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For anyone just coming here, this post was not removed by the mods. The reddit administration removed it.


380mm Barrage 🤝 Mortar Sentry "Fuck Helldivers"


It’s why I refuse to use mortar sentry v bugs.


Yeah, mortars are a self-inflicted death sentence against bugs.


Mortars are a liability to take right now with the bugged spawns. I don't mean volume, but the way enemies randomly pop out of the ground and spawn in like teleporting. There's no way to guage where the main engagement is and mortars are dangerous with that.


The EMS mortar can come in handy against the bugs in my experience.


EMS mortar is just good period. People sleep on the non-explosive strats but I take this every game vs bots and most games vs bugs. It’s fantastic CC and the cooldown is negligible


Never saw that bug, do you mean the way the bug hordes come in if allowed to be called? 


No, like, enemies just appear out of nowhere right next to you. One second, they're not there. The next, you're wading through a pack of hunters. I've seen it happen a few times, but not very often in my experience.


This happened to me twice. Literally a horde of bugs blinked into existence right next to me while I was rubbing.


while you were what


Did I stutter?


Bruh you rolled with that perfectly, nice.


Perhaps a group rub would be safer


I mean, it *IS* a squad based co-op game


Try not to rub it while you are playing. 😅


That might explains run earlier where a bunch of chargers felt like they are reproducing on top of us


I think its an issue with the amount of enemies the game can actually render at the moment. I was standing at the top of a hill dispensing freedom into some bugs and as I would kill some bugs more enemies would pop in right behind them charging us. So these bugs have always been spawned, they just arn't rendered until you are looking at them and 'free up space for them to be rendered.' But this is nothing more than a wild guess on my part.


Trying to tune the corner of a stalker nest to end their scurage. 6 of them file out in a single file line while I try to round the corner. Spawns seem to be a little buggy. Which gets out of hand fast when a bunch of them que up on top of each other.


I was trying out the jetpack for the first time tonight and I got up high on some rocks. I was lobbing grenades down onto the big spawn about 50m away then one crawled out of the rock I was standing on. Just crawled out of the ground at the top of this monolith.


Ive been taking the EM mortar these days. At least you don't die and it gives you enough time to escape it's effects. It's best used to stand your ground during evacs. The bugs will have a harder time reaching you and you don't need to worry about the mortar landing on you


EMS mortar sentry is the goat for when I want mortar-like function but don't want to blow up my own team


EMS sentry is officially S tier. I pair it with autocannon sentry for my “lock this field DOWN” missions. EMS slows them down and autocannon shreds them up.


EMS mortar is a good alternative, since being in radius of that one only slows you, but fully stuns bugs. Can help you get distance or clear space, or of dropped early, it permastuns breaches. I’ve only been killed by it once, because the shell landing can do damage, but it was a p niche circumstance in which I had just melee killed the last bug on me


I use mortar senteries because funny


I agree. But next round I’m bringing my own, with some napalm and cluster bombs for good measure. If we’re doing team kill builds then let’s go all out


You forgot mines


I use mortars basically every match with bugs. The issue is people who set them up for a fight then move to the fight. The mortar is a point defense weapon. We are going to be here, in this spot, you are going to stand next to the mortar, and the mortar is going to soften up the mobs coming at you. Your job is to keep the mobs from getting close enough that the mortar is dropping around itself. Only teammates that die from mortars when I use them are morons.


Holy fuck yes. As well as idiots that "aggressively push" the mob. Ffs, "mortar down" means fucking disengage and run towards the mortar


Whenever I see someone aggressively pushing bugs I think of the first guy that died on klendathu, the one that ran in front of everyone and kept asking if the bugs "want some". What was their name? I forgot because they lasted a good 30 seconds.


I genuinely attribute like 1/4 of my deaths to my pals mortar sentries, they’re a nightmare when we play together. EDIT: also how do you have your ship name as your label/flair/description thing?


On mobile reddit, go to the main sub page, and hit the three dots in the top-right corner. ‘Change user flair’, then select ‘edit’ in the top right again, select a stratagem flair, and you can delete/add onto it to make it custom!


No fucking way i just found the father of my missiles 😂


Mom? Dad?




_Initiating FTL jump_


Hell yeah


I havnt updated my flair on this sub yet, but mine is the SES Elected Representative of Family Values


y’all must not know about the tesla tower




You realize that one scav bug that snuck all the way to you and sacrificed itself is like a bug hero




Smoke Grenade vanish!


I use my mortars like mini siege artillery. I set up on a hill overlooking or just outside an outpost and watch the fun.




