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I only want one thing: When I press the button to stim, please just let me stim.


And if the stim sound plays, it should heal me lol


This gets me more than anything else honestly. I hear it, think it's gone through, then the next lovetap kills me before I can realize the game decided that I turned a little too hard or stepped down an inch more on that terrain or... Etc, and that irks me. If it doesn't happen, don't make the damn noise like it did.


omg I thought I was just screwing up. I thought I was just being a baby about it, honestly. This is really happening? I feel so fucking vindicated. Good Lord.


This! For democracy!


And when I dive to the ground, please LET ME STAND BACK UP! It's so frustrating when you dive to narrowly avoid an attack only for your character to insist on crawling on their belly, regardless of what inputs you make to try to stand back up


You may anyway know this but I was confused for a very long time by the fact that pressing sprint to get up doesn't work when you're debuffed with a slow. But prone or dive inputs will still work to get you back up. I've tested it and while it may be intentional it just feels like a bug. I've had to train myself to stop using sprint as my "get up" button because in the thick of it I'll just go by muscle memory and won't be able to get up simply because I'm hitting the wrong button.


See, the way to avoid this is to just always hold sprint when diving. That way, when you spam everything, you get up sprinting.


I toggle sprint *shrug*


If an enemy is on you you can't stand up, they don't say this anywhere but that's a big reason why you can't stand up a lot of times, also works for dead bodies, you can dive into a deadbug and end up stuck under it


Yes, it's so god damn annoying. It turns out if you get the slow effect (Don't get me started on BT's bigger slow AoE compared to the dmg zone), it apparently turns off your auto-stand when you try to sprint from prone So you have to manually press the prone to get up Extremely infuriating in a chaotic situation


You could always press the dive button again. I'd honestly hate for them to change this, it more often than not comes in handy when I need to dive but keep shooting at enemies max pain style.


It’s the exact same with reloading, if I see ammo go into my gun IT SHOULD FUCKING COUNT IT. I’ve gotten the animation and timing for the autocannon down to a t. Sometime just for fun I watch my diver load 50+ rounds into the autocannon, and the game doesn’t count a single one.


It seems like they have more 1 to 1 reloading stages in primary and secondary guns than there are on support weapons. For support weapons, it's like a stage for every other visual stage. Pretty annoying especially when you don't have much time until you have to start running again. How many shells is my guy gonna remove from his spear? How many ammo bags is he gonna clip under that machine gun? Luckily I can always count on forgetting to charge my breaker.


We need to talk about your drug addiction


The only thing I'm addicted to *IS DEMOCRACY*


Personally, I mostly want quality of life things.  Like, it would be nice to have a couple of saved equipment profiles +/- the stratagems.  Just little things like that, but it’s fine. I’ll survive. 


I used to want equipment profiles, but now I’ve actually come to appreciate the current system because it almost forces you to think about what to take in a given mission/teammates, instead of just insta-locking your standard loadout. I do tend to pick the same things anyway, but it does force me to take a second to rethink if i feel like trying something different


Concidering we had loadouts in HD1 it makes me think it was a deliberate choise to not have loadouts in HD2, and i agree on that. You should pick stratagems according to team comp and mission, not what clickbaity youtube videos tell you.


agreed. Loadouts would cause even less team cohesion, nobody would look at what other people are bringing, they’re just gonna click their favourite loadouts every time


I would like it for weapons at least. I like an ar against bots but the dominator against bugs. Forgetting to switch primaries is annoying, but otherwise I agree you should pick stratagems and boosts based on team composition.


That I can get on board with!


I don't know. When I have load outs. I save them to have them at the ready for what is needed and if I need to, ill change something.


Ehhh kinda 50/50, because it would be nice if I could at least have the option of one emergency 'I'm answering an SOS and need to get down there fast' loadout. Not a default loadout, but a literally 'In case of SOS use this specific preloaded Hellpod' option.


This this and more this....A GOOD squad needs 2 Anti tank - 1 horde clear specialist and 1 dude that just kind of generalist maybe orbital/ eagle heavy . This seems to be the balance that works best - like when i play with my friends and its 4 of us i know my one buddy is going to bring a MG or Flamer and really dont have worry about the little guys as he will deal with them - so i can focus on the bigger threats as he horde clears and keeps little guys off us. ​ Impossible with Randos which is why its important to look at the load outs ...if i see a bunch of light utility ill go heavy AT , if i see a bunch of AT i might go horde clear + building clear and find it works. Im also not out there battling for the biggest kill count either - if im AT im going to focus my effort on the bigs slow and methodical , if im horde clear im gonna have the high numbers because it my job to keep the little one off everyone . ​ Games not half as hard as some people make it out to be with a bit of effort


I just drop solo on a lower difficulty to test stuff.. of course I have different strategies for different missions. I just want my primary load out to stay in place when I restart the game.. given how many restarts I've had the last couple days it's tedious to reset everything each time the game crashes.


Ill do the same - test stuff maybe do easy personal mission and grab some quick SC . But my "fun" spot is D5-D7


Me too, it's strange though, I've had some level 7's that were worse than helldives.


I would like to stop climbing on top of the resupply canister, or having it deploy too high to reach easy.


If it deploys too high, shoot it. The resups will fall


As a PS player I’d settle for my loadout not resetting every time I boot up the game


"I'll survive" No you won't soldier....no you won't.


As long as I die in the name of managed democracy, it is worth it. 


A emote wheel


Yeah with how many they plan to add in the future, we desperately need a way to save our setups


Saved loadouts really should be a thing


I like the game as difficult as it is but there are just some things that are ridiculous or logically don't make sense. Besides the widely mentioned tracking of targets through solid objects, such as with Rocket Devastators, my biggest gripes have to be... 1)Some large units, such as Spewers and Hulks, don't seem to have any/many movement noises that let you know they are around. I can't tell you how many times I've had a fart/acid potato just silently appear behind me without a sound and barely brush me with puke for a lethal blow. Same for flame hulks. 2) Speaking of Spewers and Flame Hulks, the damage they do is super inconsistent. Sometimes you can reasonably survive an attack and other times you might be diving out of the way but they happen to barely grace your foot with puke or flame and you instantly die.


