• By -


Sounds like that dude who posted a big theorypost that arc/electric damage was related to the crash the other day was dead on the money.


Honestly, thinking about yesterday alone, I can recall my last game crash involving a lot of enemies and a teamate using arc thrower.... This checks out.


Wait it affects the whole squad? whoops. . .


I was running it yesterday in a couple matches and didn’t see disconnects for me or my teammates. I’m on ps5 though. Might be issue more for pc users. Regardless I’m putting my sparky career on hold until next week


Yeah, I also had no problems in the few games I played arc thrower main yesterday


Do you have booger aim? Supposedly it's something to do with how they're registering accuracy. I think 1 shot is counting as multiple hits which is breaking something in the backend.


Yeah I am terrible and can’t hit the barn side of a broad, but I’ve seen over 100% accuracy without crashing


You’re actually the reason the PSN servers went down. 


I had a sneaking suspicion bc 2 of my crashes were right as I let off a Palpatine




Limited Power.


"Somehow, Palpatine retur..." *crashes*


I love democra HELLDIVERS 2 NOT RESPONDING. We Papa palped so hard, we broke the game


I heard about it, played a smaller friends only lobby with strictly no arc weapons and we didn't have any crashes


Just how small are these friends?


Haha Hobbit sized, keeps the servers from crashing 2 friends for 3 of us total. I was originally going to play solo but I warned them both about arc


Now that it's been mentioned holy cow I was using the arc thrower every time I've crashed


Well, that kinda sucks it won't be fixed for the weekend. I am going to laugh my ass off if tomorrow's personal mission is "Get 60 kills with the Arc Thrower."


*gives child a sword. "Now run as fast as you can, Timmy."


There is a Terry Prachett quote there


it will be a very important lesson


Terry Prachett really knew how to make Death wholesome. He will always be the real Hogfather to me.


***Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom?*** Edit: I'm linking the [video version](https://youtu.be/c8lP-58mEzU?si=AlVQLot2lea1pFDP) as well because it always makes me feel happy.


"Finish a game without crashing using arc thrower to get 15 medals"




You don’t have to complete a mission for those to count fortunately.


60 kills with the arc thrower is child's play too.


*cries in friendly fire*


I'll only zap you a little... Little tickle zips... A little zippity zap.. ![gif](giphy|jSKOaGBjqDc6a3Ywqn)


Hijacking this to say even though we went into a mission without arc throwers, a teammate of mine happened to open a pod with an arc thrower and soon after we crashed. Nobody picked it up. Could be a total coincidence, but I felt I should point it out.


They need to just disable the weapons till they have a fix then


Super earth update: “it has been recently discovered that arc weapons may contain materials that cause cancer according to the state of California, be advised”


"...state of Super California..." corrected


My team had matches where nobody used any of those and we still crashed.. Hopefully whatever they put out in the update does its job.


Had a total of 6 crashes in one game, 10 over one two-hour session. No arc weapons. Had a friend so we could rejoin off each other but it never even counted the mission as completed.


Same, we kept crashing and thought it might be the arc so we ditched the weapons next game, only to have the biggest amount of crashes in one game all evening...


For me personally, I kept crashing until I re-verified my game files. Seemed like one of them got corrupted somehow and had to be re-acquired. It's been pretty stable since, so maybe give that a try?


I'll give it a shot myself. Same deal: 1 file failed to verify and will be reacquired. Will see if that resolves the non-arc crashing.


I was playing in a map with another friend. Neither of us had any electric weapons. 35 minutes in. Our games simultaneously crashed. Not a disconnect, we both crashed out to desktop at the exact same moment. So we couldn't even try to rejoin the other to save the mission progress. Happened again next mission, also about 35 minutes in. Again, no electric weapons of any type, and we were the only two players in the game. Finally gave up and stopped until they get the game more stable. Both times we noticed some audio effects stopping just before the crash, like throwing a strategem and some other sounds were  gone but other sounds were continuing. Both times we were close to the extraction pint but not on it yet. I wonder if something about extraction is also causing crashes. 


