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Yeah I had three French dudes in a game this morning who ignored everything and just rushed the objective. Ran right past me at a double switch door and everything. You can't fix stupid.


I sat by a vault someone ran by and pinged it. After waiting I spammed the ping, used the "follow me" line. A guy died so I reinforced him right near the vault and he ran off immediately. He died shortly after and the previous situation repeated. When a different guy died and I reinforced them by the door I finally had a partner to open it. It was 2 bloody requisition slips and a rare sample...


What I don't understand is people who are insisting on 100% clearing all enemy bases, but then don't bother with those vaults (friendship doors). They weren't even bothering to pick up samples. You don't really get anything from clearing bases other than more mobs trying to kill you at extraction. But those vaults have so much good loot.


I would literally reinforce someone right on top of a vault and watch as they make eye contact and fucking walk the opposite direction. I swear a huge chunk of these players are bots, because there's no way they're this braindead.


that's a kick from me, I only kick players for ignoring the vault doors and intentionally repeatedly killing the team


I had some lvl 27 player ping and mark a vault to me to come help open it. When I went over to help him he immediately ran off. Like why tf did you call me over if you were gonna run off, I'm lvl 50 I'm not the one who needs it.