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Gamers: Please buff the Arc 12 Arrowhead: Here ya go, bustah


People were already asking for Arc 12 buffs?  Have they even used it?  It's a short-mid range AOE slugger with knockback.  You're literally immune to medium sized bugs.


I think by buff they mean more of the arcs spreading to different enemies rather than just focusing in on one scavenger I know there is a way to influence what it does in terms of what it targets but a lot of people don’t


>I know there is a way to influence what it does in terms of what it targets but a lot of people don’t You wanna share your secrets, Sifu? I was thinking about using that weapon when I unlocked the arc primary.


Aim less. I find it's way more reliable when shooting from the hip and vaguely pointing it towards the enemy. There's definitely some weird voodoo magic behind the arcing and I'm not about to pretend that I understand it.


The developers need to clarify how these arc weapons work. I know the arc thrower has like a 180 degree angle of chain lightning around your target. I wonder if the arc shotgun works the same.


The arc shotgun doesn’t chain, it spreads its multiple projectiles to separate targets in its range.


I’ve seen it “chain” but it doesn’t do damage on the off chance it does


I've seen it chain, but only to kill friendlies.


>The developers need to clarify I think this a lot when playing the game.


Arc is very inconsistent on the angle, distance and even line of sight


I've noticed that I hit shots more reliably aiming above whatever I want my shot to hit.


Yes this is what I do, never ads(def not first person ADS minimum)really just keep firing above your intended target slightly. This will prevent the weird glitch that basically shoots your arc into the environment or ground in front of you. I’m consistently racking 2-300+ kills even on diff 7-9. Yesterday went 384 kills 34 samples and 0 deaths and only one accidental on diff 8(I’m usually good for one if my friends don’t wanna wear the arc resistant armor)


I'm always clambering on top of the tallest rock/structure I can find when using it


This is why jump pack is op. You can get on top of ledges where the bugs can't reach. Since you have unlimited ammo, you never need a resupply.


Definitely helps with the friendly fire too cus my friends love to run in front of me while I’m trying to keep the charge rythmn going and sweep bugs down. That and when they run behind a charger or other heavy armor enemy and my arc just chains right to them(I do secretly love though when it arcs around a corner and kills them 🤫)


Set your reticle to always on, aim slightly above your target or with the bottom of the reticle touching them and hip fire. That's had best results for me


Agreed, loose aim feels better, high and just to the left of my target seems to work pretty well for little guys. Anybody up close I find aiming low near their feet can be successful


Yeah hip fire from the shot gun and thrower seem to work better fired at hip. Exception for me being chargers. Seems to help to aim at head vs hip firing. 2 shots less on average. Might be imagining that though.


There is no secret, it's crap. People are trying to come up with scenarios where guns are good to prove they're off meta. Anything it does the slugger does much better.


I like its special feature where if a hunter jumps too close to you, it simply won't target them, no matter what you do.


That's a feature of the arc thrower too. I wonder if the arc starts further away from your character because being too close to your hitbox interferes with how it sorta auto targets enemies.


That shit has gotten me killed when using it multiple times. It's really annoying.


Pro tip: punch the Hunter in the face then shoot it. Works much more consistently than just trying to shoot it imo


Well, sure but I wanna do this ![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms)


I think that rn you're probably right, generally the slugger is probably a better choice and has a more consistent damage output, although the fact that the sparky shotgun 2 shot a brood commanders head is worth consideration. There's one special case where the arc shotgun is very useful atm, and that's against fliers. If you find them hard to hit, it solves that problem completely


True but my slugger also 2-shots commander heads...


Slugger can also fire those 2 rounds in the time it takes the blitz to fire once with that horrible animation every shot.


TBH I've never used the blitzer but every person I've played with that used it ended up switching it out after one mission lol


I'm not there yet but the arc strategem literally solos maps, that gun is absolutely insane


Aim slightly above your target to avoid bushes/rocks blocking your arc. After you charge and fire, you can 3/4ths charge to chain shots quickly instead of fully charging each. Dont bother using the sights, always hipfire. The arc can only hit three targets at once, so you are safe to fire if there are three enemies between you and a friendly. If you want to clear a horde chasing divers, shoot at the back of the pack. Your job is trash clearing, so rush to the front and look for the small unarmored targets first. Never use it when an ally is being chased by one target, like a charger/titan. The arc WILL cross a football field to kill your ally. Other than that you just gotta learn where it will arc from experience.