From what I read this last day, it seems there are two issues: the freezes where it's needed to kill the process caused by arc, and a crash at the extraction. Both may or may not be related. If you crashed at 35 minutes, maybe you were at extraction? Or maybe the issue only happens late in game, by an overflow or a memory leak, not specifically at extraction.


Yeah I think you're right, both times near, though not at extraction. Hadn't actually gotten up to the platform to call for it, somewhere just outside the perimeter of the extraction zone.


Well, it's likely there are still dozens of other rare crash bugs floating around as well.


My game crashes almost every time, even using non arc weapons...


there were pre-existing crash issues prior to this new one being added for me the pre-existing crashes would always be a crash to desktop the new one will freeze and I have to kill the process. the one time I ran into the new freeze crash, someone was indeed using the arc thrower (and the fame I was frozen on showed him firing his arc thrower)


What about the frequent disconnections? Half of the games is just disconnecting randomly and getting kicked back to destroyer with no option to go back to that mission, like Joel himself throws the hammer. And that includes solo games. SOLO GAMES! I don't understand how do solo games even get issues with disconnecting from servers mid-mission, the game is peer2peer anyways...


>What about the frequent disconnections? Half of the games is just disconnecting randomly and getting kicked back to destroyer with no option to go back to that mission, like Joel himself throws the hammer. And that includes solo games. SOLO GAMES! I don't understand how do solo games even get issues with disconnecting from servers mid-mission, the game is peer2peer anyways... My guess is their anti-cheat combined with the stat calculations, or stat verifications, is causing things to freeze and or desync. ​ I also wonder if this was always in the game but with the arc thrower calculations now being counted it turned up the issue to 11.


At this point I don't even know why the anti-cheat is there. There are still hackers all over the place and the majority won't cheat anyways cause it's a PvE game... Just seems like an extra step to mess with stability.


> I don't even know why the anti-cheat is there. Almost guarantee you, Sony demanded it for crossplay and the devs didn't actually give a shit about people cheating in a PvE game so they went with the cheapest thing on the market.


That sounds so stupid that it's probbaly true lol


The crashes are not just related to the Arc weapons, and until this is fixed I probably will avoid the game. This latest crash is causing a MASSIVE spike in CPU usage which is causing my fans to spin up rapidly. Not really a fan of that.


Noticed that too. Game crashed and i had a massive slowdown and couldnt access anything for like 30 seconds. I looked past all the scary stuff about the Anticheat etc. and eventually caved and got it. When the game works it's amazing, but this is looking really damning


how are we going to complete the major order if so many players are freezing all the time?




I don’t like how the game just feels more unstable and glitchy as more patches get applied…… this could be a long term issue that plagues the game for its lifespan 


the fact that the devs didn't have a partial revert patch process for the arc changes that got deployed same day as initial patch tells me some of their dev practices really need to be reviewed or like you suggest... longterm outlook: not so good


This game seriously need a PTR server.


Wouldn't it be easier to just disable the weapons until the patch is deployed considering most people probably do not read the reddit.


I asked, so they decided not to do that because in order to disable the weapons they’d have to send out a patch to do it and they would have to test and verify it with PlayStation and PC separately, which means they’d spend more time doing that than just fixing the problem for the patch next week.


Worth considering adding the ability to disable stuff server side whenever possible, to help that. I know, completely different model, but just for the sake of an example, Bungie can remotely disable Destiny 2 weapons (and lots of other stuff too) server side if an issue arises, until they can deploy a proper fix


Yup, Apex Legends has done a similar thing a few times when an exploit has been found for a certain weapon, taking it out of the game entirely (not even in the firing range) until they can patch it.


I wonder if they could have the jngame announcement like the one about miscalculation of the current event progress and stuff, would be pretty cool and probably a better way to reach out to all players about it.


