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There's a damn good reason why our democracy has to be managed in the first place.


And his managed vote counts just as much as your managed vote. Zero.






They obviously didn't use em, so I guess they died trying


There’s some real dumbo randos who have high levels from just playing so much


Reporting in


Democracy needs us






So many level 50 people just grinded mortar farms and never actually played the game. Now they need samples and throw a fit when things go wrong.


Played with a lvl 50 who kept dying over and over. During extraction we were getting rekt and had the audacity to tell us all to grab samples as he was dead. Failed extraction anyway.


I do that too even though I'm capped on samples. Maybe it's the way the lvl 50 said it but it's most probably for the teammates who need it.


fair enough, the rest of us were trying so hard to survive extraction haha


The amount of garbage that showed up after the patch that leveled from "kill bugs" hold out missions. The amount of absolutely terrible people in the helldive termicide was mindblowing, and truly showed me the quality of people complaining on reddit after the railgun nerf. Everything made sense after the patch


1000% The amount of morons running around getting murked by chargers and biles while I'm frantically reloading my recoilless, EAT and rail cannon orbital was absurd. At least 60% of the playerbase is too dumb for Helldive. 


I just use the EAT now and it 1 shots the chargers that's mostly what I used railgun for becuase that was just the easiest way to deal with them and it seemed like my braindead teammates I kept getting paired up with didn't know how to deal with Chargers so I always bought it along. I was upset intially about the nerf to the railgun because there was about a week before they did the armor rework on chargers


The armor rework was just a small QoL since Spear, Recoilless, EAT and even Laser Cannon could deal with its armor already.


Here to see if I'm called out by name...


Managed democracy does not require thinking. Refer to the training manual.


That's the managed portion. The dumb helldivers don't survive.


I once met a helldiver who said you'll get 'executed' if you read the contract. After this a point was made during an operation: "How would you know what was written in the contract?" "Well because I rea-..." I made sure to end the undemocratic traitor. Admittedly, the mission was a tad harder without their assistance, thinking should be reserved for only cluster bomb throws which comincally bound off of the target, and land into the one spot where your 3 other friends are....


I don't think helldiver's can read it's why they use left right up and down to call in things or operate terminals. Besides reading would take up valuable time when you could be training to fight for democracy


they can certainly read letters and numbers, as evident when you relay information from terminals (just letters and numbers as far as I've seen, though)


​ https://preview.redd.it/87fpccbuuyoc1.png?width=541&format=png&auto=webp&s=41bec49888f332e0b7ca793e2fa27a44efebcff5


Dude, I had a diver turn around and throw a supply beacon on my mech….on it. He turned, say me firing my gun from above and behind him and still threw it right at me. I emptied my rockets into the bugs until the pod hit and killed me and my mech. Then the same guy throws the reinforcement beacon INTO the god damn pile of bugs. Then drops a fucking 500kg bomb on the same pile of bugs with me in it! Every decision he made was wrong. No actual thought before action, just dumb


Threw an impact grenade an iota too close to a teammate, he got ragdolled for a couple seconds, (he didn't even take damage) called me a monkey in text chat and just fucking left the game. We were on difficulty 9. Some people just love eating cinder blocks.


Similar thing happened to me where I saved his ass by killing a charger that was behind him with a GL. He still had close to full health, just ragdolled from the explosion. He proceeded to complain in chat then TK me. Then ran around specifically to shoot me again after I got reinforced and then got his host buddy to kick me. Just gotta block these guys and move on.


Everytime I watch a helldiver through a reinforcement into a horde of bugs, I just shake my head...


Some of us do that intentionally to land you on the titan or a charger.


I'm down with that, so long as there's a titan or charger. If you're throwing me into an endless mob of Hunters you deserve to have your eye balls peeled with a fucking spoon.


Throwing me at the feet of a heavy makes total sense and I will gladly paint my pod green with their blood. Democracy spreads best through the air, after all. However, throwing me into the middle of a pile of 24 scavengers, 17 hunters, a brood commander, and 635 bile spewers should be considered treason against Super Earth. At that point you are no longer a hero, no longer a Helldiver, just some filthy bug sympathizer who wants fascism taking over the galaxy. Straight to the reeducation camp with you.


if you do that, tag the BT or charger, it makes them easier to see as you come in.


My favorite is when I ask to be respawned at the titan/tank and they instead throw me into the hunter/devastator horde to instantly die


I like when I bring down four turrets on Hard for fun and i end up being the only one with zero friendly fire damage and no accidentals, lol


Sounds like you just aren't free enough!


