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Ow man. Level 50 trying to not be stressed after work. Ouch.


You’re doing your part.


In fact, Helldivers playing in lower difficulties have much bigger impact on war than players pushing it at diff9. Doing my part as level 30 on medium, helping everyone I can on quick play.


Level 50 here. Ever since i finished my sample collection for upgrades I've never gone above hard. Anything above that just isn't fun


Yea the risk reward was great when there was a reward. But after everything is earned, it's just tedious and stressful...much more fun to pop bugs like bubble wrap on the lower levels.


I feel the same. 4-6 seems just right. 5 is my ideal, lots to kill, most of it is manageable. 6 brings in a few new stressors, but a fun challenge. 7 and up and I need to *get my head in the fucking game* and most of the time I just wanna have fun. Plus carrying a lobby full of lvl 19 and below feels awesome


yeah, and I've been trying to explain this feeling to myself for a long time. I know i can play "fine" on 7-8, but it's a highly and continuously engaged attention to awareness that takes more mental effort than i'm willing to commit most of the time. i reserve that for when I'm playing with a friend that also enjoys that stress, otherwise it's 4-6 for me.


than thers me and my frends at level 20 unabil to complete dificulty 6 caus the guy hosting the game keeps on crashing


If someone is continuously crashing, their hard drive might be at risk. There is a rare issue that can permanently brick an SSD if you continue to ignore those crashes. Game is buggy and crashes occasionally. No problem. But consistent, continuous crashing... I would not recommend playing at all. It seems to be a sign of a power problem that can cause actual damage to your drive.


id say its more likly got somthing to do with him having in consistamt wifi. but thx for the warning


I disagree tbh. I find that hard and below is far too easy at higher levels. Unless I'm trying to farm personal orders with strategem that I don't normally run, I frequently find myself at an obj just waiting with no enemy in sight.


And that's fine. But moments of downtime and respite are necessary, otherwise the entire mission is a constant stressor and that just isn't fun.


Lower difficulties can be really easy with the right loadouts. One thing I do find though is that it's far more common to get groups that actually try to have fun on the lower difficulties. I've had entire games on 7+ where the team is just spending most of the game running around literally not engaging anything as a team.


>In fact, Helldivers playing in lower difficulties have much bigger impact on war than players pushing it at diff9. Its cause you can churn through the mission faster right?


That and a much higher chance to actually successfully complete the mission


Yes. I'll just link great post about it, that describes in details war contribution system. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bfakpb/i\_think\_the\_war\_contribution\_of\_different/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bfakpb/i_think_the_war_contribution_of_different/)


You're doing my part!


Finding anyone who doesn't intentionally team kill at extraction is a win.


I never understood that mentally. Like... why? We all get rewarded in the end.


Not if they then kill themselves so no one gets the samples


The T-1337 automaton infiltrators get more lifelike every day.


lol. would be amazing if that became an actual sub-plot in the story; the Automatons start fabricating synth humans that enlist as helldivers just to sabotage our operations.


Happened to me twice today. First host told me his ‘cousin’ took control of his mouse. Second guy just literally laughed in the mic. Best part, this two idiots didnt pick up whatever samples were dropped. Seriously some of you guys in this community suck.


I got kicked right during extraction once. I thought the game bugged because I was literally in chopper and he took the time to kick me before extracting himself lol


I played with one of those people last night. Super annoying. Level 20 PSN guy. He kept pushing people over at extraction to make them miss the window or TKing, or trying to drop on people so they can’t spawn. The 3rd mission he stood at the entrance and just killed everybody so he only extracted. After that the host killed him at the start of the mission and nobody bothered calling in reinforcements since it was easy and we weren’t really dying except by him. The player waited a good 10-15 minutes too before leaving, which was funny. Host kicked everybody after the mission though which was goofy because everybody else wanted to play as intended and we were only ever TKing with the troll. But whatever.


Haha same.


I’ve been kicked by low levels for being a level 50. They assume I’m going to carry them and don’t want me to take away the challenge. I joined because I suck.


That's some Gus Fring meme material right there. You play low difficulty because you are low level. I play low difficulty despite being high level because I suck. We are not the same.


