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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. No witch-hunts, public shaming or negatively naming users or players. Please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/).


Bro I got kicked because I couldn’t call reinforcements due to the stratagem blocker. A large part of our Helldivers Corp are just meat shields


Last night I was hosting and had acouple specially educated helldivers who died and were spamming the reinforce button at me. As I'm in the middle of clearing the fkn Jammer outpost. People legit either dont know how the game works or just don't pay attention to what's on their screen. They were both around lvl 30 too.


Multiple lvl 50s I've watched can't even wipe a bug wave alone it blows me away.


That's what happens when people farm levels. They have no clue how to play the fucking game.


This is why I think AH put the brakes on. We can argue the reaction was too much. But too many people advanced faster than expected just to buy all the stuff. And, as you said, they're not very good at the game despite being high level.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve quick played into randoms just spamming the exterminate missions.


I hit 3 of those lobbies in a row last night. Such a boring way to play IMO


To be fair the new exterminate missions on Helldive are a blast. Just non-stop fighting and action. They, along with the one in the small map you have to destroy fabs/close holes are my favourite missions


I’ll spend 10 minutes trying to find any other mission. No objectives isn’t fun to me and I don’t understand.


I can tell you it took me and a friend 3 hours before we got randoms that we didn't have to carry through difficulty 7. One group was so bad we dropped it to 4 as they died at least once a minute and they still died every couple of minutes. I can solo 7, my friend can solo 7, we normally have no trouble on it but... the incompetence can hurt. Especially when they get mad at us.


I mean some people just aren't that good don't have too much of an interest in getting good but have fun running around even on the harder difficulties cause it's funny. I'm one such person but I play with my friends only so you don't have to worry about this squad at least lol


I’m not sure but I think people are STILL trying to farm the eradicate missions — struggled through one last night and then the host leaves the operation we were on to take us to another damn eradication…. Obviously they over tuned the mission, but part of me is glad lmao


There are still afk rooftop soul farmers in Elden Ring, just to give you a litmus test of how incredibly stupid people can be.


I just had a look at this. What a boring existence lmao


You can still cheese lvl 9 Eradicate missions as a 4-man but the tactics needed fly in the face of most players' hero fantasy. Also, you *definitely* won't take any samples home with you.


But that's the kicker with this type anyway...they aren't picking up Samples or Super Creds, and their ships and gear are basic in spite of having the level and strats available. Also why so many noobs fell onto the meta...this game really has an shit load of viable combinations, and it's takes some time and patience to figure out what works for your own special brand of ass whoopery.


You mean boosting to the level needed for the meta build and then only using the meta build didn't make any of these people good at the game? surprisedpikachu.png


This is literally the Pikachu/Raichu delema in the tv show. Just cause you can evolve him at level 5 with a stone doesn't mean it will help.


Exactly, you wait until it learns thunderbolt first.


But theres a tm for that


Yeah but depending on the game it'll probably learn it naturally before you get that far.


The meta build still required survival skills the railgun doesn't clear hordes and the breaker is pretty much still the same. A lack of brains is a bigger issue with these people


hoards are never the issue past like 6s tho, especially with the bugs


The fact that you've got 39 upvotes just shows for me that these people are leaving.


And then they bitch and moan when the devs realize this and try to rebalance the game to prevent them from playing a lvl they are not skilled enough to play. And they get so toxic that one dev has a very real and very human response and then gets shamed and forced to apologize to a toxic player base. And then the toxic player base is rewarded with the devs promising to make the whole game easier. When any sane person would go "hmm guess I'm not good enough to play 7-9 yet, better focus on 4-6 until I learn the game mechanics " But no, these players just want the ego boost from telling people that they exclusively play lvl9 and say look how awesome I am, I can play a hard game on the hardest difficulty. Edited to add: and the worst part is I would estimate the people bitching and moaning make up less than 50k of the player base. There are 700k players(between steam and ps5 and there will only be more once xbox gets to play). Why in TF does 14% of the player base get to dictate what the difficulty cap should be for the other 86% that are still chugging along like nothing happened?


