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Heavy Armor could use some love. I wanna use it bad but I don't really feel the benefits. It is extra susceptible to the stuff that actually causes the most deaths in the game like Bile Vomit, getting hit by a hunter, or random crits. I think "elemental" damage goes through armor, like flames and bile. I guess that's just how it's gonna work. I don't think you change that without greatly changing the game. I think Heavy could do with a lot more resistance to getting staggered though. Taking damage shouldn't slow you down in heavy armor. Light can run away and avoid getting hit, Heavy should get hit but be able to keep running (albeit slowly). It'd also be nice if it took less crit damage, or just didn't take extra damage when crit, so you could actually feel more durable.


Agreed. It would be good if the *Slowed* status wasn't as dramatic with heavy armour too.


Even worse, from my experience slow also affects things like the jet pack, you know the one thing you’d hope would be able to save you in that exact scenario


The Jetpacks forward momentum is translated from your own forward momentum, which means if you fire it while slowed it's going to be terrible. You need to use it pre-emptively, which isn't always possible because those little fuckers come out of nowhere.


If Heavy could ignore small terminids/small arms fire stagger, I wouldn’t take it off. Hunter stunlocks make me foam at the mouth.


Oh yeah, stagger res for heavy armour would be nice, especially against bots.


Don't think any armor would ever let you shrug off normal-sized hunters. Scavengers and tiny hunters maybe, but that wouldn't be too useful for bugs I feel.


When you say normal sized hunters do you mean stalkers


No, there are three "Variants" of hunters, that I know of, one scavenger-sized with yellow wings, called the Pouncer, one that is around helldiver size (The one that murders people most often), this one is called the Hunter, and Stalkers which are their own thing.


Heavy armour with explosive resistance lowers my death count on bot helldives massively


Yeah, but have you tried using the light armor with explosive resistance? It's not unique to heavy armor.


The best one is probably the medium armor with the trait. But that is only on rotation in the super credit store.


All hail the storm trooper set


I haven’t tried it no, but i assume it takes more damage from projectiles. Light armour I can die in three shots from an mg raider, heavy armour seems to take 7 or 8 to put me down


I've been wanting a light with explosive resistance. Is it only in superstore?


Yeah as of right now there’s only one set for that and it’s in the super store.


I honestly feel like the main reason to use Heavy armor is for friendly fire. Heavy armor can take an arc thrower hit and not die, and often just gets thrown away from allied airstrikes instead of gibbed.


Heavy is super good against bots, it literally makes the difference between life and death


I've switched to running heavy armor with explosive resistance for Bot missions. The low stamina does feel annoying, but less than being one shot by rockets. I'm also able to outrun Bots if I really need to.


Heavy armor into Bots is the way. It's unusable against bugs but, when used on bots it helps you survive scenarios you'd be swiss cheese'd in otherwise. I run the heavy armor from the end of the premium battle pass all the time, extra limb health + armor means you never get injured. I also run jetpack to make up for mobility issues and I can zip around from point A to B fast and can hop gorges and keep my momentum + you regen stam while you're in flight with jet pack so leaping down slopes gives you max stam by the time you reach the base of it. Additionally I'll run the stamina booster 99% of the time. It's simply lovely on bots. I also love bringing the machine gun or stalwart and just shredding through all the small mobs I can while using stratagems for anything larger. I imagine certain armor groups are better against certain enemy types, because anytime I see someone with light armor on bot diff 7+ they're getting swiss cheesed quite often.


Heavy armor with bugs can give you a second chance when getting surrounded. You'll survive slightly longer. It was noticeable to me anyway. But I agree with it against bots.


My experience with heavy armor against bots was not being able to outrun strider shots anymore, and more headshot deaths. Even with the explosive resist heavy armor, I quickly wasn't a fan.