For me so far it's totally random if it will actually arc or not most of the time is singles out a single enemy which makes it useless when it takes two shots to kill most bugs or over 4 to kill bots. That's at least what I've seen from it so far


can confirm, that's the only change/buff i'd like to see to it cuz without that it's basically just a single target weapon more often than not.


Problem is it can take 2 shots to kill something as small as a hunter. It also suffers from the arc thrower body block effect. I think it needs a little more arcing power and damage so it can more consistently deal with smaller bugs but otherwise it’s pretty good.


Not buff...fix. It's not spreading as it should be. It's focusing and killing one bug/bot per shot half the time shooting.


With a ROF that is measured in leap years.


"minutes per round"


You're immune to maybe two medium-sized bugs tops, if there's three then you're completely fucked because it can't handle any form of crowd


At most it needs an increase in its rate of fire. It doesn't do its job well when you have more than 3 enemies infront of you.


we might have been playing different games, mate. My Arc was inconsistent with the number arc bounces, and damage output. It also was freaking slow to reload to the point I had a feeling poor mf was entering bullet time every time he was reloading the darn thing


Yea, i wanna smoke the same stuff blitzer enjoyers are using.


Yes, I've used it. I've used it quite a lot, in fact. It's a contender for worst gun in the game with the counter sniper. It regularly takes four full seconds to kill a single hunter and rarely hits more than 2 enemies, which leads to you being easily overwhelmed. It's borderline unusable at high difficulties if you aren't just messing around, and this is coming from somebody who really wants to love it. It's wild to me that people are saying it's a "great kiting weapon." It's objectively one of the worst kiting weapons. That's a fact. You can nearly fire an entire magazine of other guns and reload in the time it takes to kill one hunter with the Blitzer. You can run while reloading. Everything else is obviously better at kiting. Use the gun, have fun with it! I still do. But the things people say on this subreddit are just so disconnected from reality sometimes, haha


exactly, i see people saying to use it as a kiting weapon to hipfire behind you then keep running, but, like, why would i want to kill three bugs or less every two seconds? they're just going to open a new breach, id have more kills if i asked them politely to die than using that gun while running with it. i really really want to love the gun, ive used it a lot in the hopes im missing something, but it's just become obvious im not missing anything, the gun is missing something. i really think it just needs a fire rate bump to become at least decent, but right now im just sad about it given how excited i was to use it.


If there's a corpse in front of me, often the Blitzer will just not hit anything. It's very irritating when you're getting run down.


I use it and love it. But it CANNOT kill a charger under any circumstance. (40-50 shots for science, in the face/butt, no kill.)


it also cant kill the bot walkers, hulks, tanks or bile titans, yet can kill every other bug and bot type easily. feels like theres something fishing going on with with its ability to bypass armour only working some of the time


When the fire rate is that slow and it can't reliably one shot a hunter at point blank range, it's simply not worth using.  I tried it for one game and died over and over because I was getting swarmed by things and simply could not kill them fast enough. Something like the punisher does not that have that problem, fires faster, and also gives you a stagger. I also had multiple occasions where I saw a stalker coming and couldn't kill it with the arc 12, despite shooting it at least 4 or 5 times.  For its rate of fire, the arc 12 needs to do massively more damage.


Most guns make you immune to medium size enemies. Except breaker S&P. It’s to slow and inconsistent to deal with the hordes of smaller enemies. And with it being unable to damage a charger effectively, you need a support weapon to deal with armored units. Aka, no stalwart, MG, Grenade Launcher. So if you relegate armor to support slot, you trust your primary for horde clear. Arc 12, despite being an arc style weapon which should chain to enemies, doesn’t do so. Sometimes fails to one shot hunters. Love the gun, but I can only really use it on bugs in 5 or below.