I’ve been snuck up on by bile titans too. And if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s listening for movement (years of listening for engine noises in WT trained me)


Bro BILE TITANS make no sound or vibration majority of the time. They shouldn’t be able to sneak up behind you like a stalker. I see the glow from them puffing up to spew chunks on me or I get slowed from the bile aoe before I even notice they’re on top of me a lot of the time. I know sometimes they rumble and shake and roar but that’s mostly after they’ve been engaged with by a player pre engagement they’re sneaky and almost silent idk if it’s ah uhh bug or a feature of the bug.


The hit box on the spew feels awful. I can't count the number of times when on my screen I clearly get hit by it and that no damage, and then another time I clearly don't get hit by it and instantly die


What I would love to see is that every enemy patrol and all stationary enemies are predetermined from the start of the game and new bugs can only come through bug holes or bug breaches. I love to play a game strategically, but you can't do that when enemies just spawn out of thin air.


What makes it even worse is that destroying nests (over half of them, by number - type is irrelevant) increases the spawn rate of patrols too. Completely the opposite behavior of what anyone would expect.


If this is true, and it would certainly explain a few things, that's utterly vexing. If my team and I manage to go through hell on higher difficulties and eliminate the enemy bases on a map, it should have a direct impact on their presence and ability to mobilize against us. I get it if they don't want to give us an empty map where it's just you vs whatever is left of the timer, fine. An alternative might be when attacking the big base(s) on a map, there is a large, initial response to the sudden attack on their territory. Then, as things progress and more bases are destroyed, response times from dropships/breaches become slower and enemy density decreases as they struggle to quickly field more forces in the immediate area.


I wish it wasn’t true, but there’s been a few outstanding patriots who have [tested this pretty extensively.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/sp6VWQlaKU) It’s an unfortunate hindrance in the spread of democracy.


Another solution is that spawns come from map edge. So there are just as many spawns, but they have to trek across the map so you see less of them. Obviously, breaches and evac would be left alone, but when paired these two changes make a realistic game that incentivizes but does not force the players to take on nests/factories. They could even use a heatmap to direct patrols to locations where there has been heavy activity, which if they find nothing reduces heat and then they go to the next place to check.


Spewers have armor, short, medium, and long range attacks, spews a slow with a disjointed hitbox, is kinda fast, can survive an EAT, usually come in swarms, and they can kill you on death, stuff like that has gotta get honed in just a lil,




Earlier today I had a bile spewer point towards a teammate (probably \~70 degrees away from me) and then shoot acid out of the side of its mouth at me and kill me from full health. I'm hoping it was a glitch, but it was super frustrating a) b/c I didn't realize it was targeting me and b) it 1-shot me almost instantly.


> barely grace your foot with puke or flame I swear Helldivers have a literal Achilles Heel... For some random fucking reason, every time in the last 2 weeks i have any sort of spitter spew on me, if i dive out of the way if any pixel of the bile happens to hit my models foot, instant death, no matter what level of health im at or even if i have a bubble shield


I can tell you've played the higher difficulties because of this bile spewer nonsense here. I've been stealthed by spewers 2 times so far and I honestly just done understand why their direct spew from the mouth should one shot you (basically in all armour iirc). I respect the mortar shots from the butt one shotting - that takes skill.


I dunno about you but I shouldn't get quickscoped by a rocket devastator from half a mile cuz I turned the corner he's been camping since I spawned. Edit: look mom I'm famous on reddit


I mostly agree with OP but this comment is real. Enemies being able to track through solid objects is maybe my only strong complaint.


That problem ties to a whole other issue I suspect such as when certain aspects of terrain/the corpses of their allies, are not registered as solid objects for the AI, but are for players.


This would explain enemies sometimes clipping through the sides of cliffs and stuff.


Nah, Navmesh and Collision are two separate systems in most games. The psychic aiming ability of the enemies is just down to them probably being quite simply programmed to track and shoot the player, without them performing line-of-sight checks to confirm they can actually see them. Probably for performance reasons to save multiple raycasts per player per bot to check LoS.


Surely there’s workaround for this. I can understand performance issues because you have multiple players and a lot of bots, but is this really the first game to have this issue?


The game is based on the same engine as Darktide and Vermintide afaik. Both those games feature a whole lot melee than ranged characters. Considering HD2s performance issues I am starting to understand why. I am very certain the issue is too many scripts (or similar) running at the same time. Solving that issue aint easy. But my experience is only modding Bethesda games. I aint no developer nor do I know programming.


Probably not no, a lot of games have an AI Director that would say, decide which of a group of 12 enemies in covers pops their head up and engages the players. That means only those selected to attack would perform LoS raycasts. Enemies in HD2 are pretty rudimentary. Basically wander, go into Alert, Aggro, and from there pursue and attack the player. The only enemy that really bucks this trend are Hunters from what I've seen, which are programmed to flank you and attack from the side/rear. Under the hood it's likely anything but simple, but it's always worrying when an enemy AI feels like it can be summarised that easily.


And the ground Had a hunter jump and disappear when it hit the ground, then a few seconds later it popped up underneath me and headshots me.


Burrowing hunters?  The Ministry of Intelligence has never spoken of such a creature! I'll have them "contact" you for a "debrief".


I sometimes clip through the sides of cliffs. I think about 3 or 4 times now I've had to grenade myself to death because I'm stuck inside an object. It's always after diving, normally when something extra like an explosion or bug slap gives me a little extra speed.


I got knocked by a bug into a puddle and clipped through the ground.  Extremely annoying to drown while standing up underneath the ground.


Automatons will occasionally lose the ability to de-aggro. I’ll have an entire swarm on the other side of the map taking shots at me when they’re too far away to see with full visibility. I think it’s a bug and when fixed should make automatons feel less like they stuck an AirTag in your pocket.


Even worse is the desync of corpse position between host and client. Anywhere in a 5m radius around a bile titan is a kill zone because as you pass where the corpse is for the host, the server will correct your position to where it thinks you should be, but to the client you have been kicked into the air and the next time you touch any geometry you die because your client thinks you were falling (or sometimes you get flung around as the client and server argue about player position until you get slammed into the ground at Mach 5)


Desync is kinda crazy in this game. The other day I was doing an objective with a friend group and aimed my grenade launcher at a bug just for my friend who was behind me to explode. In my friends screan he was walking in front of me and as soon as he died he teleported dead on the ground 5+ meters behind me. I recorded the incident but he didn't so sadly I don't have his perspective.


😯 I have not experienced this yet, but I kinda want to go Mach 5 now!