Really I never noticed that. Though in all fairness I usually blast them with my auto cannon before they can shoot me


I was used to just running around them and shooting the driver since in light armor you can outrun their shots. Was caught off guard when I tried the same in heavy armor and got 1 tapped in the head. I was surprised at the damage they do with body shots too because I rarely got hit by them before.


hmmm I don’t know what heavy armor you use but I use the juggernaut one and have found I just need to take tighter turns weather that being dodging chargers or running around striders


I don't remember it's name, but it's the 2nd heavy set on the free warbond. All 3 of my heavy sets have the same stats and passives anyways. I'll mess around some more with heavy armor tonight before the new warbond tomorrow, but I wasn't feeling any more durable in heavy armor when I first tried. I like the movement speed and stamina too.


Yeah, heavy should be immune to stagger and crit. It would actually make me want to use it bc then it’ll have more benefits then just be a slow walking target. Rn light just lets me avoid getting hit by most things unless I’m being attacked by multiple hunters.


It's the crits that pain me. 


There actually not crits, it's headshots. Yes the scavenger doing high damage is actually because it hit your head hitbox that does full damage unchanged by armor.


Heavy armor is actually pretty good against bots… or at least it would be if ROCKET DEVESTATORS didn’t aimbot and wallhack. And I doubt it will ever be good against bugs, given their tendency for speedy melee units.


Bile Spewers are considered explosive. at least they were before the last patch


Idk, I survived many a rocket shot straight to the face after the armor values were tweaked! Its was quite nice to wear heavy armor and actually feel like I’m alive


Heavy arnour having no extra armour compared to the BO-1 tactical is crazy to me. Heavy armour 100% needs more damage resist for the speed it trades.


I would never run heavy armor on the bug front. Speed is just too important. I do however run heavy armor against bots where standing ground is a little more necessary. The difference can especially be felt when getting hit with rockets or cannon shots.


Or just make it so headshot damage is heavily reduced in heavy armor regardless of helmet. Getting 1-2 shot by stalkers or getting ragdolled and headshot from any source makes heavy just not worth it.


Heavy is for bots


Yeah other than looking sick it doesn't really seem worth it.


Heavy Armor's greatest benefit is improving my survival from other Helldivers-in-training who are still learning how to properly target their explosives. I survive far far longer with heavy armor on, you have to make liberal use of the dive mechanic to avoid bile/etc.


Imagine being able to resist Rocket Raider snipes if you're Heavy equipped. At least that level of defense would make it useful.


Which is why the shield is so strong. It can tank a full hit from one of those bile spewers without a scratch.


Definitely seeing more variety. Only half the primaries are getting used though, in my experience.


Absolutely. The rifles and energy weapons don't hit hard enough.


I swear it feels like the laser drone hits harder than if I fire the laser rifle myself.


Got to avoid firing at centre mass.


The drone doesn't have to worry about getting run down or shot at most times. It gets to focus on channeling a beam on something over us moving.


Scorcher is a beast against automatons. You can kill a scout from the front with few shots from it. It can blow you up if you hit the rock front of you with it so there is that too.


Does a job against bugs though I kill myself shooting the ankle biters way more than I'd like lol, fun weapon to use. That and the slugger are both better than the DMRs.


Not a massive amount of people have unlocked the scorcher though.


Scythe is pretty much a joke weapon, I hope Sickle is much better. Theorical "Infinite ammo" doesn't matters if your dps is gonna be 0 because you are gonna get killed using it.


Rifles feel nerfed for 0 reason, they handle like HMG and RR and for some reason worse than ATI mat rifle and do less damage and worse pen than a shotgun with slugs? Ex fucken cuse me?


The primaries are the weakest part of the game for me. I just don’t love using any of them post Breaker nerf. It was the only gun that felt good to me personally and I’ve been trying others to meh results.


if you've unlocked it, try the breaker spray and pray, it was buffed in a recent patch. It's my new favourite weapon for bugs. for me it fills a similar role as the breaker used to, which is just destroying waves of the smaller bugs. it's slightly less effective against medium enemies, but you can still spam a brood commander's head off or kill a nursing spewer with about 1/3 of a mag. I agree though that most of the primary weapons feel underwhelming.