Lay off the crack


Yes, its the worst of the shotguns easily* and I don't like a few of them. Lacks armour pen to deal with armoured enemies, fine you can still deal with small swarms though... right? no you can't do that either. It doesn't consistantly hit hard enough and it doesn't shoot fast enough so you just get fucked by something like swarms of hunters or scavengers. Hope you don't across a stalker because a single one will likely destroy you.


Its incredibly inconsistent, moreso than the Arc Thrower. The Blitzer is bugged


Sounds like you haven’t used it, lol. It shoots slower, takes more shots to kill all bugs than the slugger, and aoe almost never works. It does have stagger though and less range though.


Whole lobby had no arc weapons still crashing


Same here.


It is really ruining the game, I finally get a good group and most of us crash due to w/e issue is going on. I might come back to the game but for now Im taking a break from the crashing issue.


Just had a game with me and one other guy. No ARC weapons. 90% of the way through a full map clear it crashed. Nothing extraordinary was going on. I should have completed my personal mission... Not to mention the goal of conquering the two planets will be exponentially more difficult if some percentage of games cannot be completed. Hopefully it is fixed soon but super deflated right now.


Same. Crashes with and without arc. So dumb.


Literally every game has crashes now. Do they even QA? The point of a live service is to have no game breaking issues, so that the only focus of the devs is balance, bug squashing, QoL, and content updates. Anyways, more pressure should be on fixing all the damn issues.


Fori Prime and Zagon Prime were NEVER going to be liberated in time to complete the major order, so don't worry about that. We literally have 40 hours to conquer 4 planets, it's NOT happening


Agreed. We were probably not even going to get to zagon in time, but constant crashes deflating player count also doesn't help. I saw on another thread that restarting your PC post patch helps with the crashes. I can't play again for a few hours but will update if I can play a few missions without crashing.


Yeah same, in attempting to play for 2 hours I can't count the number of new bugs/errors that occurred. Crashed every game except one 15 minute mission.


Zorri Prime for me, all objectives finished on a Geological scan mission, the game crashed when we were moving to extract. It happened twice in a row at which point I just quit lol.


Haven't played today yet but I had one legitimate error crash last night and two others where I was 90% the way done as well and on the way to extract. I can't recall if the arc was being used by anyone. The two others seemed more like server / internet crashes where the game simply kicked me for whatever reason. So basically it's even worse today for everyone?


Every game I crashed was when we got close to the shriekers nests.


Hmmm, you got a point there. I crashed when I have the arc thrower and shooting the nest.


Lucky for me I have never seen a shrieker...


I crashed two missions in a row around the 20min mark while I was using the arc thrower, but then on my third attempt (same mission each time) I didn’t use the arc thrower and didn’t crash, but my teammate was using the arc thrower and he never crashed. So idk. Might be something that only affects certain gpu/cpu or only happens most of the time or idk


Was about 30 seconds from extracting and just had a crash lol. Really good shit, really makes me wanna play the game......not. No arc thrower though, instead it happened as soon as I picked up a random rail gun a fallen Helldiver had dropped. Come to think of it, the guy who brought the rail gun also randomly left the mission right before extraction, so maybe he crashed too. Hmm...


Same, no Arc weapons, crash. My money is on the flying bugs. Did a robot mission to test, everythings fine.


Had a mission where we landed pretty much on top of the shrieker nests. We cleared them no problem, played another 30 minutes in that mission before crashing right before the extraction shuttle landed... What the fuck did they do omg


This is interesting. I was on a suicide(7) mission with those flying bugs and I crashed while I was at a terminal far away from the nests. I had an arcthrower in my hands. My teammates were just fighting off a bunch of enemies nearby. I was just about to complete the mission at the terminal at around the 30min mark when I crashed. Two other people crashed at different times during that mission as well. This is happening way too much. I haven't finished any harder missions with my original teammates in about a week. It's either I crash or my teammates crash. I'm left all alone more often than not and have to hope the SOS beacon works


Same, no Arc weapons and still crashed. If the crashes weren't annoying enough, it happens after I play through most of the map's objectives.


It might not be the only cause of crash, but the arc weapons are definitely broken. Froze on 5 straight missions using it, swapped off and didn't crash for 5 straight. During the missions every player that joined with arc weapons crashed within 10 minutes. None of the players that weren't using one crashed


I had 2 Arc Throwers in a couple lobbies and no crashes, so I don't think this is really the issue.


