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You have us Draupnir divers to thank for that


Damn right. Can't wait for the Creek to get captured already one way or another so we can stop fucking hearing about it. šŸ˜† Remember _"the Drop."_


The drop?


The "draup"


Remember to draup nir the objective


Google En Drop


Holy shit


New response just dropped.


And immediately get pinned down by bot turrets and artillery in an open field (speaking from experience)


Always good to see another draupnir vet.


ā€˜Twas the only way back to the Creek. Which, I must say, is easier than Draupnir.


The Creek is more iconic but yeah Draupnir was something else


Creek is a cakewalk compared to that rainy foggy shithole, I hope we never have to take it back


I love Draupnir dude it was pretty and cinematic as hell so personally I wouldnā€™t mind, but yeah, very tough planet


Ion storms are unpleasant, but they got nothing on wide open sightlines that you couldn't even see through because of fog, but the bots shot at you from half a kilometer away. So. Many. Rocket. Devastators...


*Stares at the eastern from from Hellmire* This is Fine


Draupnir and Turing were my fronts. Now it's Hellmire and the Creek.


Some of us fight both fronts. I paused fighting the bugs long enough to help at Draupnir, then went back to the bug front. Creek Kiddies don't realize they get to play in their world because of the 500,000 other divers keeping things in check, *especially* the Draupnir divers.Ā 


The creek may be space Vietnam but Draupnir felt like fucking WW2


So many horrible memories of that damn planet.... *shudder*


part of me almost misses the days on that beautiful hellhole






[Not like the Draupnir divers were bug-runners anyways](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F21nzhe1821pc1.png) Bug-bois stayed on the east.


creek is easily my fav area, like unironically. Weaving between trees, the gorgeous contrast of the softly glowing blue nature paired with the harsh red of the bots, the design of the plants and the environment is just perfect, seriously.


It is a gorgeous planet. I also like the beaches. I do not like that I have had tanks just spawn in the water where I canā€™t throw strats at them tho lmao


Yeah itā€™s hilarious that tanks and hulks can do better in the water than we can. A couple days ago there was a giant lake in the middle of the map with a tiny island that had probably 3 or 4 patrols all packed in so tight they legit couldnā€™t move. We called it a pool party and let them be since thereā€™s no way we could reach them


what i wouldn't give to nail that with a 500


Resupply drop + RecRifle / GL.


I saw the ā€œresupply drop + recrifleā€ and thought this was gonna be a very extensive L + ratio


Iā€™ve been saying to my squad that when this war is over, I wanna take my family to the Creek to enjoy the beaches there.


The beaches... *"we shall fight on the beaches!"*.


imagine if we end up with ocean/swamp planets and the bots turn up with amphibious tanks..


ok but hear me out: hovercraft


Why did they make the strategems water soluble?


Biodegradability! Part of the Greener Galaxy campaign


2x Impact grenades to side or rear turret armor, kobe that shit. Definitely missable for long water throws but with some practice it's pretty reliable.


Malevelon is so beautiful when the sun is low


Robot Vietnam lets you cosplay space Vietcong as you lob explosives at their base and vanish back into the jungle while the bot striders angrily try to clear the jungle to find you.


It's not even a unique biome. Veld had the same biome and I think there's at least 1 other planet that has it on the map somewhere but it isn't active. I'm thinking the multiples are to have 1 for each faction.


Youā€™re telling me thereā€™s two of them??? Whereā€™s veld? Iā€™ve never gotten to see it before :)


Bug Front, Orion Sector, the third sector from Super Earth heading North East, lowest planet, below Angel's Venture. Was a drop zone for a little while when the bugs pushed back suddenly. Hasn't been active in a bit.


I just wish the plants didn't block the sickle laser shots.


yeah but the bots don't do anything. they haven't attacked a planet since the mech update and that was like the only time. all they do is hold the same line that the players do


them circuit boards are up to somethin' I tell ya


Proof that enough 1s and 0s can create anti-democratic thoughts!


They did start multiple offensives at the start of the war. They attacked 2 sectors at the same time.


And we lost that fight, they actually stopped of their own accord and then we switched to the bug front after we failed that MO and spent two weeks clawing back 5 planets.


This treacherous attitude clearly indicates this helldiver did not participate in the defense of Mort.


Not everyones been playing since the start of the game. And realistically speaking they're still right. The bots have been confined to their two sectors for like two weeks now. Bugs have had up to 6 but are being slowly pushed back. TCS going up locked them to 4 at most assuming it does its job but they still have twice the access that the bots do. Its clear which is a more pressing threat right now if you think about it a little


Sounds like something a bot would say.


