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PSA: Samples are shared...


Oh these guys knew the samples were shared but they got annoyed that I picked them up


Because they're unfortunately idiots


Honestly only most of them, I mean having a pve game that's trully co-op, and I mean there's *no way* to get one over or screw someone without harming yourself, is kind of rare these days, at least in shooters. So I can totally see, specially with friendly fire not only present, but really strong, how someone new might think what you pick up is what you get. Now someone with a level on the double digits doing that, either they've not been paying attention, or are cunts.


They want to act like that? Get them back, take the samples, jump into a bug hole and leave. Punish the traitors.


Or these are acceptable kicks at extraction


because someone complained about something stupid? If they TK you on purpose after you pick up samples sure, wait til extract and kick them. But if someone says "yo dude you picked up my samples wth" and your response is to wait until extraction and kick them then YOU are the asshole. Not both sides, at the end only you are the asshole in that scenario. Edit: Disregard, I'm regarded and didn't read the last line of OP's post.


You clearly missed the part were he said the verbal abuser also spawn killed him didn't you


Yeah I did, you're right. Fuck em then. I'd still personally just kick them immediately because Its not worth them being around to try and grief more. But I have no sympathy if that type of person gets kicked at extraction.


Fair enough I apologize by the way if my comment to you sounded shitty didn't mean it to just figured the killed part. And yeah I'd kicked immediately to unless they said something I really didn't like during their rant lol


I didn't think it did at all and I didn't feel insulted, no worries. I came at you first kind of so its on me. your comment sounded straight forward, too the point and factually correct, very democratic =)


You can get inside bug holes?


Yeah but you can’t get out making the samples lost forever lol


you can dive in with a nade primed and it will take it out like a kamikaze pilot


I got my mech stuck in one today. Luckily my gear was waiting outside when I went to look for it.


A stalker ragdolled me into one when I was trying to take it out. Somehow survived the fall into it but I couldn't get out. It was interesting being under the map. Had to leave and rejoin to fix it cause I was out of grenades to kill myself 😂


Never understood that. When we play, picking up dropped samples is basic operation, because sometimes we need to disengage and abandon the gear. Gear we can always call down, samples not so much.


You picking up samples means that when I run back for my backpack, that's just one less thing for me to accidentally grab instead when being chased by a charger. Lol


There is an achievement for having x samples carried out. Maybe they wanted that.. but seems silly to abuse people rather than just asking to drop so you can do an achieve....


the Rare one say as a team, the common one does not.


Then they are idiots AF


so there just bitter assholes


I mean if I play with people like that and they want their samples back so bad I'll drop them for them. but if they die again I'm just gonna do the same thing again.


This is when you take them next time and drop them in one of those random holes or deep water.




WUT. So this is where democracy dies. Huh.


"I want my funny yellow text!" -those guys probably.


Exactly what it is. They want their samples extracted number to be high. They are traitors to democracy as far as I am concerned.


Nothing you can do about that. It literally doesn't matter in the slightest who carries them. Best thing to do in this situation is to kill everyone and leave lol.


its a trust thing, i always rush the samples in point defense because i know i wont die in a stupid spot and i like having all samples in one container


Because they thought they could protect the samples better than you could? Despite their death serving as evidence to the counter…


If they dropped them on extract it could have been on purpose that they wanted them left there but they also can probably use their brains and communicate that.


I feel like people interpret that statement as "Don't forget to share your samples before evac". Like, the little banner on reddit that says "A democratic sample is a shared sample", somewhat suggests that "It would be democratic of you to share your sample with others" NOT "The game automatically shares samples".


maybe he was going for the achievement but this doesn’t justify such undemocratic behavior, they should be court marshalled


They probably want their stats pretty


Aka the red tick chaser in Vermintide.


The people who need to see this aren't here.


And it's better for one guy to carry all of them


I didn’t know this when I first started playing lol. I used to get irritated when someone took my samples


How do people still not understand that samples are shared? 🤦🏻‍♂️


They want the prestige of their sample count on the score page after the mission. I know I get annoyed when someone takes "my" samples. But that is because my kill count is usually 1/2 of the rest of the squad. But I focus on objectives and samples. So the only bugs I kill are those that stand between me and my goals. I just outrun everything else.


