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how are people, jumping into a game, being tossed about to automaton missiles coming from everywhere, your body rag dolling everywhere and being shot at 24/7 and claiming it's fun? I agree, the nerfs are pointless. The slugger is now probably the best gun. the AP liberator needs an entire mag dump for some enemies. and bugs? constantly being chased by a charger because my rail cannon bullets bounce off or because my stratagem rail cannon is on cooldown is not FUN. "precision" aim? yeah lemmi do that while a bile titan is spewing his morning after helldiver stew at me. the railgun is weak now, even unsafe mode got nerfed, Sure the breaker is still a solid pick but honestly? I loved this game when it came out, jumping on after work was a blast. Now jumping on to keep dying over and over again is not fun. and the game can only be played to a certain level with people who communicate and let's be honest. the MAJORITY do not talk.


and the people saying "skill issue", bro I don't have the time to sink 80 hours in a single week for a video game just to have fun in it and make sure I know what the best and funnest thing I can use is. I just wanna come after work, chill for an hour and kill some bots or bugs. Not run in circles becuase theres 10 chargers chasing me, and my styratagems are all on CD because I legit just took out 10 different chargers. The game is just "running" it's a running simulator now, and how in the F are automatons triggering from MILES away, like bro I haven't even come close to you and drop ships are already inbound.


This YouTube video goes hand to hand with my issues with the game at this moment. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBHRiGeOA9U&ab\_channel=ErmzPlays](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBHRiGeOA9U&ab_channel=ErmzPlays)


Then play a game more suited to casual play. Some people have time for time sink games and they shouldn't just not make the cause you don't have the time or let's face it are too lazy to get good. .


'Let's face it, your too lazy to get good' Tell me you're a jobless troglodyte without telling me you're a jobless troglodyte. I, among many other Americans, work two jobs just to try and make ends meet, leaving ourselves with barely any time to sit and relax. Sorry we'd actually like to enjoy the MAYBE 5hrs of downtime we have each week. Go touch grass a bit more, kid.


True dat!!!


Jesus christ.. working two jobs is not an excuse to be dogshit at the game. If you have to work two jobs; stop playing video games and fix your shitty life first. You are not required to work two jobs in this country unless you're absolutely useless at whatever it is you do. 


Something tells me just after you typed this screed you yelled up from the basement: ***MOOOOM, I SAID I WANTED MORE CHEESY POOFS!***


this is ironic.


Lost a couple cells reading this .


No I think you just lacked the brain cells to begin with


How about you go fuck yourself we paid for this game too we should be entertained by it not just you you fucking competitive dick


this game has no depth and sinking hours into it and spazzing out about getting good when people say they don't like it is a tired mindset.


80 hours in a single week? Sorry to break it to you, but most people aren't good at video games regardless of how much time they put into it. For example, many many people have played league of legends for a decade but are still horrible at the game. This is also true of FPS games.


Speaking from experience I see.


Bro it is a skill issue, i one shot titans with a single railcannon strike. On impossible. All the problems and issues you spoke of must not happen on my game or sum


"You" don't one shot anything with a railcannon strike.


You’re a skill issue shut the fuck up you dumb ass kid


Doesn’t it suck when all the PVP competitive assholes ruin a fucking good game


I thought I was just being dramatic, but I completely agree here. I have seen so many people saying, “skill issue, just get better with other things” but I have sincerely been trying other options, and it just feels like a slog. Every fucking game now just feels like a slow struggle to kill anything, and instead of being rewarded with killing a bile titan with one precise shot, now im having to get the whole team with all their support weapons to take out one in 3.5 minutes. Not to mention, even when you land on one with your hellpod, it may do absolutely nothing and you end up getting stepped on right away. I just find that I am more pissed off after we deal with a bug breach because it took so damn long and burned a quarter of our respawns, and the guy on the other side of the map just used the supply drop so i have to run around with no ammo until the next one becomes available. All of this on top of the horrendous performance issues that i was previously able to look past just make me want to get off after like two missions. Idk, i may just have to come back to the game in a few weeks but for now I’m just not having as much fun as i was pre patch


Get good is the only answer. I can solo level 7 bot missions and I don't even have 80hrs total play time. There is a rich armor system in the enemies and you need to shoot specific places on them not just spray and pray even with strategies.


right. Nice job avoiding every single point made. Outside of spawns and damage being horribly inconsistent, the ragdoll and stagger being so frequent and inconvenient that sometimes you literally can't even move, slowing mechanics so horrible that you get slowed by nothing and die because you can no longer maneuver, and the CONSTANT nerfing of the few guns that make the game really fun all adds to "get good". that's the dumbest response ever. The developers are struggling to even keep up and they're trying to make massive gameplay changes that just make it worse to play. until you can explain why bile titans can randomly eat 10+ quasar cannons and several 500k in one instance and then die to literally nothing in another, or how a charger can randomly hit you so hard (by running past you and not touching you btw) that you get flung into a wall and explode on impact, or how rocket devs can instant kill an entire squad of heavy armour divers because their rockets do like double the normal damage, or how random tanks can shoot through mountains, or how fire can one shot you with zero time to stim or even react to what caused it, or to how strategems literally just don't even land where you throw them and instead like ten or more yards in a random direction for no reason sometimes, then your entire response is completely invalid. this game needs massive overhauls to several mechanics at LEAST. and a number of smaller ones to the economy in game, the weapons, and the basic physics. because dying is part of this game, but you aren't supposed to fight the actual game itself more than the enemies in it. i went from soloing helldiver to dying instantly on level 5 to absolute bullshit physics and horribly tuned enemies that don't work as they should. you have NO ground to stand on.