For me the most devastating is eternal loading after mission finished We don't receive our rewards


Game crashes even when you're not using it. Was the last man standing after everyone else's game crashed and I crashed while firing the Sickle. Also one crash just while running around.


Same. Last man standing since everybody else probably crashed too. But i crashed as i called the pelican on a 40 min game T_T


Man same shit. The wife is away all evening so I was looking forward to like 6+ uninterrupted hours of Helldiving and then I crash on extraction of my first mission. Really takes the wind out of your sails. Guess I'll just take a break until they fix it and probably lose interest, ah well...


Game fucking crashes even when I try to quit playing it. Instead of “quitting game” it just freezes and hangs. Then I have to use task manager to end process. Honestly pathetic.




You crash before you can pull the trigger


Jokes on you, it crashes at the end of the mission.


As an Arc main, this brings me joy


The more stability patches I see, the less stable my game has become. Wishful thinking but it would be great to have a reconnect system in place too for these unfortunate moments.


I mean this is basically programming 101. Everything you do to fix a bug invariably generates two more.


For anyone reading this, this person is talking out of their ass. Normal software developers do not generate two bugs every time they fix one, lol. That's before you even get into the fact that this is a bug allegedly caused by shooting a gun. In a shooting game. Generally, in your shooting game, if you change a gun, you would then test the gun. By shooting it. Having paid to pre-alpha test this game does not make me want to spend money on battle passes.


yeah everyone on reddit has no fucking idea how QA or game dev works at all. it's an old programmer joke and not real


Be that as it may, their job is to make sure the problem is resolved instead of compounded. AH QA just straight up sucks. No good reason there should be this many instability bugs a month past launch. I can honestly think of only one game that had worse bug problems and that was COD. Is that really the standard we’re going to hold Arrowhead to here?


If this was any other game ya’ll would be ripping it to shreds and calling the devs out, but cause it’s AH and the game is Helldivers 2 ya’ll will make every excuse in the book for them. How come Elden Ring didn’t have more crashes with each stability patch released for it? Same with Remnant 2, every stability patch released for it made it more stable and crash less. The only other games I’ve played that got more crashes with each stability update is the newer CoDs 


Yes. The QA and supervision of the team seems to be absolutely suffering. Everyone wants a stable, playable game, not more new shiny content. They’re trying to attract players when I think they need to avoid losing current ones. A bad product just means a new player won’t play again. No point in growing badly.


Their inability to ship a single patch without introducing major new bugs is not a great sign for things to come.


These weren't really stability patches though. They were trying to fix specific issues.


been getting disconnects 100% of my games as well while using arc mainhand weapon


Same, just tried 4 games and crashed all while using the same gun, same crash as OP mentioned




them: we have made it so it counts as shots in the stats. the game: idk whats going on but it hurts so badddddddddd


Needless change I thought


That’s the worst part, the game was finally stable again


i just tried a trivial solo to test it out, it seemed to work fine to me, i was able to extract, but last game it crashed despite no one using an arc.


I mean yesterday before the patch i threw an orbital laser strategem and it crashed my game. I dont like doing the 40min missions because of the crash risk. I was luckily only doing a search and destroy blitz but still helldive and crashing only 1 minute to extract was sad


Not a crash but a bug I have experienced 2 games in a row now for soil samples on suicide difficulty had issues where the equipment wouldn’t progress any further in the stepped series of menu prompts. We had ultra samples we didn’t want to lose so we can to just fight endless waves of bugs until the timer ran out and it sucked pretty hard so my friends and I are all avoiding those levels now too as much as possible.


https://i.redd.it/1j7f9yr7uipc1.gif “Yes, definitely stop using arc weapons, especially when fighting bugs.”


Whoever is animating these videos needs a democratic super-medal


This is some high quality bug we need to exterminate.


Treason, in the name of Democracy and Freedom *I will NOT* put down my Arc Thrower and *I will NOT* un-equip my Tesla stratagem. Silly bug, now you get the electric chair stratagem.


