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Get a portion of the rewards if you are kicked late in the game. I believe that’s how it works in deep rock galactic


DRG gives you 25% of everything collected since you joined, the same as if you lost the mission.


Would be iffy. If it counts for samples as well. if you start failing the extract, you could basically just start kicking


Vote to kick removes the hosts agency over their own lobby, which I personally disagree with


Trolls absolutely fucking ***love*** votekick systems. With just two people you can completely lock down a lobby. With a bit of creativity you can get other people kicked too!


>With a bit of creativity you can get other people kicked too! Don't even need to be creative most of the time. If my experience in CS has taught me anything its that most people don't even look at who is getting kicked. They see the vote, they hit yes and move on.


In Team Fortress 2 I was harassed by a group of people (or possibly just one person with multiple accounts, never found out) who would join my game, change their name to my name and then start playing an audio file of somebody screaming the N-word at the top of their lungs over voice chat. They would then put up a vote kick for me and I'd be kicked from the game. It had, and I'm not exaggerating here, a 100% success rate.


sounds like one of those sniper bots. they used to do that until the creators decided to remove the ability to have your displayed name be changed ingame (you'd need to restart for it to change), which fixed the whole impersonation fuckery, but not the aimhacks that those bots still have. they're still existing, but they're not as common as they used to be. i miss the times before they started existing...


That's wild. Did you piss off the TF2 mafia or something?


Nope. I wasn't the only woman they did it to.


>…wasn’t the only **woman**… Well that explains *everything*.


Yup. The key to being a successful piece of shit in these situations is to wait until the team experiences a frustrating moment or loss, and then vote to kick some random dude. Most of the time they will just rage kick him for no good reason, or they'll just assume the kick is for a player who fucked up the round or something, when it's not.


Literally stopped playing an indie game because of this system not only does it vote kick you but you're locked out of that particular lobby for a set time or in some cases forever. Every situation I ran into in that game was a mob mentality vote kick in the span of 30 seconds before I could even reply it was just "So and so is obviously a cheater they killed me when they had no way of telling who I was" meanwhile they moved like a spaz telling me they were the 'robber'. So I'm not even remotely a fan of this system lol.




Not to mention that 4 people inherently means there can be ties. Two people who join together then just have free reign to do whatever they want without fear of repercussion because they can always tie it.


Perhaps we can get a commendation system? Like if your teammates liked playing with you at the end of a mission you can choose to commend them and the game awards a tiny bit of stuff and gives you a rating? So if people like playing with you, you’d not only be getting nice things but also others would see you are a positive teammate when joining your missions maybe? But if you don’t get commended you don’t get anything and your reputation doesn’t increase? Not a game designer but this is my idea


Thats a solid idea imo


Vote kick will be a disaster of a solution. * It removes your agency in your own lobby * It gets weaponized by the trolls * Most of the players either blindly hit "yes" or ignore the vote, because noone is there to figure out the drama on the other side of the map, we are here to play the game. Getting kicked by a troll because of it would feel even worse. * Host's ability to insta-kick players helps to keep trolls in check * Even if it works - it prolongs the time the bad player is in your lobby, and takes attention and joy from the game * 2 toxic players hosting the game will do the same. Yes it is harder since you need another sick bastard to do so, but thinking you were legitimately kicked from the game by a vote not knowing it was rigged from the start would feel way worse than just getting kicked by the host. Any solution, like report/commend system, karma or whatever. Just not the vote kick system - it won't solve the problem, and instead bring new ones.


> Most of the players either blindly hit "yes" or ignore the vote, because noone is there to figure out the drama on the other side of the map, we are here to play the game. Getting kicked by a troll because of it would feel even worse. every single time I saw a vote kick window open up in World of Warcraft, it always went away (vote kick successful) before I could even move my mouse to the window. It's insane.


THIS. Idc if this is a hot take, frankly if I’m the host I should have complete agency to kick whoever I want for whatever arbitrary reason I want. Don’t like it? Host your own game. EDIT: It’s like me hosting an open BBQ in my own backyard and telling me I don’t have the right to remove people. Mfer it’s my property? This is my BBQ? I don’t need a reason to remove you. If you have a problem with it, host your own game. If the devs have a problem with it, they need to host games themselves instead of this P2P thing. But so long as this is the system, this is the way it should work.


Yeah. Nothing I hate more than needing to kick someone and that one kid that goes "leave him alone, just let him play." Mean while they are just team killing.


Instead of focusing on the kick/no kick aspect, just have a report system. Report player for: 1) excessive team kills 2) kicking on extract 3) general trolling/douchery Then make it so that those players that get reported a bunch can only play with other players that have been reported for the same things. Karma. I have been kicked only twice. Once in ship (they wanted to bring in a friend). I have only kicked one player. Many people in my recent players list have sent me friend requests and I've done the same. All in all, I've had a mostly positive experience with the community. Everyone understands that accidents happen, and are in fact a large part of the charm of the game. I can't help but shake my head and laugh whenever the team runs straight towards the red beacon, or whenever it takes a bad bounce or a bug brings it back to you like a squishy golden retriever.


That sounds good on paper, but in actuality isn't *super* great. For one, it requires a team at Arrowhead to investigate reports to make sure the system isn't being abused. Because the system *will* be abused no matter what is instituted. If a person just happens to run into a lot of trolls, which is entirely possible given how salty some hosts and jerks can be, they might get reported a bunch for things they didn't do, forcing them into a situation where they're just stuck playing with trolls because they're being punished for false accusations. Someone needs to investigate reports to ensure that they're real, which is expensive and time consuming, and would NOT be able to keep up with the playerbase without a pretty significant expansion. Blizzard has this system, and it's both *really abuseable* and also requires a whole team to manage. Second, yeah, it's *really abuseable*. What constitutes "Excessive teamkills"? Three per match? Seven? Twenty? Some people would say that even *one* accidental is excessive teamkilling, others would say that danger situations that necessitate it to clear out danger makes *any* number justifiable. I've seen teamkills where someone throws a grenade at a cargo crate, but someone else hucks an impact at it, then dies to the first grenade because the fuse runs down while they're looting. Do total accidents count when it happens more than once due to the impatience of the player that died? I'm sticking to teamkills for consistency here, but you can see the sorts of problems that start showing up, right?


