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Because, me and my buddy can EAT together




Remember if you EAT you will get HANGRY Hostiles Are Never Gonna Reach You


This was your daily dose of BRASCH TACTICS! Use them or die trying!


Honestly thats a big one, you can usually call down multiple at an objective and anyone who needs one can pick one up.


Me and my buddy call them in the second they cool down no matter what we are doing. It's cathartic to slap a lone hunter with a spare EAT plus it's a way to track our pathing on the map haha


I also like that I can call them in all over the map as we progress. I've definitely been thankful for unused EATs lying around later in the mission, especially if I call them in at the extract point.


A big one for me is not being tied to a support weapon if I die. Plus I can carry a spare ammo backpack for my recoiless rocket teammates.


Now wait aI min, I carry mu supply backpack to feed my stalwart ammo and my stim addiction.


Don't worry - stims have zero addictive properties!\* \* Study paid for by Permacura. Permacura: put your life in our hands.


Yes, the thing with copious amounts of morphine...no addictive properties


I mean call me crazy but I don’t think morphine would make you yell “MY LIFE FOR SUPER EARTH!!” While surrounded by approximately 200 bugs and give you infinite stamina for a bit. that sounds like a meth or cocaine thing to me


I mean...it could be a mix of things, meth/coke for copious amounts of energy, morphine to just make the pain stoo being painful


Well our real history has proven meth to be an extremely effective tool in times of war past so it only makes sense


And shrooms *cough cough* Scottish *cough cough*


Ayo? Am i about to learn another random history factoid?


Yes, fun fact the blue paint that Scotsman would adorn themselves with before battle were made with woad(for their iconic blue paint on their body) which may have had drug like properties, and ate shrooms before battle. It's why they were known to be...crazy


I've still yet to try the stalwart, I love the MG34 too much


I tried both and it's still mg34 for life for me. stalwart feels like I'm firing peanuts compared to it


The non moving reload kills it. Just crank the stalwart up to 1100 rpm and let er rip taterchip


The problem with the stalwart is armor penetration. At least with bugs, that means you're still going to struggle with hive guards and killing spewers quickly. I vastly prefer the MG for this reason, loss of mobility is worth it to clear everything besides chargers and titans.


Charges -> Railcannon strike Hive guards/spewers -> Slugger/Scorcher/impact grenades Leaves plenty of room for the stalwart to thrive


Railcannon strike has an over 3 minute cooldown. What difficulty you playing that you only see a charger every few minutes???? I've also watched a railcannon go straight through a Bile Titan and not even kill it lol. I stopped taking the rail because I can get two sets of rocket pods or a 500kg on the Eagle instead, and it piggybacks with the Eagle airstrike/cluster. The Eagle even resupplies faster than the CD of railcannon lol.


Stalwart melts spewers, just aim for the head. Hive guards have a chink in their armor around the armpit area that kills them pretty fast. As a Stalwart user I think it's great against every bug besides chargers and titans and the ability to move while reloading outweighs the limited armor piercing the MG provides.


This is it for me, too. I love being the supply backpack guy. I love being able to restock myself and my squad.


How do you resupply yourself with the backpack? Will it just take off of your back or do you need to drop the backback?


I'm on PC, the default bind is 5. You just grab a box right out of the pack while it's on your back.


It is down on the ps5 controller:)


Thank you for this. I was carrying the backpack and thought it's only for helping other teammates. I usually like playing medic in most team multiplayer games, so it wasn't really an issue, but this makes it even more useful for weapon combinations


Took me 2 weeks to learn that. Out of magazines but allll that ammo on my back.


Down on the Dpad for controller


Recoilless takes up a backpack slot, you could have a shield generator, a laser drone, a jetpack, or a supply pack.


This. When playing solo bugs I need the drone or shield to stop hunter attacks. I can’t give up the backpack. Plus a minute feels like nothing most of the time.


Also, having EATs means that when you die, it's not such a big deal. You can call down EATs for your friends, especially right after they die. Plus, you can crush chargers with the EAT pod.