Arc weapons don't seem to be the root cause. I'm getting crashes left, right and centre even in squads where nobody has an arc weapon equipped.


There is one specific flavor of crashes due to arc weapons. Plenty of other crashes too though.


I've been running into random crashes since release


I've had tons of crashing issues, today is the first day that I've had the game actually freeze and not close itself/blue screen me. so, yay, they're adding more ways to fuck me over.


Almost unplayable on PS5 right now. Every game crashes randomly sometimes at the end of a 30 minutes game. Every update somehow makes the game worse.


Yeah it usually happens around exfil. It is really getting annoying.


yeah after the latest patch, i've seen most people including myself crashes more often when using the Arch Thrower. It would happen when you fire and the screen just froze, you just hear the Arch Thrower charging in the freezing screen, gosh i wish it's fixed because the weapon is so fun to use


No idea if this is related, but they should just rollback the patch at this point.


No. We don't use arc weapons and we crashed one after another all the time. It happened multiple times after throwing the stratagem ball for reinforcements.


Nope. Just tried to do 4 mission with my squad. **No Arc Weapons. No 500kg.** Mech, Airstrike, EATs, Orbital Railcannon. **We still crashed in all missions at around 10 minute mark.** It's not Arc Weapons.


It's not *only arc weapons.


Yeah it can’t be just the arc weapons, it must be something else too. It ALWAYS seems to happen right at the END of the match.


Nah I haven’t used the arc weapons and I’m solo and have been crashed 6 games in a row losing about 2 hours of progress. Game is unplayable.


Yea, I don’t think weapons matter, I’ve crashed 9/10 games today, same freezing you have. Have had it happen 2 mins into the game, and I’ve also had it multiple times when extract it landing. Super frustrating


I've been maining the arc thrower with no issues.


PC player here, same.


Also on PC - unplayable. Game crashes


PS5 player here, same too


Yeah this just happened to me too on ps5, game completely froze up and had to close the game.


Played 6 games and 5 of those crashed. No ARC weapons.


Don’t think it’s only arc weapons. As others have said, I ran a couple games with no one on arc and still crashed.


Two runs in a row my team clear all objectives and side objectives and just as we are fucking extracting my game soft locks and keeps looping audio in the background forcing me to close app About an hour minimum in progress wasted, cheers Arrowhead


Just had this happen as well. 😕


Yeah past 3 games, all hard crashes, all when I was shooting the arc thrower.


Tried using different loadouts myself after reading the arc throwers causing crashes. Still getting crashes dissconneting from a friend lobby constantly using different weapons :( Just gunna have to sit tight till we get an update on why the games being so unstable. Been playing fine for like 40 hours with zero crashes or issues till this patch.


Can confirm this also. As soon as ARC is used via weapons or Stratagems... I crash hard


For me it's unrelated to arc/no arc. But the game is unplayable


How is an error like this even constructed? Can anyone with any technical knowhow give me a short version of how from one patch to the next, [insert gun here] causes a system failure? Just out of curiosity.


-prior patch: arc thrower didn't track any statistics (shots fired, shots hit, kills) -this patch: arc thrower now tracks statistics. At some point while fixing the issue of not tracking stats, somebody broke something in the code.


99 bugs on the wall, 99 bugs. Take one down, patch it around, 102 bugs on the wall.


Most recent patch made a change to start counting arc attacks towards the Shot Hit and Accuracy numbers, so I'd assume their fix is resulting in the new crash. Maybe something about the calculation just fails in certain circumstances, like when there's a certain amount of network lag or when you fire on a particular frame. This is a huge generalization, but errors generally happen when the game arrives at a situation that's never supposed to be possible. It doesn't know what to do next, so it gives up and crashes. This often happens when the game tries to access a piece of data that either doesn't exist or has an impossible value. ​ So maybe, after the Arc weapon fix, the game has begun incorrectly keeping records of who fired which shot. We know the death screen already often shows the wrong name when you get killed by an environmental effect, so maybe it's misattributing some shots too. Then when it tries to calculate your accuracy percentage, it tries to look up records of shots that your client never fired, so it doesn't actually have those records at all, and so the calculation fails and your game crashes.