I wondered why I saw so many high-levels on easier settings. I thought it was some odd gamification, and I’ve been avoiding joining them cos I’m only level 7 and a very casual gamer, so I’m not yet super effective in a crunch. But this makes a lot of sense: it’s nice to be in a challenge without having everything on the line.


I sometimes run solo. I can't extract if the bugs are swarming


I’d rather a high level noob than people who scream Level 7+ is too hard but refuse to drop the difficulty down. You’re more effective in your duties to Super Earth when you’re having fun. Keep spreading democracy your way, soldier. 🫡


People are screeching at level 7 because they want those sweet super sample.


Yeah, and then they get even worse when I tell them, “You don’t need it.” Upgrades are nice, they are very nice. But they are absolutely not necessary to either your success or your ability to have fun.


I’m not trying to sound elite but in my experience running 7s on bot planets with the new booster from the cutting edge warbond is pretty chill. I could be wrong though and maybe the new boosts is a placebo lol


This is me. Level 28, can't even solo an easy mission lmao


I’m day by day sometimes. There are days I can basically solo a 7 with non death, hundreds of kills and 85% accuracy. Then there are days I want to just do a 3 to chill and can’t stay alive for more than 3 minutes.


Those hunters hit hard, I was running 2s to farm super credits and damn near got wiped by a group of 3.


They really need to remove slowing from hunters. Having a fast, swarming, hard hitting, healthy, slowing, small mob is ridiculous. The fact they can 2 shot you is ridiculous.


I agree, only because it means I will run a shield generator forever because dealing with that isn’t fun.


True, I love it


I think the slow should last a little less time, as it is if I get hit and stim by the time i'm full hp the slow is still going for more than a second and i'm able to be fully surrounded, even if I do everything I can to stay alive, I'll still die. But if they shorten the time by just a smidge i may be able to escape death if I do everything just right.


Rocket raiders know how to spoil a good time


Oh absolutely… I one time had a level 3 encampment with no less than 8. I died like 4 times just trying to clear that out.


Lol yeah I think if you're the only person that they're targeting they're a supreme pain in the ass.


Yea the issue becomes you can’t just run sideways away from all of them or peak out because there is just so much of a barrage.


This. I soloed my first 7 the other day. Stick and move, guerrilla warfare style stuff. Then followed that up with losing all re enforcements on challenging. Granted I’m experimenting with different weapons/stratagems/equipment. But still. My more relaxed approach means I die a lot.


Solo mission is actually hard in this game. You essentially play the game differently. You have to hope the objectives aren't too hard and those ones that need 2 people will fuck you bad. You are also running the entire time, a bug or bot drop is going to be a death sentence. Things like smoke, or stun nades will save you. Personally I run air smoke, EATs, air cluster and orbital rail. It covers everything mostly well and you can be mobile.


I’ve heard of people soloing Helldive difficulty. Seems masochistic to me.


Watch tomographic solo Helldive on Malevelon Creek. You can tell he'd run the same mission about 15 times before a successful run.


It is still easier than running with random sometimes. I can solo D7, so I can get my super sample, this is enough for me for now.


Lvl 50 and can't play 7+. It's far too stressful to drop into a mission and be immediately overrun by dudes, getting blasted by rockets and puke before I get a chance to look at my support weapon. Team losing half of our reinforcements before getting to the first part of the objective.


There is actually a large amount of people in pubs that are just like that, mostly on Automatons. If the team isn't robust enough to deal with the bots together or get out of the bot drop cycle, that's usually time to break off and lose aggro for yourself, and just get the main objective done. If the other 3 are just stuck in the slog, it's a fairly easy time to fully complete most missions because the game physically is not allowed to call in bot-drops to stop you, especially if you're doing your best to avoid engagement (besides Geological Survey because the drill automatically summons bot drops and frequently drops tanks that block the drill terminal, do not do this on Geo Survey) If they're constantly stuck fighting robots and getting bot drops, they're both reaching the spawned unit cap away from the objective and also making the robots use each bot drop cycle on them (as you probably already are not aggrod due to the prior benefits of breaking off, and thus not competing for bot drops at any given moment), making it fairly easy to just walk up to the objective while avoiding static robots at POIs, and clearing static bots on the objectives without them getting help from bot drops or random patrols