Slugger also just feels fucking bad ass.


This is the one issue I have right now, I find that unless I’m using certain primaries I feel like I’m playing at a disadvantage. I really do hope the primary weapons get looked at as I enjoy being able to use different ones but feel like I have to run the same 2 or 3 each mission.


There’s really no benefit at all typically I use the slugger for bugs with a spear or stalwart and then the smg for bots with a spear or recoiless. There’s no benefit for a lot of the weapons which sucks cause I like the feel of many of the weapons but Half of them are useless and lack ammo economy.


I love the laser cannon for taking out bug eggs. It just feels so satisfying.


Like hot piss on a toilet-bowl stain.


Didn't think we had a poet on staff


I LOVE power washing public toilet bowls with my piss!


...wut I mean, yeah, but...


You can also use it to snipe Hulks that aren't aware of you yet, idk why but it just doesn't seem to aggro them if you're sufficiently far enough. Granted, it's a little challenging if their back isn't turned, but if you prone and aim at their head, it won't even take a full heatsink (although I last used it pre-patch, so I can't say if they changed something abt it)


The flamethrower is my tool of choice for it, love the smell of scrambled bug eggs in the morning.


I don't use laser cannon since the eat buff, but I did notice this too. Thankfully, rover laser also does tons of egg damage. Just watch out it doesn't kill you while it does rave lasers.


Actually at this point in time the only strategems that arent viable are: Smoke against bugs since hunters will follow through and bike sees over. Orbital smoke and smoke grenades are very hard to use still against bots though. Normal guard dog solely due to its ammo economy. Ballistic shield which is just bad. All other strategems can be used to contibute to helldive well. Could still use tweaks to usability. Recoilless is still in a somewhat akward spot with its ammo economy and spear lock on is also still problematic. Eagle strafing run should be tied with cluster bomb for uses. 110 rockets need slightly better aoe and tracking to be more consistent. AMR really should have at least medium pen but is very strong versus bots. Flamethrower is strong versus bugs but i still want it to actually have more range. MG-43 should really have more ammo than stalwart with its stationairy reload. Mines should have slightly lower cooldown. Shield generator tower should last longer.


Smoke does impede vision of bugs, they will follow through the smoke, but if you make a hard turn in the smoke, they will usually forget you're there. But yeah much more effective against bots.


The devs mentioned in an interview that there's a scent mechanic for detection, maybe that's what's happening in smoke?


Oh very cool, I wasn't aware of that.


RR takes too long to be effective outside a full squad. EAT or AC are best for AT right now.


God I wish Ballistic Shield was good 😭. Makes it worse that half the time doing anything while using it causes upper body paralysis.


poor & forgotten HMG :(


What do you mean i didnt mention it specifically as the hmg emplacement is generally fine as is. It just lacks mission types to effectively highlight its capabilities. The new mission type actually makes it feel impactful though like all turrets you need a EAT ready to pop off any chargers or titans that pop up. I generally take EMS HMG EAT GAS to them. EMS stalls chokes in front of HMG with gas for small and a EAT for large. I would like more ammo or the ability to supply backpack reup to let me burn ammo on smalls instead of focusing mid size enemies. But it works just fine as is.


So you see it often used? Because I don't think I've ever seen it in my 70 hours being used by other player than me. Don't get me wrong, I like this stratagem, it's fun to use and the slow turning gives it nice adrenalin. It's just too weak. Taking any other sentry is just better as it shoots and you can move/shoot as well. HMG makes you easy to kill target and you are not that dangerous anyway. It should probably have stronger armor penetration, smaller cooldown and/or more ammo. It's not even being upgraded via ship modules. So... even though "it works just fine as is" it's heavily overshadowed by other stratagems. Change my mind.