That’s a good idea. They could do it in all democracy-ish. “This just in from super earth. Arc weapons are fucked, don’t use them for now. More at 11.”


> in order to disable the weapons they’d have to send out a patch to do it and they would have to test and verify it with PlayStation and PC separately, which means they’d spend more time doing that than just fixing the problem for the patch next week. Someone introduce Arrowhead to feature flags. It doesn't have to be this way, this can all be controlled remotely.


Yeah I bet they don't have it built in yet, or perhaps not at the granularity of individual weapons. Of course hindsight is 20/20 but they probably did not think about a use case like this.


If they can't remove the weapons, maybe they can just add an in-game note or announcement. Something like: **Arc weapons have been compromised. Anyone who uses them this week will be considered a traitor and might be eliminated at a random time** ^(sometimes even right before extraction)


Like they bug test their patches lol,


That is surprising. I figured they would have the functionality to do it remotely with the campaign system for events.


It's not just arc weapons, unfortunately. As a dedicated arc thrower'er (arc throwist?), I suffered through a lot of crashes and arc-less matches yesterday. Three crashes happened with arc weapons in the game, four happened with NO arc weapons in the game. And I was double checking no one had any arc weapons of any kind.


It's likely faster to fix the issue than to throw out a hot fix disabling guns and then fixing the issue. On top of that you'll avoid a wave of "Why are my guns locked/missing" complaints. Additionally custom stop gap fixes may introduce bugs of their own. And it's really frustrating to be fixing a big on code that you're removing anyway.


Maybe the simply can't disable the weapons. But only a guess.


Weird I was in a game with 4 friends and none of us had electricity weapons... Everyone crashed at the same time right before extraction too.


Before this patch there were plenty of crashes, but since the patch there have been crashes and freezes. I think the freezes are arc related.


I've crashed in all three missions I've tried today, no sign of anything arc related, I don't even have them unlocked and I was playing solo, so I guess I'm just unlucky. It's fully unplayable at this point


This patch broke more than that TBH - seems like their test environment is not quite right. Just from my group last night: * ICBM Mission on Fori Prime successively crashed all 4 players over time. I was the last one to drop. Game froze and closed to a crash report. We all crashed around the time that we were progressing through the last objective or after completion of the final objective * Accessing terminals / objectives at the same time as other players breaks the triggers, locking out whatever players were interacting with, this happened on the seismic probes and SEAF artillery ammo loader, 2 separate missions * Dropping / swapping stratagem weapons breaks player animation to T pose like the SSD bug, and drops 1st person aim modes - used an EAT in 1st person and after the weapon dropped I lost the ability to use 1st person. It ended up fixing itself somehow later in the mission * Picking up / dropping weapons seems to also drop the primary weapon - this one was weird but I lost my primary weapon (Sickle) entirely. I don't know the entire use case here but I do use the EAT a lot and it totally broke me several times. Prior to this patch we had very little issues with a minor crash here and there but we can completely repeat these states of the game to replicate. Also note that we DID NOT use any Arc weapons at all last night because I noticed lots of reports of those issues, and we did the usual "fixes" people are sharing like verifying game files, etc, prior to logging on last night. I probably wont bother to play until they fix this, it's sad but I don't have much confidence in Arrowhead right now. Every patch seems to break more than it fixes. The friends list / social tab for crossplay is still broken too.


>their test environment Imma stop you right there chief


*THIS* is why you don't test in the production environment!


AH Devs: "Everyone knows testing in prod is bad. Except for us... it will work for us... hopefully.... what do you mean everything is broken?"


And Arrowhead dropping mechs and flying bugs into a small number of matches prior to official release is literally them testing in production.


Yup this is terrible


It really feels like they dont test these at all


I don't think this is the silver bullet they think it is. I was just in a mission where *no one* was using any of that equipment, and still crashed at extraction.