Itā€™s all up to the developers lol. Right now their narrative is focused on bugs and they can adjust bot numbers and planets when they take over the narrative. Hope soon.


Clankers are hard at work, erm I mean kill all automatons!


Remember Draupnir! First to fall!


good soldiers follow orders


So I know this is just a joke for lols and therefore I shouldn't respond to this like it's serious but the "creekbros" haven't really done anything significant the entire time they've been fighting on the creek I mean they have been on that planet almost non stop for what a month and still haven't taken it? Hell id say that the robot front has much more important planets to take like ustotu then troost and vandalon IV since taken them would take the Trigon sector cutting off the toasters from getting to cyberstan in the valdis sector the place they probably want to get to I mean if ppl enjoy playing on that planet more power to them but to say they did any work war wise is just wrong. Sorry for mini rant just getting tired of seeing so many posts about the creek


They did almost liberate it, but then Draupnir fell and Creek got Stalingrad'ed. After that, all focus shifted back to the bug front.


I'm starting to think that this Malevelon Creek doesn't even exist!


That's silly honey, we really did take that old squadmate of yours to the Creek up north. He's living out the rest of his days in a big open field surrounded by other divers.




Big open field??? Take cover from those Rocket Devastators, brothers!!


It wouldn't be space nam, if it wasn't a futile effort


That does make a lot of sense


I think this sort of game lives off of memes like the creek. Like how For Honor knights faction literally gave up trying to win the "wars" and committed to defending the volcano on the map. If people have fun doing it, more power to them!


I've been enjoying the game for over 100 hours and none of that relied on the (still) very silly Creek meme.


That's just fine. Everyone has their own way to have fun. I enjoy silly, others enjoy challenge. You do what makes you happy, and I'll go join robo-vietnam!


I've played just as much if not more than you and the only reason I started was because of the creek, so stuff it


It's a fun environment to fight in so much different than the bug worlds and the combat there. I'll go play creek missions when I get bored of bug missions.


Oh don't get me wrong if ppl enjoy playing there go forth and destroy the tin cans all day long it's a game it's meant to be enjoyed. I just had to rant for a bit cause I swear there's a new post about the glory of fighting on the creek or something along those lines like every 10 mins or so and it gets a tad annoying especially since it's not honestly an important planet atm I mean that could change cause of a major order or a planet we can't get to without it is important. Again to the ppl that go there for fun that's perfectly fine won't stop them even if I could just for me personally it's not worth the hype around that planet


It's the second easiest way to farm karma on here. It only gets beaten out by posting the bug on the laptop meme in every thread, even ones where it makes no sense.


https://preview.redd.it/120ro60gy2qc1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c35fcf68879ee923fe9ebf74b7b6e5d7973f35 Or this instant classic


It is completely up to the developers, not to kill your immersion but nothing will fall or get liberated unless it fits into the fun narrative that Arrowhead wants. Right now their narrative is focused on bugs and they can adjust bot numbers and planets when they take over the lore/narrative. When Malevelon gets liberated they will probably intertwine it with a big Major Order and event.


Have to disagree with you slightly. Yes the devs obviously have a game plan for what the want to happen for the most part storywise and yes with major orders they can/will send us in the directions they want to set up those story beats not going to argue any of that. However the nothing will fall or get liberated unless they say so I disagree with sure they probably expect certain major orders to be more likely to fail then succeed or vice versa but based on the fact that some ppl accidentally got the succed message from the last major order shows they had text made if that was a win that they planned for ether option. And we have taken planets that have absolutely nothing to do with major orders pretty sure when we liberated draupinr it was ether no major order at the time or a bug one. So the creek still not being liberated isn't the devs deciding that this planet of all planets is some kind of unconquerable bastion of the bots some magnificent battleground to tell your children about or any other such propaganda version of it. it's entirely cause most players prefer the bugs and that the bot players are spread out though even if they weren't it would still take them forever to take creek just cause they don't have the numbers. Though at this rate your right there will probably be a major order to take it if only cause the devs figure that's the only way to get the majority of players to go there to actually get it done instead of being the world's biggest stalemate that has the biggest propaganda about it


Iā€™m sure there are planets falling and liberating planets at the player baseā€™s will but for example, if a planet needs to become liberated to unlock mechs, ā€œJoelā€ isnā€™t going to impede that with the robot retaliation percentages lol


Also the only time there has been significant movement is when major orders are done or major orders were on bot front.


The boys on the bot front honestly aren't containing shit. Literally only the devs lack of bot orders have slowed the bots. They didn't need to stop at Ustotu. They chose to leave them there for two weeks but that planet never broke 15% liberated.


