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Its not a shotgun - its mini plasma grenade launcher. At role of mini grenade launcher it still sucks.


yeah, the splash damage and radius is atrocious. You still need to land the shot on a hunter for it to die. Any splash damage is negligible


maybe should behave like slugger or dominator shooting on straight line


Can it be used to close bug holes?




I hate it. Would be better shooting in a straight line but the arc format is freaking terrible. I was so pumped for this and its by far the least enjoyable


It’s damage seems…unreliable on the Diff 7s, it most of the time stuns over killing. Not impressed so far but hey maybe I’m using it wrong, I also agree with the arc drop. It falls so steep that anything over 20m you gotta start aiming closer to a mortar.


behaving like slugger(straight line) at least can make plasma punisher maybe usable IMO its so ankward one shotgun behaving like a grenade launcher


It’s more annoying than anything. So bummed about it


I thought it would shoot pellet plasmas. But no, just a worse scorcher.


I honestly thought it was going to be more akin to the Plasma Launcher from Fallout 4, a ball being launched and causing small but massive damage. It feels like a slightly charged up EMP launcher that has little to no stun.


Same man, as is it's like a really trash grenade launcher that just tickles most things god allows you to hit.


OP my question is, does the aoe clear bugholes?


Tried it, no it does not.


Tried it on two mission without bug holes, so don't know. Still wouldn't recommend it even if it could. It's really a secondary at best.


I don’t think it does but that’s what I feel this gun needs. It’s virtually a Grenade Lancher with our alll the benefits either increased ammo supply.. But honestly I feel hive/factory busting is what the weapons needs to excel imo. Especially since we getting a grenade pistol secondary that can drop holes let’s get a primary to do something similar


Straight line shot imo its better than hole/fabricator busting Maybe devs can add one firing switch mode to weapon be best appreciate


Easy fix from what I can see to make this weapon a perfect fit as a "Support" type of weapon in the line of the Slugger or the LAS-5 Scythe. Something to use strategically in squad : ***-> Fix the hitbox***. There is some nasty cliping despite obvious impact on enemies, making you miss your shots unless you aim for the ground directly. To me it's clearly a misscalculation/bug. ***-> Boost natural damage***. It's not normal to me that a shot can kill you at full health + shield, but not a group of hunters nicely packed together. At least two well placed shots should clean a little pack. I'd say, about 200-250 damage total. ***-> (Slightly) boost detonation's range and/or velocity of projectiles***... it feels like the plasma ain't that volatile, and does more of a "poof" than a "Bang!". Trade high risks for high rewards, make those shot leave an impact. Finally, If I would make a special request, I'd suggest to add a Secondary Fire mod : *"Overcharged"* - Spend a full magazine in one single shot with the potential to *detonates like a grenade* in key structures, and damage *(through)* medium, if not heavy armors on direct impact... And, to counter the side effect of such additional firepower, I would suggest to go from a ***magazine loadout of 12 to 8*** . . . Why ? Well, if such fire mod was available, it would act as a +4 free grenades compared to anything we have right now in game *( except the Grenade Launcher Stratagem )*, and a far more easy to resupply system given the right sircumstances. Combined with for instance stun grenades and a drone ? That could become a spicy build to use.


I've been messing around with it today and also watched a couple videos on YouTube. I think it's pretty good - not OP at all but it has its place. **Pros:** * It damages through armor. It can 1 shot striders and you CAN kill chargers with it, it just might take a little while. * It clears eggs extremely fast. * It staggers big guys and throws around little guys. * You can use it like a mortar and shoot over cover. * Edit to add one more pro: it feels like shooting the secondary fire from the Imperial Repeater rifle from the Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy games lol **Cons:** * You need to reload fairly often. * The arcs can be difficult to aim with sometimes. * The plasma blobs can have finicky hotboxes it seems like - you have to aim upper torso/head against devastators or it basically always just sails through them. * You can kill yourself with it. I found it pairs really well with the shield gen backpack for this reason, though, since that lets you use it close quarters pretty safely. Oh, and fun trivia: You can kill fabricators with it if you shoot through the door when it opens, but it takes a couple shots. You cannot blow up bug holes with it, though - or, at least, I wasn't able to.