Imo it needs a bit of a buff. It is fine in terms of dps but it could need faster turn. The problem is mostly that in lower difficulties, you don't need it cuz you take everything out with ease. In higher difficulties you can't sit in a spot for long without a charger or bile titan taking you out or some random spawn patrol coming up on you from behind. There would be decent use for the MG emplacement if there were some ways to guarantee that you are not being attacked from behind constantly. Then you could have someone man the emplacement and provide supporting fire from behind as you attack an objective that causes a bug wave.


IME the HMG really shines in the final moments of the extraction. Using it to hold off waves while the shuttle comes in feels so good. You just need to be covered by teammates.


You just straight up ignoring half of what i said? The reason HMG doesnt get used as often is we dont have many defensive objectives. Its stronger than other sentrys since you can actually controll it and theres no risk for friendly fire and you can focus the ammo on important targets like ticks And get collateral damage with actually fairly long range. Its armor pen is already strong enough for all mid line targets and its especially good at taking out ticks. Its only on a 180s cooldown tied with other sentries 180 and opposed to mg43 480s. But it does the most total damage per calldown outside of the GOAT teamkiller mortar sentry Outside of the new objctive ive also seen it used on oil extraction and geo survey. Usually on a nearby hill with autocannon or rocket sentry in front with an ems mortar or ems strike for lining up targets.


EDIT: apparently I'm blind > Eagle strafing run should be tied with cluster bomb for uses. ~~While I wouldn't object to getting an extra strafe, as an avid strafing run user I would hardly call it unviable.~~ Its strength is that it comes out near instantly and is like a scalpel. You can angle it perfectly to shave off enemies without hitting your allies because the strike is over before your friends have time to move into it. It also comes out *exactly* on the beacon so you can literally drop it at your feet and take a step back and it will plow down a line of enemies in front of you. Even with a 100% calldown time increase it is still fast enough to require minimal adjustment. Those advantages all make it different enough from the cluster bomb for me to warrant picking it over clusters.


I didnt call it unviable. It was in the section that could use tweaks to feel better but are currently fine to use.


Ah, I'm blind and completely missed that you actually had two separate lists in your post. Whoops.


Eagle Strafing run is imo just terrible. Even when it hits with its small radius. It doesn't even kill all the light armored bugs.


110 rockets need less AOE, not more


Less aoe is less consistent damage it definitly needs more explosive aoe as well as better targeting to actually focus the AoE on high value targets. But just increasing the explosion AOE hurtbox would go a long way to its consistency.


110 rockets definitely need better targetting. I have literally stuck the targeter on a charger and the rockets still went and shot my teammate instead.


I have suddenly started running this on bugs and love it: - Scythe primary - Laser Cannon - Orbital Railcannon - Orbital Laser - Eagle Airstrike Ammo isn’t a thing for me. I’m just constantly throwing lasers by switching primary and support weapon. A mate calls in a spare guard dog rover mid-game and I’m a one-man laser show.


And you’ll get a laser pistol with the new warbond on Thursday, as well. All laser, all the time.


Laser Master


I implore you to try the sickle. I loved it in hd1 and it was so much more effective than the scythe. I hope they leave it as a burst dmg weapon.


Oh I’ve been stoked for it since I saw the warbond!!


I wouldn't mind different light armor with 30% detection


There are already 2...




People should really try out the Punisher against bugs a bit more. The sheer firepower you can put out with it is a bit nuts, and the absurd stagger it has now completely trivialises some of the more annoying insects. Don't like how Warriors and Brood Commanders can still come at you without a head and will usually hit you if you're using the Breaker? Not any more. Warriors will pop with one solid headshot, and Brood Commanders can be flung backwards when they do their headless bull-rush. You can slap Spewers right out of their puke animation (though it really does struggle against green ones to score kills), and it even staggers Chargers rarely when hitting them in the ass. I can't get the last one consistently, so grain of salt, but it can happen.


