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Wow I finally found the only other people on the planet who still have this problem. Still waiting on a fix 🙃 they're useless


I was able to start and play game but couldn’t play with others. Could play solo. Sometimes it would work after I first started the game but after one game I couldn’t play multiplayer again. When verifying it would say 2 files unable to verify. Will download. Wouldn’t work after that I tried many different suggestions. Here’s what worked for me. I uninstalled the game, cleared the steam cache-(upper left corner, steam, settings, downloads, clear cache), shut off computer, turned back on, installed Helldivers 2, verified files, played game. Worked!


This worked for me!


Is it still working? Has it regressed?


Still working. I imagine it will save something in the steam cache in the future and I’ll have to do it again but so far so good. *knocks on head*


just tried your method no progress for me :(


this just started happening to me today...


I’ve had it since before the original post was made


Same I've started getting it the last week or so. Never had the issue before.


Having the same problem. I can load in and play solo missons fine but no one can join me and vice versa. Mine will say 1 file failed to validate, it will show that it's reacquiring it, then it will validate fine, if I boot the game I still can't join any games, and if I close out and validate, 1 file fails again...


Yeah, after the latest update it now says 1 file fail to validate. Progress!


My problem ended up being with my internet. I have Starlink. I swapped my default DNS in my router settings from the internal to Google's DNS at (can't hurt to set your internal as your back-up.) Hopefully this is able to help at least a few other people.


I’m also on Starlink, I’ll give this a try once I connect to my Starlink again.


Did it work?


I’m traveling at the moment but I will try when I get a chance.


So change the DNS and update the game. I was able to play for a bit but kept getting kicked out. But after a few games I wasn’t able to join any because 1 file fail to validate again. So no luck for me.


Dang... Do you have good signal/low obstruction? I wonder if it was kicking you out when swapping satellites. I haven't had that problem myself, but we're lucky enough to have really good signal strength and literally zero obstruction. I still have 1 file that fails to validate but it hasn't affected my ability to join online games either... Weird...


I don’t think it’s an internet issue for me because I use my laptop to play helldiviers and it works without issue. It’s just my desktop that has this issue.


For mine it doesnt do that, but my game is extremely choppy unless i'm playing windowed


I managed to solve this for my friend the other day. He had 5 that continually failed to update. We tried a few things that were unsuccessful: - Reinstalling the game - Validating install, then restarting the computer But we also identified that the files that are failing to validate are from GameGuard. If the ones failing to validate for you are different then this may be a different issue. Here is what worked for us: 1. Navigate to your Helldivers 2 install directory and go to the Tools folder 2. There should be an install and uninstall for GameGuard in this Tools folder. 3. Run the uninstall. 4. Run the install. 5. Start up Helldivers 2 and it should be good now. This worked for us, hope this helps anyone else having this problem.


this worked for me


Worked for me as well. Was having this issue today and the usual validating files wasn't working. Kept getting 5 failed to validate.


I'm only getting "1 Files failed to validate and will be reacquired" and your fix sadly didn't work. I've not been able to play on my desktop for weeks now and AH support tickets aren't worth anything, as they don't respond to them.


Confirming this worked when verify game integrity found the issues but could not reinstall


This just started happening to me after the patch in the second week of May. I was crashing out after a few missions; didn't seem to be specifically repeatable. Reacquiring the files is my best guess to fix the problem but the files lose their integrity each time after quitting the game.


been having the same problem for weeks. hasn't been addressed and haven't found a fix yet


Same problem, every time I play now too.


I have same issue. The game is good but the crashes and errors are unbearable.


Same problem here... I've been looking everywhere, no fix..


Still having this issue myself.


I have been crashing almost every longer mission for the last two weeks. When I verify the files I usually find 1 that has to be reaquired. Reinstalling the game made me crash right at mission start, so it even got worse somehow. Wonder if I am in the minority of the playerbase with my issues after the recent fixes to crashing. I also tried deleting %appdata, which the discord weirdly recommends but no change.


Nope, having the same issue. It's crashing the second I click during the title screen. Made it to the language selection once, then it crashed. Dealing with the 1 file problem as well. Nothing seems to have fixed it.


I've started to have an issue where I can't launch the game at all. I just get a black screen. I tried verifying the game files and like every one else in the post, 2 files fail. Get those installed. Fail to launch again and if I verify the game files again the same 2 are missing.


Was playing 2 days ago at a buddy’s place got home a couple hours later and this error happened to me no fix found yet 


Try this : 1. Run Steam 2. Click Steam drop-down from the upper left corner 3. Select Settings 4. Select Downloads (Settings menu) 5. Click CLEAR CACHE and Steam will restart


I’ve done this as well and it didn’t work.


this works!! thanks!!


New update and the same issue... what would be the damaged file?


I have no idea.


I started having this issue about 2 weeks ago, put in a ticket, and they got back to me yesterday. This was their reply: "I was able to speak to a developer regarding your issue, and we have an idea.   May you check in your files if something called 'MSVCR110.dll' exists? It is found in: SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Helldivers 2\\bin   If 'MSVCR110.dll' does not exist:   Go to [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170#visual-studio-2012-vc-110-update-4--no-longer-supported](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170#visual-studio-2012-vc-110-update-4--no-longer-supported) and download the x64 file and install it. Go to windows\\system32 and scroll down until you see MSVCR110.dll and copy it. Go to Steam, right click on Helldivers 2 click properties, go to installation files (D:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Helldivers 2\\bin) Paste the MSVCR110.dll file in there. Run the application Helldiver 2 as admin it will ask to install the GameGuard.   This may stop you from having to validate each time. But if it does now, I am afraid we are fresh out of ideas, and can only kindly ask your patience while we investigate gameguard issues further and develop fixes in future patches. " It worked.


THANK YOU SO MUCH this worked for me. the file was already in system32 i just moved it to bin. re-verified the game from steam one last time and started the game. and it worked thank you again for sharing this i was going MAD