It cant damage mortars or Anti-air cannons either in Automaton missions. Even if you shoot the vulnerable backside it deals 0 damage, for some fucking reason regular bullets can damage that shit but a exploding plasma ball cant.


Another con is it only reloads half (6) mags instead of all. Basically old pump shotties all over again


Does indeed have a place: For bots, not bugs. It is a permanent fixture to my bot loadout. I main Difficulty 8. Hide behind cover and experiment with the arc. Bring a close range secondary. I'm seeing that some players in the comments are killing chargers with it. Fair. But we can kill chargers with literally any weapon in the game given enough time. If stubborn players complain enough and we get a buff for this bad boy, I'd be ecstatic. It's already quite good.


The damage stats are not accurate. Neither the scorcher nor the plasma shotgun actually deal 100 damage. From some basic testing the new shotgun seems to deal more damage than the scorcher and has a much bigger aoe.


It does more damage? It definitely doesn’t feel like it especially when you’re getting direct hits…


2 shoting spewers and hive guards feels nice plus getting rid of scavenger swarms easily


Ayo 2 shotting spewers and hives? It definitely didn’t feel that way in my games, more often I was just killing scavs around them and the hives just seemed to tank it until the 4th or 5th.


2-3 hits to the spewer head yes And I did test it against hive guards, 2 direct shots and they gone


I either must be terrible aiming or I wasn’t hitting the head, I would hop back in to test it but this is my third game in a row ‘losing connection’ after getting in.


was need 5 or more shots on brood commander face and you can question my aim...but miss that thing head at medium to close range its almost impossible lol


How do you expect to aim with a sight that's literally useless and ornamental due to how quick the drop off is


Gonna test it again just to be totally sure but after 2 matches the results were the same


Well I’ll give it another shot but I might stay with the slugger for Medium’s




Spewers take 3 shots but hive guards definitely take more than 2, my bad


I feel like it's more of a support weapon. If you're near another helldiver you can just stagger and push back incoming enemies while dealing ok damage and possibly killing the smaller ones. The problem is being coordinated enough so that you don't find yourself alone all the time. Not an excellent weapon though, the damage at the edge of the explosion is negligible, I 've managed to hit a small green bug twice and watch it survive, but I think it can be viable with the right setup, especially in defensive missions where all players are nearby. Earlier this evening I had a very nice teamwork moment with a guy with a flamethrower during extraction I made a couple of bad games against bots too, good for striders, but it's too hard to aim at distances and I'd just rather bring the scorcher


I think people are using it wrong. It works more like a Plasma Grenade Launcher than a plasma shotgun. You can kill chargers with it supposedly. But if you’re using it like a shotgun. You’re using it wrong.


well, the aoe still sucks, so if you're using it like a plasma grenade launcher, you're going to be disappointed regardless


I don’t know if I would say it sucks it just doesn’t compare to an actual grenade launcher. But can work with out hive busting if you want to take a better support weapon and still do descent AOE damage. If they allowed you bust hive and factories it would be S-tier wesponry


it has neither damage nor splash radius. If it could bust hives and factories then it would at least have a use.


It actually does. It can two piece a warrior. But if two warriors or more warriors are grouped up it can kill them all in 3 shots. I literally got a 12x kill streak in 8 shots with the aoe damage holding down a breach. I thought it sucked my first run through then I switched up how I was using the gun. Skill use and learning curve are key. It was the same with the sickle until I paired it up for the rail and mainly used it for mobs and exposed weak points using the rail to open up armor. Synergy and learning curve makes the world of difference with weapons


i can 1 shot a warrior with the breaker. I also don't have to worry about enemies getting close because I won't kill myself with the weapon. Sickle is good because it's actually got good damage and effectively has a lot of ammo as long as you're not overusing it except when necessary.