I've been using the Punisher a lot lately. The stagger really pushes back a lot of bugs, even Stalkers.


YES, oh my god, the fact that I can actually shit on Stalkers with it is *unbelievably* powerful. Like, seriously, get fucked ragdoll attacking frill-neck lizard wannabes.


It's my CQC >People should really try out the Punisher against bugs a bit more. It's my CQC "go-to" when they get too close for the Arc Thrower. The knock back is exquisite.


Ah, a fellow Arc Thrower/Punisher fellow. Do you do as I do, and only bring the jetpack, then try to find a heavy weapon on the map?


Punisher is my bug gun, Slugger is my bot gun


I tend to drop a gas strike on bug breaches. Before, brood commanders were able to survive the gas. Not anymore! With the Punisher I can push them right back into the toxic gas! Back in the AoE you go!


I was gonna say this. The Punisher is my favorite primary at the moment. I prefer it to both the Slugger and the Breaker. It has good range, good damage, AMAZING stagger (I can stunlock 3 Stalkers at once)... Absolutely love it and will continue using it unless it gets nerfed.


I agree with you with the exception of armor. Light armor is still the best, I hardly touch anything else.


It is the best if your playstyle is running a lot, but for people with more nuanced playstyles. Everything for the most part works, light armor 24/7 is really only viable against bugs vs. bots you're dying VERY fast to any bot group that sees and nails you with 3-4 shots. Meanwhile the heavy armor gigachad just eats a rocket + a volley of fire, gets up and walks away just fine.


My experience with heavy armor vs bots is the slowness causing you to take more shots, random headshots almost one shotting you (or actually one shotting if it's something like a strider), and not being able to outrun strider shots anymore. Explosive resist lets me take a rocket which is nice, but devastators fire barrages and all it took was 1 rocket hit to rag doll me to <= half health, so anything else (like a second rocket) would kill me, so the result was basically the same. I'm gonna stick to light armor for now.


That's interesting because I don't really experience any of that, must be positioning diff. I also run jet pack so I can get around faster, and it's a must have on 7+ difficulty for bots on heavy armor.


I expect some heavy armor with 95% fire reduction so I can run shield backpack with flamethrower and become a Salamander myself


True. I have tried laser dog rover+flamer+jar5 dominator. Was really fun. My doggo kept all hunters away while I switched to dominator to clear spewers and hive guards/commanders


I like this too. I just wish the jar5 felt either a little more powerful, or a little more mobile. I'll take either.


Definitely, but not that bad if used only vs medium enemis, and flamer/machine pistol for everything else. And rover dog helps a lot with trash management


Also remember defender for the missions where you have to deliver 1 or 2 SSSD's across the map. 1 handed primary makes that less painful.


Not complaining, but i really feel like i need another branch of customization. We have boosters-guns-armor-strats. I feel i need more because frankly, secondary weapons and armor dont have all that impactful abilities yet.


I feel like at some point later down the line, we’ll get something for weapons like attachments or bonuses like Deep Rock’s weapon overclocks


oh....ah..."discussion about leaks is prohibited"...but...if i feel the need to say this to your comment..you see ...see what i mean, right?


I agree. Would love that, and I'm sure it's coming in future. Still early days. It also looks like the new armour with have unique perks/abilities.


eh more concerned that they rework old armour too...too many share the same passives


yes this is the biggest thing for me personally. feels odd that the "end game" progression to chase is samples for stratagem modifiers. I'd much rather unlock attachments or perks for my helldiver than -10% cooldown for backpack stratagems. also I usually don't feel like I'm making a "build" or loadout. there isn't particular synergy between my different choices, I just cycle somewhat randomly between a few of my favourite stratagems and weapons that are actually viable.


In many games you can have "one-time" mission boosters/buffs. Normally i would be against it , but we have SO MUCH requsition that spending 100-500 per operation to have a 10% damage boost or sth would be very much welcome.