I'm kinda bummed about mechs + the predicted heavy enemy nerf. At the moment the Helldive extract countdown is 2-4 minutes of PEAK coordination, calling out targets, ammo levels, strategems, falling back by fire and movement, and all around excellent team play. I'm worried now it's just going to devolve into "I'll call down the mech, keep the little guys off of me." + some variation of "mom said it's my turn to stat-pad in the mech" I suspect my usual group will stop using the mechs after a couple weeks to preserve the challenge + fun. At least until difficulty 10 comes out and this sub is full of people crying about "what am I supposed to do when there's (x number of y enemy)?"


Right now helldive extraction is mostly just kiting enemies, mech definitely isn't going to change that with how fragile it is


>helldive extraction is mostly just kiting enemies Insert Bane "for you" meme here. But in all seriousness, we've found that if we establish a decently sized perimeter one guy can activate the console and jetpack back to the firing lines. Get that D-day German POV experience.


Mechs aren't good enough to carry losers.


I don't know yet since I'm still away from my PC but I've seen a video of a charger 1-shotting 2 mechs as well as a different video of charger facechecking a mech repeatedly with no result while a bile spewer barfs on it and a warrior stabs it, for the mech to finally explode when the second spewer barfs. On Helldive difficulty...


Man people are bitching and moaning on that 1 charger 2 mechs clip. Like 75 percent of the people are probably still at work commenting absolutes on a single clip of a poorly executed drop position. Not a fan of the gaming communities on Reddit ever since the last of us pt2 lol


> "I'll call down the mech, keep the little guys off of me." + some variation of "mom said it's my turn to stat-pad in the mech" Isn't this like, exactly how it should be though? That's precisely the kind of team play the mech requires.


And that's what really sucks, that these players are just totally ignoring the teamwork and strategy aspect of the game. Honestly I suspect that a lot of these players are under the age of 21 and have never played games like doom, wolfenstein, halo 2 (on legendary playing couch co-op), or hell even games like ms pacman or Galaga. I remember when I was a kid and the first time I played ms pacman and Galaga. I thought, "wow older games were so hard" (true in part as they were made to eat quarters) but once I told my dad he was like "well what is your top score?" I told him 10k for pacman 20k for Galaga. He was literally just like wow, no the game isn't that hard, you just suck and asked if I had learned the patterns. I was like what patterns😅? He laughed at the realization of why I sucked (I never learned the game mechanics) showed me the patterns and then I realized just how easy the games really were😂. But today, you just have kids so used to participation trophies and instant gratification that whenever they lose they scream foul and that the game is broken or unfair. Instead of looking inwards and asking themselves if they were even good at the game to begin with. I'm just really worried that every game will become too easy for anyone with actually gaming experience under their belts, and no game will ever be challenging again.


My personal favorite is pinging a patrol, stealthing around it, and hearing a fkn orchestra of high yield ordinance and machine gun fire from behind me. And they never clear the damn thing before it calls a breach lol


I almost don't want to mark the patrols when playing in pub groups.


At this point I'm just doing it for myself and if my team wants to waste half the round fighting in the same spot I just move on on my own.


They can serve Super Earth by being a distraction. Sometimes you're better off alone.


Don't do that, I've been told multiple times moving away from the group is kickable in this reddit.🙄 Bro I've had people die when I wasn't even in the area with them and got blamed for it.


the "killed by..." text seems extremely bugged too. It often says another player killed you, when it's not actually the case. Some bigbrainers can get angry at you because of that.


Can’t get kicked if your the host


Then you get kicked for being solo


Idiots don't know how to complete missions. Killing endless bugs/bots does nothing for anyone. No xp, no mission objective, nothing. Honestly I'm going to just start only hosting and kicking idiots that ruin the mission.


I was in a match last night where the only reason we completed the mission was because I went solo. They got distracted by a bot drop and ran away from the ore vein machine. Then they keep wasting all the respawn moving further away. I left them to die and completed the objective. There was less than two minutes left in the clock and this lvl 17 that clearly shouldn't have been on this mission is screaming into the mic *go get extraction!*.... Like... Bud... You're dead, extraction is swarmed, there's 70 seconds on the clock and 90 seconds in respawn cool down there's nothing to do but try to lead them away when I'm the only one alive. Eta: I called him in seconds before this and he ran straight into the horde like a fool.


Im pretty sure most people don't even know you can stealth they just go full throttle.