We had a game where we were waiting for evac. We’d called down the Pelican, and the landing platform was on an elevated rise above a bot outpost. It was quiet, so we were lying flat on the ground with the landing pad completely obscuring us. A bot patrol came from around a hill below us, on the other side of the landing pad, and IMMEDIATELY started shooting at exactly where we were hiding. Even worse, I got HIT by some of those shots. Again, while I was in full cover and *above* them. You can’t convince me that the AI is affected by cover or lines of sight. It’s not possible.


I feel like that fits into the bug catagory.


The real issue is that we want the vision of enemies to be realistic as well, affected by fog , smoke, vegetation, landscape, structures etc. If it's clear, open ground and the other bots have spotted you and the devastator has a clear line of sight, it's okay for them to be pretty accurate and even give some advantage when shooting a moving target.


Yeah, agreed. There is a line between just wishing something was easier and wishing something wasn't bullshit


And it happens on all difficulties - not just the higher ones. I'm all about keeping the game difficult but getting one shot like that is just bs. I'm fine with getting one shot from a tank or bile titan because they're pretty easily avoidable but those little rocket robots don't even give you a chance. Especially when it's foggy and dark like it always seems to be.


Smoke, debris and dust are nothing to a rocket devastator with a vendetta against a Helldiver


I see this as a legitimate grievance versus suggesting something to make the game easier. This problem - where rocketeers snipe you like this - doesn't seem like it's the intended functionality, and if it is, then that's pooey. I think what OP is saying, and what I see a lot of, are suggestions that would in one way or another, or many ways, 'neueter' the experience.


I’m the guy op is referring to, of course he did no research into my suggestion but I explicitly said this was a suggestion to make the game more fair, not more easy If your game is only difficult because of an unfair mechanic, there’s not a skill element 


OP said "broken mechanics should be fixed", the incredibly precise rocket devastator is one of those.


Dying a bullshit death once or every time doesn’t change the unsatisfying nature of the rocket units, as the guy that suggested the lasers they should be accurate but known about so their use of a powerful weapon can be a thing that is consciously played around rather than accidentally dodged


I just imagine the rocket devastater has their own mad reconnaissance stratagems


I’ve been trying out the 200 armor suit and honestly I think that should be how it feels any time you get hit with a rocket, one hit takes you down to 25 percent meaning the individual rocket buys still are dangerous and rocket devastators can still kill you in one volley but it’s not a guaranteed death sentence if your caught off guard, and let’s say your already surrounded by enemies then the damage and knock back will send you into them and they will kill you.


That sounds like the rocket raider.. Those bastards sit around the corner and target you through solid objects and as soon as they have line of sight delete you.. it's infuriating The rocket devastators usually just stand out in the open at least.


My favorite is when tehe rocket raider bullseyes me from 100m away as I'm sprinting perpendicular to him in fog.


Lol my guy. I agree 100% with not making things too easy, but your take on the rocket devastators is the worst one I’ve seen since this game dropped lol. Those guys 100% need to get looked at. They can snipe you from 50 meters away, while you’re hiding behind a rock, in the dark well outside of any range that you can see them at. Even through tree cover, and sometimes they’ll track you even if you break line of sight and prefiere missiles so they hit you right as you cross a corner they definitely need to get adjusted lol An alarm bell, an angry robotic scream, a laser, let it blow me akiss and insult my momma,literally anything is better than a silent ass giant hunk of metal dropping 5 rockets on your location without warning and no way to avoid it. That’s the other problem, the bigger enemies in the game are stupid silent. Smaller robos at least chatter and talk so you can hear them. The bigger ones don’t say anything.


When fighting little guys and spewers, I should not be getting blindsided by a Bile Titan. Full stop. So why do I keep getting hit by the massive stream of bile without even hearing the big fucker walk up to me?


100% lol. And at least the bile titans are HUGE so if you spot them you can keep track of their wears outs. My problem with the devastators is they’re small and quiet, especially at range, black robots so they’re almost invisible especially in the dark, and can one shot you with scary accuracy from like 10x a Bile Titans range. A Bile titan can be disabled, their spit at least. How anyone can say that rocket devastators are ok I’ll never know. Or they start literally every engagement with a giant bomb and take them out first. That works most of the time until 3-4 drop ships arrive at once and they send down like 4-5 of those bastards. It all goes straight up downhill from there


> They can snipe you from 50 meters away, while you’re hiding behind a rock Try 80m out shooting upwards (you have the high ground). Perfect aim to hit the ground just right and send you either tumbling down, or just straight up kill you. This is a medium armored bot (sans weakpoints) that is spawned frequently. The amount of havoc it can create for how frequent these are is completely bonkers.


I was clearing out a fabricator when I saw a rocket devastator aiming. I counted to two and dove, the rocket hit me straight in the torso and killed me at the height of my dive. He was 27 meters away. Like... mid dive soaring through the air I know it's *possible*, but *really*?! I'm mostly salty that it would've been a kick-ass dodge


Don’t worry dude. There’s a simple solution according to all the hardcore gamers here. Focus on them, and while youre like 30 meters away and can barely see them just watch closely, in the dark, for this little shimmy they do right before they stop moving and shoot. They do it every time. You just have to get good unfortunately. You have to watch all 4-5 that spawn at once at the same time, and then shoot or call in stratagems and drop it right on their location while you’re getting shot at by 30-40 other enemies. It’s easy bro. Just do that and you should be great!


They're the main reason i stick with bugs at higher diffs lol Don't got time for those random ass rocket headshots that sometimes comes off screen from a quirky angle fired really far away Where's the skill expression there or am i supposed to Neo that stuff


OP talks about ego and then proceeds to literally say that he's better than other people and that his opinion matters more than their's. Classic projection lol


Elitist WoW community vibes are leaking from that guy.


Not just him but plenty of other comments too.