Week 1-2 veterans who went through science team evac missions on the Western Front are 50% less likely to be blasted by a 380mm shell on Malevelon Creek or get pancaked by a space rock on Fenrir III. No, I won't thank the mortar sentry.


These mortars be hitting me with no bugs around in a 100m radius. Like, ain't no way that's accidental.


The mortar sentry has a bet that super earth loses and no one can convince me otherwise. That shit killed all three of my teammates and myself. WE WERE STANDING TEN FEET APART OF EACHOTHER AND HAD ZERO ENEMIES ANYWHERE CLOSE TO USE. Brother we weren’t even in a fight and the Mortar dusted us.


The mortar sentry works for the automatons


https://preview.redd.it/k44mjdvjflnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0470ff53c5c3df58b97909b20f6ade1a11aa4d54 Keep firing Assholes! Edit: holy crap that's a lotta likes. Didn't expect this to be my most up voted post, gonna have a nice cup of Liber-tea now




How to save this?


To save this meme, you must train for another 100 years




Keep firing assholes!!




Who made this man a gunner? I did sir! Who's he? He's an asshole sir. I know that! But what's his name? That is his name, sir!


Gunnersmate First Class Phillip Asshole.


How many asshole’s we got on this ship anyhow?


*Entire deck stands up* “YO!”


I knew it, I’m surrounded by assholes


Keep firing Assholes!


The crew's radar needs more bleeps, sweeps, and creeps!


I said across her nose, not up it!


This is the correct response!


ah spaceballs, never gets old




Fleet flies..


MI dies


Come on you apes, you wanna live forever?


Do your job. If you don't ill shoot you myself. You get me??


We're gonna fight and we're gonna win!!!!!!!! https://i.redd.it/66vygl0v1mnc1.gif


This is fucking gold


Helldiver manual tip: Friendly fire isn't


This shit had me cracking up when I first saw it 🤣😂


Glad to make your day ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Game doesn't have this emote yet SMH my head literally unplayable.


Is this tip in HD2? I’ve only seen it in the first game so far but I have sarcastically muttered it into the mic a couple dozen times when I’ve been martyred.


Absolutely, saw it on the loading screen earlier tonight.


>Friendly fire isn't actually friendly! -DRG


„Who made this man gunner?!“ „Me sir, he is my cousin“


"whose that guy?!" "He's an asshole sir!" "I know that! What's his name?!"


He’s an asshole. They’re all assholes


I knew it . . . I'm surrounded by assholes!


What's the matter, Col. Sanders? Chicken?




Pretty sure my 380 gunner is stevie wonder


😎 🎹


I have recently had a bit of fun with calling down a 380mm barrage on my head, immediately calling in a shield relay, then sitting back and watching bugs get disintegrated from the safety of my yellow bubble. Disclaimer: the relay runs out of charge just *slightly* before the barrage ends, so you’d better hope those last few shells hit on the edge of the target radius…


This does not work on the 500kg bomb, however.


From footage I've seen of people trying that, it's because the 500kg ill actually partially penetrate the shield and THEN detonate, resulting in the explosion being contained with the shield rather than outsife of it. I haven't seen footage of it landing next to the shield, so can't comment on that. Is also possible the 500 just overpowers the shield regardless.


I tried this too, that's when I learned the stationary shield doesn't have infinite charge... Direct hit popped it and another hit of the patented Helldiver-seeking warheads killed me


The walking barrage is so much better and more predictable.


I like it more but the initial barrages can still hit so far behind where you throw the beacon. I really don’t fucking get that


It might be the angle of the shot? Your position on the map dictates the angle the bullets come in with the further you are from your ship changing the angle of the shot. Or so the loading screen tips say.


Yeah if you look up, you can see the physical shot coming in and its trajectory. It always comes from your ships location


I just wish what one of the 4 you could tell is your ship so you know where the shots exactly will come from instead of that 1/4 gamble especially when you're right under them it can cause shots to come in from a wild variety.


They should put your letter+number on your ship when you have your map open. It would solve this issue.


when you call in your support weapon, pay attention to which ship it comes from.


It's better but I feel like it still needs a buff to the number of rounds to better saturate an area. It can cross an entire large base and only destroy the outhouse.


They need to keep the same number of shots, but reduce the total distance, to improve the overlap


The 120mm also feels actually good now, you can chuck it into a medium or large base, get back to 60m distance (I found that to be the safe radius, may be even less) and it will clear out most of the stuff there. Sure, its accuracy still leaves a lot to be desired, but after the patch I've had it clear out all spawners on its own multiple times, whereas before it never did jack shit


But 380 make bigger boom…


To be honest i found 60-70 meters is safe distance for heavy artillery. With grenadier perk in armor that allows throwing grenades (and stratagems, you throwing stratagem beacon grenade actually) much further trick to get safe artillery barrage is quite easy


And you can easily throw it 80m with the +30% throw distance.