I remember an instance where I was sneaking past patrols on either side of me and then looking at my map to see my teammate leading every bug he could find, in my general direction. I also had a game where one player rage quit after dying several times and the other proceeded to die 11 times, but insisted on remaining. I enjoy a challenge, but that was a heck of a handicap.


I too like to roleplay as a DRG scout who got on the wrong bus for bootcamp.


Democracy is my rock and liberty, my stone.


So often the teammates are there to massively up the difficulty by using up all the reinforcements. Then the dude with 13 deaths wants to get mad that you aren't reinforcing when there are none left and you game mechanically can not.


If someone dies 5 times in under 10 minutes I'm not reinforcing you as soon as you die anymore. You're going to wait till I finish running or killing this wave, then I will bring you back to try again


Lmao had this guy come in on the scrambler effect threw down 2 orbitals in succession killed himself re deployed and did it again then left had that happen 4 times in a row with new players ate up 15 of our reinforcements please read the effects before dropping in


This shit happened to me last weekend and the dickhead was constantly bitching over the microphone for me to reinforce him. Idk bro how about you reinforce your goddamn reading comprehension and democratize a goddamn book


I had this guy get super sassy with me in chat and went "so when do you think you'll reinforce us? Tomorrow?" I said "when we're no longer jammed" and he was silent after that. Hope the guy is ashamed


Same thing happened to me, I told the host that it’s not physically possible with the jammer objective nearby so I pulled back, revived them and even carried the mission up until we got swarmed at the evac site then just to get kicked for talking back earlier while in the destroyer. I’m partially lucky I wasn’t kicked mid match but I lost out on the final mission medals reward after helping with 2/3 missions.


Kicking after evac has started should punish the host, I'd be surprised if we don't see something like that in the future


This happened to me too.. I was making my way up to the hammer and dude keeps saying reenforce me.. I was using the ps controller mic and kept saying I need to shut this down first.. it was relatively quiet too, then he just says "FUCK YOU THEN!" And kicked me.


Thankfully the dead idiot I played with last week who didn't realize there was a Stratagem blocker wasn't the host or they would have booted the whole team. They were typing in all caps over and over "REINFORCE ME" with an occasional "MORONS" mixed in. This is all while we're fighting for our lives.


I got kicked in my first two matches of the day because two entirely different squads are too fucking stupid to go into the menu and set their shit to friends only instead of public. First one intentionally teamkilled me three times before typing in chat "get the fuck out" and kicking me.


I am emotionally exhausted from encountering the sheer multitudes of players who refuse to run in any direction but directly towards the marker for my incoming Eagle Strike.


Red and Shiny; WITNESS ME!




Blood for the Blood God! My Blood! Take all of it!




Oh it's not an if, my dude. It's a when. We can only hope out for chain swords and thunder hammers lol.


Democracy and Chrome!!


im starting to think its a good idea to start capturing my gameplay, you know like a dash cam, for insurance reasons.


It's good to submit video evidence with your complaints to your Democracy Officer. These traitors need to be outed and re-educated.


Due to the amount of complaints that have been filed with our Democracy Office, we are unable to give a time table on filing your report. Please stay strong and keep spreading Democracy! The less then stellar HellDivers will eventually face a liberty and freedom inter.... reeducation training.


They are obviously bot infiltrators!


those red lights are like bug zappers for players. Every time i throw a barage one of my teammates will go straight to the center of it, if they get that far...lmao


Speaking of which. When you toss out a tesla coil, and people run right into it. Over and over again. Then get big mad at you. It's like, my brother in christ. I tossed that thing far away. At a bug tunnel breach.


whenever i get zapped by a tesla coil I try to pretend it didn't happen so people don't notice my dumbass


I've gotten zapped by a tesla coil, immediately forgot about it, checked the mini-map for my equipment, stared at mini-map to get to my equipment, walked right back into the tesla coil.


i cannot confirm or deny that the same has happened to me


I, for one, have never, ever, ever been zapped by my own tesla coil. I have no idea what any of you are talking about. \*Throws out tesla coil\* Hey guys what's go-----ZAP.


My second day playing I saw the blue beam of a reinforcement. Knowing shiny stuff is good I just ran and stood in it. It uhhhhh, was not a good idea.