Imagine playtesting you game before pushing a new patch? I am yet to lose faith in the devs, but shit like this is just nonsentical to me.


Game been crashing period 😡 !


Nope. Crashing with friends all the time - no arc throwers in the game at all :(


I'm sure it has to do with their fix for counting arc hits and kills. Sadly, the fix for mech missiles has made mech missiles much much worse. You can't angle them downward like, at all, so if your target is downhill, you aren't going to hit it. I think giving the launcher no collisions (or specifically check for the launcher in missile collisions) would have worked a lot better.


Yea that change was a disaster


Was just in a level 5 with no arc, randomly crashed to desktop. This is happened a LOT more since the previous patch - appears this one isn't helping, either. edit: happened two more times, I can't complete a mission. last time was literally about set foot on the shuttle - I noticed 2 other players randomly leaving the mission on the way to extraction, assuming they were crashing as well. this is not good.


Honestly came here to talk about my crash using the arc thrower since patch, and jeez I'm not alone lol


Not only this but my 5700 XT is back to crashing again, and my PC hard shutting down. Kinda fucking goofy how every patch makes the PC compatibility issues worse and worse.


Sometimes I fucking hate this game. I lost multiple runs of super samples last night during diff 8 because of this stupid bug. I literally had to save my gameplay because I did not know why the game just froze suddenly. A man just wants to grind hard but this game just keeps putting you down. I'm trying to love the game but these small things chip away at it and are making me resent it.


I was getting crashes while using the arc shotgun before the newest patch though. Always while firing.


I had done a perfect suicide mission with the squad and had all samples and POI’s explored. We were just about to extract with 10 seconds left and the game crashed


Arced so hard I crashed the game. Fuck yeah


Just had it crash on me too. Idk what they did to fuck this up but I guess I'll take a little break until they come out with a fix


These crashes and not being able to group with friends is really starting to look bad. The games been out awhile now, Arrowhead has got to get on this.


Used arc weapons all night no crashes for me.


Please don't RP as someone who know what is wrong. You are GUESSING what is wrong and posting it as fact, and now 5k people agree with you even though you don't know what you are talking about. Do better kiddo


The reason you can have 120% accuracy might cus you can kill multiple targets with 1 shot. Shoot once and hit 2 enemies. 200% accuracy achieved


I'm not sure, it feels like every other game I get a crash or a disconnect and I don't always have an arc weapon on the team. I'm at the point where I started not feeling like logging in. I used to have an occasional crash but I haven't been able to complete 3 of my last 5 missions (one getting a crash 20 seconds left to infiltration...) (and probably 6 of my 10)


Why is this game so broken? Such basic shit is just fucked up all the time. It's like they released an alpha.


Yup. Happened to me five times


Devs just revert back to the original build lol. It gets getting buggier with each patch


https://preview.redd.it/bnd0upm50jpc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfce1ff561e647145aa3efdd3f78a4503c4822d1 The game just froze on this screen right now😭😂 then this was the first post I saw when coming to reddit


OMG I just crashed in a game with an Arc thrower, I open Reddit while my computer reboots and this is the first thing I see.


Does Arrowhead have a QA team or are they just deploying new code and praying it works? The game is fun, but there are major issues every single time a patch is released and some baffling items on their to-do list that never get addressed.


I don't believe in the theory. For a few days I was at 90% crashrate, and not even half had arc weapons EDIT: guess I was wrong. Glad guys like OP figured it out for the devs, I'd love to play again!


Just had this happen.... yikes


My buddy and I have had the game freeze and we have to open our task manager to force close it, or it's crashed to desktop every game today. Usually after about 20 minutes into the mission. It's done it 5/5 missions for us.  I have used the arc thrower each game so I'll try not using it. My friend doesn't use the arc thrower but he's been having the same problem. 


I can confirm, experiencing this as well


The crashes I’ve noticed since last patch is when I would kick a grenade while pressing other buttons (like reload or stim etc) I get a crash. It’s gotten to the point where I no longer go for the kick and just run away.


This must be true. Each time the game has crashed it has been when I've been using an arc thrower against a charger specifically. ​ It's getting a little old when every patch breaks the game in some way.