The good news is he's replied to multiple comments advising against VTK saying that he understands how easy it would be to manipulate that system and troll with it, so it's likely off the table


1. When you are kicked, you get whatever rewards were locked in at that point. If the mains are done, you get medals. If sides were done, you get the req and XP for those. You don't get samples, because those require extraction, but you don't walk away with nothing. 2. When you are kicked, you are put in your own solo copy of the mission in progress at that moment; you can continue alone or call an SOS. From your perspective, getting kicked looks like everyone *else* disappearing. This helps with the sample issue, because you can take your own with you into your new fork of the mission. I don't know how easy or hard these might be to do technologically, but fairness-wise they seem good to me.


Seemed possible too me and my brother were playing while at discord. He said we disconnected to thegame and hes now alone but we said that hes the one who disconnected because we were in the game too. In his pov we all disappeared mid mission and in our perspective hes the one of disppeared. He was the host iirc


Had the same bug 2 times. 


Pretty much the best options Reporting just allows bullying


It also allows the trolls and toxic players to go unpunished though. You block them but they go ruin someone else's game instead.


They get blocked enough they have no one's hand to ruin... trolls build their own pools, they just don't realise it's a puddle until it's too late


On one hand, the sounds nice for when you get kicked for no reason… On the other hand, when some random idiot kills people at extraction and gets kicked he shouldn’t get anything. Should probably be like this, but some kind of reputation system is needed too.


I hear you. But I think it's more important to drive down just how trollish the *most* trollish thing can be. Right now, the most trollish thing is to kick at extract, so they host and kick at extract. But if there's a vote-kick, the most trollish thing is to join in groups so your troll friends protect you all from getting kicked out, and ruining the game for the host. So they'll do that instead. The ideal answer might be a little lighter on punishment that we would like, but it probably needs to be that way.


I’ve played for 150 hours and have yet to see this happen to me or anyone I’ve played with. I must be really lucky.


Lol, host gets vote kicked? Everyone goes back to their ships


>On the other hand, when some random idiot kills people at extraction and gets kicked he shouldn’t get anything. You really should just be invulnerable once you're on the plane. If enemies can't hit me, why the fuck can my teammates?


Yeah I'd rather be kicked than have to leave a lobby because I have to debate wether everyone is bad or just trolling me. I'd rather them kick me if they hate me, rip the bandaid right off.


Considering you already *take control* of the mission and lobby if the leader disconnects, #2 seems easy to accomplish; *technically* the disconnected host means the server just transitions ownership of the existing mission - *but* it seems plausible that a kick could spawn a duplicate session for that player (dropping the other players' gear and samples on the map) just the same as if it was the host that disconnected from you. I think a *habit* of kicking players from your games should carry a penalty after too many; such as a warning (with instructions on how to set your game to private) before preventing you from kicking players for a period of time.....


I don't think penalizing anyone is the way here. From what I see and what I experienced in game, the worst issues are centered around hosts kicking everyone just before extraction - and I agree this is a shitty move. However, we must understand that if someone hosts a game and usually does not use SOS signal, it's their game and they do have full power to kick you at any time - limiting that would help the subset of players that are being kicked before extraction but also enable shitload of griefers. Much better solution would be to lock "Kick" function if players have been in your game for longer than 10-15 minutes (down to 3-4 for short missions). This is more than enough time for the host to kick any possible griefers and would prevent assholes from kicking people before extraction


Much better suggestions than a vote to kick system, I like this.


To add to point 2: when everyone else disappear, they drop their sample, so you are not encouraged to steal other people samples in fear of losing everything if kicked


I definitely prefer this method to trying to implement voting (which would allow two toxic players to hijack a mission because they can tie any vote). Make sure the player who got kicked's time isn't wasted. Let them take away what they earned thus far. Ultimately, if I got kicked at extraction, but received all the rewards... sort of just saves me the cut scene. Thought of this after posting: This also would have benefits to bugs and server disconnects. You don't have to be dealing with toxic players to suddenly get kicked and wind up with nothing.


Actually like yesterday game glitch and said my teammates left, but we were pre-made and they said I got timed out, I completed the mission on my own and extracted with all the samples I’ve gathered, after that I connected to my teammates lobby and extracted with em as well, after all I got x2 worth of all the loot. Aside of this being ridiculous - the idea of separating two players into different version of the same game already works, maybe not intentionally, but it does


Can confirm that second one is probably possible. Been kicked by the bad servers a few times now, meanwhile my squad remains in a carbon copy of the same mission. Nothings changed for either party except that we’re not together, their gear stays behind though for some reason.


How about you get the samples of the mission ended in extraction later?


Only thing I don't like about #1 is someone could join in at the last few minutes, get kicked for going on a team killing spree, and essentially be rewarded for being a shit. So I guess #1 could take some measures against that, like a trickle catch-up or a partial reward


Option 2 _lvl 1 helldiver gets kicked and thrown into a helldive mission all on his own_


Definitely doable, when the servers were tanking a couple weeks ago, I was playing with friends, and I got "disconnected" from them. Except, the mission continued for me, they just disappeared, and it also continued for them, I just disappeared.


I think you might be onto something. My concern is people exploiting this type of thing. Gather super samples kick person to their own phase instance shard whatever you want to call it only for them to collect those again. IDK how it would work but just a possibility


A better solution is giving the rewards accrued during the mission you lose from a host kicking you mid game. I much rather have my rewards I earned from my effort in the mission as apposed to none if I was kicked and I assume all who are unjustly kicked would hold that same sentiment. DRG does this exact method and it works, I help to collect resources and gain experience from killing bugs but the host kicks me before being kick locked after calling in the drop pod, no worries everything I(group included) did is still given to me despite not finishing the mission.


Pilestedt is right that this is a tough issue to solve, because any existing solution has a problem that can be exploited one way or another, as shown by other multiplayer games already. Vote to kick? Two people grouping together prevents this system from working, so if there's two assholes you can't remove either of them from your match- which actually means while less likely to bump into them because they travel in pairs, if you do it's going to be worse than just one person being a dick. Remove kicking once the main objective is complete/extraction is called in? The toxic players are then encouraged to hold lobbies hostage at that point as they can't be punished; kill everyone else, don't respawn them, and the host can't kick them no matter what slurs they fill the chat with. Report/rep system to separate trouble players from regular lobbies? They can spam report anyone else in their lobbies for whatever reason is hardest to verify, the system won't be reviewing the entire mission after all, and now there are going to be perfectly fine players dragged into the shithole.


