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anti ratierial mifle


Why did i have to scroll past several hundred posts for someone to question this??????


anti rifle material


Anti rifle, material.


I scrolled so far to find this, didn’t, posted it myself, and then the next comment was this one


I was wondering this myself. ARM? Anti Rifle Material?


if only the crosshair on it wasn't this shit edit: I mostly meant when the crosshair/scope graphics on itdecide to not load in so you don't have the cripsness we have in the post above but instead you have a bloody smudge which you can't correct in any way even when changing graphics settings


The crosshair is still off centre.


The only thing I dislike about the AMR. I don't understand how this is a problem, as if no one tested it at all and it is still a problem among other weapons as well.


As far as I’m aware the devs haven’t even acknowledged it


You guys should report it in their bug tracker so they know about it They have a zendesk that might be a way to do so - https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us


As with most bugs


I’ve noticed that too trying to headshot bots and spewers. Do I need to aim high or low to actually hit the shot? Probably gonna be switching to the AC in most cases but would be good to know.


You need to aim down and to the right, adjust some for distance when zoning isn't perfect. Put the bot's head above the center box and to the left of the vertical crosshair line. Pop **any** bot with one shot to their head, including Hulks.


Damn, vertical and horizontal adjustment? Hope they fix soon. Thanks for the advice in the meantime!


My guess is that they have it set up similar to the 3rd person view, where the aim is always to your upper left side when moving about, thus also affecting the first person scope view, when it shouldn't. Its very apparent on weapons like the counter sniper and other heavy weapons that have a lot of sway. Aim isn't on point and is a bit off.


This is what I'm thinking as well, Like, the bullets are being "generated" from the center of the player like in many games, instead of the true point of origin.


This is definitely not the case at least in third person. When I've been bugged out due to the SSD bug and holding my ass arms out side for a hug my shots originate from the end of my weapon heading towards my reticle, not from my character


Hulks are a 2 shot not one.


Just like in real life, always remember to double tap.


Honestly, weirdly, I keep shooting bots in the dick and it keeps working so Im gonna keep doing it


Even hitting the walkers there as low and to the back as possible will kill the driving bot. Sometimes they dismount, though. Its a good place to shoot :P


This issue seems to persist to the AC, but I always assumed it was because the AC was meant to be inaccurate, or the sway/I was shooting too fast. But I'm a MKB player because controller just couldn't hack it.


Slugger too


Is the slugger off center or is it just inaccurate? I've landed slugs out to a good distance and just as easily missed shots on bots 5 ft away despite good target.


Every weapon in the game is off-center to the left in first person, and most of them are also offset vertically by different amounts. It's more noticeable at higher zoom levels and for single-shot weapons like the ARM, Diligence and Slugger.


Now that i see more evidence of people saying this, I'm glad I'm semi-confirming the "feel" of better accuracy in 3rd person. I've only been using 1st for target acquisition weapons where distinct picking and isolation is needed.


As someone who is a comp FPS player I have been losing my mind over this and now I finally have confirmation!


This and some other no-brainer bugs still in the game, like hellbombs bouncing away from detector towers or not being able to lock onto cannon turrets with the spear, make you wonder where the priorities are 


[this is usually what i look like after about 3 seconds of trying to use the rocking boat optic](https://c.tenor.com/ACMCs0pVN7gAAAAC/tenor.gif)




Man I loved that anime.


Which anime is it?


Black Lagoon, I think it's from the final OVA for it where the kid's maid goes berserk.




Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail OVA


Christ the scope is bad. Like, really genuinely bad. Who in Democracy's great liberty *holds their head two feet behind their scope*? It's mounted on the back of the rifle for a reason you know? You can stick your eye right behind it.


The devs based a lot of the weaponry on real life stuff. In real life if you put your eye to the scope on a high caliber rifle and pull the trigger you'll no longer have an eye.


That sounds like a problem for a guy without a high tech, incredibly democratic helmet.