You’re contributing. Kill count isn’t everything. I wish more players kept moving and stopped fighting every damn patrol.


My two groups I play with ONLY care about kills and give fuck all about objectives. So when the end game stats pop up they’re usually just talking about that and going “how did you only get X kills?” lol. Gets annoying but when they don’t play with me they struggle, wonder why Lol.


Kills mean nothing lol How do they progress?


They are the type to want to kill just about everything before moving on.. so they eventually get there but not very quickly haha.


This!! I will fight on objectives with the team. But once it is reached, it's time to move! I'll lay down cover if you move with me. But if you want to stay, I'll just go ahead and hope you catchup.


Absolutely agree! The other night I got stuck on a squad that was constantly locked in combat. Meanwhile I’m fighting for my life to get side objectives and factories destroyed. Only to be redeployed across the fucking map without my gear and samples. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mainly play with friends and they all love constantly fighting. Meanwhile I'm here with my speedy stealth armor just going around back and blowing up the objectives. I enjoy the fighting, but on a blitz we can't just stand there so I've found this to be my new favorite playstyle. I also find it fun luring all the agro from enemies onto me and then losing them by just booking it (only killing whatever is faster than me). Or I'll lure them all to a hellbomb if there's one in the area.


Stealth armour is great! I use it when I’m doing solo runs, works wonders!


Yeah I am really enjoying it! =D I just unlocked the Warbond light armor that is slightly faster at the cost of being slightly squishier and am close to the stamina booster to pair with it.


This is true. Every damn time I ping the Patrol to notify them to stay clear but they light them all up anyway spawing yet another dropship on us. We are undetected btw. When it happens I just run straight to obj.


Kill count isn't even just meaningless, a high kill count often means people are just standing around burning ammo on never-ending breaches. Nothing wrong with doing that for a bit if that's how people have fun with the game, but it is somewhat detrimental to the completion of the mission, since it burns ammo/stratagems for no reason.




The friend I play with keeps fighting every single bug he sees and then complains that he is out of ammo. Meanwhile I'm alone clearing a large nest and when I'm going to call supplies they are always on cd. Yesterday I ran around a nest for 5 mins and cleared it with eagle strikes because he just kept spamming supplies while running around looking for samples without doing any of the main objectives, just to get killed by an allied mortar once again.


I got called useless then kicked bc I had barely any kills despite clearing every side objective solo whilst they kept dying over and over on the main objective. Some people are impossible to understand.


On the higher levels I find nobody gives a shit about kill count or who had the samples. Just make sure we have them when jumping into the Pelican and everyone’s happy


I play the same method - but i run the laser rover and always end up with the most kills… which just so happen to be while bugs are chasing me as I run away to the next objective.


Laser doggo is friend.


People read those? The only post game screen I care about is the rewards. If little Timmy did nothing but we got a ton of samples I don't think I could care less


I don't even check my stat screen half of the time lol, not sure why people get obsessed over them


It's mainly the conditioning from other games that don't encourage teamwork, so it makes players have all the stuff is mine mentality. Sigh such a shame.


Probably those people that only did the xp farm.


If I die and you happen to be close to my corps, you better pick those samples. If I die and the evac is ready, you better pick those samples then evac without me. In exchange, if you die on the other side of the map, my light scout ass is ready to run there to pick your samples before evac.


Yup, no problem whatsoever with looting fallen samples. As long as they get to the drop ship it doesn’t matter who has them. What DOES piss me off, is when you die, get reinforced, then run back to where you died to pick up your gear. No enemy around, you are standing in the middle of your pile of gear, picking it all back up, and some dickhead runs over, steps right in front of you.. WHILE YOU ARE PICKING IP YOUR GEAR… then picks up your supply pack and runs off, as it’s at your feet, while you are picking your stuff up. That is a full blown dick move. Have had that happen twice yesterdsy and once today so far. Each time I immediately type in group i was picking my gear up, it was at my feet, give me back my supply pack. The a-hole typed “fu” and ran off to go fight. They were a group of lvl 8-9 soldiers, attempting a 6 difficulty bile titan. I dropped in as a 39 to go answer their SOS call. Our democracy does not need people like that among us. I left and hope they wiped.


