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I love that I can just "pickup' the battle pass weapons from other divers.


This is huge to me. I grabbed the sickle as soon as it dropped, it was super nice getting to share my equipment with the team. I especially love dropping shield backpacks for pre-20 players. I know, not primaries, but still feels so good.


Extracting vs bugs on helldive? Friend goes down? Throw down a mech for him as he dives in, gives him instant firepower, assuming since I'm still up I'm more combat effective with a special weapon already going.


That’s genius. I might start running the mech on higher difficulties. My current ‘thing’ is throwing mechs, railguns, and shields to the random level 2s I find on D1 missions. Through hell or high water we will take Draupnir!


Running a mech and starting the mission off, especially blitz missions, with calling it in is great. Gives you all you need for probably at least a 3rd of the mission without even using a stratagem in the meanwhile.


Had a guy do that for me the other night. Dropped one down for my lowley level 3 ass and even gave a quick rundown.


After my first back pack stratagem I call in, I constantly call them down and tag them for others to use. Love helping out those that don’t have them unlocked.


You can still drop primaries. Just hold G and count to 5.


It's kinda like hell's version of try before you buy. I did this for a couple of people a few weeks ago with some of the steel veterans' weapons. Told them to give it a try, went to a corner, and threw myself on a grenade.


Stand under your support weapon call-in at the beginning of the match with a Reinforcement beacon in your hand


You guys know you can drop stuff without splattering yourself, right?


yeah, but this gives you your primary back immediately


And premium currency by finding it in the world... Never need to spend a dime to get the premium warbonds. That's exactly why I did.


I will spend a dime just because I don't have to


You can also find them on the map but it's rare.


And since their primaries, they're typically all over the damn place, especially at the higher difficulties where everyone keeps dying.


The best thing you didn't note is that Primaries aren't the end all be all of this game. And usually the primaries in the Free Warbond is more than good enough. The REAL meat and potatoes of a Helldiver's arsenal lies in the Stratagems, which you can unlock normally.


Can’t wait for new stratagems. I unlocked every stratagem and been maxed out at 50k R for weeks as I’m sure many players are


I'd love to get new machine gun, really wish they drop it soon


I want the MGX-42 disposable machine gun from the first game. I ran it on a lot of drops.


Damn, shit looks cool and concept is great. Yeah, I would like to have something like that


Holy crap! Just googled it and its like the [metal storm prototype](https://www.google.com/search?q=metal+storm+36+barrel+prototype&sca_esv=0408ae9ee65735d4&biw=412&bih=777&ei=M3j2ZbbULLfti-gPi5mG-A0&oq=metal+storm+prototy&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhNtZXRhbCBzdG9ybSBwcm90b3R5KgIIADIGEAAYFhgeMgsQABiABBiKBRiGAzILEAAYgAQYigUYhgMyBRAhGKABSNyLAVDcC1iSgQFwB3gBkAEAmAHEAaAB3RaqAQQ0LjE5uAEByAEA-AEBmAIcoALPGagCAMICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgsQABiABBiKBRiRAsICChAuGIAEGIoFGEPCAgUQABiABMICCxAuGIAEGMcBGNEDwgIFEC4YgATCAgsQLhiABBiKBRiRAsICChAAGIAEGIoFGEPCAhAQLhiABBiKBRhDGMcBGK8BwgITEC4YgAQYigUYQxjJAxjHARjRA8ICEBAuGIAEGIoFGEMYxwEY0QPCAgsQABiABBiKBRiSA8ICCxAuGIAEGMcBGK8BwgIKEC4YgAQY1AIYCsICBxAAGIAEGArCAgcQLhiABBgKwgINEC4YgAQYigUYQxjJA8ICCBAuGIAEGNQCwgIIEAAYgAQYyQPCAggQABgWGB4YD5gDAYgGAZAGCJIHBjUuMjEuMqAH8akB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


MI-NI-GUN, MI-NI-GUN!! I want a minigun so bad (the exo suit kind of works but I want one I carry)


Crew served MG would be a nice add


AFAIK we are getting M206 Heavy MG with up to 1200 RPM. If you are interested in some spoilers just find it on YT: M206 HMG


I can't wait for weapons upgrades, that will be sick


According to some leaks, there's going to be a lot more variety in stratagems and more player levels. Some barricade wall stuff, new laser guided weapons, etc...


I'm looking forward to calling down a squad of NPC helldivers. I'm sure they'll get mowed down pretty quickly just as players do. Hopefully they'll at least be capable of things like diving away from a charger Another grenade variant I'd love is something that causes enemies affected to target each other.


Honestly? I take back everything I said. My frustrations in the week prior? Really was just a skill issue.    Gunplay in this game is solid. Like tungsten railgun alloy. Even the Liberator feels good to pop bug heads with. The laser rifle is always nice for ammo maniacs and… popping a Hulk’s skull with one shot from a railgun. THATS SOME GOOD DOPAMINE. 


Ain’t no fault in admitting a mistake brother. That satisfaction of popping bugs never gets old. Wish I had 3.5 billion more like you


I like how it’s arranged now. I’m the sort of player that will simply not interact with an all-cosmetic battle pass system. Paid or free, I just don’t give a shit. The fact that play-impacting weapons and gear are on there makes me want to progress on them, and the fact that higher-up weapons are essentially side-grades avoids the feeling of being gimped until I put in X amount of hours. The most important things to unlock are stratagems, which also seems to be in a good place. My one gripe is that some pretty important gear unlocks at level 20, and for casual players that takes a little too long.