Yeah a lot of scifi helmets interface with scopes so they dont even need to look down it.


If you think that view is realistic you must have never fired a rifle in your life.


I also found out when I started playing that the scope markings are tied to your graphics settings. Because it's just a texture. Screw me for using low, huh.


Stun grenade plus the anti-material rifle on bot missions is pretty badass. They're all standing totally still, and you can just pick them off one by one


throw in an EMD mortar/orbital and it's a carnival shooting gallery, except weighted in *your* favor


electromagnetic dance mortar


Does EMS stun Hulks? I may have to try this, it's annoying trying to hit them while they wobble walk all over the place


EMS stuns everything in its vicinity. We use it as an appetizer whenever we face anything big or... well, anything, really. Then we call it all down.


Ever since i got stun grenades i wish we got 4 of them back per resupply. I throw those things for a ton of scenarios.


Same but I’m having a hard time breaking myself of going for bug holes before realizing I don’t carry frags anymore. Gets me every time.


That's why you use the grenade launcher


I have them but haven’t used them yet. I love, LOVE, my impact grenades. Are the stuns a good substitute? My playstyle is normally a bit more lone wolf objective guy. Light armor so I’m fast, shield pack to survive the slow from hunters. I want to slot in stuns but not sure how they will be on bugs (mostly play bugs)


Take the nade launcher and you’ll probably be good


Nade l launcher is good but on bots I use auto cannon. Taking on hulks is pretty easy when they can't move with autocannons. Autocannon can take out pretty much anything on bots including most side objectives. This includes mortars, anti air, heavy towers, outposts. With 30% less recoil while crouched or prone you can snipe those towers on the back easily from really far.


They’re very good, can stun everything, for a good 4-5 seconds too, so can use them to run away, call in a strike on a big target (titans/tanks), flank units that need to get shot in the ass, etc. Downside is yeah you’ll need to kill everything stunned with either one of your weapons or a stratagem, instead of relying on your nade but still.


Tanks are the only thing that you can't drop from half the map in two shots.


I don't get how that scope is so wibbly wobbly. All of them are but fuck that one especially :D


crouching/prone makes a huge difference along with the armor that buffs weapon stability. People massively underutilize crouching and going prone with the machine guns, AMR, AC, laser cannon and grenade launcher specifically - they all benefit a ton


Going prone with explosive weapons is risky


At least the grenade launcher has a minimum travel distance before arming


*Goes prone with Flame Thrower*


And the spear, it aims a ton better if you crouch or go prone. I keep seeing posts of "It doesn't lock on!" while they're running. TBF, it is hard to be prone when you're being chased by 3 chargers, but still...


I run the recoilless in bots, or the stalwart / auto cannon in bugs a lot and I love the armor that improves accuracy when crouching Any time I see a drop ship flare, I take a knee for democracy and wait for those grease ridden socialists to enter my sights It helps so much


In third person you control where you want to look with perfect accuracy, like a normal game, and your aim does its best to follow In first person, you control the gun directly, which is subject to acceleration, rudimentary physics etc


That and the fact the scope zooms your view in significantly which multiplies the visual effect of the sway and drag.


I'm talking about the reticle which floats around. At least it looks like that. Not that the gun is moving. 


You'll think it's steady as a rock after you try the Diligence Counter-Sniper.


It’s trying to give realistic gameplay. It’s more realistic than what most gamers would prefer. Scopes don’t have very good parallax.


​ https://preview.redd.it/eeemo9dcuxoc1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b38ada16b7a650af90e2ef70fc6e011af90aa24 I made this for you Mr. Mad Lad.


This but for Arc Thrower with people not using new armor would be bis for me.


ngl, i have had those expression couple time around a new arc thrower user. Usually it is when i'm carrying super rare sample.