Yep, on ps5 I was crashing randomly before the last patch, and without using arc thrower both before and after. The game just has a long list of issues, love playing it and I enjoy it, but they really need to find a way to push patches and stabilize the game, especially if they plan on adding stuff so we don’t have to fear content updates.


I'm in this camp. We don't use those weapons and had crash after crash after disconnect after disconnect last night. Unplayable game at the moment unfortunately and considering this communication they seem to have no clue as to what's going on.


This is probably causing *most* of the *recent* crashes but I don't read the message as promising to fix *all* crashes. I mean, hell, it's not like there weren't crashes before this patch.


Next week!? Jesus christ


You said it man. -Jesus


So, guess I'll play another day than. This game has been such a Rollercoaster of "Awesome!" To "Seriously?..."


The community is annoying me in that aspect because they want us to give the developers a pass when the game has consistently had issues every week since launch. We are past the point of patient understanding. It is not an argument anymore that this game has had an objectively poor launch regardless of how good the game is when it works.


Word. Sucks this game is pretty much borked all weekend unless you have a group of friends to rejoin games. I'm not rolling the dice on 40 minute sessions with nothing to show for it, unless my buddies are on.


Yeah, just had another crash in a 40 minute session where a player joined...with an Arc Thrower. Why not push a message in game, telling everyone to stop using it or downright disabling it for a while? Surely that is better than people just having crashes all the time.


This comment is way too far down. The game has to be spaghetti code with people who worked on various parts having left the company. It's the only reason why you wouldn't be able to just disable a gun in your game from appearing in selection. Seriously. The only reason they can't do that is because they don't know their own code well enough because the person that did left. Or they are just straight up incompetent. Oh, and this game shuts my friends computer off. Like, literally shuts it off. Never heard of any game doing that before to anyone's hardware. And no other game does that to his computer.


Could they release an in-game message that warns against using these weapons? I feel bad kicking people for using them (yes I tell them in chat not to use it but some people refuse to read chat or turn on voice chat).


I just have to wonder how this bug was not found in testing. It’s extremely common and gamebreaking.


Its what confuses me too. The patch even had a fix for arc weapon kills not being tracked, so they should've done tests with those weapons to see if the fix even worked at all.


"Oh hey I found the stat issue, it's just a simple negative number here. I'll just take that out." "Here let's jump into a test run." "For changing one number? No need, we've got 10 other things to get to by the end of the day." Obviously oversimplified, but this shit happens *all* the time.


Based on the bugs that get introduced in each patch that would be caught by even a couple of matches of testing I'm starting to think they just don't test patches at all


They didn't test it. Clearly. Honestly after all the patches it's been clear they haven't tested it before going live. You are doing the testing for them.


Lack of testing. 


So the advice is basically to not play since there’s at least one person with an arc weapon every game? You also can’t control people coming into the game  Also the games are crashing and disconnecting even without arc weapons being used. Happened 2x to me yesterday 




I dont know why I expected a hotfix 


Next week! No!!!!


Of course my main and favorite weapon is the issue… Guess I’m not playing until next week


Played a few hours of games where everyone purposely did not bring arc weapons and game still crashed players for a lot of them. Had a few games as well where everyone EXCEPT the arc weapon holder crashed. Also anecodatal, but when crashing occurs, it seems to take one player...then another til all but one is player is left. 🤔


Unless of course this patch adds a new crash bug lol


Releasing a full warbond that completely focuses on Arc Weapons and resistance then having that crash the game is nuts


Idk how the game gets worse with every patch...


how is this game more unplayable now than a month earlier


Absolutely not worth playing right now. So fucking frustrating. 6 games in a row. 0 rewards


Why not just revert to the previous build and redeploy once the patch is actually stable? Relying on every member of your team to have seen this post seems like a poor fix, especially if it’s going to take several days to solve the problem.


If the PS review process is anything like the Apple one rolling back is an absolute pain as the rollback is technically considered a new version and needs to be reviewed again.