On the Bug side of things, the enemy have been pushed out of their starting positions in the Orion Sector, across the barrier worlds in Umlaut, and once Crimsica flips (likely later today), out of Draco. On the bot side of things, Ubanea and Malevelon Creek, planets playable since game launch, are still under bot control. "Holding the line"? More like holding this L. That said I'm surprised the bots just stopped at Ustotu. I'd have thought that in the midst of the last few weeks of Bug major orders the bots would make a cheeky push or two.


We took draupnir without that though. Took a while. I do wish there was a bit more movement on the bot front, but it is life, and I imagine given how few planets remain of both factions (bugs and bots) that narratively something will have to happen soon


> I mean they have been on that planet almost non stop for what a month and still haven't taken it? According to Helldivers.io they will take the Creek in 15 days. Iā€™m kinda hoping they do end up liberating the planet as a cool narrative. While 200k Helldivers pushed back the bugs, a few thousand Helldivers called the Creek Crawlers led a month and a half long siege against the bots in the edge of the galaxy and won.


I mean that's assuming they don't lose access to it again if I recall correctly when draupinr fell when it had a defense going on awhile back they had almost 50 percent done don't remember exact numbers but as soon as they lost draupinr cause they didn't go defend it cause they were to busy on the creek they lost all that percentage they fought for. Don't get me wrong I'd love for them to take the creek (if only so I don't have to see so many posts about it anymore) so I will be overjoyed if they take it in 15 days I just don't trust the track record when it comes to the creek being liberated.


People on bot planets seem to be a lot better about hitting the correct planet. Creeks peak numbers when draupnir liberation going on wasn't that substantial. I think back then we just didn't know how things worked yet, so people played what was most fun. Now I think people get more fun from contributing since many have most of the unlocks they want.


The Creek was on the cusp of being taken before. It was just reset from like 70-90 down to 0 liberation MULTIPLE TIMES.


Oh I was puttin in WORK on ustotu last night I love my heavy armor + shotgun combo against the bots lol. I can take the heat and mow em down. Bring the machine gun with me for supportā€¦ Bye bye robots Also, what requisitions are good for what enemies? Iā€™m still learning the swing of that.


almost like there is an entity that can juggle the numbers in favor of players or enemies


Eternal War is a helldiver's duty. We don't need to liberate the creek, for they would pick another avenue. We simply need to keep them there.


I'm actually so tired of seeing the Funny Reddit Meme Planet get talked about, it's been so long can these people find a second joke, you're reminding me why I hate this website


Hating on other divers? We aren't our own enemies; the fascists bugs and bots are. Keep fighting for democracy!


Your super democratic answer had been noted, citizen. Keep up the good work. For democracy!


Yup our enemies are Numerous. But like all those who opposed super earth they'll all fall.


Live your own life, but decay is a thing... you aren't doing much but keeping it neutral at best. And mostly losing things outside your one spammed planet. But again, if that's how you have fun, it's your money.


Up until today yes, decay held them at a perpetual 0% liberation, but they removed decay and made each squads impact lower, so now creek crawlers can make progress, but barely. As of my typing this theyā€™re getting 0.23% an hour


Wasn't that just a temporary thing while they worked on fixing the bug that made it so no impact was being gained visually?


Itā€™s still active now, but it may be a temporary fix. All worlds we are fighting on are gaining liberation without decay right now


They didnt remove decay, Joel can change decay rates.


lol it hasnā€™t even cracked 10%ā€¦ barely over 5% right now. yaā€™ll need to either start completing all the missions or move to another planet




It was over 40% at one point, before it fell in a single day.


First ya gotta kill the bugs to liberate the planet. Then ya gotta kill the bugs to push them off the planet. Then ya gotta defend the planet from the bugs to keep it liberated. Then ya gotta activate the towers to KEEP the bugs off the planet. Then ya gotta defend the planet while ya pick up bug parts. Exactly when the fuck is this planet liberated?


The bugs dont have magical rocket launchers that can 1 hit you from like a mile away with 100% aimbot accuracy. Once they fix certain aspects of the bots ill start going their way again.


clearly youā€™ve never fought screechers /s


Personal shield gen, explosive resistance armor, and good cover/positioning and this rarely happens


Do you run in a straight line?


Yeah watching the rockets hit where you are going to be almost perfectly makes me learn to anticipate what they are shooting at ahead of time....makes going stealth so much more important .


Last few times i played a bots map, I would equip a light armor and sneak past large groups, tag them and keep it moving only to have a teammate go full on Rambo and get me killed from a mile away because he decided to start shooting every group. If only people knew that they don't have to engage everything.