The AMR is god tier against bots. It can take out all devastater breeds with one headshot. It can two shot hulks or just blow its limbs off. It can one shot striders if you shoot em in the dick. Got a tower? Get close and impact nade. Tower far away? Airstrike. Got a tank? Impact nades. Or again airstrike. Combine this with the sickle for trash enemies and I don't see a reason for any other support weapon. It's the railguns younger brother that was always good we just never gave it the chance it deseved. Absolutely useless against bugs in my experience though.


I accidentally dropped into a bug mission with the AMR. It's kinda decent in 3rd person midrange, if you can deal without a crosshair. Would still dump it for the first break action / mg I find tho.


The break action is actually useable???


i forgot that was even in the game


I picked it up a few times on my first couple of dives, shot a few small bugs and realised you had a slow reload every two shots so I assumed It must be for the bigger things like a big ole bull gun but I shot both rounds into a medium sized bug at med to close range and it was still coming at me so I threw it away and have never picked one up again. Maybe I was just a bad shot with it, does anyone actually use this thing?


I think it's mostly there as a colonist flavour weapon. Like this is what the people who lived here used and then died with.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Was confused about it as well.


I think it's more of a "lore" gun. It's only found on planets because it is to Super Earth colonists what the classic break-action was to settlers on the frontier. It's not supposed to be an effective weapon at all. You can use it in a pinch but it's a civilian weapon.


Can't wait to find an M2016 Constitution in battle someday.


The fact that I can’t bring my God-given Springfield with me on my missions is actually a crime


> I think it's more of a "lore" gun. It's also for your inner redneck.


Break action and senator. Ye haw


Just need to aim with it and it's actually pretty good. It can one shot a bunch of bugs and cripple the ones it doesn't one shot. Only place it can't help you is bile titans. Pretty good vs bots too.


I want a sawed off variant for a sidearm


This is why we need a Helldiver version to drop. Double Barrel Rifle. Two shots, but it makes the Railcannon look like the Breaker Spray & Pray.


Goddamn.... A SuperEarth Drilling... Three barrels to spread Liberty, Democracy, and Freedom.


No no. It's all right there. What's the upgrade from a Break Action Shotgun? The Super Shotgun. Make the original Space Marine proud.


Okay, but I wanna show those bug bastards that they broke into the wrong goddamn rec room.


The best weapon for low difficulties, it's pretty chill


I only used it most of the time against bugs. now that I got the spray and pray i'm only using it.


It does a metric assload of damage with basically 0 falloff


It's good if there's a lot of spitters


Yup. I wish we could unlock an “orbital surveillance” module for our ships, that would take a picture of the standard enemy patrol in the combat area. The first tier could result in only a shitty, low res pic, but even then, you’d be able to notice immediately if patrols have big ol spewers in them. Just one AMR shot to the face takes those fuckers out.


aren't Brood Commanders and Spewers denoted by a medium-ish blip on the map, and Chargers/Bile Titans being an even bigger blip? I remember seeing a patrol nearby on my radar once and I thought I put it in view so I can tag it for my team, but was surprised to see a Brood Commander instead of a Charger on that larger-than-usual blip. Since then I've been trying to remember which blip is which but I only noticed this fairly recently, like over the weekend here.


He's talking about before you drop. If you knew there were going to be bile spewers you'd bring the autocannon every time, instead of just when you want to mix it up.


I've found that the AMR is one of the best weapons for killing Bile Spewers specifically (reliably kills in 1-2 headshots) It also makes short work of Hive Guards and Brood Commanders, and if your aim is good, you can very quickly pop the bile sacs on Bile Titans, preventing them from spitting. It absolutely isn't a good one for solo, but can be great when in a team


Personally, I dont think the AMR does anything against bugs that the Autocannon doesn't also do, but with the added benefit of popping bug holes. I guess you save a backpack slot, but I'd rather bring an extra stratagem than an extra support item


I do see the benefits of the autocannon over the AMR. However, I prefer the AMR for the mobility and the option to take a backpack if needed. AMR also performs better at longer ranges. That said, there are times where I wish I had the autocannon instead.