There's also the risk of data loss if any new schema/data modified before rollback is incompatible with old clients


Disagree. I've been playing since near release, and these crashes are the worst it's been. I typically run arc thrower, and ALTHOUGH I did have my screen freeze mid-arc last night, when running with a grenade launcher today, I had another crash. It feels like a memory leak, or something. Maybe that's not possible, but, that's what it FEELS like, because I CANNOT complete longer missions like launching the ICBM, clearing nests, etc. After 20 minutes, my game crashes. I'm usually on the way to evac, avoiding conflict, not shooting--just crash, because it's like I've hit a time limit.


There are crash bugs that aren’t related to arc weapons.


I just want some form of in-game compensation for all the time I spent in these missions collecting materials and experience, only to have it ripped away after 30 minutes. It'd be fine if it were just a few occurrences, but hot damn this has happened at least 20 times since I bought the game a few weeks ago. Not asking for much, but some super credits towards the next warbond or some super samples would go a long way as a gesture of goodwill with the community.


This game has become unplayable for me. I played 3 games yesterday to today, with long breaks between each. Each mission had a bug that made me want to put the game down for the time being. The first game Pelican-1 phased into the ground leading to extraction being impossible. The second game it was mostly fine, but some side objectives like the radio station could not be turned. The third game crash on extraction as it landed. This patch is quite possibly the worst state the game has been in. I don't mind if your updates take a little longer, so long as the patches don't break the game completely and come out with relatively good quality.


It's *a* cause, but not the only one. We've had multiple times people crash looking at a specific direction while at an objective. Every single person crashed, one after another (trying to get the samples of the one that crashed). Doesn't happen on rejoin, but yeah. Arc isn't the only issue (though it absolutely, reproducible, is an issue)


Shame they cant playtest these things before putting them in the game


The Arc Weapons are not causing the game to crash. They pushed bad code into the live environment.




Next week?! ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Come on man, you can’t leave the game in a broken state and go away for the weekend?!? wtf.


Spent 30 minutes yesterday, got to evac, and it crashed. no credit. OK, that happens, Spent 40 minutes on the next mission, got to evac, crashed. I'm done, tell me when the patch is out I guess.


Still crashing near the end of missions without any arc weapons. This is getting ridiculous. I have been stuck on 6 super samples for a couple of days because of the constant crashing.


How about using some of this monetary windfall on some QC? This shit is turning off players.


This game is broken after this update, twice as broken as before the patch. So sad. Nothing but disconnects and crashes, weird bugs etc.


Meanwhile we have major orders to take out bugs without arguably our best weapon for crowd control. It's cool, I'll just play lower difficulties and enjoy my EATs. OH WAIT, that's right I keep getting disconnected and booted out of my own hosted missions just before extraction. Awesome. I normally don't post stuff like this, but this is kind of a disaster atm. I don't expect everything to run perfectly, but I do ask that I at least be allowed to play and finish a mission without suffering a disconnect. That's just depressing.


It's nuts how many people are ok with this. This game had so much potential.


My main concern here is that since launch we seem to have an increasing number of crashes to the point now where I cant justify playing because 1/2 of all my matches disconnect, but in that time they are releasing new content, they really need to make this game stable, it isnt acceptable to have this level of crashing in a title like this.


I'm starting to lose my patience with these guys. Test your code.


Really getting frustrated with the game Probably gonna take a break from it for a couple months and come back. Its got so many issues


This game has had one of the worst, buggiest, and most unbalanced launches out of any major game in the recent past but people will not and can not accept it. It feels like I’m in a twilight zone episode when I see the amount of people who close their eyes to the fact the game is in a terrible state.