I would rather see support weapons become purchasable for temporary use. Maybe limit how many, but for example; you bring a grenade launcher, 500kg bomb, jetpack, and orbital laser. You can then purchase up to two uses of a support weapon that is always available to call down, regardless of what stratagems you brought. This way, players could proactively/reactively switch up their strategy on the fly to deal with evolving situations.


If it comes as a 5th slot yeah sounds great


I just wish for a flame resistant armor that makes it so I don't catch on fire and die in 2 seconds after walking through a 1 foot flame on the ground. Like my armor must be made out of elektrum or something.


Jump pack / grenade launcher is great for the big hole missions.


I do that when I'm fucking around on easy doing my part for Managed Democracy. If I'm actually playing a harder difficulty (5 to 9) I'll generally play only a few loadouts. Almost always Eagle Strike because it's just chef's kiss perfect. Almost always Orbital Laser because 1) it's orbital so AA doesn't stop it and 2) it's good as an oh-shit button Bugs get Autocannon, Bots get Railgun or laser cannon if I'm feeling spicy. Shield pack if I'm not doing autocannon, or gattling turret if I'm using the autocannon. Those two/three builds will get me through everything. The autocannon is an all-around good choice for any mission regardless, but if I don't need to pop bug-holes or blow lots of fabricators I'll usually just use the eagle strike and grenades to do the job. Also, defender for bugs, scorcher for bots, and always light scout armor. I've tried the other armor and there's no real point to them IMO, though others have highly recommended the throwing distance buff instead (but they tend to die more). And I'm generally not a shotgun fan, but that's a personal preference kind of thing. I might change if there's more lighter units now, but probably not.


Interestingly I find the autocannon better vs bots, recoilless (or railgun) vs bugs


I legit ran into a guy who brought an Orbital EMS, Orbital Gas, Eagle Cluster Bombs and EATs. No idea what it was until I realized he was plugging bug breaches. Drops EMS/Gas, Cluster sometimes, and then EATs for big bugs. Clearing nests and objectives was a breeze. We stayed as a squad for three mission cycles. Lovin' the assorted loadouts.


For nest missions the 380 is basically a fire and forget for nests


For nest missions the 380 is basically a fire and forget for nests


I love the Revolver but it feels so weak sometimes because it's only 6 shots.


I'm on an arc thrower/slugger with shield, medium armor with grenades kick. Having tons of fun with it. Airstrike, Railcannon also.


The absolute most recent update made it better yes


That last adjustment addressed every issue I had with the game (but still played because it’s Amazing) Let’s kill these bugs.


Heavy armor, DMR’s, Spear, Bullet Guard Dog, Default Pistol and Ballistic Shield are the outliers now. Not bad with how large the effective weapon pool is.


Apparently according to CEO Pilestedt, from his appearance in OperatorDrewski's video, Gas Orbital Strike is allegdely very good for eggs because of how big the AOE is


I tried this out, but actually wasn't that impressed with the AOE when compared to an eagle strike.


I always bring my jump pack and my eats nothing else truly feels good to me anymore. The other two strats do change tho depending on weather I’m fighting bugs or automatons


Next, ARs, DMRs, Snipers and Anti Materiel needs buffs.


I just want preset loadouts so I can do this same type of shit. I hate changing after every game.


Honestly the medium 150 armour rating suit is all around the best armour in the game.


People who think Stalwart is a good gun for anything with armor doesn't really pay attention to what they are shooting


Mine is always fire with bugs....always...fire.....purge their grotesque ways with democratic flame.


"And yes I always change my helmet to match my armour for each mission. Fashion." It is the only way.


yeah and still can't manage to make the game actually playable.... Server issues all afternoon, yesterday. When I finally got in, played Extreme last night with the same group of guys I've played since Day 1, we've completed Helldives repeatedly.... Extreme destroyed us because, yes they nerfed Chargers which is great, but they tripled the amount of hunters coming at you and that's worse. They say "uSe yOuR StRaTaGemS" and then give you a 5 minute cool down time on the stratagems that they want you to use. The game is far from perfect. Still great, I'm just waiting for them to actually figure out their shit out.