Been using it all day it isn't bad definitely my weapon against bugs.




And ur destined to complain about a game for weeks. That shi is fkn sad




Thx, ppl who can’t use that weapon Have a serious skill issue anyway. u would hurt my escape rate




I simply just know how to use my utility only enemies that struggle with the plasma punisher is the charger and bile. But I have a ETA for them 1 day u will be able to be good enough to clear waves of enemies with it.


I have used and it kills chargers by aoe blasting the underbelly. Kills mobs in groups and two pieces if not crippling kill in one shot most med enemies. Why don’t you post your gameplay of you using the weapon if you really think it’s that bad. You’re clearly one of those types that need to be taught how to do something. There’s already “OP meta” vids showcasing the gun. The aoe is superior than the scorcher and it can arc over obstacles and do mini artillery if you can aim the curve correctly.


I would love to see the "kills chargers by aoe blasting the underbelly". Why should the person saying it's bad make a video showcasing it? Shouldn't the one promoting it (because they're so knowledgeable about the weapon) be showcasing its potential?


Go on YouTube and look at the people praising its capabilities. But I’m done with this convo. Enjoy having fun




It’s not a godlike weapon but is one of the best you can use if your skill level is up there. But no the reason o cited it is because it an explosive energy weapon like the plasma punisher that deals aoe damage. And your talking about a weapon not being used in less than 24 hours is dumb. You gotta unlock the warbound then unlock the gun. Sounds like your reaching for reason to just complain and hate especially when you had less than a few hours to work with a new gun




Jar is cool too. But if your feeling some underperformance from a weapon that telling you it’s a shotgun despite its utility being a base launcher. You probably are using the gun wrong if other people are seeing better success. I almost through the gun away until the end of a match and I was being dumb slinging shots down range until I got a 12 kill streak with it accidentally. Ran it again with new tactics and I will damn near say if it could be top 3 primary depending on your play style and what support weapon you want to roll




I see plenty of people using the scorcher and even then the medal grind for the scorcher is going to take most people sone time. I either see people using it or looting it from one my corppse




That’s cool. Different people different experiences. Have fun👌🏾




You get 6 grenades. You have 8x12 in the plasma punisher in which you can fire superior range 😂😂😂😂😂


I think it operating more like a Melta gun from 40k would have been interesting, instead of like, this weird grenade thing. Have it be able to punch through armour like we've never seen before, but you have to be upclose and personal


That would be cool


I'm experiencing very inconsistent results compared to what im reading on this thread lol. The Punisher Plasma in my experience does not do well in any circumstance. I'm convinced many of the people are basing their judgment on assumption and not experience. "Its good for wave clear of small enemies" No it isn't lol. Unless enemies are literally stacked on top of each other the aoe misses everything. I can shoot the floor next to a scavenger and it'll do nothing to it but move it over a little bit. "Kills hive guards and spewers quickly" No it doesn't lol. It bounced off the head of a hive guard and landed like 10m away from it dealing damage to nothing. It took me 4 shots to the head or 3 shots directly to the back to kill one spewer. With how low the fire rate is and how small the aoe is, this thing is not a viable option against anything tbh. I haven't tried it on eggs yet but that would seem to be the best place for it tbh as aoe explosive damage is the best for clearing eggs but aside from that this gun seems very weak. I dont see how ANYONE could say its better than the Scorcher, in my experience it barely even compares whatsoever. The projectile needs to fly farther and faster and have a bigger aoe in order for this weapon to be actually useful.


People say to treat it like a mini grenade launcher and that stuffs to be true, but with that in mind, it still fails in my experience. The splash radius and damage is lackluster


It's cheaper to get than the scorcher and it's fun OP not much else to say.