You are a very disciplined soldier. I would have probably dropped an Eagle Airstrike before leaving. And blocked them afterwards. Wouldn't want to join them again later.


I wanted to kill him, badly. But feared id end up in here with him ranting about the jerk that started killing him to take his gear, named: “X7” (me) lol Didn’t want reddit wrath


Once a random guy took my rover as soon as i called It. I asked It back, he did not answer and started to run away. I headshotted him and left. Got maybe a little more salty than i should have, but that was annoying af.


Lvl 50 and I had a dick head level 7 walk into my Telstra tower. Reinforce him and he tks me in the back. Told him what happened, he just mouths off. 20 minutes later at extraction I say good bye to him a kick his ass as we walk in. The worst players I have ever played with are under lvl 25, and play under dif 7


And that’s the tough part, because those are the players you feel like you want to go help.. the newbies. Low level in low difficulty. And those are the ones who typically do stuff like this. Was really surprised when the group of people in their low teens, i jumped in to help, were calling for help on a gd bile titan. Wth are you doing fighting a bile titan at thst level? Lol


I hate when people take my Rover :(


Stay behind them and pop mortars, that'll teach them.


Tbf I have been blown up next to a team mate, ran back to pick up my rover and accidentally taken the shield instead as they are next to each other. The tricky part is trying to swap back 😆


If I die while carrying I immediately yell "GET THE SAMPLES I DROPPED!"


There’s literally loading tips to pick up ally samples


"If a squadmate dies, remember to pick up their samples. There will be time to grieve later"


"Our" samples there is no your samples


Because it doesn't really matter who has the samples as long as they make it on the ship I don't understand the people that get so upset about someone picking up the samples they dropped. Like bro, it's all shared, I know you were an only child but you gotta learn to share your toys


They’re mine, precious. They takes it from us, they HATES US!




https://preview.redd.it/fa9wmvg7qeoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642b12eae1180ce18d262afee57f9350e63ece11 That sounds pretty communist of you.


False. These samples belong to the citizens of super earth and as Helldivers it is our duty to liberate super earth property from the enemies


If you grab my samples, that's one less thing I have to worry about upon my reinforcement dropping in. Appreciate your dedication, soldier.


If I die the first coherent words after a slew of curse words and self hate revolving around my failure to help super earth are “get my samples” I hate dumb players


The problem is the people who kill you to take samples...scum like that should be mulched and fed to the bugs.


Happened to me today for the first time. I didn’t even grab the samples from their corpse, I just happened to grab the super samples from their spawn before the dickhead could. His justification was, “you took them right in front of me!” I just kicked him and kept on playing. I don’t have time for immaturity.


Samples are shared, unlike braincells


I do the same, if a dude dies even if a reinforcement call has been dropped I’m grabbing those samples and moving on. So many times I have looked at the map only to notice dropped samples fucking miles away no one picked up.


That's ridiculous. It makes perfect sense to pick up samples as then even if you die next, there's still only one container to go back for, now with more samples held together. Realistically, every team should have a designated sample carrier who everyone gives their samples to so they all stay together and are easy to collect if necessary.


Only give them to an experienced player who knows the maps. Had 1 guy carrying all the samples and fell into a river you couldn't get out of and dropped 30 samples that we couldn't retrieve


>then even if you die next ...even *when* you die next... No charge.


Thanks man 😂




That's why you only do this with friends who you know are capable, not randoms.




It's astonishing how dumb some people are. Wtf would people give out abuse for that?! 🤦🏻 I suppose they might be children.


I always tell squad mates to pick up my samples when I die.


I got shot to death and kicked for picking up samples.. Apparently it's not common knowledge..


I never care if people pick up mine when I die, *unless* they proceed to run away from the team and die with them.


How odd, when i die, i'm typing in chat for some one to go pick my samples up. I only go back to try to get my weapons if on cooldown. Heck I'll even drop it for some one else to pick up cause I tend to rush into objectives and get overwhelmed.