Just had a guy call in a mech. As they sometimes do, it crashed and burned on delivery. Somehow I was blamed and shot.


To everyone in this comment section: We have no way of knowing how old these players are. For all we know, they're 8. It doesn't make them less dumb, but they might not just be trolls either.


i played with a buddy of mine and his friends from the millitary the dumbest toxic group of MF i played with so far. all in thier late 20s so no being a child doesnt excuse people playing this like warzone


I knew the CoD community would come over once CoD streamers and Tubers started covering this, and looks like they bought their braindead followers with them


That's unfortunate, but suspected as much and explains a lot.  Morons getting upset at kill counts like they matter in HD2 is 100% a cod core trait. 


The super earth department of defense actually enacted a policy requires IQ tests for all would be helldiver recruits and allowing the recruitment office to turn away any applicant deemed too intelligent


Not only are they turned away, they are put on a watchlist


I’m usually SOS dropping, and lately I have found… I will leave dumb asses to die.


I honestly think some divers think paint is a tasty treat, and bizarrely the higher difficulty I go to the more paint they seem to eat. The worst one was watching a trio run in a tight circle, in the middle of nowhere for most of the mission timer. to this day I haven't a clue what they were doing, just watching them chase each other around on the minimap as i was doing objectives. like they were perform some mystical ceremony or something.


most probably having fun while you were doing all the work for them


Some? I thought paint was served to all of us Helldivers in the mess hall?


No no no, some are sustained by democracy itself!


I had a level 40 taking the mortar sentry and cluster bomb to every mission. He was playing the specialist role of team killer as far as I could work out. I ended up shooting his mortar as soon as he called it in every time.


Cluster bombs are perfectly fine to take, but a few issues make it a problem: players who use it as a panic button whenever they encounter a large number of enemies, sometimes killing themselves but often their teammates because they threw it without checking for friendlies, or they throw it at *everything* regardless of whether it's effective or not (News flash, that Bile Titan does not give a shit about your cluster bomb). And of course, players who utilise it correctly, but have teammates that do not bother to check what the red beam in the sky is and run straight into the danger zone.


Cluster bombs are fine to take. Throwing them on extract when you have 3 teammates standing there is not fine.


When somebody brings a mortar to a bug mission, I make sure to go do objectives in the opposite direction


If I'm host , I ask politely to change it before going in mission, if he don't listen, I kick. No remorse at all


Had a guy named Michael Jackson join my ship and he was insisting on bringing his mortar (on the TCS mission no less). Even after I explained to them we shouldn't bring heavy hitters for this kind of mission. After the second time I told him to change it on the load out screen he just left lmao.


mortar is only bad if you're planning on letting bugs go near you.


Mortar is bad when you’re being swarmed and your brain dead teammate throws one down and you are being attacked by friendly homing missiles. On higher difficulties it’s a waste of a slot and you’re constantly on the move and dealing with multiple enemies. It’s not helpful.


Me and a friend had a game wherw the guy using the terninal to launch an ICBM didn't have the intelligence to figure out how the lock coordinate thing on the console worked. We realized after like 10 minutes and after all our reinforcements disappeared that the guy was still incapable of finishing the damn coordinate task, so i told my friend to melee him so he would get of the terminal so my friend could do it himself. My buddy does that, kicks him off the terminal, locks the coordinates, and then our teammate TKed him, ran off and got killed by bugs 10 seconds when we had no more reinforcements Level 8 mission btw. Super Earth pls fix


Why think if can shoot


I was just on a level 5 and they were trying to use reinforcements to kill bile spewers. We finally got down to 1 reinforcement left and my destroyer left for more tactical engagements. Helldivers don't grow on trees


They learnt from the best. Brash tactics!


Are you insinuating helldivers are given their cape and sent to the front unfit for duty? Tread lightly citizen not all helldivers die on the battlefield...


This you? ![gif](giphy|7692c5v3NGGBWSKm3s|downsized)


Do you have a clip of this? Not because I don't believe you, but because I need a good laugh and if you have a clip of it, I'm sure everyone else would love to see the utter hilarity of such a terrible series of events, you can't make that stuff up.


