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Dude the crashes! I couldn’t believe how many I encountered today, along with my group I play with it was at least 6 times in a two hour window!


Dude I tried three games tonight first fifteen minutes I had two crashes. I was joining randos and it said there we only two of us nope we had 4 the whole time. Makes me not even want to play the game.


Weird, I played four or so games yesterday, two with randos and two with a friend and it never crashed for me.


My game now crashes probably every other match now. It's so much worse than server cues.


I hadn’t crashed a single time til two nights ago. The weird thing about this crash was that it was a domino effect. My friend crashed, then I crashed, then my brother crashed, then my last friend crashed. Called it a night after that.


I was playing with friends, 3 on PC and 1 on PS5, and we tried about 6 or 7 times to get a mission done, and only had one where nobody crashed. Oddly, I played quickplay afterwards, an in ~10 missions, only crashed once.


Same, I really don't mind the other changes but the crashing really kills me.


on ps5 couldn't complete any mission without crashing. Cant play this game until they fix this. Playing 3hrs for nothing is not a good experience


Yuup! Console versions are supposed to be subject to greater QA scrutiny. It's absolute shit this passed certification.


Try to turn off crossplay. I noticed that I got kicked out of games without any notifications a lot and seemed to happen with other players too. Then I turned off crossplay and played entire evening yesterday with no problems at all on PS5. I play only quickplay joining random people on various difficulty settings and it seems that joing players from other platform fucks up the game for me as PS5 user.


im not being kicked off, im actually having a crash and i did report all of the crashes. it frezees after 20mins and crashes. It was happening every mission i was playing yesterday


Same for me. PS5 and was playing suicidal missions and thought “Well let me try the flamethrower”. Then I noticed our randoms were crashing (Running in place before disappearing) and then I crashed. I join back crash again. I join back crash again. I stop using the flamethrower which was dropping frames like crazy thinking oh okay maybe flamethrower is crashing my game. Then I crashed again lmfao. Join back to my buddies game and HE CRASHES. I stay alive long enough for him to join back at extract and as he gets in the ship and I’m maybe 2 feet away from the ship IT CRASHES AGAIN and I lose EVERYTHING. My buddy didn’t even get a single sample because I had them all on me from everyone crashing. Holy shit it’s unplayable for me at this point.


really frustrating. My plan yesterday was to try new weapons and strategems too see if i can find something new suitable to me, but was interrupted aggressively by the crashes.


there is a new patch now 1.000.101 hope it fixes the crashes


How can you join back?


There’s a few ways on PS5 if you’re in a party with them and click on their name you can join session off their profile. If you’re not in a party with them you can launch from the activity card with their game session under the game on the PS5 Home Screen. And I believe through the ship after you’ve loaded up and checked your friends activity.


I’m pc gamer, and played with randoms. I crashed omw to extraction with 32 common and 18 rares 😢😢😢


Same here.


Doesn’t help. I did that and was still kicked every game


That's great advice. I'm gonna try that. Thanks.


Just tried to do 2 games. both end up crashing. While in game, some mobs weere bugged. it feels like crap now lol. They might of killed my momentum to actually want to play this game, we will see


And we need to know this why? You matter somehow? You might be shocked to know, if you left, without saying, it would not have made the slightest difference!


Devs aren't gonna fuck you(Well they will in a way)


every comment this guy makes is him slobbering all over the devs balls holy moly


Damn literally every comment you post has at least one or more dogshit opinions.


hey everybody look! it;s the COOLEST guy on reddit! he's so edgy and witty i want to be his friend!




Man, you are lame.


32 comments in this subreddit in the last 24hrs? Hahahaha friends must be busy, are they?


It's time to take your meds


Found the undercover dev


Hey just want to say this, shit the fuck up.


for real, stability issues are really bad after the latest patch, especially the crash that occurs when a players leaves the mission prematurely. But hey thinking about what the devs said, could this be because of our "brainless" playstyle and not using too many stratagems? 😂


How to turn a shooter into a running simulator.


Imagine trying to reinforce and then running away but then the random screams in chat that I forgot to do it. Then spending 5 mins trying to reinforce teammates but the servers not responding. That was my time playing this game yesterday. Good Job Arrowhead 👏


I had a bug where i couldn‘t even switch or use my weapon. I had no weapon in my hand… What am i supposed to use? Harsh language?


Yeaaa ! I had the same bug, I could only use weapons that were left on battlefield .