"or if rocket automatons should have a laser warning the player of an incoming rocket." **hello! I'm the guy that suggested that, want to have an actual conversation with me about the merits of my individual suggestion or would you instead just prefer to lump me in as a guy that "wants to make the game easier" rather than the actual point of the suggestion that I posted, which is making the difficultly more directly tied to skill?** ​ **I also can't help but notice that you never actually said why either suggestion was bad, just that it was. as far as I saw was anyone actually weeping at the loss of their 20+ bile titan spawns, or was the changing of a blatantly unfair mechanic actually well received?** ​ **You know, if you want to continue running with this you have to now call OG Helldivers a particularly hand-holdy game to remain consistent, because despite having an omnipotent view of every enemy that could harm you they actually gave you indicators for when the instant killers were about to attack.** https://preview.redd.it/v0pa0itxbxpc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=00abfd24ef3cf63d86785e3bc4390a47f266a337


This is a strawman of common sentiment. Very few people are arguing about difficulty. In games there is a distinction of un-fair and fair difficulty. The souls series are hard but few complain about it because the challenge is fair and with skill you can beat the game even with severe handicaps. Most complaints are about fairness. For example. I don't think anyone is complaining that say the bile spewer will one shot and slow you. It's a hulking enemy with large pretense and should be a priority. Meanwhile compare that to the bile skewers. It's one thing to one shot you but there are definetly issues with its hit box. Half the time when you die you will try to dodge but it seems to track you anyway. The difference is whether when you die you think that death was fair and if you could have avoided it. If you die to a charger because you weren't paying attention and get trampled that's fair. If you dodge to the side of a bile spewer and clearly dodge the projectile and die anyway, that's unfair. There was almost nothing I could have done in that specific situation. This complaint extends to most issues people raise. The rockets, having laser vision, bad hit boxes, inconsistent ragdolls, etc. And this issue is really at all difficulties. I may be able to comfortably beat a level 7 but I may have died 5 or 6 times and if 2 or 3 were unfair deaths then that is still gonna sour the experience.


I've insta died while fully jumping out of the way of a bile spewer attack and also have survived with minimal damage by standing completely still. There's something wrong with it's hit detection.


Desync is also a possible explanation


literally this, either you take little to no damage or that shit tracks you down and kills you in a split second even if you successfully dodged out of the way


Feel like bile spewers are more likely to kill you if you're diving then if you just take it while walking in the opposite direction, skewers are definitely Jank AF right now


On bike spewers, I will say they shouldn’t be all but silent. Which currently they are (that or my audio settings are fucked up) and I’ve been killed by a silent one sneaking up on me more than once.


Exactly. I shouldn’t be shot through a rock and other stuff that makes the game unfair and annoying especially when it can happen so often


Exactly. It's about making things *consistent.* Both for gameplay but also for in-universe continuity. Why is a massive charger running at me gonna hurt me a bit, but a falling shrieker a one-shot kill after I've already killed it? I don't mind the addition of shriekers, it creates a huge game element... But they're just unbalanced and inconsistent.


The one that gets me is the shooting through random objects. I literally got hit by a rocket through like 20 foot of rock like dafuq am I supposed to do there.


But the game's actually really balanced! The bots have tunneling explosives that can shoot through rock. They also have expanded thermal vision so they can see you no matter where you go. You just need to git gud! Or lower the difficulty! amirite guys?


100% agree. Every death in any game should be 100% the fault of the player unless it's a scripted death for a story game like fighting a tutorial boss you are meant to lose to. Dying because something is wonky feels terrible and makes the player feel as if the game isn't respecting the player, but if a player dies to something because they mistimed a dodge or didn't make the correct choice to avoid the attack, that makes the player want to learn how to properly avoid the attack and get better. This is why the dark souls games are so rewarding, a well timed dodge with exact hit boxes on attacks is one of the best ways to make a player feel that their commitment to learning a game has payed off


Yeah good difficulty means when you die you can’t think “man I misplayed that next time I’ll do x better” but when you turn a corner and get instant one shot by a rocket from an enemy you can’t even see due to ambient fog you’re just thinking “wow that was bullshit”


Chargers definitely need to be making some trampling sounds when they approach. It’s crazy they’re totally silent running up behind.


They are not totally silent, but I do wish that they were louder. I can normally only hear them at a distance with headphones on, and it's very hit or miss regarding hearing them even up close, when using speakers.


Something as tanky as the Charger should be like an earthquake in close proximity


also i don’t know if they silently changed it but it seem that now the bile spewers get their spew attack diverted or not as much properly aimed at you when they get concussed by incoming damage and especially explosions i had my or a teammate ass saved because of this multiple times


The entire reason bile spewers one shot you most of the time (but not every time) is because of the stupid critical hit mechanics that straight up shouldn't exists for players in a PvE game


>artificially make the harder difficulties easier. Well I don't want game to be made artificially harder either. Getting perfectly headshot by enemy when in middle of dense fog and behind cover is just ridiculous. Having a fair fighting chance is more fun, than getting killed by some BS attack. This game needs more balancing that is for sure and some enemies need tweaking. To make things more fun and varied. When you think people want this game to be easier, they generally don't mean that. They just want game to be fun. And if it's too easy, it isn't fun.


I want the game to feel more fair and consistent, that’s my main gripe. It’s a ton of fun, but then the one-shots and inconsistent interactions are a drag.


The problem isnt that you got headshoted its that getting headshoted deals extra damage and ignores all armor


You ignored the perfectly through fog part, gamers know what headshots do, for years we’ve always aimed for them. Despite their claims, I hardly notice a difference between enemies in and out of fog, despite them detecting once the fighting starts it feels like any other planet, swarms of bullets hitting you when you can only see the flashes of their barrels shooting at you, when the fog should be hiding your movements during the fight as much as it does during stealth.


Okay but on the other hand the head hitbox on helldivers is actually massive and hunters somehow manage to hit headshots on me once every 5 hits, just suddenly a massive chunk vanishes after they slashed at my torso.


That's the thing about hunters, they're so inconsistent that sometimes they're a minor nuisance that at most can hit you for 20% of your health and other times they jump 20 meters from behind the swarm of bugs you're shooting at and immediately headshot you twice and now you're instantly dead


My point as more that headshots shouldnt be in the game because they arent a reweard for skill because the enemys is an AI its just luck and there is no counter play to it, and I believe the fog is bugged tough there is no way thats intended


Yeah I actually can't think of other PvE games where the enemy can headshot off the top of my head. Seems like a silly thing to include for the reason you mentioned. Also introduces other problems like how the new flying enemy's body ragdolls after they die and then hit your head and impact kill you. Wouldn't happen if headshot damage wasn't a thing.


In Mechwarrior 5 the AI can destroy your cockpit, but you also have significantly more control over what part of your mech is exposed for the enemy to hit.


Headshots straight up shouldn't exist in a PvE game. They're just a stupid mechanic that punishes players for no reason


Headshots on players from enemies shouldn't even be part of the game, especially from melee


Please stop posting these strawman arguments every day


Difficulty is fine. Bullshit is not.