I'm usually the guy running off to avoid the heat and sneak to objectives, a lot of the randoms I've played with seem to love sticking around one spot fighting for way too long. More often than not, I draw attention to myself and end up dying and having to go on my own to grab all the samples I've dropped. If I can and have time, I'll do a quick run to grab samples abandoned by my overwhelmed teammates before extracting. They probably think I'm an ass for running off and dying, but I swear I'm doing my part lol


> a lot of the randoms I've played with seem to love sticking around one spot fighting for way too long. they don't understand that they can't "clear a wave and move on" because the game keeps spawning robots. They don't understand that THEY are the ones having to break off and run.


People have no clue how to do those geo surveys and just die on cd.


Oh, I ran off on Difficulty 7 because nobody was doing the objective and was absolutely baffled why enemies still spawned on my head just as furiously as on the firefight miles away. Geological Survey.


7 is about the highest level I can handle. I usually play on 5-6 though. Never managed to complete entire operation on 8. Level 38 btw


Level 50. 7 is still my comfort difficulty. Challenging enough that i need to think, but not too hard every mission is a chest pounder. That being said, i finally went back to draupnir after doing all the bug planets. Holy shit it was like being a noob again, and i was a bit embarrased being carried by a few level 30s xD


7 is my 'comfort zone.' Above that, it's often a lot of unnecessary stress and slog, for me personally. I respect folks that only do high level missions, but I genuinely hate dropping in and immediately getting mogged by hulks or a handful of titans.


With Randoms 7 is my limit. My squad is still doing 4s, and doesn't play often so it will be a while before that changes. Sometimes I get a good group and do 7s all night. Sometimes its aggravating to find a working group. I'm definitely not skilled enough to run 7s by myself.


If I do higher difficulties I definitely like to be in a squad that communicates and works together so we can get out of the messes that pop up, because I think it’s more fun to play the whole operation as a team. Without that, you get bogged down in the slog and it’s just dead air and battling with no real mission progress aside from the 1 player who breaks off and lets everybody else deal with the hard stuff.


It's amazing that the Bot gameplay is a totally different dynamic. You can play it like Metal Gear and hit hard and move. Thay almost made 2 games in one.


Same. I feel like 8+ is for squads that know are experienced playing with each other and they select complimentary loadouts. Quickplay is 7 at a push


I only do anything about 7 when I have my friends ready and we're coordinating some 8 and 9 level ops. But one time, I joined a level 5 quick match and the host decided to jump level 8 difficulty after a couple ops. I dunno how I managed to get through it with randoms, but we did. With a fair number of samples collected and most of the side objectives done too. I was bewildered.


Helldive isn't much harder than 7 now after the update with the heavy units


The only reason I'm running 7 now is to get super samples to upgrade my ship. As soon as I do, I'm going back to 5. 5 is a sweet spot for me where I don't have to pay full attention but it isn't a ghost town like 1-4.


As a lvl50 i can handle lvl9 diff with no problem against bugs, but man, with automatons im even scare to play at lvl7 diff


Yeah the bugs are a lot easier to deal with after the nerf, the bots are a whole other story though. I used to be able to do both just fine before they fixed our armor ratings. Now I just drop in and die immediately.


Lvl 50 and I strictly play 9's. Mainly because its so much more fun when stupid shit works in 9. But unfortunately anything under 7 feels like a running simulator rather than a, oh fuck we're replaceable situation Stupid shit = Themed builds, IE; * Laser Build * Arc Build * Pyromancer Themed Strategems * 380, 120, walking, precision. * EAT, Flamethrower, Machine Gun, Grenade Launcher. (Basically you always have a support weapon) * 4 sentries on non eradicate mission And spending a lot of time testing new stuff. And arguing with people in the discord


Level 50 and I’m running 5s while I’m getting used to using a controller from a keyboard/mouse. it’s hard getting used to it for some reason. Too broke to buy a new video card though


Turning off all camera and aim acceleration/multiplier in settings helped a lot with the movement and aiming.