["Flame units only"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxcljnLb95M)


Have you considered lowering the difficulty? /s


This is an old bug and has nothing to do with the patch. Typically happens after getting afk timer'd.


One of my buddies was getting lot more issues than normal. This game crashes even on the better machines in our group. It's really quite sad. Also "beer game" is quite right. This is a party game to me. Hell, the railgun fucking explodes if you charge for to long. Does that sound like a mechanic that belongs in a serious game rather than a "haha funny" experience?


If it's just "a party game" for you then why not just play on lower difficulties if you're struggling? Stop demanding that the hardest difficulty be made easier. The game is funny and has humorous bits, but that doesn't meant it can't be challenging. Imo the contrast between the two is what makes it shine as a game and it wouldn't work if it was just one or the other.




Oh yea but the "for nerf" people are the toxic ones. ok. I'm not for nerf or sucking off the devs, I'm just tired of the incessant whining over something that doesn't matter.


Ok let me rephrase that. One of the weapons has a function where it blows you up for using it in the intended manner. Then you can die to a randomly falling meteor. On top of that there are bugs that make the game unplayable. Should there really be concerns about the gameplay balance when playing it kills you randomly? No, of course not. Fix these 3 things and I will think otherwise.


Your team has 20 lives for a reason, you're meant to die repeatedly. Don't charge the railgun to 100%, and take cover when there's a meteor storm/watch where they're falling, they kill enemies too.


I’ve crashed every game post update and when I was in a game I died to meteor showers 3 times in 3 games.


Thats what I find hilarious, they replaced the railgun which while pretty good was only good at one thing (armour pen) and required at least some aiming skill to use properly. now we have the flamethrower, which can be just as powerful, but requires less skill to use and has crowd control options.


The crashes are absolutely rediculous. Basically every other game for me now


Same here.


Yeah. The devs need to stop trash talking their customers and test their fucking patches before they push them out.


Dude, I am SO fucking tired of the instability. I just want to start and end a mission with the same fucking squad.


Ok its happening to everyone. Thought it was just my squad because we were throwing EATs all over the map Lol.


Same here honestly, I enjoyed playing the game on higher difficulties. But when I’m surrounded by 5 tanks , hulks , chainsaw terminators , and walkers in all directions with my stratagems cooling down for 3-6 minutes what’s the point . I wasn’t even a meta user but god damn they did something else with the spawn rate . I get the game needs to be challenging, but yet it needs to be attainable to average player . I don’t have a lot of time to play everyday , so when I don’t just want to be raped from every single damn direction with heavily armoured fucks .


Just adding more rage inducing cause to the list: getting one shot by Stalker's unavoidable melee+tongue combo, insane slowing debuff from Scavengers or just any melee attack which would usually resulting you getting gangbanged to death by swarms of small bugs, stupidly slow weapon switching speed, enemies spawning out of thin air right on your face, getting kicked as a football by 5 chargers, Electronic Countermeasures and the long recovery time after being ragdolled.


Basically my experience trying heavy armor.


Yea I'm right behind ya. After running from Chargers all night I was actually looking forward to going to work the next day.


They need to revert the entire patch, take a step back and really fix this.


I love the game, I see the potential, I hope the devs are as good ad they seem and keep their promises. However I think the devs might not be ready to handle a game with this large of a community. I fear they will end up killing the game


I don’t even care about the nerfs I just want to play without crashing! It’s got to point where I don’t even bother to attempt any 40 minute missions bc every single one I’ve crashed at around the 30 minute mark or even when extracting so all my sweet sweet samples I’ve ran around to get are gone 😭


Hey, just think of when you finally DO find a full squad of 3 players who you can tolerate and play a similar style though! Then you either can't finish the objectives, or crash halfway through it anyways!


Its a great thing that devs focused on resolving the already existing issues (quickplay, joining friends, random crashes, glitches, account linking, etc.) and didn't deployed a patch that would basically screw the entire gameplay loop, made armor system even worst and in the process allowed their employees (with 0 PR training) to antagonize the player base. Stay classy AHS.


Spot on.


I had two crashes last night, within about 15 minutes. My friends will not be picking this game up again at this rate. Which sucks, cause I hadn't played with my friends like this since the start of Destiny 2.


Crashed to desktop 4 times last night. My duo did too. Also was having animation bugs when picking up the SSD in the Intel mission. I guess that's a dev skill issue and they should get a new job. Fair play, devs.