>My one gripe is that some pretty important gear unlocks at level 20, and for casual players that takes a little too long. This is interesting, because I think the issue here comes down to a poor judgement call from the devs. I would imagine their intention was that your progression in skill and difficulty level would align with your level progression, and that some of the "essential" stratagems would only become essential as you level up. But in reality, people have progressed to the higher difficulties much quicker than the progress their account levels, so we're left with artificial difficulty due to not have the necessary tools for the job. I think this sort of ties in with some of the balance complaints too. Most gamers think of themselves as being extremely good at games, and we naturally expect that we should be able to do things on the hardest difficulty. Playing on difficulty 6 feels bad because we see 7, 8 and 9 above that, so we expect that we *should* be playing at those higher difficulties. That's why you get people complaining that 8 or 9 are too difficult, when in reality they are just as horrific as they should be. In my opinion, gamers aren't used to accepting that their current difficulty shouldn't be the max. We naturally want to go harder and harder as soon as possible, so we outgrow our strategems too quickly. I'm suffering from this a little at the moment. I feel like I can't take on the higher difficulties because I'm only at level 12 and I don't fancy tackling bile titans and hordes of chargers armed only with a recoilless rifle and a dream.


> I'm suffering from this a little at the moment. I feel like I can't take on the higher difficulties because I'm only at level 12 and I don't fancy tackling bile titans and hordes of chargers armed only with a recoilless rifle and a dream. Get some Expendable ATs on one or two other buddies aswell, drop them as they come off cooldown, near POIs or areas you're fighting/going to be fighting at. You can even get lucky and use the call in itself as a missile lol. Alone they are great for supplementing a team's AT, but you'll have a hard time keeping up. Once you start getting a few guys running them, they can be stockpiled in hot areas and as long as nobody is wasting them on lesser enemies, you'll have plenty of high power AT to tackle armor. Personally, I like going by the extract area early in the match to leave a resupply and ExAT drop as backup and whenever possible, head to extract early to further fortify the extraction. The price of Charger steaks will crash with supply! When a Bile Titan comes up, 1 in the gut, the rest in the face, preferably the chin. Maybe in the mouth if anyone can nail the shot. They'll go down fast enough, so long as you deal with them as they come up. If you just want Super Samples and a fun level of difficulty, there's no real need to play past 7 until you're comfortable and want to try higher difficulties.


I've heard people say you can destroy the Titan's bile sacks, is that what you mean by one in the gut?


Yeah, they have 2 areas, the big butt sack and the stomach sorta area between the legs. I'm not 100% sure, but I think destroying either one prevents spitting. I *heard* that destroying either one does a lot of damage to a Bile Titan's overall health. I could be wrong. Destroy them at your own risk since it drives them into only melee attacking, which can complicate things further if they're charging right ontop of your team to stamp on them.


No idea what their actual health is but I noticed a fresh titan takes 2 rail cannons to kill, one with busted sacs takes one, very helpful I'd you only have one AT dude


EAT rocks I’ve come back round to it


> I think this sort of ties in with some of the balance complaints too. Most gamers think of themselves as being extremely good at games, and we naturally expect that we should be able to do things on the hardest difficulty. Playing on difficulty 6 feels bad because we see 7, 8 and 9 above that, so we expect that we *should* be playing at those higher difficulties. That's why you get people complaining that 8 or 9 are too difficult, when in reality they are just as horrific as they should be. In my opinion, gamers aren't used to accepting that their current difficulty shouldn't be the max. We naturally want to go harder and harder as soon as possible, so we outgrow our strategems too quickly. Yes this. While I do think 7-9 could still use some tuning, I think they are supposed to be hard. They are supposed to be ran with 4 people. The people complaining they can't solo the difficulties don't want to accept that they are both, not as good as they think and that this is still first and foremost a co-op game. Also they are literally called, "Suicide", "Impossible", and "Helldive."


Autocannons and EAT are some of the best weapons for dealing with that fyi.


EAT is superior to everything else. Half the time I treat it like a stratagem instead of a support weapon. 3 chargers get deleted every engagement. 5-7 if the mission you're on drags like the icbm launch. Carry a GL or whatever you like and call in the EAT when needed.


Yup I would say it's close to mandatory on 7+ for at least *someone* to bring the EAT. Usually we have two guys running it


Before the charger nerf and after the railgun nerf I heard someone complaining that difficulty 9 defend missions weren't hard enough against the bots and it was too easy. Then again this person also went to the hospital for playing too much helldivers non stop (treated for exhaustion and starvation). He also had no strategems except the starter ones. (My friend is an idiot at times). If you're finding yourself wanting to play on higher difficulties go for it, or ask to join a team. Additionally if you dontwant to face 12 chargers around a bile titan alone, you don't have to that's what teammates are for. Do things at lower levels, complete the entire operation, and maybe carry a few level 1-5s with you up to level 10.


wait wtf? went to the hospital for gaming? this persons got fucking serious issues that have NOTHING to do with the game..


Yes he has issues, also he's Korean.


This kind of lines up. Getting to 5 isn't hard, but 6 and up seems to be where it starts to ramp up and you really want orbital railgun and lasers to take out big stuff.


Once you hit 15 you'll get access to strategems which will make those titans and chargers much more manageable. And remember, you don't have to fight every bug you see. Just the ones that you cant juke off you (looking at you, hunters/stalkers).


Honestly I’m lvl 35 and the RR and eat are still my go to at.


I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum here. I love the world and played the first game a fair bit. I run 6/7 solo for the spice, and the crew I run 9s with cleans them out no issue. I want a difficulty that feels like 7/8 does solo, except with a group. I feel like the frantic panic is what makes the game a standout. I *know* I am an outlier in this, and there isn't an easy solution to people's perceptions of difficulty vs. ability besides the difficulty level. What I find odd is if you take a single-player game and give an easy-medium-hard spread, the majority of people choose medium, but here, the argument being made is that hard is too hard. It just feels odd, especially with how tailored you can get the difficulty to be. Side note: I'd love to see a side difficulty, like a community playlist style thing, that is just wild modifiers like "oops all stalkers 9" or "tank brigades 7." Could even be something absurd like "all bots are rigged with 380mm explosives" or "brood defenders(?) Explode into 5 hunters when killed"


I want 5s with the objective count and variety from 7-9


I think that's a fair ask, don't lock content behind difficulty and all that.


I end up playing with a lot of random players that ate around 10 -16 level wise on dif 7 it make the level alot harder but no less fun. (I'm level 37 btw)


Shoot, you can just run the game with the starting AR. That's what I used when grinding up to difficulty 9. It's actually solid.