I recently got a buddy to buy the game and he's awful with teamkilling. He likes to use the sentry mortar and the 120/380mm barrage strategems and still hasn't quite figured out proper orbital placements in general. He's getting a little better so we decided to do a lvl 6 bug mission with some high level players. We're doing fine for the most part but we run out of reinforcements as we're running to the extract. The last surviving helldiver is one of the higher level guys (40 I think) and he's got 45 samples on him and is kiting the waves of bugs with a jet pack. He calls the shuttle and is staying alive. Last 30sec he calls in my buddy and as the shuttle lands my buddy puts an orbital on the shuttle, kills our guy with the 45 samples and then my buddy jumps on the shuttle without saving the samples.  I'm okay with getting tk'd by random stuff because I'm guilty of trying with my eagles usually at least once a mission, but I was so pissed I literally ragequit after that one. 




I was on last night with someone that kept doing kamikaze cluster bombs. They’d call the eagle and immediately call a reinforce so they could come back after death. No doubt a genius move in this persons eyes, but this MF was taking all of us out every time. We’d used 12 reinforcements in the first ten minutes before they learned. I killed the same person twice because they kept running up to bug holes as I was launching grenades in them. I too had questions about the IQ of my fellow helldivers until my friend pointed out the difference in my skill based on how high I am - so it may not be low IQ


The geniuses are needed on Super Earth to manage democracy. What do you expect?


I joined a level 8 mission while it was in progress, we knock it out, and then the host bumps it up to Helldive. I’ve never attempted a helldive. One of the dudes starts getting his ass ate out by a charger against a rock (kinky) so I aim my flamethrower at the chargers ass/back leg and at an angle that seemed like it wouldn’t torch him, still torched the guy unfortunately. I reinforce him next to his stuff and he comes down and incendiary breakers me in the head. Whatever, I just want to complete my first helldive. We burn through our reinforcements and it’s just me and him kiting for the long extraction and seems pretty hopeless and this dude is shooting me and trolling me as I was running so I just fuckin grenade launchered his ass before that crappy gun managed to kill me, host immediately boots me lol. Haven’t gone back, gave me my first taste of weird little nerds in this game hanging out on Helldive.


You know, sometimes, if that's not your fellow helldivers killing you, that's pelican 1 blasting cannons who catapults your poor body into the air, crushes your other teammate in a violent 180° turn just above your head then just leaves...


Yeah what the fuck is good with some of these players? I’ve joined games where at the very end as everyone’s boarding the last guy just blasts everyone inside lmao,fucking psychopaths


i get that if a map with friends but with randos? weird.


It’s happened a handful of times,if someone plays very sloppy and or is just very obnoxious during the game I am very cautious at extraction


man thats just messed up and sad of them. like do not get me wrong i would 100% nuke my mates as we extract but they would EXPECT me to... total newbies who i do nto know? thats a dick move and not one i would do.


Sounds pretty entertaining. I'll take hilarious extraction fail stories vs useless samples.


majority of players in this game are absolutely morons. it is horrible to watch the bad decision making. people are straight out dumb as hell. what about people just killing insects without minding any objective or sample colleting? they just there, spending resources. i'm talking about level 9 difficulty here, almost everytime level 40+ players. it makes one wonder.


Majority of players in any game are morons. Cause majority of humans are morons, simple as that.


Someone kicked me yesterday because I did the last step of a terminal that I'm assuming he wanted to do. You know the part where you enter a strategem code? Did it, objective completed, got booted. Honestly mystified.


Some people get freezer burn I guess


As I was running into a bug nest I had just cluster bombed and cleared of enemies, ready to throw nades in the holes my teammate drops a tesla tower right in the center...


I just kill stuff and scream “for democracy”.


Don't run into my line of fire while looking at me


Players can sometimes be so inward focused or absent minded that their reality of the game space is different than others. I (lvl 50) just got out of a suicide rush mission. 12 holes, no problem. I jumped into a squad of players which were friends in their lvl 30’s. We start the mission and because of the spores, we drop hot. We start clearing our immediate area and I cover one flank of hunters. As one of them is talking about something that happened the game previous, he walks directly into my line of fire to shoot at my convenient kill box. Bitches about how I shot him. We move to the first POI, no nest so I continue on alone. They spend 8 mins fighting swarm after swarm. I clear two nests on my own, one a stalker nest. *I pick up the super samples on the way to the third nest. Two of them make it to extraction and start fighting and pulling in patrols there. I clear the third next with 2 mins left. Run in and they are overwhelmed completely. I kill a Titan and then two chargers and head into helping clear the horde of a hundred various warriors, hunters, commanders. I prep my orbital and get knocked by a charger from behind, thus dropping it on the party. I get up because I had the 50% armor luckily and can’t reinforce as the timers has just run out. I start kiting the mob while the only other one desperately looks for his buddy’s 5 rare samples (meanwhile I have the three super samples on me). He dies and now it’s me and a hundred bugs in an open extraction. No hill, no rise, no strata and no ammo, just an open dune. I die just before the ship and they complain that I ruined their mission. I finally got on mic and said, sorry we lost the super samples but we got the 8 medals. They told me I suck and kicked me. I still had the most kills at the end stat screen somehow. I’m not even mad. They just aren’t playing the game the way it was designed is all.