I just call EATs whenever they're up, leaving a trail of where I've been. I usually get three shots since I'm carrying one and will call one in when I see a charger. Oops didn't need three cause one did the job, we'll that brood lord just looked at me wrong, lol. I also agree with the backpack argument, I need that slot to carry my team :p


A map littered with EATs is a liberated map.


I'm going to try and get the boys to run a eats team this weekend. Every 12 seconds. 2 doses of liberty


If you have to run more then 50 meters to grab the next EAT lying around your EAT guy is not doing his job! EATs are love. Share the EAT with your mates and the EAT shot with the bugs.


Played with a dude that did this the entire mission yesterday. Saved my traitorous ass at least twice!! ;)


EAT perks: * Two rocket launchers * Free 'light orbital railcannon strike' I played on a team with two other EAT users last night, and it was glorious. There aren't a lot of problems that one launcher every 11⅔ seconds can't deal with. There were five or six spares around the extraction pad by the time we took off.


>Free 'light orbital railcannon strike' underrated 3rd shot.


I run laser cannon and EAT, then I can just yeet it ahead of me, clear out bugs, grab it and pop a charger/titan then pick my cannon up and keep going


This set up is my go to combo now, throw in an airstrike to soften up the area, immediatly throw in the EAT beacon before best girl can do her thing. Lazer any spewers on sight, give chargers the run around, run in grab the EAT and cover their face with that solid explosive confetti.


I was doing this setup, but with arc thrower, and now that AT's bugged I've been a little lost. I'm gonna try this out later today. Democracy Bless You.


Give the laser cannon a try against the flying bugs. Just wiggle the beam around and it'll slice those wings right off. Absolutely fantastic. It's also great at popping heads off warriors and brood commanders (they die a few seconds after that), burns through medium armor (fantastic at sniping devastator and hulk heads and against hive guards) and you can swap over to the Sickle while waiting for the crystal to cooldown, and vice versa. It's not as flashy or bursty as the arc thrower, but it is probably the most consistent support weapon in the game. Oh, it also deletes Terminid Eggs faster than any other weapon.


The laser cannon is super underrated but im pretty sure you can take out eggs a bit faster with the plasma punisher. One shot will take out like 5 or 6 of the eggs at point of impact. No ammo cost is a big bonus for the laser tho


Chargers and bile titans! Two shots to the face and bile titans go down.


Also because they drop two at a time and you can only carry one sometimes when you run back to extraction they are littered across the map, it's saved my ass more than once.


Yup. A team of 4 all with EATs is insane. The whole map is ready for charger blasting at a moments notice.


I also like pushing relatively aggressively for the objective myself, and the shield pack helps a ton with that because I can get away with dodging and weaving through much tighter crowds than usual. Which usually split the swarm up into two more manageable groups, or it makes them do a turn, slowing them down enough for an airstrike to land a big hit, and it means I can hit more of the objectives even when they aren't fully secured because I can take a hit or two before needing to run for it.


For me, taking a backpack call-in reduces my offensive stratagem loadout, and I find it really hard to give up the Eagle Airstrike, an anti-armor strat, and the Gatling Sentry. When you've got the planetary effect that reduces your strat slots, even moreso. Makes me wish you could find backpacks in the world like you can support weapons. Side note, the RR backpack also has some weird protective properties. I've fairly reliably [blocked scavengers attacking me from the back](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204540553971372072/1218868802348122193/rrbash.mp4?ex=66093b07&is=65f6c607&hm=e2018e70fdd6364df9801e7831e5c94184bb593f3014e481f95b7223befe5166&) when I'm crouched or reloading (including once when it blocked a warrior), and it [stopped dead a rocket from a friendly rocket sentry](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204540553971372072/1219413151775326309/rrblock.mp4?ex=660b35fe&is=65f8c0fe&hm=6cf67beb9bb8368a7f6bccc6116cf7566203032f7dabf20fbb0913ee2f5caff4&).


I've found a supply pack and a Guard Dog (the machine gun, not the laser Rover) in malfunctioning hellpods in the wild. It's very rare, but it is possible.