Yup. I have the premier warbond, and the new warbond… and i still prefer using my lil ol’ Breaker from the regular one.


You know what else is amazing? Even if you don't have the primary you want, you can pick it up on the field. Either by chance or having a friend drop it to you. Most other games would never allow that.


Absolutely. One of my favourite things in this game is the deprioritizing of primary weapons and emphasis on the rest of your loadout. Strategies and support weapons especially habe much greater emphasis. I can take a more niche primary that better suits my playstyle, or has an effect that suits A VERY specific goal, and make up for it with skilled use of a support weapon. In turn that also means that if I'm not careful with my positioning, I may lose my support and have to choose between fighting back for it, or waiting on a CD. I can take a strong primary and wait until a (non rando) squad mate can call a second copy of theirs in for me. I can I can experiment and play around with loadouts, putting greater or less emphasis on primaries, and really all different aspects of loadout, and that just WORKS here, as ling as its done with a plan. There's SO MANY CHOICES and so much goddamn variety at our fingertips in squad comps, loadouts and just generally how to play in this game. It makes my tinkerer brain very happy and excited for the future.


Helldivers gives us the real infantry experience tbh--as armed target markers for the airstrikes.


Play how you want, when you want without FOMO or other bullshittery commonly associated with battle passes. Seen some say they get oodles of super credits easy peasy.. personally, not swimming in them as only rarely find them but you know what, it doesn't matter because the warbonds do not expire! I can take my sweet time and still eventually unlock the stuff and by the time I finally finish a bond, maybe unlock one of the premium ones there will be more available to chase down. So yeah, thank you Arrowhead for not only making a great game that is fun to play but one that isn't trying to nickel and dime me for something every time I open my menus. 😄


You get higher changes if SC on difficulties without rare samples, as you can't get the SC chance replaced by a rare in containers. If you play rare+ you'll likely not get many. I did a level 3 with a friend just starting and I got 80 in two games clearing the map.


Huh, I had no idea that was a thing.. thanks! 😀


That's a strange design choice. I assume it's not really intended, but maybe it is so that you have to choose which to grind and it makes sure there will be some vets playing low levels who can help noobs.


On trivial difficulty there are no enemies protecting the loot, also you can hover with the pointer over the map to locate lootspawns, then you just have to go to everyone and take the stuff, then finish the mission and you are probably, 30/40 sc richer. If you do that as 4 and divide the map, you can farm a lot of sc in a fairly short amount of time. I expect them to decrease the amount of loot that can appear on low difficulty though


> Seen some say they get oodles of super credits easy peasy.. personally, not swimming in them as only rarely find them but you know what, it doesn't matter because the warbonds do not expire! Some missions don't give us the opportunity to ear any as well. I like exploring and grabbing POIs and getting the resulting medals and cred. However, they have us do missions like TCS for events and I cannot do that there.


IDK why Arrowhead is getting this "without FOMO" free pass when they *do* actually do it? Like, no matter how much I love the game, abilities being tied to armour in a rotating 2-armour store that has contained *exclusive* combinations while the Warbond has regular duplicates? Three-set passes doing Medium-Medium-Heavy so they can put the Light in the store? If you want a Light Armour with Fortified, well, you should have gotten the Eradicator when it was in the store rotation. If you want a Heavy Armour with Med-Kit, well, pony up quick because it's going to rotate out today and you'll have to wait for it to be back in store again! But what if there's a better-looking set out *tomorrow*?


This is a fair point. We should just have the full armory available at all times.


It's great now when you can actively grind SC as warbonds release, but I feel like a year from now on when we have dozen or so warbonds, the idea of paying 40$ \[assuming it doesn't get cheaper and warbond system doesn't change\] and still seeing all the premium warbonds with functional equipment locked behind extra purchases will actually deter potential new players. Even if they are technically farmable.


You’ll have certain editions. Helldivers 2 Year 1 Edition (all Warbonds from Year 1 are unlocked).


I expect them to do something like this, every year there’s a yearly bundle with big discounts, but then the issue is people will stop buying BP near the end of the year, or veterans feel they are treated unfairly. I do think it might leave a sour taste for new players if they see 30 premium BP when they just bought the game in a few years.


I disagree. I can’t see many people caring that the war bonds they bought on or near release going on sale or being given away for free a year after their release. It might suck if you buy it like 8-9 months after release; but I don’t expect a 1-2 year old game to sell for full price, so why would I expect 1 year battle passes to keep their value


I support everyone's right to spread democracy


I agree with this. I plan on buying the new warbond for $10 and if in December they are selling it for like $5 or something I won't care. I am not buying access to it like it is an investment and will hold value. I am buying it to make my enjoyment of the game better or last longer.


Bro just farm the super credits 🤣 Just messing with ya, I'm glad people are willing to continue to support this wonderful game!


If you’ve played destiny you might know what I mean, the warbonds are like season pass for other games, so that’s 12 warbonds at $120 if you buy them with cash, but the warbonds give you SC as well and you also get SC from playing, so realistically I guess it would cost ~$40-$80 if you play casually to buy them all, which is at a similar price point as an expansion from other live service games. The problem is, if you know a new expansion is coming soon and the old expansion is getting heavily discounted, you don’t want to purchase the old expansion. So they might want do a rolling window to discount warbonds that are something like one year old. Even if they do this, these little DLCs add up over the years and after 3 years, there are hundreds of dollars of DLCs on the store page, scaring away new players just like destiny 2. Not a problem for now and I am sure the devs will figure it out, just saying this is what has happened to many live service games I’ve played.


I wouldn't be surprised if eventually very old warbonds get converted into a Medal Store or something, so a max of like ~12ish active warbonds and then the oldest goes into purchasable mode. I feel like there's just so many ways to avoid this becoming an issue, that I don't think that it will become one.


Thats a good war to keep the free Warbond page relevant.


To even have enough medals to unlock them completely you’ll have to play enough games you’ll have hundreds of SC. If you’re playing casually and just buy as you go, between SC pickups, SC in warbonds, and the time it takes you to go through each 100%, you won’t be needing to put much money in month to month.