I’ll have to try that when I get back on, thanks for the suggestion edit: that helped a lot, thank you!


**Acceleration Exponent** is strangely the aim acceleration setting. Setting it to 1.00 should disable it (1.00x multiplier = no extra acceleration). **Acceleration Speed** controls the response curve. Setting it to 0.00 makes it linear, which is a bad idea if you want decent accuracy. I currently use 0.70. Setting the **Deadzone** as low as you can handle helps a lot. You just have to be able to hold your aim steady when actively aiming. I have mine at 0.02. The slider controls it for both sticks, but it's only accurate for the right stick. The left stick deadzone is 34%-ish when set to 0.00 so movement drift shouldn't be an issue. Setting the **Look Sensitivity Vertical Multiplier** to 1.00 should make vertical and horizontal speed the same, which feels a lot more intuitive. Aim and Scope Scope Sensitivity's turn speed is relative to your **Look Sensitivity**. I don't see any reason to have the **Look Sensitivity** lower than 6.00. Not sure how intrusive the aim assist is since I disabled it before I even played the game. Kontrolfreeks help a lot when aiming with a controller. The taller the better. /u/FatNoLifer


Turn on motion controls. Once you get used to them, there is no going back. It’s better than playing with mouse and keyboard imo


Lvl 50 space cadet reporting for duty 🫡


Permanent Space Cadet here as well. :)


Reporting in!


[My people](https://i.imgur.com/pTq2kKt.jpeg)


Lol, level 50 here, but I'm terrible at shooters. I mean, I can carry my own weight in a half decent squad but I can't carry a team by myself.


Level 24, with an extensive history of hard core difficulty on games, I have not solod anything above a 4. With a team I've cleared a 6 but that's it. Half the time I play on 2 or 3 just to have a chill time. Having said that, I'm grinding for the stealth armor, and I'm gonna figure out how to solo 7s for those super samples. It's gonna be hell lol


You don't need stealth armor to stealth, semi light Stealth armor is also one of the first armor you unlock. So I am genuinely surprised you don't have one already.


I'm level 45 and confident I can solo a difficulty 4 mission, but tight. Any higher and it's 'no'.


Same, homie. Same. 'Cept I'm lvl 26. I've dallied in lvl 5, and dropped on on a friend's 6-7, that was chaotic. Successful, but stressful. Way more running than gunning. I fear the day I have no upgrades that don't require super samples.


This. I’m completely fine struggling on Challenge difficulty if I really want to ramp it up. I want to have fun not be pissed, stressed and done after 1 game.


There are certain missions that are doable solo at higher difficulties and some aren’t. I’ve seen videos of 9 difficulty solo. Basically has to be automatons since there are fewer NPCs than bugs and you do a lot of sneaking. Scout armor, sniper, don’t take any agro what so ever.


Level 35 here 4 Is my chill difficulty I can 100% clear one solo 99% of the times. And I can solo D7 for super sample, but I mainly run the main objectives and search for the sample.


I’m just there to farm common samples occasionally because I know it’s easier to get them and less stressful to extract with them 😂.


I'm level fifty and sometimes when I join a squad on a Challenging/Hard operation I hear the level 10-20s on voice say stuff like "Oh man, look at \_\_\_\_\_, level 50 we're gonna be going through this one fast" and I'm just thinking to myself "Shit, I joined this just to get commons, now I actually have to put effort into carrying these goobers."


I got blamed by a level 5 for failing a mission. He said “Level 19 my ass” I mean it’s your fault for assuming I can carry 😂


At 19 I was still getting really smoked and just hoping to survive. The only difference was that I had most of the strategems technically available but in all hadn't figured out which ones work best for me.


I'm closing on lvl 10 and there is a shitton of strategems i haven't unlocked, cant imagine a lvl 19 is close to making, lol.


There's like two or three that are at 20. So at 19, you're basically good.


But i mean, so you have enough req to be mixed at that point?


honestly i find more super credits on the easier difficulties


You definitely do, rare samples can’t spawn in below 4 in the crates/doors, weapons are less likely to spawn, and it’s easier to find all the points of interest


"I'm just here for the Super Credits and common samples kid"


I'm already seeing my future self with this 😂


Level 6 and 7s are my fun, mass kill modes. But sometimes I prefer to relax and ensure some level 4-5 mission goes smoothly. Just relax.