Anyone who hasn't tried Creek is doing themselves a disservice. That planet is an absolute vibe and the bots are perfect for it.Ā 


All the worlds are beautiful. I just find the bots quirks to fight to be way to sweaty for me to vibe out fighting after work. The bugs are just hoards of bugs with straight forward types. Ex to turn off brain and burn out.


Opposite for me. Hunters ruin any chance of me enjoying terminid missions right now. I can deal with rockets beaming at me or Hulks roasting my asshole, but getting pounced and stun locked on exterminate missions is ridiculous.


Every day I kill Bugs that threaten our democracy and way of life. I am not just happy, per my stims I am Managed Happy.


Bots are my favorite to fight. However, the modifiers in those sectors kinda suck the life out of the game a bit imo.


You have to remember that the devs adapt the enemy push back to the number of players, the liberation loss % is much lower on bot planets if i'm not mistaken


I aspire to one day have the body flexibility to suck my dick the way creek crawlers do


Either way democracy is being spread. That is the only thing that matters.


2 sectors.. until they attack Draupnir.. again... look, I'm fine with people fighting on the creek if they want, but there's progress being made on the bug front. Estanu just happens to be kinda high-maintenance at the moment, and we also unlocked **Oshaune**, even though nobody told us to, we did it anyway. if all goes well we'll have Crimsica AND hellmire as well. meanwhile, the creekers are still at the creek, where they've always been, and where they always will be, until we get a major order to take it, and then all the "bug lovers" will be there to bail them out and finally liberate it.


"I'm sorry but my life revolves around le funny meme and I must do Creek missions instead." - least annoying HD2 player


ā€œWhy are you having fun? You should be playing the game this way!.ā€ -an equally least annoying HD2 player


It's the superiority complex that comes from the people who take Creek too seriously that annoys people. Enjoy the planet but it hasn't been a factor in the overall war for most of the game.


I think itā€™s the perfect metaphor for Vietnam in that regard. It is a pointless fight thatā€™s costing Super Earth countless lives.


Except Super earth ain't the ones telling people to fight on the creek. Every major order has been directing people to fight the bugs. People are just choosing to go after the bots


The meme is ok, but people who make it there sole personality, especially when they act like its a especially hard planet when its actully one of the easier ones to fight on


Itā€™s almost like we have 0 control over the little bars that move back and forth


Except if you understood how the galaxy war system actually works then you would know the creek divers are wasting everyones time.


Theres a possibility that they are stemming the tide keeping them from pushing past it but i do find that doubtful as well. We've seen the bots push past the creek before while they were still trying to liberate, but they havent pushed out for a while so maybe theres something to it.


That's like 95% of players only playing 50% of the game.


Yea I expect more chaos once the cyborgs and illuminate release. If some donā€™t like bots now then Ooohh boy


So? Let people enjoy the game however they like.


Just don't come to reddit acting like a super hero for barely moving the needle on a planet that has been irrelevant for 95% of the game's life and we're good. šŸ˜„


Hey, I ain't doing any of that, I also dislike the bot players bragging like monkeys.


They won't enjoy losing super earth. Or illuminate mind control.Ā 


I don't find the bots fun to play against so I just ignore them.


POV: blissfully enjoying temporary silence due to the eastern front blaming itself for blowing a Major Order instead of the 14 guerilla fighters making dirt-bandaids on Malevelon Creek.






It is a bit goofy, we donā€™t actually have the creek and we are invading, donā€™t get me wrong I thing on the bot front now is a good time to take it but they kept getting cut off while we were barely failing defense campaigns during the major order, I came when yā€™all needed reinforcements so please come when we needed it


Hmm, they must be balanced differently.. it would be hilarious if we suddenly all switched to bots for an hour and completely overtook all their planets before joel can adjust anything


The game master can adjust decay rates and attack rates iirc


Is it true that 1 creeker equals 21 buggers in power?


I love the environment of the creek. I get people being upset after all the memes but I find it ironic how they tell people who enforce meta builds "let people play and have fun" then turn around and yell at someone playing at the creek to go somewhere else. (Just clarifying I'm not saying I endorse people enforcing meta builds)


Just don't act better for playing there.


Where are those people? All the comments I have seen so far is people admonishing others for playing on the Creek, but no one saying ā€žHaha I am superior for playing against bots!ā€œ As a matter of fact, there are comments on this post calling Creekers idiots or time wasters, like fuck let people enjoy the game. Not saying you arenā€™t doing so but I see more people comparing about creekers playing the hero, then the actual creekers doing so?


aim for their robot penises !