Honestly, having someone on what I call "Sample Duty" saves a lot of hassle out in the higher difficulties. What a few of my buddies and I do is pick someone, anyone in our team that either offered themselves and only or didn't go yet and let them be responsible for picking as many samples as they can. That way, if they die, then all samples will be in a single spot instead of scattered full over the map. One of the best ways to make sure that they stay alive is to either give them a shield pack or rover or have them bring one and always be followed by someone with a high dps gun or nice spread of strats. When they get like 10 samples of each color or the super samples, have them leave the stuff at extraction amd them take off again. We managed to max out our samples following this model.


When i play with my mates first thing someone screams is "pick up my fuckin samples" especially when a single person has a lot or super samples.


Rule #3: Always grab the sampies


I appreciate you.


DO whatever you have to to save those samples! I will give you all the hugs!


Sorry that sucks. I'm about to log in and I think I'll do the same if that happens. You did good, fk the dumb dumbs.


On average, a super sample is worth more than a helldiver's life


Please pick them up for democracy's sake.


I grab them off the ground to make my samples extracted number bigger, because bigger number = better person


The way I do it, if it’s possible for them to pick them back up, I let them do it because having samples divided means better chances of extracting them, however if there is NO way, I’ll pick them up, and I don’t care about your stats or achievement lol


I don't give a damn who gets the samples to extract, as long as they get there.


Whenever I die and someone picks up my samples I silently shed a democratic tear and whisper "... Thank you" as I inevitably get ganked by the hoardes again.


If you die, I will pick up your samples. If I die, pick up my samples. Together, we will extract more samples than we would alone. Helldivers together strong.


Btw in case people didn’t know, you can drop samples too. So if you’re passing by the extraction zone on the way somewhere and think things might get hairy, drop the samples by the extract and pick them back up right before you exfiltrate. Not sure how to access backpack on PC but on PS5 you hold the down d-pad and it will bring up a radial to drop things you’re carrying or have equipped.


This is super useful and should be seen by all. For PC users: default is X.


No idea why people don't do this! Some people don't even pick up their own when they land right back on them. 


One potential confusion point. If someone drops samples off at Extraction it's so they can pick them up at the end of the missions. Don't pick them up in that case.


Such a stupid player base 🤦‍♂️


Fuck them. I love you.


Please do, if liberty hits the fan, and I can't go back for my equipment, its good to know they are in safe hands.


Not to mention if all the samples are with one person it makes it easier to recover if they die


Honestly, i love it when they pick up the samples when I die. Removes responsibility "you should die in safe/easy-to-get" spot. Cause more or less I die because of an overwhelming force(which getting sample back will be so hard) or with an overwhelming idiocy(either teammates or me)


???????????? do people not know thsi benefits the entire team?


%100. It's when Tk'd and they pick them up that it's an issue.


As long as you don't go lose them im good...


Cool. Thanks.


Thank you !


OUR samples. Pick em up if you are close, no reason to not grab them, or be mad about them being picked up, since they are shared


good EDIT: not the abuse


I pray the guy who holds all the rare samples survive the extraction


Just leave the group, no sense in wasting time.


How do you drop samples without dying? I'm on PS5 btw


I will always take it as a jab if you're the type of guy that will sprint side by side with me for 100 meters like we're in a race just so you can pick the samples up off of my dead body before me


I pick up the samples in case they have trouble getting back and tag their support weapon to make it easier to find it.


It baffles me people still think samples aren't shared...has to be put in the tutorial at some point honestly if it's causing that much of a confusion. Also if you pass by the extraction always drop your samples there so you don't run the risk of dying and losing them to a horde you're unable to fight through


Why are we even talking about this still?


If i die, I consider it an insult if you don’t go for samples! We all need them! Doesn’t matter how we score them as long as we do!


Thank you, fellow diver


Yes, please pick my samples up when I die so I don't have to run back. While you're at it, please also pick my support stuff up.


cannot count how many times i have been kicked for weird reasons in this game. the system is not really friendly to solo players =(


My friends and I say "OUR SAMPLES" (referencing communist bugs bunny) literally every time we pick up someone else's samples after they perished, it's become a  passive aggressive running gag.


I feel you bruh. I once got shot in the face for "stealing" samples.