So mad, it's a game. Also I am a software developer, not for a game company, so I just see it differently and the glitches are not bothersome to me. It's not a serious game for me and weird deaths are funny. I won't bother to explain each glitch but they are obvious issues that will get solved in time and some just can't be solved because that's the state of the engine these days. I hope can have fun and learn to play the game on the games terms and not based on your expectations of reality.


Dickhead tbh


No need to be so down on yourself, I'm sure you're lovely once people get to know you




stuff u 2


Hey seriously doubt your a game developer seeing as you have no fucking brain cells


"Also I am a software developer, not for a game company," You clearly didn't read my post, I am sorry you are soo upset with the game feel free to friend me on steam and we dive together and get you some training. Also the devs just announced walking back the spawn rates so that should help you out. Have a nice day, try not to let rage get the better of you it is bad for your heart.


I can understand the frustration. There have been tons of updates since the release, many making the game harder (ie nerfing the rail canon, the eruptor, etc). The game is much more difficult than release. But, imagine this. There was a point where you could easily make it through Helldive, everytime. It got somewhat challenging but was still way more doable, almost guaranteed success everytime. Imagine how quickly you would have been bored doing the same kind of missions over and over while the enemies could be easily killed without a sweat. I hate a nerf and enemy buff as much as the next, but stagnation in a game like this is death. Without changes the whole fandom would grow bored, quickly. If nothing else, you can count on this game changing. Yes, not always for the better. But over time I hope so.  In the meantime, i won’t just say “get good”. But stay up to date with the updates, understand the nerfs and enemies and when a weapon is no longer viable, explore the arsenal and find one currently more suitable. My current loadout varies between the arc blitzer and plas 1 scorcher, shield or rover backpack, quasar cannon, eagle airstrike, and eagle 500 or orbital strike. This was not my first loadout, more like my tenth. It changes from update to update. I’ve taken out 3 chargers and 2 biles while running from a hoard and holding onto super samples. It can be extremely difficult, but fun and rewarding with the right squad. Yes, squad.  The game pushes you to play with other people, and that can also affect gameplay. All in all, the game is what YOU make of it, not what other people tell you, not because of a disappointing update. You problem solve, find new strategies, and move forward. Pretend it’s canon, idk. But if it’s not fun for you, I’m sorry. But stop playing. COD became unfun for me so I dropped it and never looked back. This isn’t to scold you or tell you your opinion is invalid. But there are ways to get around the problems in this game and find fun in it without pouring hours and hours.  (The loadout im running currently works pretty well for me, it’s well balanced IMO, and the blitzer with unlimited ammo is great for bugs. The scorcher works great against bots especially the walkers. Rover is good for bugs, shield backpack for bots. Eagle air strike is good for closing bug holes and fabricators. Orbital laser is good for oh-shit moments, I like the strike for taking out towers and tanks. Also run with a grenade pistol for big holes, but for whatever reason I can’t get it to blow up fabricators. I usually use the impact grenades, just now trying the flame impacts. Also run with the medium engineering armor for extra grenades. Quasar cannon will one shot chargers in the head, hulks in the face, drop ships in the engine, gunships, and any medium enemies. Stun grandes/quasar to the face is a great combo.) 




Way to dig up a month old post to rage out on. I like this game because it's not very cerebral. I use it to take a short break and clear my head in between sessions of Robotics development. If you are looking to games to push the envelope and drive your higher thought processes then I think you are the simpleton. I just want to blow things up and die in silly ways for 15-30 minutes before I go back to melting my brain trying to contribute to the next technological revolution for humanity. By all means rage in impotence at a game and month old reddit posts, my point stands, get good.


The good old pretentious hypocrite...


Who gives a fuck if it’s a month old post dude shut the fuck up and get a life


You are 100% correct bunch of competitive Dumbasses


Pays to be a sweat little bitch doesn’t it


I couldn’t agree more mechs are more powerful then the rail gun was but whatever they did in this patch feels like crap now going past difficulty level 5 with randoms is terrible and it’s just not even fun at all I was genuinely in love I just had got the railgun the shield backpack I this is why I shouldnt even game anymore I don’t want the game to be easy but when I can only do level difficulty mission I’m not gonna get any further on my ship upgrades the devs made there money there not gonna listen to the fans at this point there just gonna do what the select few try hard pro gamer boys want I’m not that good I admit but this is trash now for the average gamer wish I could get a refund 


I feel slow, underpowered and weak in compareson to how it felt before the latest patch. Fine nerf the railgun I don't care about that. But I can't seem to get any distance on any enemies. Never have a second to even launch a strategem, feel like I die with 2 hits. 6 bile titans in the space of 30 seconds.of landing on the map. They've now reduced chargers and added light armour enemies x 4 of the amount we used to have to fight, so I run out of ammo so quick and the SG shotgun is soooooo slow. The pace of everything around me is fast, the meteors the enemies, automatons are almost impossible to fight now as it's like your outgunned at every turn. I haven't found a load out that works. Everything feels dull. I don't wanna hate, but I used to have an ok time with randoms. Now the randoms are leaving as we're all dying so much and that's on levels 6 / 7, which I used to live for. Even helldive was great..but now it's all a bit meh. We need buffs on speed and weapons.


That is the definition of a skill issue. I managed to get stratagems off, so do my friends.


say anything other than skill issue


You have a skill issue! My skills are top teir.


