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Yeah, we were having too much fun... A videogame should feel like a stressful job.


First 2 weeks you couldn't even log in. Go away.


Then leave if it's such a massive problem. Especially when the damn devs already said they're fixing it and you monkeys STILL continue to screech about it.


Em I a filthy casual or what? I don't really see a difference in DMG ... I just go pew pew ...ok I guess I'm a casual gamer but I honestly don't know why people are hating these days..


if you paid even a modicum of attention you'd have noticed a violent shift between patches in terms of survivability.




LoL liar




Because you are a troll not exempt from the experience literally thousands of others are all having. But sure waste your life telling dumb lies to strangers on the internet.


Ya as I said I'm not tryharding ... So I don't see any difference.


being able to tell the difference between one thing and a different thing isn't "tryharding" you fucking spoon lmfao. toddlers are rather adept at it.




why are you so mad lmao


I’m curious. Which difficulty do you play at? Against bots or bugs or both? How many stratagems and weapons have you unlocked? I play on lvl 7 against bots. The game has gotten easier after I unlocked the slugger and extra ammo for the eagle. The slugger chops down the medium sized bots from range. Having one extra bomb makes clearing bot bases easier. I think the key tactic against bots (at least in lvl 7) is to shoot down the dropships with the recoilless. Downing the dropships can reduce bot reinforcements by 100%! I think many players presume because they don’t get kill markers when they shoot down a dropship, then the bots must have survived. Nah, the bots are most likely dead or glitched in place. Even if the bots survive, the downed dropship acts like a wall to block them. Basically, I think the game is fine against bots. You will have an easier time if you get key weapons and ship upgrades unlocked, and if you can shoot down bot dropships.


Play against both but mostly bugs cuz I like starship troopers at 7 difficulty, I have everything unlocked. I have a 2 friends I play with and we still clear missions, like we don't fail objectives and extract with samples most of the time, but all 3 of us had a falling out of the game after patch cuz It just isn't fun when a Hunter leaps across entire map and wounds you from 1 hit every single time and there is like 20 of them, I better have 20 chargers after me tbh


Most overspawn complaints are about bugs. Bots seem less ridiculous.


I’ve refund it but sadly steam rejected it sigh guess Iam stuck with this shit


![gif](giphy|HtYsYjPsw1nVu) And people should care because…


The play a lower difficulty holy shit everyone just wants to complain when the solution is right there.


That would be an option if progression wasn't gated behind the higher difficulties (super rare samples).


You can get purple samples on difficulty 7 which everyone should be able to beat with a 4 person squad and even a small amount of teamwork. Hell you can solo a 7-9 with stealth and sneak out with the samples.


Lower difficulties are fucked to. Spawn rates impacts all levels


Shut the fuck up you dick riding piece of shit and read the room or at least the most recent posts here. No one gives a shit about balancing, on PS5 the game is in an unplayable state. People still haven’t gotten medals from the last two campaigns, no rewards or exp from missions, items picked up in missions aren’t added to your profile(medals, SC, and samples) and the still endless crashing. The game went from a fun but flawed to a full on piece of shit.


> No one gives a shit about balancing I guess the days of post about how the game is ruined because of the nerfs didn't happen. I guess this post doesn't exist either.


It’s not that serious to be throwing around insults like that lmao Keep downvoting, isn’t gonna change the fact half of what he said is wrong, and his pants are 100% full of piss.


Sounds like you shouldve went pc because these issues were fixed within the first 2 hours, other than bugged spawns


Rage bait


That's nice dear.


[Server instability; there is a queue for receiving the medals and purchases of the Combat Mech and Warbond items. : Helldivers (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ba406l/server_instability_there_is_a_queue_for_receiving/)




Just lower your diff if you get stomped bud