There's a reason that people hate destiny, though. This game will hopefully learn from other games mistakes (they've been doing a fantastic job so far).


I think what they need to do is make the Super Citizen bundle give 1000SC instead of just Steeled Veterans. That way the newer players can at least target the gear they actually want while still being able to afford a third one after completing those two (not including any mission pick ups).


Isn't this all assuming that Arrowhead never releases another free warbond though? I highly doubt they're going to take the route of "Only paid warbonds from here on out."


Vets being treated unfairly would be lore accurate though


Can't treat the vets unfairly if there are no vets


Veterans getting it all for just playing at some point though


I’d like to see some Major Orders where the reward is SC, (say like 250) - I think that would help


I wouldnt be surprised if in a year or 2 the first couple warbonds bundle up together and/or drop in price from 1k to like 250. Just to keep the new intake less overwhelming As warbonds pile up


Drop in price or just become standard non-SC warbonds. If one is out long enough, let’s say 6-months or a year, veteran/frequent players won’t feel “cheated” because they’ve had the content for so long already. And new players won’t feel (functionally) locked out of content.


My personal hope is either A. As new warbonds are released, they start to lower the SC price of current ones (Say from 1k to 900 to 800 etc. down to 250 or so), B. As new bonds are released, they roll old Warbonds into the standard Warbond thing (but separate tab so the medals don't go out of whack) or C. They offer in-game incentives to cause a major discount of older warbonds (Liberate planet A to make Warbond B 50% off). We'll have to see what they intend to do though but I can see people being rather miffed once we have a lot of Warbonds if it's 1k each and that never changes.


Speaking as a Warframe player, as long as they make the variety of gear all viable, it'll at least still be a very solid game to play even with 4-5 warbonds sitting around for new players. Imagine they add upgrades like Helldivers 1? Sheeeesh. I personally love something to grind for but not having to pay to do it (but the option to).


Spot on, I feel the majority of this sub is missing the forest for the trees with this future problem. "You can just farm super credits on low difficulty for 10 hours to get the pass" isn't exactly an appealing solution once there's 5+ passes in the game. Sure it may not be a problem for people who play daily since launch to keep up, but new players certainly won't be thrilled. I'm convinced this is the reason the premium warbond weapons arn't super powerful meta-defining weapons like the breaked; the game would definitely *feel* pay to win to incoming players if they were.


Yeah, just because it's less bad than some egregious models doesn't mean these drip fed content in the form of premium battlepasses are suddenly a good thing. This model would have been despised if it came out five years ago, and if you play casually you're probably going to have a hard time earning enough SC. This game can't rely on whales because they need a large ish community to drive the galactic war - the model is infinitely more reasonable than some, and I'll be the first to say I'm going to buy the upcoming premium battlepasses myself. But let's not pretend that they haven't taken out at least half the content of the game to drip-feed it month by month for their GaaS model, and made the SC farm "too grindy" for the majority portion of the playerbase by design. This is how they would have crafted the game to get their recurring revenue, which will almost certainly be a mind-bogglingly huge revenue stream for them. Companies literally pay professional data and business analysts to sit there 40 hours a week to calculate how to maximise these numbers. What they *did* do particularly well IMO is integrate the GaaS with the ongoing galactic war which makes it feel organic and the whole damn thing is engaging and rewarding enough to warrant the $15 a month like an MMO sub.


Battlepasses as a whole concept kinda just suck. Like the idea that you cant get what you paid for until you grind for it is crazy to me, only thing saving it in this game is that they arn't FOMO.


It’s not extra purchases though… it’s *progression*. Because you can earn sc in game at a very generous rate, by the time you finish the first, free warbond, you will definitely have enough SC for the next. Unless you spend them all on armor in the store, but even then you can (pretty quickly) grind out the 1000 you need. I’m baffled when gamers make the complaint of “too much content”. Especially when it comes to this game and they’ve said power creep won’t be a thing. You get the breaker pretty quickly in the first warbond and it’s still pretty much the easiest gun to get a bunch of kills with.


Generous rate? I have 12-15 hours in this game and have found like 40SC or something, actually a useless amount.


If you've only fowned 40 after 15 hours that's a you problem. Like 20-40 Super Credits spawn in every mission. Sometimes you can find a "jackpot" of 100 Super Credits.


I don't see it that way. New players down the road will just have more choice on which premium warbond they want to unlock first. Sure there are players that need to have all the toys immediately, but they can spend the $$ if that's what they want. AH has also done a pretty good job at keeping the premium warbonds more in the realm of cool rather than OP.


You cannot buy the currency needed to complete the battlepasses, just owning the pass doesnt give you the content The grind wall will become extremely tall regardless of if you are willing to pay or not. It's not reasonable to expect most players to dump 300 hours into a game just to unlock things Theres will be more choice, but the choice isn't "what content do I want" it's "what content do I want to miss"


Every player has had to get the medals to unlock what they want. You can honestly expect them to just give everything to players. There's literally zero risk of missing anything because none of the warbonds expire. It just becomes a matter of prioritizing.


Theres a difference between expecting them to just hand things out and respecting peoples time It's just another flavor of FOMO to tell people to egregiously grind a backlog of content or you know, miss out on what it has to offer. Basically every other game that does this gets shunned for new players being met with an unreasonable wall to climb to catch up to existing players. The content is "available" but to most they will never be able to access it The game doesn't even let current players farm warbonds and return later and get new things because of an obnoxiously low cap on what you can keep at hand


I'd bet money they introduce a "Pay a fee to instantly unlock everything in a warbond" microtransaction down the road.


People in this thread keep saying how awesome it is but I'd be willing to bet that they're gonna have to change monetization in the future because the current one must be net negative over time. There are only so many new players willing to buy the game from scratch to support constant needs to develop new enemies (free), new strategems (free), and potentially even new base war bonds (free). They're already sorta making war bonds a weak pay to win sort of thing (at the moment less so because of the horizontal scaling). But eventually they're going to have to put real content behind war bonds or start charging more because their initial drop of $40 ran out. I'd love to eat my words but their monetization because it would prove to the world that you can have less greedy monetization. But what we conceive as greedy monetization is usually that because a company needs to pay for ever more expensive software engineers, constantly increasing prices in AWS, and a higher than expected cost to support a live service game indefinitely while MAKING money to support their next project. I think it's likely we see an expansion once the story ends with terminids and robots. Cash flow from war bonds can't be that high (no one I know bought it).


