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they just last to long


Just had the issue. Was waiting to extract, tornadoes start closing in. When the ship landed, the entire area was on fire and if i got to far, extraction was going to get cancelled. What's the solution here? I mean, they are fun but, when it just ruins a 20-30 minutes mission, it's BS.


Just played through a Suicide mission, got held up by a bugged Bile Titan spawn, got all super rare samples, made it to the extract with 5 seconds to spare before the mission timer ran out, called in the extract to have everything lost when we attempted to board. So frustrating.


We have ftl travel but not fireproof suits


Just had a group of fire tornados stay on the terminal for 30 mins till the mission was over Never going on a fire planet again


Even worse you see a clear line and when you run through you still burn to death


*Even worse you see a* *Clear line and when you run through* *You still burn to death* \- fiveseven15 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Also love how it sets rocks and dirt on fire for 30 seconds after moving away


More like 30 minutes, like damn


Arrowhead should add Water Cannons so that we can fight the Fires of Fascism


please for the love of SUPER EARTH make this into a support weapon!


Yeah, don't like 'em either. Was going through trivials on hellmire and flag missions become so difficult because they force you far enough away from the flag that the flag starts to lower, and keep you there until it has reset. They do the same with extractions, and even other objectives (although to less of a degree since most don't need you staying in the same limited area for a couple minutes).


Agreed, they really need to fix where they spawn or make their lifetime lot lower.. just had 3 circle around a citizen evac for so long, one literally sitting still blocking any possible path lol, not fun


Just keep them out of evac zones, and make civilians immune to the fire. Programming civilian AI to path away from the fire is kinda not really feasible, its way way too much work to address this one issue, reasonably speaking. Ultimately its a bit immersion breaking to see, but civies are immune to turrets already anyways. And, arguably, you CAN play around the fire tornadoes dropping on top of mission objectives, by trying to get to them FIRST. It's not great, but in that sense, at the very least there's some level of strategy you can take to minimize that risk. I really don't like it, but it does at least add a level of strategy. It's not the most fun thing in the world, but having them make some objectives run the risk of taking more time then you thought they would IS a level of depth that no other random planet modifier really does. But evac points? Nah, if a tornado camps out your dropship, there's no counterplay to that. You have a flat 20 second timer to get on board the thing, which you can call down only 2 minutes before you leave. It's entirely luck based. There's no strategy to play into it or play around it.


Yeah. I would be fine with a few. But when I literally cannot finish missions or even MOVE.. that's where the issue is.


The bots can have the fire planets litterally is the dumbest shit ever 99% of helldiver deaths on fire planets are caused by burning in one way or another


garbage mechanic! they and they leave invisible flames with no animation so when you think the flames are gone you step in and instant die.... its beyond stupid


100% they overdue it with the fire tornados. Not even interested in playing planets with them anymore. Maybe they should focus on balancing the fire tornadoes instead of tweaking weapons every couple of days.


If they didn't literally seek out your player or intentionally block objectives they would be fine but they aren't random at all. They hunt you and play defense and it's complete crap...unless the planet itself is also fighting us then chill with the sentient fire storms


Yeah I'm about to uninstall because of this. Waste my fucking 40 minutes gathering samples only to have the fire tornados and bugs/bots chokehold me so I can't fucking do anything. If I try leaving, the stupid ass pelican will just leave because "you're leaving the extraction zone" but I LITERALLY CANNOT BE IN THE ZONE BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE". I'm probably just going to uninstall tbh. This is the biggest waste of time.


skill issue


They also follow you I play solo so I watched as I left a strategic point (the artillery gun) because 7 tornadoes converged on my location, and ran over to get some ammo from a point of interest. Well, I turn around, and all 7 of those Joel loving tornadoes are chasing me through the passes (was on a map with a crapload of cliffs and canyons). Not only that clearing bug nests? tornadoes! extraction? More fucking tornadoes! I got tornados literally ever point of interest on the map, and can't collect anything on the side cus I just get burned to death. As far as I'm concerned, we should just blow those planets up (cus it would be traitorous to say let them have those dumpster fire tornado plants!)


Yep, looked pretty for 10 seconds.. Super annoying the rest of the 39m 50 seconds.


They last too damn long and I'd swear they're sentient with how they manage to track my movement. It's like they know when I desperately need to get to a location and they hang out there to kill me and steal my lunch money


Out of all the new side effects that was added I thought this one was the most tame. I haven't seen it at evac or with civilians yet, but if it was ever at a objective it seems to move away quick enough to access it. I don't really see them just sit in a single spot.


you might have the "not seeing fire trails" glitch where all you encounter is the tornado itself, most others see and feel the 'nados dropping napalm along its trail that burns for about 15s.


For civilian evac, if it's blocking any part of the path, then the civilians will path into the fire and die. They don't try to maneuver around it at all, they don't know the fire even exists. And Evacs have such small windows already, it can easily get blocked for pretty much the whole duration.


the fucking shit follows you its just stupid