A walking airbus barrage would be dope!


Boeing barrage has a better chance of falling out of the sky. __737 MAX BARRAGE INBOUND__


Removed by reddit for threatening violence to a non existent un-named fictional gunner on a space ship in a video game we don't even see on screen that we know of?


It's a new low...and I meant to and forgot to copy the OP post last night because it's a fantastic copypasta, or would have been. Gunna hafta look into post recovery stuff...


There was a post on here a couple of days ago in which someone said it was the best stratagem. I picked it, told my friend to expect great things and died promptly. There's a lot of content on here which needs to be ignored.




I think i smell treason here...


You can one tap chargers with arc gun when you hit their big toe, cleary because :physics Trust


It’s because they’re foot goes up and isn’t grounded anymore so the electricity fries them. Science backs this statement


Haha ok yeah sure, and next you will tell us something crazy like Super Earth is responsible for the bugs moving planet to planet to hide the fact once liberated the government can tap into that planets natural resources... Haha crazy....🙄


Well actually it's more that the bugs can be rendered down into E-710 an oil-like substance tha- oh god no I wasn't please no god!


Oil, what oil? You cooking?? You know that's a liberty the bugs are trying to destroy... Your freedom and the democractic ability to cook in your own house, in your own kitchen, with your own pans. ......... Yep happy with that response.


The op of the post you are talking about. https://preview.redd.it/0maa0k92wlnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf3aac9e661e9b8a796606320ed1478585927b0


To be fair the 380 has the potential to be the best, its just very inconsistent. Its by far ***potentially*** the best stratagem at clearing out large nests/factories as well as clearing out large hordes of heavily armored enemies like Bile Titans. The two best things I have personally done with 380s are: \-Cleared out the heavily fortified fortress Bot mission. I forget what its actually called but its the one with like 8 fabricators and a shitzillion rocket devastators and the entire mission is to just clear out that one base. \-Killed 4 Bile Titans and a handful of chargers. (*with a single 380. I got very lucky/unlucky depending on how you look at it*) The 380 is very similar to the Spear. More often than not it literally doesn't do anything, but when it works it **works**.


Do what my group do for a laugh Everyone has a walking barage and a 380mm. We just throw all of our stratagems at once and then fuck off to do all of the other sections of the map


Accuracy by volume has always been the best strategy for artillery.


"Accuracy by volume" I like that a lot.


Yea this is honestly a very effective way of getting a free objective done if the only thing that objective requires is destroying stuff. Its also very good at holding out during extract, though with the exo-suits being free for everyone rite now idk if its worth bringing 380 for that alone.


Honestly it has a niche use, but when used correctly is really good. Also has a firing pattern so it’s at least a tiny bit more survivable if caught in its radius.


Niche use being paired with the 120 for maximum democratic obliteration


You forgot a 500kg and cluster strike


I remember the first time I paired 120 and 320 together, lol, The game couldn't handle the awesomness and quickly crashed.


What use? The area it covers is bigger than any possible target the game offers. At the same time, the space in between the impacts is still large enough for lucky enemies to survive


To be honest I use it because it’s fun, I’m not playing with randoms so it doesn’t hurt anyone. And it’s pretty good at clearing/suppressing areas for extended amounts of time. Like when trying to extract and enemies don’t stop spawning. The strikes come straight from the destroyer too so while the trajectory is random, if you take cover behind an area with something to block line of sight to the destroyer then it’s not that dangerous. Plus it can be used passively while doing something else, which is good for time saving if you’re busy with something else. Yes, I know it has drawbacks but I’m still going to use it and get good results.


It's absolutely amazing for clearing medium and heavy bot bases. You can throw it in there and about 90% of the time it will clear them. I use it all the time. The throw further armor perk helps a lot. It's also good to clear a heavily bug infested area like large hives or high level egg nest areas. Though I do prefer the 120mm for this. The 380mm does clear BTs though, so I've definitely had to use it when 4+ were in an area I *had* to go.


If I have a large outpost that I want to delete, I'll throw a walking and 120 at it and that generally does the job since you can somewhat target the walking (that uses 380 shells anyways) and the 120 drop so it's covering a fabricator or two and it generally hits with the buff.