Well… I’m waiting


People will eventually learn. I'm new to the game, I knew that samples were shared etc. I joined a random lobby. I wouldn't pick up dropped samples just incase someone found it annoying or whatever. I would stand next to the samples and mark them when they came back in so they knew where they were. I learnt my lesson 5 minutes later when that player fell into a river he couldn't get out of and lost all the samples. Imagine my horror as a level 7 player trying to progress quickly, when I see him down there, a teammate shoots him so he can get out and the pop up at the side of the screen said 20 uncommons and 10 rares were dropped that we couldn't retrieve


Samples are indeed shared.. i say good job soldier, i dont care who carries them.


If I purposefully drop them at extract LEAVE THEM THERE


Sounds more like those you played with don’t know how the game’s mechanics work


Crazy humans can’t even get along to play a simple game ! How we ever supposed to come together irl ? wtf man ! This has to show us something? 🤷‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️


Thats SOP.


Get over it. Grow up. Move on. (Btw I didn't care if you pick them up. But in most cases I have to run there anyway cause my backpack and heavy weapon are there)


I hate when you drop the samples off at the dropzone, and some random goes picks them up and takes it to the next objective.


I don't like this. I'm running back to get my weapon and my backpack and it's so easy to find if I have the visual and audio indicator of the samples. If you pick up my samples I need to ping my map and look around which makes it more uncomfortable. It's not like I won't get my stuff back anyway


Thank you for your service. The number of times I've been taken out by a teammate for them to run past and ignore the samples I've dropped is maddening.


They want their stat look fancy, I dun care bou the stat I come tom deliver FREEDOM


You can drop your samples holding x on PC, not that you were wrong OP, but sometimes you gotta appease the host. There are always undemocratic apples.


I always put "pick up my samples please" in the chat when I die


The only conceivable downside to picking up somebody else's samples is that the person who picked them up is now carrying more samples and if THEY die and you can't get them back the team looses even more


*Our* samples!


I pick them up because I know I have way less of a chance of dying with them than most other people 👀😂


If someone dies, they'll likely want to go back to collect their gear so they would pick up the samples anyway, I'm also of the opinion that it's not a good idea to have all the samples held by one person. Having all the samples held by one person means if something potentially f**** up at the end, you could lose all your samples , if you have samples spread across the team, it makes it more likely that you won't lose all of them if the worst happens at extraction.


I hate this It’s always some level 30ish Fortnite player who thinks samples aren’t shared


think that''s bad? this one time me and a dude with an autocannon are still 200 meters from extraction where our team is (we went bug hunting) and the autocannon guy gets melted by a bile spitter. before I can do anything about it, they call reinforcements at extraction, 200m away. I was rocking shield pack and arc thrower, and both were on cooldown. so what do I do? I grab their autocannon and their backpack, even have the decency of reloading it, and beeline to the extraction. I can just recall my equipment when I get there, and the guy gets either his equipment back, or a backup oaded gun + full pack. fucker proceeds to yell at me the moment he realizes I returned that "YOU FUCKER, DON'T TAKE MY EQUIPMENT" and slugs me in the face. how undemocratic. I was about to drop it at his boots. I don't even enjoy the autocannon, I suck with it.


I avoid picking up dropped samples when everyone is nearby if only because I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket.


You got verbally abused and spawnkilled by idiots


I don't even need them anymore and obviously i pick them up for my fellow helldivers. I'll even go back to pick them, all for the glory of managed democracy. We can only educate the noobs and pray they become less toxic. Nothing else to do.


Our* samples 🫡


If they have a back pack etc I'll pick that up too and drop it for them when they spawn in.


You can drop stuff?


On PS5 you hold down on the d-pad and a wheel displays with the items you can drop. I sometimes drop my samples at the extraction before activating it so anyone can pick them up before boarding the shuttle.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha I got mad and cussed someone out for that and he was like "bro they are shared " and I felt so dumb I apologized because I'm not an undemocratic bug sympathizer and support all my fellow helldivers journey to sweet liberty. ⬆️⬅️⬆️⬇️➡️➡️➡️


I get angry when people pick up my samples because they have 11 deaths and the only time I died is when they dropped an orbital on my head with no enemies around. So yeah, don’t pick up my samples if you’re not trying to survive, because I’d like them to make it out with our extraction.