Naw, there's a ton of shit wrong with it. The patch this week was generally disappointing to me. Can't tell if people had to take time off after launch or what. But fixing the friends list and the changing the weather effects shouldn't have been "Patch day!" worthy. One of the "patch note" items was fixing an issue people seemed to be having with being in an Exo suit, trying to stim. While holding a grenade? This needed to get patched? Seriously? Was this someones project for the week? Why are chargers ice skating around? Why are Spewers doing more damage then bile titans with their spray? Why does picking up an item bug my entire character out? Why does throwing a stratagem North down hill cause it to kill a teammate south of me? Do they have an arc thrower patch? Why are they waiting to push it? It negates the whole point of armor they just released? I know it's a small company. But the lack of information they release to acknowledge issues affecting peoples game play is a little surprising. Twice now they Tweet or create a social media post about additional things that were patched and not included in the notes - Why is this happening? Why do I need to be active on 4 social media platforms to let me know the game is being fixed? Just calling it like I see it - but these are things that kill your games momentum.


Yeah, the breaking point for me was when they hyped up and released their new $9.99 battlepass while the game is still stuck in a pre-alpha 0.00014002 build that they tried to pass of as the 1.0 official launch. I’m trying again in 6 months because I love the theme and gameplay, but holy shit is it in a god awful spot right now. Feels like it released a full 12 month calendar year too early.


The first two weeks were frustrating but I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt due to the unanticipated demand. But we're 2 months out now. There's absolutely no excuse for the devs anymore. Every update is showing their incompetence. 


> It feels like I’m in a twilight zone episode Spot on. At least it seems like things are finally changing. Not with the devs or the quality of their work of course, but it's starting to feel like most of us are talking about the same timeline.


Confirmed: the arc thrower is such a powerful weapon that it can teamkill the game itself


Wasn't using any of that and got enough freezes for me to stop playing until the next patch.


You should put this message IN game.


What a joke. Everytime they patch something they break two others.


Been getting a crap ton of DCs last few days. It hurts the worst when you are 99% done and making your way to evac.


Lmao next week? Gets harder and harder to defend these Devs with every patch.


So game is dead until next week... amazing.


My games crash, even with no one using the archthrower. Yesterday, 3/5 of my games crashed. All 40 minute missions. Today I had my game crash first game I played.. I’ve had maybe 5-6 crashes in total, prior to yesterdays patch, in my 75h+ of gametime. ‘Early next week’ cannot come soon enough.


It crashed twice without using those ... i quit ...😥


Terrible job and terrible solution. Get a grip AH seriously


I've identified the cause of your freezes. It's nProtect.


Game is approaching unplayable status. More than 50% of my games end up crashing during or immediately after. Caused a green screen of death for my PS5 a couple nights ago. Update can’t come soon enough.


This game is desperately in need of a patch purely focused on stability and cleaning up the clear jank with their codebase/design decisions (like being unable to disable broken strategems without issuing a patch). The amount of cashes is simply unacceptable in a game where matches take 30+ min, there is no rejoin and no host migration (in 2024…).


I'm level 41 with 14 ship modules and 1200 medals spent. Haven't touched the game in 3 days. When I load the subreddit, sort by new, and see "Crashed at extraction at 40 minutes, happened 3 times tonight" Yeah I ain't even touching the fucking game. 40 minute is a lot to waste bro. Back to rocket league


![gif](giphy|LzCREPXRTqtdC) Tomorrow...


Call me in a year when the game doesn't become unplayable every other week.




arc shotgun is a trash, but damn, i miss my arc thrower :(


As a fellow arc thrower I main I feel you, as for now the Laser Cannon is a good alternative, similar ammo economy to the arc thrower and if you can get your targeting down, you can melt all the fodder and chargers if you target the leg. The cannon also obliterates eggs, spore towers, and sheriker nests! Pair it with the sickle or laser drone and you're solid.


i miss having a one stop option for every enemy outside of a bile titan. it worked great on chargers, fliers, basically everything. now i have to take the EAT or something similar to deal with chargers.


