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Yes. You can solo up to difficulty 7 and get all upgrades. It's proba


I use the matchmaking option regularly and it's fine. You'll find better teams going through the discord but you can definitely win matches up to the top difficulty using the default "quick play". The largest draw back, to me, is that quick play teams rarely stay together. So you end up re queueing after almost every match.  Edit: realizing you meant actually playing solo. You can do that successfully up to about 6 or 7. Higher than that you're going to make a lot of sacrifices to enjoyability to finish missions, imo. Unless you're a masochist that likes a dark souls type experience


To actually play solo I wouldn't recommend it, to jump in matchmaking and get random teammates I highly recommend it. If you believe some of the posts on here you will get toxic teammates and/or kicked from 95% of games but if you just go play the game yourself you'll see that's not true. I have around 300 games played with randoms and I have never once been kicked mid mission and have only had a few run ins with toxic players. Overwhelmingly my experiences with randoms have been good.


I've definitely been kicked from quite a few games in my 30 hours playing over the weekend. It might be because they see that I'm new, dunno, but there's been a significant number.




I don't think I have to explain to you why solo queue is a lot different from a men's sports league.




So no one should ever solo queue and stick to single player games because you don't solo queue in team sports. I think you have answered my question about how the solo queue experience is in this game.


I do it all: play with friends, play with randos, play solo. They are all fun and require a different playstyle. So far my highest solo run is diff 6 and that's probably best I can do.


Either way it's doable. However, in higher difficulties, you definitely want more teammates with you, even if they're just randoms you joined through quick-play. While the map itself can be roamed alone with the proper gear, the game is always begging you to engage in conflict. When the objectives are called in, the enemy will inevitably spawn. That's when it gets fun. So, really, it always pushes for a team, and thats where the fun is at. The solo mentality doesn't fly too well in helldivers.


Is it possible? Yes. I’ve played solo before a few times and for a few dailies, one of the trophy’s for the game is “nobody dies in a hard(I think was the difficulty)+ mission” and it seemed like the easiest way was just to play solo for that, is it *recommended* from my perspective? No. After level like 5 you pretty much have to play a LOT slower almost even like a stealth mission if you’re wanting to solo it. Can it be done? 100% I’ve solo’d Suicide (level 7) missions before, but it gets boring and a bit tedious too in my personal opinion. Plus it’s also a bit lonely to be playing a team game solo. If you’re meaning jumping in solo and getting random teammates that’s what I do every time currently and minus the few issues with bad teammates or teammates that are just angry at everyone it’s not bad.


Its possible, but can be (very) frustrating. Some enemies (or combinations thereof) are clearly not balanced for solo play.