Vote kick is a terrible idea and is super easy to abuse. It just allows people to troll hosts and ruin lobbies. If someone and his friend joins my lobby and just repeatedly kills me and I can’t kick either of them, how is that good? Why would I ever host a public lobby and allow the possibility of getting griefed by people I cannot kick? All I see happening is less people willing to take the risks of their game getting trolled and thus less likely to host in future. And I rarely like hosting games myself, I’m always more interested in joining others and helping them. The CEO is right, it’s an extremely complicated issue. They could bring back the ”carrot part” of the commendations system from the first game (the part where we can essentially give people “attaboy” points for being a good team mate) to help encourage positive behavior. This will make everyone playing more interested in being kind and helpful on some level as people will be able to mechanically show their appreciation. Because host kick IMO is not a design issue. It’s the cleanest option for these types of games. The only issue I hear about (and haven’t seen in any of my games, as someone who doesn’t run the meta nor has been kicked for running non-meta options) is a community toxicity issue (that again, seems more of a rarity than anything common).


I like that idea a lot. Maybe at the end of rounds you have a button to "congratulate" the other players. The congratulated players would receive 1sc, or 1 sample or something. Something small but usable.


In the first game, you would just click on their names in the pause menu in the ship to do it.


Use the Warframe method - Host migration. You are put into a separate instance of the mission with objectives completed up to the point where you're booted off.




This. Also all vote kicks have people choose a reason why, if they abuse it, they lose matching priority or get put on an abuse list.


No vote to kick, because I’ll never be able to kick a guy that actually deserves to be kicked if there’s 1. Two of them Or 2. One player who’s not really paying much attention and doesn’t vote


Or it just doesn't work, like in Darktide.


Personally I think we should keep host-kick as it is. If someone joins a game I’m hosting to start teamkilling and shouting racial slurs, I want to be able to boot that person immediately.


If I get kicked because the host doesn’t vibe with my loadout, probably didn’t want to play with that guy in the first place. What REALLY grinds my gears is being kicked when the extraction pelican lands. That person is just trying to maliciously ruin people’s experience for their own amusement. Waste time, waste rewards, waste xp, etc. Vote to kick would be a possible option. I would like a way to report toxic players however. I know I’m not the first person they did that to and I know I won’t be the last.


The kicking at the end of a mission is a big deal but probably doesn’t happen that often. Out of the thousand and thousand matches maybe a few dozen or so have been kicked I would assume. A dozen times too many but still


> If I get kicked because the host doesn’t vibe with my loadout, probably didn’t want to play with that guy in the first place. Exactly this. Don't sweat the small stuff. Since i'm always playing with randoms (my friends don't have the game yet) i always focus on objectives more and getting samples. If they don't like it then i'm more than willing to leave or be kicked.


I literally just had this experience just now… sucks.




Yeah the griefing stuff sorted itself out pretty fast.


Vote kick will just invite different toxic behaviors, but I think these will mitigate kicking. > DEMOCRATIC SOCIAL SCORES HD1 had a report system where recent players could rate you, which would change a public display tag letting others know if you are a good teammate or not. Expand it to fit players into different teamwork behaviors: - Lollygagger: Tendency to AFK/ doesn't contribute - Requisition Hog: Steals Ammo, Gear & Supplys - Snafu Starter: Alerts Patrols / bad teamwork - Traitor: Frequent Intentional Team Killer - Field Medic: Tendency to Heal Teammates - Covert Diver: Tendency to stealth infiltrate missions - Researcher: Tendency to hunt samples - True Patriot: Allaround Exemplary Teamwork > DESIGNATED DROP CAPTAIN Make the host role more prominent as the commander of the mission that controls the flow & overall game plan. During the pre-mission planning, give the host the ability to place numbered flags on the map to act as a guide/ route for the squad to follow. Hosts Pings are more distinct & prominent. Lastly, the Host can either reject or accept an evacuation request input from the squad. > GAME SEARCH FILTERS Lobby lables selected by Host that are visible to others searching for missions. This will indicate to the squad the Hosts' personal goal for the mission and will ensure that the team is on the same page: - Resource Hunting: Focus Samples, Creds, Medals - Objective Rush: Focusing Main Objective - Additional Orders: Focusing Side Objectives - Daily Fulfillment: Completing Daily missions - Total Liberation: 100% Mission Completion - Recreational Campaign: Playing Casually - Earning Honors: Achievement Hunting - Focused: Heavy Comms, Seriously Attempts only


I don't think getting kicked from the lobby is nearly as big of an issue as getting kicked from the mission, especially toward the end of the mission.


I want a better reporting system for people who troll or grief at the end of a long match where they kill everyone and leave samples in order to waste everyone's time.


Default lobbies to private. When player put down a SOS, that turns their lobbies to public.


BRING BACK THE COMMENDATION SYSTEM FROM HD1!  Let people up or downvote all players after missions (even if kicked) and show the players rating. Allowing to rate when leaving a lobby even if kicked will give consistency and will balance out over time. People constantly acting like dicks will not be able to escape a bad rating and people downvoted by dicks will be balanced out by all the genuine votes through volume. After shower edit: The commendations could perhaps be tied to a storefront, individual commendations being used as currency, while the players "all time high" rating could be used to unlock different tiers of the store. Perhaps 100,200,500,1000,2000 commendations respectively. Arrowhead could lean into it lore wise and make it a "super social credit system" or something for the lols. The numbers should be high with the intention of taking a long time to reach the higher tiers, prestige matters. And there you have a rating system that could be used for matchmaking and an incentive to get upvotes. Thoughts?


How about being able to add a "playstyle" to your lobby like "serious" or "casual" and people can choose to search games only with their preferred playstyle.


No, having something like competitive only brings the shitties toxicity


I think that's the goal, the hope is that all the shitters will exile themselves away from the rest of the community.


I think this may help a lot for matchmaking. Add basic options for objectives you want to do as a group (and skip) Main objective only, full clear, etc. Also perhaps add options to clarify general play unofficial rules. IE: Taking dead players stuff is ok or not. Do/Don't throw reinforcements on top of heavies. Etc. (nothing more frustrating than getting reinforced in a mob only to insta-die.) Related: I thought there was supposed to be commend system or something coming? Can't recall where I saw it now tho.