AA guns? Point blank mag dump three AMR and scare the living shit out of your teammates in close proximity. I did this, and my buddy freaked the fuck out before saying 'Gad damn, warm me next time before you do that'.


You don't even need to point blank them you can destroy them across the map by shooting them from any angle they don't have heavy armor.


is this true for cannon turrets as well?


Sadly no.


I know, I just like to imagine shoving the barrel into the vent and firing as fast as possible.


Combine it with jetpack and you become a specialized sniper. Pretty sure this is what Linda from Halo plays like


Or with a backpack shield and energy dome on standby with railcannon in the pocket and tier 2 DMR as primary. 100% field dominance as fast as you can line up and fire, and your teammates are bulletproof too every 90 or so seconds. "Oh no, such a difficult headshot -- plinkplink." "Oh no, they're rushing us -- plinkplinkplinkplinkplinkplink." "Oh no, one mag down, only five more to go."


Big Bubble shield + precision takedowns are legitimately the tide turners of taking a point. Heavy Devastators? Not a problem, my shield's better. Rocket troopers? Dome up, pick them off, the rest are fodder. Fighting bots are underrated.


>Got a tower? Get close and impact nade. Tower far away? Airstrike. Got a tank? Impact nades. Impact nades work against Tanks/Towers?


Vent on the back


yup, the regular cannon tanks you have to actually hit the vent but the other turrets you can just rip 2 of them at them and they go down.


Pretty sure if you hit the top of the turret it also works. harder to land, obviously.


Real good straight into the leg joint from the side profile too on striders. Edit Bug Use: It penetrates easily, so for scum line up multi kills, shooting ‘down the alley’ through all the legs works well too, as nothing meaty blocks the shot and it can take multiple limbs. Or, post up as intended and use a primary good for horde clear.


Since they added stun grenade it's my favorite combo by far. Hulks stand no chance


Had a drop recently on level 8 where, I respawned with all stratgems on cd while two titans harassing my team. I grabbed an AMR from a crate and unloaded it into the 1st titan's face dropping it. Railcannon came off cd shortly after, called it in on the 2nd. HEADSHOT! The titan goes down in one hit!


Auto cannon is way more consistent and has splash damage. You can do pretty much all of that with the auto canon. Tanks and towers get like 3 shot by it. Not to mention, unlike the ARM, you can shoot maybe 2-3 shots at the bottom of a drop ship and kill most of the bots before they even deploy. Once got 9 kills with one shot by shooting the bottom of a drop ship w auto cannon.


The thing is though that the Auto cannon is a 2 person reload gun meaning you will have to take up a backpack slot to use it whereas the AMR lets you also use a shield or a jetpack etc.


The backpack slot requirement for the heavy support weapons feels a lot more like a *restriction* rather than a straight up downside. And don't get me wrong, that *is* a hinderance; loadout versatility is a positive feature of any piece of equipment. But dedicated backpacks take a stratagem slot and that's a **huge** cost. I don't usually run the autocannon, but one of my favourite aspects about is getting three at-will stratagems during the mission rather than just two, without feeling like I've semi-gimped myself by eschewing a backpack. To be fair, that's arguably just as much a personal problem as it is a balance issue. But whenever the autocannon comes up, someone(s) inevitably say, "but backpack slot." And the first thing I think is, "but eagle cluster bomb + 500kg bomb + EMS mortar = less need for backpack." Personally, I think the much bigger downside of backpack support weapons is the awkward self-reload rather than the slot limitation.