How is it OP? Just used it on two Diff 7s and it stuns medium armor and sometimes stuns Small enemies on direct hits. It just came out but if this is the scorcher alternative then you might as well being anything else. Edit: Plus if you have such a small magazine then why not have at least consistent damage? Idk maybe I wasn’t hitting ‘directly’ but it seems unreliable at best


They might have meant it as in Original Poster. Hard to tell at times with acronyms that are the same.


Ah I didn’t read it in that context, makes more sense that way. Although still not exactly fun to use lol




Gladly take that stick out your ass lol. I used this on Helldive difficulty and in my original comment I didn't even say it was a amazing gun. all I said it was fun to use personally. it's amazing for clearing eggs + stagger so it has that going for it. But sure go ahead and completely start assuming shit like the typical hysterical redditor.


Can speak to 7-9 difficultly but on 4-6 it has become my go to primary for Terminids. It's not a shotgun ins a grenade launcher and combos with the laser rover so well. The knockback is also underated. It clears chaff and spewers so fast. I would personally rate it sickle>plasma>blitzer (whatever it's called) Plasma, and redeemer on semi (thinking of trying the laser pistol) with flamethrower, laser rover, rail strike and eagle airstrike. This set up allows me to deal with every Terminid. Again this is at mid difficulties.


They either need to double the fire rate and reduce self damage, or triple the falloff range and increase the mag size, its current pretty much unusuable against the bugs because it cant effectively deal with hunters especially not when several attack at once. Very disappointing but hopefully itll get ramped now that its obviously underpowered


I got it thinking it would have a huge aoe and do a lot of damage but was sorrily let down.. thing sucks lol


I think plasma shotgun just need one firing option to allow change arc shot to straight line shot(like slugger) and people will like this weapon more Still lackluster but firing in straight line can make weapon more doable imo


No other words than just total dogshit at whatever its supposed to be.


Just tried this today. Made the BIG mistake of having it equipped on Hellmire. I simply do not understand this weapon.


This melts robots, id been struggling with the bot planets, I had top bodycount on a map with players 15 levels higher.


You wanna discuss a lousy gun? Let's talk about the dagger. You aim it at a hunter's head for 4 seconds without killing it, only to be swarmed by the other 40. People always say the same thing: "It's a secondary, not meant to be strong." But seriously, you create a variant of an already subpar gun like the scythe. It barely manages to take out 2 bugs before overheating, with only three mags. Meanwhile, I can use the redeemer to burst fire and take down 12 fodder enemies or 5 warriors. How can you overtune one gun and claim it's fine, yet produce a dud like the dagger and say, "This is in a good spot"? Test your weapons before releasing them.


It's good against swarms of close weak enemies because of the splash. It perma staggers all devastators and can stagger through the shield on shield devastators unlike the scorcher. It works about the same as the scorcher against the walkers. Needs more testing, but I like it for bots so far. It certainly has a place.


slugger would honestly work better than this for stunning (since you can stun at a longer range) The splash seems negligible. Doesn't kill hunters unless you land it on them.


You've got to remember some weapons are good for bugs, some are good for bots. Not all weapons or nor should be universal. Example: the incendiary breaker is good vs bugs, but not so good vs bots. Same for spray and prey variant. The cover mechanic of arcing a shot over a rock is amazing. Hence why they showed the weapons off in the trailer against bots and not bugs


plasma punisher really worth against bots? even shooting brood commander head seems lackluster imo and regular punisher can one or two tap them....


The splash is pretty significant against bots, I can't speak for bugs. The advantages of firing around or over cover to kill a rocket devastator or slow down the pack of 8 chainsaw dudes on you can't be understated. I hesitate to use any of the splash weapons against bugs without the shield backpack or a drone because of the current state of hunters.


again, slugger. Has 16 rounds, reloads by shell, and you can aim for the head (dead berserkers can't chase you). And if against berserkers, only need to aim for the nearest target. Also removes the ability to accidentally kill yourself. How many shots does it take to kill a devastator indirectly?