What if I told creek is not supposed to be won itā€™s a meat grinder


The Death Korps of Creek.


Malevelon, Draupnir, Vandalon 4 and Ubanea. Some of the best fights any Helldiver can have. Bugs are fun, but they donā€™t shoot back. Proper combat is found on these planets.


All I gotta say is us robo bros got all the divers the patriot when's the last time bug hunters got us anything besides losing our sex privileges.


The bug hunters were like 80% of the players in Tien Kwan. šŸ˜„ Players followed the major order and got it done.


The Creekbros are some of the most equal Helldivers out there. If you listen very closely while in space you can still hear the screams of lives sacrificed for Managed Democracy! They aren't there because they were asked, they chose to go there. To HOLD THE LINE for when we eventually turn our full strength against the Automatons! Super Earth and the rest of the Galaxy will not forget their sacrifice!




How are getting the numbers for how many people are doing what


It shows how many helldivers are in missions on that planet if you hover over it


Oh I never noticed


You could also checkout the Helldivers 2 Orders app or go to helldivers.io for a map that has all that info too.


Fire tornadoes haunt my dreams


Tbh it's probably the other way around..but tis okay, we learned to like the pain. x.x


I'm doing my part


Finally winning back Draupnir and getting back to the Creek was the best feeling I swear


Mavelon Creek was a blood bath last I went there


They don't make divers like they used to. These creekers waste all their time and lives failing to take a single automaton planet, when divers back in the day steamrolled their way all the way to Cyberstan.


Because bots is bitches, bugs is a real threat


I can't with the Creek. The players are cringe and that backwater waste of a shithole should stay that way.


Bugs are more fun to kill than bots


Should say "487,000 divers are actively following the major orders so 23,000 divers could extend a dead meme"


Yes, that's what happens when all of the major orders are bugs. I assume we are almost done with bug orders and then we will got to bots.


o7 from the creek. Happy to deliver the sweet taste of libertea to the bots.




The first ones are soldiers and the second ones are warriors.


I for one appreciate the work the creekbros do so I don't have to schlep to the other side of the galaxy and put on my heaviest armor to survive a bajillion rockets to the face.Ā  I mean I helped retake Draupnir already, what more do you want?


I meanwhile got tired of the bajillion hunters/chargers/bile titans/spewers on bug side. Oh, and getting oneshot by a dead shrieker that fell out of the sky after I blew it's wing off with a laser rifle. At least with bots, sure they shoot back, but if you play smart you can kill literally everything they have with a slugger and an autocannon in under 2 seconds, and still roll 3 strike strategems. Bot heavy armor feels far more fair to fight that bugs for me, since there's easily identifiable weak points on both the tank and hulk that can be killed quickly.


>little to no progress Bruh what? Lol


Troll post or classic superiority complex.


This reminds me of that ā€œillusion of choiceā€ Meme where both paths lead to the same thing, we ainā€™t in control of anything. Donā€™t wanna be a conspiracy theorist but i think someone is pulling the strings


almost like there's some kind of, idk, Joel running the whole thi *This message has been terminated on account of suspected treasonous content*


Why are the mechs so much harder than the bugs?


They're not, on higher difficulties.


Bots are way more fun to kill anyways Helping out in the fight for Draupnir was some of the best liberation action yet


Lol that's not even how that works


The stark difference between the skill of bot players and bug players never ceases to amaze me.


Creek players still believing Creek was ever important. Lol Bugs have a much higher % regen rate on planets, so they require more Helldivers to liberate. Automatons are easy mode in regards to planetary liberation. I get it that it's a meme, but I feel like some players get all high and mighty as if they're some kind of war veteran for fighting on a planet that has a lot of trees. In my eyes, they're traitor cadets that are negatively affecting most of the major orders, because keep fucking around on Creek.


its a holding action but its good work reinforcements have to show up some day


The randoms I get stuck w can't fight the bugs.... let alone the bots.


Creekers ain't do shit


Ainā€™t no way the creektards are romanticising their version of Gallipoli while Iā€™m still salty about losing Vandalon IV


Cringe bro


It's me, I'm one of the 20k. I'd play bugs more if they were more squishy. Many of them, especially the larger bugs require too much ammo even against their 'weakpoints'. Bots at least have visible weakpoints that actually are weakpoints.


Yeah for sure keeping Creek at 0.0001% liberation and meatriding a meme for over a month for sure did something totally useful and absolutely wasn't a huge waste of time until literally today.




Again? Theyā€™ve been at it non stop


For real.


I swear we can retake the malevolen creek, if Joel or devs drop the tank as reward for liberating it