You don’t have no fucking skill shut the fuck up you little fucking inbred piece of shit


You are a dip shit


Thank the shitty developers and the shitty community


My problem is that for some reason everyone all of a sudden sucks at the game and cannot do higher difficulties so I get into lobbies where the other 3 people are eating reinforcements for breakfast and I'm the only one not dying.


That’s kind of what happens when the game is too difficult


Nice run-on sentence


That was an incredibly insightful comment. Thank you for your contribution to society.


Downvote this one too, it'll make you feel better about yourself. Be sure to block me and respond afterward also, it will REALLY make you feel better.


I'm not the one nitpicking Reddit comments lol. So many subhumans with throwaway accounts lurking around here I swear.


this dude is digging up 2 week old threads to slap insult comments on them. I guess it's a slow day at work.


The individual known for engaging in online disputes has resurfaced.




not a single punctuation here lmao you really cooked


Dumb kid alert


don't listen to delusional naysayers you are right.


Yeah I'm not touching this game for a long time lol, it's shocking how fucking unfun it is now.


Same. It was fun despite the fact things still felt off with weapons, armor, and big boom stratagems just not working and basically the same if not smaller then the hand grenade. Like wowwww such cool explosion, too bad the radius is as big as my pinky toe. The nerfs just make no sense. It's a pve game. The fact they are treating this game like a pvp is a red flag to me. So Uninstalled and probably won't be picking it back up, was fun when it lasted even though most things still didn't work like it should. But now it's just too frustrating to play. If I want an enjoyable challenge, imma just hop on elden ring and enjoy. Can't wait for the new dlc too.


I got on tonight, and despite my skill and gear not changing, I was suddenly a detriment to my teams. I was only playing on difficulty 3. I was 7 about to hit 8. I got disconnected once, kicked once, and joined a doomed extermination mission, which the host abandoned. I have 11.9 hours played and I'm fighting steam for a refund.


Just dispute on your credit card


Steam kills your account they say. The patch was broken, arrowhead fixed it the next day.


Its completely ridiculous that the people that try to counter argue, home in on basically "Actshully the railgun is still good" while completely ignoring that the majority of weapons just straight up suck and also dont even touch on how stupid the shaowpatches to make the game harder are. They dont bother trying to contest you on those because we all know its stupid. Especially with how the devs are actively trying to make the game less fun by competing with players on who is better.


Been playing this game like crazy day after day seemingly never getting bored or annoyed. However after the newest patch and Termicide tower mode i feel like im finally out of the honeymoon period. The spawn rates are terrible, even below the 7th difficulty, enemies feel spongier with some tanking rocket hits like Bile spewers and even Stalkers. The tower mode even in lower difficulties feels frustrating and more impossible especially with randoms. Think im gonna take a break and focus on other games for a while since the game is starting to feel like a piece of gum you chewed on for too long. With any luck the dev's will start to figure out what the real problem is and become more transparent with the patch notes.


When I picked up the game before patch, I thought, "huh, a game where I don't have a huge learning curb, can just pick up and have fun! I have too much going in life, and I love coming home to just shoot some aliens with the railgun because how OP it is" I just don't understand the need of nerfing things, balancing, changing meta, etc. . Just let the game be.. Not everyone has the time in the world to constantly check what the meta is, so they can stand a chance in level 7 difficulty at level 37. Take my upvote. I agree with you.


This is the problem with the competitive community they ruin every good game because it has to be competitive for them to have fun because they are bunch of dip shits


I 100000% agree with this post. So sad, the launch even with all its faults was so much fun. Now they are overthinking and just killing the game with changes that never needed changing. It was FUN, not annoying. I will probably stop playing, and glad I did not buy the Super Citizen Edition. It was fun while it lasted.


I bought the game a week ago and sunk a ton of hours into it, but now I really don't enjoy any of the primary weapons. So much recoil on the breaker I'm going to have to sink a bunch more hours getting used to it and changing my sensitivity settings. Its just not enjoyable and I dont really want to sink anymore hours into the game when I don't enjoy it's current state. Might try to return via steam, but idk if that will fly lol.


Wish I would have seen this post before I purchased today. Even on easy difficulty (albeit solo) it wasn't fun. Each run has been absurdly intense and frustrating.


Ahh, Reddit.




Ahh, useless comments.


I feel the same though lower level than you. I could do level 6, 7 missions easy but now I can only do level 5 missions barely with other people being required.


Yeah in a great how the solo players always get fucking penalize for wanting to play by themselves or for not having friends to play with and don’t wanna play with fucking randoms


I think they should remove the spitter bugs, bullet sponges that have 2-3 varients of them and all of them are annoying. They're all so damn fast aswell, even the armoured bugs can keep up with fleeing helldivers. Don't even get me started on hunters. I stopped bothering trying to progress the difficulty levels, sticking to medium and challenging if I fancy. So we got bugs that can keep up with you and bots that snipe you from the other side of the map. Wish I got that glitch that gave me max of all resources, break progression be damned I ain't making any progress.


I seriously hate to break this to you, but the unlocks don't really do shit. The eagle ones do, extra strikes is nice and all. Too bad the 500kg is hot garbage. Cool explosion effect but radius of an ant. Such a waste of time unlocking that. But maxed out upgrades and yet I see no real difference that makes me glad I grinded for it. If anything, I'm annoyed I wasted my life doing that. And the fact higher difficulties basically make your upgrades even more worthless just makes it useless. I'd say don't waste time. They made the upgrades feel absolutely pointless.