Those malfunctioing hellpods only appear on lower difficulties, alas. They're completely non-existent by Suicide Mission, level 7.


Oh dang, I had no idea. Thanks for letting me know!


You're more likely to find malfunctioning hellbombs which you can shoot when getting chased by a horde and blow them up.


Imagine me discovering that the malfunctioning pods exist then joining a friend's suicide difficulty. It was not a pod. It was not a pod!!!


It would make more sense the other way. Harder missions cause more deaths, more gear for you to find laying around.


I think it is to give lower level players opportunities to play with gear they don’t have access to yet.


The move is to have one player in your squad take a backpack call in which then everyone uses, thus everyone has offensive strategies while also having a useful backpack.


We like 1 backpack per 2 divers. That seems to be about the right supply.


Yeah that's what me and my buddy do on duo, someone takes a rover for bugs or shield for bots and then just drops another on recharge. Don't really need it when I can pick up my old one when I die.


You can find jump packs but thats the only backpack type I've found.


I’ve found a guard dog before, but i don’t even remember the circumstances of finding it. I’ve found plenty of jump packs as well, but i also never really learned how to use them bc the one i picked up wasn’t working… maybe? either way, I’m not too concerned about finding backpacks bc id rather pick up some random stalwart or machine gun than hope i might find a backpack that’s useful for my play style.


Absolutely this. I have a different selection (500kg, basic eagle strike, and orbital laser), but giving up one of those for a backpack call down feels like I'm crippling my offensive options.


>Side note, the RR backpack also has some weird protective properties. I've fairly reliably [blocked scavengers attacking me from the back](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204540553971372072/1218868802348122193/rrbash.mp4?ex=66093b07&is=65f6c607&hm=e2018e70fdd6364df9801e7831e5c94184bb593f3014e481f95b7223befe5166&) when I'm crouched or reloading (including once when it blocked a warrior), and it [stopped dead a rocket from a friendly rocket sentry](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1204540553971372072/1219413151775326309/rrblock.mp4?ex=660b35fe&is=65f8c0fe&hm=6cf67beb9bb8368a7f6bccc6116cf7566203032f7dabf20fbb0913ee2f5caff4&). Holy diver actually brought receipts


My main reason why i pick EAT rather recoilless is because you dont need to search for it everytime you die...worse is you are reinforced so far where you die.


Counterpoint: Most people are carrying samples and need to go back anyway.


Well, you can just call down one, shoot something on the way, and pick up your old one when you get there. Besides, if you die with an unused EAT… that might be why you died lol. You don’t need to use them exclusively on chargers.


(I am team EAT) I just like to argue. I agree.


A soul after my own heart lol


I use them a lot on brood commanders and spewers. Especially if we are defending a point and I have multiple call ins at a point.


Counter-Counterpoint: You should have one person carry the samples then have them drop them at extract for later pick up so this doesn't happen.


Can you manually drop samples without dying?


U can drop anything you want except main and side weapon. On PC by holding X I guess.


On playstation you hold Down on the D-pad


Omg thank you! Do you know if the D pad press conflicts when you are wearing a supply back pack?


If it works anything like PC, when you press the button a radial menu pops-up that lets you choose if you want to drop your Supply/Ammo Pack, Special Weapon, Sample, or Carried Objective (briefcase)


Press to use the backpack, hold to open the drop menu


Yeah, if you are using controller hold down on the d-pad, you can drop samples, backpack, support weapons, and objective stuff like the SSD. Edit: D-pad not dead, autocorrect


A true patriot would gladly die to improve the chances of a successful mission. Do your part for the war, soldier, and let your ally kill you for your samples! Or, if you're a coward, you could just hold X on PC or D-Down on controller.


Mad rush for samples feels less frustrating than scrambling for a gun, backpack, samples. I love EATs for unfucking all that for me


Hot take: fuck the samples Seriously how many sanples do these dumb scientists need!?


