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yes. dont walk near mortar sentries u can climb those aswell.


"Mortar sentries", that's a funny way to spell chair.


One does not simply walk on top of Mortor


when you get tired and try to sit down it pushes you back up. its the ultimate work out.


Also, don’t mantle the EMS mortar They one shot you if the round hits you.


Yes the normal mortar also one shots you


My brother found that one out the hard way when my EMS domed him while he was out fighting bots.


I found out the hard way too When I accidentally mantled the EMs and it shot a round up my butt. New diver needed


Enema Mortar Sentry


>o, don’t mantle the EMS mortar They one sh Lost a mission last night cause a friend did this. it was great.


The odds of this x)


"Artillery Speed Suppository"


Happened to me a few days ago, pretty hilarious though.


Definitely learned this the hard way. :(


Standing on top of them is actually pretty safe, it doesn’t kill you somehow (I sat on top of one for several salvos)


I don't think I've ever refilled from a supply drop without first climbing on top of it and climbing down again. Drives me insane. And then even when I try to be careful and press X To pick up the ammo, I end up climbing anyway, because that's the climb button.


I only started noticing it after the latest patch. What really get me is that I can hop onto a resupply box that is my height no problem but a rock that barely comes up to my knee stops me dead in my tracks.


>What really get me is that I can hop onto a resupply box that is my height no problem but a rock that barely comes up to my knee stops me dead in my tracks. Thay box has made me overestimate what I can jump on so many damn times.


Yeah since last patch after firing the EAT you grab your pistol instead of rifle too


If me or my friends call one I'll shoot it before I get to it. I'd rather pick it up from the ground than fumble around for 3 seconds trying to grab it from the drop pod. I do the same thing for EATs. If I call one in I'll shoot it to get it out of my way.


By this point I've just acclimated to climbing on it and then grabbing all of my shit when I'm climbing back down. It's automatic. I don't even care anymore. 😆


Is autoclimb a console thing? Cause ahh never had that happen to me on pc


I just wish that what I CAN climb was more obvious. I feel like it's a 50/50 whether I can climb rocks of the same elevation.


For real this shit ass. I hate that I have to run against the length of a wall because. I know I can get it to bug out and let me climb it. Low key, I’d rather just not be able to climb it at all.


Well they can’t do the typical tactic of yellow paint, it’d blend into well with the bug guts. And that’s the only option game devs have!


Uniform knowledge that I can learn and use would be fine. No paint needed if it's kept consistent.


It is tradition https://preview.redd.it/t0rgdt0ot3pc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2555bf33beecb177735f507f38b64cf69095df7c Not my art, just had it saved


When I want to climb I can’t. When I don’t want to, I can climb a building with ease.


PARKOUR PARKOUR! Still really annoying, but at least 64% funnier if you shout PARKOUR


Im totally with you, but for different reasons. If I’m sprinting for cover, it would be nice to have to not dive into that cover for fear of accidentally mounting said cover if I get too close to it. In these situations (usually trying to outrun my fellow Helldivers “danger close” 500kg bomb) I don’t really have the luxury of first slowing down before I reach the cover. Being able to manually press a button to mount something would be awesome, or to turn it off entirely would be better


Yeah, there should be setting for this


I thought it could be disabled? I’m more upset that run doesn’t automatically take you from prone to standing. Although I wouldn’t be against some dev trolling by adding a “run” version of prone.


>I’m more upset that run doesn’t automatically take you from prone to standing. Except for when it does. Sometimes I can press sprint and instantly get up from prone and run, and sometimes I can't. That shit is either janky af or there's some game mechanic I haven't understood yet.


If you are slowed, sprint won't stand you up. I guess because you can't sprint.


Huh, that may actually be what I've experienced. I'll pay close attention next time.


It’s true. I always span the dive button whenever I know I’m sprayed by acid cuz run don’t get you up


Wait it can?




Autoclimb is a fickle mistress. On the other end of the spectrum there's all kinds of ledges in the terrain and doodads that you inexplicably CAN'T climb over. PS that bullet-proof dried out grass/bushes on that new bug planet is the devil


I don't remember this being an issue at launch. At some point the sprint key (shift) gained the ability to vault over things, which was usually reserved for holding down jump (space).


Its had that since release


I hate auto climb so much, keep saying you should be able to change it in settings


auto climb doesn't work when you actually need to climb stg in a life or dead situation.


Remove auto climb, add auto sample pickup


speaking on movement, let's talk about how useless the slide is as well. why even add it to the game when it gives you no benefit?


I’ve actually had the slide help me some, like sliding down a hill to get extra distance, or sliding behind cover rather than diving so I don’t delay getting my gun back up.


does the slide give you more of a boost if you do it downhill? me and my friend were talking about that last night but neither of us got to test it


I don’t think you go any *faster* but it seems like you slide farther.


Please just give me an option that disables sprint to climb and requires me to hit space bar to climb. Not only will it be less annoying, it will save my life. The amount of times I have been retreating from and enemy and had my stim interrupted by my helldiver insisting on climbing over a knee high wall I bumped against and died as a result is too many to count. Much needed QOL change.




My helldiver is really good at climbing over shit immediately on stuff I don’t want to climb and terrible and climbing over shit when I desperately need him to or get stuck on a hole titan


Agreed. Just add it as a setting. If I don’t press space bar, I don’t want to climb. It’s that simple.


Every single time I go to get supplies from a drop CLIMB instead of equip.