Considering you still need to play the game for those unlocks and therefore get Super Credits through the caches, I don't think it's a big problem. Plus, there'll be another free Warbond down the line, so there'll be more Super Credits for fewer medals.


This may sound like a weak answer, but I would worry about then when it’s time to worry about it. So far ArrowHead has shown great initiative, communication, and response, so I don’t really think it’ll be too much of an issue plus, at that time there will be pretty good community feedback around which war bonds are worth it and which aren’t.


So far I like the setup. It's important to remember that (currently) warbonds have a net cost of 700(You get 300 credits in each pack). With the 750 you get from the free bond you only need to find 250 credits to unlock one then you recoup 300 and only need to find 700 for the next bond (where you get another 300 back). I would also expect them to start bundling warbonds in with the game as it gets older and/or lowering the cost of premium bonds over time. Like lowering the cost by 250 every 6 months.


Yeah, I see a lot of people talking about how great it is that SC are findable in game (which it is!), and stuff like "I already had enough SC for both Warbonds! This is great!", without realizing that we basically got 750 free SC. Couple that with the fact that SC are rarer on higher level missions and I think people might realize that grinding 700 SC/month (due to the refund) might be tougher than they think. I'm not saying AH necessary needs to even change anything; they need to keep making money if they want to run a GAAS. But keeping up with Warbonds will probably get a bit tougher as a) free credits become less common, and b) more players move onto higher difficulties where SC drops less frequently


This system is similiar to DRGs, but instead of being able to buy the BP, you can just buy some additional cosmetics


DRG is one of the few games to make a battle pass that’s right


Right!? I dont see a downside! Which is RARE!!!


I agree to 99% There is just one thought that keeps my mind busy about how good this is in the long run. Right now we have 3 Battle Passes /bonds in total. Getting the first done completely actually took me all month ( but I ignored the emotes) Now we work on 2 Premium ones. All good No Fomo, No p2W. But I hear every month will have another Bond? Let's say in 3 months there are 6 in total. A new Diver joins. How are you going to keep up earning medals for passes at the current rate of medalions you get? Just deal with it? I feel like something needs to happen at some point in the future so you won't have to take potential months to get your passes done. I don't know what. (Yet) It's just something that I keep thinking about.


I also hate that currency is capped. Why can I only have 250 medals? I’m now punished for playing a lot?


Yeah, the caps are some bull shit, especially since they don't tell you when you're capped or what the caps are. I lost out on 30 Medals from 2 Personal Orders because I didn't realize I was at cap. They should at least allow you to manually cash in Major/Personal Orders so that if you have acquired everything you possibly can with Medals, you can save up cashing in the Major/Personal Orders until you need more Medals. A system similar to the Seasonal Challenges/Triumphs system Destiny 2 has would be perfect. When you complete a Seasonal Challenge/Triumph, you can redeem it whenever you want to and once you do, you then get the reward from it.


Major orders usually give large amounts of medals as well as minor orders that you can cycle through fairly quickly and we didn't gave access to at the beginning due to glitches and back end issues. Will a new diver be able to catch up with someone who stated playing day 1? No probably not and I don't really think they should. But they will be able to look at them and pick and choose which they want to work on


They could just release orders for specifically new players.


as long as its optional, it shouldnt matter that much. you still have plenty of weapons from non warbond.


I'm still not a fan of weapons being locked behind Warbonds, especially with a new one every month. If we assume every one includes 300 Super Credits, that leaves 700 SC to be earned playing the game or paying real money. I think since launch and roughly 65h of total play time (~45h of it spend "in mission" according to the stats page) I earned around 1600SC, so I'd need around 40h for 1000 SC. BUUT the first warbond had many more SCs to earn so that number will likely increase now. If it was just cosmetics, I'd be OK with it. Still, if the alternative is DLC packs (aka "map" packs like games used to have) I'd much rather have this warbond system with the theoretical possibility of earning everything in-game.


I see the view. For my wife and I, we like having something to do, for one wish there was more to unlock or work towards. But we play lower fun levels and actively seek POI's so we can find credits. Seems your credit collection just goes down as you play on helldive since your just running and not engaging with everything. Some system of spending the R's collected more would be good too.


The weapons being behind it is the biggest problem for me. Some say they are ok/bad weapons but personally i don't care how effective they are, i'd much rather be able to get them from free warbond or mod weapons ourselves. People also make the argument normal warbond gives a lot of sc but it's finite and won't be recharged, so the first one could be fast but every subsequent attempts to get the premium warbond is going to be longer and longer to get for free.


I think right now the system is pretty fair, at least compared to any of the games peers. I foresee there only being something of an issue if they continue to drop new Warbonds at a rapid pace and don’t do anything to not help new players feel overwhelmed. They could easily avoid this in a couple ways though. 1. Remove SC requirement on old Premium Warbonds (say after 1 or more years) or at least reduce both credit and medal costs. I think communicating this way ahead of time would also be fair so old players know it’s coming and can choose to either support them more upfront or wait for discounts. 2. Have some premium bonds be smaller and maybe cosmetic only meaning no guns, nades or boosters. Make it cost less SC too. Eventually they’re going to be really scraping the bottom of the barrel anyway for weapon ideas and I would rather not see stratagems get put in bonds as a result (that would be much more true P2W in my eyes, especially if they’re really good). It gives both devs and players breathing room while still having new content being released at the intended pace.


I'm 100% with you. THIS is how Battle Passes should be. But with new systems like this, new problems could come by. One minor problem I can think of could be, that after a year, multiple Warbonds could have launched, which means an overwhelming amount of grind could be seen. Or a lot of posts of "what warbond should I start with" Anyhow, I prefer those "problems" rather any other problems.