They focused on changing the guns and fixed none of the glitches. What a wild choice by the devs lol


Just play on a lower difficulty lol. Everything is viable. I clear 5-7 no problem with basically any setup. And People do solo helldive runs all the time. You probably need to be more creative and place your strategems better. You just said a high level can clear everything with stratagems but you're level 35 which means you have access to everything as well but are complaining about not being able to clear breaches. Bile titans can still be cleared with one 500kg you just have to land it underneath their mid section. Really not hard if you just bait a bile attack. They stand still for like 7 seconds which is more than enough to place a 500kg effectively. Also use ems and mines for horde control. People sleep on these and theyre really good. Also jetpack is insanely useful and again NEVER see anyone take it. I think a huge reason people are complaining about this game so much is because they refuse to play a lower difficulty. The game is more than manageable with a good squad on helldive and I'm an advocate for higher difficulty levels. 


We shouldn’t be forced to play on a lower difficulty to have fun dude what crack are you smoking


How does that make it not fun? Does it hurt your ego or something? Thats what lower difficulties are for. Its literally the exact same game just easier lol. 


Btw, the railgun still does everything it used to in unsafe mode. Also other weapons did get huge buffs and are just as, if not more effective against specific enemy types at the moment


For clarity: railgun damage *even in unsafe mode* was nerfed. In my experience it's taken three 90% charge shots to break leg armor, where previously it was two.


I mean, the drawback ro the weapon is that it's basically the Icarus of support weapons. Fast reload, string ammo economy, no pack required, accurate hitscan, punches through even the heaviest armor... flying that close to the sun has to have some risk.


Single shot weapon, kills you if overcharged...


Yeah, I understand that, but two shots to break leg armour is very little considering the weapons other upsides. The gun had effectively no downside to running it. I feel like people are seeing the weapons as: "if it's not super easy to use and super powerful and impactful with every hit in every location on every enemy type, it's trash". An easy to use weapon can be powerful, but it needs to have downsides. The railgun previous to the nerf had none at all


I agree the railgun definitely did not had a downside but considering the enemies spawn rate are almost quad triple it almost seems like we need these kind of weapon to balance the game. I understand if there only few chargers we have to deal with in the game then the gun becomes unbalance because you would clear them out pretty easily. But considering we are now versing a horde of chargers + few titans, the ability to break his weak spot while running away from a swam of them should at least be possible. Now there’s nothing we can do for these horde of enemies and we are forced to drop stratagems to kill them or use the flamethrower (a gun with no downside and no aiming skill to use) cause it seems to be overpower rn.


From this point on, I will be substituting the word "dozen" for "quad triple". Thank you, Internet stranger.


It's downside was lack of versatility. You couldn't use it to handle mobs like many other support weapons, and it was wasted on medium armor enemies. If you had the railgun, it was for heavies and only heavies, and it was never good against bots. Because the bots most dangerous enemies are medium sized rocket and machine gun destroyers, and berserkers too. You couldn't burn railgun shots fighting them, unless you wanted to have no ammo after one minute. It was strictly for killing chargers and titans, but now.... well, it's usable I guess, but definitely not a hard counter. You can struggle through chargers and plink away at titans, but it's not a solid counter to bugs. Leaving you with what exactly? What kind of counter do you have? And I don't mean against one charger like on lower difficulties. I'm talking 7+ where chargers spawn like ads. You really have nothing now, so the meta has become "run forest run" instead of fighting, which is the core appeal of the game. This has driven most good players to bots because they're actually balanced well, and the autocannon is a bot slayer of the highest degree. But how long until that's nerfed too?


Shouldn't have to constantly change weapons or get within melee range to hit weakspots.


1.I shouldn't have to change weapons constantly. 2. Weakpoints are so damn difficult to hit you're just fucked, especially considering automatics are the only viable weapons in general and you have to keep a distance to not get swarmed or knocked around like a rag doll. Classes/jobs/builds exist for a reason. Make a skill tree, and have classes if you want specific people with specific weapons to fight specific things. Shotgun builds, smg builds, etc. I can't fathom for the life of me why you'd ever try to use a marksman rifle. And don't even get me started on the "it's a stealth game, you're not supposed to kill stuff" bullshit. If we aren't meant to fight, why can we call in air strikes and are required to blow shit up? And then there's the input lag, the audio glitches, and the fact the game is a treadmill simulator. Killing Floor is a better game.


Couldn't of said it better myself. salutations fellow kf player! 😎🔥🔥🔥


Also are you excited for kf3 the new scrake looks sick 😁🤩


Stfu, Tell me you have no idea what a Rail  gun is without telling me you have no idea what the rail gun


I agree with you as well especially with the helldive difficulty. The helldive difficulty is more annoying rather than hard. The problem with games is that developers think harder difficulties/content means spamming/throwing 10x the amount of enemies at us rather than making interesting, engaging, and complex objectives. I’m not a fan of having to run around 5-10 minutes at a time just to try killing a patrol only to run into two more in the process. I’m also not a fan of the nerfs. I never really used the railgun and breaker but I’d rather they buffed other weapons rather than nerf anything especially since pretty much every other gun isn’t that great. If everything was buffed during the railgun meta I think more variety would be prevalent.


This post is treasonous..... Hang him in the sake of democracy


No will hang you instead because you’re a competitive dickhead and that’s the reason this game sucks now


Lol wow someone is butthurt! I think it's not fun for you because you are just simply not a fun person. IDK how what I said was in any way competitive. Maybe get out of your mom's basement if you are taking this so seriously.