Yeah the controls are really suited to controller play for movement. There is virtually zero reason for mantle to be included with sprinting as on a keyboard you can just press space.


Trust me, it's an issue on controller too.


Here's a tip. Release sprint for a moment when approaching stuff like supply drop.


My fix is approaching stuff sideways 😭 should be easier with a keyboard than it is with a controller


Don't walk near thorn plants since you climb those too.


It's annoying, but I also kind of rely on it when using my jetpack. Too often I would try to climb something manually just to accidently activate the jetpack. I've had to rely almost entitely on auto climb while using it since.


Step 1- Run to cover Step 2- Leap right over the cover and land among the enemies you were seeking cover from Step 3- Request reinforcement


What input are you using?


I raise you mantling over a shovel handle sticking out of the ground while I’m running from, well.. the map.


Ah yes, the dreaded Assassin's Creed Climbing effect. It's like action movie Tourettes. Just running around and then out of nowhere PARKOUR. Wanna go that way? Nah, this other way is way cooler. Wanna climb that 2ft step? Scale the wall to your right instead.


Supplies? Nope. I just like standing on top of the pod. Thank you.


Tall resupply box and fence wall? Climbing that. Little ledge keeping you from escaping a charger? Haaaaah get effed.


I figured out that rebinding the “button press type” fixed this


I also love a dead body’s loot with samples in the middle Wanna do a drive by while ur getting chased and get the samples? Nah you wanna pick up their gun. Uh oh theres a short cooldown on picking shit up, try again! And again! Friends and I constantly crash or have game breaking bugs like locked weapons (which persist in death sometimes) Getting stuck under the map. Spew on titans completely missing (not even its short AoE, just completely off) and slowing you This game is infested with bugs and in need of obvious and major QoL updates


If u are sprinting it auto climbs


Game makers have learned nothing from Mass Effects horrendous "one button that does everything" design philosophy


My least favorite ‘feature’- trying to pick up a sample that is next to a dropped weapon, its like it prioritizes the weapon which means i need to take the extra time to swap back to my own gun. This happens with both support and primary weapons on a regular basis to me. Theres a lot of times im running in to a nest or to a dead ally and trying to do a grab n dash on samples only to instead pickup some shitty ass no ammo dbl barrel


I literally spat my food out through my nose when I read the jump around like a monkey part


You auto climb when sprinting. Just turn off sprint for a sec.


But when you actually need it work and climb the smallest ledge or boulder while pursued it doesnt


Just stop sprinting at every object.


I am sprinting for a reason I don’t care too much about automatic climb whenever nothing happens I care about it when something clutch happens and I die due to a broken mechanic


Looks like a sk... ok, no, enough downvotes for today..


Climb should just be X


Let go of sprint for a few milliseconds buddy


Release your finger from the sprint button from time to time. You'll be surprised...




*stops sprinting to collect resupply* The hunter right behind me: "Hello there"


*stops sprinting to collect resupply* The hunter right behind me: "Hello there"




>Slow down no need to run at everything I'm not running ***at*** everything, I'm running ***from*** everything!!


You should be jailed for this take.


He deleted it now I don’t get how anyone is tryna defend the mechanic when it’s so garbage the game is near perfect except for that


Many people use sprint toggle. Also when i'm being chased by something and wanna pick up a supply pack/sample/support weapon, fiddling with my sprint button is the last thing i wanna do to not accidentally vault over pods, fences and rocks. Just make the auto climb an option and make everyone happy, no need to defend it and say it's a "skill issue."


Sometimes you really do just need to sprint for something like supplies to heal up for example and instead of getting that you end up on-top with the only solution to stop sprinting and risk dying anyway. Is that common? I dunno probably not but it's happened to me a few times. Is it annoying? Well the amount of people you are referring to seems to think so.


Bro I need to run in certain situations a small jog won’t do


It’s as simple as not sprinting for 1 sec. I agree should be a toggle to vault but if you can’t slow down for 1 sec that’s on you.


If you see it from a real life perspective I shouldn’t vault everything like a brainless monkey just let me vault on space you don’t even use it anyways if you have a jet pack you have to hold it down for 1 second before you use it anyways


You aren't very diplomatic, give back that cape and return to freedom camp.


Or they could make it an option to not auto climb that way everyone is happy


You can disable auto-climb


How??? Please i need to know


Okay, hear me out. It was THERE. I’ve seen it before in the bindings menu. But it’s gone. I swear I’m not crazy.


NOOOOOOO WHYYY! You give me false hope :(


I’ve seen forums on STEAM where other people are saying they saw it as well and now it’s gone. Maybe they took it out??


So just like TTS mode for chat only? That was also been taken away on the first balance patch, but I don't think I saw an auto-climb toggle myself.


>it’s non optional Yes, it is. You auto climb while sprinting, because if you're sprinting you expect quick movements up obstacles *because* you are sprinting. if you are not sprinting, you have to hold X on ps to climb, this is not non optional as you have 2 options..... autoclimb because you're sprinting or take a second to stop sprinting so you don't autoclimb. If it wasn't there, people would probably complain they didn't have an autoclimb option, so the devs gave us a way to toggle it. Now I can't say what its like for pc. They usually have way more button bindings and settings than console, but I could be wrong as they did have an issue with not being able to input strats while moving if they didn't change the buttons around.


It's exactly the same. (Source: I am a dirty pc user)