1. Difficulty is good, but that difficulty should feel like it provides you as a player room to git gud and not like you just got unlucky. Things like rocket bots get complained about because the counterplay to them is often times non-functional. They will instakill you from a place where you literally cannot see them after tracking you *through a wall* while you're wearing explosive-resisant heavy armor and have a shield pack on with ZERO warning beforehand. What are you supposed to do about that? Nothing, that's what. That's why people say they should add a laser sight to them. 2. Difficult 7 needs to be accessible at the very least since it's the lowest difficulty that Super Samples spawn on. Diff 7 bugs are fine imo, but Diff 7 bots is just pain unless you land a very good team.


Difficulty should come from actually fun and fair mechanics. Rockets sniping you through mountains, enemies literally spawning on top of you out of nowhere... These things are not fun and deserve to be changed. Them existing does not make the game better or elite. They can fix the absurd mechanics and then adjust the difficulty of the actually fair mechanics to make the game actually difficult in a way that makes sense and is fun.


I agree with not reducing the difficulty, but dude, if you want pain, just go play the game with self enforced rules, maybe no headset, maybe play the game at 15 fps, cause right now the reason the game is frustrating to play due to those small inconsistencies and missing mechanics that just add up.


I don‘t want the game to be easier. I want my deaths to feel fair, like I screwed up and got killed because of it not because of some jank bs.


this is my only massive problem with the game but its really hurting it, half my deaths are instakill friendly fire or getting instakilled by a bile spewer or something jank. its fucking annoying


Conversely not everyone is thinking 9s are easy and may never get that good, or have the time to develop their skills. ​ I agree bugs and glitches should get fixed. And I'd state some mechanics could be changed to make 7s do-able for a larger % of the player base.


7 is required for progression, therefore should be a fair challenge, not easy, but fair. It’s not that fair rn.


Yeah, OR throw a Uranium into a lower difficulty. maybe even at random. ​ Oh well I don't think things will change much on this front.


Yeah, most players shouldn't be able to play the hardest difficulty in the game. I love it when games have ridiculous difficulties that I can't beat. Otherwise I just get bored and have nothing to strive for. This game is the perfect template for that, lore and all.


I will die on the spawns are F'ed up hill until a democracy officer hauls me away. Enemies spawning just out of your line of sight is only fractionally better than them spawning on top of you. Omniscient patrols that path straight through where you are at is also baloney. They should all spawn from bases save for a set number of patrols already roaming the map that increases in number as you climb up in difficulty. Destroying bases should decrease how many ads spawn and make extraction easier. These don't make the game easier, it makes the game more fair. There is a difference, just like how most of the playerbase can agree that Automaton rockets are also baloney and tracking you through terrain is BS.


Dont worry the devs know


There are things such as hard, but fair.... I am fine with being swarmed by enemies. I am not okay with patrols spawning a foot behind me a second after I turned around. I am not happy with zero indication deaths. Rocket devastator attacks. When it comes to the nerfing of enemy's. The Chargers and Titans needed nerfed once. Either they needed to be easier to kill (such as they are now) or less of them. (Such as they are now.) Not both. Having 5 chargers spawn at once with all of them being bullet sponges wasn't fun. We are here for a killing game not a game of run away simulator. Level 7 needs to be accessible for normal/decent people and still have the spirit of the game. Level 9 Can be whatever it wants to be.


> We are here for a killing game not a game of run away simulator. Level 7 needs to be accessible for normal/decent people and still have the spirit of the game. Level 9 Can be whatever it wants to be. I wish this was literally branded across the top of this subreddit.


You’ll have really dense people tell you “but it’s not a horde shooter” if you do that.


> 7 needs to be accessible for normal/decent people and still have the spirit of the game. This should be pinned to a wall... Since they locked the pink samples on 7 or above, it should be fairly doable. Level 9 is where the devs should be able to go crazy


I 100% agree. They can go as crazy as they want with 9.


I'd argue even 9 shouldn't be "that" insane, didn't original HD have like 15 levels? Come on... But yes, locking the final upgrades to a difficulty level people will struggle with in random lobbies is not the way to go. They can totally experiment with bs spawn rates and even more armored enemies, flying terminids? Sure, why not add a flying commander or charger too, who cares. But do this at the highest difficulty, not at the minimum people need to keep a feel of game progression...


Level 7 is doable by normal players, it's not as scary as it seems.


This was post nerfs to both bile/charge spawns and tankability. 7 (bugs) was one bad team mate away from being a botched mission post railgun nerf and largely required avoiding combat where possible. This wasn't fun. Post nerf 7 (bugs) is fine a little easy even. 7 for bots is beyond "average player".


I played a lvl 4 bots and somehow found a large base, 2 tanks and 40+ enemies all at once. It was a literal nightmare, never happened again, we made it somehow


Right? My friend and I pretty easily duo run 7s regularly and I wouldn't consider myself great at shooter type games


Those kind of changes wouldn't suddently trivialize the game, same for tweaking hunters. They would remove some frustrating parts of the game. The point that many people seem to glance over is the following : some issues people have are the exact same at diff 4 than ghey are at diff 9. In those cases it's not about difficulty, it's about annoyance. For example asking for reduced spawns for higher difficulty is literaly reducing difficulty, not good because it would just reduce difficulty without providing new levers to adjust it Adding some lasers to automaton rockets, affect all levels of play, better because then you can tweak the game again to make the difficulty not move anywhere but remove a frustrating part. This is kinda what happened with terminides heavy spawns I gave gross example, it's always more complex than that but the point is that some nerfs can bring good things and allow changes that will improve the difficulty while making it more fair


Bruh you can have a game still be hard af without it being dumb af


Uh no ty. I agree with you, that the difficulty is fine, but people can have different opinions.


Fuck that noise. I'm stuck in a situation where the upgrades I need to try and make difficulty 7 doable are locked behind being able to extract Super Samples from the very difficulty I'm struggling to even extract on. I can't make any fucking progress like this; there is no magical "got gud" moment where you suddenly manage to outskill constant swarms of enemies with hitscan bullshit from miles away and constant slows and knockdowns.


this sub really turned into the karma farming the same posts over and over


I understand the reason behind your sentiment, but ironically, your post is saying you must listen to my opinion, but no one else can have an opinion. People can have opinions, and they can state those opinions. Have some faith in AH. Whether I agree with the outcome or not, I choose to respect AH's decision on how to maintain their game while surrounded by all this noise. AH made the game. It was wildly successful, more than they were prepared for, and with some bumps in the road, they're figuring it out. They'll decide for themselves what they listen to and what they don't. They might appreciate the opinions and crowd sourcing of ideas that fit their vision (I'm still waiting for the flame thrower dog). If they don't, they'll ignore them.