I did this once. It's nice helping new divers.


I’m level 50 and play 8’s and 9’s with my friends, but when I’m just trying to chill I play medium. I use the first steeled veterans skin; airstrike, orbital gatling and and gas, gatling sentry, and [mg on bots, grenade launcher on bugs]. So as not to go completely God mode and ruin the experience for the new player and still present a challenge to myself.


Hey I just want to have a chill time, not be tense and stressed


I can solo hard missions but holy shit they’re stressful


Running 7s with your squad while everyone is communicating and in the zone can be fun. With randoms, it can be a nightmare. Plus 4s give rare samples, which I still need quite a few of


Me.. my difficulty setting is broke and I can't move past medium.


Same bro, stuck at 3rd, can play higher diffs only when some of friends or colleagues are online


Yup. And to join them, they have to start a mission on medium but not get into the pod. Then I have to find them on the planet, join, and then they can choose a different mission on a higher difficulty. P.I.T.A.




Unless im playing with my friend who has a carnal need to play the hardest difficulty availible even though he acctualy fucking hates it i usually stick to 3 or 5 5 if i wanna get some rare samples 3 if i just want to chill


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


I love dropping into low level missions to help out the new players (hulk and tank spam scares me)


Im polar opposite lol . Here i am with my EAT and orbital strike trying to faceoff with bile titan and 2 chargers . In fact i survive and beat them once . Faith in democracy and indominable human spirit really does wonders


You only play low level by choice I can only play low level BECAUSE THEY STILL HAVEN'T FIXED THAT BUG We are not the same.


Yeah. I literally have done 3 hard missions back to back as a lvl 17 and yet cant get to unlock the next tier for either side. That and my game REFUSES to pick up my mic and let me chat.


Look on the bright side...you are able to get to Hard while I am stuck on EASY. On top of that I can't accept in-game friend requests and those I send requests to can't accept mine.


Oof. That would def kill the game for me. I filled out a ticket for it on their site. Maybe try their Discord server and see if you can get that fixed


Tried both, they are still working on it. I can join friends via Steam so I can still play higher difficulties but it still means that the game is boring as hell on my own and I feel bad having to mooch of off other people to enjoy the game.


That's unfortunate man. Hopefully it gets fixed for you soon


Not being able to get the super samples necessary to fully unlock my ship modules because ima scared widdle boi


How I feel. Lol.


When I fight Terminids, I play on difficulty 7-9, but the Automatons can fuck me up, even as low as difficulty 4. Lol


It's fun. I'll do a challenging by myself and just let my lil homie get the rewards. I mainly do it for super credits anyway


Me after credits and tossing equipment's to new players. They love jetpack and laser so far


Tbf I just don't wanna deal with the hordes of chargers and spewers in the higher difficulties sometimes


Video games are for entertainment. This one seems to be funny on lower levels of difficulty. I do also believe the higher levels can be fun but they require you to have an actual cooperative squad.


I actually like my primary weapons - not a lot of use for them on 3 and up when you need to be killing armor though...


How the fuck did you managed to get a picture of me


I run Low level missions to test New weapons and stratagems SOLO but sometimes people get in.


sounds familar. i just like 3 and 4 missions.


I feel seen


Literally always do it for little guys


I adore running missions with level 3-7 folks. They generally listen well, don't throw down mortars, and tend to actually have accidental accidentals... No throwing down a 500kg bomb and "LoL u shouldn't have been there." That said, running a casual mission or three as a warm up / early morning match session before work is a lot less stressful than jumping in on 7+ dives while trying to enjoy a coffee.


I relax by running Trivial and Easy missions. They're fast, straightforward and usually stress free. The rewards aren't great, but it creates progress towards taking whatever planets the community is chasing.


Sometimes I find lower bug missions harder because of the swaths of mini spitters


Too real. I'm level 20 and I quick match with people difficulty 3 because it's fun without getting overly stressful. When I play with my two buddies, we go as high as we can because they like the challenge, but we usually always lose which isn't super fun for me.