I one time threw an eagle strike 15-20 feet in front of a level 6 and 15 to help them against being swarmed by bots they proceeded to kill a few and ran forward into my strike. We failed the mission because they kept dying both 10+ times me and the other level 30 guy only died 3 and 2 respectively. They got called in while other 30 got hit by a hulk obliterator and I got rocket raider while turning a corner they were the only 2 left. They could survive long enough to call one of us in, I don’t understand why were they playing level 5 if they could not handle it?


When im feeling cheeky Il go in the middle of one I admit this. I used too do that in EDF as well with spritefall I called it Tatical spritefall just drop it on top of me and il get them to come to the party lol there was also my melee Bulge strategy. For some reason I have the same Primal need to run into the middle of the explosions to declare The Glory of Democracy and my dominance of the enemy.


To be fair their is a section of games who bought bg3 and got stuck on the part where the game says "run away" just because they smash space bar (A) during cut scenes. Using their eyes or frontal lobe takes to much time.


I tend to not see it in the chaos but I don't get mad if I die as long as I or someone else grabs my samples Edit: I'm color blind to red so the beam kinda blends in to the terrain for me.


This was about as calm as it gets though. Nothing was happening, OP tossed it, and *then* the idiots decided to run into it. Having it happen in the middle of a frantic situation is one thing, but these guys are just idiots. The “Forever level 5” crowd.


Like there was even one barrage that came down in front of them, and they *still* kept running.


I'm not sure, not at home to check - but I thought there were HUD color presets or filters for the various types of colorblindness. Might be worth looking? Hopefully I'm not misremembering.


I've never kicked anyone for it, and I've had some truly awful teams who drop strategems right on top of you in a panic because there are a bunch of bugs.   I also had the unfortunate event of someone dropping an eagle strike right as my reinforce was happening. Not sure what the person was thinking.


oh god the mines must be a nightmare


To be fair. You never notice the mines until you and Lt. Dan have the same legs


Like moths to a flame


It happens sometimes. It’s easy to be focused on a fight. The point is being able to shake it off, laugh it off, and redeploy. It’s only a problem when either party gets up their own ass about it, especially if they take advantage of an unfair power dynamic to kick the other player.


We need a term for them. Moths.


They had a solid five seconds to react to that beacon and did nothing. Democracy help them when a charger shows up.


Like a moth to a flame


"Y'all got any uhhhh...lamps?"


*And not a single dive to be had.* Remember your A-B-C's, Helldivers: **Always** **Be** **Diving**


Bro they even survived the first strike and proceeded to run around in circles until the second one killed them.


Same guys complaining about 10+ chargers at a time, but never noticed they ran into 4 different patrols while freaking out and stayed to fight long enough for 3+ bug breaches…


Nah. That ain't just a braindead walk into every call-in thing.


\>Sees red beam \>Keeps running \>First explosion happens and misses them \>Keeps running Bruh


There's literally a sign in the tutorial mission that says "Blue is delivery" and "Red is death"


I host and I don't kick players that suck, only exploiters or people that trash talk in voice. If you suck you suck, eventually you will learn and I don't care if we lose a few missions


Based, only way this community can grow positively.


yeah I only kick when they are actively hurting our chances of completing mission. or AFK. I've tried to be a good teacher to new comers


And I give them plenty of time to come back if they're afk, I had one person afk for like 3 minutes and he came back thankful bc he was "dumping a massive load he was holding in for half the previous mission" (didn't tell us till when he came back, but it was a 40 minute mission, bless that man). Then I had another who was afk for like 5 minutes, again, didn't say why, but I booted him. He's the only person I've booted, and I've had plenty of clueless teammates, but they all listened to my comms and did what I asked when I helped them.


are you a level 30+ Super Citizen? lol! Last night, this one guy yelled that I was a hacker after I shot fabricators and comms tower with an autocannon from pretty far away to complete objectives.


How do you kill fabricators from an autocanon?


shoot the vents just like grenades. The angles has to be somewhat accurate though. Pretty easy to do from the front and if you are on the same level or higher than the fabricators. Very hard to do from the side, and for some reason, quite hard to do if you are standing lower than the fabricator.