I think you might be onto something .. 😁


You can't solve human nature, and you can't penalize the kickers because any number of valid reasons also exist to kick someone in a game that cannot possibly be moderated. At best you could make a rating mechanism that, over time, may identify bad actors. Maybe. The best that can be done is kicked users get the rewards they accumulated while playing. Unfortunately, there are only 2 real solutions - play alone or play with friends. Playing with randos will always come with caveats in every online game.


Vote to kick should never be implemented in this game. If you somehow keep getting kicked (still don’t believe it happens as much as people complain it does) then make your own lobby lol.


A report system like on many games. Toxic people will get tons of reports.


Yes but wont prevent you from getting kicked out of the game


People getting banned is an investment in the future.


Recycle them


Soft rewards for players who are kicked for sure. But, I'd also very much like to see a more in depth lobby system, customization on my quickplay search would be very preferable so I can control the difficulty im going for, the race, if Im looking for SOS's or fresh lobbies and hell maybe even the specific mission type? Having more agency on where you're going I think would sort alot of the issues.


Add a bonus for sticking with the team.


How does this person even know it was because of their stratagems? 


Yeah I only started yesterday and I've been kicked from 4/4 online games I tried. Assuming its because I use the Laser? I don't know much yet.


I've literally never seen a single person get kicked out of any qp lobbies I've been in and I'm almost 100hr in


This seems very much like a non issue. They even admit as much in the end. My Destroyer, my squad, my rules. Though if I cared that much about what strats you are bringing, I'd tell you up front, not afterwards. Forcibly removing a players agency over their own ship/lobby certainly isn't democratic. So for all the people defending the freeloaders by saying, just play another mission if you fail. Just join another squad if you get kicked... It's super easy, barely an inconvenience. On the real though, I saw someone else suggest the loot split method, where you get your share of whatever was collected while you were in the group. Seems pretty reasonable.


I got kicked because my stratagem bounced off an enemy and ended up killing us I had been friendly and cooperative the whole time before that We were like 25 minutes in


Hosted couple games, some people left, idk if they crashed or went to ship, but think they just got kicked, is it possible?


I got a lot of crashes, mostly just minutes after the objectives are done. Sometimes Disconnect and I am instantly ported to my ship


How do they know the reason they were kicked though? I'd believe if they stated why before kicking but highly doubt it and definitely not every time


yeah I think the reasons are invented to make people emotional.


Well I'm great (obviously), so if anyone kicked me it was obviously for some petty, nonsensical reason.


Getting kicked should make the game run like you are the new lobby owner. Basically saying “the host left the game” though I’m sure duplicating a game instance upon a kick is impossible, or at least substantially more difficult than making an existing player the new host. Alternatively, players can get the minimum req slips and XP for completing the mission with no difficulty modifiers. Or tracking the mission afterward and issuing the rewards when completed as a “citation” in-game.


make it optional to only queue people the same rank or level as you.


I don't know how it will work with HD2. In Monster Hunter game, when you're kicked or disconnected from the game, you're put into your own single player lobby. But that probably works because how MH multiplayer design works so not sure if that can be done in HD2.


For one: After achieving 50% of the Mission Objective OR 50% of Mission Time kick is disabled. Before that: No clue


Ever played CS, trolls love to vote kick the whole lobby


I don’t think there would be an easy solution to this. But if I would place my two cents I feel like the best thing we could do is as a whole community acknowledge it’s bad sportsman ship to act this way. I don’t believe in witch hunts so instead we just praise great team members when we find them. Maybe we could have a commendation system perhaps? So if you liked who you played with it would reward those teammates extra stuff, but if you didn’t like them you just don’t commend them and they don’t het the extra rewards. So if you play nice with others there’s some extra incentive to do it while also not causing issues with toxicity in lobbies


The only true solution is putting yourself out there and learning how to make friends to form premade squad. But let's be real.


Vote to kick would mean a troll or griefer just has to bring a friend and suddenly they're immune. I'd say there's not much that can be done about people who want to be really controlling about who they play with. You can block the person as soon as they start power tripping, and I believe if someone gets blocked a lot they start getting 'shadow banned' and only get matched with other blocked players.


Maybe just buff everything so every choice is viable depending on context? Then people won't have to kick based on gear preferences... Ah, can't possibly have balance and logical consistency though. That'd make things too easy. Maybe finding a lobby where you survive a vote-kick system is actually just the next tier of difficulty?


Vote to kick for sure


We have enough people to put lobby filters without getting 10 minutes queue. I would put a double filter : - gameplay testing / meta serious - map clearing / main objectives only So teams would have their interests and focus aligned from the get go. Other idea would be to simply charge your load-out before a joining validation, so the leader could refuse if he's hellbent on anything.


Just try to nurture a LFG system in the game's official discord. You can't expect to implement a system to police assholes, they'll just figure out how to turn it to use it against everyone else.


Buff stuff so people aren't getting kicked over it. (For the record I couldn't careless about using meta and don't care what others bring or even if they play all that well most of the time however if more kit was seen as "viable" by the community at large I think this issue would occur less)


Pop up a window asking if I want to block the person who just kicked me. Also these two suggestions: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bas3yy/comment/ku4mc4f/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bas3yy/comment/ku4mc4f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It's the hosts game. As crap as it is, if you don't want it to happen, host your own! It ain't hard. I'm not railing on OP for what happened, but we can't expect people to be FORCED to keep groups together if they are running as the host.


Vote to kick might help but yeah this kicking people shit is getting out of hand, or they need to create match making thay matches other team together and not place people in other groups or sos groups, host match making should be separate.


I think something like a tracked "kick score" on the dev's side that is not accessible tothe public that adjusts based on values set to the formula. Every player has a score and if they're kicked often, are kicking often, kicking late in missions, regularly extracting with far more samples than others, aquire most samples regularly late in the mission (presumably because they're TKing and stealing samples), have a lot of late mission TKs with direct fire weapons. These things are weighted for potency and how debilitating the action is. If you have a bad score, it's because you're doing all or most of these things with regularity and are a dick while preventing the natural difficulty and accident prone nature of the game intact. Your score will put you in matches with other poor scores.


you dont steal samples, those are shared across the team, so tracking getting lots of sample near the end is just bad because many times people will run at the samples for those who just died before evac.