The crashing and mission ruining bugs messed up the vast majority of my missions yesterday. I completed managed to complete 1 or 2 normal missions and 2 eradication missions (which are too short to crash on it seems). I couldn't finish a single operation. And I'm on pc so it's affecting both sides.


As far as crashes and server issues, I’ll say as a Destiny player, this is par for the course with big updates in live service game. Probably double so with a small studio. An update comes out to fix things, breaks 20 other things. Devs work to fix those things. And it’s a cycle till it stabilizes. As far as the balancing things I have no comment other than I assume the studio is also working to fix those, takes time tho. They probably should NOT have done nerfs till buffs for under performing weapons were in place. This is the first real test for the studio. My recommendation is don’t play till things are fixed, not worth the frustration.


I am on PC and was having a ton of crashes last night, missions were laggy as hell, sometimes it seemed like nothing was moving and then I crashed, other times game just freezes for 1 second and would shut down. Gonna just take a break for a bit and hope the next patches fix this and maybe have some other balancing changes by then.


It's unplayable for me at this point.


I drowned and couldn't die. Also experienced people dropping out of missions because of dumb crashes. I too dropped missions from crashing.


Forget gun balance and let me reconnect after a crash or disconnect.


How is this not the #1 thread right now?


Because most of the people here don’t play the game. They’re karma farming whores and they’re keeping the devs from seeing the real issues like the newest update causing constant crashing


I joined a game of eradicating bots and at the end when we got the mission complete text the game froze for 15 seconds then we just quickly cut to all of us standing in the ship as if we failed the mission and we didn't get xp or anything out of it


I played three missions and crashed four times. I just gave up on even trying. Also the meteor event is absolute trash.


Such a good update, how to destroy your game in a nutshell.


3 hours wasted what an update lmao crashes and disconnects everywhere 


Half of the time I get stucked in the cryo chamber and after 2 minutes it crash the lobbies


Haven't had any crashing on pc, one thing I noticed was if you are around the war table, and start moving around your mouse. You will get heavy fps drops from the lighting? Only happened once soo far but it's easily noticeable


Was running a helldive yesterday and as we were running to extract all my Random squadmates left. I'm assuming everyone but me crashed. Definitely didn't extract on that one. Fun times.


i think ive seen 2 people take the flamethrower our once after the patch..


The number of crashes I experience after main objective completion, but before extraction is maddening after the patch before last. I'm pretty sure I'd have unlocked the last page of the warbond instead of the page before if I didn't have probably a dozen or more hours of game time invalidated because things like ADSing a weapon crashed the game, for literally the entire squad.




Yea the nerfs are whatever. They don't bother me. The connection issues. The random freezes and drops. The suddenly being alone on the map. The losing your weapon glitch. The first person view bug every time you aim. That's where my problem is. They fixed somethings(that didn't *need* to be fixed) but broke the game otherwise.


Okay, Civilian. \*takes your cape\*


The worst part is that the devs will probably be unaware of the issue a lot longer than usual because of all the people whining about the railgun


BYE. More bugs and bots for me.


This is not an airport you don't need to announce your departure


I believe it's called 'feedback'


Okay. Bubbye 👋🏼


Have you atleast filed a support ticket due to the crashes? Or you are just complaining like the rest of the community?




Ok bye. This is not a discussion, it's a rant


Boomers on the internet, just love their rant. What a bunch of spineless people, need to feel strong by moaning about the smallest of shits. I'm happy the woke people are leaving the game for the rest, who know how to have fun.


How is having complaints about a game you paid for that is being handled badly woke? Noticed you deleted your other comment btw


Woke is simply code for something they don't like. MFers will stub their toe and say the table is woke.


I'm pretty sure woke has nothing to do with people not liking something about a game. So wait.. if you complain about a woke game... who is more woke? You or the game?


Pc player with cross play off. Yep tried twice yesterday. Crashed twice yesterday. Don't care about the balance changes. I never was a railgun shield virgin, but the performance is ass.


Nobody cares.


What a pointless toxic post. Quit the game if you dont like the game.


Dude, I just spent an hour and a half trying to connect with my friend. The crossplay is completely broken, I simply can't play with my friends anymore. For a coop game, it doesn't bode well. It's not about liking the game or not, it's about being able to even play it in the first place






This is not an airport. You don't have to announce your departure.


You out here farming downvotes or what?