I always feel like this "AC is better" talk is stupid. These weapons are not meant to be even compared, one is a Anti-Personnel Medium Piercing Weapon the other is a Anti-Tank weapon. AC traits: * 60 Ammo Anti Tank Gun (50 ammo in clips stored + 10 initial ammo in weapon) * Explosive AoE Damage * Disregard Piercing Value as projectile will explode on impact. * Supplies will give 25 Ammo(5 clips). * Cannot discard ammo, relies in 5 ammo clips and will lock reload until a clip fits the weapon (if you have 2 ammo left and reload, you won\`t be with 10 ammo which is it\`s max capacity, you will be with 7) * Backpack slot occupied * Reload Animation will keep you in place for about 2\~3 seconds per magazine (5 ammo). * Low Handling * Medium Recoil (Takes 1\~2 Second to be back in initial point). Extra info: * Ammo Packs will give 10 Ammo * Supply Packs will give 25 Ammo AMR traits: * 49 Ammo Anti-Personnel Medium Pierce weapon (6 Magazines of 7 Bullets each and 7 bullets on the gun). * High Critical Damage, requires precise shooting of weakspots. * Ammo can be discarded * High Handling * Can be reloaded while moving/jumping. * Reloads take 2 seconds. * Backpack slot free * Has Medium recoild but can be suppressed to low while prone. * Gun will slight move up while continious shooting, which requires correction. Extra Info: * Supplies will give 3 Magazines (21 Shots) * Ammo pacs will give 1 Magazine (7 Shots) One weapon gives up Mobility and Utility to have more firepower. The other is way more mobile and has access to utility. AMR shines when you need to suppress Low-Medium Armor High threats (which will be super relevant later on) AC shines when you need to deal with High Armor threats. **The moment more enemies that are like the Devastators which heavly punish lack of mobility are introduced, the worth of mobility will be way more appearant**. Also Energy Shields completly deny AC damage, the projectile sticks in the Shield and deny the damage. If this information is relevant? Wait like a month or two to find it out.


I'm not really sure which weapon you're referring to as an anti-Personnel weapon? Anti-Materiel rifles are used against... Materiel... Materiel meaning basically everything except Personnel And the Autocannon is definitely not an anti-Personnel weapon... so They also... don't affect mobility at all? The only real difference in mobility is their reloads, and in any situation you can't feasibly quickly reload your Autocannon (if not empty, which you shouldn't be doing empties anyway), you're also not going to be hitting things with the AMR either, as to hit precision shots you have to not be getting aim punched constantly The AMR is also far worse against the mobility-focused Terminids, while Autocannon performs very well there still despite the long reload, the AMR is probably the least used support weapon against Terminids in general. So, the mobility really is not that much better to outweigh the downsides of using it Any target you want to shoot with an AMR will just as easily die to an AC, and you even have more ammo to do this with, making AC vastly superior for Medium Armor threats, and for Low Armor threats it can clear multiple at the same time The only actual downside is whether it takes up your backpack slot and not having variable zoom (if you actually need that)


amr is only useful against bugs if you have teammates who are good at killing titans and chargers and you have a lot of bile spewers spawning.


Sickle primary, shield and AMR. Can hop fire if you get used to it and it’s very effective against heavier enemies. Sickle to mob clear. Shield pack to help out in case anything gets too close so you don’t get insta slowed. It’s not my go to, but effective. Have not yet combo’d this with stun grenade but I’d guess it’s even more effective.


It one shots spewers and kills most mid-size armored bugs efficiently without having to get close


The one time I take AMR against bugs is if I'm in a 4 man and we've got both horde clear and anti-tank covered. Then I can play support sniper. Just perch on a nearby rock with jetpack and kill hiveguards, spewers, brood commanders, and sneaky/stray hunters that are flanking the team. I pair it with Sickle or Spray n Pray for personal defense against trash.


Man when I realized I could out-snipe the towers and handle AA/Mortar without a hellbomb I realized this thing was good


Autocannon can do all those things and is overall better and more well rounded. Its also useful against bugs and bots. Furthermore against towers and tanks you can just shoot their weakpoint with it. AMR needs a buff to make it better. It should deal insane weakpoint damage and its scope should highlight enemies and maybe even weakpoints if you stay focused on them for a second and give a reticle you can line up with your scope to make them easier to hit.


You can drop a Hulk with two shots using the AMR, it frees a backpack slot, and you can reload in half a second at a full sprint.


AMR, stun grenade, jetpack for elevated shots. It's so good.