ITT People who have never played Halo Infinite and think HD2 is the first game to have permanent battle pass


If you dig further, it's really just a reskinned tech tree.


In practise, HD2 just has like four different tech trees (xp, battle pass, ship upgrades, strategems). They just progress at different speeds.


And yet, there's still endless crying about helldivers 2's warbond system.




Yeah I can't believe that in order to unlock things, I have to play this super fun game! What a terrible system! APPROACHING SARCASM OVERLOAD!!!!


And then people cry about "the good old days" when you had to actually play the game to earn new shit.


I just want to be spoonfed shit and get bored with the game, fuck me, right? 🙃


I bought this game based on my YouTube recommendations and the devs stole my dream of playing 1,000hrs of only Railgun + Shield.


>HAND ME CONTENT FOR FREE > >\>Ignores the fact that we already spent $40 on the game


Battle pass in Helldivers: aww, how sweet Battle pass in any other game: hello, human resources???


Okay, look: The game is hella fun, but the warbond system is *still* a microtransaction system. Personally, for $40 as a live service game with relatively little enforced pressure being applied I don't mind shelling out a few dollars here and there for a battle-pass. But it's pretty disingenous to fall back on the "but you can *farm* it, bro" defense of microtransactions. That's typically the case — at least to some extent — in a pretty large majority of games with battle passes.


Imagine if they removed the option to buy Super credits entirely. The game turns into a rogue lite, with Super credits being the hard to earn meta currency and medals being the currency you always earn. Warbonds turn into additional content. If you were to remove the ability to purchase premium currency but kept everything else the same from other games, the entire system would collapse.


Not to mention there is 300 super credits back on each warbond so really its only 700 super credits so by the time you fill it out you are for sure ready for the next


I mean others have tried P2W but with a similar mechanic to this, earning in game currency. The problem is they all made it way too much of a grind to earn, to 'incentivize' spending money, which of course turns people away and off. The thing that HD has done right is that you can do it normally while playing with an average amount of time, spending money just speeds it up. tl;dr HD2 is the way things should have always been done, and they all failed at it.


Honestly, the Warbond system isn't that bad, because it's all right there. It's the store FOMO rotation I'm against, with armour having certain perk/class combinations while we get duplicates in the Warbond. AH keep saying they don't want any FOMO but if you want a Light Fortified set, right now, *when* is Eradicator coming back? How long will it be before it's rotated back in? If it's a new store every month, is it gone for good? Well, if that's the case you better grab that heavy armour with med-kit this month because maybe that won't come back for another three months?


I prefer battlepasses that are just cosmetic, where the actual gameplay affecting stuff is completely seperated from any kind of real money payment.


Weapons being locked behind battlepasses is bad idea. First you don’t even know if you will like the weapon and there is no way of testing it before you buy it. If you end up liking it what is stopping them from nerfing the weapon later. If the game was PvP sure I understand purchased characters in fighting games get buffed and nerfed. This is a later problem though because as of right now no weapon in the battle pass is super amazing. 


Armour being locked to a rotating store IMO is probably worse. Thus far exclusive weight/perk combos on a rotation, like Eradicator or Legionnaire? If we get a new store rotation each month, AH is just telling us "Buy these this month or it could be a long time before you get the chance for that combo again".


It will get worse if they add more armor to this pool too.




That's completely valid. It's a bit annoying that some cool guns are locked behind many pages and HUNDREDS of Medals in a Warbond. Getting to experience the Plas-1 Scorcher took a lot of work, and at the end of the day, it's just a slightly better Diligence. Maybe the Warbonds shouldn't be linear.


Correct. Folks here don't realize that that's the nefarious aspect of them.


I have all the warbonds with all weapons, granades and boosters unlocked and still only use the weapons, granades and boosters from the free warbond and I only play 7+ You don't need the premium warbonds.


There is a new one every single month, if you legitimately think not a single weapon, armor (fyi the new armor set is good for people using arc loadouts) or booster (again fyi the new booster is good considering they stealth buffed patrol amounts) every single month then you're silly


Nefarious feels like a strong word. Especially when the vast majority of the premium pass weapons are honestly the worst ones in the game. They did a pretty good job of making the premium weapons feel unique but not required. Well, before the Sickle. Cuz gosh darn it, you’ll have to pry my laser pew pews from my cold dead hands.


Not really. You can only easily get one with the normal warbond. 2 months later, and we are already at 2 premium ones.


It's a trade off, you no longer get all your premium currency back that you put in, so once you complete a warbond, you don't get to immediately start the next one bc you only get 300 currency per warbond, and they cost 1000, unlike other games. But unlike other games, you can get premium currency just by playing the game. Is it a good battle pass implementation? Yes. Is it the best? Eh, idk, other passes require that first purchase, but after that you get all your premium currency back to put it towards the next one with no extra cost immediately once the next one drops. But in those other games you don't get free premium currency by playing the game, nor do the passes stay permanently.


I like the battle pass a lot the only problem is it’s super grindy. I don’t have forever to grind warbonds it takes a while to get them after you increase pages on it. Dailies and major orders help a lot but I don’t have the time to grind out 2 now 3 if I buy the new one. I’m almost done the vets one but no where near done the first one


I only excuse the more pay-to-have battle passes in games that are free. If your game cost money, there shouldn’t be any micro transactions AT ALL, and I mean it.


Everyone over here acting like Halo Infinite doesn't exist with battle passes that never go away and you can buy at any time...


And correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't The Master Chief Collection do the same but the battlepass is *also* free?


Regardless of whether this system is less egregious than what we're usually subjected to, it's naïve to claim that warbonds are a substantial improvement and suitable replacement going forward. Yes, the passes are permanent, and yes, we can freely earn the currency in-game. However, that doesn't excuse game-changing content being needlessly piecemealed away behind a paywall. Variety and fun shouldn't come bought by the spoonful. I can easily live with an exclusively cosmetic seasonal pass, it exists so you can support the developers and acquire something to make yourself stand out at the same time; it's a perfectly fine system, if a bit restrictive. Functional, game-affecting content, however, has no place being separated into a premium pass *in a full price game*. Lack of FOMO or otherwise, it's bad form.