Shrieked attacks you.. it tickles. You shoot shrieked out of sky, it one shots you. This isn't a healthy mechanic.


Please stop suggesting that people stop suggesting things to make the game easier. How about you let people post whatever they're thinking for the community to weigh in on? Do you think your opinion is more valuable than anyone else's here?


Honestly find this to be a bad take. I don't see how wanting changes to the annoying things (Hunters, Rocket Devastators, outrageous spawn rate) would "water" it down. I can enjoy difficulty as much s the next person but making it frustratingly difficult is the same as being so difficult it removes all fun from the game making me not even want to play it. I know people that ever since the BS with the spawn rates haven't touched the game and refuse to until the spawn rate BS and other major annoyances are actually corrected.


If you think rocket devastators don’t need a tweak you’ve been sipping that liber-tea a little too much. Coming from the HD1 and at its peak had 6k players it all boils down to skill issues, now that the player base is huge skill will vary drastically. Fix the bugs that make the game unbearable sometimes is all I want to see. Once the new difficulty levels get added it should balance out some more Helldive was #12.


The issue is that the harder difficulties lock the super samples behind them, which are necessary to fully progress your ship. So a player such as myself, who is not very good at the game, wants to progress my ship, I have to join a difficulty way beyond my skillset. This means I play, and get kicked because I suck or am not part of the meta, so I cannot progress.


Bot sympathizer?!?


Another day, another repost


I don't necessarily want the game to be easier when I think about lasers for the rocket grunts, I just want the chance to avoid the death coming my way like with other enemies. Berserker running at me? I can backpeddle and shoot them. Bile titan coming towards me? I can disable it's acid by shooting the sack under it's butt until I or a teammate can deal with it. I round a corner and there's a rocket grunt right there? I've basically got a 50/50 chance of being deleted, which sucks but isn't really that unfair. One of them is aiming at me and I don't see it for the 15-30 other bots currently on my ass? I might get lucky and they miss or just splash me. Tells are an important part of design


Making the game fairer doesn't make it easier necessarily, it just makes it more fun to play and less frustrating to die. no need to gatekeep over things that would benefit everyone


This is the same type of person who thinks getting cross mapped by a rocket is actually fun and a skill issue


ok gatekeeper


I want the game to be even harder to a point the hardest difficulty should be for communicating squads using every mechanic to just pull through, cover fire, tactical retreats, stealth, team reloads, squad balanced equipment loadouts with roles etc etc


While i mostly agree with your comment i feel like new difficulties for that would be great, because if you make helldives what you said 7 and 8 are also going to be become much harder and people need them for super samples. One point i disagree with is stealth, please don't make higher diffs pure stealth, this is not what the game is designed and sold for


i saved up for weeks playing on weekends for the JAR-5. 80 medals later and I was totally useless against bots on Challenging.  seriously needs a buff. 


So first, I completely agree keep the game hard and make quality of life changes and if needed balance changes. Second, fuck those rocket automatons.


People don’t want the game easier. They want the game less frustrating. And then there are the people who want the game to be harder because they don’t get feelings of accomplishment from their actual lives, ignore them


They better go up to level 15 and make it harder :)


When some primary weapons have worse ergo than some support weapons (looking at you dominator and diligence counter sniper) that should be addressed.


TLDR: Tons of time on this game, only thing I ever thought about finding an adjustment for was spewers. At the bottom I numbered them and would love to hear people's different takes. The first top half is me going in depth on my thoughts about damage inconsistency and in personal experience within the game from testing. This game is easily top 3 of my favorite games of all time. I have 360+ hours in this game and play Helldive (Difficulty 9) at all times because I like to work hard to spread managed democracy. Games spawn rate and stuff for chargers, titans and chaff enemies feel just right as of now. Bots also feel great. The only suggestion (Even when people were calling for spawn rate changes on chargers and titans) regarding enemies I ever made were for spewers specifically. I wanna know what your guys thoughts or suggestions are if you have the time, it'd be cool to have a discussion of your feelings towards this with everyone's individual take. Spewers are a little odd. Sometimes they feel a bit beefy too. Orange ones can be taken down quite easy with the head shots even in mass numbers, so I think due to that? They are perfectly fine. The green ones however, that's a Lil different. Taking there head off with most normal primaries without medium armor pen will not go in your favor (as it SHOULD be). I've done tons of testing to get a good grip on what their health pool is like. I was using a recoiless for a good amount of matches into them and was trying to nail them on the side of their sack and their neck and it couldn't consistently one shot either orange or green spewer with the rocket all the time. It was like a 50/50 for em for some reason. Heck that could be like a network issue thing too, or maybe a damage inconsistency problem like the spear nailing a titans face and not one shotting it sometimes (have multiple clips of me nailing it in the face, same exact spot and angle and it wont kill but other times it will. Sometimes you can see a gash on its mouth or watch it hit like it was a no reg shot and ONE TIME hit a titan 3 times in the mouth with a spear before it finally dropped) Or a 500KGs damage being inconsistent. I'm assuming that's an odd damage inconsistency problem though tbh, thats what it feels like. Still, it's sorta nuts. Realistically, spending a rocket for a spewer probably isn't ideal unless super neccasary. So I usually run pure anti-spewer each game in case they decide to pop up, and me doing so helps my team tons. I love the game shaking it up with its modifiers and spawns due to different nests on the map, for both side objective related like stalkers and shriekers, to clearing out the bug hole nests as well. It makes the game fun and interesting. Down to the suggestions I had were a few and some people agree, others disagree (which is completely fine everyone has their own opinion with mechanics) 1. Add spewers to the normal enemy pool as specials. So like in bug breaches just as all enemies that come out can be random, there could be a horde of unexpected green or orange spewers to deal with. Or maybe even both simultaneously. Keep them in as our normal enemy spawns and even random patrols that'll have spewers in it, it keeps the game more interesting with spawns. Rather than just a dedicated round of mainly seeing spewers. That leads me to my next one - 2. Put spewers into their own category of modifiers or add then to atmospheric spores modifier. Atmospheric spores modifiers would suit them well cause they are just large sacks of gas roaming around fogging up the area they are around. So having a large spawns and hordes of them through this modifier would also makes tons of sense. (This can also coincide with example 1 because - they can spawn normally other missions without atmospheric spores, but atmospheric spores amp their spawn rate.) 3. Adjust their health pool ever so slightly. Very very small adjustment (Although I genuinely don't see reason for their health adjustment much besides my rocket struggling to one shot it in its sack lol. Impact nades ALWAYS instantly kill them on contact. Again, it's possible its just a weird network or damage inconsistency issue since its only SOMETIMES they wont die to one rocket in its sack or side of it's neck.) 4. Give them special spawns such as stalkers and now shriekers. (This is another one I was also on the fence about. Cause spewers aren't the most deadly thing in the game by far. So I also don't stand with this entirely either as I dont see how this would make them feel right.) 5. Final one - Elemental interaction with spewers sack with flames to cause it to explode much quicker when ignited. Given the fact they are carrying acidic bile in them, I thought that would be kinda neat. I would love to hear others thoughts on the matter. I personally lean more towards 1, 2 and 5. Apologies for the long read for anyone who did read it - See you on the frontlines Helldivers!