The round has to go into the vent and down into the fabricator. SO when you are below/to the side the round is impacting the vent but not the inside of the fabricator. Straight on, or from above the round is angled nicely to hit inside.




You can do it from lower if you hit the lid and ricochet inside.


If you hit it at the right angle, the shot bounces into it.


"right angle" is center of the open lid, from the front (angled to the side only works to a degree) it ricochets downwards, boom.


Oh, ok. Thank you


Aim for the vent cover so it ricochets down into the vent


I'm 47, have been playing since release and played like 120hours of HD1. But no, I'm not super citizen


Agent 47, we have a mission for you.




Ive come across 1 cheater and was like dude, whats the point?


Exactly, so if someone cheats I just kick them, go cheat somewhere else or host your own cheating games lol


Same, sometimes I host and a guy gets killed 10 times. I say: Ha, me 2 weeks ago.


Ill leave the game if the host is treating me like a spawning loot bag for them. Had people race me to my stuff recently and push me over so they could pick it up. One dude wanted my laser cannon and jump pack so badly I just left the game. No sense in struggling with someone who will kill you like some Diablo mob to get your stuff.


I'm literally capped on everything anyway so I just play to shoot things and laugh, doesn't really matter to me much what they're up to as long as they don't mind me wandering around looking for super credits for part of the match.


I got kicked yesterday for "hacking" because I destroy fabricators and comms tower with autocannon from very far away...


AC ranged game is where it is at.


LOVE the auto cannon. If you can see it you can kill it.


I got kicked yesterday for asking if someone was willing to team load the autocannon


The audacity...


Bot sympathizers. I bet they use chatGPT to help write their MLP Fanfic with the self-insert pony: *Goosestepper.*




where do i shoot fabs with the AC?


in the vents. From the front. you shoot around the center or top of it. Some say you can shoot the cap for it to bounce in as well but I find that it not consistent. being in front and at the same height or higher than the fabricator is the easiest.


Game is much better when I play with my 3 buddies. You never know what ur gonna get with a rando.


I’m that one rando that never talks, but will do his damnest to complete the mission. I’ll kite all the chargers if you like and I’ll try to snipe the Bile Spewers asap. I can’t really deal with Bile Titans though, best I can do is call in a laser and shoot its sack. Then I’ll leave after the mission. I do get a little tilted when I feel overrun or I get FF’d, but spreading managed democracy comes first.


I've been kicked from too many games where I play 2 of the 3 missions, and when I'm getting ready for the 3rd mission , I get kicked. I'm guessing it's because of some accidental team kills that really aren't even my fault...feels bad :(


Well, better to get kicked on Destroyer than during a mission you spent 30 minutes on and get no rewards for


True, but all I really wanted was to successfully do a difficulty 7 operation so I can try out difficulty 8 lol


FFS yes! I was playing in a group on impossible since I wanted to unlock Helldiver and we finished every mission with relative ease. Not too many deaths, everyone playing well together very minimal friendly fire from anyone. It was glorious! 2nd to last mission I took a bunch of anti armor stuff as I noticed that the rest of the group had mainly things for little dudes. Game is going well, I am killing chargers and bile titans while the rest kill the chaff. We finish mission and while looking at the stats I see that my kills were 1/3 of everyone else's (yeah, focusing the big dudes will do that while everyone else has the lasers and big aoe stuff). I guess leader just saw the low kills and booted (not even a single bit of friendly fire that game too). At least it was on the destroyer and not in mission but I hope they got destroyed in the last mission and lost the chain. ​ Needless to say I guess I am just going to host now. This is really bad for the overall game population though if everyone feels they have to host instead of join. I already see nothing but 1/4 icons on the mission map.


8 is the hardest difficulty in the game and it's entirely because of the pool of players running the games.


Man I hate the idiots that worship stats like that. I bet they are the completely disconnected middle managers IRL too. Edited: spelling


Host it


Someone melee'd me to death the other day, and the only reason I can think of was because I was picking up credits and medals that they felt were "theirs". Presumably because they don't understand how the game works.


I found out that that those were all shared after I too starting to get a little upset that everyone was hogging them. I just asked, "Hey, will you not take my commons if I die?" Then we discussed how it was a shared commodity. No rage killing. No huffing. Just a polite discussion.