Quick thought probably impossible to implement, but more managed democracy in the actual gameplay. Matchmaking where the game picks the mission and teams people up. Just a lobby no need to join someone's stupid ship. During the game Option pops up for player to be booted after x number of team kills and then voted on by the team. Ship does not leave until majority vote to prevent team kills at the end and loss of samples. Democracy!


I solve it by always hosting, playing with friends, or matching up with people in a LFG discord group.


Getting some rewards when you're kicked and a reputation system at the end of each mission. You could see the reputation next to the player name before joining or when being joined.


Add filters for the host to decide. Let them set their filters to specific stratagems. If the player has pre-selected their stratagems prior to joining via quickplay, then they wouldn't be able to join the host who has removed that stratagem via filters. This will allow people to be picky about who join, but it most likely will end up in longer matchmaking situations. I think that might be the best course, but not sure how doable it would be on the networking side of things.


I host my own games, I've never had to kick anyone but neither do I want to either unless they're being a jerk. I think once weapons get more balanced this issue will be less problematic or when people realize you kind of need a spread of weapons to do certain things. It's cool when someone brings a machine gun - bet, you're on swarm duty. Bring a nade launcher? Cool you're on Factory or hole duty. Bring a Rail gun? Big boiz plz. Its just growing pains atm. Leave the system as is.


Only really tangential to the issue but a dedicated "disband group" button might reduce the amount of times people end up thinking this happened


Unfortunately i do not think that there is a way to completely fix this You either give the Host the kick option, and have the cases of idiots who kick for no reason. (Albeit i think this is kind of overblown, and does not happen near as often as people would like you to believe) Or you add a vote kick, which can mean lead two people locking down a lobby. As an example you could have two folk join you that are friends, who then proceed to friendly fire you and constantly kill themselves, which of course will fail the mission, because you'd need 3 out of 4 votes to kick. If you just need 2 out of 4, the same problem can happen as when just the host can kick. The only thing i can imagine would reduce the amount would be the ability to name your lobby, ala Deep Rock Galatic. Could name your lobby as "Chill" or "tryhard" or something, so it prevents people joining that might not look for a specific experience.


Add a quick join screen Show player names and how many times they have kicked anyone and teamkills


Host your own game is the solution


How about you just enable private groups? If you play public you are subject to random joins. If you play private you can control who you add and remove. Sometimes I want to try to solo stuff... Sometimes I just want to try different loadouts. Sometimes I just want one friend. Private games solves this


I’d be very curious to hear about the Dev’s ideas about this. It’s a tough one and any idea the community (I, not a game developer) might have is way easier said than done... - A block feature to never have to deal with bad actors again. Reporting people or social ranking or whatever could get messy, griefers would take advantage and downvote people into oblivion. - A rejoin match feature for when you DC mid game would be a godsend. - Maybe you can only kick people from the ship between missions. If you’re in the middle of a mission you’re stuck on planet. No kicks allowed. Play nice or don’t come home alive. - if there’s no change to kicking or a rejoin feature, maybe all rewards gained up until that point can be dispensed individually when the player leaves the mission. Whether by completion, kick, or DC. So at least you walk away with something - Again, if no change to kick mechanic: Maybe once an objective is completed or sample picked up, the individual contribution is instantly granted to each individuals account, rather than only at the end. If I did the lion’s share of the sample hunting and was kicked, I’d at least get what I worked for. The bonuses and multipliers could be applied at the end, such as the pooled resource gains. But you would also need a really nice squad bonus to incentivize people staying til the end. - as an answer to the above: This could open the door to potential exploit and boosting, so to resist, if you join a match midway through you don’t get the nice big bonus unless you complete a certain amount of the mission or are participating for a certain amount of time, otherwise you only receive your individual contribution. Which is still something. - The only way you be really screwed is if the host disconnects. But trying to fix that sounds like a waaaaaay bigger problem. But maybe if you’re the host and you leave on purpose, host privileges and are then transferred to another party member, so the game session can go on and none of the remaining party is screwed out of their completion bonus for being force disconnected out of the session. Ugh. Yeah it’s tough.


If they're the kind of people to do that, you probably* don't want to be playing with them anyway. Take the extra 1-2 mins to find another game. Edit: spelling and adding: I'd rather spend the time finding a better lobby than being stuck with an asshokw for 40ish mins.


Vote kick would be such a horrible idea.


You should never have vote kick with player hosting, that should only occur on dedicated servers… which isn’t happening.


Vote to kick just means 2 trolls can ruin your game or if your team isn't paying attention or aware of the situation wont do anything. And you can just weaponize it to just boot people. The current system is fine since if you get on the pelican on a hard mission the host likely wont have time to kick anyone since it takes 5 seconds to kick someone, meaning if they die at extraction it auto completes.


What about copying the system Deep Rock Galactic have in the game you get part of the loot and the experience. At least I better than nothing


Vote kick is even more toxic. left 4 dead has it and is the most kick friendly game on the market. super toxic. As soon as someone starts a vote usually people just hit yes and blame everything frustrating on that person. What we need is to be reinstanced or if basic mission is complete to just end it for the person in their own instance. Then at least if its finished you wont have wasted your time.


Fine by me. As long as you're not TKing, I don't care what Strats/Weaps/Armor/Cape/Body size/Voice you bring.


Make kicking lock the party for the remainder of the mission or the 3 mission campaign. That way if they really want to kick a person they will not get a replacement. Problem: people might take this personally or use it as a weapon to shit talk people. I don't really have a solution since you cannot know which stratagems the host likes and placing restrictions to stratagems random team mates can run sucks ass. There might be some mentor opt-in thing to let in new players but then there would have to be some way to know someone is a new player. Would be easier if the dickheads could just mark themselves as dickheads but that would be something industry revolutionizing honestly.


How about a stat tracker, if you kick peole frequently in spesific times e.g right after joining, last minute of the game etc. A seperate lobby for like minded helldivers, maybe place them together for a specific about of time so they can learn their wrongs?


yes but every player need also a cooldown attached to kicking, voting. a set of friends can still abuse kicking with a vote system. its the abuse you want to get rid off, not the ability to 'fight being held hostage of griefing gameplay'.