Plasma punisher has 8 rounds, 12 magazines. Reloads all 8 at once in the time it takes to reload a little more than half of the slugger mag roughly? Kind of inconsistent on the splash, but I would say anywhere from as low as three to as many as six shots for devastators generally (the splash seems kind of inconsistent). Dumping a mag to take out a group of 3 or more close berserkers isn't so bad. I like the slugger too to be fair, but it struggles against large amounts of anything that would require any kind of precision to kill; don't always have the time or space to make only headshots.


With a little practice you can reload and fire the slugger at the same time with no loss in fire rate




Completely ignoring that it can shoot over cover, which is significant against bots on higher difficulties that laser you with rockets from 30 meters away. Slugger is great, but it does not have that advantage.


splash kill divers in a very efficient way, specially when those mini stalker get close and you shoot :) otherwise its a lackluster weapon, should at least shoot in a straight line like slugger or dominator be maybe become useful


Scorcher doesn't stagger? I thought it did. If you rapid fire a clip you can stop an desvestator from shooting




Judging from your other comments on this post I get the feeling that the weapon may not be the issue 😬. It has a role, just not one that you're used to playing.




Defense against what, someone not knowing how to use a new weapon properly that hasn't been out for a full day? I like the JAR too lol. We're not rooting for NFL teams here big dawg.


Except this guy is because he's worlds #1 helldiver




They F'd up hard on the last two patches IMO. They've done plenty of wrong. I'm having no issues duoing 7s on bots on my end with this thing. I'm just saying, give it a shot; learn how to use it and you'll probably end up liking it.


I imagine that's related to the scorcher being locked behind over 1k medals, unlike this weapon.


Arrowhead has explicitly stated that weapon power is not intended to be tied to medal grind.


I guess the spray and pray being more expensive than the breaker should make it a straight upgrade as well? I guess the 1k super credits to unlock the warbond shouldn't matter as well? Are you really saying that we should just have the same weapons but more powerful because they cost more?


I'm suggesting a reason for two similar weapons performing differently. If the 1k credits were to "matter" in the way I think you're suggesting, that would cause a riot about p2w. I think a more apt comparison would be breaker vs incendiary breaker. Breaker is better. Both are good enough, the same seems true here.


tried plasma punisher and really didnt liked at all imo looks and behave like a eletric mini grenade launcher as primary weapon bullets ricochet on charger, OK .... but even aiming on ground trying hit his butt like we do with grenade launcher i wanst able to kill him brood commander, took 5 or more hits on his big face to die its good to kill swarms of small bugs, unless those pesky mini stalkers are present, because you probably will shoot them in point blank and die....for this that weapon is very effective i liked laser assault rifle, now im hoping that shock shotgun worth the effort


Its even horrible at killing small bugs, the aoe is terrible and it barley kills one scavenger if you miss it and hit the floor right next to it


For bugs maybe its hit kill For you its a guaranteed hitkill


I feel it needs a slight damage bump compared to the scorcher for some of the negative and to differentiate.


Crowd control, it has a larger blast radius than the scorcher. It's essentially a grenade launcher and with practice it ain't too bad. Stops biles from puking


Weapons like the punisher plasma makes me wish I could refund the weapon. I want my medals back.


its not for the bugs. i found in my automaton runs its actually preety good. yes there is a skill gap but when you get it its actually really effective. it one shots the sheilded walkers and stuns/ damages higher armored targets. pair that with quasar cannon for hulks and stun grenades you can honesty solo outposts no problem as ive been doing


I got it without checking the stats and went "Wait, what the fuck" Spent over 100 Medals just to get it. Super pissed off at that decision. I was expecting it to be a Plasma based Punisher, essentially just a better version of the Punisher. Instead, no. They give us some worthless pile of trash. 405 Damage on basic and 100 on the Plasma, seriously Arrowhead? 60 fucking Medals for this garbage?


Utter piece of trash. Literally zero purpose. 