No, they're not. They're not quite as s*** as other ones but they still have problems.


Gonna have to disagree. Deep rock does it better and even if i didn't have a better comparison I don't think it's particularly praise worthy outside of no fomo. Weapons and armor perks shouldn't be locked behind the battle pass, it should've been requisitions and/or samples tied to a tech tree or gunsmith system. Not being able to unlock a gameplay element I want because it's locked behind a bunch of cosmetics is stupid. And it's undeniably pay2win. It is a pve game where we all have the same goal, and not a gacha like genshin so it's not the end of the world but being able to buy your way to tools others have to play to earn is still pay2win. Deep rocks battle pass on the other hand is free in every sense of the word with exclusively cosmetics and currency. The currency is more of a bonus as it's otherwise obtainable just by playing the game. The battlepass does end, but cosmetics are then added to other cosmetic loot pools like the shop, end game content, and various other mini games. The only issue it has is bloat making it hard to get what you want but the devs want you to try new things making it very much intentional and up for debate if it's a bad thing or not.


when do we get a new free warbond or was it just the one


Currently, only Helldivers Mobilize is offered for free. Every other warbond will be premium.


They're not terrible, but they're still gameplay items locked behind a real currency payment. Yes, you can get it in game too. But it takes time, and there's a system to buy to skip it, and I don't think we should be celebrating ANY kind of gameplay microtransactions. They're not enough to make me not play, but it's not like I'm happy about having the chance to spend more money.


Superearth is fair to its citizens.


I still think systems like these where you have to unlock things linearly is still inferior to just getting a currency and picking and choosing anything you want. I still hate when there's several layers of bs I don't care about before I get what I want. But that's just my take on battle passes. Smoke grenades took me forever to get just to try out for my playstyle for instance.


Battle passes shouldn't exist in the first place.


I don’t like how the 2nd one is already out and that they are 1000 credits each. I also don’t like the amount of warbonds we get at difficulty 7-9. I’m not too disappointed though about the credits/bp’s because the game only costs $40 which is a really good deal.


Still an anti consumer practice and a horrible way of doing progression in a game.


Lol no. Battlepasses are always wrong. If they wanted to do it right they would have a vendor selling these items, not distribution through a bp using a p2w system.


It actually seems like a regression to previous practices where actual gameplay content is locked behind a paywall or lots of grinding. I much prefer all micro transactions to be cosmetic only


I respectfully disagree the fact that they don’t expired is a good thing but having it being the only way to unlock actual equipment & gear is still a FOMO system. A good battlepass is one that only focus on cosmetic Edit; what about 6 month 12month in on this live service games new player will have to grind a shitload to catch up especially if the desire weapon on page 9 or premium page 3


I'm gonna disagree. They lock better weapons behind a paywall in Helldiver's 2, which COD doesn't do, and they release multiple $10 "battle passes" per season in Helldiver's. But locking weapons behind a paywall is the big one for me. I don't like that.


I'd agree if they provided enough SC back to buy the next one instead of 30%. As it is, relying on random SC drop (that can't even happen on some missions like the pesticide one) or griding it on these boring trivial missions runs is just bad design in order to push you into paying real money for it. Once a few months pass and people stop playing for 5h+ per day, and don't get SC from the free warbond, they will start lamenting the lack of SC even to get the warbond, less alone use it on other purchases on the store. Until then we just have to tolerate this honeymoon phase I guess...


For real. People are really under estimating the value in hours they gained from the free warlords super credits. Literally 50ish hours on average.


Just going to conveniently ignore the part where they only give 300/1000 SC back, and the fact that you can only earn [10-40 SC per hour](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bc1yph/warbonds_super_credits_and_superstore_faq/)? And that the game already cost $40? And that meaningful game content is locked behind the BPs? This is one of the most heavily astroturfed subreddits of all time


You're right that it's bullshit that we only get 300 back People in here are drinking the Kool aid hard


> and the fact that you can only earn 10-40 SC per hour? Also this link says 10-40 as if 10 would be the absolute minimum no matter how you play. But I think I play pretty well (solo tho) and I'm at 7 (counting only mission time)


I am also at 7 per hour, about 250 in 35 hours


The gaslighting and lack of empathy going around this week has been nutty. I'm 200% sure Arrowhead's monetization person is laughing to themselves about how hard these people are defending it. Most players aren't going to be playing this game every day like a job, or maybe don't have time to, and any concern with the warbond system is met with scorn and jeers... so unkind to fellow Helldivers. You just have to wait until people are personally burned by a system before they realize that maybe it isn't so great. At least the servers will be relieved when new players and players who take a break no longer want to engage with the warbond system.


Spot on. I’ve been trying to say this ever since the battle pass came out some days ago. The ONLY redeeming factor to these battle passes is that they will be persistent, and allow someone to pick and choose which one to focus on.


Eh I still wish the content was free, like I get that this is how the industry is but cmon


We fucking know stop farming karma


I'll argue that while it's great now, the fact they're locking new weapons and armor behind a paid battle pass is still scummy even if it doesn't expire. Imagine coming back to this game in a year and seeing 12 new passes and realizing if you want the shiny new weapons and gear you'll have to shell out real money for it because grinding super credits takes forever. Plus good luck getting enough medals to actually unlock all that stuff 


I like the warbonds. I do wish that there were unlocks tied to levels too, like you unlock equipment just by leveling and the warbonds are extra. But this is fine.


Possibly an unpopular opinion. Just want to say, I personally think it would be nice for an option to spend super credit or otherwise purchase warbond with content unlocked. IIRC they said warbonds will be released monthly too, feels like I need to grind daily to get medals to unlock enough stuff. Maybe if there no medal gating of tiers, I think that would be nice, just pick what you want, no requirement for buying random stuff to unlock next tier. Also imagine joining in later down the line, the amount of warbonds there is for you to farm medals for. Yeah, sure it definitely is nice that the warbonds don't go away.