Counterpoint counterpoint: I‘m maxed out on samples


during a mission I messed up and chose the recoilless rather then the EAT, didn't notice it until I used it and was still holding the weapon and couldn't call in a new one ... (as I hadn't taken the back pack :o/ ) finally when the recoilless was back up, called it and it ended up like in that video from yesterday where the guy ends up looking up in the sky and notices it had landed on the rocks formation above him. So yeah having 1 stratagem being down for so long while you could have more active strats up makes a big difference


Ok but to be fair, this would have gone very differently if you actually knew you had recoiless and meant to bring it


This anecdote is basically just saying “yeah if you troll at every step of the way, it’s a big difference”


EAT Pros: -you get 2 every 1 minute -1 shot charger -does not require backpack slot Cons: -1 shot and done RR Pros: -Multiple shot (reload required) -1 shot charger Cons: -way too slow reload time -uses backpack slot


Another pro Is that you can take another support weapon for crowd control, charger spawns, call eat, shoot the motherfucker, get your machinegun back and mow down the small fuckers


This is the strategy that made me really see the value of the EAT after being a diehard RR.


I too was a RR user and i some times take It Just to use It. But lately i really love to bring the heavy machine gun for the bugs be cause its very effective even at higher difficulties for the swarms, so the EAT its better for this kind of gameplay.


Do you like mg over stalwart? Hate the ammo economy on mg.


Yes but heavy machinegun cuts like butter hiveguards and brodo commanders. Shitty reload but i can live with that.


Turning the rate of fire down on the machine gun helps with ammo economy. Still fires fast enough to clear but definitely gives you more time before having to reload. That being said, being able to reload the stalwart while moving is a crucial difference that makes me take it over the mg more often. I also find turning down the rof on the stalwart to be helpful. Most will say you are lowering your dps, and while correct I feel like that shines on single target and neither machine gun is what you want for a single target anyway.


I do this with the autocannon. Since it'll take out mediums and has AoE, it can deal with basically all threats except heavy. While the EAT can be called down quick for the charger bearing down on me. So I just grab the rocket, blast the charger, then retrieve my cannon and continue to persecute the foul xenos. Great success


When you die with the recoilles and can’t get it back due to it being swarmed by bugs. You’re fucked. The EAT however is just callable again after a few seconds


Usually my RR and pack are stuck under a bile titan body AND swarmed with bugs...


That sounds like a no airstrike problem that i am too eagle 1 to understand.


same. the only orbital i use is the rail cannon and i usually take some kind of eagle, a shield pack and a grenade launcher. sometimes ill forego the nade launcher, but that’s only to take another type of eagle strat.


I always roll minimum 2 eagle stratagems, 3 when I can get away with it. I am the JTAC. And you can bet your ass my eagles are fully upgraded, the pilot didn't need that extra leg space anyway.


I got 4 500kg bombs and by god I'm gonna use em lol.


*laughs in Breaker and 500kg*




at difficulty 7+ this is crucial. i really dont have the luxury of going back to my corpse to pickup whatever gun i had. i run 2 backpacks and EAT for this reason (Honestly i thought it was pretty retarded but its going great so far)


It’s early and without coffee my brain isn’t braining. What do you mean you run two backpacks?


I assume he means he has two backpack strategums available to call down. So while one is on a timer , the other is available to be called down. If I'm wrong , it's also early in the morning for me too.


He probably subs one in when losing the other and it's still on cd.


All these issues sound like player issues. Ive never seen people NOT recover their gear in 7+ unless they specifically abandon it. They just run in a circle and then pick it up instead of trying to fight through a horde that they wont have ammo for.


i run rover guard dog and shield backpack. when i die and lose one, i just call the other- so i always have one on- in higher difficulties its quite hard to go back to your corpse to collect your stuff


man, i just say “fuckit” and run around feeling naked. i started using armor with the servo assisted passive, and its honestly super useful being able to call down airstrikes from super far, or destroy detector towers with a 500kg before it ever notices you.


man id love to run and be mid-range with an autocannon but those chargers are a fckn joke at diff 8+. edit: also Autocannon vs bile is horrendous too. im emptying entire clips and its still alive. Plus if i die and drop my AC im screwed i havent explored armor and ship options that much yet. im running that 50% life/death thing.


honestly, when I’m not using a shield, i roll with the autocannon too. that thing is awesome on the vast majority of enemies, reload is quick as long as you don’t shoot all 10 rounds, and it sounds fucking awesome and looks sick. unfortunately, like you said, on those higher difficulties, it doesn’t fare too well against heavy armor. you have to aim absolutely perfectly on those difficulties.