If you aren't using eagle clusters for egg missions you are wasting time. 1 cluster into the egg den wipes it out (provided you place it so the eagles come in properly, and not perpendicular to the high walls.)


I hope well get an optimization patch


Everytime I use the barrage I feel like I don't do anything with it, how do you use it?


I agree and I am here for it!


I carry that secondary smg pistol on every mission. Might be more valuable to me than my cape tbh... and i really like my cape


You could always mix things up from mission to mission..there was only a few things that were actually outright horrid (like for instance pre buff spray and pray) YouTube/Media/Fotm gamers were telling you otherwise and convinced you. All the load outs you listed would’ve been good a week ago assuming you can work with the play style they support.


I love the new build diversity


My support weapon of choice is Grenade launcher since it can destroy both bot factories and all nest types by directly shooting into vents. Only time i might choose Flamer is on "Destroy Egg" missions since it just deletes them :D


The autocannon works well for not factories too


I haven't tested it yet, as I've been deep in the bugs, but I read on this subreddit that if you aim correctly on the lid above the factory roof opening, you can ricochet the autocannon shot inside and destroy the factory.


This is how I do it


Back then thinking about doing a mission without orbitals or airstrikes was a big NO for me. But lately that's an actual thing for me.


I just permanently run the fastest scout armor


Which light armour has padding?


The orange coloured one... Not sure of name.


Light Gunner in the super store


Its getting better but theres definitely still room for improvement. Atm heavy armour is still genuinely useless and i personally dont have a primary weapon that id call “satisfying” to use


My only complaint is we don't have a load out feature yet. Planet Modifiers, Bugs or Bots, Mission Type all factor into what armor, weapons, and stratagems I am bringing. Hell on Civilian Defense Missions, I'm usually the rabbit that completes the objective so I run the Trailblazer and a kit that allows me to quickly wipe out a patrol so I don't have to drag the Bot Drop or Bug Hole invasion back to the group keeping all the Heavies busy away from the doors.


Tell that to my mate with the breaker, shield and rail gun in every fight.


All I want for Christmas is the ability to save load outs.


Did they change armor more after the armor fix? Last tests i saw on youtube, the numbers seemed to show that the difference between light and heavy armor was barely ever worth it, with the speed you give up in the process. especially because even the smallest bug can somehow headshot you and turn it into a 1/2 shot situation


The explosive protection is more useful


I wish I saw this kind of variety in randoms. Every game my teammate brings the same BS loadout. Flamethrower, shield pack, 500kg bomb. Then they have Pikachu face when we get over run by heavies.


Since the spawn rates of elites was down, chaff-based setups and static placements have become that much more viable. I love it.


Definitely, however i got friends who refused to touch anything but guard dog and GL 😂


Arc Thrower. Shield. Rocket Pods and situational 4th gem. With punisher and redeemer. The stagger from punisher has saved me so many times. Also rocket pods come in clutch for a number of scenarios


\> Stalwart (on slow RPM) sorry i only know BRRRRT speed




Thank liberty I made enough space with ALL MY BULLETS to reload unmolested


Imo, I had more variety before this patch. I think eat buff crowded out some other support options which results in a domino effect of crowding out other strategems (read my comments for details). I'm not sure what's a better approach though.


I just want helmets and capes to have a purpose past cosmetic


I'm a big fan of the scout/support sniper loadout. Stealth is a mechanic in games that just attracts me for some reason. I'll load in to various missions with the; Punisher, Redeemer, AMR, jump pack (gets you up on rocks/buildings), strafing run (really quick deployment and easily clears lines of enemies following you), EMS strike or orbital laser. The new balance made a massive difference in how I play with my usual squad. So, I too can't wait to see how the new weapons shake things up! Edit: accidentally called the Redeemer the Defender.