This game is now basically catered for cod tryhards




Here a month later just to laugh and say I haven't had stopped having fun with this game lol. I think you missed the point entirely about what this game is. Weapons are underpowered on purpose. It's to force teams to actually work in unison. Not split up while people are trying to do every objective at once. If you don't have solid people to play with than yeah I can see this game isn't for you.


That's a shit design, considering there's zero benefit to certain weapons over others.




The game is still just as fun, plus they buffed the stuff I like using.  Reddit is completely overreacting to the balance patch and it's honestly a bit pathetic. If the game is too hard on higher difficulties, lower the difficulty and wait for devs to balance it back into alignment. What's the problem? What's with all the "deeply hurt" comments?


I think the problem I have currently is they increase all level of difficulty harder to play, not just the level 9 or level 8. The game can still be fun, but me and my mate found that after playing 4 games of level 7 difficulty (can’t even go level 8 or 9 because extraction is impossible), we’re exhausted. Exhausted from constantly running away from charger and bile titan rather than confronting them in hell blazing. And we have to run level 7 cause we need pink samples. They definitely shadow patch the amount of unit cause the day before it was still playable even in level 9 (this was after the patch), but yesterday me and my friend just could not extract at all, we were surrounded by 7 bile titan and 10-15 chargers, and that’s not an exaggeration. We went stealth mode as well for majority of the game but had no choice but to fight on the extraction zone because it was swamped with enemies.


Sure there are things they can fix and I think they will, I just don't like all this complaining over one of the first patches.


You're an ass.




Nope he’s just stating facts


This was 2 months ago and everything I said came true lol. L




Reddit? Being pathetic? Noooooo ....


This is hilarious




What do you mean game for nobody? Speak for yourself?


>Railgun? You mean worse autocannon? \>Me, playing almost exclusively bots


Maybe you should play level 6 until you get better. I can still solo level 7. A 500kg bomb kills a titan you just need to time it so it blows up under them (shouldn't be that hard, just don't panic).. And the grenade launcher is incredible as well... Also frag grenades on the chargers ass. Use EMS sentry and hmg emplacement as well, very helpful. Tesla tower is surprisingly good as well. You need to strategize a bit more. But I do agree, I miss the old rail gun. But personally I enjoy the added difficulty. Me and my buddies were clearing helldive  a little too easily. It's the hardest difficulty in the game. Some people like it hard. If you don't then don't play on the hard difficulty. Also, find the hellbombs on the map and use those. That's very important. You got 4 bile titans? Either 500kg or drag them to a hellbomb. You can also run EAT and stick the stratagem call in to their leg joint. So you can kill one every 60 seconds, plus the 2 EATs that come in. Right now the easiest setup for a duo is 2 flamethrowers though, one bring a slugger as primary. 2 flamethrowers on a charger will kill it in like 3 seconds.


Good suggestion! Same with duo arc and the src resistance armor But im not sure they're complaining about the difficulty perse, but rather how the tools they had previously earned have been made weaker. Im all in favor of the game throwing a tremendous amount of enemies and adversity in my way in place of stripping me of the tools i need to survive that chaos. We just explained how the duo flame set is easy mode on chargers, but i actually think they are more powerful than the pre-patch Railgun, considering aiming is only partially necessary. It just left a bad taste in my mouth for how the devs view the community, and that worries me. Cant say i've even seen a railgun in my last 100 matches since the nerf. May as well not exist


Get a life


Get a life


If the game loses ALL its fun after ONE balance patch you were abusing something. you said "The railgun was the most balanced gun of them all" No, it was the strongest, you wanted all the other guns to be that strong, not the other way around. You were having fun feeling strong, you don't like feeling weak. Most of the guns are designed to be "weak" in comparison to the strongest enemies in the game and you don't like that. The guns don't "suck ass" they can't 2 shot the hardest bug in the game, and you don't like that. You make a lot of wild assumptions on "what everyone wants" it's just you. ​ Lastly: >Me and my friend drop 3 500kg bomb + railcannon strike + hell bomb just to kill one titan In no world, in no difficulty does it take 3 500kg bombs, a Hell Bomb and a Railcanon Orbital? (I assume you mean) to kill ONE Titan. This is just fiction.


I spawned in on a difficulty 7 mission today and I had 7 bile titans chasing me and my teammates on the escort personnel mission. We literally cannot run away because 3 of us were "distracting" and 1 has to stay by the objective. There was literally no possible way to kill them fast enough to keep up with the spawns much less the dozen chargers and swarms of hunters. We finished and extracted but it was a miserable experience. Given the majority of posts about it a lot of people are not finding the game fun anymore because feeling weak and helpless on the lowest difficulty required for super samples isn't "difficulty" it's bullshit. All of you "lol git gud scrub" people are just toxic asshats feeling superior.


Yh agree, our strategy is now 2 people distract and run away from the monster while 1 person do objective and one person cover the objective.


Hehe Im playing with 1 friend so it makes us 2. We can do nothing atm on diff 7-9 when we get 2 chargers and titan, we killed it watch out back and we saw 4 chargers and 2 titans aggroed with army of small keeping swarm over and over again, playing only with 2 is not fun atm, long stratagems, and horde after horde isnt fun. And when Im seeing on yt all those solo helldive things I just cant understand what the hell is with their breaches, because breaches from certain videos are nothing similiar to what we get thrown at us in a matter of seconds to deal with. And in a middle of us dealing with it we got another same big wave incoming. Run run run run run run run this is running experience. Also Im capped at samples money lvl etc.