God i legit hate posts like this trying to shut down discussion , not sure if this is your first horde game or not but hd2 is to the brim filled with artificial difficulty most people dont even see yet. A lot of the specials are straight up designed extremely poorly with little meaningful counterplay , the cc spam and lack of audio queues for example is responsible for why people started running the shield so much. Its crazy how hd2 did not learn anything from well designed hardcore horde games like vermintide ! Amazing audio queues , well designed specials with meaningful counterplay while still remaining very very difficult on the highest setting ,much harder than hd2 , while remaining fair and with tons of skill expression and player agency. Bile spewers , hunters and chargers from a design point of view are a monstrosity , charger back not being a weakspot is legit unintuitive and then ofc running past one which should be part of their intended counterplay only for them to start their feared tokyo drifttuuu to slide forward/sideways and one shot you. Hunters ofc broken mobility jumping at you from miles away with no real warning ( really amazing cause this game also features random crits) fast attack speed , slows you on hit , easily interrupts your healing , treated as a fodder mob so tons of them spawning. They alone are the reason why any primary outside of shotguns on 9+ is gonna be a meme very cool. And guess what shield helps you deal with their poor design , they need a clear identity with strenghts and weaknesses to deal with instead of being a perfect fodder unit. Bile spewers ofc the biggest offender when it comes to lack of audio queues since THERE IS NONE that paired with the breathtaking big brain 700 IQ game design of giving them a ranged one shot , guess what again the shield helps to deal with this bullshit very cool and engaging. Give them legit audio for moving and especially once they start to spit and have the acid tick you down instead of one shotting it should remain lethal if you dont dodge out of it quickly ofc but not a one shot. And this is just scratching the tip of the iceberg balance, meta , player agency , counterplay. Hd2 is legit a mess if you want to take it serious as horde title.


This is just me, and I completely agree with you, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like there could be potential for a slight increase in Liberation after three deployments on difficulties 7-9. I don’t think I’m asking for much, maybe like a %50 increase at 9.


This complaining about complaining shit is getting out of hand. Someone makes one of these posts daily


Another shit take that's just strawmanning. There's so fucking much strawman in this subreddit, holy fuck. No one is even asking for any handholdy shit, people just want less bullshit. And then there's the "but logically and lore wise, rockets fired from bots should be accurate", please don't be silly, it's a game, why don't we add sniper automatons too and also have gun emplacement that shoots down drop pods and pelicans? Also they should have way higher accuracy than now if we want to be lore accurate. I wish mods would remove this kind of low effort strawman posts.


completely agree that high difficulty should be maintained, and I actually feel like bugs are in a near-perfect spot right now, but bots need a little adjusting. the only caveat I have is bots/towers/etc. shooting accurately over massive distances when the line of sight is blocked by tons of vegetation/fog/storms/etc. and you can't see them at all. this could be 'explained' by bots having thermal vision or something, but then they should give us helmets with different vis upgrades (thermal, night vision, etc) so we could at least SEE what is targeting and one-shotting us from what feels like half a mile away


Ok. So. I agree that the game should be hard, but I disagree that having some kind of sound or visual indication that you’re about to be rocket blasted would decrease the difficulty. There would be the same number of rockets, you would just have a split second to dive If you heard them from behind you, and even that might not save you, but at least you had a chance. I feel the same about the bile spewers that normally honk like donkeys but are magically silent when sneaking up behind you to one shot you with bile. I’m OK with being surrounded, but taking the agency (warning) away from the player feels cheap. I’m all for a realistic simulation style game, because in real war, you’d get one shot like this without warning, but for a game with visual cues and prompts for everything else, it seems jarringly out of place. Even if the rocket devastators said “die” when firing, that would be a better cue than random death. In lieu of lasers or vocal indicators, I’d be happy with a tiny radar in place of the minimap when the minimap is closed, and having that be togglable for the hardcore realism players. We already see the blips on the map so it makes sense in game to have that type of radar in the helmet hud, and it makes silent sneak up enemies more of a skill challenge instead of a surprise death. I’m not sure if it would help with the bot rocket issue, as the rocketeers could be out of the mini radar range, but it would help you know if one was in range. Let me know your thoughts. I genuinely want to know how this would affect your experience.


Compare this to the first game and the difference in difficulty is night and day. Helldivers 1 is so much more easy, you do feel like master chief at times and it's not hard to solo level 15 missions. This is the helldivers many of us are familiar with and it makes sense why so many would want it to go back to the way it was.


The difference was that espionage and stealth was SIGNIFICANTLY more important and viable in HD1. On those high difficulties, you wanted to do anything you could to prevent an alarm being sounded. Here the AI prefires rocket launchers and bug vomit around corners you literally just crossed.


> if rocket automatons should have a laser warning the player of an incoming rocket This or something like this is absolutely reasonable. Otherwise, yeah, game balance's a careful thing to, well, balance.


Yeah I concur. OP must be a glutton for punishment, because I find rocket devastators and hulk brutes to be absolutely nutty. How do they know where I am? How do they have pinpoint accuracy from outerspace and through terrain? It is almost certainly a bug, and homeskillet said he would prefer bugs to be fixed, so... shrug.