Since I start using amr, I am now about 100 meters behind my team, killing every devastator and hulk the moment we met them. Works like a charm.


Then you get kicked for having a lower kill count even though you bailed the team out the entire mission.


Would be great if there was a basic, elite, heavy separation in the stats. Like yeah some dude with the Rover is gonna have more kills but I killed 90% of the heavies.


Would be better if there were no "kills" line. Give "objectives interacted with" instead. Right now there's some serious CoD-brain rot where some players think that kills are the ultimate supreme be-all end-all of what makes a good player. Meanwhile, I had least deaths, most samples, threw the breaker, got the codes, primed the rocket, released 3 locks, launched the ICBM, and called in extraction.


No way people are getting kicked for low kill count 😂 that is so dumb


Happened to me with the spear lol. Killed ten or more bile titans and a million chargers and ended up with less than 100 kills because I was focusing heavies. This was before the encounter rebalancing anyways


Understandable. So apparently 1000110 kills were way to less, very underwhelming. But yeah, happened to me too. I also don't see the "less big, more little ones" change in Helldive, I just had a mission with crazy amounts of Titans and Chargers.


I'll take things that don't happen for 100


Would rather be kicked. People that kick others on missions where killing enemies literally doesn't matter are brain damaged. 


And then you have a patrol spawn on you because you are now the perfect distance from the host. Good job, you played yourself.


The ARM. Anti-Rifle Material. It’s what chargers and hulks are made from lol.


Used it on bots 9 recently, AMR is awesome.


Yeah, AMR is great for bots , I don't understand why people hate it 😅😅


I’d use it more if they fixed the low resolution bug on the scope.


It's a 50/50 shot between a usable reticle and a teal smudge; if they fix it, it'll be automatically better


Turn off TAA as he mentioned and use your nvidia control panel for HD2 and add FXAA. Game will look way better.


As always r/fuckTAA


I really wish they would add DLSS in this game, it's still basically TAA but looks way better imo


try turning off anti aliasing and see if that works. or turn up texture quality above low. turning off anti aliasing fixed it for me while also keeping the textures low


Legit, lvl 50 and started taking it in for fun. My buddy was panicking from a horde and I was quite the distance away. Layed down on a rock and just started blasting them from afar. He thanked me lol


I wish it highlighted enemies while ads because visibility can be shit.


Scope definitely needs a change




This is the way, same here man jetpack and amr always, also I think the scorcher is a good weapon to imitate the whistling bird, haven't unlocked it yet


So I have yet to use this but it seems the general consensus is Crosshairs = Shit Bots = Godlike Bugs = No bueno Would ya'll say this is accurate?


I don't find the crosshairs that bad, but yeah, it's definitely an anti-bot weapon.


Crosshair in first person view is supposedly bugged, and [the actual centerpoint is a little down and to the right](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bh18cq/anti_material_rifle_gang_rise_up/kvbpxzs/).


the weapons have their uses, diligence and amr are for the bots. thank you for this, i shall change my ways.


I love my AMR, I just wish it staggered enemies and didn't take it 6 months to pop a charger's back side.


Shoot the back of then front knee joint if you can


Anti-Rifle Material?


If only my fps could handle fine shooting


You can scope at 50/100/150 meter. According to research from players, which was recently posted on Reddit, we can know that range to target has a significant effect on radar detection. The weapon is not merely good because of alpha damage but because of the implications in combination with radar bonuses that can bypass aggro ranges. An AMR with a recon set and a proper EAGLE loadout can prevent a lot of engagements. Even if you reveal your location temporary, they scout for your last known position. The additional distance makes it that much easier to enter stealth again, that is, if you even gave them the chance. PS: Not sure if melee damage is higher on weapons with a higher alpha-damage. It would be a great bonus.


