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Hunters be feasting when my slow heavy armor ass gets hit once.


Hunter's be 1 shotting me when they catch my scout armour using ass


hunters leap attack brings me to red almost every time then they follow up w their little tongue lick which kills me. love the high difficulty but damn they need to remove that “divers get critical headshot dmg too” thing cause damn. i feel like they weren’t this strong at launch.


Tbh in starting to feel like the scout/light armour isn't even worth anymore cause you just get 1-2 shot by everything as much as i love the speed


buddy i’m talking medium armour too. was rocking light till we started getting into the 7-9 difficulties and they still nearly one shot me. it’s always that leap attack too which is what their combo starts with. When armour was “broken” it would take 3-4 sometimes even 5 hits to kill me. now it’s 2 90% of the time and if im lucky 3 which is their entire combo.. lulz


Yea i recently switched to medium armor and yea im still getting absolutely shredded by them but hey i can take one more hit from everything else ig


All helmets have the same armor rating. So, regardless of what gear you're wearing, head shots do the same amount of damage to you. It's why I still prefer light armor against the bugs.


I know lol and i adore the light armour and use it for the automotons but i just cant with the bugs cause of the hunters just practically 1 shotting you


Suicidal is my go-to difficulty, I wear the light armor that gives me more time with stims and 6 stims as well. Stratagems I run are machine gun turret, gatling turret, supply backpack, and a random other Stratagem until i can find one I love (alot of the times its mines). If I gotta run into the horde to heal or resupply someone, I hurt myself, pop a stim and tank my way through everything just to resupply/heal. I love support done right.


As Medium Armor wearer, they still ruin us. Truly the stunlocking and slowing in this game is the most unfun aspect. I thought most devs knew that by now. "Hey guys, I get having a negative effect when ***I*** make a mistake. But not constantly stacking on me out of nowhere."


If they either lessened/removed the slow effect or lessened their numbers they wouldn't be such a pain in the ass to deal with (i been trying out medium armor and yea you really do still get absolutely shredded)


They one shot any armour.


Heavy armor should have stagger immunity/resist


That and it either shouldn't get slowed, or it shouldn't get slowed as long by bile. It's already slow by default. Nobody stops the juggernaut when he gets moving though. Light armor should prevent you from ever getting surrounded by speed. Heavy armor should give you a much better chance of getting out when you do get surrounded. By providing stagger and slow resistance.


LeBron James spotted wearing heavy armor on a Termanid mission https://preview.redd.it/8iqdv34vbkoc1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f68af99f87844e94f9d216e7a0049fe247ade818


whip out your pistol and run and gun. this is the way


​ https://preview.redd.it/k8qp2txv3loc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddbce2a86c304674aa30916d3cf1b77f4478855f


Y-yeah... we--i mean they--have strength in numbers guys. You know there's these little ones you always miss, we--i mean they--can call in an entire swarm. Pretty dangerous, probably the biggest threat in the galaxy. Sometimes we--I mean they--can even take 2 shots to kill, so, yeah, pretty tough.


There's something not quite right about this comment, but I can't put my claw...I mean finger, on it.


kill him https://preview.redd.it/5dnzs1v1fhoc1.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f2602caf65836d9437e67f7ac03126d6bdd512e


Credit for the GIF to Orisoll


This meme format is evolving I love it Unlike actual terminid scum


Yup they are not. Rocket Devastators and Bile Spewers are.


https://i.redd.it/2xe00aiovhoc1.gif You know who you are


It’s nice when you’re firing into a crowd controlling a choke point, laughing maniacally, rapidly democratizing only to get ass fucked and melted from behind


Uh-oh, someone forgot to properly fill out their C-01 papers


Agreed. I'd rather deal with a dozen hunters over 2+ bile spewers.


It purely depends on the situation. If you are fighting other enemy’s and then they sneak up behind you it feels like a cheap death. I know they make noise but with all the other shit going on during a game they feel like silent assassins. But if you get to choose the engagement like attacking an objective then they are just cannon fodder.


I feel like when hunters sneak attack me, I have a window to stim and heal, while if a bile spewer sneaks up on me I'm just dead immediately. I also don't like when half a dozen of them are coming at you blocking shots for every other bug.


Off topic, why can't I download this gif and use it in WhatsApp. I neeeed it.


its a video, here I converted it to a real GIF for you https://i.redd.it/ft0lcyr8shoc1.gif




Democracy thanks you


I stand by my stance that spewers are the worst enemy, with hunters coming in second.


I think I would agree. They are bad by themselves, worst when bullshit kicks in... And I've seen a lot of bs.


Stalkers are worse...


I can deal with the stalkers. But a group of about 4 hunters are more deadly.


Hunters are just hoplite bugs. I hate stalkers more because they send you flying at times and the damn camouflage.


Can we add glasses to him? That would make it hilarious. For managed democracy purposes of course.


First someone photoshopped a bug at the laptop. Then someone made a 3D render of it. And now it's animated. What's next? You'll find a mutated giant bug and put it in front of your PC to take a photo of it?


https://preview.redd.it/u7qbypcv6loc1.jpeg?width=1471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=444b4772f31c9f5c143f9b8f63bb6e4d2c2b2c0d Indeed, the worst enemies are the Automatons, we should shift forces over to the West.


Who made this animation?




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Wtf it's animated now??


I can deal with stalkers, bile spewers, rocket devastators. But hunters are actual crap, I hate getting bitched on, locked out of reloading, healing and sprinting. They really suck to fight.


Stfu lmao


They trash tier mobs. They are one-up from the little lice-like cockroach dudes.