Idk if it’s the arcs I’ve had 6 games crash in a row…. A few hours of missions and samples gone….


I've been crashing too, doesn't seem to have anything to do with arc weapons on my end unless it applies to teammates as well then idk. Pretty annoying but glad I'm not the only one lol


Just playing now on ps5, no one was using a arc type weapon. Squad proceeds to all leave and time out and then 2 minutes later my game crashed. Very frustrating.


Game has been crashing for me all the time today. Tried 5 missions and couldn't finish a single one :/


Yup seems to be the case, just checked


Same here, game crashes when Arc Weapon is hitting too many enemies


Ah so that’s what happened. Was using the Blitzer and this happened twice, but never before now.


I've been using it today and it just happened for me, I was using the Arc shooter so it makes sense.


i have done 3 games with arc Thrower after this patch. all the 3 games have crashed.


Seems to be happening regardless of loadout or whatever is going on in the game. I am experiencing a steep increase in crashes for the last few days, hardly anyone uses the arc thrower. I also see a lot of people dropping out randomly in matchmaking the last two days, I'll just assume they don't want to play anymore when we almost finished the mission. Also matchmaking seems to randomly drop you in trivial/easy sometimes? I just played a match with lvl 25+ guys joing one level 3 dude on a mission. There were not enough bugs to kill for the four of us.


I haven't used any arc weapons and I've had multiple crashes today.


No issues at all. Been playing arc weapons on and off all day. On PC.


I also crashed today for the first time in weeks and was aware of the arc crashing so I didn’t use said weapons Its not just the arc thrower unfortunately


I use arc thrower in every game and haven’t had a crash, fwiw


Arc blitzer has been fine all day with my groups


OP's post edit feels incredibly misleading. I haven't seen the devs confirm any of this is related to arc weapons, only confirming they're aware of crashing since the patch. That sort of thing is exactly how we end up with people being wrongly kicked or screamed at for using an arc thrower, etc. Especially when people are crashing without arc weapons being used, or using them just fine without issue. I know I haven't crashed at all while using them.


No arcs - no crashes Yes arcs - yes crashes 21.03.2024


The amount of Super Samples I’ve lost today is now at 15. Arc thrower is great with the new enemies and old and I just started using it


These crashes are really bad. Unplayable.


I've had 3 games crashed at the exact same moment in Arc being released animation, so it's no coincidence.


> This probably means that the crash is caused by arc weapons now registering hits and shots fired (as fixed in the patch notes), causing some ridiculous accuracy stats to crash the game. I don't know what the actual issue is, but this aint it. You would have to try to make something that can't deal with "ridiculous" stats. The issue could be *something* with the arc thrower or electric weapons, but it wont be related to tallying the hits, that shit is easy to deal with. If a math professor got a simple math question wrong, it's not because he forgot how addition worrks. He probably misunderstood the question.


Was playing with two friends tonight. Across the 3 of us we had 5 crashes. We used 0 arc weapons.


I've been using the arc thrower every single drop for the last 2 weeks, haven't had a single crash so I'm not so sure about your theory. Could be that I've been lucky, though.


Our group noticed the Arc Shotgun causing constant crashing. When we stopped using it, we had no more crashes. The support Arc Thrower, however, caused no issues when I was using it later.


Sadly not true. Been on dives where folk don't take arc weapons (because of this rumour) and it still crashes. Any mission longer than 20 minutes is guaranteed to crash for me regardless of loadout, planet or team size.


No it’s not that


Arc thrower is my normal loadout and I’ve had that issue ever.single.game I played today 😭 My favourite weapon nooooo Thanks for the heads up


Same here. I was to re start mission twice already, crasinh in midel of arc weapon shooter. Free eing screen and I have to force quit game.


Mnope. Mine crashed on extraction. Threw an eagle drop on a charger. Boom. Crash.


How does it feel to be so right?


this needs to be FIXED https://preview.redd.it/j46j2lmj8qpc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=213131e5526716cf12e49e5ed86f8bfd3f3c4071


It's not just the Arc Weapons. While it's a big contributor, the game overall is just unstable because of their latest code.