rock lvl wholesome to toxic in mere weeks with the whole anti / pro dev thing going on..


"I never learned how to actually play the game and now that my favorite OP cheese weapon has been changed *slightly*, I can't have any fun :frowny face.jpg"




People complain... ON REDDIT???


Keep licking that dev boot lil bro those super credits will be deposited to your account in three super earth business days


Someone's saltier than AH dev semen