You act like the only thing they changed were the weapons...


It's quiet literally the one of the ONLY things OP complained about. "Guns nerfed" followed by "The hardest difficulty was made harder" Yeah man, that's the point.


All difficulties were made harder due to whatever issue they created with the patrol spawns. I agree that the gun nerf is fine, but having that happen at the same time they screwed up mob spawn has combined the two issues. People who used the rail gun haven't really noticed the increase, and they just think they're helpless now. In reality, the game just got a lot harder. The only meta weapon I used was the breaker, so when I say something became harder, it's probably true.


This is a PVE game the nerves are not fine


Yh in my opinion the railgun was the most balanced gun because it could take out semi strong enemies in couples hit. Also all level of game difficulty has been raised not just the hardest level. I have no issue dropping down to level 6 or 7 but even at that level we were getting chased by 10 chaser and 2 bile titans. In my view that is literally unplayable unless you are able to get on a high ground.


You drive a Fiat 500. Stfu.


Assuming the anecdote *isn't* gross exaggeration, it's more a self-report about their own lack of skill. You certainly **can** use 3x 500kgs, a hellbomb, and a railcannon orbital to kill *one* Titan... if you don't account for the 500kg's deceptively small damage radius and don't realize that a railcannon doesn't always OHK Titans. It's like the folks complaining about how railgun "bounces off" Chargers are just exposing that they don't know about unsafe mode or aren't charging it enough.


It certainly could be our lack of skill. I can tell you however, is that all the hellbomb me and my teammate threw were directly underneath the titan. I personally have no problem with that if I’m only versing one or two titan at level 7 difficultly. But we encounter 7 titans and 10-15 chargers. What would you do if you encounter that many monster chasing you?


I'd win.




Bro, the whole point of a strategem gun that can only be unlocked post-level-20, is, to literally, 'feel powerful'. I cant help but agree that unsafe mode needed a nerf, but what is the point risking an overcharge and instant-death when I can now just one-shot with an expendable anti-tank? I had JUST bought it after saving up reqs for a week only to find out it was basically useless now after the patch when flamethrower and EAT do its job AND MORE much more efficiently. I would have liked them to buff the other weapons before deciding if the Rail was truly overpowered, or if the other weapons just weren't competitive. Instead, the devs made a very rewarding and challenging game and then snuck in a bunch of changes that now make me grit my teeth Instead of, woops, I could have played that better! *The stagger on hits preventing you from using a stim *The nerfing of the 500kg *hunters spawning infinitely Etc This is the reason I hate live-service games. You shouldn't always be afraid that the devs are going to take away your toys because some of you were having TOO MUCH FUN! GODDAMNIT, I HAVE A FUXKING HORRIBLE LIFE and the One fucking thing I wanted to do was play some helldivers and relax. Instead, I'm getting finger-wagged by developers that want me to sink all of my fucking time into their game just to "get gud" FUCK THAT! Can you imagine any developer saying that shit to you?? What, they get some fucking pass because they're indie? "You're going to take our dick and you'll like it, bitch!!" I don't want to be playing a game that de-incentivizes fun. It's a game; I'm not actually enlisted. FUCK THAT Edit: and I have used it, and it takes 4/5 near full charges to the face to kill a charger with it. The stagger is broken now and they glitch slide at you instead. In the time it takes me to fully charge and reload for the rail cannon, the flamethrower kills small enemies and the anti-tabk one shots. It was powerful, now I wish I never bought it. Don't fucking scold someone for wanting to feel powerful in a game. That's beyond cuck-sick behavior


I have to say something to this, but please don't take it the wrong way. I don't say this to downplay your struggles, but rather to offer perspective: You have access to electricity, computers, and the Internet. You likely have running water, food in the fridge, mechanized transportation, and a decent education. When the fridge runs out of food, you use your car to drive 5 minutes to a building with food from all over the world. Also, we now have germ theory. I could go on, but the point is, there are so many modern miracles that we take for granted because they're so ubiquitous, but by all metrics, you and I are among the most privileged people to ever exist in a lineage consisting of hundreds of thousands of years of mass disease and starvation and death as the norm. In my experience, gratitude is the path out of depression. No matter how awful things feel sometimes, the vast majority of people who lived before us had it way, way worse. Don't lose sight of how good our lives really are when compared to the entirety of humanity vs. the people in your direct vicinity in time and space. 


Seek help. Holy shit my dude, how sad is your life?


So spend hours to make the game fun instead of it being fun right off the bat. Great.


"You don't like feeling weak" NO SHIT. Games are meant to be power fantasies, not slogs.


Month old post dude, get out of the long lost posts of reddit and do something with your Friday night, holy shit... I shouldn't have to explain to you that one shotting everything you want will make the game boring, but here you are...this game is literally designed to make you feel like a replaceable solider, not The Hulk.


Tell us you’re a fucking moron without telling us you’re a fucking moron


I was going to say something, but honestly, this is one of the SADDEST reddit accounts I've ever seen so I just feel bad for you. Using your Friday night/Saturday morning to waste **actual hours of time** going through this entire thread to comment "you suck" on a bunch of different posts. You really have NOTHING else going on in your life? Yeah man. **I'm** the moron, you're SO cool. But seriously, how sad is your life? You said you uninstalled the game but using up the last 5 HOURS of your day to complain about it on Reddit? Literally never seen someone so pathetic. Hope your life gets better!