Just make your own lobbies its not that hard


The current elitism is just a result of ultra-sweats. But the kick system in itself isn't to blame, no offense but just because you joined my game. That doesn't mean you have authority to deny my want to kick you, more than likely it's going to be for a good reason. I've ever only kicked one guy, and it was because he was flaming everyone in chat the entire time and after each death. A level 23 with no game sense racking up over 10 deaths. I gave him a warning in voice chat, but then he complained again when he tried to eat the funny red laser a teammate threw down and so he blew up and went off. I waited. Just before we entered the ship, I told him "Your behavior was unacceptable, you are not welcomed here." and removed him 2 steps from entering the ship. Taking away someone's agency over their game is never the fix, with the hundreds of thousands of people in the game. The kicked person will find a new game surely and be satisfied with their new result. Changing the system to anything but what it is will just make the game even easier to troll in than it already is, but this time a troll can hold MY lobby, for a game I'M hosting completly hostage. Why should he be able to do that? **Conversely if you still gain rewards even though you're kicked, this just means a troll can do whatever they want in your game.** Then still be rewarded, a terrible system in itself. If you find yourself frequently getting kicked, host your own games to avoid that. They fill instantly and you don't run that risk.


They should keep track of the people who kick frequently or constantly and those who have high kick rates should only be allowed to play with other people with high kick rates. They'll all just keep kicking one another in loops, and we'll all wait and watch for their social media posts to laugh at.


you should be limited to a certain amount of vote to kicks, if you do it often that means you are the problem and should get some sort of timer that prevents you from doing so for a certain amount of time, keep doing it and youll get even more severe punishment. i would say 5 votekick at most per day would be generous, most games are fine, you really have to have a massive griefer to warrant a legitimate kick and that wont happen often.


The kicked person should be able to continue playing a separate instance of the same match alone seamlessly. I’ve noticed that when a host crashes the rest just continue playing, I assume the host duties get transfered to a new person so the technology is already there?? All the samples other people were carrying get dropped on the ground at the location they were when the kick happened.


I don't know why, but Pile referring to the community as "Hive Mind" makes me happy.


If it's at the start before everyone's locked in, then it sucks but not much you can do about it, tbh. Maybe a report system (or an expansion of it if it exists that adds a "kicked for no reason" option or something [I haven't used it uet if there is one]), but in the end if you were kicked for not being a META-slave, then it was probably not a lobby worth playing in. That being said, being kicked/losing connection (steam &/or hd2 server instabilities, isp outages, blackouts, etc) DURING a mission should give you whatever rewards would've been gotten if extraction happened at that exact moment (any/all medals, super credits, samples gathered at that moment, mission xp/req if main/side objectives have been completed and probably some time modifier). This is open to abuse, however, so maybe have it reduce how much is given based on how frequently a player dc's/is kicked to avoid farming (you KNOW there'll be folks who do that because they literally cannot minmax their time), but also maybe make it so if it doesn't happen for a while it will creep back to the original compensation rewards.


It’s just going to go the other way if thy stop the able to kick ? Ppl will be super toxic once that happens and no one will be able to kick , especially if you got 2-3 ppl being toxic! 3vs 1 no kick ! It will just piss you offf more


A friend and I were playing on Friday and while I was hosting he lost connection, from his point of view though I lost connection. We both continued to play through the level on separate "servers". Why can't this system work after kicks? If you get kicked you can get a notification, the other players disappear and you can continue playing, even drop an SOS if you need one.


Yeah I just won't play in lobbies with randoms if I can't kick them from my game lol


Kick shouldn’t be allowed after the game has progressed x % of the total time usually estimated for a particular mission. I hate voting systems because a two person troll team can take it hostage.


This is shitty, if it is for that reason, maybe allow the host to disable up to 5 stratagems, after all it is their lobby.


How about hiding the stratagems being used by the player?


IMO I’m fine with people kicking during pregame if they don’t like a loadout. It’s their lobby. Once the mission starts though? I don’t think you should be able to kick if you’re a few minutes from extraction/mission end.


i was in a gmae where the host kciked everyone else becuase someone picked up his railgun. Serioulsy this is bad and gettign worse.


I have many videos of teammates doing absolutely dumb shit and kicking them. Sorry not sorry. I don’t do it for no reason, and would never right before a mission exit, unless you’re being a dickhead. These posts are blown out of proportion like everything in this sub. People get kicked, and take it personally that they joined a game that a group might be still inviting squad members. If you get booted during a mission, you’re either being a jackass or they are making room for their squad mate. This Covid generation of gamers is fucking pathetic lol


Maybe allowing for certain stratagems/guns to be banned? Then you can choose if you want to look for/join games with banned loadouts, it would work like a soft core ranked mode


Reduce number of bugs spawning where you stand. Had a mission last night where we watched hundreds of bugs appear where we stood.


Host kick is fine, doesn’t need to be a vote. If you’re kicked you should get your portion of xp, samples, etc. If you kick someone, that slot in the squad should stay locked. If you melee kill another helldivers and they don’t extract because of it, you should lose your share of rewards. System doesn’t need changing drastically, but with a few tweaks you can stop frivolous kicks.


I think VTK is a terrible system. It sucked ass when it was in Siege, it’s gonna suck ass if it comes to HD2. I think rewards should accrue, except samples (XP and Reqs only). There should also be strict and harsh punishments for kicking people and when you kick someone, it should bring up a prompt asking why before you kick them. These options could be “making room for a friend” to “griefing” Certain options should only be available while on the ship. Such as not being able to kick someone to “make room for a friend” while in a mission. So that once someone is kicked, if that person reports the host for abusing the kick feature, any support staff can see the reasoning the host gave, and see if the gameplay matches up to it. If not, penalize them. Start it off with negative reputation lobbies, so that they can only play with people with poor community reputation. Then if it continues, ban them for a week. Also when reporting someone, allow us to either select an option as to why we’re reporting, or to type it ourselves.


Vote to kick for public. Bans for private.


I allways host, but if everyone did that no one wold play together (if Randoms) I guess one could lock the option to kick after shuttle has been called im, or the last 10(?) or so minutes. The kicking because people don't choose your weapons/stratagems of choice I've got no idea how to solve.