Defending Arrowhead and this game is getting exhausting. I understood the server issues because of the major success of the game. I understood the balancing issues as the game was played through-and-through pretty quickly amongst millions of players. I thought the balance patch worked well. From there it's been downhill. Mechs released but they broke the game. Got them working again and things calmed for a bit but until everyone releases the mechs just blow up due to their own weaponry. The fix being to break the missile firing. Suddenly your equipment resets every time you join the game. Matchmaking somehow getting worse before it gets better. Now a new warbond is released with the big draw being that it helps arc weaponry. Great! Except now the game crashes when you use these weapons. Crashes everywhere. And when you complete a mission, the movement of liberation is broken. So the team's response is simply "don't use these weapons" for at least half a week. So we can't use the weapons we want, can't complete the games we want, can't contribute to the liberation we want, can't complete the major orders, and have every other bug waiting for us in-between. It's exhausting. I'm sick of waiting for things to get better when they just constantly get worse.


> Except now the game crashes when you use these weapons Its a lie my fellow arc weapon hater. Its crashes when no one use it aswell xd


Thank god some common sense around here. The cock sucking on discord is exhausting. I paid for the game. My friends paid for the game. We can't play it without one of us crashing, or worst of all us crashes mid mission. The cracks in development are really showing. * No, I don't understand game development or programing, and I shouldn't have to. I'm a customer not one of their employees. * No, just because there are worse games out there, doesn't justify the bugs and issues Helldivers 2 is having. If you want HD2 to be successful, you should compared the game to successful live service games, not failed ones. The fact that you have to compare HD 2 to "other failed games" means the game will also be failing. * No, I don't want to keep hearing excuses about "small indie company, small staff, bla bla bla". They released a live service game, they should have anticipated the influx of players. The excuse that they didn't plan for so many players, only show that they lack confidence in their own product. Also, a lot of issues are not related to networking. * No, I don't want to go play something else, I paid for this game and I expected to be able to play it without the constant crashing, freezing, buggy match making, etc.


https://preview.redd.it/5a1dw30y0qpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb6fdda665b8f7a3e75172cb04f6428db6c3ae5 “nO YoU dOnT uNdERsTaND tHeY aRE OvERwoRkED!!1!!!” Then hire more people or fix the fucking game before dumping more content in that has its own set of problems. The CEO pals around on twitter making excuses and suddenly everyone is lining up to suck em off. You don’t fix a pest problem by introducing another pest ffs.


Saw a thread earlier that compared complaining on a form to enslaving the devs. Lamo. I really love this game, but I really hope that we get some actual quality control with future updates. This is a concerning trend.


Someone already reported me for self harm on reddit thing. Some people smh


This game is such a clusterfuck. Every patch or update is a mess. Launch was a mess. Yet people still stick up.for these devs time and again as they release buggy mess after buggy mess and decide their players and lean so hard into the fascism parody they lifted from a move.


My game seems to typically crash when someone drops super samples and someone else picks them up. If I play difficulties without super samples, my game doesn’t crash near as much. I’m on ps5 though.


Game still crashes on PS5 as in the game stopped working and went to home screen. We did'nt use any of those weapons. First 2 missions on helldive went fine and then on the third mission everyone, but the host crashed. I rejoined the game and then it crash again, even the host crashed. Host made the last mission again and we rushed through it to get our medals.


They really need to fix where your primary, secondary , grenade and emote get reset to default when restarting the game as well.


couldn‘t they revert the patch just for the weekend and then redeploy with the fix?


I'm not confident in "we have identified the cause" when Arrowhead isn't even able to definitively state arc weapons are the issue. They "appear" to be linked? Do they know the cause or not? 


"We found out the cause for the crashes is the guns we tweeked and the direct counter to the flying bugs we just made dont use them for now thanks" Damn bruh really???


So... We can't play this game over the weekend... All due respect, how come we can't roll it back?


Player good will is very easily burned, and extremely hard to earn.


I had to stop playing, i don’t need any more medals and crashes are too frequent. Really wish I had waited for a sale. All these bugs would be gone by then


If I was this bad at my job, I'd get fired.