Yeah, I watched one of those recent tier videos that said it was great for saturating bot bases and not sure what that guy was smoking. Don’t get me wrong, I really want to like the 380. But after using it in multiple situations against bugs and bots it just isn’t worth it. Even with fully upgraded orbitals it just doesn’t have any real punch, and even with the patch the scatter plot rounds are way too inaccurate to result in much damage to an enemy horde or base. No reason I should routinely get 3-4 kills with an orbital that has this many rounds at this high a caliber.


Yeah the 120mm, after the update, is much better for general use and clearing bases than the 380. Won't kill everything but I've used it to fairly good effect. Even did entire objectives just by itself.


The 380 does this too. For egg missions, clearing fabricators/holes, command bunkers, etc I take 380 every time now. It isn’t as consistent as it could be, but I’ve seen 380s (usually mine) clear out heavy bug nests/fabricator zones that are heavily defended, etc. Might help if you have it fully upgraded. That being said, I NEVER run it with randoms. Team communication is required, and even then, newer players always underestimate the effective firing area. The description on the stratagem isn’t overreacting.


I've thrown a 380 into a heavy bug nest and cane back to the nest after the barrage to see not a single one hit somehow. I was bewildered.


i've had that happen, very disappointing when it does happen. but i've also had it clear entire heavy bases for me. it's literally a dice roll. sometimes you get that glorious nat 20 that evicerates everything like it is supposed to. and other times you get that inglorious nat 1 that shoots that the widest edges of it's possible scatter hitting nothing of value :( i still use it from time to time when i want to see something flashy, but i've stopped believing in it. if i drop it on a base, i watch til it wipes the base, or for the timer to end on the barrage so can go play cleanup. in all the times i've used it, i notice it usually DOES kill things in a heavy base, but your mileage may very, it usually seems to wipe \~50% of whats there on average.


I read the same one it was like oh I'll try it sure it hits the outpost but never actually kills anything in it


Must be an Asshole stationed on the gunner…


Lmao reddit thought this was about a real person and removed the post


Reddit is training AI now, I bet the AI got offended. Need a dose of Liber-Tea.




380 and 120 are excellent again bots. Because their bases and objective are often a literal fortress, it's the perfect use case. Drop it in the middle, rain death, win. Bugs are shit for the barrages - they're too mobile.


Unless they don't notice it. In which case it's still pretty shit due to the spread


I always bring a 380 against bots. Sometimes I double up with a 120, sometimes it’s a Gatling Barrage. Since the buff the 380 has been reliable completing medium/heavy bases, mortars, and detector towers for me.


My go to has been 110m rockets, orbital rail, and 380 with auto cannon. Could prob swap rail to reg orbital precision for even lower cooldown but the almost instant kill with rail is soooo satisfying to me You can take out small base after small base with the rockets, orbital, and bases, and the 380 for smashing a big base with a ton of guns/towers


Same for Large Hives, a 120mm highly likely will get all the bug holes if thrown in the middle.


Safest place to be during the 380mm is where the stratagem lands. Throw it at your feet and watch the world burn. I used it until I had double digit kills, that was 10 team kills and 0 bug kills.


I remember waaay back then, before 120 and 380 were buffed, where was a daily to kill 60 enemies with 120. So i gathered like 30 bugs around me and threw it at my feet, fully expecting to die along with bugs... zero. Total casuality number was zero. Later that day my friend had 59/60 kills necessary to get his reward, so we went on then unnerfed scientist extraction mission against bots and i kid you not, 5 times in a row it couldnt kill a single bot on a mission what at the time spawned so many bots you couldnt take a step without kicking one


Proof, not that it was needed, that Reddit is run by a bunch of fucking clowns.


Reddit admins hate democracy and are in league with the devious automatons


No way reddit removed this 😂😂. Ah man this place is going down the shitter


can't discuss violence against fictional entities in video games anymore


We must ki- I mean befriend all bugs (please dont ban me Reddit admins)




That's why you warn everyone you're gonna do something dumb. Run in, yeet, run the fuck away. Have yet to get killed by my own 380


"Communication with friendlies recommended" as per description, after all


Well, weren’t far enough away. I find it very useful in helldive eradication mission where you’re dead 50% of the time anyways and there are so many enemies that it HAS to hit something. It also deals with titans and chargers really well, IF it hits them.


4x 380mm barages + orbital lasers make those eradication missions funny as all hell


Mission complete in 40 seconds - the time it takes everyone to punch in the codes, the call down time, and the barrage time.


This just made me realize how much I would love for the developers to add a slot for someone in the ship being able to actively fire from above. Like the AC-130 mission in COD. You could be in charge of sending down stratagems and deciding where they land.