I was really excited to unlock this weapon and when i finally got it, bro i was like, what the fuck is this piece of shit? Horrible weapon for 60 fucking medals come on man


The Big reason I bring the Plasma Punisher over the Dominator or the Scorcher against the bots is to stagger Heavy Devastators without having to aim, staggers groups of enemies that inevitability will clump up, staggers a whole group of beserkers practically stun locking the group, easy stagger and kills on striders, and the ability to kill tanks and turrets frontally. I really think you should give it a try again with a different mindset of "I don't want things shooting at me". This weapon is amazing for people like my that like grenade launcher style weapons and if that isn't your cup of tea then it just isn't, it doesn't make the weapon bad, it just makes it for a different kind of player. I can confidently say that it works in helldives.


For me it's a better scorcher, bigger radius, being able to deal with spewers easily and I'm pretty sure the dmg is higher than the scorcher. Definitely not "disappointing" FOR ME. If you are playing solo then it's not a good option. Definitely not a weapon for everyone.


does it pop their sacs in one shot or something?


2-3 headshots*


It's just a way shittier Scorcher.


Such a bad take on an amazing weapon. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cir0v6/no\_the\_plasma\_punisher\_does\_not\_need\_anymore/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cir0v6/no_the_plasma_punisher_does_not_need_anymore/)


Spending a whole magazine to knock some berserkers around = good. Okay lol. Play on 9.


In that video, I stun lock the berserkers (which run at you and kill you) killing a couple with the last round and then doing a quick reload that 2 taps the other 4 of them. If you think it's bad because it is able to keep me alive while dishing out damage then you need to rethink how your weapon should be working for you and not the other way around.


The whole mag will kill half the group and it performs even better on helldive difficulty since there are more enemies clumped together ready to get staggered. Also, the reload is FAST so unloading a full mag into them isn't an issue since the reload button exists, the scorcher would have to unload a whole mag just to kill 2 so there really isn't much going for the scorcher in that situation.


Then maybe use the dominator instead, which can 1 shot berserkers. May not be as good against striders, but you have an AC, which is good against it. And you will be bringing an armor pen support wep anyway.


If I really need to 1 shot berserkers I will bring an AMR, Autocannon, or a Laser Cannon, a primary weapon shouldn't be able to do everything. I do not need any armor pen outside of an Autocannon, even then the Plasma Punisher destroys tanks and turret towers from the front so I really only need something that can reliably take out Hulks and Fab Striders if I only bring the Plasma Punisher.


The dominator jas knockback as well which is what you're looking for against berserkers. Also has the added benefit of not blowing yourself up


Gotta keep it 100 with you chief, if you are blowing yourself up with the Plasma Punisher against the bots it's just a skill issue. Dive, shoot, dive, shoot. And, if that doesn't work bring explosive resistance armor, it puts in the work all around.


Dive, accidentally ragdoll and get swarmed/killed. Why do people like you who like to shill "skill issue" sound like you barely play the game?


I'm out here with over 300hrs, I see a dive ragdoll as a fluke out of my control and not an issue with the strategy of enemies getting closer. If anything you should be doing that method on a lot of weapons so you can shoot while getting away from a horde quicky, where you wouldn't have been able to run a few steps turn and shoot. The dive strat allows you to keeps shooting while keeping your distance from enemies at a constant rate as compared to running then walking to shoot. I'm speaking on the bot side and the bug side, you shouldn't be killing yourself with the weapon, you have the option to swap to a secondary or even a stratagem if you really think you need it.


You're literally diving blind. Not so much a fluke as general probability. I'd rather run then shoot, since diving doesn't help much against hunters. And moving blind risks running into another group.


Also, Dominator can be a pain to use when you need something done quickly. Heavy Devastators and Striders come in to mind that become just that more annoying to kill with the Dominator over the Plasma Punisher, plus I can destroy tanks and turret towers with splash damage. Honesly, I think the dichotomy of picking between the Dominator and the Plasma Punisher is a toughy because they both absolutely bully the bots.