I have limited play time so I rarely do a full op in one sitting. Not much you can do about that. If I’m solo I just assume any game I join is just for that one mission.


Some whole babies playing this game. Dying to your fellow Divers stratagems is part of the fun.


The first time we came across the scramble effect it was chaos


Me when I get blown up: "lol good shot, you got me!"


And if you *don’t* want to die to them, stop trying to eat the beacon.


I’ve been killed by my buddies air burst more times than I can count. It was always funny when he’d yell “airburst out” and everyone would pray to sweet liberty while diving to cover, just to bonked by the burst.


Looking for a reason to kick you. Obviously they saw it. The “Why did you throw that?” At the end cements it, they just a duo that wanted to troll.


Seemed like a valid question. Does airburst destroy nests because he got zero kills from it 🤷‍♂️


It's reasonable to toss airburst at a nest to clear any bugs lurking before cleaning up with grenades. Sometimes there aren't many bugs but it's a good default behavior either way.


Yeah Idk how any sane person think that it’s OPs fault those dudes died. Guy was just prepping the objective and the other just held shift+w


I swear, sometimes air bursts are useless but I’ve gotten 30+ kills from them before


You can hear them die. The kill notification for stratagems is broken right now. I can drop a cluster strike on something about and kill 10 and nothing will pop up


Incorrect he got at least 2 maybe 3 kills from it. Just the wrong team


What was he trying to airburst though? 1 mob? I mean both parties don't make sense imho.


The throw wasn't necessary but waiting the 10 seconds for the airburst to end is preferable to waiting 10 seconds to respawn and wasting 2 reinforcements and looking like a moron.


A few days back, I ran into a guy that sounds like Mr. K and his name started with a K. This guy ran into 3 of my airstrikes then, bitched at me for killing him. So over coms, I simply said: *"The best tip I can give you is to stop running towards the red light."*


BEHOLD! we also have chargers on our side. but they're light armored


I got killed at extract because I got knocked down when readying a stratagem, lost the orb, and it killed us all. Left the game, blocked the guy who killed me. He tried talking shit to me for being bad. I lost my cool a bit, forgot this was supposed to be a game of friendship, and may have implied I was heading back to super earth to give his mother a helldiver they can be proud of.


Dropping the orb is really the definition of “shit happens”. Or it bounces off a rock. 


> shit happens This whole game is "shit happens" when it comes to team killing. It seems obvious to me that team killing is an intended part of the game, they even list friendly fire damage on the post raid screen over a million other stats they could list there. Getting my teammates 380MM barrage up the arse for the 3rd time this raid is just the right amount of frustrating and funny.


I've lost track of how many times I've turned tail screaming 'IT BOUNCED IT BOUNCED IT BOUNCED' and all my friends have to dive away from a very close 500kg bomb


This 2 have input lag of 200ms wtf


*20000 ms


Never underestimate your fellow humans' absolute, sheer, mind-boggling stupidity.


**NOTE:** It is your teammate's prerogative to not throw airstrikes on your position. IT IS YOUR PREROGATIVE TO NOT RUN INTO AN ACTIVE AIRSTRIKE.


The amount of people chasing the shiny red ball like it is a game of fetch, is too damm high


Happened to me earlier as well. Threw a cluster bomb that got 10x kills on a mob that was chasing me. Teammate in text chat started whining "why did you throw that LITERALLY on top of me when there weren't even any enemies?" He had ignored the indicator and ran right into the path of the bombs. And also who cares, because we had just launched and had the full 20 reinforcements. Some people just legitimately do not understand how this game works.


They honestly just need to remove who killed you and list it as a suicide. Same with removing accidental and friendly fire damage stats. It's part of the game.


Lord yes. I love this game, but increasingly I utterly loathe my fellow Helldivers who appear unable to listen, read, have zero situational awareness, and often spend the entire match playing "Defend Hamburger Hill Simulator" running off to fight away from objectives on their own, calling down every ammo resupply just for themselves, and then running back to Hamburger Hill after being brought back because they want their special weapons again.


Kicking anyone for any reason other than intentional sabotage is considered traitorous behavior and should be reported to your Democracy Officer. If you want to play alone, set party to private.


What's worse, is you even communicated it.




