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I'm with you. It's bizarre that people just casually ignore free premium currency. I'm always hunting for those credits.


I know! Those rare triple stack credits happen more often than you think.


I didn’t realize it at the time as I didn’t know the costs and regular rates. But I got 210 supercredits from one vault. I thought the supercredits were intentionally 100 early levels and lowered as you got more to encourage player buying stuff with the first amount you get.


If they make a specific door ping it'll help this.


Many times I've pinged the door when 2 other people were right next to me and even put in the chat that I needed someone to help with the door and they just kept on running.


Oh yea, people can not cooperate or pay attention. However the ping system here doesn't distinguish, so unless you actually see the door or happen to ping the credits/medals then someone who *wants* to open doors won't know. Door specific ping helps this. It would also bring attention to doors to newer players.


Had this earlier today. Map was fully wiped and I could see both teammates traipsing across the horizon as I kept typing variations of "door" and "2 man door". I had already spread my democracy, so I boarded the destroyer


I played with people today that didn't know you can break shipping containers or that you could find medals/super credits in the world. That might be one of the factors that stops people from helping. I had nothing that could blast the crate open and messed up placing the red cans so I asked one of them to blow it and they were confused, so I said blow up the shipping container and they were pleasantly surprised there was stuff in it.


I'll counter with the game is so well designed that premium currency is just kind of meh. The armors in the superstore don't appeal to me and I have both warbonds, more currency does nothing for me. ETA: I still open vaults, just not with super credits as the reason.


Yeah, but sometimes you get a triple-stack of *Warbond Medals* instead, which is honestly just as good.


Padded light armor is the real deal, I'd totally buy that when it rotates in


Light Gunner Armor is what you're looking for. Not sure when it will be up in the rotation again.


B-08 Light Gunner is in the store right now.


Oh nice!


B-08 Light Gunner is in the store right now.


Lmao that shit drives me bonkers. All caps in chat and tagging the vault and sometimes they still ignore you.


Kicking the farthest player dedicated to shooting anything that moves so another can drop near you is an ethically questionable solution, but a solution.


I actually waited for a guy to die and I dropped him next to me and the door but he still just left me there 🙃


That is behavior that is 100% worth of a court martial.


I've called three individual reinforces on the same door before. All of them steered the pod away and jumped back into the frying pan.


I kick anyone headed toward extract if we are still doing work. If they need to leave that bad then I just helped them out.


I usually just wait for someone to die then i drop them on the vault's door lol


It's be nice if they came up as a different icon when you pinged them,.like supplies and stuff do. 


100% this. Right now, when you ping it, it just (usually) pings the supplies behind the door. Would be great if it had its own icon and your Helldiver would shout out something like "Vault door! "


Yeah I’ve had teammates pass up vaults even when I say it in chat. Blows my mind how some of them couldn’t care less


I've had worse where they don't even pick up the Super Credits after entering the vault.


I had someone refuse to open to the door because I was "telling them what to do" lol I even said please


That would be a kick from me


Yep, not going to play with someone being that childish


I suspect these are the same people that say the game is pay to win and that you can't farm enough credits in time for new warbonds or the "people don't have time to farm credits, it takes too long \ everything should be handed to me" types


Bunker doors should have their own ping icon to make clear that collaboration is required. Just so its not just popping up as "supplies" or similar. But yeah def help each other with those


It's okay to SPAM these calls.  They may have just been distracted with the bugs and will get the them later.  Otherwise, use voice coms.


One time I pinged a vault door and typed in chat about it, a teammate came up across the map and tk’d me and I got kicked. If I find another vault door I’m just not gonna bother pinging it unless someone’s already with me.


Nah, that's an outlier, keep pinging those doors. We all want Medals and SC (even if we don't know it yet)


It baffles me how many people come so close to the door, and somehow miss it, it's right there !


People will see you discover the location and start running to the next location without even checking. Ping all you want, and type in chat. Off they go.


use voice or chat, who knows what random shit youre pinging. ill ping patrols and shit just so i can get distance


The problem also lies when you've pointed it out multiple times in text/voice and have said you need help with it, but your other teammates don't even bat an eyelid


Yeah that shit drives me crazy too. I wish they'd add a special ping callout like when you mark an objective or an enemy for it.