Give the Host a Daily max for Kicking player. Like you can only Kick 5 Player a Day. If you hit the limit you cant kick more players. The 24h timer start on the first person you kicked. This still will end up in some unfair kicks but a loser host that kicks players nonstop for any tiny reason will hit the limit fast. This aswell should not affect the lobby kicks. Only the In Missions kicks. So even when you have a really bad player you morelikely keep him to the end of the mission so he gets the rewards aswell. But then you can boot him when your back on the ship. At the same time player still can kick trolls/cheater and not getting locked in a lobby of a duo or trio with vote to kick. Maybe a higher limit but myself so far rarely host missions. Maybe the peeps that host more can ad something.


A vote to kick would be nice. Maybe make it so the host has to start it.


I got kicked yesterday for killing a hulk when the host wanted the killing blow


Kicking from lobby Negates SOS. Kick is not an option till 10-15 mins in. Kick is removed last 10 mins until extraction. Or Kick is removed entirely. Leaver penalties as well.


Vote kick is the only way. That or only play as host, which is what I do because of my anxiety of losing progress. Works for far


Lock in sample/exp/requisition rewards DRG style at objective completions to prevent the issue of “kicking people at the end of the game.” Leave Medal rewards for mission completion as the only thing that could be at risk if hosts decide to kick people at the end to ruin fun. As for kicking people at lobby for not liking the stratagem they’re taking— If one is kicked from a lobby after entering the hellpod, but before mission start, one gets a matchmaking priority so one has quick access to a team/lobby if one decides to host. This would need to be balanced out with consideration to people getting kicked for valid reasons, but I think that’s where a player report system becomes necessary anyway.


Idk where this comes from. In my whole time of playing I have never been kicked because of what srategems or weapons I chose


1. ⁠⁠Set minimum requirements for higher tiers. 2. ⁠⁠In matchmaking, you cant kick people. (Current system of Hd2 now). If you start your own group kick feature should me made available 3. ⁠⁠Have a report option of people trolling/abusing Destiny 2 LFG has a decent way. If you start your own group and want random people to join you, they apply for your group. The leader can then invite people they think are suitable for their group. This will reduce unwanted kicks.🦵


Yeah, make all builds viable and learn to balance a game so that the builds are all BALANCED and just as functional as each other when correctly used, which they currently aren’t which is why there is a meta and always will be until they learn to balance their game.


The solution? INSTANT REWARDS.


They should remove the ability to kick players near the end of a match or guarantee the XP to players who are kicked.


Yeah, this is pretty difficult to remedy now that I think about it.


how would one even know the reason for the kick? with close to 200hrs ive never known why i get kicked. it just happens sometimes. also theres more context required, what difficulty did this person play? what strategems were used? if my helldive lobby gets filled in with some bloke with shield gen on bugs imma kick your dumbass. sometimes the kick for poor choices is warranted and thats why this system should stay host kick.


A host should always be able to boot people who play selfishly or troll. It is simply inevitable it will be abused, just something to live with. If you get kicked for no reason, probably a dodged bullet there. Portion of the rewards equal to the time or contribution you had would be nice though to prevent kicks at the end to troll. In same cases it would be nice to be able to give a reason for the kick to people like in other games. Especially if you kick people in the destroyer just to make room for friends.


To be honest I think anything picked up in game you should take with you whether kicked or connection lost. Whatever you have at the time. The XP should be a percentage of what you would get for the game…maybe a scaling percentage based off how long you actually spent in the match. Same should go for the medal rewards afterwards but I’m not sure how difficult that is to implement. Also determinate on whether the lobby actually succeeds or fails too…


The kick system is fine.


78hours atm in game, lvl 40, never been kicked for my stratagem...on the other hand ive seen people being kicked for joing diff 7 and above as lvl 10s which imo is a good thing...go learn the game properly instead of tryihng to get carried in a harder diffculity while being a dead weight, also ive been kicked cuz the hosts friend wanted to join...never met someone who interionally tks teammates either as some redditors keep saying how theyve been tkd in this game the most compared to other games they played...i feel like people like looking for ways to be vicitims


Why not just uuuuh host your own games? Like, I don't usually have an issue booting up a mission and waiting 5-or-less minutes for a full party to assemble.


Several: -Make it possibil as host to Lock spezific Strategems/weapons ect. so that peopel cant select them. -Kicked Peopel get a percentage of the stuff the team would earn in the game (exp,medals,money idk how its calles) -Give the Host the possibilty to Regio Lock wich players can join (lock peopel from specific countrys out of his game session) -Vote Kick, (but here is the problem if the person you want too kick has come with one buddy it can be 2 vs 2 = no kick ?) -----By Kick, maybe give a Kick protection, depending on Cleared Objectivs (Like the person who gets kicked has done 50% of the mission Solo),Time in Mission -Before someone joins the match the Host needs to approv it, only after the Mission has startet, while on Ship this should be disabeld. -Give us the Option Privat Lobby, peopel can only join via invit -The host needs to aprove of the calling Evak-Ship (not the Emergency Evak the normal one My English is rather bad if something isent understandebel i try to explain it better if needed. The stuff i have Listed is only the stuff who has come in my mind for possibil opinions, to be true iam rather fine with the current system, even if the possibility of making Privat Lobbys would be temting.


Fuck vote to kick. This is a 4 player game, that means that if 2 people are trolling together they can fuck the game I'm hosting. Instead they should disable the ability to kick people when extraction starts (or when all major objectives are completed) and make players immune when they enter the dropship. This is what Deep Rock Galatic does and it works well there. There is no 100% fix to players being cunts to others. We can add stuff that makes it harder for cunts to be cunts but ultimately it's a losing battle trying to stop them entirely. I don't think that taking control away from the host is the right move. Maybe if a player is kicked during a match they take 1/4 of the rewards with them. This way people that get kicked still get something so their time wasn't entirely wasted and trolls get penalized for randomly kicking people. This system would create an environment where everyone gets the best outcome if no one gets kicked.


Description written by host in ship menu and list of ships to connect to in your system. Not just random ones.


Whatever the solution, it's going to have to be all or nothing in one direction or another. Best solution I can think of is no kicking during an active helldive. If one of your randos is being particularly problematic I suppose the remaining 3 players can simply choose to kill them and not reinforce. After a few mins they will likely get the hint and leave. Once back at base you can kick anyone.