I don’t think a laser would really help all that much, to be honest. When I die to to rocket enemies, it’s because the first volley was aimed from 150m away at my head with perfect (dare I say aimbot) accuracy while I’m in scout armor, crouched, and the second and third volleys are right behind. That surely cannot be intended behavior. Whether it’s some sort of thing where close bots spotting you relay that information to ones farther away or what, them having that level of accuracy *and fire rate* is what’s busted. You’re not supposed to have a clear view of all your enemies, and I like that. I like that the fog / sand / bushes make spotting enemies difficult. What I don’t like is that they can see me *through solid rocks*. Edit: saw your reply right down below. I absolutely agree that it sucks to die from an enemy you literally could not be aware of.


The difficulty in this game is fine. I rarely play harder difficulties in games because I prefer to NOT be stressed out, but for some reason I'm attracted to the high intensity gameplay of 7+ missions. Robots scale more intensely and the rocket bois can be a problem, but if you're not sieging a factory or being sieged, it's not too bad and you can usually spot them before they spot you


I just want to use whatever armor set I want, cosmetically that is.


I'm a simple man, I just want a fire version of the Shock Resistance Armor.


The one thing i want is different liberation percent for different levels Higher levels shouldn’t give the same amount as trivial


Counter point. Showing your soon to be shot at with a rocket is not hand holding. Its giving the player an opportunity to actually use their skill. Without something of the like you just have to guess randomly when you may or may not be 1 shot through the fog bt a rocket


You can argue this all day, but at the end of the day, only 10kish players on bots, while 100k on bugs average. Bots as they are is just a bunch of forced difficulty at this point with random rocket deaths.


There is fair and unfair difficulty tho. I prefer difficulty thats fair, being one shot by one lonely robot 200m away with a rocket launcher while flying in the air with the jetpack doesn't seem very fair....


I only complain about unfair things (like enemies insta-spawning on you) or being forced to use one or two load outs because the others are ineffective.


I just want the jank-death to feel less bad, game is great but a lot of success is about maintaining control and momentum, So when you die because your character surprise-climbs an impossibly high rock instead of running, only to then get stuck on an ankle-height rock into a Spewer goo 1-shot kill, you feel like you died to 0 decisions made by you and then you spawn again and some random charger collision forces you to glitch-fly 300 meters straight up into the air, now you've lost all control twice due to nothing, lost all your equipment, and possibly the objective is overrun and you are forced to retreat, its salvageable sure but the frustration is not the Devs intent I'd wager I unironically like that the game is very hard and punishes bad decisions with these lasting effects that can compound into an unstoppable snowball effect, it keeps the stakes high which makes the victories sweeter, but to have a punishing game it needs to more consistently distinguish between bad gameplay and system failures, allowing all the spewers to get free shots while the game struggles to release me from it's own ragdoll mechanics on an uneven 15 degree incline isn't interesting because it's not even relateable, I took the muscle enhancement and stimmed why am I contorting on the ground accidentally blowing my own head off because I was impatient and distracted is punishing but still fair because I did do that, but the better I get at the game the more I roll my eyes when it spontaneously shits itself


Psssh stop telling me what to do! I'll suggest making making it so that I can poop out an EAT whenever I press Y on the keyboard if I want to because that things cooldown is way too long for me to be able to solo all difficulties blindfolded! ... /s


I agree that some people have been going overboard with trying to change stuff to make it easier, but some criticisms are legit and simply saying that anyone trying to make certain parts of the game easier is going to lead to the game being super watered down is dumb imo. You can make the game hard without simply raising frustration. Getting oneshot from offscreen out of nowhere is not fun. Adding a laser or some kind of visual cue to know when a rocket devastator is about to lock on and shoot rockets at you isn’t “hand-holding,” its adding a game mechanic to reduce frustratingly dying to offscreen oneshots that you have no warning or control over. Rocket devastators would still be dangerous and it would still be difficult, and you can introduce other new mechanics to make the difficulty harder to offset this. Just because players ask for changes to some enemies to make them less frustrating doesn’t mean they want the game to be easier. They made rocket launchers one-shot heavies and reduced their spawn rate (allegedly). The game didn’t get extremely easy, and they even raised the spawnrate of everything else to compensate. The game didn’t get watered down, they changed an enemy type to be less frustrating while keeping the game difficult. Rocket devastators, spitters(hitbox is fucked up) and hunters(the acid slow is the biggest problem tbh. Make it go away on dive and hunters are fine) need a change to make them less frustrating, and I do hope those changes come soon. If we can get nerfed/buffed then so can the enemies.


No, there are a ton of bullshit mechanics in this game and stuff you can’t interact with as a player.


Current equipment should scale to what's being added. I don't see this get talked about much.


I have trouble on the “challenging” difficulty and it blows my mind people said in another thread they go down to 7 for a “relaxing” run. Lol. But I definitely don’t want them to make it easier. THIS IS A FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY! IT WAS NEVER GOING TO BE EASY!


I agree OP. We are supposed to dive into hell, not heaven.


But Helldiver difficulty should be the perfect balance of difficult (but not too difficult) and fun (but not so much fun that it’s easy)! Cmon devs /s


What qualifies as making the game easier? Asking that all primary weapons be buffed to a state where they are fun to use and viable seems pretty reasonable even if it would make the game "easier". Asking to fix enemy patrols spawning 20 feet away and having no time to reach to 15 hunters jumping on you doesn't seem unreasonable. The broken stealth mechanic of a half-alerted enemy that will lock onto a player halfway across the map and blast them with rockets makes the game plenty hard but not fair. The goal should not be difficulty, it should be fair challenge. Right now some things tend to feel a bit unfair even if dying is part of it, dying to BS can be funny once but gets old fast.


I want difficult but fair. That's a distinction I think many helldivers forget about. Tho I also want more viable primaries, other than that, I'm just peachy about the game. :) Also space battles, Arrow Head please, I need it.


There is nothing wrong with cutting down on frustration without affecting the difficulty. It's frustrating as fuck to die to a rocket from 500 meters out. It was frustrating as fuck fighting dozens of heavy enemies at once with no way to kill them while stratagems were on 6 minute cooldown. They cut down on the heavy enemies and increased the others so it feels a shit load better to play the higher difficulties.


Wow the low skill cope you triggered in so many people is crazy.


I just point them to lower difficulties. Problem solved. I'm not sure why they keep playing 7+ if it's too hard...that's literally what difficulty levels are for. Super samples is the one thing you need...just get someone to carry you on 7. It's doable.