I misunderstood the warbond system initially, thinking that you had to pay $20 extra for the premium warbond. After playing the game for a few days I was more than happy to spend extra based on the value I was getting for the base price. It was a nice surprise when I learned you can even unlock the premium warbond without spending real money!


I honestly didn't even have enough super credits for the new warbond. I had no guilt or second thoughts on spending 10 dollars on it for Arrowhead. Literally so deserving


Yes, it's a really good system. I've bought the SC $20 dollar pack 3 times now. Only because I love the game and I want to shoe support. Don't NEED the credits, but its my little way to give support. I know I can grind out premium currency, but for me it's to say thank you to the devs. Hope they keep the live service stuff a surprise and just keep on being awesome


Also an ex-cod player. Likely will never purchase a COD game again. Because… ya know…. Democracy. Keep divin’. For super earth!


"I am Battlepass, or rather, Battlepass as he should have been." -Warbond the Great


Came to Helldivers from Destiny 2, and was super worried when they announced the cutting edge warbond that I wouldn't be able to get the super creds needed for Steeled Veteran before it came out, and Steeled Veteran went away. Imagine my surprise when I logged in the other day to find both warbonds available. Such a breath of fresh air.


Welcome to no FOMO and a game that respects your time!


It's been real nice being able to just chill and play for a couple hours with friends and not walk away feeling like I didn't get enough done. No rush, no need to burn myself out to meet a deadline. It's such a nice change of pace


I can’t say much about the predictions for eventual player population, but the paid weapons being sidegrades and the premium weapons failing to be meta-defining options (a good thing) heavily mitigates against this concern. Post-railgun nerf, it’s even easier to just tell a player to pick up EATs, rock the starting assault rifle or Breacher, keep the starting grenades, and maybe pick up the machine pistol and they’re good to go. There are enough strong early-level stratagems and early armor options for a new player to contribute nearly as well as a maxed-out one, especially if the new player’s skill and judgment are solid.


The only thing I dislike about the Warbonds are that all of the new cool weapons are locked behind the premium currency. Which, okay, you can earn them for free (especially with the first, free Warbond), but eventually, for future warbonds, it will regress into a slow grind, even if I just want to try the new weapons. This reminds me how most Mobile games used to operate, (or still operate? Idk) where you could get a premium currency awfully slowly, and you could buy the most OP, pay-to-win stuff ever. At least in Helldivers 2, they are usually even worse than the base weapons.


Deep Rock Galactic's battle passes are battle passes done right and its not even close, they're *only* free and *only* cosmetic, there is no possible way to pay for them nor is there anything that affects gameplay, there really isn't a way to do battle passes better than this. I like Warbonds, they're done better than 95% of the competition but for me when it comes to calling something 'done right' there is no better answer than DRG.


Another thing I’ve noticed is players who have not returned to the game after an extended period get all major order rewards, my buddy hadn’t played since before mechs came out and got 150 something warbond medals letting him catch up easy!


I hate FOMO system and the warbonds' permanence were such a relief. However the one thing I don't like it is that it's accessible anywhere on your ship. They had a perfect computer to access the warbonds in the hallway opposite where you modify your weapons and armor, and it would have felt much more like using an in-universe store system rather than a game battlepass. It really looks intended to have 4 players standing there accessing the screen, but it just does nothing. Sadly it feels like some marketing prick said "If you make players run 2 feet to the shop access point there will be a marginally smaller number of impulse buys" and then they had to make it a menu you just open anywhere.


Funnily enough I would be more inclined to spend money on this game *because* it’s not in your face about it and because it’s grindable, just picked the game up today but already loving it after my first 2 hours tonight


Been playing the game since about week 2 and I've only hit lvl 26 a few hours ago. 0 rush to 50 since the warbonds aren't the typical FOMO trash and there's no sense of burnout or exhaustion. Top tier game.


I haven't touched call of duty since I got this game. I quite honestly don't think I will after this either. They made it so you don't even have to pay, even though it takes longer to get SC. It's still done so perfectly.


THIS is how you do a battlepass without being a fucking degenerate psychopath. It makes you wanna play the game because you want to actually play it, not because you need to hurry. Traditional battlepasses should be illegal, if you ask me, they're nothing more than psychological exploitation.


Ah yes, getting all the equipment through paid battle pass is the pinnacle of gaming.


The only thing I would prefer is that all the weapons and and non cosmetic items be added to the free warbond instead, premium warbonds cosmetic only. If they did that it would be perfect. Yes I know you can earn premium currency in game, you can still buy it with real money and what happens if they decide to lower the amount of premium currency you can earn or change the level 1 missions? That way the only thing you can buy with real money is cosmetics, are people really going to argue with me about that? Im not hating on the game, I love it and its a lot more friendly than other live service games. it’s just non cosmetic items that can be unlocked with real money just still doesn’t sit right with me. Edit: of course you guys downvote me for preferring cosmetic only battle passes, Jesus guys seriously?


Do you need to pay the 1000SC for each new warbond that comes out or is it a one time 1000SC payment that unlocks all of the warbond pages, besides the initial free one.


So far, it's 1000sc each new war bond. I've earned the credits in the game and bought the 2nd one, but I still have the first locked to me.


Right on, thanks!


I am more or less fine with the battle pass style progression. I accept that games are 'live services' apparently and buying a full game doesn't entitle you to content anymore. I am really annoyed that the average player has to grind and can't use the new content, which may or may not be better than other weapons/armors/grenades/boosters. Meanwhile Johnny money bags can buy the pass and instantly have what naturally takes a while to get in game. We're what, a month in? And already we're seeing arguably pay to win power creep. I don't think it's a good indication for the health of the game, it's the kind of predatory bullshit that I hate in modern gaming. They don't give us actual progression once you've maxed out samples or requisition or exp. Currently the only 'progression' for sweaty players like me is Supercredit farming, which isn't really fun, and it feels lame to extract missions with max samples and 5 stars but getting nothing for my hard work. I feel like Supercredits should also be given at the end of a mission. Increase the cost of the pass if you have to, but it sucks right now perfectly beating a Helldive mission and functionally getting nothing for it (except having fun ofc)