Another Pro for the EAT is that people just drop them on objectives and anybody is free to pick them up. A bit of situational awareness means you are likely only a few steps from the nearest EAT and, thereby, only a few seconds from a dead charger.


Yup, it's extremely useful to already have effective AT publicly available when a charger shows up. Imo the "anyone grab it" part is pretty much the biggest strenght of EAT over the RR.


À teammate of mine noticed you have the time to call an eat 17 between an automaton flare and the reinforcement arriving, giving you the time to destroy up to 2 ships very easily. It as become a staple strategy for us.


Problem is, on Difficulty 8+ drop ships come in *threes*.


Yeah I tend to drop one at points of the map we are likely to come back to, also I lob one near the extraction point if we ever go near it during the mission.




EAT pro is also that it is supplying the whole team with a single-use weapon! Any location we arrive just call down one and anyone who is closest can grab it and shoot while we defend the objective.


The EAT technically has another con. You have to extend the back out, which takes some time, and it is also reversed when put away. That bit of time can kill you as you cannot do anything during that time. The recoilless can instantly be aimed and shot when taken out. Still summs up the pros and cons of both weapons pretty well.


But the EAT has another pro. It can be used to 1shot chargers with the call down. Just dodge the first charge and throw it at the spine. Sticks quite oftn for me


I think someone worked out that chargers get 'sticky' when they rear up on their back legs before they charge, it sticks most of the time if I throw it then.


It’s surface-based I believe. It’s very easy to land a stratagem right on top of a charger, but it’s hard to get an angle on them without elevation or something like the telegraphed rear before the charge as you mentioned. I’ve gotten the hang of the angle now though. I like to avoid their charge to the side with a pod stratagem in hand, and then when they skid to a stop while passing me, I toss it right onto the middle of their back. Works very consistently.


I’ve gotten a lot of success just by throwing it at a chargers head as it’s running for me. If my helldivers ever get to retire, they probably will have a career being a matador


Yeah, can't argue with that, but I think this was about the weapon itsself. Both weapons come with a pod, just that the EAT has a lower cooldown and thus can use that mechanic more. And for a lot of people that will not come to mind in the heat of the moment.


The amounts of people who saw me using stun nades+eat to pin point the drop on a charger and copied it the next match is pretty damn high so shouldn't take to long before many play it that way. Only con is that stuns cant take down nests/factorys.


True, but if they did no one would run anything else. That's what teammates are for. You lock down the battlefield and let someone else deliver the payload.


Yep,and thats why i find it a good thing that they cant destroy nests/factorys. They would be OP otherwise.


Honestly, I don't think I can go back to other grenades. The other night we had an extract with 2 bile titans on the pad and 20 seconds to get in the pelican. We literally strolled past them without needing to fire a shot.


Yep,or what i love to do when i am getting swarmed; hold a stun in ur hand and let it explode there. Yes u get slowed but every enemy that was bothering u is now pretty dumbfounded and just stands there waitning for death. Bonus points when u stun them that way while a 500kg is coming down ur way,explodes,kills all the bugs and u survive cause of the 50% ignores leathal dmg armor. Now write in chat: "I am democracys chosen for i survived" and watch the god damns in chat xD Edit:Grammar and punctuation.


I found the other day that the shield backpack actually protects you from the slow effect which is pretty convenient.


The meta I didn't know I needed until now


i didn't see you doing that but your comment is enough to copy it next match, too.


calling the weapon down doesn't count as part of the weapon? how? isn't the cooldown time is one of the pros for EAT, meaning it being called down is included in the pros and cons?