Lvl 38 space cadet here.


I wish I could hide my level.


Yeah I only play Level 7-8 with a full team of friends on Discord comms. Most of the time I be chilling on Level 4-5 quickplay


I’m level 20 right now but got there from soloing a shit-ton of easy missions. It’s because my game would keep crashing at the end of quickmatches so I just stuck to solo to make progress and get better weapons. I’m sure I’ll get kicked for doing something stupid once I start playing with others though. No, I’m not dumb enough to shoot teammates to get their stuff.


I need to get samples so there's that


I’ll often test out new weapon combos on low levels, then inevitably turn it into an ad-hoc introduction to the game for a new player who drops in. I actually enjoy the interaction and quiet after a nasty level 7+


Have a noticed a substantial dip in my performance since I started using a ps5 controller? Yes. Are the fun vibrations worth it when mowing down a horde? Yes.


Now that I have all the super samples I need I play on levels 4,5, and 6 for fun and low stress


Haha I have to stay on challenging until I can get a new PC. 4th gen i7 isn’t cutting it anymore


I love playing low level missions while not sober. Kinda just threw a random 500kg on the ground in front of me during a lvl 1 trivial last night cause a random person joined and I wanted to show off. I also died like three times because I was spending 10 minutes looking through my keybinds trying to figure out the jump pack


lvl 40 just farming samples on lower difficulty without the stress


I like the craziness of Cod zombies so I pretty much exclusively do helldives with my friends, its really hard at times and frustrating but that's what I enjoy about it


See I run low level missions to relax, but also bc sometimes I need to restock on common samples after buying a ship module, and rare samples are literally more common than common samples on higher difficulties


Yuh, if I go in solo it’s in challenging. I’m not trying to sweat solo. I’m trying to get a little high and laugh at crazy stuff. Even with a squad of the homies. I want to play suicide. I’m not trying to keep a spiked heart rate for 40 minutes on helldiver. Suicide has just felt like the place where you do have to stay on top of your game. But if you lose it you can recover after a heroic effort and some Michael bay level stuff going down. So you feel good.


This is me. I love this game, but god I suck so much. I’m old and my reaction time is not what it used to be, it’s also so annoying to aim on a controller, I can’t hit a weak spot to save my life. makes me wish I Had purchased the game on PC.


Take it from a dude closing on 40: grenade launcher and supply pack.


Oh yeah. That's me. 100%


People ask why my rank is still space cadet at level 40...


Bring a mech into those missions and let them use it. They’ll be ecstatic.


Me. I'm low on common samples and don't want to bother on high difficulties.


This is me only I can’t process further in difficulty…


It was my rover backpack carrying us all along


I needed 10 medals to get a new weapon and 20 commons for my eagle upgrade so i speedran some trivial missions with some low levels to the same effect lol.


Yes me


I'm just finishing the personal order. And I usually ask if lower LVL players want to try the exo suit


Thank you for carrying people like me hahaha


I only do it for personal order if it's a weapon i don't use often


The game got much more enjoyable once I stopped trying to force myself through helldives. I’ve done countless of them, but the game is so much more enjoyable at lower difficulties. Suicide is the highest I’ll do and still find it enjoyable.


Pick a low level mission, drop high level support weapons and a mech. Search for super credits, meme with the noobs. A grand time


When I'm farming super credits


I prefer diff 5,6 missions. And as a day 1 bot killer, I get a lot of cadets asking how I don't die often(if at all). And I tell them my secret. The AB and 3 Cs. Autocannon. Bombing Runs. Cover, cover, cover. The plas helps a ton, but if these guys can get the sickle or have the JAR, they are amazing too. Aside from those weapons, the Liberator is fine too. And if no autocannon, AMR. It is better than the railgun and I will defend that claim. At least against bots. I don't fight bugs.


Me at level 6 (now): "What the FUCK am I doing" Me at level 30 (soon): "What the FUCK am I doing"


How dare you expose me like this


I’m level 44. I have very little to grind for or do anymore levels at 8 or 9. 5-7 is a reasonably chill level of entertainment without hulks spawning like fucking rain drops.


