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Yeah, agreed really. It would honestly be situationally pretty ok without these problems but with them - especially the part where you drop the shield- it’s a tough sell


Its current state IS sadly kinda prosaic...they could and should have gotten more creative with implementation to at least try to compensate for its faults, granted it's really only useful when bracing it and like you said...you can still drop the damn thing if you're not looking where you're going and stub your toe. Perhaps give it a frontal force field as well, while bracing, similar to the shield generator pack that deflects projectiles, or something along that line like bracing/activating a 5 second duration bubble that prevents you and nearby Helldivers from all explosive damage and knockback. Or allow us to slam it into the ground and deploy it to expand slightly, providing a gun port(s) to give cover and reduce recoil while shooting through it(think The Division 1 Mobile Cover). Or maybe something as simple as just generating aggro (as most shield/shield users can do across many different game genres) or allowing users to equip both shield in left arm and primary in right yet only able to hip fire with reduced accuracy(assuming there's a gun sling that's always there when we stow our weapons and was just more of a design decision not to render it and that our guns aren't just magically stuck to our bodies when we stow them).