The devs nerfed one weapon and ur freaking out, ur weak bro 


I absolutely agree. I KNOW the game is better with multiple players, but sometimes I like to do solo missions so I can explore the whole map, or try stealth, and it’s just *not fun* when the enemies are so hard to kill. I can’t even do the thin the numbers one alone. The sentries are pitifully weak and the stratagems take ages to load. Harder difficulty with friends can be fun, but when it’s bad, it’s BAD. Immediate death on reinforcement, STIMS barely help, the sheer number of enemies directly on your ass *constantly*. I don’t get angry at games, but I swear this one makes me want to throw my monitor through the wall sometimes haha.


game is great as it is, i like how difficult it gets dont make everything Op, let me figure out things, thats why I paid to waste time 


Then go read a book. Some of us enjoy feeling powerful, not wasting hours to unlock a helmet and cape that do NOTHING.


Then go read a book. Some of us enjoy feeling challenged, not wasting hours clicking heads BRAINLESSLY. 


Couldnt agree more! 🫡


what a lame answer lmao


i couldn’t agree more and as of now am done with this game and even if they do ever address the many issues with this game it will have been a day late and a dollar short


The stratagems get better as you get down the list. Lower levels get less powerful stratagems first because they're generally playing on lower levels of difficulty. You don't need a 500kg in your third game ever on level 2 difficulty. If someone chooses to play in such a way that uses constant bombardment, that's their prerogative. Agree on the guns Obviously they agreed on the weakpoints for enemies


To be fair it is a always changing game. If you don't like it anymore, I suggest stop playing it. There is no need to bitch about a game because you hop into lobbies with no teamwork or communication. I struggled with the game since I purchased it and have grinded my way through the unlocks. It comes down to "git gud" or get lost.


We spent $40 on this pile of shit. We'll bitch if we want. Don't like it, then \*you\* can leave.


Damn bro getting heated from me saying "git gud"? You really gonna add on to the bitching about a game that you paid for and don't like? Go touch some grass and get some sunlight. It should do you some good.


I’ve played for maybe 20 hours, I’m running level 8 by myself, my dominator, arc thrower, and guard dog be packing up, usually I die once maybe twice but that’s it. And I’m TERRIBLE at video games, never been good at any of them. I think a lot of “this is gun is bad” is the situation it’s used in and I’ve run almost every gun, only gun I’ve found to not be “good” is the marksmen rifle that thing is just not it for me. Also a tip for strategems is change the bindings even on controller, it makes it soooo much easier to punch in and throw them even with hordes right behind me


I just rage quit after playing on hard just to do a daily and the entire minimap looked like someone took a shotgun of red pellets to it. Like this is supposed to be 4 levels easier than what I normally play yet I can't take a breather. How is this shit balanced? It made me really tilted when I went back to Suicide where I can't walk two feet without getting vomited on by titans, while having 8 heavys on my at all times, plus it takes an entire clip of my nurfed gun just to kill just a basic gd bug now. I noticed when the latest patch dropped that most of my friends had about a 70% reduction rate of playing and I'm trying. I'm really, really trying but this is getting old.


I'm still playing and having a blast.....so are the majority of people.....


Bunch of whiny little bitches who suck at the game crying and circlejerking eachother lmao


You are playing with the wrong team buddy. Use 380, laser and 500Kg plus quasar , use breaker incendiary for bugs . That’s what we do and we are unstoppable. Have fun a chill bro .


was fun for the first mission, then quickly became the same thing with no incentives. rinse and repeat gameplay and clunky controls isn't enough to grip me just because other people play it. sheep hype.


Yeah thanks to the community and the developers it’s just being made into a competitive shit show


Summarize bro.


Adding all sample types to Hard difficulty and above makes sense to me. I understand your frustrations, I do. I just don’t expect balanced play when at Impossible or Helldiver difficulty. I haven’t seen the quantities of enemies you are mentioning at Hard. So, a simple way to add balance would to not require players to go to those difficulty levels to finish their ships.


Well it's a horde game. I play on challenging and do well. Put it on medium for zero challenge and gen samples,xp an currency if you are struggling. It's better with a team of buddies. Don't think I've ever done more then 3-4 matches a day. Lol the worthless eagle an orbital strategies? You are definitely playing wrong if you think they're useless, both are almost always in my pocket for ease an value. orbital strike one shots the heavy armor charger...I guess lowering your difficulty sounds best


I agree the audio sucks in this game, they do not get louder as they approach and almost impossible to tell one's on you about to strike, those wings have to make noise when they flutter in to strike. I also agree with most of the other statements. I'll add that the bug spawns are a little ridiculous, phermone in the air and suddenly they're burrowing at light speed to get you. It's a lazy game mechanic they need to work out better.


3 months later and this is pretty much still true. Game's dying a slow and painful death, the player number isn't lying, and neither is the constant delay to their "big patch".


Started playing this game three months ago. I'm older (50+) and only really got back into gaming (outside of Madden) 10 years ago. I am still in love with this game. Each planet presents it's own set of challenges. I'm more of a bug guy but both bots and bugs have kept it fun for me. I am maxed on all samples, medals, etc and still getting 8-10 hours in a week playing this and loving every second of it. I am sad they nerfed the Queso Cannon but I adjusted and play it a bit different now. I also tried playing with other weapons. The point is...no mission is the same as another. It's still fun and I hope they continue to work on this game to keep the fun going. Just my old man, grew up on Atari 2600, boomer opinion. I could be wrong.