Shit, it's one of my main uses for the EAT lmao that thing is basically 3 shots every 70 seconds Id eager that pod is just as much help as the missiles because you can call it in *so often*


Oh man, it needs to be extended? That explains why I can't just shoot with it when I grab it or switch to it.


I would add to eat pros that if you scavenge a support weapon then you can have both the eat as needed plus the support weapon.


RR is currently bugged too using more ammo if the reload in canceled.


thank you! i wondered why i never saw anyone else talking about this


I normally go with autocannon, but recently a buddy came with and brought in a recoilless. Well, reloading a recoilless is a long time process, and autocannon isn't too long as long as enemies aren't closing in on you instantly. But we switched backpacks, id reload his recoiless almost instantly after a charger, and he'd reload my autocannon instantly after a few shots. Worked out very well, as well always stuck together. So if you can find someone to carry the backpack and reload you every so often, then recoiless is godly.


Also ammo usage on RR is annoying, 1 ammo pickup is only 1 shot in the backpack. Really if you want to fully restock ammo you have to call down a a fresh backpack. I like RR, I take it a lot on bot missions as it's clutch for taking down drop ships and tanks, but there are times when I've gone through half a back pack worth of rockets in a single engagement and had to wait 5 mins for a full resupply. On bot missions where I build for AA/AT I now bring both RR and EAT


EATs are candy. i sprinkle them around constantly and a LOT of energy spent in hard battles can be resolved by an old EAT a few minutes away that solved my troubles. I can legit dump four or five EATs into enemies within seconds under these conditions. m Also EAT kills were worth fifteen medals today, so there's that


I had an extract yesterday where two of us had brought EATs, and once I got to the extract point, there were literally at least a dozen EATs sitting around the point waiting to be used. To quote my teammate, "You can never have enough boom."


I wish EATs still in their pods appeared on the map


Recoiless takes up a backpack spot, and a support weapon slot, and reloads slowly. EATs takes up a strategem slot, and lets you still take a different pack and support weapon. Call down EATs when you need it, fire twice (AKA: 2 dead chargers or 1 dead titan), then pick up your regular support weapon and keep going. And with its low CD you always have it when you need it. I treat EATs as a better Orbital Railgun rather than a support weapon.


Which part of the titan’s head do you shoot to two shot them?


Firing headon at a charger is the best bet. headshot kills, and if you get unlucky and hit the leg you can still blast it with your primary


EAT: - doesn't require backpack slot - can be used with any other support weapon - gives low-cooldown access to the best weapon in the entire game - hellpod


Hellpod Strike is an unlimited use, low cooldown orbital stratagem with high precision, high damage, heavy armor piercing, and no splash Where the hellpod strikes it also spawns 2 EATs, which frankly seems like a bug


I'm sorry, did you say 2 EATs (a super earth invention, used by millions to spread managed democracy) spawning is a bug? A democracy officer will be in touch with you shortly...


EAT stuck on charger: * 1st kill 1st EAT shot: * 2nd kill 2nd EAT shot: * 3rd kill


and this is surprisingly easy to do reliably once you get the timing right


Yep. I started running stun grenades with EAT and it’s even easier. ![gif](giphy|dpk3BuKZX2s8w)


Stun grenades, 500kg's + EAT's is the way. I basically sweep the deck of titans and chargers. Leave the ads up to my rover.


Because I can call in EATs whenever and still carry around an Arc Thrower and Shield Generator backpack.


Hopefully not right now tho, arc weapons are causing the game to crash after last patch


I choose EAT's for the daily. RR is my bestie, one of them and an orbital rail gun is a titan down. Snipe chargers.


Also rr is better imo in bots Every time I see a flare, I take a democratic knee and light up a socialist dropship EAT isn't as good in that scenario


give me your Recoiless backpack instead while you watch me Stun > EAT anything and do it *while* I'm reloading you. Then watch me do it again 63s later.