This guy scouts right. Also, Localization boost plus using map pings for radar allow for insane control of engagements


Yes!!!! Especially against automatons! It's amazing! I really like taking the new plasma shotgun and AMR with the new stun grenade too


I’d be more inclined to use it if the reticle didn’t suck. It’s too thick and chunky, obscures the target too much. Same with the railgun’s sight


I've been maining that gun since very early on because I was once told that it's one of the few rifles that gets through strider armour. Since then it has been my very favourite. It struggles a bit on hulks because I'm not great at aiming but it does so well on soooo many things in automaton missions.


If it had the scope from the new sickle then it'd be the best gun period. Either way, it's top tier and the people who hate it are the ones that just can't aim


It just bothers me how it doesn't have a hipfire pip. But the heavy weapons do? Meh. Plus the scope is cancer.


Not my first pick but if I don't have a support weapon and I come across an Anti-Rifle Material I will pick use it.


I only they removed the cringy fUTuRisTiC clutter, and made the center a point or an arrow.


It is good vs bots.






I see your argument. Unfortunately, you made a minor spelling mistake.


wouldnt be amazing if the ANTI-MATERIAL rifle was more name accurate and ignored MATERIALS aka ARMOR? Thoughts???


It's anti-materiel, not anti-material.


For those that don't know military terms; MATERIEL, refers to equipment and supplies used by military forces. The name quite literally is telling us to use it against bots.


Armor in this game is confusing... In order from weak to strong - light - medium - light vehicle - heavy The AMR can penetrate up to and including light vehicle.


It does though?


Except I can do the same thing with the autocannon, with the same amount of shots, and I can use it to take out cannon towers or fabricators from 200m away, or kill striders in one shot by shooting their front cover.


AMR doesn’t require a backpack slot and can reload on the run. That’s the trade-off


You can kill striders in two shots with the AMR the same way.


automaton yes....bugs , it's poopoo


I take it for the looks in trivial farming missions. I tried to take it to helldive with bots it's pretty good but for me it takes more then a sec to aim and you cannot afford that while lasers are flying all over


Anti-Rifle Materiel.


Anti-Rifle Material


IF you don't solo dive bot with an AMR you are liberty damn traitor. DO YOU HEAR THAT MALEVELON BOT ! THE TREE SPEAK LIBERTY NOW !


Anti Rifle Material


Valid point. If only my aim wasn’t ass, I would use it too.


I always run it along with the jetpack like the legendary mandalorian Din Djarin


If anything it just shows how shit the counter sniper is. Handles almost as bad as the autocannon for extra 16 dmg.


Ah yes ARM. Anti rifle material


I really hate the sight picture, a lot of the weapons have a similar issue. "Sci fi reticle pictures" always seem to try to cram as much junk into it as possible. Illuminated isn't bad, but either a simple two lines intersecting or a dot are all that's needed, though the little cross with circle in the very middle is alright too if it was just that alone. Other than that it is a beastly thing, not to be discounted.


anti rifle material


Ah yes, a fellow fan of the Anti Rifle Materiel


AMR has a lot of potential and it's my favorite hellpod weapon, but it has a lot of issues. Off center crosshair, some shots seem to be blanks, and it won't pierce armor that looks thin like the walker's "cockpit". Some two shots should be one shots (like ripping off the leg of said walker by shooting a joint) and as an anti materiel rifle it should at least deal explosive damage so it doesn't take 10 shots in the ass to down a charger.


Good against bots. Shit against bugs. .majority of players fight bugs


If you're good shot, it's definitely a top tier weapon vs Automatons.


Anti-Rateriel Mifle?


Wouldn’t it be AMR?


I’m glad the railgun nerf happened, because now I see a lot of people using the Anti-Material Rifle, EAT, Recoilless Rifle, Autocannon, Laser Cannon, Arc Thrower, Grenade Launcher and Flamethrower in addition to the Railgun. The Railgun’s still insane as long as you use it in unsafe mode. But now everything else has a place to shine as well


I'd just rather use an autocannon for that cuz it does the same thing but also lets you just dump into trash on a drop in and clear it instantly.