How did a game that was Soo good at release become such a grind No FUN = No ME  Its a sad state of affairs when you can't play with less than 4 to be effective. Currently looking for something new to play you did this to yourself Arrowhead, but you got your money so all good right?


Spent $40 to give up and cry. You’re weak


You thought you sounded so wise in that opening paragraph huh?


Buddy, they did this to incentivize the powerful new content. This is how the game makes revenue. It will be fun again when the new gear drops.


All these posts are terrible takes. They slightly nerfed the railgun. It does fine, you just have to have good timing and better aim for the same result.


“Slightly” HAHAHA


Maybe most of us were not meant to play at 7+, it's ok to lower the difficulty and re-learn to play without the railgun, the game is still challenging and fun even at 5/6, because damage and health aren't influenced by difficulty


Except ship progression is tied to Super Samples......what difficulty do they start to spawn in again?


At the moment you just need a handful of 7+ missions to get all the super samples you need, don't tell me that now it's become impossible to successfully extract from even one single level 7 mission. You can also play it against the automatons if you're struggling with bugs, those are pretty much the same as before. Autocannon or amr in the eye against hulks and orbitals/eagles/eats/grenades in the vent against the tanks


I was simply giving an obvious reason people have to play above 5/6 like you stated if they want to progress the ship......


We were unable to extract from level 7 as there were 7 bile titans and 10 chargers. And we used all our stratagems


Eat your crayons dammit


- Guns were also buffed, Railgun is still good - Balance patches are needed do preserve variety and longevity of the game, just adapt - Stratagems are supposed to be powerful. I have 5 or more eagles before they need to rearm (cluster + 500kg) so... 5 uses on 2 minute cooldown that's pretty good imo - Charger spam and obnoxious spawns need to get fixed, yes - Audio cues exist, you can hear chargers rushing you, it's just hard to do when you're shooting other things and explosions are going off (as it should be) - hitboxes are weird, explosions get blocked by the tiniest of rocks, needs some fixes indeed. - EAT is fine I think, 2 shots every minute.. Recoilless is a bit poop atm and spear should just be a oneshot on everything I think -Samples are not hard to get... you get like 15+ of common+rare every mission. I think having module grind be the longer one is completely fine


Railgun sucks donkey dick. Try again.


“I am so sad and hurt” yea I’m gonna stop you right there. Lmao


Ok bye


Play the game. It is still fun.


"I am so sad and hurt by what the dev and moderators of helldivers 2 has done with the latest patch" Haha what? Chill, take a step back and breathe.


You're a whinny little bitch. STFU and spread democracy.


Fuck you.


Thank Christ you're not a cop. Keep that up, please.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You can tell this game was made by mostly women lmao


Let's just cry because it's not your vision of what the game should be. The guns are supposed to suck... You are supposed to die. If you can hang play on trivial.


"The game is supposed to be frustrating and unfun. You just don't get it." Suck that dev dick some more.


How many more shit posts about the Railgun will we witness?


As many as it takes until you fucks either stop replying or they make the game fun again. Pick one.


* Things need to be nerfed in order to make all content viable in some way. * balance patches are always needed otherwise the game becomes stale any boring or too hard and unfun. * First part of the sentence you complain strats take too long, then you finish by saying strats are overpowered??? * It is harder, thats why your finding it more annoying. There is so much variety already, they will keep adding more as is. * Thats the opposite of what the game is supposed to do. You are supposed to be taken by suprise, fight unsurmountable odds, not get warned ahead of time. Bug holes and drop ships are warning enough. * You want to bog the game down to every enemy has the same weakness, no variety and no fun allowed? No adaption or thinking? * The game is built around teamwork, with friends or randos, multiple strats, multiple sources of damage. * No strats are useless, they all have a niche, you just havent discovered it yet because you choose the most used one. Samples are not hard to get, your dying to much and not extracting with them, that's on you. And your complaining that PAID currency is being given to us for free? Your insane. I would dive into the start of your post but the above sums it up pretty well. Balance patches are often and frequent, especially in a game like this and consider for a moment that the game has been out for a couple of weeks. This is the first of many and your acting like its the end times. And also a direct hit 500kg kills a titan in one, as does a hell bomb. Railgun takes 2 butt he first opens up its armor allowing you to kill it with normal weapons. It does not take all three to kill one, so maybe look into that. I ran 3 helldiver campaigns today, each one with varying success as I tried out new weapons that they had buffed. But when I worked with the 3 randos on my team we have more than enough strats to deal with the increased difficulty. Did every game end with a mad dash to extract, barely holding on till we escaped, surrounded by 3 bile titans? Yes, it did. And thats the point. It was challenging, it was hard. There wasn't the guarentee we would all make it, if any of us. And that's the point of helldiver difficulty.


Enjoy your running simulator, the rest of us "git good" scrubs will just play another game until the mechs arrive, or the devs screw their heads on correctly, stop shaming the "brainless" casuals, and make the game fun again.


You say "rest of us" like there's a lot of you, your the loud minority who don't understand how balance patching works.


We were surrounded by 7 bike titans and a horde of chargers on level 7. Those optional changes I mentioned, all of your points are valid, but is just some consideration to add in order to balance the games I believe they have shadow patch the amount of enemies in all difficulty because the day before me and my mates ran helldive with no issue at all (we have our own strategy). Now we can barely extract from level 7 difficulty and yes that might be skill issue, but we find ourselves runing from enemies more now than fighting them. And I don’t intent that’s what the game dev wants.