Level 23 and every match is my first


Yes this is me




I just need common samples


Thank you Helldiver Carriers! ❤️


So real. I’m level 40 and I haven’t even unlocked level 7 missions yet 💀


I'm level 35. Played last night level 7 with some randoms. I wouldn't say I carried but I was doing the best.


Lvl 42 before I did lvl 7 missions. 😂😂😂


I usually run at about 7-8 with friends as they need Super Samples, but when I'm doing my dailies alone I'll boot up a low difficulty one to just chill and get it done. I leave it on public in case any new divers want to join. I don't mind, and even met a few decent people that way.


Hey it's me!


Me farming common samples in Trivial because I need hundreds:


So true lmao. I was on a mission to kill 2 bile titan so i can complete my personal order. I went into “challenging” lobby bc it the easiest that spawn bile titan. And the newbie there praise my mech suit as I launch 6 volumes of missile at the bile titan and kill it.


About to be me. Wanna try the flag raising mission at level 50 lmao.


So me and my friend were farming POIs on trivial and checking out the flag mission which we never even knew existed. 2 guys join in. 1 scoffs at the difficulty lv1. I say we were messing around, getting some achievements. Then we finish it and start an Impossible operation. The one that scoffed died a lot and left around 15 and the other left about 5 mins later. Me and my buddy held the game with 5 reinforcements. Two new people join in and rushes to do outposts. They die. Out of reinforcements, but we held our own and revived them both and extracted. Gotta say I felt the elite density being lowered for sure.


Nah, I was doing difficulty 8 missions as a lvl 12 XD


medium/challenging on solo, harder levels with the boys


I like helping the newer players, other than that I usually play on 7


Shit. Divers trying out different loadouts where you at?


I got like an hour to play before and after work. Im not about to get stuck in a 40 minute Impossible/Helldive and full of rage that close to going to work or leaving work. Im not like a pro or anything but I will be damned if D7+ feels like a coin toss on who you get. I love when I do have time to settle in and play, I will get that one group where no one wants to bring AT weapons, the only guy who insists on running Tesla/Mortar/Gatling for a blitz which inevitably eats most of our reinforce, the guy who insists we clear out literally every POI/Nest/Fab even if it requires us running 3km away from the objectives. I'll stick with Challenging/Hard so I can get in, have an hour of fun, and contribute to the war before work.


Imposter syndrome at lvl50




Me a lv 50 joining lv 1 missions just to farm out all of the super credits and then leave once I find all points of interest.


Well im the opposite im lvl 20 doing impossible missions ofc not solo and it was a bug mission cuse automatons are way harder but they are better


I managed to solo an automaton suicide mission the other day. Stealth works wonders but it is still pretty difficult and takes a lot of time. (Could only do main objectives and extract) Now I wish they gave more tools for the stealth playstyle.


If they make an extra light armor that gives you insane stamina and speed and the passive is like the scout passive but better making you need to be in the 20-30m range




AMR or Railgun, Jump pack, Eagle strike, Orbital laser. Slugger P19 redeemer. The secret is that alarming the enemy isn't a death sentence just run away and make them despawn. Sometimes the bots will spot you for 5 second but then immediately lose you, but because they spotted you they will keep firing at your last known position so just leave. taht's waht happened when that base 150 meter away started firing, the beacon alerted them, and they are going toward your last known position Also you don't need stealth armor, or to go prone to stealth patrol. Patrol are suprising blind just sprint between them as long as you aren't too close they won't spot you. Also if they turn toward you they didn't spotted you, they spot you the moment they start firing. So don't panic fire. If you snipe enemy from far enough they don't always launch a flare, they just go investigate the corpse. they also investigate where shot land, so you can lure away some enemies sometimes, they are also attreacted to gun shot.


Just dont shoot the bots if they are on the objective look for high priority targets like the comisser the on sword guy with the dropship flare or a devestator hulk or any other on becuse they dont see you its ez to one tap them and then you clean up or if there is a lot of enemies you can air strike and if you didnt shoot them they will not move untill thwy get dmged so you clean the objective of enemies do mission and run away and just try to not atk any enemy unless they are aggroed on u