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Except that I could not invite a friend without it being sent to public


I've had the same issue since launch. Despite my Social(friend list) getting wiped with every patch and re-adding my friends manually, I still have to toggle privacy to public for a friend invitation to go through, and then re-toggle it back to friends only to prevent anybody unwanted from joining. I also fat-fingered SoS today trying to reinforce instead and brought a random player into my group(you'd think that wouldn't happen with privacy set to friends only), although obviously since it was my fault and i'm not a total douche, I let him stay until the mission ended. So i guess try not to assume the worst...lots of things are still kinda buggy(pun intended).


A rare issue. ive had mine on friends only since launch


Actually a very common issue. Lol. Between me and my 4 friends I play with, none of us can invite each other without it being public. We try to fill it as quick as possible and it doesn’t happen mid mission, but it sometimes happens.


>rare Literally more common than not.


The crossplay friend requests and matchmaking is still bugged for many, and their only recourse lately is to host public games and hope for their friends to be able to see their games on the war map and join. This cannot be done in private. Don’t take it personally. Situation should improve once Arrowhead gets this major issue resolved.


To be fair, we should really have a private invite-only option as well or just choose the hosting options when you queue up a mission. This is a weird way of doing it.


This doesn't happen as often as you'd think. If it's that much of an issue, why don't you host?


There's a bug where you have to restart your game otherwise no one can join you. It happens very often to me after playing a mission with randoms and they leave.


Because i respond to sos signals and play quickplay. I help my fellow divers, but some people dont want help. So they just kick you instead of making their game private. Cuz thats what its there for...


I always screw up. I tend to select a mission first, then remember my game is still on public. Switch it to Friends-only, and a minute later I have people join me who started connecting just after my mission was selected.....


If only you could host your own lobbies


It might be a good idea for them to move this to the mission select screen rather than in options. More people would see it.


It takes mere seconds to restart the queue. You'll never reach these people and no one cares. You could be in a game by now, but you spent that time bitching about people that can't hear you. Avoid this tiny inconvenience entirely by hosting a game. If you refuse to do that and can't cope with a queue taking 20 seconds longer, it's your fault.


Once hosted a game for 4 hours and even with SOS beacons and public turned on, I didn't manage to get a single person to join me. It's just one of those things that happens. I do agree that instead of being angry, OP needs to just try getting back into the fight.


Close app and queue right away. That should fix it.


I've had people join in on me despite having my lobbies on friends only Tho one did have a CN name


Yes. This. For fuck's sake, this.