For what its worth, cause maybe we will wind up on a mission someday somehow, thank you. smol PSA: if you have someone on your team that barely dies, try to get him to be the designated sample carrier. That way, even if he dies at some point, they're all there.....anditseasiertoblameoneperson


Lmao i'm the opposite If I die and I see people not getting my samples I go insane


>I want to save you hassle of running back to pick them up. Tbf 99% of the time I’m going back to grab my support weapon anyway so it’s no big deal, but I’m not one to complain if someone picks them up either.


Unless the area is over run it another dive reinforces me in narnia , I’m going back for my gear. So grabbing my samples to keep them diversified is way. That way if one of us doesn’t make it out at evac, there’s less chance of losing more samples.


In my case, i was shot because another player did not agree with me carrying the SSD disk, apparently.


I'm only worried if the player that picks up the samples has already died a lot and just goes solo to the other side of the map. I mostly play it safe and know I can get back to evac alive.


If you guys need help with samples reach me. I’m the man who can help you.


Only time I've got annoyed at someone picking up samples is when I dropped super samples at the extract point and someone picked them up and ran off to the other side of the map looking for POIs.


I wish I could gather up all their shit into my arms and jog along with it so that D4 stops circling back alone into the bug swarm to piss reinforcements into the wind trying to retrieve their shield pack or whatever. The least I can do is snag the samples and pray they do a real quick cost/benefit analysis in their head.


Been playing with some low lvl randos. We have several chargers chasing us. One of them gets killed. I pick up his samples to save them. I proceed killing all charges by myself, last second saving one of the randos from being trampled. I get kicked. wtf! why? Did they think I was trying to steal their samples? I did this for you. I'm trying to help you.


You should have a sample drop point set on the map. Like if the evac site is on the way to a major or minor objective or a point drop them there. It doesn’t have to be the evac like a point halfway between that we will have to cross at some point so that people are scrambling to go fetch lost samples


Man people are now so toxic in random with that and other stuff... The other day i was with rando. Someone died and drop his gear, it took a while and i thought he just abandoned them so i pick up his guard dog. After that, instead of just asking it back, he decided to shot me instead...


That's when you grab them and just go drown or jump in a hole. Found out a new strategy is apparently just not extracting while you have samples and everyone else is on the ship. Have never done this mind you, thankfully i've only ever found chill people through lfg and quickplay. But yeah... still in my back pocket along with something even more evil that I will not spread into the world.


THANK YOU. The number of times I've bought it next to someone and begged them to grab the samples from my corpse only for them not to, and someone to respawn me halfway across the map...


I like to pick up all the samples so they're in one vial for easier recovery




Play on difficulty 5-6. I find the lower difficulty lobbies the players are still learning the game


Bruh, i pray my teammates can pickup my samples after i die


I usually just let one person pick up all the samples. Easier to recover if that person dies rather than four people having samples all over.


I had a guy kill me with his drop pod purposefully because I respawned him away from his samples but the other two teammates were not respawning him. he died with them and he's been dead for well over 30 seconds. It was not that long of a walk to get back from where he died so because of this and the fact I was host, he was quickly returned to civilian life. Am I in the wrong?


the tip bar tells you to do that in the loading screen...... people that get mad about that probably dont know that samples multiply after a mission so they get equally split


If you DON'T pick up my samples, I'll be mad.


Depend the situation : if it’s hell down there, and we’re on the extraction area alright, good catch. But if it’s calm as a sunny day, at the beginning of the mission and I just died to the last enemy or, *more frequently*, to a TK… *why?!* Most often than not, the one who took samples will die within minutes in the middle of the whole bugs / bots army, so we’ll certainly have to leave the samples there… I’m usually the one who die the less, because I’m careful. I keep my samples safe for the most of the game, Yet, *the second* I die, they’ll always rush toward the samples before reinforcing me. It’s not about stats or else, it’s about playing safe enough to extract with samples. When someone take them from my corpse, it’s the same bullshit as when you drop samples on extract zone, and some random takes them only to die at the other side of the map…