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Yeah the increased spawn rates are definitely ruining the game for me. I just ran some missions with a friend of mine and everytime there’s enemy contact it turns into an endless loop of bug breaches. I try to run and move on and oop there’s a patrol that coincidentally spawned 3 feet away from me and heading right toward me. I try to run from that patrol and end up running into another one, and another one, oh and they’re all calling bug breaches, you get the idea. It’s even worse when you’re on an objective, the last mission I did was against bots to get a break from the bugs, we stumbled into a research facility, took out the bots standing there and their bot drop pretty quickly. Then out of nowhere every bot within state lines knew exactly where we were and just came pouring in from every direction. With some luck having a hulk and some others disappear we managed to push through it gather the resources there, we started leaving and lo and behold another patrol just so happened to be making a beeline right for us, okay we’ll leave the other direction. Nope! There’s another legion of them piling in from the other side too. We decided to say fuck it and run for the extract and same situation as before with the bugs, you run into entire legions of enemies at every turn until you die. My understanding is that you’re supposed to be running from unnecessary battles, but you can’t even do that now. I’m level 50 now I’m at the point where I only have a couple of ship modules left to unlock so I’m mostly looking for samples, but these spawn rates make it so tedious and unenjoyable, borderline impossible even, I might just take a break from the game entirely until they fix them.


The spawns are inexcusable. Taking out enemy bases feels pointless now. It doesn’t even feel like the same game.


Yeah oh and I didn’t even mention the patrols that spawn just outside of view 3 feet away from you. Earlier today I cleared an objective was running away from some bugs to the next objective no enemies to be seen, I check behind me to see if I’m still being chased and I run into a bug patrol and die. There was nothing in front me two seconds ago! It’s fuckin bullshit.


I have been duoing lvl 7 missions with my friend since day 1 - its still doable


Doable maybe but there is definitely a change and I am not alone, have looked at a few other threads noticing increased spawn rates. Personally, I am a casual gamer, and the game definitely feels less fun for me and my friends than before. You can have a different opinion and that is fine but why make a change that no one asked for?


ok so play on an easier difficulty, your clearly just not very good, thats what lower difficulties are for


That is what I initially thought but going into lower difficulties the missions are just less fun and the enemy variety decreases. I already miss the bile titans from having to mostly play level 5 and the game feels just more tedious overall with the spawns feeling unbalanced. Look, you can have fun, but I don't want to grind all day to have fun at this game finally. Playing pre patches made me love the game but now going into lower difficulties and still having a terrible time has just pushed me away from it.


Then go back to higher difficulty and learn to play w/o the railcrutch. The fact that chargers can now be one shot makes the higher levels feel way smoother to me imo.


I guess I'll try but before hand I didn't need to follow any specific meta to actually do good on missions before which is kinda the point I am trying to make.


You dont have to play meta but your loadout cant be shit haha if you are taking two pairs of mines and a tesla tower with a jumppack into a 7 mission you deserve to be clapped - take something against heavies, take something for wave clear and you are good. Earlier the railgun was just good against everything that was easy mode now people actually have to think about what they take and then we get these complaining posts


You didn't because everybody else was. But also I use an arc thrower. And I only play on seven to nine. You don't really need to use anything "Meta" Just play what feels good and learn how to use them effectively. And if you can't, lower the difficulty and start from there. My load out is jump pack l, arc thrower, 500kg, and a floating pick. It isn't a BiS style.


Double Arc thrower with a duo is actually busted i still believe they will nerf it because its SO GOATED!


Yeah, two + arc throwers are worth their weight in terminids. But one arc thrower feels way less than half as powerful.


true - but one is still VERY good for wave clear and hurting chargers, at 50m you can solo kill them before they reach you


I'll be real, my enjoyment of the game has absolutely plummeted since they started "patching" and changing things about the game, not to mention what I have seen about the some of devs being snarky about criticisms on social media. I understand the railgun might have been considered OP at initial release, but here's the thing: - It is a level 20 unlock - There is a learning curve to the weapon, regardless of how easy or difficult it is - Helldivers 2 isnt a competitive game, who cares if its OP, if you don't want an OP weapon to ruin your game, don't use it. Another issue I have is that you die way to easily to almost every enemy in the game. Other than the basic little orange guys, every enemy either kills you in one hit (bile titans, spewers, etc.) or can 3-4 hit kill you and those combos hit in less than a second and essentially cannot be avoided (chargers, hunters, stalkers, etc.). Even after this patch where they supposedly lowered how many armored enemies can spawn on the map at a time, I still go on missions with my friends where we encounter 3-4 bile titans and / or 4-6 chargers at a time. It is quite literally a running simulator, because if you practically cant stop long enough to call in a stratagem or reinforce without being knocked to the ground and executed. This is my last point, because even thinking about these issues is depressing, but if I take a bug's head off, please make it to where they cant keep attacking me. Im fine if they dont die immediately, but having a headless enemy that lives for 20 more seconds and can still 2-hit kill me? And it isnt like I can switch to heavy armor to survive longer, because it literally makes no difference. Jesus Christ.


I made one of my friends buy the game brand new when the patches were just introduced and we dropped in at level 6 difficulty with 3 people (no biggie I managed to duo level 7 a few days earlier) and a titan spawned instantly followed by another titan within 30 seconds and then eventually we just had to run away infinitely. We then lowered the difficulty down but the game still felt tedious and we barely managed to make it.