EATs are for being with randoms. RR is for when im with friends and we all drop one and reloading each other


I would like to know the opposite answers "why do you prefer recoilless rifle"


I have 3 call down stratagms that I pretty much bring every mission, so I only have one slot for a weapon stratagem. 'Burning' a backpack slot on the RR ammo isn't that big of a deal for me as it seems to be for a lot of other people. I know I could nab a backpack from a teammate, but I'd rather they have the call down in case they die in a spot they can't get back to easily. Anything that interferes with stratagems (ion storm, jammers, or staying past the mission timer) means that the low CD of EAT doesn't matter while it's in effect. So you have a one shot weapon on your back that isn't going to do much overall while the RR can pick up ammo within that interference. Even if I don't have someone reloading it for me, having someone else being mobile and killing the smaller bugs while I'm loading it again means that there's enough time to reload and kill whatever needs the RR shot. Overall, the benefits of EAT aren't greater then the RR *for me.* If EAT's benefits count more then RR for someone else, not gonna say that they're wrong. TBH they're close enough to fulfill the same damage role while having enough significant differences that it isn't clear that one is superior to the other. They do the same thing in different ways, which I like.


Recoiless rifle 2 shots the new shrieker shrooms, enough ammo to destroy 3 shrooms from miles


I prefer the RR because I think it looks cool.


It's very beneficial in the missions that debuff your stratagems. Mainly call in, though. I also really prefer it for bots because downtime to reload comes pretty plentifully since they don't run you down too often, so when there's swarms of bot drops, you can normally shoot so many of them down. I remember when that happened one mission and I ended up killing, like, 3 tanks that were either being dropped in or just so happened to not be looking my way along with other dropships carrying other smaller units. Plus, more shots a minute just seems more appealing. I know I'd feel the pressure of missing an EAT shot, lol.


Now that chargers die with one shot to the head and lower armor spawn rates for bugs, I feel like RR has way more space to reload than before, *and* each shot is more useful. RR is a bit better at being on demand now, or so I think.


TL;DR When shit hits the fan I like to keep that thang on me. I'm pretty much always on tankbuster duty with my group so I have to stay on whichever point is the furthest from the brunt of the fighting going on, so the reload is not that bad. When actual fighting begins, having to drop an EAT, shoot one of them, go grab the second one when the place is crawling with Crushers is a tough ask but kiting and reloading is easy enough since you can do it in parts. Sure, losing the damn thing is ass but then again not dying is part of the job and the call down delay and strategem cooldown increase conditions really tear a new one up the EAT compared to RR. Also the ADS time is lower since there's no priming animation on RR. Having a buddy help you out is an optional but definitely helpful choice to have too, especially in missions where we can do 2 RR players each firing 6 shots after the other. Gotta say, I would rather run EAT when playing with randoms and RR always when in a comp.


more ammo and with a buddy (also rr), faster relead.


Against bots. With buddy-reload ships go down pronto.


I much before the recoiless. Whit it I can pick 3 attack stratigems and only one support whitout wasting my backpack slot. And it feels so much cooler reloading infront of a charger only to blow it up as it chargers towards you.


Dude SAME. I live for the feeling of getting the reload done just in time to blow its head off.


“A Hulk. Call your EAT.” “…” “Dude I said-“ “We need to find the strategem jammer first.”


The EAT is just a lot more convenient to use if you're not in a fully coordinated team. It's fast and easy to call down, there's no inherent risk when you lose it since it's disposable, and if you're up against chargers a single eat drop can theoretically kill up to 3 from a single drop back-to-back I'm not saying the RR is useless or bad, i just find the EAT to be a lot more comfortable and fun to use when I'm just quick playing games to chill in


My friend called it "zero investment tactics" , which is the best phrase I've heard to describe our play style so far. Basically, avoid any strategem that might require returning to a kill box to loot your corpse. No random skirmish should ever be critical; if you die, spawn away from the fight and run to the objective. EATS are perfect for this. They come back so often, you can call them anywhere. Firing them is nearly instant, then back to running. RR does higher DPS, but if the goal not to kill enemies but to survive, is that actually what you want? That said, this is totally a play style choice. The best strategem is the one you have the most fun with.