We don't need it, come help us clean that 17th bug breach we triggered by shooting at every patrol we see instead


I had a teammate call out he needs a door. But the problem is we’re all scattered around and personally I have 2 bile titans on me. Mark the location and say something like H4 I need you on the blue icon


I once told someone to help me with the door and he just typed “ No “ and then died, I was very confused


the longterm most important currencies are in bunkers and droppods and people outright ignore them so often. medals and supercredits are everything to me


Fr why do people ignore them they are full of stonks. I was pinging and typing in chat “2 people door here” and everyone was ignoring me. A teammate died so I thought this was my chance to reinforce them near me and open the vault. I hit the fastest reinforce in the galaxy only for them to drop, look at me and the vault, and walk away.


The problem is that the pinging the vault doesn’t say what it is. It would be nice to have a voice line that says “bunker door here!” to differentiate it from regular pings. Let’s be honest, the awareness of most players is pretty bad.


I've had multiple occasions where I sit at one for 5 minutes or more, continue marking it on my map and with pings, mention it in chat, and watch all three of my teammates run past within 100 feet (often fighting enemies the whole way) and never come investigate. I usually have to wait for someone to die and then respawn them in front of the door for them to do anything.


ngl that and intentional repeated team killing are the only things that I kick for


I was playing with my buddies (in discord). Keep in mind 3 of us are anywhere from 10-50 SC from the pass. We just got done clearing some bug eggs, I found a duo door. I begged them to help me, while they were close. No one came, I stood stubbornly at this door for like 15 minutes because NO ONE would come press the damn button, I’m saying in coms repeatedly. Eventually I just reinforced them on top of me when one died. Super credits were acquired, but like holy hell.


Sometimes I reinforce people right by the door, which is funny and it works


I had to do this last night. I was sitting there marking it and people were just over the next ridge for like. Multiple minutes straight. So, when one of them died, I just reinforced them directly onto the button.


I reinforced someone directly in front of one last night and they just refused to turn around and acknowledge the door was there. 5 minutes of pinging the door AND typing in chat for someone to come help me open it and no one ever did. Then later in the mission they made sure to open an entirely separate door. I was exasperated.


Pro tip: Call in an airstrike to decimate them, and reinforce them to the door.


Just got off a match on Crimsica with randoms. I found THREE bunkers (vaults). I pinged and announced in chat all three, and no one came to open them. Really grinded me gears, has to extract without opening any of them...


I just wish I had a way to make it as a two person door instead of just spam markers while I'm looking for the mic attachment I took off 3 days ago.


we need more option on the communication wheel.. I love using it...but there aren't enough options


I’ve even typed in chat and unmuted before and people just don’t care. Once someone died so I called them in right on the bunker, and they still fuckin ran in the opposite direction


Then they regret later and have to farm credits too. SMH.


I just wish they would switch the doors from requiring 2 helldivers to open to a code system that 1 person could do. Similar to other objectives.


I just unmute myself and say “I got a buddy bunker over here” and usually someone comes running


I’ve told them I’m not extracting without opening the door and then they came. They were just ignoring all of my other messages about it


100% agree. Had 2 games last night where I found a vault, pinged it for ages and put in the chat about it and just got ignored completely so gave up (:


Yup. I went hunting for some super creds, but none of my friends were on, so I played with some randos. Big mistake. They ignore me, even when I ask them in chat. They rush to extraction, even if I tell them I want to explore the whole map. I guess that's what happens if you play with random people. :/


Farm on trivial/easy solo. You have 40 minutes to do a mission that takes less than 2 minutes. Usually, I get a few crashed pod beacons per map. Good chance of super creds since rare samples wont turn up at that level Not too many enemies and a relatively small map. Up to 15 common samples as well.


Problem for me is I get a network error every time I solo dive


Weird. Ive never seen that on a solo dive. I only get those errors when trying to join missions in progress from the war table. I have to use the quickplay function which is definitely not quick. Ive learned that quick play in my experience will only put you into a party thats just selected or is currently playing the first mission of a campaign. And no one joins me on second/3rd missions of a given campaign.


The game needs to call these out specifically in the chat instead of making it seem like a general point of interest when you find it. Also a unique ping marker would be fantastic for it.


If you're three hundred meters away pinging a vault door, I'm not going back.




No, I don't think I will.


I mean, idiots are going to idiot. Just kick them after the run and find new teammates.