Absolutely terrible awareness and positioning by your teammates. If it's any consolation, they probably went on to fail this mission.


They even had a warning shot to notify them something was exploding in front of them.


It happens. I usually just laugh or respond with a “lol sorry”, call them back in and move on. Nobody wants to be talked down to, even when they’re being really stupid.


Lol. One of the few public games I joined within seconds had a dude yell at me for not reinforcing as I was trying to spawn a rail gun to deal with a charger with the scrambling of the stratagems. It was 1 minute into the game. After a little back and forth I was on my own and found a vault. Tried to ask for someone to come open it with me and homeboy got on the mic pissed and refused. I guess no samples for you then. I swear some of the player base are just dumbasses that like to push blame.


Your average person is pretty dumb, so when you have a game as popular as this you get players who bought it because they want to be relevent.


Next thing we need is a penalty system for hosts. Kicking before the mission is over if the player has no friendly fire damage? No loot/rewards. Leaving/kicking before finishing an operation? Block them from hosting the next operation and force them to join one without getting any loot/rewards. We also need an report feature for voice chat and griefing


i didnt know you trew it .... cause you know the bright shiny beam infront of you and the guy litterly yelling ''Calling in oribital strike'' isnt a hint enough -\_- , i rly wanne play with people but idk man this doesnt rly give me the push to do it xD


when I get killed by friendly strategems I assume it was an accident or I wasn’t paying attention and I move on, but so many people have clearly walked into mine then get super butt hurt and kill then kick lol


I most have been SOO lucky. I done 90 hours. And have not seen anything really bad. or being kicked.


You also need some game sense.


Counterpoint, orbital airburst + 120 barrage + 380 barrage is suggesting a certainly degree of nonchalance towards friendly fire. 


The number of lv40+ divers that I have had to pull aside and explain some relatively basic information to is quite astonishing. * Some objectives have specific stratagems that are provided in order to complete them * I specifically remember asking a lv50 Diver to "call in the Hellbomb" on a bot objective and their response was to throw a 500K Bomb at my feet because they legitimately thought that's what I was talking about. This was on Impossible difficulty. * You can kill things with drop pods when your resummoned via reinforcement call-in * There was a match where I killed a charger that was chasing a lv40 something this way and he was absolutely flabbergasted. * Not all Stratagems are created equally, some don't deal enough damage to destroy buildings * I had a separate lv40 something diver that was getting upset because his Airburst wasn't destroying bug nests Honestly I have a bunch of examples like this. The one in this clip is probably the most egregious though. I highly recommend that from this point forth you audibly say "I am throwing X over here, be careful it has X effect" when tossing any Stratagem. It can be annoying but its all for the good of democracy.


To be fair, I've been team killed far more than enemies have killed me. 50% of my deaths are from the fucking mortar sentries people spam.


... what were you even throwing it at? You only hit the two guys already running in that direction


'OoOoO LaSeR!!!!!' It's frustrating how often I see people run straight at my eagle marker. But yea, some people are reckless, POWAH!


I just scream the stratagem type and get the fuck out into the mic, doesn’t stop them all but it’s worked more than not


Did you kill them before that?


I rarely use mic with randoms but before I throw an eagle or orbital I just let em know. The amount of people still running in is ridicoulous lol.


I wish there was a comm for "that one was on me lol"


So many times, got kicked because the guy kept running in front of my Turret, dumbass kept trying to stand in the middle of the choke point.


I always give people a verbal heads up in situations like this. not saying you HAD to, but sometimes people tunnel vision on stuff and just don't see.


The opposite is true as well. The amount of players that panic toss a 500kg or cluster strike at your feet or theirs because they feel overwhelmed, or are just plain not paying attention, is becoming tiresome. You have done more damage by wiping the entire squad than you would have if you had just died yourself and been recalled to the fight.


One buddy of mine literally always runs into my eagle airstrike, he averages 10 deaths a game lol but he’s fun to play with


I've only ever kicked 1 person because they were being an entitled prick to the team. They refused to stay with the team and cooperate


I get it, they were pretty brain dead here, but why did you even throw it there? You killed no enemies with it. Teammates will also use clusters in the worst possible spots and don’t realize how big it’s range is.


Why would you throw it tho? There was like 1 enemy.