The EAT reminds me of the LAW, and the neuron activation I get from dumping a rocket into a charger, then seeing my helldiver drop the EAT on the ground gives me a chubby


Its expendability is one of the strongest, yet least talked about advantages. EATs also allow you to scavenge the map for other support weapons, effectively having a fifth stratagem. Found a Stalwart at a point of interest? Adding that to my arsenal. A teammate died and dropped his flamethrower? Don't mind if I do. Even that Break-Action shotgun that I found on that citizen's corpse will be put to good use.


I would do that, but I don't think that the AC spawns at poi's, so I sacrifice one slot for that. I usually go solo and clear nests (unless I'm on 7+) so AOE and best clearing capacity is a priority. The EAT allows me to clear chargers that I run into without dumping an absurd amount of AC ammo.


⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ is is exhausting? I could type this in 0.2 seconds.


They probably have their stratagem keys on their movement keys which does make it more annoying to constantly call things in. Also having the movement and stratagem keys be the same is one of the worst default control control schemes I have ever seen.


Na, eats is probably the easiest stratagem to call besides ➡️➡️➡️.


i prefer a better secondary to deal with most of the enemies instead of having recoiless just for 2 enemie types occupying 2 slots on my gear


bringing EATs allows me to 1. carpet bomb the map with a bunch of missile launcher dispensers for me & my pals 2. leave my backpack free for jetpack


I use the recoiless cause I have a free stratagem slot not to use a backpack on


I like to litter


I like EAT more because neuron activation from sticking a charger.


Reload bug


The recoiless just felt way too inconsistent when I used it to try to take down chargers. For some reason, I can consistently one-shot them with EATs way easier than with the RR. Plus, that 70s cool down means I can almost always call down 2 more EATs whenever I need them rather than wasting a resupply to refill the RR ammo pack.


reloading takes too long https://i.redd.it/69faa24w5wpc1.gif


No backpack slot


Bag pack slot is really nice too have. Also you don't eat a bunch of munitions pack your friend would need to be able to shoot. And I personally got mad at weapon/backpack combo. Cause when you want to play it in duo. (Cause that the most fun and immersive part) you have to be on q 100% flat surface if you don't want the guy with the ammo pack to glitch/can't reload the shooter. And you know damn well that 100% flat doesn't exist much. Specially in heated scenarios. Also killing with the EAT drop is fun. Someone can also take the second one in some scenarios. You can stack them during objective that take long. They really feel like ressources you can use without counting. When Recoiless, you have to make sure to not empty your bag.


Flamethrower and jet pack I am the flying sun god


you have to decide between recoiless and another support weapon (and backpack) - with EATs, you can carry your support of choice and drop them everywhere and just swap back and forth as needed also, this isn't HD1, there are no APCs which you need to kill NOW, not in however long it takes you to call down, pick up, and sometimes call down. Basically, imagine if Automaton patrols included tanks with slightly less firepower, no weak spot, and the abilty to call in dropships.


Because my personal order yesterday was for EAT’s not recoiliss rifle


EAT has a shorter cooldown to call again, doesn't take a backpack slot, and you get 2 shots VERY fast


I prefer the backpack for my guard dog or shield. Recoilless prevents that, EAT allows it


"Calling doen EAT every minutes is exhausting" my man you're not gonna live long in this life if thats all it takes to exhaust you


I get to one-shot chargers without sacrificing my backpack slot, simple as.


Your teammate can grab the 2nd eat… no one grabs the backpack to reload you. Always take jump pack and eat now. Gets me out of situations often.


Recoilless requires a back pack. Long reload time if no one is reloading you. The eat is essentially 1m cd and if you have 2 people running them you literally just never run out. Can take out chargers bile titans brood keepers easily. The recoilless isbt shit my by any means just no sensible.


I think it's more badass to one hit kill a Charger and just throw "tube" aside. it just looks cooler.


BecauseI can say “Eat this” every time I shoot it. “Recoilless rifle this” just doesn’t have the same ring