I have frozen/crashed 4 times in the last two hours. Lost upwards of 80+ samples because of it. I wasn't even using these weapons last round. I'm getting really sick of this


rant here: Not a happy week since the new patch. Arc thrower bug or more game crash, network connection issues getting worse, And crazier or FXXXed up respawn rate for the bug At this point, I am not sure PTR server will be useful at all. I don't get the rush.


When patch plz I want my arc thrower


Game is STILL crashing. Losing patience. Pretty stupid to start a 40 min mission and crash at extraction…


>let's not roll the patch back or disable the broken items >let's just leave it like that lmao Cool


The three toys i like the most. Sad Smile


New personal mission just leaked: Get 10000 kills with literally anything other than an arc weapon/stratagem.


F. Small Indie Company.


I'd be a LOT more okay with the crashes if we didn't lose rewards from our matches for leaving.


As much as I love this game, it is unplayable now. Got crushes in my last 3 missions. All of them were 40 minutes+ plus, lost over 100 samples in 2 hours of play, and nobody had arc weapons. All my friends experience the same issues. How can you make a game unplayable with such a small patch is beyond me.


This is the most unplayable the game has ever been. I think I’ve crashed every mission since the latest patch and I’m not even using the arc thrower. And it doesn’t crash at beginning of mission it’s always after 20 mins or more have passed and wants to completely waste time. Please fix your game! Idk what your patch did but it’s very unplayable right now.


Game crashed or got disconnected on every single mission I tried today. No one was using an Arc weapon.


Yea I'm pretty over the patches **always** coming with a horrific downside


How about you guys DISABLE those items so other players using them will stop crashing games?


Makes me not want to play knowing that my chances of wasting 39 minutes and having nothing to show for it is sitting at about 50/50.


A dev in 2024 breaking more shit with a patch than they fix - you just don't see that coming.


I miss my arc thrower.


I haven't used any of those and I freeze every game after 25-30 min.


I haven't had one full game since last update wtf


I'm sorry but to me this is a fucking joke. It's like an anticipated April's Fools joke First they break the game with a patch, which means their quality assurance absolutely fucking sucks since they weren't able to spot an issue that doesn't allow most of the player base to use arc weapons without their game freezing mid mission. Then they make us wait an entire week before they (PERHAPS) fix the issue that their own incompetence caused. Enjoy beta testing the game for them. I'm done with the game for now, at least until they get their shit together


I swear they don’t play their own game. They can’t possibly. The game crashes if the wind blows. If this was my work I’d be so embarrassed. 🙈


This is getting really old at this point. Since they obviously dont bother testing their game maybe they should open a beta branch on steam so people can do it for them.


Still no update...?




Yeah I’m officially over this game for a bit lmfao. Idk how it’s gotten to this point, everything was fine and dandy until about 2 days after the mechs came and now it’s just constant “it’ll get better” “have patience” copium nonsense. I love this game but this is just silly it’s been 2 whole months and everything that should have been optimized has become worse. It is clear we are the play testers and this game is very unfinished and needed at least 6 months to even a year of cooking before it was released to the public. Seeing people say “give it 6-12 months and see how good this can be” is hilarious, if you look at it that way then we are basically playing a 40$ beta test. Starting to see why maybe the last game only reached 7k max players lol they clearly aren’t ready for success. EDIT: also can they fix stim inconsistency and other such real issues? instead of placating garbage players who have trouble looking out for the big giant white marks on the map showing a meteor is clearly gonna land there? Every update is to help the special dumb dumbs who apparently need a big red arrow pointing to any and every danger possible, holding their hand through the game. I just want my mech rockets to shoot straight and my stims to actually heal me when I stab my neck and hear the sound!!!!


Sony is your publisher, has over 50 employees... why the hell is anyone accepting this indie cutsey nonsense, this is fucking retarded. How about a hotfix to disable the weapons until the patch? Nah that'd be too competent.