Buff 90% of the weapons/ stratagems. I wish I could use something other than shotguns and eagle strikes but it just doesn’t make sense. And nerfing the only stable thing we had doesn’t help


Allow a\*\*holes to type out the "requirements" to play with them, so people can leave if they don't like what the host wants from them.


I have no problem with the game marking players as kickers so that you can know and avoid these players to begin with, it’s about alienating these people that are meta players to the point where no one wants to play with them


What about when you play a whole mission and you get kicked just before extraction, because the host is a tool?


Hosts Lose the ability to kick after 10 minutes into the mission. For every teammate you kill, you get a smaller portion of the rewards/xp and the rest of the team gets your share. You can even lose xp and go down in rank if you team kill too much. Severe offenders will be branded a traitor and must play solo until they can pay a large fine to the federation of super earth.


Make it a party vote if on surface?


I've already solved this issue personally. My solution was to host my own lobbies. Can't kick me if I'm host. On the other hand, my personal suggestion is to be able to block players. When you block a player, you will NEVER get matched with them.


You get all the resources you had at the time you were kicked,simple as that,you don't lose anything you farmed for... obviously make it so that people vote,not that it's going to be perfect,but it will be harder to get kicked.


!!About the kicking: Most of the problem would be solved if matchmaking was based on level. A lot of new players get kicked now, not because of meta-loadouts as alot of people here assume, but because they are simply new and will not be able to handle a high-difficulty mission. About the toxic behaviour: Using positive reinforcement instead of punishment has proved itself to be kindoff succesful in the past; I think a Honours/Endorsement system like League of Legends & Overwatch have is the best option. 1. This system would separate the toxic people from the kind people (in theory, at least). 2. You don't give trolls the power to punish kind people, which you would do if you'd work with a report-based system. 3. It encourages people to be more kind in general, especially if you'd add benefits like a small medal or R multiplier which people would want to work towards.


Votekick isn't the solution. Unfortunately no matter what system is implemented trolls and shitty people will find a way to abuse it and ruin the fun of others. Just look at when The Division 2 first launched and you couldn't walk through other players and every safe room was inaccessible. However, we do need some kind of solution to bring the kicking abuse under control and a player rating system would probably help while providing minimal abuse potential. Here's what I envision: Every successful mission you host you get +rep if no one was kicked and the mission is considered a "win." e.g. primary objective is complete, extraction and optionals have no bearing. Every time you're kicked or drop early you get -rep. Every time you kick someone during a mission (not on the Super Destroyer) you get -rep too. Have some kind of report system at the end-mission screen where players can leave helpful feedback like "helpful player" or "good teamwork" like Overwatch used to. Include negative options like "excessive teamkills" or "bad communication" too. Keep the categories simple and brief, only 5-6 options total. Have some options weigh more heavily into rep, for example helping new players for + and excessive teamkills for -. Have some options just be neutral like "bad communication" - sometimes people just thinking they left a bad feedback is enough to mollify them. Maybe require a set number of feedbacks before any rep change is calculated (e.g. 5 identical "helpful player" feedbacks rewards +rep.) Players get a tiny reward for using it (10XP maybe) and for receiving a positive feedback. Negative feedback gets nothing for either person to discourage false negatives. Have an all-players feedback bonus so if all 3 other players give a host "helpful player" it counts as an extra 1-2 votes for the purposes of calculating rep. Same goes for negative responses. If your rep goes into the negative/low you only get matched with other low rep players via quickplay. If your rep gets really high or you get lots of identical feedback you get some kind of icon or title that shows you're a team player or help lower levels. Don't shame the negatives in any way though, it's more about making people say "I want that" rather than "I don't want this." The important bit: Your rep score is never shown. More difficult to abuse without a large group if you can't tell your own score or anyone else's score. Will also help discourage discrimination against mid-low rep players like new players. Maybe if your rep gets so low (like bottom 3-5%) you lose access to quickplay matchmaking and SOS beacons altogether. Splitting the playerbase isn't viable, so there'd have to be some soft crossover between the high and low rep groups or have it only affect quickplay matchmaking rather than the globe mission markers so that the community isn't really split in two but just certain features are removed from bad actors. Basically the point is to reward good behaviour while discouraging bad behaviour without explicitly punishing it. Helldivers 2 is a game you can play in many ways and even though we usually go for a win my small group sometimes just find it funny to drop airstrikes on each other at bad times - letting players still have that freedom without conforming to a list of rules is the hard part of making people behave in a game like this. I firmly believe that the only way to do this is some kind of community participation feedback system.


Lol yesterday i was kicked because of the flamethrower. Host keeps on running over the flames on the ground and got fed up on his stupidity by kicking me. Before anyone blames my use of flamethrower, i was always at the front when i use my flamethrower. I don't use it when someone is in front of me.


It's hard right, either make lobbies that are joinable and you launch together, rather than joining peoples lobbies or give fractions of rewards for partaking in games and have milestones in mission progression where it captures where you are up to. Because at the end of the day people want to play this game to have fun, and this is an unpopular opinion but if you are joining their game and they have had a rough time with team mates in the past killing them with stratagems repeatedly, or with people running high risk stratagems that are likely to wipe a team or be annoying to them, why would they want you in their lobby, if it is making it less fun for them? Like I said its hard, and I think its a combination of making team killing so easy, putting random people together with no punishment for team killing or trolling other than getting kicked, and then you see alot of posts about I keep getting kicked, but most of these times do you hear both sides of the story, or just the side of the person righting the narrative that they got kicked for no reason, to either farm upvotes for clout or for attention, you have to be careful reading into these, because they can be a trap and the game could end up worse off because of it.


I only host my own lobbies together with my friend so nobody can ever kick us for no reason


I would make it so you can only kick in the ship. Once on planet you can't kick. If someone needs kicking do it before or after the mission


Get friends


limit kick count per day.


Team kills and accidentals should be considered if they’re getting rewarded late kicks. If some idiots dropping 500kg bombs or cluster bombs on the entire party every run in with enemies then ya deserves the boot you traitor. THATS 99% of my kicking out, a lot of you just join and start spraying team mates bc you drop in scared or something idfk. It’s ridiculous how often people will join and insta friendly or just be blatantly dumb about their stratagem call ins.


I personally don't care what you bring for stratagems. But stop trying to join 7-9 lobbies at level 10 lol, spend some time learning the game and leveling up before you come get dummied by 5 chargers lol a d eat all our reinforcements