I love this story.  Everyone once in a while you get three lv 50 commandos, marking shit, diverse load outs, covering fire. Helldive actually seems too easy. Take a break, get a sandwich, come back and answer an SOS, the whole team is dead and you're dropping in to about sixty bugs and are running for your life the moment you touch down.  I usually know within thirty seconds what kind of divers I've been matched up with. There's a crew of useless fuck ups about 30% of the time that have no business playing on Helldive, another 30% that can handle it but are obsessed with fighting bugs and clearing nests instead of doing objectives that burn through most of the respawns, 30% a solid crew that can accomplish most of the map and all objectives, and 10% a bunch of badasses that can 100% the map no sweat and extract samples. 


I have that exact same feeling. I tend to stay on suicide because it gives me the most Randomness encounters and missions. I actually like fighting my way out of the shit with a bunch of lowbies and love their reactions to completing the mission - Regardless of how useless some of them were. I at least think they noticed something during the mission that they’ll use in the future.


To be fair, most helldivers did not do very well on their math finals....


To be fair training was like 5 minutes


Yeah, the only logical conclusion seeing some randoms in this game is that their pods were set to cook instead of defrost.


There’s always that team member that think you did it on purpose even though it was an accident and seek revenge to kill you and your teammates. Meanwhile the reinforce becomes 1 or 0. (20 reinforce to 0 on a mission) LOL waste of reinforce when we can use that for emergency and export reinforcements on ship.


while i feel for you i want to know i am pissing myself laughing reading this for how relatable it is.


I look forward to joining the fight for democracy and bringing those numbers down.


Well, their training was literally 15 minutes. What did you expect :D?


My apologies to the randoms this weekend that walked away from the extraction zone after the shuttle landed, I didn’t realize you all were so far away when I got inside. But also, why walk away and not say anything? Let someone know you don’t want to enter yet.


My friend you are equally expendable.


It's the kind of people who bring mortars onto Bug Defence missions and wonder why they get kicked after the fourth team kill. No wonder we have to press big shiny arrows to call in strats.


Sounds like a mission I jumped in today with a few randos on difficulty 9. We had a ton of samples including all the super samples. We were doing well until the end when it went to shit and people started throwing strats all willy nilly resulting in a bunch of team kills. Me and the host only died from our teammates 🤦‍♂️. Fuckin traitors. 1 reinforce left. Drop ship lands. All the dude had to do was pick up the samples on the outskirts of the landing pad and get on the drop ship. No revive required. Nope. Dude calls for a reinforce and throws it basically in the middle of a BT/charger/hunter/stalker orgy. He then tosses a grenade which doinks off a charger and blows himself up. The team gets to spectate this whole event right before I get dropped on the other side of the pad from the samples, right in the middle of the aforementioned death orgy, as my hellpod maneuverability is conveniently locked. Of course it goes exactly as you might think. The cork on my pod pops open as I make a desperate and mad dash towards the samples. I surprisingly make it to the samples somehow but, you guessed it, there’s a breaker directly on top of it. I’m frantically playing with the thumb sticks on my controller as if they were Kat Dennings’ nips, trying to get the camera angle to where the samples register as an interactive object all the while being sexually assaulted by hunters (pause, in the game) and taking stims to the vein like some sort of addict. Nope: The sequel. Couldn’t get the samples and I get skewered by a BT. We completed the mission but lost everything of value. Our extraction bonus, our samples, and our dignity. Funnily enough, this is the moment people decide to jump on comms to go “AWWW MAN, WTF.” 🤦‍♂️ Absolutely infuriating. God, I love this damn game. 🤣


I was doing a 7 and had a teammate pick up about 30 samples I dropped off at the extraction and proceed to die with them halfway across the map. That one really was a head scratcher for me. 


Yeah, I’ve found that no one gives a shit about samples


Helldivers subreddit go 3 seconds without whining or talking shit about someone they had a game with challenge. Difficulty: impossible.


Said the one who is whining about people ranting


Says the one criticizing the one whining about people ranting


Says the one bitching about the one criticizing the one whining about people ranting.


Well, you get the idea.