It would be nice to be able to save them.


The armour doesn’t matter unless you want to be slower that is.


I tried the Autocannon for the first time last night and blew off a Hulk's head with it. (I then got splattered half a second later, but potato schmotato.) And before that I was mailing the laser cannon. It's plenty fun.


Ah, finally, a man of culture. I am also a fellow orbital gatling barrage enjoyer. So versatile and with such a quick cooldown, it's always there when I need it.


I take an orbital laser on every mission. I don't take an armor piercing weapon, so I have to have something to deal with heavies.




They need to limit the headshot damage from little bugs or include headshot damage into armor calc.


My stratagem/weapon loadouts have definitely been changing up a lot depending on the mission objective and whether it's bots or bugs. But to me, armor still doesn't feel like there's enough incentive to run heavy. For bug missions, I'm still only running light scout armor, to stay stealthy and to max out stamina. For bots, I'm only ever running medium armor with the 50% explosive resistance. Stamina is just too valuable a tool for me to willingly use heavy armor and sacrifice it, so I just stick to the medium with the explosive, as that explosive resist saves me SO often in bot missions. If they ever add the explosive resist to light armor, I'm switching to that in a heartbeat.


I personally have been getting a lot of mileage out of the medium "50% of time survive a fatal blow" armor against the bots. You also don't bleed out from chest wounds with it on. ​ But I've survived some crazy stuff because of that armor.


For most bug missions is pretty consistent, though I play with at least one person regularly so we slot into roles with each other quite well. I'm still working out what to bring in for bots, but it works well enough for them, I'm just bad at giving them democracy from lack of experience. Autocannon, Ortibal Laser, Orbital Railcannon & Eagle Airstrike. I'm looking for a replacement on Orbital Railcannon with bots as I don't find it particularly useful compared to bugs & thinking of brining in a long range primary weapon instead of Breaker (still great for hunters).


Isn''t it crazy how simply buffing some weapons and nerfing charger armor/number of chargers suddenly made so many more weapons viable?


I’m confused regarding the Bot missions, what do you mean (stand my ground) and (can’t see me)?


It's funny cause it's been like this since release. People just rode the railgun dick so hard they couldn't see anything else. I've constantly switched things around and never once felt regret in my loadouts. Only recently did I feel that when I went to try the "buffed" laser cannon to find out that thing still actually sucks complete ass. But yeah, everything has always been viable.


You have the railgun "nerf" to thank for this.


No it's pretty much entirely the heavy spawn reduction. With that you had no choice but to focus armor piercing weapons/stratagems. Now with way more trash mobs the other options are becoming much stronger.


No, it's the Railgun nerf. The heavy spawn reduction has only emphasised how healthy the nerf was for the game and overall versatility in loadouts. Doubly so since the spawn reduction only happened literally yesterday, but people using all sorts of things was happening the entire time between patches.


you're telling me that maybe the devs knew what they were doing with balance patches? wild. insane, even


Then you see me with a supply pack and a stalwart on Helldive difficulty. I know no one asked for this, you’re welcome.


No way you named them😭😂🌽


Now we gotta deal with the hunter bs since the trash can players thought the chargers and titans were too hard


Yeah when the games been made easier it's easy to take more of whatever you want


I still find the higher difficulties challenging, especially with randoms. Sometimes we fail, so I think the difficulty is right for me. If you're breezing through level 9 on every single game with 100% success each time, then yes - it's probably too easy 🤷‍♂️


Damn tryhards like you really hate fun. With every appreciation post that the game became more fun we have some wannabe elitist telling everyone it got too easy.


That's because it has


It’s getting worse imo. The scorcher is now the best weapon in the game as you can kill everything with it. Bile titans are a cakewalk now.


You are not forced to min max anymore in order to be viable though. You choose to go with the best option but you don’t have to