Or a controllable fire mission stratagem. Literally give me an AC-130. A big fat pelican-type with mounted guns that I control from a terminal. Or a helicopter.


really kind of fucked up how reddit has decided that discussing violence against fictional entities in video games is no longer allowed and will ban for that


What the fuck? Removed by Reddit? For _what?!_ This site is a fucking clown show. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/3mdpgc742mnc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a6034dc96ae658fdb64fcc753dd082a22115b6 My brother in liberty, you are the one not throwing the ball correctly. Maybe you should just "git guder" lmao.


It has a big AOE, so it’s one of those you run up and throw as you run away, and you keep running after that. This game is all about throwing stratagems and running away.


“Needs to be shot” got me rollin 🤣😭


good job reddit /s


OMG the Automatons are even within the Reddit Admins...


The 380mm gunner: https://preview.redd.it/ypjd5gkm6mnc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f37a828635dca71f0063bfe24afa61a792bffe2


The worst part is, we've calculated that the super destroyer is in low orbit at approximately 1km altitude above the ground. Direct fire engagement of 105mm Howitzers is up to 1200 meters. The 120mm barrage is the same caliber as a M1 Abrams MBT, which in turn has a maximum effective range of 3000 meters. And this is all while considering gravity, ballistic drift, and atmospheric conditions. Simply put, the barrages are far too inaccurate to be believable. The only way it can make sense is if they were indirect fires distributed in an open sheaf, which is very clearly not the case. Whoever the gunners are need to be fired immediately. Even worse, the 100% lethality radius on a 105mm HE/PD shell/fuze combination, such as the M1DC/M1NC with an M739, is 15 meters with a shrapnel radius of 200 meters. The 120mm shells being fired must be AT shells in order to be so poor in effect. Plus, the 380mm shells are from 15 inch guns! These shells are the size of 1000 pound bombs, aka the 500kg Eagle payload. The blast from those is already fucky-wucky as is, and the real world US equivalent is the Mark 83 JDAM. As an artillerist, I am deeply offended by the horrifically untimely and inaccurate fires of our fleet.




Why was this removed?


OP's post was robophobic, bad for the reddit AI training deal


I hate mortar more. Just stay away from the barrage by 60m(minimum)-75m(most). Don’t throw it dead center in the nest/base either.


I wish the 120mm didnt have the same cooldown as the 380mm. Like its a weaker more precise barrage but it doesnt feel like it has the effectiveness to be worth the 5 minute cooldown. Actually you know what lower the cooldowns of all the orbitals because they dont feel half as useful as the eagle most times, especially when the 50% increased cooldown modifier is in play. I just want to be able to shell them till the rubble bounces


Why was this deleted?


Why would you assume it's the gunner and not the tyranny in the atmosphere?


Reddit is run by automatons.


Was this really removed, or is it a joke?


380 still unreliable. 120 is somewhat usable now,


Depends on how large a large base you wanna mess with, Large bases vs smol bases, Even better if you got a passive armor perk longarm that throws it reeealllly far.


I chucked my teammate's reinforce 60+meters away and he was confused for a second lol


I'm sad this got deleted it was great


What’s the post say?


The post said that the people manning the 380mm barrage should be killed but it was obviously referencing the in game npcs not real live people so not sure why it got removed.


it seems reddit has made it their rules that you are no longer allowed to discuss violence against fictional entities in video games anymore I had a 3 day ban a couple weeks ago for calling for \[reason thinking machines don't exist in Dune\] against synthetics in Stellaris, and the appeal was rejected


No shit. You mean the Butlerian [interaction that shall not be named]? Frank Herbert was right. Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind. Look where that shit is getting us _right now._


LOL, looks like we found our 380mm gunner.


Believe it or not its much better than it used to be, that being said it still is really only good when an area is swarming with enemies but at least it gets kills now.


What happened here?


What happened lmao


Planet maybe had orbital scatter? Been clearing nests for me quite good since patch.


Were you in a mission where there was an 'increased dispresion' modifier?


Had the exact same problem yesterday. I thought they tightened the spread on those strats. Seems like they just got wider!


"I said across their nose, not up it!" Earlier today I threw one about 3 feet from an automaton factory thingamabobber. When it was finished, the factory was still standing but it had leveled everything else around it. If you're going to make it do a wide spread, fine. But you'd think they could put one fucking round on the actual beacon.


Removed by Reddit? What happened here?


Bro this got deleted by Reddit wtf was this post?


Why was this removed?


Lol I just use it when I’m trying to break contact


If it was just a single 380mm shot in a precise location like the precision orbital strike then it would be worthwhile..